Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Sep 1965, p. 2

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CAMPBELLVILLU 2 The Canadian Champion, Wednesasy, Sept. Ih, 1965 HioId "Grand'motbers" Program For September Institute Meet By Mes. George Inglin iici Itospital Anixniary Ca tu he Illteai iv aîersity or Gutelph Mrs. William Wehb was liosîcan ieut ait Saînîritua Septenaher 11, isiîMta. AnYuneie lera-s-ted ta lu te Sepîcother rmeetinîg of te uathe- meidenice ut' Mn-s.Cari Mai-- the i'rm heîutiticaîuina-titest Camphetiitle omn-s Instiue lin. Dunations aiclucite given 10 ns askcîtlun cannant Mrs. J. Wheat- un Wdneiay ceinig nhen Mrs. MiS. J. Wheetihann.Mms. Roherti mmiii Juhn Wheetiianî treiîted anditElijoit or Mrs. Omar VanSickie. Fate Disptay opened sith a poem., What is a Collet Coppers Piants scre mantel'or ilhe shuiii. Mather, (aosaed hy 1he stnging The Mental Heatth hags wercet*ritispavinu the Mitona Fait, ufth neInsnilînîe Odae anîd nepcui nilteet'-rmnhcsstn ntîi rsAtmntPisnî nt inng the M.nma Stewnart Cîulict ina ce rr ebr aig ihMs lrdPtr n anisnimTeianuIttcaliuava nsi-i .'uptiisuuuingi"le-suiiiiiiinr. MiS.'ioniauiî ust innChargei- ed bh2li iiniuui ng in'iicli,A Dcicganicn i the-Anna Connuna- Mnlunimu Ilnu iil io init tin il .imilio il ,aiil' encî. litn u he lIed aui tae Ui%mnn nu lima a" I i mmm Ili,-i ; l 1 ,i i i e r',i mîtlCGueclph,.iSaitcler12-13 si-it hbc an mmiii ll Min. Onnar VaiSiakie oanc tic Mis. William niWetîh. Mrs. Regia- llitza t ndah iimciiicnnn.nuimnii senetaa t'ennîî'e'sreponrt, MIS. nuitAusten, Mrs. Lloyd Cranninorit sunîînhiîîc er.miiinitl tncr niuîthe'- Lloydt Cuasnu d uIMr. Geon-k m naîtMm. Rony Parkcr hanvenhat na haine. Mrs. J. K. Inglilothecnieer report, antiSve Tue f(nat revnie frntîthe last Mîînni( Pnrkn-ernt enu a the Childrn report of 20 hoxes hake sale o-as $1610.Ms.RaPnaraîtntîti ut- althiag heiog acceplei t a Bar- Il nias decniîetclu (aster Kimu patnl disusinialtin Mis. Venu hadon, Wst ladies. Ansare ini Kong, the fote~ar ahitd îîiîh hirîh- Cunkuuinnud Mmi. A. Ftniîuîit Iciesind t-munite cntnnutim s taanîd Christmas ait incluitedtstelcin n n Edutn aanaî short asktu donînnin25 cents au tamitaa 60 tuvnîerya.T cunas in lie humrse andt buggy das. peraieak. tur Iimieronth ut No- cai $6.00ere îoidlu1e Lîer k Aoi g vemher In Itle Mu'c ePI-Oiemi cieoti l'or $1.00. Il in nu eheled Mmý. Reginait Austeniand Mmq. luIlle tic tiicaaiii a-nu itng Nasemhem 3 ai the Leginnroum Lcna nd tira-ws stioke inathe ni mmd iiudhn. ini Mitton. ane etotiments of te alina lattis andl Iclins i-e askcd tam. -Mus. John Whelithan eporîed uni. .and uts eitationi.tt -.aini. tu lie dnaleil [inn t e Mitînîn Dint- otnt the pmes idntnns conîleence Au openndiscutssioun imltuincd. Mrs. n k~~. Ct'.uu't munîttîicountiuataîthli hu-uini dantcenn hinin st i îîîl I Mn.RcgiiatttAustn. M r-. Sicîsari Cnrnîîsnill t [lOctohe ntinig .andîtMrs K.M.littianit Mis. A. T. Mouit li c aninînaù ic Hic qat 1 Isach and unitCo'nnt Ecniiit ini-u( <NOX PRESSYTERIAN CHURCN BOSTON AND OMAGH tisWteiînIîcitîîkî MinttotPRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES ailt miuse c)hutîîîk îpartt iiithc Ren. J. K. L. McGown, B.A. MEinuter inaetinng anad ie honte-.-. Ail jutu- TR 8-6066 TR 8-2652 Rev. Stanley E. Smith, B.A. cd i singningthle OQîncetuanui W1. "0 corne, icI un worship and 878-3582 Gi .uc .îîan suunlint î.utt tmfouli bow tanin; let un kneei hefure lwd r6e Lord uur Maker.'. Social Notes SIJNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1965 SUMDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1965 Mr. unît Mis. Jantens Wallae 945 iai.-Senior Chitmnh Ohatt. 1000 a.m.-toit: Raill a Duts unît atiivot Hutit, Minhigan, e -, 9.45 a.n -Ynîînag Pepes Biblet e l-niaic. liut ad Misses Aune WMineliil Claîss. Il130 a.m.-Oa-uIi: Rilv aDusnadtBonitit Ingli s ateruaoeckn, 10.50 ýu nu-Jttalor Chomch Scinool. Service..a.lion, atîd spant 16e xcekend 11.00 a.u..-Murainîg Worîhip. uiihM. ndMrs. Jonhîn Wte 'To Praad Non la FaitlChomnit Saho anud (00nreguîioa n..n" t1.00 a.m.-u-a rs- %i iiinîmnship ogenher. hnanlla. 6e(iin at nt Thorîdan. Septenuher 9. aI 2.30 t _in ______________ nnddnîîn ai NeutiiaitChape[, Ui Sîindav Schot Roorn-Meet- G EAGIA HRH ".il% usut Tamonl, înt asuhatin disý ing nt Mapte Leal Group. GRC NGIA HUC îre Mu".. F. Wheetilna.Mis. F' Muadaa, Septeniher 13. 2 p.r.- Milton, Ontario Qîunnlanit.M'. G. Paupsi andîtMn.ý Memhems are inaiedtol Rectum - aud Ms. J. Wheceihanî. 1 shure la the 7016 aaniaersarv Rev.T. M.Dutan,.BA.,.DD.D. Munn hum hnnn aintnîtel ll ofuth1e W.M.S. ut- Nassaga- Assocate : Stnanî Renuiitin Milutn tit nînsa Preshs'terian Cimach. Ren-. Canun F. H. Mason, MA., ukaid nilin i as natnign sua Miss Shirtes Dedge. ecenta B.D. nnss tntoitretnuiîtand surruund-îîî home (rom nnao vears in Nig- mnaditai cria. nibt he 16e onsspea- Sanunul hbas mnsu mcd litir,1 kir. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 196, t99-bôh saimunniasnand.nîini au Tuenda. Septenuher 14. 2.30 p.m. mentîîi, grn c.nîn[Itait anuis ,l« - The Rohertson Auxiiary Triaita XiiI cin nNassak!gauitiI-it.. of Knox W.MS. ta 1he Regular Scitetute Bus Trip Chînch Hall. 8.00 arn.-Hais- Commuaion. 1 The Wonica's Assocatîio lun St.ni S 9.30 a.m.-H(nty Communinnad' Dinit-*. Pinshnlca ni itî utaCilu spoîn- ST. PAULS CHURCH Sermon. '.ie d a bus trip li toiuutsd Of ~9.30 arn.-Jr. Suada Silînuo. ladies tant Wedinsda-n tu Kitca-, THE UNITED CHURCH 10.45 arn.-Sm. Stiudav, Schout. a.The taminers nîan-knt %%n is 0F CANADA cl ui inailantI uiriicît uno Main St. ai Janucsi s. 11.00 a.m-Matîins and Sermoa. relimMasie iginiinta Furmed hy te union outh1e Fers- 7.00 p.m.-Evn-sitag sait ic-i'- ceni Kn hanertan, Meihoditanit Cungre- ac. gationai Chumehes in Canada. Thursdaa. Scpiemher 9, 10 a n.1 Minister -Hola, Communiun. Ren. J. Lomne Graham 1 Organint andt Choir Leader EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Mms. Harold Magee Cummercial Street, MltonI SIJNDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, 1965 Ministem: Pastuir Ctaylon Cules! 11.00 ar..Moroing Woship. 1 Telephone No. TRiangle 84473 - Sermon snhteat, "Thn H.nugh ____TRAVELLERS' GUIDE ta and te Humble." THE CHIJRCH SCHOOL LORDS DAY 930 arn.-Att huis aad girls, 9 SIJNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 196.51CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ncams unit uaer. 19.45 a.m.-Sunday SituaI Eur ait Standard lime 10.50 arn.-N ursemy Dep. Reg. ages. Ging Eastn Train 338,. cane Nurse in charge. î.oan 11.00 arn.-Att huv s and girls, 4-98 100am andt 7.00 p.rn. Miton 10.39 arn., amrie Toronto ncr a îsanutmc Services (ur Wushipui 11.20 arn. daiiy. 16e chorci unit proceedtnu Evangeliim. Going West: Train 337, Icave their deparmrenis ut the s- Wedestuv - 8.00, Bihle Siudy Tuoto 520 p.rn - art-ive Milton aunit hînn. unit Prmuer Meeting. 557 tua. daity. St. Paunis Churih etcnts t Oito Fridan - 7.30, YoungPue' TR 8-4471 lte tuspitliiy oE ils wurshîp meeting._______________ unit (eioship. A Cordial Invitation iî Exlended OPTOMETRISTS PARISH OF To Att St. Joorn's Church, og îlla____________ ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. St. ohns Chrch Nasagaeya184 Main St., Milton (The Angican Chulit of Canada) THE UNITED CHUECH Phone 878-9972 Res. 878-9678 RedorT 0F CANADA TedyAtron Rev. R. F. E.'Jeffares Miist. .e.. K. TGrdafAftenuun Telephone No. 854-2577 SIJNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1965 Triaily Xtlt St. Johns Church, Nasnagawey. 9.30 .m.-Huiy Communion and Sermon, Sunday Schuul. St. George's Church, LowviilIe 11.00 a.m.-Morniag Prayer and Sermon. Sonday Schuui. CHURCH 0F CHRIST, OMAOH Nu. S Sideoad ani th1 Une Tratalezar SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1969 lOi15 a.m.-Bihie Scitout Classes fur aIl ages. 11.00 a.r.-Mumning Wrsitip 8.00 p.r.-Preaching outhlie Guspel Thorsday, 8 p.m. - Bitte Stuity Murray Smih, VA 7-1877 Ai Warm Weicome Awails Yoo ai Encra Service MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N., 878-2022 Christians gathemeit in tii nainte outhet Lord Jesus Christ. (Math. 18: 20) LORDS DAY, SEPT. 121h, 1965 10.30 a.rn.Breaking of Bread. 12.15 p.m-Sunday Scitool. 7.00 p.r.-.Gospet Service. Wcitnesday, 8 p.r.-Peayer meet- ing andt Bible reaiting. Ait are hearttty wetcorne 15 tisese servicen Jesus sait. Take my yuke upon yuu, unit trm utMe; fur I arn meek and iowiy uf heael; unit ye nituit finit reil unto youe suais. Math. 11, 29. R.R. 2, Milton. Lowville - Zimmermian Pastoral Charge SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1969 LOWVILLE UdNITED CHURCIt Guctph Line Organisi, Mms. George Neweli. 1000 zi.m.-Sunday SituaI. 11.30 a.r.-Dinine Worship. ZIMMERMAN IUNITED CH URC H Apptehy Lire Organist, Mmi. J. G. Corneit. 10.00 a.m.-Diaiaie Wrsitip. t1.00 a.m.-Sundcay Schoul. A Warrn Melcome tlu Encryone HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A local asscrnbty ut THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES 0F CANADA Pastor: Ren. M. Chistenen Lrits Day SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, 1965 9.45 a.r.-Sunitay Schosi classes for ait. ti.00 a.r.-Mumning Wrship. 7.00 p.m.-Enangciistic Service. Weitnestay, 8 p.m.-Bihie Stoity and Praycr Meeting. ttiday. 8 p.r.-Young Peoples service. A Churcit You Cao Make Your Home Thorstay Eveningi Fiday Munings ROBERT R. HAMILTON Office Houri Daity hy Appiniment Phone Georgetown 877-3971 116 Mountainview Rt. S. FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE FUNERAL HOME Cumplele Air Cundtioning Sinceme Couomeous Service TR 84452 Nigiti or Day PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS MInnday 12 mn Iota5.30 p.rn. Tusday ........ 12 Inn .50, 6.30 lu 9 Wendnsdaa ........-- Citset Thursday .. 12 nn 530, 630 tua 9 Fn day ....... 12 Inn 5.30, 6.30 gnn 9 Saturdiy ........ 9.30 10 12, 1t tu5 ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER H.Aret. - M.R.A.I.C. 17A Miii Street, Suite 2, Actan Telephone 853-2740 20 Staaehank Rit.. Port Credil 274-3428 A Warrn Meicome lu Encryone 1 Office intours by Appinîrnent A VISITING MAYOR tram Pictor paint a visît Itathe SteamTiErai chaffted with Milton ,s Mayor Sy Mayor McFarand, who claimis Massey sieamna egme". n clib demrisirate his skill mhiia Ma her onid ftash i nent drenss moka Hendsbee-Benne In Guelph Chur Anat:s aihtennLdinneit, dtigti lnt Mr .tsaticnniM. Bciiînt i unît1 thc le t lkv Bennett oi A, nnland Ittaîid nt iangh t-ciln lin-Cnt"f(mR knînd, 'o', 't Mr. ann mii'. tnnngc llcnlstincntof it1 il] mi ua na -rei utlie (ti ti ,l ttn t[at%. nia umi iii. Aaitirt 28 Thetin n ninrca tînîn tcngth i lIjt 'Am mniîli ii l ' 'i tnlloucd ii dannr u at tlin' DL)tnieiiai hme. t nii, tii,- uîuinun Vi-bin ttkv n ..lllliv, 11 il jý,d. Ioel h l m tl, Choos0 Costume, Talent Winners i i At Wednesday Evening Program Thei costu me content and tli Second prine oas awardd ilo, rotad epreSd hisp- etniaghi ponsored by Milon Mrs.Douohy Witlon f B Pr'ain0a]woparicpat Recraon Commîle and sag- an, who wore ait efe l c" epd i n aumake cdWenetly eaaîig ofrat as.ionddressle hadsla-Ih vligasce nncîk aite Ton Hall auditor- cd fron ttnaid iamil n ______al_ hut,%vs hgesucess asuner hume-Ivt orrinsovst 300 ch idrcn and aduits crowded Mrs. Don Herman, MarinSi.Mil FiFridaad Sauda nto the hallton watch and parti- and hier ch idren Mi hel d S3 p mnd nîpate in ancaeng of fun. IlBrian 2, topped thc fmilf rop Spe r2 n 5 was juin une oft the olnty. OHdsectiounoft he costume otet Pla teînd the opentng Fashtuncd Days enents in Milton. Thc Don Milier (arn ,muirmhtngu oplnthe 1965-6 Mitton Ctose lu 75, inciuding many son and thrcedinght nu cmeNitScho oighnt Wcdncs- linmitn eoaps, nontsted 1hvsconl and Mr.ad Mrs rn av lteWiliamsAne.lipti itinnc pnnunsttc'edurh ciJo (c iilo Si. Vîna 85.Yin uppornt is Oltd Fastnionnnd an-turne-, Judges t d dd t ecttin nino u tanpl- HarryaOncend adPaltFuser Re rau onDir oSmal nljeialv nd1liinhiiinnMil- had -sch a difficait lime judgingflhc was ptaa d wlith o -g o] filnt, thcy decided lu noard a prize fur (amily groups as wclt as for indiniduais, and sprcad the priae muliey a lilîle urter i ;i EJ.! There wecaboutl igitt groups MILTON L.t 7-3272 hler- as tarnitien, with match- 7 iîng or curespunding custumes. ___________________________ Sitf hto Te'ax eVi'eshfow Prýie no THURS.-PRI..SAT. SEPT. 9.10.11 lange, Oas oeil dune as ixl "T EC R EBA G R "i oo n, Mayor Harvey J. McFarland, gruups and indiniduais viedl for GEORGE PEPPARD - CARROLL BAKER rea'.iiaa aithe weekend uni the priane runcy. Judgcs Mrs. CRON-SOTFRSUWEE d Childi aad his mulfe Merne. Danena Turney and Recreattun C AdON-uIGTFOiR SQUnmenf E lihe mas "bora on a Sawyer- Directur Buh Smaii, awan'ded dlEnetimt ed untu a nearby steamer toluirnt Fnac lu the Miltunena Quar-ý Owing to Lengfh ONE Show Each Night at 8 p.m. yar Chntdî and Mms. Child, ain et (Chatie Ca'irns, John Bîud- MATINEE SATURDAY SHOWING ýd an. tes', Jînu Harkin and Bernie SimI "THUNDER UN THE SUN" in Color on i hnndettght(ui stnging. nnith ____________________________ secoînd pI ize going tu Mary.An- MON.-TUES.-WED. SEPT. 13.14-15 île, -nn o'to did clasntcat piano le etin soltos. Third prnae n'as lintia "BABY THE RAIN MUST FALL"" binnh sistens Juda and Janet STEVE McQUEEN - LEE REMICK FeriernîoifiCamphetînille. who DE0 ARN rch August 28 ptaind fuitais, sang and yodci- DEO BARN ,nînît iylnîninn (inn/a nînen attenu ted bhh ognthnr and indiniduat- CARTOON - CHICKEN HEARTED WOLF i %nitn a stii actraiinnli.Hen c un 01es netannticldADIJLT ENTERTAINMENT k\,' l luinad4ccr Manîgo Ciarkion nihu sang tou THURS.-FRI..SAT. SEPT. 16-17-18 tnn dInnitInni t ni, inenît pinn lsînosand danced a highiand " lrne*~ in ' Ilii.iiii dancing naniher and a high-siep- "Caec th Cross Eyed ina Stnnnî .nî (ii iiiin a nrnage Inn' Iping Cao-Cao: Dean Scuacil vmliiiClo I:. lnnhuntnc Michaci.un ai- annLardion duels; and dan-'I oo -ns nînîýjIý[h n ttn h t1i nr Ha-eici i aîters whu cuntriti- MARSHALL THOMPSON - BETSY DRAKE , Finit Bciinii Site n inat.îîtnd nîd lutni annancn stu the pro- A WISH AND TICINO -1an hinsîit mmc n iait gram. CARTOON - NAWAIIAN AYE AYE 'l . cian Ile vo M.nsicmnnt Cen-emonies ns-ns la1wietîînun. inît nn miiltinidc. lis Hintkinis aad Paunt Fosier SO IE niinSnîîî .anii, ~haadted stage denorations. 1SO IE in naiLtmiinn ani nl.(ninpn Costume Winners MONDAY THROUGN THURSDAY - One Complet* i.Inn the intiniduai costume cun- permec vnn t8pm Wore Yeilow fIniv linaiiiits ocre pickcd Fpe.grand each vninget an p.m. Ttne .licnnil.it' nninrcgini'an ui fic tange-cruîoid and Deh- FRIAY RAnd ATDAYcR7-nd29P.m. likn. ii mI icigili of hiennl n OVarnncoanut211t EtmwoodSTRA AII M n ll o innhum m l nni inniiti nsnMiltona, aotpi-d irsi prian._ ________________________________________________ Ili1Bit nioil, t-inn 'l1% U' iiu 'Nuu , il m ioliîîj' niii lmln e itînîn m Tlir 1. 111 ii iv\ shan ianid niMilînîn. ilicni,. 'i -nil-n iii iMPli t azi ttnt1 i i jtî l tni e :Ilaik, %\ý, ýýcllý"e e; R,)al ii Ii ll in i llia .1 Sînînn lnintclr- . Ph lîîlnp ma iii u t'nil, Rai 1 %il, alunîntRiîkîn PMi[ lwnna-isnnn-c annaim mAc- ,nnntnnnnn n11111c (il "illninnMîllRna nn tBînlnng Viînnnn J in'1 [ie .1 -11. t nî, t nonîinn. ( ii cat a n hîi 3l iii. . siicl Il aitenilGuelph.il'îp i i n ic oin icK sonnIle i îhl Live ln Milton 1,ROFtS;IONA a i litoil \lnIl-'lb\ ltclIn mmi- DR. W. C. P. WRIGHT EctîýN .îagic ni n a nI DenitintIa al n t tntni t 17 Martin Si. Ftine 87802491 For Appointmcnt ACCOUNTINC. EARt. G. BLACK B. Lumnunu.. RIA., C.A. Ctîartaî'ed Anamnîu naat Muînicipîal Anîdiiur 163 Main Streett Bon 460 Milton, Ont. tRiangle 8-542 LEGAL HUTCHINSON & THOMPSON Harmsicis and Solicitoms T. A. flutahiason tretiredt F. DavidThütnnpson 219 Main Su., Milton 878-2841 SHARPE unit NICHOLS W. S. SHARPE A. J. NICHOLS1_ Bamriiters, SoticiotSan Notaimes Potîtiui 207 Mary St.. Mi2tion Tri-ephune TR8-2339 HAROLD C. FUNK Harti tem, Stnt NolamyPuîi 219 Main Street Tetephone 878-3312 c1t CHIROPRACTORS Doatmm ut- Chiî'oprantic A. P. KENT, DDC. 237 ings Courtm Crescent Cornem- Martitn Si. Monduy, Wcdnestuy, Thursday 1I p.aolu9 p.m. Toesday unit Fmtday 9 ar..lu 6 p.m. Saturday Il ar..la J3p.m. Phone 878-2031 AUCTIONEERS FRANK PETCH Auminer and Evauator 30 Cliapet Street E., Gcorgetown Tetepittne 877-2864 NOW: ut Tip-In Tire FRONT END AUGNMENT 0 AXLES STRAIGHTENED 0 For Ail Cars & Trucks AT TIP -IN TIRE SDistrlbutors for DOMINION ROYAL TIRES 24-Hour Seraice CALL 878-3131 Base LineMilton qb Easy to Park * * Easy to Shop *Open Ail Day (~ E~? QWednesday I~iIb1k~~I(iIL~M INew Style Barber Sh A SPECIAL WELCOME TO TEACHERS...SP Enjny a Snack or a Meal in a Quiet, RenlEol Atmosphe-e DELICIOUS MEALS AT MODEST PRICES CARAVAN.RETARANT MILTON PLAZA BEAUTIFUL FALL FASHIONS FOR BACK TO SCHOOL IN AT ... I ( #.*i- #1I i ee h 'Ppde Milton Pièza Whare Yeu Always Save TE 8.9512 OUR 1Oth ANNIVERSARY SALE Now on - Save up f0 50% FABIAN FURNITURE Factory Furnitur. Direct te Yeu DIAL TE 8.2091 lOTS TO) TEENS WCHV EPNE More Room for More BACK TO SCHOOL CLOTHING AT UNSEATABLE PRICES AND VARIETY SAcV E WA Y self servnce LOBLAWS '0 SPECIA laO LOBLAWS RED LABEL TEA BAGS 120's Pkg. $1.23 a - FALL CLOTHES DONE HERE ARE THOROUGHLY CLEANED s TOpPPIls CLEANERS AND TAILORS Fast Dcpenntahle Servtce Phone 878-2972 for Free Piclk-up QUICKER - EASIER To Do the Children's Clothes Here - and Relax! PLAZA LAUNDRE-EASE *b Open 24 Ilours a Day Back-to-School Supplies Are Here 1 MILTON PLAZA SMOKE AND GIFT SHOP 0 Open f. 10 p.m. including Sundays AUHORD PLAZA aMOTORS VOLKSWAGEN PHONE 878-2%62 Now Under New Ownerntiip SALIS & SERVICE_ POLLOCK'S BACK TO SCHOOL SHOIS SHlOnaantSeCn For aIl the ktdde to t:ners. Large variety at -on GET A dk HEAD START ON FALL , !e DE'ATH HAIR STYLISTS PHONE TE 0.2501 mmammunwamaumw -Il P- 1

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