--The Canadcian Champion, Wednesday, Sept. lut, 1965 Po * etdividual line business phone, lit FirePerCen .. would mean an increase in mon- Or t m rg de N ~e sS ponsor tisîy rates frons $7.05 t0 $12.05 aU .~~iI The towsfforts at polling Brg(os r Conitinued front Page One) and for individual residential cGrade 1 3 G:rads Ch~oose C..ou rses 'e " Com mittee for Charter ing within the municipal bound- ise the increase viold be 51.05 in statio haeTheitc aries of Burlington make at least AA M ter a nage RB.enod ofThe proposedi Mllon Division help rnthe organizahon. A on caîl per mon-th 10 any or al Clek-ange R.B enlsooh t onAblneBi rnhCmitei sually of the other thrne esehanges. Vie T ac ni ng, IN u rs in g, M ed i c ine Lea d rportied to Coni Moda tha gode neds a brnc cmiteopsed of mimiinan local figure was 65.1 per cent for those Passenger Hur. 9questionnaires hatbe e-and sponsors to complete ils people who work with the Divi- Milton subscrfbers living in Oak- Th 1%5 graduangclasof, Cairns, Wakeflield Rd. Arnld Both s odns lan to take the sonally dclivrc il downiomo charter. sional Superiniendent and Officer ville, and 522 per cent for the T o C r r s Milo Disrc d gh Ssbool Bor Maplewoo I Cr. Karen genreral Arts courses and major businesses la bc complciedi. Wbc h ilo iiioTwo 0t oto tepbiiy ianilrmidro Mlo utmr ars o .ne a shc cud prdc otor, a dent- Drsdge, Mofit; and Arhur Lan in tnIc he town's represesialive revisil- TheMiiopDiisonba a0tc ntro Ihe ulty fois xcluninderl itton andOak-mecrs angrisose abou rev ofernrin Ibee Divsio Meoner alsa vile Mioro anl oveaî ageag o. fae arm sn lesoSna l i scou techetsi, nuorses, Gulph 10 stri otdies bhere. bc atendisg ose year ieacb ng the compieted lorms osly 51 viere wiil begin the Division. The char f he ivarran. tueirs ai e and le fuprce in ute soberier o rince wes and crs on llîded 10 ustversity schalirs and a Don sit beginsix years of' corsss ai Lakeshore Teacbsrs' available. ter bas beln gives preliminary hl rag h is i n 53prcn ftesbciesmrigwe w asclie stesvardess. A erip r rka h Ontario ore by r:Mrae Some bad becs lost, some bad approvai from the Halion and bon osn lse blaemaknht a leigos n p - brdg dn a5 na road tw Twentv ima or the 25 1965 Ai icoltorai Cole abr Lawson, Etmwood Cres.; Heatb- soi becl compleird and some Peel corp beadqoariers and Don pros'ided la local residenis by m i exanibo g d Sd a oIws Grade 13 gradojies front MD. iiii stait a Jou ccvear hor At er Calaby, Mouonainviens Dr.; wereiiîrsetsterpr.MilradSa oadbî Division, cage.o h Sent ie, Esquesing. .S. s il] ester thece dittercat corse cilh aie Engiisb mioMarcarel Anse Cleniteni. Thom- The lerk reporter] tosi question- periesseci St. Joîhn solonleers, Csssmunlly Asel The extension ofi the c a eto R. R , Geogeown and Onajio nieit..Likeshrei %%ile i. %%il] io aî trccss.,it is Si.; iindst Moir. Kingstcigh itti-e.s barl silice bren iefpiised li' bvecî tittnpoaiaiiî,pîiiasd~ A St. J,,îî tiitaî Diiîiî, ing.iiciiiid give Milto500, whm, wii Wisn Bel Teitcis Coîttic lan.îdi mtis tciselssi iiai,)IL i l0iit Cit. Mai l O'e, Ge , n vr oi 'tieti Mliting ar . leP1rý'1il l]C c-ILILtl,%eeLn bu M trainingi.ihis-iti, tutu getuîbc-s sait iii ilsisitncei guiits ituiisiiitil stThomasiJointiSi.;,tand.tue iîsas.t ta ti alturveitCOLIt-cell. tiS. gin loiakîg ta aiait tites pas , a ootouaiimajori test Karen a Toits WevKanip, R.R. 5, Mitont. itosîle belore piceparitlg a sonsli- iii io5 1mii s i bl in b ec Il ahd pieen 4,40 1s c i ilions. Iie èrAtcore lltt, Vic Hendriekîtin, R.R. 3, Campi- mary. hl lteac ihvl Miltone~ Ailsca cssocise.n Ail latte phones in Miltion and ns ns d bru es Da Kent Babeaek. Hugh Si.>, Larr% stidenits %ilrict iat ai lc belivilie,' another graîloate, has The questionnaire sooghl Mpin- o Medca Assciaion basrran prbsrnili iat epi vlee jase . D70amd Gtrdhoeisce R .S.Mtat rlcC itv suci Guelph. Arhur aready eoînpietedl ose vear ai ioans on tbe finaleioaa-setgrullbeîm hadiioa ensergencies and i any ilni I iepooa 0 n ads Sersas, Betl St.; and Gars Wuek-,ilit t,îke a t'u va agriicaistîîdy ai McMaster ttniverst akniîalaiî ipîkn suîrgeon incee the charer bas becs ments "tcadt ec. Il ile Prmpai bas $100000 i abun20dmg Ml oncO ens. R.R. 1, Miltas iili ii bc' tott stiise ai1 O.A.C. ili Hamilton. He iii enter sec- mler andI other paîrking passibil- giien final approsal bv the To vu, ulasiud ike ta periîîrm a sec -side ta ispiensent lis pxen PP id er flitc Uîiîe sofa West- Jeant Witson,. Robinvoaad ies.i aîîd Nscar, sonar businîess iis itics rallii ieaiquarlers of the B-. vice fur Miilt ils hecsanv a cil irce calis5 aiea bthe n ersr Ontario this rail. Kent îs ill and M. .rgaii c Johsosn, Waod- fal. Lis Bird, Mile Si., i g_______ ale. mensier (il the Brigade bv aoivivgo i 197, the mnaagersntl"u begin a six %carecourse in dles- îî .îi St.tîiii jisît go au Gueipit.'%îsoisg, ai tise Miltos Braneit Need Sponsor the Brani.h C,îîî mittue tir bs' sap. aes Il rposais t le tisirs andt Larrv Li six steir cîtt Bitit girls îî ill caler tht ee veaisi ihe-Canaidiain Inperii Bank n . iv ueicie lue Je cit ttu ii ttes' traiig ai the Guelphs ot Consmserce cmii sh lvoidn 0 at Pool iBel rlisiirc bei lic ap.pisY lo i-i asîsiîi cor azl nes- M uta disticts bre e leur leurs ou ies ztITii-Getc- Hpt.I evoîîgh tui enter siescarcless train- ueisa.e apansar muost esgc aslatiiiSteîp aiDsaessat nobe n btîsî ad acss w itittnfe s cîîcîT York Uspierity Asg kol iî'hi sîtes ,""l il -grece liosponvsor ihe Miler ut 878-359, Staîl Caflard it ayed hv six ta igbî mns Le Liher tbeheis essor ptîîrîîî ce Dicter Hishisiait. Hutilinvitie Mutait and Gai-N Ellis, PiveS.A ve Sik itheo r i i i sple n 765o rn asna 7-pann iei h rpsli Cuse. andîs tîlt Cîînetla, Hîttîsicie arcî aorbitî. Thesîscvre fotrmter The Miltas Loin ttinity Swim l mls ected ili the 2903. Eierîtine ciii heip. Tisne ddiiistl eip Dan Feitcs Thoitas Sti. Bar- Di. viii attend Yrk Unvsci M.D.H.S. stusicti ande consîset- ving Pool ha s sorvisedl ils lirsi îîîîîk of a Diision. Local servi ce Ilise vocharge area waudbot UTO hava Mackîs, Pearvl Si.; Vi,. sus ini Toronto lis September., cd Gracie 13 îsork un itir oils. 1l lobs or ta gop of' pisaiiiini. Trli AUanCTn r Mfo usrisI hION Wiîeî flite ssinsning Pool statt ihil say spoînsor tlise Diii- iil55 presen t Group Four (2000 tc, ATION anse ta sîork an Monii, Aog- %ionis. nsal our saur protecion. Dbev %00poeil ro then and vohtr chance ie1009t10009 phone)n StolniCa Burn hevî~ disî.cered tha i lite' Tise Miiuîîi Divisioîn esls,,50» te g1o Dircar liten an 5o ivý ines) t Gi mot stae ee ntecla ihe, quiîes a Brandi Caîtiî ta ai 0 our otîfl il be nhl veecsarp olenCar urns pool lisac ises lirons eva, Ila tsar- do- o vudbcnc o n !n Farm Fiel ii\ood sas liaceti tuan v Litln Diie soint cs- and tire -ineir lie bîtls s.îise Ilîl shls ait I c.îr~~~~~~~ acietssrfeal il e s-'l te ,r *suppis it the pool.' Pauacien s e eparle vi iieît tujnne ilt IDEAL FO INC aîer Mis re Pltsiac e i , Titi nsoiitrsiiniiiiiilîg li le-HOLDA thiis %s-k. aea'inl n position and crcjied OR LINC Dv Mandas, i rcd 1964 Stadle- 11îooac. 1 OR H LD Y LUNCHES ng litelai 1h51 5ilton ottiil:t ais oes u antlitsplo icasitinhîtii o flis voici Blt ptil icit [* migh li îion %a, hiiiteciiniacclis' Cnsîs\itie'î,fl ic Miii ut iv.ýnip iete tiretic k mai pi-asciieîs itciviidb h poiesin the futur. 0liîîg t-eci tai tic C-:ssos ia * Reiit tcitnloticet iH Pondi itrvenrt F i kiitituiii atl)-î fas utus a ttheius i.îîîgiiia pocutd.i\\isiiîtk.itlcdliiiuiui pisian ihxe Bi iasie t P,îîtaTis fitn Siaincî.1lireîîîtîSccs0) p graidn. ivceeittdsc 0pee mt sîatît he oPoica IcAgc1cruit. ta i t oîsMasi fAcuinrgau.îr mpctittg uthuai cr Dieiecan ii clii iiio e,i ra adie nrd i îtttt it i îî.ec ls-tat in iMit titibut ,îtiisiii isole tr lte nIi tresatettute Rtearîclar tittiieacstMiltotn *Luni.irviiitctic 05Di put a ie hticer Otîple lins il ntti Civ Iiis'ii, c tmment c. opiaivasiii oei tiovaet.t botrvfor tesidivis Rever A.ransrtintpt tvhept sent rbage trusck ,ltoildo h tintska i te ande î ittîs i. t pit ýitICi v cijaintso iii lion ls,, 0WdtaîdAi. iticplantiiiiir DîsitifirHagneS\%î,îî,t i te t liii ihre etrucktasdit tu il A sinid.scodtuk ,l'ml", W uttîsa iis't., ti tie il ton sis'tIi ict Hi ciiitîi t ttusdi titeiun24 i u teni o .v Miii- ict isiiît5 p laurivg (lite sautitlites itterîtis. A ciitvas' cca c satt redîîc tiiage bî 10 pit cent. uing uina o icetioni utMiii St. h.isk t,[lie sticeis t, i o th i m111t. it its iigst. the ,' ii.'s cc stttitii s 'tt tuttI ld t ttlt'ieilici '-'ut hbebincia- haute ai b 6Branle Si. 'Thscar iselaîîgcd ii Raîsiîond H. L.jnaîsie anîd sas valîteul .1 S2.000. Cait thai dav.the iicar lts diseul ci-eciin a ticiniîiiv W telhulo tstip oitaiih. ît tsi u ai tatr i n litecpoo it tai ogliti soakid avIl ýhad lui lise t mGutepht;la he dIii-, out i s peiji îîî'es. Wîîîî l it lii,t i I lle po:tati %i,s ittit u t iltit sisttandvî s las 0 ie,ttsuiti dtucc teties(ilt anîl ci l iti'. M ilon ratice us-prt sIuýIse(I. ti1ltio S tiiiîi. oIleit i'tt tut t i , i tiiliti l ktnu ngitiic' i. Ftiti poufiist. l't eilit on us',. îuaîîtîoiîtienlttiiui. Bd, Tîitnisi misai assidcti oc.utuî-- lu\uoncîL ul ls'i t the iuutuis il- iii r . .tlg tiscuvstu teusinMiton onAuIgos 2-4,2-7 ttveit'iisck.iandsuitinittiitits Peit BUInit Conution;S: 12, tutu 28 uititttalladmupiestu- lini, lis-uc api,iit iilitlo luit 5Mi.22 t it iDutpet onsirtîs iv ýtsitC 910 Opolices iepiri. uMiltaon elsitîl cu. Rcrvj tutu dir- lionsand 13,874 fhrm Trpn v s's ob diSniait replut ,fs i COPI, ILItiillhis. Gîte tndeues[lise %%iiiiining pootl :st \%a s'iltit [lstu~iie lit val t Te euchers guuîitani dis IitoistitDOnTtiis- * t iii lo i c iii i t tin.tsl'thp a i k %irtii i i titie, tîtîtît titi i edqandIvKosor 11ui S i. \Ntbi LI, i,ieitb\tt Li Fi tvdu tu e , aten,î ut iu i tsci i\ ,j li lin te - o lg 0 I IPitis I tcttti i lutîîisis I uts alsleîc lleî îtcLalîtut Ilaton Princess situetanîk iiiBotbH jitMet. .ic Ii'iiig itsiuts1: O t in rreiminay titi Salce, Liii ut,s isi h ut s\ci.' uili ,attnd sîtt tut ii 13 utu's iiicsi u utîstibsîs ~ ~ ~ î~î its.tuit iltsttl itu, huiletauist tiissss lu la\or ail illicici otifSsiia is toiIlle tut196.5esi t tluul utc"' uîî tuu ceiituitet îuk lii n 'tic tutu 1909 tic-te ittîlîs M. tuitin-Ist..i tit th ist'ýliipur i-etîghi tbîuuughîuul ibvschouIiilu ilonsPiý, tut "L tii ut est tu aiiiui, 1 ,,~ iitutMars iuit tlunitcti u t i ti l liii. tutt Tite. il Phulielic, ~~o i sit iceý i, titios it,,silllilil- juld Titi u pt~tI Iitetistuiuasisuic 11 tilit itcitaitiutuiituiuitis * 'pîsîuuî%cslcliug enciers lau New Teacers pits une ic' iti le litCta. tuves'pî.uîîîî t t lsth aitiLt-uitluidsit iuslic e\%u tallers als ' . (iitu Natinalt xbts ioîînîuîieîîui lil iIc is- i tutti sit stusue tus eiit andvîlMis. D. HItiu tlt ptugradeL,îîî bcis tuuhit tuiuIca , t.nlss.ipeu-i, le, Mrs. Y. MsDuîel ndMiiMs, Mslîuirsiuustiiuti tuuut LPPI',,uind pinting af the Mig.it CtLiilit,. pgradelui,,. s Mti- Iit,, . reLtun ir Ltu i luie- 5t~îîuuîuvuîlu 170 siduî tut , l-uuî,uîk,,gradet lrise;Mi-ss 1 tct ii 0t vcztu,, îî %a, ;su as ut -is ut tt.itiudii iisixS iiîîuî. puusti lu] ; bit-s J. 1-11-ui itian I) 1,tuttiigeiit i ttu pup l1uuseu.pgradtousur .iiislti c' ,bis eMsi" s'Pj ct fiillr lai, tu l, a.iu lit Ille piii tt ig il)u. t itie . pe, i ad is' l its il, 1h'. tu5u5sitisii îîîuuîuîal*,Lsscîb,11 uelîsi, grae ix .,uuiora.l_____________ ,,o ic IIle tutu ii situis' diju- Fi tstth cisiet D. BlAtitit ho su l 1it tci l bbViiit.uss Ais biaises, su il t tise gpi ýnast n duîttcîlt 0 iîu d i.\rici o S3,71Iidtu i une. liii lt\i~ute i. INSURANCE tu>thesp u11te.u i 'tht Ris tt\ p t ilt ciudat.t1ti% t(INisau%\,-,,k. 0 Agi'iutiU, ccik a rise ftii Mr,.bits ith itutikett, kitiutsLrg;,iit. sIi tiis lu iîlan 15tc t s i îuîk tu usici MI-,. Bei u.usetts- Ss'iuîi. gracIe en Gaden i.t'licestrptciuis s ;eusantttiSisîcr Madel-ine bc'285 teetiui_ actiat,ubs'ctip- ,i iutisigli. Sitci Aitiuo etecut a bVa, ituet Ilttct tRR.FO RD amîsptss ti tus te' lvallh It I t,iu,lt . aioA Ila u t t [iti11tuttic ite, eis itc aicttuti loiiisl. PIistis sase \i th c -Milon, Ont. TR "357 WiORCRSPCHICKEN CHICKEN SNACK .... 75c BOXES (Serves oe) . .$Si 5 Poe8862 FAMILY EUCKET .....$3.85 Poe8862 (Serves 5 to 7) FOR PROMPT BARRELS (Serves 7.10) $4,95 PICNIC PACK ... 1.95 TAKE-OtJT SERVICE (i Chickes)_____________ Murray Hood Drive-In Base Lino Rd. West et 25 Milton Phone 870-6028 INTH RIDING SCHOOL 0 Your Riding Choice of .. 3 HO SE including a Palomino 0 INSTRUCTIONS WESTERN and ENGLISH STYLE by TWO EXPERIENCED HORSEMEN FOR INFORMATION ON RATES AND HOURS 0F INSTRUCTION PLEASE CALL JOE ROSS -- 877-3895 Lot 17 - Cons. 5 - Beween 4th and 5th Lino Esquosing Horses and nquîpmnnî moy be inen an meeheni or Rossioke Faims. DY moRE DANADIANS THAN [VER!i IPD NTIA1î Orivg1diîcrat Poiiî acaa utandoa leauy tellso Miltn MooSaes s reaSy Ifclle ou te kiid of wiiy il ieî uîa c 50 a papa ariy wiliCanada e t ii va al o' a an vIotclyui i r dc about. sas htycis. Bui loaoks are asiy patoilaiteFontitacs Givre s t wide selcevîtai itfradels antd salais att ciaîy. Pontitas lias lusaîtous caution, swdslitback- oit toi tow icady la drive away. Ta îîîaîîîîaîîî or iîîg perlorantace, pacce sniîettignenieig devci stiock ai ased vois wc'ev aiinîg top ottomances oi apîttenis plus a logaistt in fîe lealaîns anud opionts your tae tsin vich iltatis poat piesetcar miii Ilit easiiy vapiaiti Paîitiioc's appeaila oyaaî piacticali i cnetbce arit ittotethon ifi lday. sîde. DRIVE IN AND DEAL TODAY! AUIJIILýIlk)tiCli NIIA(-L llLLRIsN MILItk2N. Milton Motor Sales L*imited MILTON, ONTARIO i