00«ea Mrtia st. oDilag Over 1,000 Go Back to Public School ~lt~ U ba ItupO School bells wiii chime the end Morrson w il be teaching in lhe garten classes in both the morni ï h n P I of a long sommer on Tuesday as school systemn ths year. ng and the afternoon. more than 1,000 Milton yoong- Mr. Morrison wtît meach grade Three Roomas On sers siart the September ierm six ai the Broce St. sehool and When the classe tr Tus Vol 106.No. 16. MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1sf, 1965 Second Section. ai for Milton public scbools. members ofhis staff will inctode sîy ai the Martin St sholon The largest nomber ni sia- R. Shier. grades four and fjve; ly hree rcgl o m wilb dents ever, about 1075, nuit bc Mrs. I. Chose, grades lree and in use. Principal JonBel ild lB attending classes ai the Bruce' four; Mrs. H. Babcock. grade1 teach girade eighi in N ew Teacher- E5l0ge Sc oo OEpet St., W. . Dick, J. M. Denyes iss Mis M.Colngroeoe;teîeoJ.Hn sehools and the new Martin St. and Mes. A. Mackay, kindergar. gradle eigbl in th-othes Senior public scbool. teoin the morning. Mrs. M. Glu- rooni, and R. Mc__ £ wl InI Iexcessuof 15000 public and This siii be Ile iisî finie a veissili leacb the aoiliary 1iss g""ehce ivIr r igh ss.hoi stuidents in Borling- Senior,.Public Seisîsil liii gade. W. 1. Dtck List sol îeî.Ittl M illo aM re fo r 6 4 0 *UMg h S c o l r li iileln o h iiperaled ni the ,.nniiiîîiisv an ,îii a R.L i, vl P1 i o- h ii p rin ieîO Vl gîC î amitcIIýu nIi lo be g ni,,lttic ýs sd o ztv-ne ab ,En ls OII l" seas fat -tnvilbe ix. G. Paîîgssjil eauh grade flic .car, rcs IoIu:Mr 40 de h holiLtc n4 Atiet col A coinin Sar]adltn Mr Annta*smois, Over 600 ofihenîssîlllibe a- enîssroclion ila", nol ail the fîse, Was ne' Miller grade touîr, Eîssîîs, grade cî Mo h nmn Ia o m i oey," in lngihe v o norlb Burling- stuens lald u lied heMis. B. Robinson grade thrceeS. scisool; Mrs. E. Pie.se, grade l un Willianms Ave. nexi labs aîsd commercial roomx. Tise sidi ts 1sr 1x 40 cents, or a indusirial arts and shop, Mrs. Ella lon schoois, Fairse atLw senior pnie school s%,li bc ac- Mî s. E. MeDovncl grd 'l. iti and rciîediai rcadingi, Hi1 Seisosllý i"l ilkusfrS.5pusGls ueccnmc;rDvi iw(iL cnmmodaled ibere lur the lirsi isCelSargh grde uih ie J. M. DenNs esselînol J. Busonn.sloi elbs 5 nîuioslbîkn vclcesii I9 lsGlshm cnmc;DvdslefadKird ulcsbos portion of the ear. and isu, Mrs. K. Erkine gradei mais, grade senen in flise Bînec Th, lai geadidiiion lu lie schoot, areax liis feue. .igblusal ol;ý1v.ij xdsieesu Nl aleaisadgîac;Pooe nomn iFive Ry Chrstmaes line andi Mrs. W. v Iesli vsill Si. selioni; P. Pilips, gradise se- ""ciiei liislilslisîlsePi Ail In One Building c. Meal svil b 1 erom dlur vinDnl Lguneonad commercE- a nd abuari l 40ar pce Supeîvising principal E. W. icacis kinsiergaie icZ e muen- yen i flic J. M. Denses schiiol. i'a"., s uliig (lise finisiii stages One bhing vvili bc misisiîg musm llîî" 40-ininule sierod hu' 12 i ii udne n omr-a ibic Foser reicid iecnos- n. rs.K. oiram ia andi pr-in' .îîss rigli Il sîîîîîîîi the List osinute the iigh scbool sccne luis veau: ai. lu 1.25 u.ns. a;Mes. Anne MacArthsur, hisloîy; The Kibride staff includes 1 ions tuflic Mai i. schoo Piincipa W. Clovssuînîisle aic liic si..iIîPiî sembi a9 flicsih.ne Pocisye.tcîîmmsrciat, coMasriaM;s.a Erma%. Coaisiinso MisissDura sill probaisis lie cîîspieed hî Li-acte six ai the J. M. Denves seilir auiiiiai clas, ini151 u file c so. îîsi nd 1 iscsknei viil bc bard has beurt solsit lle ulie se iool adLtn aco isPtii ilor Cbilns îitiua ne osslslA Bes ,illi bc unliIi ý tesabeiomuni ai the Bince Si. at ior isîsifiiig Ie Iiiiiisliiiig liiiioTsusa eiirpîsi escias lui- regisiaiiii, and null RIisîdy FrenchiadLln aeo isPiii iior ever, sic ask le s.moepsraioi ni, ciplai stîppi aîd Mrs. G. Robbiîss seissio; Mîis. J. Leciilli, lîlsîsie IoL:hcle onilla -ciagd bsuidings. sliioîl lori grades 7 andc 8. Al hiîgl alssiîilk st lsoei e childeen, paienvis anîd îeaeisers inl siii cash grade six. John Rstîinutethol seilni ; D. Boseti. Or ai s'Chouf classcs vv iiilie t.isie ho I loin. Fu classes and cation; Miss Morion Slockdonn Joîhn Moiiieiis Mes. Naîîmi Neeb, ciecmt lise illeonscîsielces an andi Miss F. Wilson sill e.sel Frensch; ands Mis. M. MeEacls ai the Wiliams Aie. buildinsg. tisielahies segîi sic Wedsîesdav, geograplîs and guidance; Johncansd principaI's relier Robet caused bv the delas . During th eal ,1 =-acl fieesas ii sceconiisadiiiîi 101cl11 nîidrc 5 pi. if Bus irioltes vvl i ulvn, mafsemaiics; Mes. Myr- Wrighti cý~~~~~ass tesc ansea nasomdîsshmononcsadprni tl\ec itutviidrgte irsi pari oi Ilise . ear, ulsic 1 Mis. C. Siesiari sit lecacli graste i.ssclli.Illles. i: ihîs ailiii wilîsîs b 40 Tbevi ls îîi île il VatNvandav hn-aTop , Sihoe, maicmaics moudie Sei l. a.. BEs prnc- classroums plus tbe 'haime econilise andi Six. E. Riiev snili leacîs Wiii Ilile Matii i hi. schlis Ciilsiscil ,h ssis i ntssses l 1%,1 sen lus l e tuiaboute640r'Fliekîîc ui'seefb ae 1rngfi l'ass d n a comminea aenM issLs upaf, enai, ici . B .niE, SincBi- umics montl andl the marnsai Lrse fourîs, Mis, P. Copeiand is cîssîsîsiel\i evici,is ex- duingIll-esiiiiiiie cisîild gsi ' r 11i) lielisihe iishiilsnesiales lsse and Wa isie rnch and MisgLois paren' kaviss Galin ae, Mes.Bat trainingrmnmti v\ il l liuse ai gracie finice, Mrs.J. Fusier gracie peelesi iise viîi lie ahuriti 172 Ilis.-oo slîit i ilicisi sica un T tlue fi-lrluv i h iýNv ccii Ii cra-eWiýiFec n nls. rnkM-Goi elMs the Maniin Si. sehsînI. iilsce, Miss Barbara McArlbur pupîils .1 [lise Biice Si. scîssîsî.k\ cli Xii t aisî sîllies aý sortit-l sitîieii% l(, plan iaKeili Biack, isIglisil and geîîg.ý NIIame Vce-Prncipal Jeanne Bennett, Mes. Accua Goid, oalb ni 43 lacîscîx ine isîc niase t\n. Mes. J. Seholielci 464 ai [lie J. M. Gesss, cssIIoiisî Seissîss cîîssioi.sîî ltis, sr llig lll c eslies sillis. Mis DIsses Biaiplon. PIss lai s R. Chat-les Hunier sIraN,, B.A., Williams Habhard. icg supercising pincipal M. gs.îc uvNc Mrss R. Green gradse 222 l flise Martins Si. shirsi andis sil Set.1 M.telss SssSsîseîiî iiisiie.ciiisisecliieeli isSîsnDiuanlii.mTîlahenens e.Eii user e.Mr Fsier. Marin Si. principal Johln, (,lie, Miss M. Ticilsces' gradu'2111 al1 lise W. i. Diet sefîsîcl. icil; ifs %e i Gsreilis. Iýl'IiLer sIi i ae '1lu ci -1ssgIiis; Mis, Bsnîic Fergnsoiii appoincd lu lie pnsition of sice- Anne Rapsîsî, Mis. Linda Treen, Bell, J. M. Dcîsses principal W. lne, ansdMsMGlacsas ieeisii iihuisk lil Missi hi, Risz\%ii anids Thiid WoiI isdos lit)[î iîsîl Martisns Miss Rua\ plnelmî. is s Wls and Mes.: Clon and Becuce Si. pirincipal R. Ms. E. Aibie %vit] icaci kiîder- Iisees loi ils elîldrcsîln th 1 DiJi, Lcîî Aclici hsieiiig nc\v luis dir ix flie Ilisîigîssisiîsl Littii ansi phss Depai ineni heisis are. cominer- Casole Yu,îsa. icleîuisî.îîn, Miss Kalbarise In- ciii Mss. M. Powns, Engiisb Laws- - - ~~gristsiîs Williis Robisnis'eenee Darbe; Frenecs Miss L. 0scenelce; Mis tS. isisretlen Rogzers, 1 Waisii, gaidance, E. Liii: istolin tartes ansi Goirdon Macintosb wiii 'onlecal;i, îssrs Sa in ni s,! P. Alînsen; hume ecsînsîmse Mes. se aliendaîsecoliiecer. gesîgiaplîsv; (;lîlikîce. îîsd sissiaI i Mssac Tisonpson. malbemalicx, J. The sebîsol s, lias îng a cen tele- ails, ails hop;îs snd Frecc Stevens, Sulliva n, phesîcai educatioîs, A. plînne sxens ssssalled and the sliîssie.s eîlue,îiîsî ands çeicicc 'karenssuni: science,. W. Robinson; mels numbers ssili be 8782030 and ~jU L 1 U tl 2 ~ r :: i'l a i as.icn Fuil111 Ail isei. hitvil J. Hoipkins. 9111 12 ai e acailabie fi) flicse 51- iieîîsîieMSs jcsîs Big'; Mis. B. MeKcs ansi Miss l».deiiisois,iýýis,sndsbsoldhcpiek- încc, iiilsiiiiie, Aîsi(lae ulisslaek isili eoni lsîie as sec]e e- Oî cd ins dis [lisisseef,. ming and ts ene itsSummer No Holiday" aMidits )eneitsO.S.D. Staff Goes Back to School I), g ak lolcolt ii nNot Ameit.cngr oved.Thsum piut uncv iiiehuiî\uîk.1 Mis. A. Blîkl.ild. .assiii mier 1 îeuef oms o sialt mi Ontaio -,iuice cominseliur it .1.SD.seicIus %vas lseld ai Milton for hclîîssslotm ilic eal oi c.msuile. oumuktriannginelhilslpseIiuImig esdciemsconeiorirom D.S.D. w'l illvtakcin., is%. sraiing.m i flime Uniserix' oul MihImIcsa Mlu and Belleile and theGOn. ,liiiii- Ille îiîcss hîis u i sg 'ij Ihi, sommentc,. taro Schooi lfoi tSe Bind, Brant- ilere is wbat tir, loii 551115111e'ion ui Zr, vie'l1 tise .SGD. Ilýccieus issu) hase [,ii- Wý,mse Fis\ ni Miltonu, tise Pension Plan At lie Bllesile Shissl tis llime ,,iching espetr -iceu look speemal ýguidance cîoncIlor aui dean nf the Canada Pension Plan Deallasinsl.mm un Mions,%, lis ira ining ai the Clarke Seboni residenee ai1 0. S. G.. conducledi wil do for people .S.D.. 12 mess% te chers slaied lus lue the GeaI fSmitb Colegel un the Sebonu] asssledi hs nsîruelons like Thor Andersen, brgînu'sek nexl usecek mus Milton Nortampon, Mass. Then isecre-loni Beleville and Brantfurd aitencdu am Iechcrs coiss . IMes. Murs Lanmnie. Mis Juan nehîusls '%tcî the Itsîisuîcit ni Cbld a fariner who works for himself stWslgo el îu su ciî.%s înSucs 'msesi'miiunto and makes $4,000 a year. R tý As g.ui, scool, .iduimm)g 1 hdmi i icuiiiiulgs andiu Mrs. Lucile About 60 aiiîcccfd flicuse , n sI c eah i' )IlII parti1Faliussu. eludmng 18 irn luMsiilon. The ;ilsmumnu 1 f.ssicide Lîlege! University Work colisex, cuiiesi suilsi 1%so seasuo i mle' iSsu l .sii lusles Tiscemiiiieeie.mcliemconiciniiluxeiie iieeui aschnnl Ilvs\,îlu (ed i ilîîe and imhcai , iseil lissisemxiîs %1(,il il Osîccixl liadisîcsapci clilirec.lc'ads tu 11112'cole tii(IL hlit i ofm lii sse-it x iii mc luide Gamsi l siell a seilcs l it mm cscienL ecou s ils ditseloi, Di Rîsiscîl Fissusma. \mck Oisseiuksand Vcin icte,i., lung. The Pictuvre in OukviIIe Relieve Crowding at Percy Merry i le lcî m li tsi l usil le litns liii \V.' S. Rushinuixs is 'tflis' himgî scii, o msu i i l isn u X l Iuiiism iuiils Ioi Ile l'i M s,. (.5.55 t3iîIc's. Mss. fuIls "ikkillt' ix a1 siili uux g lune. Csic- m biss x iiss i \%Iiisliiteli c a11 mi Mss ic. uMaiiism Recve sikeim mcielisecf suis inithe etc\\I issisicîl sîîili al [lite Drumusu MissxGa.uiiiisiiguni. imss El,is-itiul anîd îms.teîi.l Suspîsî iirhosi. K. Aiii iiis, cetth il i Bucie. MssA. t ixMss 1simikexsu'a elsclssdvr nik tvhe GîIkilie' fBoard i iiu iss tidi Pllisciak îiiiiiisf, .pmîeii.mi's e miiels WhitieGOakxtfmguSiuîmmiand l hiis'tiiiiiui iliisics'ký fici Tlîmsîîî. u iîler andms secie' tbe schlsnum is' ti (,im iisi'. in111t About 35Ilcrii,'îîi.sîc isc Ms. Merle clic' Nsmsieichcii)smcc îe 511151'ii. So h.1k I)u ,is s -1-1 j t'î'î'c Mes us SIsîscies s xIli1 iichice in'icipal 1,50r1) xIudes'IIt v lo flo sum m aic ýti2201 al fle mril Noifu Guk- Kschisl Ciusihes. hies. RsthIvii attendm classe-s i1 hile Gaks v eileîhosîsiNsdemu. Scott, Mi-sst..iiiîeLiîiMi-S allerGrdnsPe'sie Iimgîsseisonl Mi Amîmusmmý2 idScs.iisesgmthe e.ui Roles mxlii, Mi.Jiii Xum' sieci ii attends flise Perdues Ile i i l oii i i 'l liiii & i pcIci "'i pici pAl ic l isl Thetî .50 Ilte schus alssl \\fil Xts'sss, suif sii i ss f l eîi lies isnd scielui' hics. kli imSt lise' fîkx \isu gui so Pcîî10 iîis i s iliums Il,] s c 1ieimii.ý- iik ici i' ifci s %lisi i scmslemm g Iouî u 1230 ji.ssi ssu an lic 1,110 Nlerry Necninîr. cmîs Ne'mmeuu iei ofllic staffl frn n uii 5m.30i. 1 xissu itelsîî- Ne\ 'xi ii cicî al Puce Mssl usrc1 Mi,. Seuil usis lias, murc fise la]- mc'iNii scs,ic 1ie-cm (o lie lis \Ci 1 i ,, Xtîss iiisil)i u s.s (il csiciece niikmseeî ii is liait iflice hitei f1.ks sî,ii.i 'ni li' mulîsîs icueiscus li Ruisî l i sliloi,isie i n icol i,îss xi i isu sis lis Ilcg ie riim i te Iti us' iii i i mucs i sumu ..Aý r L o . fro'sisiiî ii lilm o h adh Isîis ii h\ il butks dition .mlii l Essm . J. ilic'i.xmiiiuiiioadLri kc his , vill ,il l iîc se l l )l) Al'mî 1fslit-IL aie luss li-e plui, ,0 li selîmîml 'li lli-t ih hit5u xc mi' ;i ,cil, fil iimîs lie "1BEAUTY LAWN"I pulbeslic ii b, 4)$. CANADA 20 Children Enroil The Andersis aie haut aged 45 tf thorhccomesdisahcdanylime Ait brcfis mnder the Plan wiii This advcri iscmcnt is one ofra At Supshine SchooI and hase nu famly. if i hors afîcr t970, huing eonîrîhulcd nîcunain iheir value. l'he acluai sertes which relaies some of No. 1 f 11 'Illesi S, ussu ;Il flot sun carciîsgs continue ai $4,1117 ata untim his disahiliiy hegux, ic iii hcccfits payahle iii rrohahtp the important hencfits of if, us 11, d's u it 's ,i il~' u utimi bc rachcs oge 65, hc cam gci o disabiliii pension of $50f bc hghrr hein thos gîvcn here Canada t>lesiox Plan Iin L' diiiim i lssl \,huicul is tout foimard tu a mreement o monlh. This iii contiine util suise heneis nui Sc adjusted io indvidual crccanstanecn. ferlaiU ks i il lis IlP.s pensionu of $83.32 auonlh frout be hecomnes 65 whcn bc iii nsct chatnges ix living cosix and Ilcs tePlan. This, plus fic $75 each cçcive is retiremeni andI OlsI n ixige tennis bcfurc ti ey aceL W M IX T U R E .1eliIl l- Mr. and Mes. Andersen mutl Agc Sccuriiy pcnýions. piid andI changes ix lining costs uiiitalnig s hall sly recivo front Did Age $ecuriiy, afior thcy become payable. Lr'5-LBS. cass -iii gis .hc a to. of -23.3 Sh- î - he d- 1 y_ m afr - M t lins aus-lii