C6 Th e CanadiariCh ampion, Wednesday, Sept. 8 , 1965 Unusual Steam-Era Features b hed 12 hs ASSEMBLi.NG A MODEI. "T" FORD mus quite a chore for the lare Henr Ford, but no chore ta a reum of six mec from the Stnam-Era organization, mho can pince together dozens of parts anc drive it uvuy in lss than sic minutes. They did il seenrul imes during the weekend reuior le Milton-strtcg mth the parts laid out le front of the gracdstand, and nnding up mith un operaitin automrobile scuet minutes later. The assembiy crcm is shome puttieg thc finishing touches on one. COh STEAKS RIS or CLUB MILD SEASONED SWEET PICKLED Cryovac Halvas COTTAGE ROLLS IDEAL FOR THE QUICK MEAL - TENDER TAST ESSEX WIENERS MILD CURED WELL STREAKED TREND BACON MARE AT 69c! - NEW SIZE MAZOLA Oit COMPARE AT 41 ci AYLMER FANCY QUALITY 48-OZ. TOMATO JUICE COMPARE AT 33c! 20-OZ. Smart's Peaches c 'c 65 ib 53 i 89 i 24-oz. BTL. Compare at 97c A9 9cMAX WELL HOUSE TINS F 3i LTINS F 40~ 64'Ri il -OZ. BOTTLES OMPARE AT 23c! E. D. Smith's KETCH U PTOATO cc ONE NEW FEATURE ait he 1965 ecttion of Steain ri avas the appearance of a 1927 Bucyrt Erie ste shovel that weighed 35 lorirs. Il was purchasedl by Ross Johnson and restored hlm aiand follow morkers at Onturo Hydros Lkeview Geeeruting Saton. The men searci( al ocen the country o find parts, and fter 10 men spent a lot of spare ime on il over a1 ronlh period, tl mas restornd und ready t0 go. Ross, right, is shown at the controis mth sons, Douglas and Peter. WIIAT'S IN A NAME? A Minnea.r.polis i rrrr.rr ex pectie?, thtre cal uintterir Walr li te nciýtaiçu kiirnon her car: unre lionicousairin Cittir an n rurîr Jau, htr c 1reiiiiti i Theic Irite tcand t Noc id lil. ltirlr c' suri ahecd. "No." tierei a d "(litrrdl" sre c d .i0,iiii "Nu:. "Ii'tru? n rî iuf eiltetr Il u , lirii îiii rt.wo a lleii liel cha. rtir lira - poh.ihis i s g or\ lor 'tIhe hbancd, trîruse tairc rr sMe. FConcrect, Cindcr SlaB ad Sie BLOCK4S <sai] J. COOKE (Concrueo IO&ks) 'lc LTD.î NE 4-7763 EVENINGS CALL JACK< HALL MILTON IR 84365 :MPARE AT 2 for 41c! - DARK RED KIDNEY 15-OZ. TINS STOKELY BEANS MARKED 69c! - CLUB HOUSE HOMOGENIZED 2-LB. Ji PEANUT BUTTER SPECIALLY SELECTED FRESH FOR ROASTING PORK BÛTTS SNLS VALUE CHECK'D BRANDED TENDER DELICIOUS CHOICE JUICY K E RR'S REXALL PHARMACY PRESCRIPTIONS 1O K. H. ELSLEY, B.Sc, PfrM. 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE TR 8.4492 - After Heurs TR 8-6961 t RL L iLIVERY - REVLON COSMALIICS NýEED SOME HELP FOR BACK TO SCHOOL1 FINANCES? CaIl Us Today Dutaulir You Cam Turti With Ttust T. ATLANTIC 3 FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITID 2c8 Alain st. Milton 878-2855 IAR COMPARE AT 85c! - BUY 1 - GET 1 FREE! TWIN PACK 24-OZ. MIR LIQUID011ER GENT R $ 6 F $1 59c 73< COFFEE -LB. Bag 179c1 Compare at 2 for 57c TENDER FLAKE LARD 12 L45C Compare at 49c JAVEX 64-OZ. 3 9c BEEF AND RICE PERFECT PARTNERS MINUTE RICE Comparo at 51c 4 14-OZ. 4 PKG. ---------------------------- -------------------------------- 1 1 jý SupzR $Àpàvm SErf the Age£!l