Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Sep 1965, p. 6

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Cars for Sale 0 READY FOR THE OPEN ROAD - IT'S 1 nM m ra FOR SALE (onfInued> FOR SALE (Confinued) FOR SALE <Continued> ate eI1ane TRA D E DVERTSING AYES-îî laing rcrnar aI aFOR SALE - Moffat electric FOR SALE-Houe. near Fus- FOR SALE -Puie bred Billie WATD-RdtaTrt, HEF ATE -Glbad range, 24, $0.Apply 67Robert lin.h -stationî, Io bhemîvedRag. l<igeîbîî inh RATESdeai aîherand .a dr)ter Si. aller 7 p ni. c-17-8185 sonable. Phonte Galph 822-8069 (Aild. 78-9082. c17 8253îîikîg 0b430, ingMil ,a lvable in Milion, Be-i-ie, who passed away Sept- FOR SALE -1963 Votkswagcn, - 158047 FOR SALE 14-oon brick ansd Bay. 878-2475 atter 5.30. central. Phone 878-4758. c-17-8215 *ember 3, 1963. xeln odto.PoeatrFRSL dig ahns i*si arpelilhtw-c-168133 --N 'TRA V E BIRTHS. DEATHS, MARRIAG- .exelncadin.Pneatr FRSL-Adigmcie.oaeaCîpelil.htwt HELP WANTED - Ladywoand ES, ENGAGEMENTS - No Na longer in aar lives la share, 5 p.m., 878-2796. c-168115 typewriters, for sale or rectal. leur heating. goodt atonie home. WANTED-Live poultry, goose aIder mac lar greeaboasewak charge.Btinorhatst slwy Phone TR 8-6962, Harris Station. Aplpî R. J. Early b178211t and dack feathers, feather tickIL Harcby Greecboase 878-438.- FOR SLE, c a Buthcorear h i las FOR SALE - Sececa Chiet ery. c.9-tf-4667 SLEAlaIa isd ee r, 76Ceg e cSti. Trote . -7-89 FRSLFOR RENT ETC. - Remembered atways, daaghter aceetcarn. Charles Irîglis, Camp- -FOR S- bis Ha r i gh , eest p6fle e S.Tr onWrteo - -38t9 a95ccîicmamchare fa 15Joyce, Diane and Pedg. c17-8148 helîville, 854-2387. c-17-8257 FOR dea loio-le 957,4' cres ver%, good trop, second-a Ecx5874 I A ____inmmhagfr 5Hitîman Mmnx, 2-tone cube. býocu catting. Atipîsv. .Bue paecatc L ATD Ceacic Sseords-Sinpertionsord heraltrPATTERSON-In lvn emoy, FOR SALE - 1400 Il. snaw good, motot excellent. $175. 878-1 HilI-bat ph R. R. 2, tît Lie. eeig.Hdo -80 -5t ady, I day8every aher week, IIV E Subsqocc inertins n opV u cdear dao hIer, racces, leace, $12 per 100 Il., excettent 3424. c-17-81501 c17-8191 WAIE -Layppradct7226 changes) - 075e tninimu ' ssho passed assay Seplember condition. 878-9825. c-16-8121 FRiAE Mlî-ppt-. ORSAE v o stotdrmes reardy ian -7280 charge for t5 sords. f5e per 3 93 O AE-.~ tn laebk-surus unORSAE ati t,îin- FOnienn,î-eTVeie o epanreu G rs ui Bod 8e1yeas EP ANE-Cpal a -25c discoant allosscd 1r caub AndI shile usie lieu la peaceflt dard shbtt 410 ca. in. matlor, ers. William Boalicld, pîhotne 1Snll appli.îuces anl power tîlts ,n p acineîteesr.tr ay sle,5dy eky pama. ep $200. Phone 878-3115. c- 17-8165 878-6355. h- 168113 l-t1, rep,iîed. TîîuIl a nu Co n tî,,Coînlacl Bertîha Powell, cMiton, Cati 8789092 aller 5.30 p.m. FOR DEPENDABUE pamn.HumroyW hl las878-9213. c-17-8192 878-9425. c_158050 c-17-8194 eînî w îtî awy FOR SALE -1957 Fard 4-door, FOR SALE - 1956 Rarmaîtý COMING EVENTS, CARD 0F kbp ody and molor laeclenlha ectc trîîiag aie, FO SLilîslba-c HELP WANTED-Mac to care THANKS - $t for first ise Alssays remernbered by maiher, shape. Phone 878-3383. c-17-8t70 god body nd inlerior, ceis ir- ie. hâte. $28; -îî,lcî - WANTED our larnas and flawer gardens ia QUALITY AND lices, t0c for each additianat d, tver acd brathers. ____________________878-9375_o c1826es. 878-3113. c-16-80921îîoî. gîte: îandlîlîe platsic bîb ambllileaea 78975o lice, -.85 FOR SALE - Oa t strass. batcd - btti. S6. Ail in good tcîndlition. Used Cedar niglits - 878-9465. c-17-8210 IN MEMORIAM-$I luss1tc per afl fietd. A. Parssicen, 6220 Bell FOR SALE- Car, truck and1 878988 1. t-178143 HELP WANTD-Teacher re- FIINTSRI ice of verse. School Line, 878-6275. c17-8216 ractar tires, cern and used, aver. 13E At '4RAILSv 8 qaircs lady la tare for pre-scbaal EFIEN RVC FÏOR SALE 8 senin2,00Kelly Springfield ires in chiidren ta thitd reas o-8, hame -2tckal6ie. r rie fastuueu.i,îliî .M i n îis otî -Mlon isrct holrnin878-2855. c-7-8home CLASSIFIED DISPLAY. RFEA L Coming Events tacddcr, $15; cilds . . caswimnîg fxe $18; weets;halatsedltiiiii , vîi~ici (,*er id. îîu horne -MltnDstit Phn a -pool, $5. Art Higgins - c- 17-8219 ieS.0 hel aacd-%11' aioe opn ESTATE - $120 per cal. inch.$1.00. We have batteries far PhtonFe 8tiigtc ear ngs782005 HELF WANTED-Bahv sitter, SethsIbsck BOXNUBERtaIbi olic - Miss MignonTcganit FOR SALE-Thisîle baby car- cars and trucks. Mlton Tire and F citiiiigs$78-3287. C17-819h6175 ay secklv, in cblîdren's 25c additianal. restitue piano teachiag on Mac- rnage and fait size crib, bath la Radiatar Service, 191 Mill St. 1(3EO SAI E -litioc i-ed andi-hmisho-ae r-eat c DLnE day, Septernber 13. c17-8254 good condition. 878-4409. c-16-8088 878-2711. c-St 788311 -rntle n ppine 878-6271ale5.0 __c1824 RE DF N Classifieut Advertisiag Milton District Haspitl Wo- FRSL-diuîntsiee Fiad I i E HELP WANTED - Baby sitter 12NosTeda 5Hd hBat 7-d slad CL MacLiiyh.sull iseii Wieu! WANur 1 thitd, 3 years oid. and ta 12 oonTosda mci Ausîlai neds oo . ay il-ipce alr a va1rI t1i lActuii h-10-10701 help 2 gel readv for scboal. CatI LIMITED Ctssified Display & Real Estate 1055s for thecannalî Lawna Party, $2 .Hg iay88620 N EARA.MNCE IHY alr33 .. 7-16 -789 5pm. MoadaV Sepiember Il. For tpick-up, phonce ct1-78t891 1 FOR6A1F-I asi Fls liii ,îge ___aler_3.0 ______________-1_819 878-6077 or 878-2787. c-17-2-8149, __ 10 i,. i. OF lcu :ýc\OR TRA i HLP ANTD-Yonizmif E FOR SALE - atomîno itI, jrICUIWlcii . . - -1 Ph n 7 -3 1 Annsî,l Et-te t-tit netîr bitteroes ,6mnhiolIt iîl c1 iîi.56c0'titi - - Pnone ~OLS~4IKithride wihebcheld Suîna,î, beaiilul uhîpe. 878-666 ELECTRO HOMV E!, it tsLit.. îitt Septeinher 5. aI 3 p.rn . Res. C. c178.8 b OîkAitr tc 6 The Caniadien Champion, R. Wr.îgg wiîtcondacl tbc scr- FRSL-osMtovo TROH-Ic-1768221 r-LJ-L nF, Wedaesday. Sept. 1, 1965 vit.Seitmsi, c1-22stadtard, rtadio,. goîd conditioni (1 61 OR tgui JIiI '.îuegu r. ________________ Mitian District Hospitat W.A. $190 or be-t oller. 878-3650. _ ALL WITH AM FM RADIO lut . bo t mii-iiiit-ii. btus t 878-2725W Laisa Party, Saîurday. Septern- t-Il-8209 c--. 'bliteci ti ii liticics aitlb-16-2 PF Born ber Il. ai the home of Dr. and - îîîîîîîl.Il FSiisn%, 518 Mrs. C. Manian, Martin St, Mit- FO SALE - Coc-ihtt oSI REG. $19995 TO $69995 E.tiigtt 33uie(ie. _____________ BEL M. adMei ar- elton. Hlls booffi. Hame btîking. prapetteul combine, la guosi rda- c-178222': ntd cien FoL Manr l . Gryt Be-llîdres Metr. c-t7-2-8198 niaf orcler. Phone 878-9496. SPECIAL TO CLEAR mneFr nir c.R.i i-Chlrn-17-8259 b 130 691 l - 9elli.. utlice--.e t R n tan, are pleased la ,aauounce There ,re a 'eus tpeolofs li.-c$68.88 .t-t1si ci .1 tttil iiulu'Mi the irtb ai Iheir son, seight lot papilv sishing lu take Pianîo FOR SALE-bised 9 ta. Il G-E C $1 ýhlr, iii,1ýA 11 ORN hit 7 thu., 9t12îîî îî î N i ¶iiito.. ai MitoDis- essons or tuis Music Therv. relîlgeralor. la perlecl consul-' OII % 3 ifl ,N A Mlo trict Hospital on Satordey. H.rrons - Hisitry or Form tram ion. Crevi(lardwcare,- Mitoni. Citi l t' iiittii iifi bt i nelit coutlt.ît eîal re at- Aagusf 28, 1965. a Miltonu a dIs-uvs iitti A.R.C.T. c-178203 $54988 k,ýl c 17 82, Fti,- u78 2122. c-17-8187di BONIN - Mr. and Mr-. Atredo Fitonc 78-3366 aller 6 pin. P Bai f .R 3 iloaec178208 FOR SALE - Large gloeay' 9996Il OD TO RI5NT 3-bcd- le pîeased la annouace the birîh AîîtpîsSevcs n. TIP-IN TIRE ESARMDES pluiiCas,îChmon iiî,îei ,îst rdenI 0f teirson Rea Rm--u, ieCrch. Sepviesb1, Knox WE CANNOT REPEAT ON - titi piiiits, 95 x7 stCC $1, 8 x 10 1s Ianshl tîîîî uitu sehool- of her on RmoRonIo Sxten huch Sptmbr 2,-t iee $25.Puis tas. Caîsh niast Pot-ttts ilcii. F it ctl278-317. sseight 7 Ib.. 91 zozs-i.aI Mil- 7.30 p.m. Rcs. Douglas. Seaton, cnprv ilr riur o ýc-17-81 10 tan District Hospital on Aug- Lecaide Presbvterian Charch, To- Used and New Farm ,,sthapion tîtffice, Jtitre nm ast 29 1965.ruato,fuetspeta ker. Ladle< Truck and Passenger Tires NOi.OYMDO NtonC.îîîîîcOtc 191 Ma NEWELL - M. and Mrs. E. A.tria. Lavit eUniteadît 5,rt 'Vi îîîîîî inice. in r intr-eîrMiltan. Neweal l(nee Hilsoal ai R. R: prasidc the music. Attuelcome. Tur. ndFn 110A1IE- Otilis-cet-i te (itiiist-tiitilit-Nc-tsuishes ta move 1uMltn reesd tua- c-7-2-8251 FRONT EDALIGNMFNT & Open Tus'ad r. fe. -.t u-.-co %il lm1 ptrnten-n noanice the irth of their A îîîeeiiag lu plan the Nighî BRAKES FOR CARS & TRUCKS Tii 9 p.m. t.itcitiim-t tilt- it tiî.c-ti,îckn,7"54. c1788 daogter. seight 7 lb-i - 4 oi-., Sebîrnl classe-tor tht-Fait aade ____________________________ uit Miltan District Hospita1 an MinIer esitt rhe he la ndMlIt tipîit i. b btiiisg- Augul 28, 1965.clitr-tA-e.HigéShol n0ed 24 Hour Service PREPARKING t-127951 TH IN - M . nd Me.CIt at-ids.Scplemncor 8ih. .it 8.15. Ret,îît - Whitte-,le o n Thriag (met-Gibsoni u 12Ausniir-td abcNgî Domniaon Royal Tres î -' CCC Il5 ICCi.itil Anne Bt-id.. Miton, aie pesCI hoiud plan Io ,attend Phone Anîytime I 1s..1MA J -Cl ICiIîI c liit 1 [tSI-F,.îiii olbîuîcut.rs. ed ta announce tht- 61db of, hi- elo. c1728190, CC.C CI- - l ii biiîiit-R.utilsiikc l'otîtit tin Aaguî-t 1Il their son, Dion Clii!, seiglit Miilt Senior Citieen-u trip lu 878-3131 Home Appliances f l î.~ ial;i iuai, Hat..îî c lîiîîî Reglun Coaser- 6 Ih., 108se., t Milon Dis- Dton ,and Dirîcti, liiistîino p, Base Luat, Miltona uîý ; 1 tt-lc ti.t1,cl .,juu -IdttA i t225 Main St..1 rict Ho-pital on A ga-t 25. tuti i utnnet ta Conetog.i tuac-12-i 18 1 MILL ST. - 878-322 1 3s;44.cil17 I4 M9luiîî. c-17-8145;- 1965. Weduad,, 8iî September. Bou, ýiIlt-use Su i. ai-i Chia Mil ________fou____ , a 130 pwm. Ansoncih-h Engageme ttasntuIogot, ptt-t-c contectM r . laubutle -n -te elorcThur _____________- ...,t.2act Scpienubeu. . 17883 i ucnoncetihe enagemsentcaofther' Sepiember gecerali meeting silîl DECORATINO PRINTINGC GENERAL CONTRACTORS BEAUTY SALON daughtcr, Lsnae Louise tut Me. take the iocm ai a Dinner Meet-Sao Thomnas Eduard B rowisa n iin 0 ai the Caravan Restaurant,'A Lîy RAY OLAN Vogue BeautySao Mr. and Mc. Edusard S. Bown.i Miton Plaze. Tharvday, Sepicrn INTERIOR QUALTYBIDN NEW COIFFURE The weddiog sitt take Pauc ci! bei 9. Relr-eslîweaiv 6 p.m., flui Satorday. September 25 1965, al: busseut by a deliciaus bec[ dînner P R IN TIN INGDeigned ust Fo Pr Yoa 3.30 p.m., la Grete Anglitan ut 6.45 p.m. Cao-t spea ker: Mur. DECORATING Cati The Chaiopion forr ,îîvous CONTRACTORS LTD. - and - Charch, Milton, Ont, H. A. Blachlord, Bell Telephuine OPE BAYSRVC Mr.aa Me, arcv . .-Co. Lid.. sitb ti Public Farrm ERICS pîloting ceeu,. We sit bch tppv * liote Ilrp-isemcnls CMPEEBATSRVE terick ai Arapiar, Ont., arc hep- tua the pruipu-it-u lephane rate tu design andt priai yaur bucItsc *RnulinttueCli87-26 ty iaannouate tht- engageaic-iitrcue ike- 25 cc vtCanvecient termu available on ur pervoa itiiirc.uttg * Aiîeî,îtutus 192 Main Strcet yf ahi nsdahs. Etc b le il tu he Chumher olilce, Mil-uc-i.postlet- ilaadbitis etc. Ana la r. Ateander t-Il n ltavsel Sersice and the Ccîr,- 0 Custom made drapes * Oll Rngsn oMr-. lengertout tht van Restaurant. c-16-8142 l'pQaiy* Cuîoîîcî.icia orlnsla-,tiiaI laie Mr. RuvsellG. Kingpf oriittrt Eefymdedapsicienîrt Seit stc UL 4-2263 TV and RADIO SERVICE hy. Ont. lbbcmanuerage %vi]bel 0 Carptng* ei-iiacFitcc44l soiemnizeut et Firsi Baptisti Fr Sle Upatserîg D RNA Chanch, Bramupon, Ont.,o ___FrSle___oscrn D R A urday, Octaher 2nc, 196D, aiL 2.30 e Ventian hlilds THL CANADIAN CHAMPIONTVADPLINE ocokFOR SALF - 2 Tc-i-ier ppsiv O Mndoro shades 191 MainîîS. - Mitonu A. C. CANNONTVAOPPANS 'liane:878-6817. c-17-8225 SALES & SERVICE FOR SALE-6&t-at-oid getutins9* arniatarefromfmus_____________ & SON * Fhiips TV & Tape Recarders manafactarers984. c-1 -82n RC.A. Siec, TV, Applianen Die hit-kl. 78984. -i-800Youn home decaraling may he ORNAMENTAL IRON tELNERAI. CON IRACIORS * Stiarton TV and Sterco FOR SALE-Signs of al k®rds. icanced an reasonable mol«ctbly 222 MAIN ST, TR 8-4445 THOMAS -At the Joseph Brantî Ray Gaay TR 82150.,-124863-1f ferons. Ask about aur plan. Cuvsaon Humes Repairs ct Memorial Hovpital, Buriagion, -- an Fidas. Acgosi 2, 15 FOR SALE - B'su biecce, Frnl-home cnsultatians, eaîî MILTON Aiieitiocs Modern Caphoards p_____________ James Thoma- in ii is 131h gaud(ii tuning condition. 878-6615.Fo year. ha-ibanut uitthe- aie Mar-- C17-8223 Mn, Camopbell. Plat-i .andt bre rutimates, ELDILN (ha Jane; hetîuccd ltb-r o :-OR-SL-16itd aai Ornamental Iron Yrs oi esperience, Bert ni Kitchener, Lsracut of AL-94Fi tGuaî CAMPBELL'S Fengas. Mn-. C. Infuis (Auidrey)-SI 5)0 (do cilanî. $2.20.819 af Mffat, . ni,14Smnih 2492- c-17-8147 0F MILTON AWNINOS & IRON RAILINGS TR 8-4424 WELL DRILLING (ltadyl of Lîodonu, Mr. W. FOR SALEI- Tus-libub-i ca- TE 8821 E. E. t, Milbon BILL KELLY TE 8-9827 c-tf J .RTA itoîhien IMargarci , Wiia, nIrit--t- stits vtau tiatiet - Phonîe c4-lc4-fJ .R T Donald and lEric, aleut Gulph 878986 cri-21 ccd the laie Mn-r, nîl- c 88 996 îîOî RE. 2, Miton, Ont. Bnown; alvo survivecit hs 23 F0RSAlE'-Apprnuîaiuîuelv 21)hn ulntn Esn462 granutchitutrena snutnit- grtt -ci e-c gittt staninlig cala. Phîtar ELECTRICAL SERVICE IlM ARCH & SONS PloiCultninNlo -025 granutchildien. 878-2990. c-17-8214 PRINTING BIDN Rcsled i tht- Mtlutyt itutnd--FOR SALE-1956___________________ _________BUILDING____& Wilkie Fanerai Home. i Deiîtic, ..in 1996Fcondiin.îc, utr_________________ St., Guelph, sshre toilerai vcî t'natt-agtcîdtinPle McPHAIL ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION LTD. REFRIGERATION vice was hetd oui Mundeiî, Ais 18975.c-7-6 Wedding Invitations 0IDSRA AnlrivrSNS usa 30, aI 3 pua. liteit at-tu 0CR SAL E 1964 Plymutsh, eIDSRA _____ Woodtawsn Cciclcry. SV9, ,tidlilc. 8782569 or Ihat are socially correct e COMMERCIAL b CNtO1M HOtMES KING 225 Bell St. c-178201 EOTIN ___________________- aed prînbed dittinctively e DOMESTIC RENOAINS FOR SAI E-2l" Sitvertnc TV, LCRCHAIN ERGRTO inii ttcondiltionu. Phone 818-2579 Fe ELECTRtC ilEATIlIO& CMMECIA !iltfer 5 pa, c17,181 PLANNING A MEDDINOFe sîîls IDSRAL&CMECA FORSAE-Ya ill11g hy-Complete Eîectric Home TA 6-1 119 SALES & SERVICE ing youn building matenluls and Cati 66 Charles SI. Mbltoan TA 6-2859 Res. Rlat n iitn E: col ai Crarnirds, Camopbel-. CAMPSELLVILLE ville. Ouick service, High que. The Canadian Champion TR891Stesvîe5428 9 ity. Phone Carophelîville EL 4- 191 Main S. Milton R891Stesvl 542 8 2232. c-36-71-t-tf c-32 !I c--tf .rssark an egg grcidicg room, 4~ d ýzcay isteck, 7 arn. - 6 p.m 1964 Pontiac Laurer .pplv in persan, Maple Ladge, Faimrn, Norsal. t17-82051 Sedan HELP WANTED-Matroas or V-8,aîtornaîic. radia, laIton Louais Jetl, casuat cm- scaît tires, ssindshietd itasmeat. preferabîs belsseen 30 t-rs. Ne-w car condition. and 40 vears or tige. Applr Mr. E.G. Rder. Gosernor, Hatton .aunI3 Jail, Milton,. Ont. 11964 Pontiac Conve 1-t7-8 181t 8 estinder, auoaaic. iIELP WANTED -"OuI utI powr steeriag. power oi o n shorier lîouî :u Se whitessali, usheel dises usimmediattl. Opportanil- ta ers, tacnsuiihswhite rac sefcona mners Ratleigb Pro- tes condition. License t lotis, fuît ut paît r ime. No es- 791. perene ecesav.Write Rais- îigit. Dept. 1-284-29. 4005 Ritcie- ieu St., Si. Hearsv, Moatreat. ____c-i7-8172 1963 Oldsmobile IIELP WANTED 2 Door Hardtoi Men and Womnen Aulomnatie, radio, parne Part Time ing. paower brakes. whi Eaî a $3 - $4 per hoor assisîtaf sabheet dises, wicdsbiel icis sîtappcr-tcarrierîin lite lbIbis- ers. Liccase Na. E6759! 'EL E atin sshite- ssash- ertible radia, brakes, s, wash- Noa. 159- -88 er steer- Lternalla, Id wash- andu Milton. Foi torilici inlormalion, 1962 Pontiac Sedan 1-3545 ect Autarnatie, radio.,ishiternalîs, Brampton 415 45 dEýc-i. usasher-s, sery ean car, Liccase No. 526670. Teachers Wanted PrinCipa['s Relief N ESOLCESINO TOWNSHIP Gratdei 7 ,andut8, tîsu tatour ilt utas pt-r uueek. S,îiuusaccorslingtl u qailica. ttin andi espcerience. Atîpis hY lterytalîg epn- MES. T. A. GRANT. Secret, tesv T.S.A. Esqoc-iiîg. E. R. 3. Geugetouin. b-t10-2 Female Help Wanted MOMAN AS FARIXTIME SALES CLERK lui Dousuiousa Store, Apl t Box No. 1 1 The Canadien Champion c Il EXECUTIVE TYPE SALESMAN lte le-il leý CnaîsiautComîpanîy lin ils ifelut h,îy tuperbmanent posito ititu s-ttat- oocif(ttae ftan al satesmuin ini the Milton anîd sitconiitsing îu-e.. Shoaut d e tieetui the apev iii 22 .uîuît4 5, ie rit-s. Expericnce pui-ctre ut hi ualt evvseatiab. Stiosu-ititlt rc-iiîii, io botnuîs paitd luneuîc iuaqutatilies. (Silice ,accomodcationu pnovided. KiotIls repu-i iin confidenîce st,ît- lig basckgrounduandbin,îîuutdi -ile. Replies sucktosslesglk,îîîsan îieulvics aur.uîgest, Mile Box 12 Canacdian Championi c-t -tI 1 . SOLO IY THRMIJHE UNI ANS 1962 Comet Custom 2 Door Raîdio, uîliieuîails, ws-uîes, su Ieet dises, il-ien gney sith ted inlenior. Licettue No, 455647. 1962 Voîkswagen Mlicuatradio, b1asuner can. Licuint Na. E63902. 1962 Rambler Sedan Wiîh seashens andt seat helis, uery bm mileage. likec ern. Licetuse No. E74117. 1960 CheVrolet 4 Door Station Wagon Autoratic, sutîtteusais, wheel discs, windshield mashens, anc ousîer ectr. Licetîse No. X1713. 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air 2 Door 2 Ta Cheuase Promi Autoîualic. Radio. White Mails«, W-leel Discs, Wiuduhield Meuh- erLica c Nos E70622 and 572551. BUY NOM AT REED REDFERN LIMITED Ontario StreetI South, Milton. TR 8-2393 CE

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