OIITUARY Mrs. H. Cleave A lie-long Georgetown district residenî. Mrs. Herbert Cleave, 61, of Georgetown, dîed in the Georgetown DistricA MemorisA HospitalI BSAugusA 5. She was the mBlher of Mrs. J. E. Hartley (DoroAhyt of Burlinglon, for merîy f Milon. The former JosephiSe Bel AnthoBy, she wBs he daughler of Andrew KYle Anlhony and Eizabeh Cunningham and WaS hors BS heir EsqBesing Town- s.hip larin. She allended Pine- grave school adBBBs amemberB BoI Novai Pesbtiîian C9BBBch in ierNouh. Foliouing ticiB'r mBrriag in 1911, Mr. nd Mrs. Cie.ve farm- CLI oS he present ErnstS Currs' farnîis the Scotch Bock, until the v reiired and moved lu Georgetown in 1943. She was B member of Esquesing Women's Insiîute and laies Georgeows Wl. As. a membes et Knox Pres- hî erian Chureh, Georgetown, sesvas a chasSer memher or the Scotch Bockroupof uthe W.A. and laier the Royal Circie and helonged lu the Wumen's Mis- siunary Socey. Fair Dretor She tSouk BaSactive interesî siîh ber hushand in the Esque- sing Agricuturai Society and was as hunorary director of the uoc- iely. She leBives her hushand. ose daughter (Doothy), Mrs. J. E. Harley of BBsingluS; lhrec gr.Bndciildren, Caruli*vss. David and Dean Harlies; and Inu sis- ters,. Mrs. Haruld Bingham (Gertrude) and Mrs. W. C. Be'.- ses (Emilv) ut Gergetown. She -vas predeceased hv a rolher, Waler Anthony, Georgeuwn and sisiers, Mrs. Fred Howse of Lis- lowel. Mrs. Bertha BruIlol Guelph, and Mrs. Juseph A. Les- lie ol Belmunl. Rev. Aes Cader ur Peterhor- ough, a former miisier ut Knoux Church, Georgetuswn, con- dueied the fuserai service in thc church os Augusl 17. Palîhearers ssere Frank, Walker and James Cleave of Georgetown, Donald CIBBBB C oftNovai. H.vali McCure ot Brampton, and Cleave Wilsoný ut Buringlun. Inerment mas in Gr-ecnssuod Cerneery, George- tuBwn. Cars whch make ferer stups .n expecl reales cononm. "Stop and go" driving in coid seather greatis reduces gasoine mileafe. BesI cuid neather cunumv s bs hained aller abouut 20 minutes ut drising. Correction Through a mis-up in pctB.es, n phuiugraph ut Aiec Wisun ap- peared i scurrectIvli .ssth a siurs on the deaSh ut Angetu Nadalin un the front pape ut ast seeks Champion. The Champion wsishes' tu apuiugize l ut he Ndaiin and Wisun [am lies fr ans meusn- venience or emhbarassment the errur mas hase Batised.i M. Nadalin, whou ias kiiied un August 20 near hi'. home aI R R. 3 Milton, had reired hrsc eBBeks sanlies and M. Wilson wBas pic- ured shahing hands Nrîîh he re- iring Milton Brick emptuse in the Auguos1i issue of The Champ- uon. A staf memher gut the ssrong man's piBtusc [rum the i etirement photo and as asrsuit. Ms.Wii- suns picture appeascd Nvith the stury insîead ut Ms. Nadains. The phutu heIow ijrfihc osewhich should have heen used. 6L.U6 lacwI9WE "' (F10 CHANNEL 9 10.30 - 11.00 A.M. MON. ta FRI. FOR THE HOLIDAY WEEK-END SPECIALI SWIFT'S PREMIUM RINDLESS SIDE BACON PECL' 8 9C SWSPEC UM 4 WIENERSID LB- P 7 4 c SPECIAL! SHOPSY'S SLICED SPECIAL! BURN'S RAM .....-2.89 0FROZEN FOODS SPECIAL! MINUTE MAIS JVICE -.2OZ. iNs47 z I SPECIAL! TURKEY, CIIICKEN orEF MOITON q MEAT PIES ........VKS "SEARCH FOR MISS CANADA" 1< SEE CASHIERS FOR ENTRY BLAI SEE THE CANDIDATES' PICT POSTED IN YOUR LOCAL LOB STORE 45C PREDRESSEC GRADE B"A" 6 TO 10 LBS. SPECIAL! EVAPORATED CARNATIONC M ILK ............. BUTTERBALL PREDRESSED GRADE B"A" 6 TO 10LBS. Le. PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT. 1, 2, 3, 4 45C SPECIALI SUPER-MOGENIZED 79OZ c JACK & JILL TINS 7 PEANIT BUTTER SPECIAL! 30c OFF DEAL KN IZ1E2 JAR. C- 01O DTE GN ....PKG. 1@29 SPECIAL' HEREFORD SPECIAL! WILSON'SCRE SOF.DIN S . 10 FL. 4 C DEEF ............rN5 f im 6 OZ. TINS SPECIAL' HOSTESS BISCUITS SPECIAL! CHOICE HALVES-HUNT'S SNACK-TIME . .-S 5 c 28-FL. C M M N Kg P E C E S ...............2 Z. TINS 6 SPECIAL! PiII.bury Powderd-Ail Flavours SWEET, JUICY, EASY TO PEEL! .5J pKGs. A90 erni r r t ........D..NK LUL~ IIVLL CMEDIUM £1 c , PECIAL! BRIGHT'S FANCY 9 SIZE SIZE OIMATO 59 OAN E S DOZ.5 DOZ. JUICEt PROM CALIFORNIA! FANCY GRADE! SWEET AS HONEYI UC .......2!.rN 9 fl SEIAL' îily SRom ZGOo C NoiWhte Luod - 966 DARTLETT PEARS . I. .......7 o N-.c . c DLCOS WEBB<RBJB REBTB HME GRWN! o. 1GRAD! HYR MCOSIZE ONET ........2 -- 5 rR ES LAW SEULESS1 > RH GRPESL PoIJNDs39 c 'COI N' i DOZEN s VouaBabALe r .2 SF1 3Ic 1 COSEm V ,im39OUuwAZTN WHETHDR YOU PLAY INGO OR NOT OET TOURBINGOCAROSAT DEPOSIT TOUO BINGO CABAS AT TOUR LOMAW EOBLAWS. WATCH IV SHOW STORE WInH TOUR NAME. ADBRASS AND PHONE FOR PLAINO RAGES. AIS' NO. PRINIRD ON TH BACK FOR A CHANCE TO POSTES IN AIL LOKAW WIN A 1966 PONTIAC [ACH WEEK. TRS 39C - - - - 111-.C 11 ol--..lCl o'l I-,1 EIlC wl ERCYCLÎOPEDIA ICE CDEAM T OTHPASTl NESILEIS QUIK SHAVE CREAM IRSTAPT COFFEE CREMELLE POTATO CHIPS I II- 11- III- ", I I- -- -e1 .-C - CRISPY UNIONS CIEYFISEFLt MC BROWNIE MIX ICE F'LAKES IAAOM AICHDDARFRUIT DRINKS GRAHM WAFERS PEARUSn SEL --lo- --Nt ,- 11C.1- . o- MC8 B . SCOCLATE BRAM BES BBBBB BBBBBGEBB!BBBBBBB BICIB1BI I MEAT RALLS 0' DBANA SCAE AWAKE POUND CAKE MIX URIKO MARGARINE CLAR K $S SOUPS CHEESE SLICES - - -UI - -C- -C B BBBB BColB-B BBIBBB B B .SBBBBBOT 3 ta B B SA FLAKES LIQI LEC ^AN APSRAS IAI EEFE PEACHES OIG CADRAGE TOILET SOAP B B BBBBBBBB B B EC s BEN BI S01 B BB BB BB - - - - -0 ----------------- --------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------- 1