GLEN EDEN Lake , l fa at the Kelso Con- iiykes Bow 'O.ut Hamilton Leads Series servation AreaT ul was replenîshed oBulngtorî ..,,-. , wth 5,000 Raja- Aller an 11-5 in-oss record on Hit aib ll ibo5-4w Trout Onl bir san..s play, which put Hint took a one.gametead grouader aad then on Rowe's 4Week, yofat Ii nrnto the egu, iios so Tykew tnh ie st-af-fiv selles for! blourder tht t over irsi and ek yte lau itnsEs yebw the Hatone ctamianship slien mieanmii ait second and third. Ontario Depari- eîî oui narratvly bul quicktp in they defeaieci Campbelville 0v a An înl,.nllonal îpas% filled -the mntofLnd itvir serntiinal elampiansbtpset- 5-4scoe i Czmpbllvlle Fiiýli.vbass ad ilenDrege rre o and Foresis. An es witi Bîteiaglon last week. 5-n creti aipetiirdvt isni rnde redgeoreOin wo 'officiali s shown The lbiais tast a live-ianing Madden in relief aI Aderiso rutîsand Hulit single tirose in dumping t h e game last Ttiesdav hs' an 8-7 scure, was the wioing pitcher and ithe la two aic fingartings tram iie, iattuî. il inTtîtîsday mith seteran Campbeilville vauttîpan, Dispte Caili the emergency an 8-6 lava. Mition oa tIdis Jack Robrs, wbo weattt ite i I tmît nid t 4-4 ie untit thesplw. Th thaeîdcme-tbtneor mas, asethe lover. M îddsa s il am aI i othe eventlb saen st mlay pomies theaicngaie h i- caesp.., seven and tIv-itîte-da s iga vlilden vs iI, vsJaacriliced ' oveo miseng b l iite d tadsites o stîmîtItie deit'ttîitsg cs ipioîe Ioiisecontd, utui i third t ntan o dait 5fr55vIIth c n fl ale ails ais lott ha. H.- lîtel, sait t~îî ,îil cioî, 1 Il e r~ fe a o T Il,, , -l , lîtt Io tIV oun t r lu statt.eit ltiii.c ssîe'lit ii. tiditlae Iilci îatîls'lv foY51 -t' I ,t' lt itiiili son, hisspredeceviar. gavte uts Ite 1tItis Ititiig MU& adde niumtsl.... i popular b en .iA tltadi lite1i i-a gantsett'at four ruas in oan îd une-tird I iaggtîd upa îilird and trangets, far anglesa at lgluitetasIi Mitn. iaaings an is litsilaatd aine Itle ruts %as altasîad, evený watk. ltatgh 'aaoth tipire dmittd Th alsa mas a iearîbreaker sial tlic ' vdidînti o% hSSt.Set.i for Roberts, a-ho gave uîp [ive ie tad lagged uîp o oa ahe rtSo.ep.I ruas, al unearned. att sven' hadal veetsi. bits. He struek oui three issd tei Riek Husi t ed teHamlo only makhle:low ivs i-atta k vvth a doulead H u e L a ue e dato P o f tentional.1 sinîgle. T.tnezi, RowMendyk o s e g e , H a n o P a o Lose FlyBal 1 Rbers an Maden il ingled. Caniphetivitte jutmped itt a Stani Hetîdersan, Eart Caliras and It I lpayaff imie for the Mit-i The tattamîag ta the sehedutte 330 p.ta., Sun., Sept. 12, Grp. 4-0 lead in -the second iniag. Jack Rotbertsa ilt tad twoitsitan Minor Basehail Leagute for Ise semi-tin.ta ad liiaI,: 12 Redl Saxs iWtte Sos. Singles hy Hende rsan and Cairans'lor C.mphelisile, ishite Etmer hause cagite teama. asad minr' 'B' LEAGUE 1 'A' LEAGUE and aalk 1aaded tIe bises. Dredae. 1Bill Etiot t I SutKing 1eaigue atcit nd coaches 10 s.m., Sa.t Setîs., s . , j( a ta.' Sat., Septi. Il, Cc. . The Hamitoanrighit icî anec ete. havîe areed la tîatd ait playait Ysnkv lAIiTîtrsetr) Vs ligeitalis(V. Ktts.ttit),l vaotdg- loai Kings fIs baula nthe ighla. The cries su nin be bc etd 1,gatnes an ibreacacnsecuttise l(Lin Rlseýrital )eta(S. Kiitîlkk. Il drapped t rasiceat u*t sît eiahave fpane mb to eekendv. heginaiîsg Sepleniher t1p.m . Sa.t .Sept. I, licp.2.tssi.Ss.ep.l.Gp.2 Hendern seared. Rlert' te OBA. stait-Il 1.Otiiutata dcited flot la taît: Red ut Ss(W. Thosotîvtal vsWliieMetv lA SitieNa ttaC,tut(EI single drave int tiamure.tsnd R HEl h vfsiisweedb-ýSox BFIMile).tav. Dredge's single ptated attser. C'ville 040 00 000494 cueo tehlda ad te 1.0 Sru.Sept 1I g ta1 . it. nSept . ,Gii.1 ta the balli o t heii t hise ililsi. iliisa 014 001x 70 îSe Rn-r eiin.1 ak ,Tg. , tia ta %, iet Hamilton ied il up an Ctiap- Carntis elkili:ei-ts cW t titi3 . Sit., SVPt. 12, O p, te mcus Wîîh tisa aStit.ii e:Hatsihos nrsn , Ma \tet, t%, l',d. Hnesnerdon i nnîtei*tadets(2)tîsndRusell. Final'B EhrdiiiInter-Counpty I FI al.,St1, hnr of(i[. 1 t\,titssier otlGrp. 2. 1 11-2 Defel O st u R ies M eet Grecers jin Semi-0în l., aSt i, Sept. 19, asis- Ahli sppîn ti ird plce p rudfrvletoh. 2 in , ~ ,bkIIDn, te tb5 n' latin he O ali Ba k NeiWed edy'A' LEAGIJE NEU h v.D..ND SVD5huiED Da salis intI ntr-Cutibi i irtgai o iahi hdFinials The Rtarv Raders bweh tof Rh a aI o bttof theiup, baII Ltagei egt f ltr ue oAcln[i id, tit, iSetpt. 18, îîiîsaeî af Prasinetal Wone'v Sfibailý SIsa Fi b s.i g u-o Gee A m-ia Veis .I ihIi-l aniiiI et%,l (11 ,uitcc i.2 Union ptay as Norwih haded (foite, loie 3lioais. une i hem an il-2 defeat last Weetaea- 1lu hminhp nfi ckcrdO i g ord a a- GP 1 day ai Hraby Park. Tli is t s ' ri iettitable perlo-a nc. G. vo th pen i il 32 L1 ui[e(I ,(l, 2 bath opupibir ead hi tkittg at -i- Tise aitheendoflescattaii i santage of timets' itiag anidi-us hessgagî ercon l - ý cvr1G a f V A IFei %ll Miton fieldtng musettes, lithe uts lais sb O fa VS, Vbot grri, okli Atlbaagb imiîed ta fise ita ba' vthe H.itii adis'Sotbli____-__adth_______vAto d-Ilin Pal Seaut, the Raidesiercai n aLeaoîîe. Tise NorthHalo rw10ulr 2 nWilim, ad ORt d in lleRT% V i contentian ailthebm ais. Miltonsi ilsîtaltetl up terga h edla risu ar laig('1in Il M R S O T _%I le pl na receiaed 15 walka, bat alsa left15 iii tîtii lacse. una is ha fohr sri-ia eis an h NIIIllt[LII %t ranneraslraaded. as thev caisictiMilitn. Tie, % cniii ,\% vnei orafnl PAGE EI %mi, le5 came ap aitb a luic it.btitua iie diimg the oii i drve nt he rans. essîs s tli Iirit a ilr.T i New Catcher tiil s lsie ri ic, lheMil Maraba Walie %vas ina cîntrat to as Rî,, tRîtimthfl Ibroagisoal the game, giiag op spiîi t addeie t e Gog- 12 its and ise ssatkv, ssbie sauts leaisa,and lho tes ido ctaiming Il trikeats. Witb Car- pliai twihthe, acapbe LOOK TO old F hdÀ r Four Run Raly AGeorgetown Humbles Raiders Afetdîng errar h ilMtona the illM t ta R sisRaidera bit Rotary Raides ' second asimnaîsGieorgetoawn for ibe second son-I paved the sas foraltourcruut-!ai tsil >1hiv hsai h ree ail ise sec brl n the flth trame. and iev. au tub the gami sltcîd fsu tart Georgetomwna-ens on toa iata ul8.1.Sp.m. as HuschiPark. 12-7 in. This firsi gamne ai the As a bigIisipaoralue 'Otd Fash- urban cbamapioasbip series lîad iaaed Dut s' profra-m ia Miltn, been a ighî ight tp ta iis poins.' he Rois sRaiders base been ask- and the Raiders had been h~-fang esng u ssut lts us anexhibition gante F0OR THE BESJ YELLOW TAG S -A-tL- E SALE THIS WEEK ONLY THURS. - FRI. - SAT. -- SEPT. 2-3-4 und matafg. Tiîsu da-se etiag. WilItie gai HOOVER STAINLESS STEEL PLATE Gloria Zilia gave p 10 itsaanti satied lits h.30t1iuai Rtars OVE J four free passes la uMiton. shito P.usk. i iahupd bai the ottfscius STEA.M RON - $13-99 Georgetaswn tabbd Marsha VaI- s iheilus e d onlsuas the 'l t. di ta 5bt n oraak.Ratr uiihîel otel' SUPREME TEFLON e,$5 Bon hurlera ment the distance asake iluonime c thei r crutual FYPAN1 - - 3 4 laefo a1y hriand Irourie aing idears wl i- osi oN Reg.C$4.5 for Ieir clubs and neither waa game ag.îsaal Georgetoswn n FY A S 34 jouit, Jr1 IC Kaye Clubs Borner TEFLON Cook Set - $29.95 Pal Davidson cloaied a triple Tu allic Poster ."Ke and la-o siagle for the North Hal- Righl -Center Iae tforc cca sbua n g ton crea-, and Judy Sheppard anti Casa-cis ire assamans 2pc . tosW tm r Ch i Les Quackenhush caaaled lhrec -aa iskepa o o safelies each. Kayc Marsh club- readn' hi eucph in ta rm 2pc rtoeWetoeCe bed a boa-cc aad a anc haggerfrraigcten te fns the Rotary Raide rs, sithib I iiýs oi, neeclv Bridgmn and Vi Sechi conr-k,\ snehg u sverv- hutiag tre singes apuase. tig uhi i i ssu s e- Toa-arraa- igt, lTIsrsdav.1tig a -ot -ehig 2 e CAMP COTS REG. $7.95 PAID ON SMALL- FRY TEETER TOTTERS,Re GUARANTEED -itCAPELGLCUBS TRUST CERTUFICATES " issaed in amoanti ram $10 30" Tappan Automatic Rangs, upwards for 3, 4 or 5 yaars.WTHEAEAR " eara tha abave indicaInd iniereil, WT CA OTINNTAL D RBOX SF1I payable haif-pearîts by chaque. 391" ONINNT L I " aaihorizad invesimeal for ait Canadian Insuranca Companues Self Sharpening and trust fonds. JUBILEE 13" TINE TILLER - THE ~REFRIGERATRS... Biggest Tr L ý AIRONT ' ', tHAI Don 372 eg St, 35 Dunlep St., 73 Mississegla E., 1 136 Main St. Milton Terono Barrie Orillia j WATCH FOR "HI YLLOWTA~ USE CEST EASY PAY PLAN terfield Set - REG. $17995 $119.95 AREUES rERS, WADING POOLS 19c eacls or 6 for 75c .AndeU ,UNGES $5.49 .. $49.95 $9.95 ETC. $3.99 ~Reg. 229.95 -189.95 eRNGAN ATRESs.59.88 Reg. $119.95 - --$99.95 rade-in Allowance Ever IDWARE n Merrt Authoriced DealenOwner TR 8-6011 The Canadian «Champion, Wednesday, Sept. 1sf. 1965 Villagers Vanquished By Merlin Midgets Campbelîviîîe Mdgef "D" entry ta the OEBA. playotf sectes tosi their firsI encounler ta Merlin by a 111-Iscore on tbe maekend, Garnel Mitchell and Jack Mayas had ta-o singles eachinthie tain! cause, and Peler Andrems and Neil Robertsos bath hil one-base blami. Daag Mckaaghtin pitched ap la the siath i ntang a-en Mer- tua had a threc-t lead, thea tht aîtagev ehl ap rt and altassed lvi tans ta the c%,ctith and tisa Le W. EMMS ELECTRIC Contracting and Servicing MILTON RED SOX weai dama ta defeat la a 13-8 ball gamne miih Creemore Sanday, as they basted ibe f rît game of their OBA. lin. "B" series la Milton. Sox btter Pete Sherrail is shown gertisg set ta take a cui as a caran atfered by Creemaore ESQUESUNG T.S.A. PARENTS Of Pubklic School Childen PLEASE NOTE SCHOOL BUS ROUTES Phone Milton TR 89731 STEWARTTOWN: THOSE TRANSFERRED PROM STEWARTTOWN TO PINEVIEW ON THE 7th AND Sus AND TOWN LINE wiIl ride a southbound bus. Pick-up commences ei 8.15 &.m. Ail other roules remain the sème es lest ierm. The attandance aI Stewartown Scbool miii be frozen as of September 7, 1965, and any fariher registratisianatheib arma normally serned by ibis achool miii be directed ta tbm nearesi achoal a-ts avoulable accommodations and transportation musi be arranged by the parents ta ibe closeat mising transportation providied by the Board. Classes siari ai 840 a.m. GLEN WILLIAMS, SPEYSIDE, LIMEI4OUSE and NOR VAL ROUTES REMAIN THE SAME AS LAST TERM. LIMEHOUSE CLASSES START AT 8.40 A. OLEN WILLIAMS CLASSES START AT 8.50 A. SPEYSIDE CLASSES START AT 9.10 A. NORVAL CLASSES START AT 8.40 A. PINEVIEW and MILTON HEIGHTS ALL CHILDREN WEST 0F 3rd LIN! ON Ne. 5 SIDE ROAD WILL RIDE ON WEST BOUND BUS. Pick-up wiII be et approximaîely 8020 ».m. There wiIl be no change on Ne. 25 Highway (Peru ta Milon i'eights) Al ther bus moules remets the srne as last ierm. PINEVIEW CLASSES START AT 910 A. MILTON HEIGHTS CLASSES START AT 8.40 A. PUIPILS ATTENDING GRADE THREE AT LIMEIIOSE WiII be accommodat.d at Glen Williams School until such time as the new addition at Limehous. is complet.d. Pupils attending Grades 4 and 5 of Mrs. Riddell's Class and Grade 6 of Mr. Blains' Class AT PINEVI'EW WiII be accommodated at Hornby School until sucb time as the new addition at Pineview is completed. THE ABOVE SCI4EDULE IS TO APPLY IN ALL INSTANCES, SUBJECT TO ANY REVISIONS THE BOARD INOS NECESSARY, POLLOWING A TRIAL PERIOD. IN THE EVENT 0F A CHANGE, PARENTS 0F PUPILS APPECTED WILL BE NOTIFIED. SCHOOL OPENS SEPTEMBER 7th vX. Drive Carefullyl 5 -77ý Z 7 7 1