flt ~lauabîaau TIrpiou MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBE R 15th, 1965 b .h - .Se con d pît ltOtt s a hila Eighteen Pagea.-Ton Cents. Sfuggest Gov't Inquiry To Protest Annex< Nesicî hat Mion'.%iid lori .n- OFic iîîads casîlfîdl icing jîîîi.'igolîî esilain Élie Needs nexalion miglît bec lînslponeu Ille licaring -*cieîuied ilor nexi Sitl.r r'd> .he assuîed Mlton once mol c icl lise a homb on Mil- Mondav ai Ilec Conîî Ad minI itra '-b ' l teîiîHalion County Ion Cooincil this weelk, louehing lion Bîiiding heru - as a conn ii- ), i hl Ill e Needs Studie of a sonîoipoest Irm fiîc plue sck iclclli,. s i-.' liî'haî' îve iellcton Mil- cuil htcldcs-iinu.liH' e Had Assurance om1plns hea rd aroundflic Prov'înc. Wlcn Dr. L. Cîîîini, adim "Iî lli)î îîîîning h.îd said any- "Theressnnîeihing l Éî(h)î.' Illie Deilarlinent ofilMunici.pal Iing dillient 1îc o I nd have vol- Clc: niiiior Geriiv ddisoîî, Aiiais n'a. in Miiin i,îiali cd againlîsthle Nevds Sluîdy, andi îvhen Ille coiuiiolliiali casn-ý ed Moiîdav nighi îiî.îiflic 0,îiîniio1 Munîici~pal Bo.îid iî.d .sked Ihiiî ow iîîtloegn i s laîîdîîîp AL n Edtoia bi *()re iraidsra reagl.A Eiora n vlieu(I liîheFltaiiiîî and Pcec Ndsfu rce.l lv îîîder lzken or F i liv the Deilal r ini ofMunicipa.l Fo ar PIay ation Delay t'm sure Reeve Martin wooid h ave voied againstitil 10", said Depuly-Reeve A. Ledwiih. Other1 ConciUors said lhey feut Dr.1 Cumming had given Milton Iis iaise assurance in order 10 gel the Needs Slody ging, and il mas agreed hc should bc summonsed tu appear ai the annexa' ion hear- Cng and give his explanalion. The enuncil decimled CoI itu take luis laiesi annexalion blockade .Sitiniîgcdown. Immediate Protest Ilue 0M.B. icilersvas received lîsi Fiday hy losun solicitor D. A McConachie, and he had sent stop oor annexalion," he claimed. "t soggesi vie make an immed- laie request 10 Premier John Rn- bants for a direct inquiry int whal bas heen going on," he con- linued. "I am ready 10 wriie out the motion righl now. We't1 be lclling the Town nf Milton down, il soc donit ask for it." "Wc have aeonceCe case, so we have heen bold. and there is n reason why we should n01 w111 the annenalion baille," cbimed in enunicilior Charles Johnson. He soggesied Oakville must have powerful influence on the Ontario Municipal Board membens. g I fits. iAiesiio due1bl-. îîilîî, iai1f2 anil îîiiiiiiciniei an .11011- flack an immeolale repiy soggesi- Couriilor Mn egn o wn i .l.ll, ii *g.îi iîiiîi l lc.îing .îîd îcgîîialnn. 011 iiiiiiim eV'ing il would he lwo vears befone der why the Municipal Board ut- I -- ~~cci encli liisi-.îcok î%\titia il ,lcsiîîio frontlic Ontario Municipal the Neecîs Sludp would he com- l.e . eînn 0beineplant I ~ ~ Election Bîi.id illi [iIclII iîllily il uî.îîI,riit, Iillle lielîigasvail!d heur' pleled, and Milton wnnld he on- ing ilIs sescage irealmeniln Peho etor ililii.vi,îiiiiclioi oiii.1 cc lsî iicd,cd- . lîdable Io %%îail thaï. long for the cx- le serve a fulanc population of i i -< Sues Twn -1OOO ijîcilic ai l-c iil. ic mcii ii i î.îî ilîil iclose101i1,000ncd In is relie resdeni. Th wor sans r'wn $,000 010vi Iililîlllrollialo. îl.ýuI [l.îmîr wlîlc i aî peantîid le tiu- Mr. McCon.chic assured thejsî receeely apprnved and cn Thn$l2ese erun icl.5000 ili li 1. I Imlliiiiiiiiig1 N u iicilied lug he H-oarnfic11 osîns case bas ready sirociion sîarled on Monday. The Thans t Leter earon' ilplu h, moi Iogio. No onIll ecof he 0o he presenîed (the soiiior. expansion was planned mainly 10 / *~ ~ ~, cat[ fur a Nov, 8 elecîlun, Milton hie.îriîmg \ iCimicl 10i lîmi5.11lflic CIIh[s i lc-LjËg"tiinncol post- plaîîners, coonicillors and loisn .ccommodale the increased popu- ' wltl ave $1,000 worth of enum îîlîîclsailers have beuntsvoring on llo le neain - e eratlng Culer' cuisis for ls Oct. (0 \01-ici hm.ll.îIlI ii.IIng -icclil iiiic Io fiilic .iduiiii hi vdec o h aefo entBe f 18 tîqaur vote. ili.îl 30i00 li.i ie plant îl.add.mition lun rSsi îaîaîalliydil- mnnnhsi and the hume as ans- Cooncillor Chanles Menefy said a Mlton Clerk -Manager Boh n lîcîl its III procced wsih nexi weck's the îown svould be univise 10 drop Reynoluds was smillng Manda y, jLi lu iitalPCII when lhe tnfurmed couneilîtrs Il Andîîi i mi \l, .[[c .m iiiot llî.îî îîrz 1icSa'ndvlschcduled tiearing. ils application afler ait the work woutstnilbe neeessary for hlsis caslfiî icîlllîîont I i ctil il biiliîiiiîciiisiiipissitand, T datei(iîeBoard]lîas givenno on preparief a gond case had l.Iî Butei îî iî e fili, I iii-? lie Onaioîî, u n iîici pal Boadî.îmîertdo c.i s .1tposil staff ta enumerate local volers arepili. Cnuncillîir BriaîîB endn. W anlpsil for the Octaber lquor plehis- " ioup lîil ha, lilthîlîvI ofmilli îîiiîîîfliclîlîlîl iiiPI i r chamged Mondaîsnîghî. %%,hen the hack nil nîlîn."lhe said, "yoo may clte. The tmwn has receeted fper- li îî Ils i a, îîcî fil,.lieun i li ,îmiilîi ph oriîîet d if ecorrespiandence lias read ai the nom si-m.butholvve gol tongo autPio mission frotta the chief etectoratli.iilca ciisuih i iiihe m lslslî iviiia Courncil meeting, Ihai the govern- ahead. Il seems everyimaginable EXTENDED AREA CALLING for Milion lelephone osers mas ihoroughly dîscnssed Thursdap Con' officer f<r the federal guxere- 1toile ulii a cmiicImmmcîmumle.,, iImliiltonii,îi ili iaîd plan- ment lias heing unlair bu aiicmp- u-rcnch bas heent lhrown inîo ibis ring ai the Carovan Resaurantin 0Milton, mhen the Mlton Chamber of Commerce hosied a ment, lu use Hatton Federat 'le"u)lIlldidi ltllîî.îîc 1(j al"111iiicliegeili liall or ficîinojuii- i 10 ostop Mions expansion. thîing 1 gom op the sionki." Coun- bnsinessmens dinner wiih Arn Blachford, area Bell manager, as guest speaker. Mr. Blabtord Etectun relurnlng officer Dtek ii1i.liiN. ohile ai the samle lime atloiving cillor Addi son soggesled that even oolined the proposai and answered dozens of questions from ithe merehanis atteding. Cham- Wet's enuneratedttlst of Milton Ai lei, i -1 iii11h,,1 îil iilit 1,miilo dciîmiîim Nits lei-mne branci of the gos-cimcnl - if the Board heurs the case, ît ber presîdeni John Ostier. lefi, and Mr. Blachford are shomo gong oner a map of the Milton, realdents ....ai a savltmg of Imied uil of 1 li 1.1 I hle .i.i \ciigiar. inIii l lias siiiply a ihe Ontario Waiem Rcsorccs vas 051 hoid op bhc answen for Georgetown, Ookvile and Burlîngion lelephone dsticts. $1,000. aIf;guIioîî II lIiriilîcrI tl\I lic iiici Ille iIIhliI. Commmission i- mmm mcuouitsith the Needs Sludy report. loliii mcp l .iimm C s îîI î11111 i k-îî.l mmdc Vclci dolîiic eas- ia S67,00,000OBgnvcrnmmînt-inanccd Members agreed 10 bold off any týiltIllioe, I iili ii ii i iiilicce withIll ie tlimisilannes -jplan iii pipe Lake Ontainisaier lorîher proiesi of the 0M.B. ac- .1iiiuioic 1 1mI plce.i.illui lîîic lielîccîl musmîlmll e 0M.1ntla central Peel Couniv. He sug- ion onlil a special Thorsday night B. iuii id gtiirlg oî'ilIll,,l.-l.i, l iicauiiat îî.îil col d bvýe gsid ibis mole vooild have Ian meeetingsith flime soliciton. Mean- Bell Plan Election Countdown mm î.mci c1I fil( i,.u'a iof lle ,Ill mmd \%a, added. '0_e ecIieci on flim e Neds Siodywshite, the issue stands ai a ed itiýui ulMioqlia l ýIe i l it, oton,1ý hiMions expansion fnom iock bclween the tien and the 1 t 111\itil. I i Ijk, Il 111le mie lonc 3 le c o -u-100 u3,0 cres in size. 0M.B. and the îhree-day hearing D iscussed D ie fe n b a k e r's P a rty S o to. ono lad l olia',Iov ptioiflv ,a oJ dc il is also le- 'Weshoiiicisk ithe 0.W.R.C. t10 s slill sclmduled 10oopen nx ihelair 11e miae-. lie.1u uil l Il, icc-Nii, lied ci-smc-stop lIaiplani. il ibcy'mc going 10 Mnnday morning. By C. of C. Kicks Off '65 Cam palign M i, îivcuil'iimi.iliviiîil flime Ontario Muniipal The "Bombshell" A nciv pmogram of kcping Roasiing Linberal Party potîcies craiic Partye candiate onSepti miiilvi -Hecclix lcsid the 19h3 cic-Bna'dil iti%i imlingii l0 li u i. 1ilciet-mii l l ie manv ii n luis amca. and1 imemmîemo iuîfrnmed nf subjevtsof could casily te coulsbanding 27. jini. lisvinîg ilsim. flic- st n Il e muiniip i iiI1.1eld meicýl l\,i, iliIllic \%i.mviig lori-he t.irl iten: islime boimbshell" (cter cceived by Milton Counici %vide înicire-a uuas launched bhs ime springevcnl on Saiorday wben t MamnunSelected Sociaul Ciedil Puievcandidat nd icmîîl uîpmeîumîducl icauiii, li li.i il-. esuie itmfilic ilpimcmanti- tiuiav muoring froitiMiss B. Viekeus. sccretany of bbe Ontario Milon Chamber Thrsdav eve- Hallon Coonly Progressive Con-I1 Masvom Alan M. Masson of Oak- mîot ii k îmuî%el il is parle iiiMn-iî.lB umcilHad ningof asls-ck. ihcna Cam-sevaives galber in Oakviltc's - sie oas clecvcd as the Progries mnds lu fhase -m caudidaiv-nlm llic- 11itivinu umiiiilc.îîîsm u iimm.ifliaiceniîlncc 0avs sulmiheBor isbe hem dincer mecîing uîas hld ai Coonalion Park 10 hean Consen- sire Fcdcrmi candidae in the iii- idimg. i,'l.imluI lie pluime Il.ieml I uilve 1ii [pii ici .îîîî.ll IK tIChieB )c. i nmde uaarc of l iv'ndcnaking ni' a cumpehiensise egional local the Caravan Restaurant lealur- salive Party leader John Diefen- iCg althbbcparis nomination con- Haio etimmng lic îlcer R 1ilPc ttt I .Il vh 1:1icm mmc mmmlgdci l a c igniil.iiiily hv mîenîeis'goiummnmnbreieic ion the Couniies of Haion and Peel. ing a public ormmon the Bell baker kivk-offis Novemrber 8 vention in Fcbruamy. ml H. WeuiiiliiiiilI l.sofhd it.1mil Th. t, ie Boardi questionîs ý%-ichcr, in îhese cincumsiances, the Telephone Cu. s plans 10 give Mil- ciccîlon campaige. IIndependeni Henu u-Timmins stiti-[cd prep.mainnli- Illedet- il'Milii .1l iI I -li liai.1i v\pi.Iigiiiti i-.l, ciinile lîca 1inmcomu cmmiuvlithI lle ahome i annexalionel should he pro- ion lelephone usersended aea The former Prime Minislen and Ioniflime Georgetowin dismi ictis con-ctililiandi 511li.iv le local parvis il uiî..îî a.'1-i. ie l. tts.11 itii" adecllcv i l eedu ulîam smllapeml orcmet îi vp callip ser cd.the leader ol the Opposition don-'1sidc-ing cnc.mb iv s lu I,.mlmins iniflicmmmas uýcuilln- iimle iv i I ulvi.gi l, -cli l e,bau iaim -asquiIcklNlils ipossibile, in ie of fnilice date niSept. 20.' The meeing Aas iermmd "ove ing the lasi sessionn f iteHouse' again bol liclasni ccidcd cltmummîiîicin fl iciidiing. I ýIII.îîîîîTuslilrb)AMCnaieiedofnim dae of mani propniscd' hie Chaimîer ni Cnmmons, i s expeclcd 10 bc-imîmmi unioicaitoîDA.Mcochie iaddd affeanal barnae u presideni John 0.11cm. He- saidlhe in lt otrmi as h l ae s i'iL c I L I ii Mmiulas po mmeihimmand cm n gociîs o ns li laeî1 eraskbraemier te ii ra lîeChmbrsdos 0 Oî hrld.v ndblsi Lstr ariev Seeks LiberaI INoG e urs -îIl)conumivic il m mmli imqoiilv iîîî flic Huards liandling of the kecp nemhcrs miurmmd on manie B. Pearsuns administration,. ail, tingsan commid ed pumotr utinheeNia aTu e uing. ll Cnsi a rllimmi iliug f lcblaaniac dii liyin 9 l icJ lei\edIli, 11 Prepare For '6 5 Full Fair, %m(iueMiltomi aîmeatinm iagle. - iin c. .d ebeli pvioranuhe mNo- inThe same gof lî o.inp. fr Almn le ibv ndi ile h Ilin Slui. v iv I mmv mi sembe, 8 levinm uuei local ive leader tmnflie idin.- s tlimecoming eiectio i siinul hbcmli- olo cnmuet tifIlic Ievîemml cctihuhl lniiîing the annuicemeni 'ut 24, lieue celmis liiiiuuiiie(.b lat'I.mi C\ \-1H ope For Sunlle, BM11-1 ý i g eciI try lI)i caddtlicv' muci Fdeai elecion on Nov- lHaiois uiosu rcc-mmiepcscmiitm-, Rîmsaul ( aaiaAi i. A Me la 'mif, dllna 'T e Ciauiiiluei (il tmmuîemc m e . Tlîcpolilical siheels in' ise litii le flouse mlComf m mms w-Lmlu.iilli \uuîî le iiIh ]las n hblgationmî îoflimecoîmîmun-î lc riding anc insu hcginning t10 D. Hart-y Harles, uuml gel flice ieliiliilil a -idil,îîMeuhi iial iui ih.ii an ~d Plc m l-litihm-lm lii euIick.mui aiidnAnnexatio l%,iimai resect,." luc od flic churn aid avnounvemenissmcre ýnadî llOlficci mî, uî,li ii- Ileiyc iuuuut> II oi\i aiklas umîîî-mm \ouskiln irAs, ex ti n O pens IMvonday g.mIilc-ummgof 33iumeîand one iuo- mîm.de iib ueek covcc'ning the! lise\%s aimmuiuiceih mhmis sîcck 1iield Amulani.mmce Bmmg.ile i li, iy Iiliint[n1c -lîuhîiii iu uu sumks Mion'aplicationilui- lime ii'tmb g lic OntarmoMunicipal Board Iiimi.I iistiic-uoic ifinutiiucnsminatmionii of heLicmal Pari% ilaIllectiheral uliihi uhuitiziilîd tacndiii.iiithsi i.iie op Iteilhi'. I i Imlcelii l II, i misidal-[i,- i-.i.meaililiumof 2,838 acres fhotutE s1 nl lic A. Il Atul and J. V. Lod an om ii the cîmîiiiuîumu a ndvhiidate Sepembîr 24 anmd mlu ng sîihl c-id mim Buliruguîmoilât Simîîmîihuumîîk Hitalîîî.l hd ihui lih-i 'Kihtih inisti ihti oill îi Ilu'le, qucsiig mand Daksillcs11le51e mileetinu h NwDm-aicltiiei l 1 ii- l cuuiLiI Ic iil i ihli i l m-oiiheimfilii'e. ls. i-ue mmai o bmcpal ue.amnn ,4 ce rmOk j01 11%t*(II 'umCliOI )[b tong pmssiiiiv liai., FememiA iii \ii lflii hum kîmi Mii m* n . mih i lao fem nIiidb1teOnai uiiplnxto o ,4 cesfotOk teis.'__Cabinetmimi,isir iill hieIlie 1956 anuîul muîu,îuhomu iki i e' le lehi, .and 5 tiil i l.miu '.î îîîuh.îpeu miimlianmmt i Ile'HmBoardltmnfless isali mqesîc'd ville and i598.2 acres irom Esques- 55 er etl ie Yeiici ts ucsî spcakler. 'etut) mil iecluiil piaciuce. le iHu id-illii- itt l1iil01d,1~ iaid.ii.hclm M h îeki i mg osnpescnhly cvr A rnoîhlBlathliiul. rça nmu, o &Twtce Ftecled .uî c la- itilieîvmîiurul Olk u"'.\%ifh l.in iiflicillficuit liisii il.,,in. helon gucsl speaker, and esplahie dn r Mno venuion fihc flous of Communsi s.m a i, miielmu i1usdmm m uîîîcîcîîcm,.1 iitim i ill.iihiic sscia îm iaigsslmdldtmieîmo-i bsîcwapiaini clti lcic.sunsliir the Bihl piesenialume mil Hall mmmunmmi ho uc- fle mle uvîl shul - ucmlig. Ni -i i iu-vliii' hvîmilit 11, îuî-ii mulu Saiuiaiflie Cumuimii-AdinistrathnBuildinîg Apnil. plani lui gise Miltonhue caling W thlle clctionidayIelss fbait casiomus, cdgimmg mmiiut mm 1eîIuc it1962 l~ic -îc,îgîci,L7imimili ( e ll iiviii- 111 i tji itVuc'tuii hmi c il. lc fomei- ile sdais lis-eil - cice e , Osv ..msolpescriA.the cas- Il 0.kîilie.(ucui gilmiiianmîd Hm B suilis auî,av, mcnîhcs of Cunsvalime SanditiBesÉinmmm1962 î.a c. mu i f i,[ i.ii lu.,.lue-hsi.m i i ii l.'i III Lcielioicismuhmui sin Iron uf lisîiiiiissuuiutv-easiO. sllpeetIecs ili la1.0 ti -me le ainCorm ulDnm a.hv(lyttf oes odPliiiig iiComsllînt, Dakvite si-ut I A ssîîc iimai eiciilm qîmlaiu\. -1631deiaiing Mm ei. hy alai ce ONEi INJUIA)bcbuJhnI>e ottal180liiai mmii Nul\- Dcuiîcais hvmIise- o591 ii --ml- icmîmccmid sJonDe i mmili,, uîu-Iucvmmiii'acu.ii iii mliio 11,Q.. nmliiin s-uplatiner E. Cum- li;:ilg lIgv i, ,pei c SIieîmcuî2usg. ami 4rtii- D.iiiile ws or utesinti41 aLo bviig Jdohnein b T.nT ,co il flic ii. l l i,îmlIincis a1iiimg Lo ,me'umiioni iglitl'lit 5-1titi'il)i1926 uandi ili cimhvl chut iicmv la"' i. ili umm uî ,iit i l mi W ir QC. aiid T.it. VanSicklen. aiisimml(Imi summl ion i S i.iiui'iu il its I .s\ic . itm1l msee.unenuheuis prescri j.il - iol is i -u slln. lid vil-i mmiii c ln. IiLrail fl Oclober 1963 Milion present- TIme Bel'îs esisîe Indic,5nvi I .tmeeting I1dm limc chaum- Iiýiilime R.C.AF. ini 1944. li-e panked car.m ndirm li Juliii W.- -cdi amipplicain for annexahion 52 pet- eý ~~ c.loi- flueic aryinicilIeriding1msasiischiImged hah ilîcîmîli tli'LCmiti Cmmuiih'mvilm-. mmik.i' i f(14ace naiiedvssin sliuiuvi 92 i I l lu les îsec c-uuvcasimîglm punch. Wiliam us mr, .ttcummlvmi ei.mhlitimi.ihimmm ineulic ll,- ,îîiand.1lý ,- mi44 cts i ailionaysesin qumn 'mcsm luu ,litp iarc mmii Miltonm rlîics mii Omkiiie i. pnesidemitf s u o limblmin hus seniornma îag~ estîheIIdl i i.1 secondîîî - - li Fchriay 96dei 0MB.. lgese phonummîc--. îedl mu le.,-.liie cli 1 li' liI umSeDEmmumai tA-iicuhationu ;ni eniemeul the iUniImiimi- etitl it flici-pasu wck aitm iii ivc deion usieda lir îîîîîîî o L m.iv il- iti ioh Ile'îiiiiati. mesit-of Tu mliutu's FacullytoiLii. m In citi v Willim uWoodtim 'oomifgsefuî e osiena-f mu ic-eechliiige. lilime tppen - '""limeAssociili ianddai'n Medicinme l1945 u uilmm isih h Miltmonîandî i (111111 îîîî m Ii , I -iinlit hoi si-eid es cninen und of ilmiiip mîmî l, mu, l liki hic1 fielit ilium. m meicîi mlO F lc'h dmm o, imîmm i ' mi n i cl- iaiiiiig aum nd o e wîsimtsîsed un ùm3 eui, cdii 1 ie ue ut uandilc is- llcîa t otîdta iii - , avilc 'mll i 'mii l ai shase ieir latnd adildd10 ihe bief 'Cmiuîî mlPg hg il -Imle iietlie h^miici lv. E1et on 5 Pnage i tti,ii, diiaIfoirnaiticveloihiîni. t viitilimue. on Page ,.gl.A 'Miltomn re-openccl ncgoiiatmons Ni D ai ie bol (lime iîscmnie-i . - "1,ipalities cotflid nol agece on a îlot- M lV'spid ntiallx saîisfactory eacainl bouildt Kecommend Çounty .o-operate On $1,900,000 Regional Jail Plan A îuuuummh.lmuî likili miPeel mmd itlitn, theme sia s nia iionîd bc huciîd mîeu ein u ssm'mhon il.twi- Pl suumdm p. 1it uip e urii h lm iiîu hu, i i iuum 11, it m sntv lo ii li mIiciiiuiu hîmm 'uv. il Rev- immuhler pm'u-mivmid ma i'- 'mm'iluhii i i u, muî siilihu ,,1 icdLutiouii' u i l umîeuciîf o l m I-h e au cum (i ouuu ii Mi i mmmciimumu giu i ml iuad-i u.mîcmllu il nrNhÇl I u-iuu çi.m ml. mu ihi he .mitsifiai .mi ui l-Thv 10 s dlg )NC1 ,i-bai 1,-t silla 'mil t u arrangh e m n t lu i pî,iIrld luis u . C me r- illier li uîumed.nmomitda-siution mn 509ptg em \irnîuh ibm il appiuval is civmo fic îr hrjet. porcdtli,\ýck ý*Ile. ienod.onreomena-balance disided beiîmmm i m, il i, uspedmeu hml.m lke ai lcash a Ru ,-c (unter rmepluasierd t taI luins oh a Select Comîuminicet h aiWentii-ortli aîîd iHamilton,. pi-cicr- sein heftmmc site tutti relîieci umm.m toni Wuad necul addiimunah jil b- vnuld imdicae flime proince iihahbly oum a yen-capitu hasis. Main- i 1iii gc-mumdum s e-ii hc comuplelcuL ci ities in flime nexi live yas da ssa.tlc t. enance colis arc sabsidized i10 o hegiti conlstruuction. t uî'nîîhd bc couomical sse hO t lie pnoposed regiouual jail. ton- pcn-cent hie blmc governimmduil aiîd The eonummmiulccusould ipres, lou variipale su lbth ailton and appimmuaelie 20pr isnme ns. localrpnecmtiivesNseuldluipress Pcuhcm.uhparticipainmnimmlimepi- 'mVmviiort-h. %%OUuhOcdividcd 40 pmm-r cnifi ho omimcluion oi hiamîspin aiun Cci. .ll[OngLm 1il vNesýse uiiiliea Regardîs ni the rgoa minimum scuiip and 60 yen cosus as part tf the maintenance'. provincial pboued, Reexe Cooltier tudy, nuw einhe ung ducteuIcdib u huiîuuxiuuumîu sccoily. Il, Miutnitc c m oiisuld hc ai-lh ulciicc. A SPARKLING NEW TV SET w, on Dibiricel Hspilul W.A. hum S. Large romdî atîevdîd hi party woas esîuîoalnd ah over$ M.A. morker Mns. 0. Polemý Mrv. fi-. Caîucîon of Kii£jleigF ..... tlid ind e amîd liakvilc imvas pue- pamed omle ii iit all masmnthe hued in. Milmin argord iliis landi %vas tmatsdevelupeel and luis diii mliiialinus mnu signiticant giosi hmrommui - Coi off Servilces li Jaartîmm il tis i-car Milton Coinmuil i utmuale iejeciemi ibis sol- ......... ........ uimîmi muami amicable anmexalion ,ettlcitient. iîsli'ucted ils solicit- on tn proceed %iuli anhmxaion proceedimigi and ruled the mise ni Miltoni îould soyply no fun- itier services toe ns vdes-elopîment --fiiiPh.olo in uorh Daki-ille eor souih Esqoci- las ouîhp one oIfuuîauîppizes amarded Salurday ai the annuai Mil-i- i i parlp hehd ai thi homeîcof Dr. anîd Mes. C. A. Martin on Martin Thec latsi sgîiticait additionte lie eneni iboghon thie ailernoomu aid the net profil f rom the lIe losîm hie nieua ion mous in $1,200. Shomn cbaling from lefi te rigbl are fia Pearce. Hospital 1954 s-heu 5ý72 acres scle added. p.y Jo-Anne Hodlep aid Marilyn Martin. The TV set mas won by In 1958. 10 acres sous added for a h Cout, Milton. higlm nehoot site. Vol. 106.-No. 19. r - - - - - - - - - - - 7 -ý7 =, - 7 -- 1 1 ý ý ý - it d-