Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Sep 1965, p. 2

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CORN.ON-THE.COE SEASON bas arrined in Haton Counfy. and everymbere yoa go. the festine fre os hot, bnfrered, saty coro coits. Nobocyloves the stuff ike the yoongsters, and f unie ihree boys ciaimed their lady friend mos jmvi holding some for f hem mhiie f hey gobbied dlomn iheir fini t oits o a corn roant in Kititide Safocday nighî. The occasion mas a film nighf and cocn roasi heid for dozens of boys and girls mho play for the village boiltfeams, sponisored by the Recreafion Committee of the vilage. rom the leff, eam copraîns Ronnie Haringaonif the Squirfs, David Yemm of the Pee Wees, and 0men Yemm oi the Baniams rush f0 gobitie their toits mhle Terîy Couson, ginls' tnom captain, pnoudiy shows off the handiot she hopes fo ie- molish. CAMPBEELVILLE it the St. Divd'n Grls' Group litd purchased a dlock forD Sho ers Trps n Nwsthe Stinday Scheluy Sigiig of Cotruct Shower Tri s in N ews If tics moved that the WM S By Mns. George Inglit s %%,ot as buried on Monday fon[lic Blair Evening Auiar Mis. .Fila ai'Jealn attend trom the Mctntyr, and Witkie, or their Thankoff ig meeging $306, 00 e wugesP at edabridai shower Ior mis., Reva Iineici home in Guelph tu Wood- in September. An ivtainw M CntMndya-m cu l Smted hhMitnCuelMnd -1wr ol bc itaeduh a Sihatehomne ni Miss Betty tasen cemneters, Gueph. ticcepted t0 attend the 0h O -a Y 6 cvtni tetw nia indno rnvoWedneversarv ni Nass poethsingofagaweya Preshvt n go- 3i00eevan Mi întMis Geirofinlisar-b C hon contraci with J. P. Morgan Co., its intent when the approvat wsn (1,1 evcing Man tiefulgit,ý ;ivedhom on ridvtiren l*c elLtd. for construiction of the ttd- reeeived. When i mas suggesied were receicet i mjin relaivesire rip won fotulthe Grcac M.Rbr i l- edc teddt otetomossAýteicl heapoa a miet tînti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II rets.inîîthî,ltpprgCete o ir teriti aite r ottieh a hymo ment plant, stubijet to the cp- inembe s agi-eeci o the resti- Mn fies. hr ii es litiiiti n eShoitpine îdni tre, -wsns stng. Mis. George Black proval nt Ceotîtît Mnrtgage eand ion. il britdaîtsttoer ginen ini îttîîto i1atits. A sut i ise ditîner mas gëtîee h om e irnsuyttoig The treaiment ptant addition Miss Lestev Oasiosonîc n c atiîît-. utt n Sîtci si it gîehts, Mi. îtok tatk un teachers n the Cosînitior B. Best poioted out itt he the second to the basic dlîs evenitif. Ahnboli Rise ît i ý,dMes. Rus Dîtîttîeitntindtuie c'onlttnitN,, teachers on onivers- detays in proceeding on the job' in.Tetett ev ou in rientts tttenttet. Gie o Mi lti Aietshit:Robhert fl-itv andtIteachlers ove rsan d tdresuît inocooeretc having 1painot.aTreiaent 1,00e a op ttete Cotttitcteti v h tit es Mr. catiMr,. Davitt Bevet iî,w ilsbc triends zenda ke 10o be heated i ilt mas laid n the tLion idedan the dd1,0 itlf Ei.t.isi 1ieîîdssshich wsO clider months. He predictis c mptet tuIîttii is Ml ittît , tt il în'ii Flstti Ati Ms Isolti iail. cîîîld add t55,00Io the job. M Tssti il t iinl tlt.tt .ti l Mîutiît Itiî , k Cîfuu \11,-t i i i.tîktait îtiii t, lh e t F i t -tiIC a poilhd Bonnîîe gi l eps uuspell, "îty- I MitIt-Ion Il'.u-tteeîng a stlctess, tind i'tht O.?ýMÀ F lîntpils ý1.id engGet Your ltîîîstcss aîd etnsed iih praser est. A t notrib maeli ittitiMI "uuM tt luttis t .tutî.lisCtssut aitt social hall hoor iottowed. g t,000 s e rmtc Millce andî, U.S.. oie46ic nits iti ofthe> 'itirteen faies mereupreseot. CMHlC. Mi î MchUSA. -t la lttîîiordctislvclutitiS Miltoi1Mr. anîd Mrs. Wal lace King ai- Metobersitdt u sgn he Regulation ieddthe %stetding iil itîtîr ie-t icict itasti trets Itake. P- t1 eoded thte hirthdlay dinnernon ontiprinr GYMe euuIval phew, Kvili Ell ot Hoin, onlgr-ive eucre, brige andPro- Sîtotav of'Liodli Cniiing. ove- buit agreed t i10 WW sgnn G M SUT euttir ii îîii f ut uS s iti te u tie, britie d til O -Id cduîîghier ut Mr. uand Mrs. sehen thaitîn ovlwa bti- wT Bit îHtîs pi gret-iiiîs t Io t -tîhot ihululise- ssiîîneîîtidicttd t'-oe Coting. cd. The ceouin ci-- l' Wiieclitiiî.Rîîs Faiket .antd 13itite ' h FrettHltî hîîtie Mes. Pied M.tt r.Lnc atscliefrs ITNDPRMN st îttii.tbîit pl- l utii ePori utt01 w re st-ee od guesis of Mr. ansi tract, mas funalv Pa s d Whe S TO D R LTD. Miss tiaîatet MtPitai o: itei-icU ti Id;lil I %iie PerklNMis, taris Ptiiips i Belmood si tt5quaified ih te prs: S O E L D tsi itt11)0111 h uit trliti k. Snî ajtf lu CMHC prval 200ManSt Miltion TR"-261 im c Mi and it11 s. 1Mtî1 Mi '. Edpî,t Caititît s h ltl5is t hard lu fîcieve. htuttkeoed Mi- SltltiI l l it t niti il t-t'Ii l t'e A" tittis t lltuif it an%, of<>thevt-s etstaneifttitt iteek ai Hatiituittîtî tîttpi'.ltit, iii St. Da\tid's Pieftt Itit ils.resideois ti.Thai %slis a' A E. iîiuitp P'îîlîtîîîîîs l v i, ot iot îî'oîîî Mi titi Mrs. Cari Oliver iof -EDWARD G. IRVING botitpisDa\ sttitttta iitttttt .itsîî ilia II it. ItfsiîOgs Dr .antl ý.M-Dîniadý lii lot Il,-uIIotlttttt. loittfhatidinnertoSundav it ii ii tttititlltitilt , MIs Willi.Ittt Iiîîk atati gettte iiParkvles Moteltio Guelph. @ftg *Evsruhn -;iKiigpsiiti iltit. i siuitlittiipettiti.isi ii Miss Flietîbetit Kentdsv is - * Alumin*um vsiduina Mi-. tti sinyiîî. i îiii tlaisî nBeito MntRE.OOI0GAluR PEiALTYdig Stttptiitutttit to iiMilish ePioncr Village sel foifîtte ntef uttiMî i'. tCaiîs titis ,i Ram .nT realens ... ed the Committees Old Fash tiiiii itîtty tu iContivo d front Page One)t1thîldîto soîp boscarsan ant- lonei Davs progî-am tand f tthe iitettcu iiiMis. lupus lticr tii. the s%;mmtng pont. Bth skît iquorotse tarit and toit sommer îsci-eattltttlprogri n iîîlîîîîtsîi i itîi iei, titi liv \U1 and noveltraces selbe fealur- grotipsni'nmajoet lts. Att chitd- Milton. 11fi îît. I"tc Jaiî.îji ed and ait ai childien are in-.ten %%hbu tre enîcred ini the patr- viied f0 corne andi jin in the'atie shatîlefbc ai tht-store nvotla- festities. iti- han 06.30 pm. Att tht ssceek, playgîound Frtday Clmax ehildîco hase been sorking on The partate sel go dosen Main, ciais iannd the Pioncer. St.and across 10 the Roirs nt r and Indian Villages i Roars paýrk, sshere the Demonstration'O ta i Park. Bnlh sillages hase, been1 Nîpghisili be heid. The pfanned bul and are on dipiiv'otiti e pratiam inciode.s the presenta- ishote seek. ion ut ssimmivp assaris ltcu Mr. Saltreports ltthL helltiiîltirenssliîîatîendedthesssim- sscek sit vol bc alwourle for the'ning esson-.aii te pooi ibis chidrn attending the monivg se, s s i ,nchronized sssim- l and aflernoon Rotary Park pics- m tnp. hati salis, setîha divinu grounds. Threc prizecsof' S5 each [andttatnein, dispias., titi be asscrded for the besl bii An indian raid b thilidîaî cycle, wtagon and doit tairiage i tut thie tdian Village on tht, decorated its tbildrcn ai the' ptaygrond. He aisn noled hiaFr kig16 any child itho makes ive ci articles, change puie kesi case, Limit Parkn pencil case or other articles furi arade9 65r sale ai the Pioncer Village, sii ,orPaad s e I be given ove article fiee. Ans child wbn makes thîce of ibese Thtresetvit hc vo parking along, artcle wil b gien he hanethe noth side oi Main St. bc- t uanarticlesn e gien the cetteen Martin St. and BelliSSt no oy n rliteai os pue, during the Sattîrday afîcînoo T uâtiAtreaon d Tieor Starparse adcd Tedt, M Residenosi*eL A B 4 Mu rcraioAtndirTtee s ty eam i sayrd. in lte tai childien must attend the and st-htors -re ailedIo keep Rotary Park plasground ut east ibeir cars off the nortb side tif, imice 10 enter the parade on Fni- the tbrongbfaîe to make suie;ý day evening. This t5 tu insure ibai ihere is room for the par- that the ehildien wtît bave their-cd and the crild s eptcted ici bicycles decoraîed for the event. attend. The parade teaves Mitoin The J. M. Denses and W. . Diek Plaza ai 12.30 on Saturdas i- ptaygroonds hase heen caneelted lernoon lu head dosen Main St. fur thesseek. 1.0thie Fait Gruunds^. Pai king Tht climax of the secck for es- seul Se proibuhteti on thet onthSFE cri-une ai the plasgronds wiii sue iof Main St. ttttm 1130 -liiRE bc the Fridas ilh parade that! Satoretas monîiîg. is scheduted 10 leave the Bl Pr ing he lbcpeîmitîed tfr P RK N ers' Reluit stoe ai 7 p m ParkingRsING Th np the Retiea- ion Ciamîis parade iii consisi nofisen bands PFila'esen ing parade hectîne antique ecars, fluais, plavgîoond ibhe atil nuecgnles iii 001 he nviseef iv the parade. This per- adettc-ses tht Bisi sRelutl titre ai 7 p.m. Fida nigh,' heasis dosse Main Si. lu tht Mil- iI on Communits Swimming Pool VARIETY ithe Rotary Park.PR G Mt f Pollock and AtDY Campbell*t Manufacturera of HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 62 Water St., North OALT Tetephasse 621-7580 MLTOkNILB Y878-3272 ' SEPTEM I THILIUS.FRI..SAT. SEP. 23-4 "How the West Was Won' in color JOHN WAYNE - JAMES STEWART CARTOON - FINE FEATHERED FRIEND MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2 P.M. Owlng ta L.ngth ONE Show ach Nlh t S p.m. MON.-TUES..WED. SEPT. 6.7-S "G.t Yourself a College Girl" in color AT TH1E j MARY ANN 00001EV - DAVE CLARK IVE WONDERFUL NEW YORK Cartoon - Mous. Cornes t. Dinner g j ll,"ý 1,.',01W , ita fur two months. C r.tyW r fAlKni i, \11'. iîiiif iit ii . Cogratulai ions Iot Mis. Frank C re tyW r-o l id ia il adMis J.K Culsn, Bilingion. ssho celc- PHONE 878-6020 ,m ih m, and stipplx yt bi it-d htî tOlsi hirihdav on ir 1. Rtc\ Park'.1 t vît iti d nLis. Free Estimates - Ail Work Guaranteed o Steam & Antique Preservers Association Incorporated "STEAM -ERA" OR DAY WEEKEND * FREE tGRANDSTAND ilEntertoinrnent Downtown BER 3' Aand COE 6 ON SUNDAY TWO PARADES DAILY - MILTON FAIR GROUNDS 0 Something for Everyone *b This is the Last Big Weekend CHILDREN <under 12) 50C THURS..PRI.-SAT. SEPT. 9.10.11 "1TIE CARPETBAGGERS" in color GEORGE PEPPARD - CARROLL BAKER CARTOON - SIONT FOR SQUAW EYES AduitIntevtalnment Owlng t. Lngth ONE Show Iach Night et 8 p.m. SHOW TIMES MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY - One Comple program mh .venlng et 8 p.m. FRIDAY end SATURDAY et 7 end 9 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEI - 2 P.M. ADMISSION $ 1.00 w w u0ou roua

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