For aid Fashioned Days Merchants Display Wares of Bygone Days By Rida Presse srere stoîsirni i*ctt's Situe fur Draons I.V. nd L 886tlf v rer set, "ilet Itiquîlle Mans' vMain S. merchais tretp Store sircdos. TIhe toolsîcar ije ýR.M. Cienrerr s. Oaeec Si. toaoieîfdisSes, i i eslsel and Cisc S cd rete the aura Oc f(DtaFch. !p d escnraples et ladies' ced'arms'bots (il tIic Bot acc W or te iied b irs. Dit nMiller, R.R 5, joned Dasc je Mi]ton on Labor chitren's bots aittns ecte tr scrMitron g.t Ii\ e licaDi% cJeoe r Oa' srrekesrf hs disptas'in, attic- toes.A cîrbbter's hentrcîsswei C hitîfrerîs ptrs'rtngcs e 1ra re i rtttîatrtrfil,-oft îsI t les cf imes pastinlîrIlioir-n rndorss. is'J. A. Brttett et Brat otn vas tut ed rîtFLizgeraltd Insurancerstrr-' orteil ij. Fashion sketches tfting bock toa icro son. eaesteîetîthc aa ir etJte.Mtra er .he ars t0' isr lsio s Milion Deicatesen t tract (lis- and ins irtiti coves osinct lýis' t iiitirîtters core ail flic sindoirai ,Httfiec'onan 1a pisoet tacs' sitereot tispes1su Mis. ii tzetitO and fier itarglir. Is1cutitrtcitditin, rg siio Thompsan cilice. The sîork %Vas nutes DieOnleo gîteus svas daied lo-erMîtE. Duigntrtr.Mrgaret i. t iti .ilt iaritendalol donchcljQueerrre Mtheusof Eeg f720 rîtile rrrrsrtr itIent scee e rere shorîsî. trtrrcii opet flicitoie, land scia rie inlic1924. Mrc. MatlIrrcrrdeirthe secorrdthllt cthe Ste liîrEr ripll ews ivas thencothleroti Mrc A. 1thcetrrsAburglehatiresc ýBits fstti ierî'sWoar t tattt Merritt, Kiegstcligb Ct. ced the uiordirtntfire 1f.50ta f9011pr;cfrttineetitrrrirofg tritiirt fais frontct Picltires otrir80 ic.iis od sketches Nireesent ta Mitron 1,f1iait> asr-r a c herre. Thted 1,firlereianrid, iiiie Brrr Wrrrnd hnirtîîn tirhettiîii rot BoIecî Eegtaed. A f 907 Crsstat Palaceelionait ii.ic Iocreth ie store bvlis Wcr 1t . lci rttei f ti R. "'I. catiApplinrce foi 'ie Schaci emeodalrttaicrarr odistrict. ft'tMitliteti rît M. Ciet cTris locomotiitivscanrdt id ti o,îrrrric rtti r The crudal tis one ut tirccit n Leefîr ttllsGtrttCtI-'t st0o itr n- tgmtiteiui philostrot in ritionen.t eýtionr Irtirti lis UiMLtiylti tsy Mrs. Math \\s. edef 196_ in O rc t t i t Ii fin ' ite iS. i.îrî e le c iillzS t , rîtBookstehic. n on ne ,o te rliterindas o ile tir liititi>ignrccittg"'1e\irii's -Grr.- trriiii't'titct.i frrs.ire Hardwasre store %stirtLi t cri cries, \%me., ant iilrt,, ctilih Oid Slver Selt airsnîrre t c r th rie i sî-ocden pans e, îîorr rtCit etisilice 1f42". Antique urcics hetrrgirrg ti pila oiiiffrîî is Bit ,rîîî Sit t Datgleish, Etcîsci rse.aid A marinai rptirpaiiicicit' Liant Dvis, Mai St.,a., inguir Tire ai tes rirtsttedt b% Mi. anecccientrpet puier ostreîfb\ or rteed bsW. Ci-oztr. Maintst. Bob Brcîscirdcge. R.R. 4 Milton. c eaihler ha> box aiso osnlecif bt Otd iras pars, bug.-s laitins cîrd Mr. Crozier and Lri olitrg Opera an antique set 1ci"s ine ih 'Hat %ith a box ows'ed bsR. M. %votre caeondîspias.' belon, ta1 Clemets, Orrece St %ricdistttrs MilIce Htrrtftrre. cdl hi Ssci ' Fcrsit Fislii, Mîtittitt irr i îistxi.îaît . Earîy Gramaphenes I i 1. Ma o hebok ac caluiM,.W siicBruce Si.M %1,. U R S IN C E R E c)tira i n l îtit a krt Ira . tircieiild iatit.î1 t ., and a rrsccitbciîii .Fien. ilt. .tiSu JhL ced the Metir.t stitut,- dui.îft Hi_ 5rttiaisS rasîtho forrcsercithbe pr-sn r cs.%UlýKnLc ,Ro Abaetadr u THANKS to ail macons etalet Li lite MKi Hardîsurre clore b land L srek irip, belon' tecchteg Miton.TCAM oisi cednet , arr icadhimoeP M\WHO C ME TO OUR OPENING 1 dusel Meeoh. t c St. w tram Irctaed ce ce va ris sa eg andsethd le ie me 1 n Scoficrtd. A pincake gtiiea We WisI-ita xrs Gratitude for Your Inter crrecake par. sprief caesa xrs phouorapithîwu ced conguc-b 1*LUBRICATION to Our Invitation fa Drop In and Si laegieg ta Mi. - K iii n i ,(, ce dîspiavalonrl\:\ i tir 'unuine SERVICE ruon ned i bl d Birdset or ht Dtrid's. 0 TIRE REPAIRS As f here were OVER 1,000 VISITORS, if was i Aict[ouci t r 1890 stion cloiro AOLNEf greef ail of you persondlly.--To those of yor crartîs calecied b its rtcocei Lorree - or coulint coi-ne- we etend a hearfy in, Skuce sscie hsuni Illte liftai Open 7 ami. tu 10 p.m. card PueetTrut antid iî i so we May peisornally exferid aur appreciatroi The "Nise.ttieoni e'Iseli toiic Sunday 9 arn tgo 10 pi.mtircrgiiste fr os g>-cal - rini(thei t i,, Uin. ca Watsos.' anc i ti lte[, ril) the office. Xi. bLIUte 's 1Ctil A E'S ilcles eioiciltim'> raleri .. E VC MAY WE SEE YOU S0 rig iiiean mnvotic iitcýOnario St. ai No. i0 Sîderoad THANKS AGAIN FROM les.- diiolc. slo 14 iIlt R1-6~i1 Put more shot where the game lu Remington plastic shelas hava to give you more hts. For 2 reasons: You get a denser shot pattern. And you concentrate your power whera you need it. Thats because every ounce of power is Iocked in until you release it. Remingtons tougher plastic Iocks out the seeping damage of wet shooting or storage conditions. Remingtons plastic means slicker, faster loading too. Each sheli s guaranteed ta chamber; wont scuff, swell or jam. Look into Remington plastic shals in 12, 16 and 20 gauga,-at highly comptîtiva prîces 1 Thayra made in Canada atnd sold by your Autiîorized Remngton Deaer. - heavyweght bite, 12 lb. lght - for buying any Remngton Centre Fire Rifle or Shotgun now t Weekly winners. Ask peur Remngton Dictler fer ditalle. McKIM HARDWAREIMK 260 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-9222 OVER 1,000 PEOPLE dîopîîcd iii on Harris Sailîueiy'siiîîwly. cuoaîrdcd Min ti.S cora Friojy dcirg lic 'opeîn ious'. Rort Haris aid reMs. Harris, shows iflh iglitins Oid Fasfrrorrcd Ocys dress, ie seen sercîng cof fc to guesis, Mr. aed Mis Hogli Mc Lcod, Madowkrook Or., di-d lifridacghtrs Joanne aîîd Patin. NEARI.Y EVERYONE GOT INTO THE ACT during the annual Old FashioerJ ays and lie resaIt was an enloyable if busy time for everybodoy. Selling Ilceir wares outside the Lori-Anse Shop or Milton Plaza are Mrs S. May, Christine Strain and Mrs. Ruth Clark, The Lori-Anne Sliop was one of three Plaza stores that featored oulside sales on rhcrsday, Friday and Saturday. Save- way and Pollock's Shoe Store also participaîed. Jolin Sawpson s shown here ee rouie to o vctory on the greasy pote at thie Regatta ln lhe swimwîng pool os Frîiay afternoon aed et the ciodel western village, Rera Verhallee, Joanne Newell, Catherine Verliallen, Debbw Sony, Rohert Overesd and Rachel Andreko, seated, chat in front of the Slieriff's office. A horse-drawn carniage represenrwng the Holton County Museum aed entered loy Museum Board mocwfer J. D Perrîberton is shows in the photo aItItse righi. The Canadian Chaino, Wedsiesday, Sept. 8th, 1965 B3 alrttiitnt mit\V.Seineu 'f'lic' Whlite' it'icartcsei rirîî t tiltan it'iltnt liuiliii, t dl Iictk,. canct'lairc. dan bt iici- uic i anti cuia dc flic f(i-]mîîîltîîîîî a i iclititt\ I ii iii l ts t il , Mii lIii iniili, ' iii iel dtitis. fl ,ll Lýjgo p int, ýI iSrtairit i t ri trîc retîAcnSin i i 86 anrd80 ct screr i ciitcr ici cl;il, Ill il i i il h tnt tf s il ti i' iblt' 11111 liii li" %,l l t tht' il l iii- ht of ldFalaondiaN of you LAST FRIDAY -rest in Responding ay Hello. rat always possible ýu wbom we is'issed vifuction fa dropJ in a foryusupt ible )ON WALTER Bt BELL MRS. M. H. PYATT Caiii p lilrle MRS. ALICE ALTON 272 lrrîwood Cicc. Wm. GENILES 381t Kîrgsleîglr Ct. CHAS. RESTIVO lot1 ilMes Si MRS. GEO. MORLEY 286 Sydrîey St. MR. HYSTEAD E. Bt CLEMENTS Mars St. MRS. R. VAN FLBBT 69 Corrîrîen.rilSt. JENNIE YOUNG New 7,lrrrcf CATHY JOHNSON 180 QurerîtSt. CLAYTON COLES 5t Maiti Si JANA BURKHOLDER Klbricno LOIS McNABB R.R. 2, Georgclowir INTERNATIONAL BAKERY 150 maiii St. CINDY PIERCE 218kiînîwood Lice. EVA PIERCE 21B EliriooilCncs. MR. & MRS, S. SHERRATT & ERIC MRS. G. D. BROWN Caerpbellciiie ROBBIE TIGHT 361 Maplelionit, Oakcllie W. R. GILBERT Stryer Oîit MR. & MRS VANDERVALK RR. 5, Mit M. W. PYATT 2,t16 Meinose Av, ur . torrl CHRISTIANA BAILEY 236 Ontiario St. MRS. HAROLD MICHIE R.R. 5, Mltoîr OZ BMORE1 'ARK FARM DAIRY CALL 878-9723 FOR HOME DELIVERY Beffer be ready, MomI Now that chols here again, it's especially imporfanf fa have plenfy of delic- s ous mijk on hand. The young sef rely goes for milk, fhe ail-round RON, B.A., CATHY and PHYL CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS wliose names were drawn by Sergeant Chiarles Wilkinson of The Milton Detacliment of the O.P.P. WILL THE WINNERS PLEASE DROP IN AND PICK UP YOUR GIFTS MR. & MS. C. J. HAZENBOSCH 219 Maiii St. W SANDRA FEATHERSTONE R t,Milotn JOB SERVOS 3di Bell Si. MRS. EDITN PATTERSON 85 Burtoir St. KEN CAMPBELL ifS Barbe St. A. W. ALLEN CrieiMillirois MRS. C. ROWELL 436 Bocdctay St. ADA C. LEDWITH OIB MURDOCH JACK< HARPER MES. E. W. FOSTER ANN OSTLER 45 Camnpbrell Aci. MRS. MEL ROBINSON 177 Martln Si. THANK YOU ALL FOR JOINING IN OUR OPENING CELEBRATION HARRIS *STATIONERY j (LEASING)- & OFFICE SUPPLIES (RE Vh q182 MAIN ST. E. MILTON PHONE 878-6962 ÇW;bý W'Vý - ------------- ý 1 i ý?mlit,