Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Sep 1965, p. 17

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9~~iJQTTINGS DY JIM DILLI e YOU'RE NEVER reallî' vnet far f romt home non mater where von 'travei. Scins someone ai- ',ia','u lni up uho hai tici at hnnme. Travelling 10 the CWNA convention in Edlmnntoîn, one nf Ibe dining ar u goctinittihotît ic hared a table tai Mairi Heleti Wheeiian. uhn'îcparentsh lue ini * aiass"ii N10t1tt or te idoute ni the CPR Catai.tui.itt ii far nmnre'duaiatali i.n le fltmononous ilandiiof lite prait- ici and Ontauio"î ialut niocution il atmuiih the",eitiiti'., enlc". telîci uol lîcci. The train sîiieî' tbroiigli t'ck cuiainng miarp piecipicci andî te cîlîlt liiand beanici 'cem cendie',î. 0 EtDMONTON 15 a b îîuîîîg ciii' i %i hdilure ',ec'istu b le an nivt'riiing ailelilltiti b.i e flite pieinniiialI;gunuth ii ddnIite naiîiial beauti 1îîîînd il a ciii in il hich Imuet gaiuIcns played an important roie. When tl romei lii decribittg the city and is giiiiih the ieterneri ieren't the eaut bit bauhful. They deighted 10 lhroi around the millioni by iihicitîtew pojeuivewre meatur- cd. *IN AQUICK ictfronlttîCal tut', I I LttFielîl B.C. v sI ll to Iti th itiItt' ltim tti '. a teitîtRtc kie',1lie beeti heu itg about it.e tiiiei.'aiii genfiapiti len n' ii.liont. Tuie inti'niui- loi' roliig tinithe ittothill', give titi' quickiv iii the firsi peaks ai lo iieiltialilBanfh. Furîher (Mlte stloNi capped peaki are evidtentu ith tieutir l"ry dîlie î~d tiiiîîei-aijîl moulineu. e Sf)ME 0F THla di tai Liiit)i ieadil l litoe periecc Cl]bla1inloit itogetic en' C\ nlLae iîpa'îicnlai' \\ith il'. green cati, înrruuiiîdeil bisccttei",rcally 'trhi' of te lilecin te lake pnvi de',. j' Dinner «Bell î',pical nutaIli te Rockieî pro- vide. 0 ITS APPROXIMATELY 2000 milei 10 Edmnonnfront Milton and thalis a long way. On the train il takes f rom Sunday night 10 Tueiday nighl, but ithen non gel there F on reaily leel yo're a lnofn ay frmnhoie. Bycon- IiiastaIliglitihomcniian lbc con t i ili a o to i l imi e PARTîCULARLY evtdcîîi In ni %vai the change in imte zones. Coing frnm the daylighl îaning tu standlardi ime. then tincentral and iounnni nezones, added ihîce hori ono thewîester'n trip ihich me promntly l oun theiuay back. 0 SEEING CANADA iîîî'cll înrithîhle. Fetu eonnîie', ca bîue. Wsternt Iospilalilvi i Cite liingtbal n'ai made qite eu'i- dnai lin isue ohrvst haie loimd. i would uommetid a weter'n trip 10 anynne. =THE GOQD OLD DAYS GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO adian Champion, Auguat 23, 1945. In a recenl interview wilh Ag rienlourai Repreienlaline J. E. Whilelock, we were inlormed Ihal the need nf farmi help iai great loday as il mas ai any lime during the paît sin years. The Agriculloral Office in Miton [or the paîl thrce month'î ha, bocti cneui dhi phne, lutter manl tue îtain~i îtetview"s mith lie ott repeated appeal for help on the farm. Local supplies of faumn help arc apparenfly non-exitent and coniequently, Mr. Whiteliick and hi. i ecre tory havne ipared n.o elinutt In icire hielp from on,. ildeinouces. Mi. Whilink ilate', Ihat he ha', ininumed anîhoritie', in To- ronto and clselitere that mn are pî'epaî'ed tu lake delinery of an y nnmher ni men, nighl or day, weekdav tir weekend. vihether tor the day., weeh or tnonth tir lnnger, providing ihey are ahle- hoîlicl and prepared 10 handie a pitcitiork. Some 107 farm hands me e ered in laIe Jonc and carly .uly and diîîrihuled 10 a's ceptbons, Ibesn mnn relorned 10 harnief Iheir own crops in West- ern Canada aronnd the middle nf Augusl. Rohert Simpson trucks haie heen supplying free transportation 10 Toronto com- mandos daily. The men are work' ing ont very well and the farm' ers, invaiahiy ask fou fhem back thce next dat. huit hi'. tutti uta' et ativ ap' picciteul gou i ttîut '.aying. It int mnlicient 1u enable farmeri gcneually Io mainlain the productonn ni necded fond- itou',. Ou allie', in îuch former- Iv ccupied ontrici ai Greece. i'oland and Belginm and elie' wherc are alîeady on aistarna- tintintake mil fnod. With the îînrld shorlage nifIfnod, Ihere ih nio alternative bal 10 ibare wtuime taie with lhn',e wi'o ogliti by unil 'idc in witbîland ing the onituofnithe Hon dur ing lite paît fine nu it veau',. Il îvu,nd Ibereluire cm thal Ihote nuitLare critiiiingor punpomed fond atiiining pnlicy do nol knuiii thelfaci',,r are nol pre- paî'ed Ia lace lhem. Sa944 ad SÉoe .0# BY BILL SMILEY 'l*itiulý ig a ilttler ;t iiieî l a uuuîarun d lie tuteIda%. lu"s Second Hoici mouni ime. and te Oid Btileave ,and t aie Iliv ne arund i na tizzv ofCtpuettaia' tiai. The lici lat\ci ue1-tt-c ai l8-ieattii-oituýn aiung ou patut o[tte huneîmnnIlip uuun 't itiiilv ioin. Viee au id a girl of hi,, u\\ il. The matît thung i u gel ontutftun lau a ti tile. Thiti'bus'ine',î t ut 'unuivg a îunm.'u butel nit lle ti' s raenthle Cotin tent ci utpt ute t\nu. The cientule lias', een ni [le hauecluti'. bnt te îuhîuuientupite lai iii ddi au' bacs, .Nut li do te gnet es- pecu t (uil at tupil night uitb thun. luitt hit i. C idi l lo noppen tutlic uuur necosi.lie- pheut', nit le mil'tiii enîîec:tî\.)il tube on decl ai 7 a.m. tut eh htiein: %tîltere the cul ual i;huitl\tu tu nttu te ln printler; "Ar e uu e fme suîumnn mon. Uncie Bil"?" anud tuh% Dadd nas',u îoguchy uin lic'e' tieci un uuke hit. Atutllieu c' arc 'tuiet' Neit Niett 'm uuingilui bUt barbeciue ciaiucojl lithie car- luail tue cottkeil oiimann steka nd tuitanîhurgeti. t cui>t lotutt e-I n i efae 1 \cilupi ion a cielit" li Illieliiiti' r n, uu.a coucl int tnii tuiN ati, nthie allie llottr. anduith bahelinituf lion Ular.hbil1ltýttuti'tliectuitu mi uun blin a mnthl. Oit t lic' .1', klit pulli iil te eainue, antd%%uec etni havitug liut oIuueucu. i dii tbiîîk i' a bit tîtuehu %%lienî tiey ilai t ni.tingtiescrutionni tutu nuit Na anti asuing ni thevît re- cininIlite pacetn al ueir fiircti. ticcau,,ie Cithe tnîu 1 eexcellent cuiine and entheltainmeitit)iucu c' li ge . boitui1 f li t tti,',ieuhu.iuruied' cing annieriarv coming np. tutnd cateter iafelv off 1u camuup itu lbenoiigh clothe', tn tunEunope. antIa ag 0I tutti. cutdi and rotukie', ibe coti]iltt c liftlt uue'ue gui- tinueiauiu lor The Titp. Flî't li l tut le 'Tui uuil le i tuti te litîuht '. . tlnîg, lam. (l\i . cîol nigbui uttt Nr i [giicig tutt% . . . "iti' tutt )i\bat c'rle nuduna nhall tu th, tielong. az hau' lai.huit tho ulthohuttarl-uîuuiigng nightî. i illtrain. l'Il gîte odît'. EilhtIIn Vcic luine ln a haienger letnutt ttun i Vighti Bout. iltd tutbelnn, lui a Iei - et cixiuc lune. bot inceevin flutulubotiaineit a jnb tlis stivn tout t, Eiieui.itnient Steuuauuh. il luzit bucume tnuin tir aid fiuunia'îButI. AIlteu lie liai a pieu lu important p.uuutu. le", ii,tud on the c ttti iiof 1ca tiLire c ie uit tublite Butrleur Viuttdi Sbnp auil Motion Picutirei. lu e ut nii',cd t lfli tCîriu HOW MANY OF THESE remain lodapi How manyîpt iv nirnu are îtîîîed np by tht nid dinner bell that graced the top of the barn or the haute on dîirtct faritti, aimays ready - aI a tng on the nope - 10 sommon the mec frotit the finldu for dînîter? A iraig"àb nID tEyDAbnDEdD - -5f leulail Illie paivctigetv by rettîet' ing mn lamitni versioln iiiil dunnk inging "I Belîîng Tac Gi.iigie".Vie uai relaciant tli i-i Pose uni ni', gind nte, hut S ittîlteLl zaide isi-pzec Plilss Hii innilcu lai puoiicd nt lia cnîhaura',î him bv cl'- iîîg hininin front utl the passen' get-,i. t bc h neeti, aî ilit i li, taI he", niaI plaving ilitipiccc' ii thc'utglit bei', fliai lie ltit iinom i n a iic",' lait uime lie %%as oie tirtati il', ichlimenie twta iniî beuond ig(ii'i'ie Tii1,iii il lie 'nu% car, aittuliu[lieiitop (ilIll L.ake,. te'i'e lii i uîutiing lia chanice. îlini bt'iiii cd sleeping i nfrm u' nusîic teactier. a lntri n ituîr miitiitci.and innev futntaubanktmaattgcr. Wue a tiad ntap.Il"., an od ish(ie.194, bo ut tiuvnuvv abibnillItit tieil, hbit touage, utti il lo'Iecs ie no\%. Vil gel outit llie bct a ndl ituie aniiltet pr'aulice ge tl tilit np [lite pleachItý et"niit. Ila pîcîtu iiiitiileti epeci. ii Iie 1 fel il up. il tinkt',il, i ncc', iiiailati tude iii pi.tuer. DowN(s) IN THIS CORNER WITH ROY DOWNS A MuAN 1 tu i mlo iii li tutt i c t' I lleti ' Ii 1 îîiu îît ti l u i e i tuti licti gît îl îhaf iu u 111% I Hal or e ii, t;llllc tut il tAttlir utt i 'llitn, Pcii, tiiti t. uupuuiîted l i ei tfhittitlitin askted a uiuehîuuhtu'îih c uuuhî lit, '. Iiutnatieu .îvDDu Martinu. Lenit cc'li. 'lieu' must bu' putîtli' , s iuuuu' iautu rv.uuuuc'uu cr..' Ilu ut.'. tut cuautîcdent hb,îf liui t udiv tutenîuiv lu.o fo,i ew udutuhiiu'hcclttc'u i c ilanduitonuituiici hittii'ti'taI uiotuets hutte puum'ud UF.O t. a put',ieieutuIo thtt Ar-et.'t' i.uktl eiieond tufi.C AMmt' tutu îMWOîtuumîhV tVpÇvu110 V ufttueitet ie u.' aetoltrliPalk [li îîuî.e o Mmi 'iluuOi 1atictuti duiieilitai juut uketiug1 tit flic' hiva~lic flt't tic'.tî ic c icitv i I tu iti ihtuts tu tti ite~i i ut tt h toi taiti "i ifIt hi ' ieR' i i l tivre Uv Itmtt iliic'c peuple ilim Ili coliuuu'ua tîtt%%illeîfirîc'tt.uu 1id i g.uuîee.hihinugmtofhttttidc'iii i sie UT. cil tonte eu'iii. ut- sa',bc'uuîg îtIitutîed finiic ltedhîcul ihuuug luhcI',. pacuibipi îCroc elvîîuîuvîuuc.îîîutî ýPEEKING INTO MILTON'S PASTil AT THIS WEEKENDS STEAMERA coutil inn sglils lite iis, Bui in nc's for îtîh. Th ivn ucîshowes naniîtgnpou tr.umhr îaradinq uupMîhmomu Main t.iabou lin1920's, druen hya clowen arryng a gdily oloreti ncbreiia. Oner tflironti ni te radialor lie b asaîo uit iset bcd i'm on Mg Wny". Buildings in tte hackgjround arc Chanlue Cung's aundry (centre) and tle lainier kîmutuîg ttii rghi bnckground). ils front a collection if îhd pitînîtiofni Mlon nned bg George Jackson, Quten S. Cnt ocynne tell us mont abontllits picune? pit lu A,(t[Il .1 Ille 'i n ixtit l ut ilu utuugv. andttkeCît i uit onrlutlie euIl loiti giamiCu l ir guIýi',Cacnutce. Atuuuthctiiauiki i affiiue pltindtutti kniltut ~ tutuatgce, titi utu licee.in- ut g lit, tuttis it tutu. o Il tl ie uuttt'c'dtM)tiiuutt t tt u hilu he o mIighutuui tutd I, uhi ia h ti ti" l i tut u'm ,tuiig o lci luace,.heu e it, ppaiteit lu i loi in rte fnitdculSa,it'lukth m Olmui- "ntutti O.hi %ti' . ii f aît i 1 lmcm il 1l utt r tu' tuttil iii iýin Puttu iu, lu' tut ,i-lium Irctuit 1). A. tutti Mu,ýoel li uiiii rîhu ui milliît i) t ' avii' iii tir it\ ecpi utsvtutut'," tit e nciîuîeul ietumpapel Chuppmn g' ut IjI mI(nictri .uîiltut t'ct (iii i îuliîuîuuuu"hmîuuieît" tutIlic hiplii i'%, tmii lugelivinug aîtrel liai hoveî-c ovti-uit' lI', huuk, catiiig bis ttruc km igihtoi lu ý un nd titit. Anîthruutipping bu tîunt lui',oh ilium mcici tulumuepoi- cdil ahyiuug atît ictut li', Kmut,u la tii fi01 t t' utii 1." l i' tt't il ai detiiiitel.y bu punnen tut b. aeiite', becnumc' tbev 'taiîîthb ,imc iteîbit andtut liîtucîvche. Bit tutti abthithînmumhangcnîuce tui dliiquet'uthingi. likc stop- îiîîitundttîu'tn andiackingup? Yo'ne Otme! Mion'înmunicpai adminitration wmu1 taie heang responsubiltutu 10 uholder n tht cent gear, mhethen accenation i grant- ed nr cnt. If the tomns borders are ecianged tht reupocsibîlittg for efficient manacgement and policg setticg miii fit greater thon ever. Mlot i Concifor 1966 miii becbnhsec n November aid Deember ni thus geai, aid nndonbhedig there are thoi mho hae glenn thonght o îeekucg eletion bot hesu- tale front hck ni kcomhedge. Tht answeci o thal c1uuesiton batbeen fourîd. An eneninucunrse for utopie nteresled un municipal goaernmnt miii be hetd thut foul ah tht Uniersity of Waterloo, in conpera- tion mth thtenunerutg. Desgned for tht avtrage ctzen mho mach hto knom more about tht openotuons of n loçal connecil, tht connse liai etiorganueed. Topicsincindet in tht coarse panning are municipal funncing, suboots, planning. mhat a couic il uaniancan coi do. city man gcr and boards of conîrîl. rnguocai goverc- rient atd tht rote of tbe citent Anuorug tht The Fuit Combhinodtio. .. Lnhor Day, bock Io îuhoui mi ll monc tgi mointg lu aveci îorhcr cn g -thal' tefait coPIutîuilOn. This meeîtrd, Lahuni Day îspins îrouid .nîîI d hadig mecutpossibleinihesolieînuunr ut ipet t Smattu ra miliibc i ulosinig ironit rd.ugandriabcrrnmds huntrio narive for tht spectcnlut. Multon miiilinoav do1tld n ut ore Oid Fnnfîuovcd themc agaun, tLubor Dng mill mmd up tht CNf for au,ý otlitr ecarmithuit l',naiy cotuttatoni onit a tendanuceanud lin amnis eii g of the' menlhnr ns fantutueb decude un atend or îtag ai homei. Labor Day iii utc thte rtu rtf iarnuic' fion)tuhlicotages thughavian rabitd ou a rnouit'or-ltsi ngold a isu irnugloul finu Then bakin ichool ttrk iitebudermag thteruent day. For tht frt tien lihe aruhucu- patuon i hnrdiy berabie. For thoîn eicirî uîg o an mm oiti. ccw books and ane tmIacier. tht' thougfui i excnuuun tilvie om ard flit yountg otîies nay ny to conc.îl tht fat. fnnn parents find tht ides nppeni. its. ai a morc îugud rountnIkes uhnpn. V Thîn mmm nto chool brutugu bnck thect't'c I-for crnuung goardu acd for observnnn c o ti tht resîricted spced nectssnng un chool arca', It euuphaizenîtht nîcti for rnniiuis drincrs and carcfnl chlidrcî mliiprdCtucc flin GLANCING BACK TO 50 YEARS AGO Ta ad Hl Io, hi hzi li) lit speakers arnchUnîiote Whutonn.forniter muîun1'it or of Ottawa anud W. H. Paini. deputg I uuuîist oni uuunutipal affai.CI Tht courue ilarti Sephember 29 and mill bc hnid tan Wndnesdag ennning nntul No-' t nember 1t. faulisssnîîuc iii ast tmn bonru s aid mii utuchde a î1nnîhunn and discnssion t- 'Pluiewmito talc lie (urste carit fidigl c bcn caîîcd ai enpertsîintht muittcpal fid Lt men liny hav o uuutuited tht urei. butA tlicg miii mitait y bc anuong theictenîn hinci hcdgeableuin utuetutilutrnues to the field of local gotîment. Tono many rtuzenni feti lihe uuut ilhilds tht annwen ho ail pînb' lertismwhout ony appreuuotuon onithie tiita- ' itons on restictions piaced on them. Thunîn mIn taIn tht finutcand etvnd tht effoutntearuuiiarize lhrien e ti'uhutht con i dutort niomai gnnnrmnct miii bc tutung tht fuîst îtvpm omard iufiling ilieur pnrsonnh e' i1îoniuhuty tg o partuupate in dentocracy ah tile local hen. aite tuttsi ttl)biycrtduttg anud Streetcrossni' hhlc,rt11biuulutujttoriliuitgm iuty itoulit a tuT li icu hnr a luttrin mhilinbti iiatic titi thamttired ovnri iii.,a iou illut' mnk- tti lanîd tututhe n rle d.uy'. onium mtu" gin ti riitti'prt'out'm Thte utuî1uuunmmof fail vît'. dnfinitl'inutthe' ar aîdlineiuit t-tutu Il oh tlit'aututuatuicularni titimpitsil ithe tpcrtu min oUS lut Wmii rvaltiy unt fuît., nd fig iliumtirerî...orneteu i Ift.c1,ir.huuýt toon caie10't'tu nuit', t telut' in to bciain aluug niicifntalilmott,. l'u n', e nt'utniotitnnueittpitiauntg lth t'.iytluuttigoartt'ltist tavlcour nleet ut.nth eauty thafisîîyntri, corne. Thtsmarna icui t utajrtu(tu ,lnehouautiuul all duise nio tcýoP u'oînuh autntd tht hurmi tint", o adotin t4 ionson tutilycliium liave aiun.idy linrit rire hcLoutuitg tmure antudutonmore lntui, anud eut hvtîn t i îîînhîît' uîtt',i',tnodturu ft . i hi'jrifreimnuut amutu, loti laitit uuirr.yt' ,i'-v anmoir ni dyuttg lut) îualig ty fi octeof hlic, ituIitautuftci i . lsnîts 'a inhurlt of tîer, ut taitul'.a mm tut'autiy ou ficttlmud- ivappu, il iridti a tattry lenuit1itatiaetnhal is fat incitn condocinete,0 actunuîy ihan tht îîaî uîg mn)euuur. Thumi mhe lnmiîotîui. lin. 7/e Cafita4di Champifi» P buihilcd bp the Dlis rii il igaPl h i t i o. .il .ii t iitt hum f lut - il A. ut', Nimu, ilortui -' lotit'F. ltc ',n 1'1111culevIt iWec'îitulva Itilt mait) St. iîhitu, On[m. Menîtuet tiIlei'C.W.N.A.. tlir fniriim'ueute Divisioni C.M.N.A. andî Cautatilait Cuamniuty Nemiýpupuri Repue- tt'.SumutpiontitPayauble iin cati i $4uu.0f0ifn Canadta; $7.00 li in ltcoutît rimIthhmtCanaida. \LI.imu'l -iîîmeMtuti t ituuhu. l'u u Ailt itt ut.g i i .îî'îttu i mut llei' otuttion Ilîptin tut'll xiii uriueuui tuu. lugeht'i lu.I h i itivu i iIlle I (Iiut ti.utt ilii g t.iiti t'. "uti te ' tmh i a ip ti- suignlu it, trli milli î lIug l 'ttui t r ui, I il a latnctti Ai utti um ti ti %%t,'tu li lit mu'lhi-a tuticheu luth -tuttiteu Aulhot'ized ai Second Clati% Mail hi Élite Pitllice Deiatilietit. Oiita GLANCING BACK TO 100 YEARS AGO adian Champion, August 24, 1865. A maut and ,a huit ueuc urraign- tutuilMuituiai vniug luit bc- hutte lliiiWuuî uitili te Ma','.î tutr ti,.u,ied bu J. B.Wihhînntt, [:q., tuttice oh thc Peacu. tutu tut cî'îîc'htî elui oCbha'e', Par- lii', itchcet The hnîm met f liitilv\ tuu th itu' t îîU ne, Tialai'- al' eur Miltont. tiUttillll, eut ttiiit. iiOit e tunc'kiuti iuuiickI hlm onilte ce.e c.îtung pin andi enîplicti tutti attig Chiaii-le ', tieeu. Ai- to] jt cilieuil hteauing 0nIll ae li Bu'îîc luducidiîdto lite Il tutin II 20inchutîing cutt, andi Ilite hotS8.20. Tue mniititidIi ilic. iil tuu 20 dt i mii tic lauitltut AI Itit i' i u tie.uî Aglictilt il tiltu ihumbucmuIed Ociohet 95tutt h'il auPal ermîl. thîc uiti bu S5003 tlimtufnlmieiimnpîleu. huic tu hlch\ ic' b lui*t'hie huit Iliuco ctieiiai t ifci.'lTe juttgev 'aken frnmIlte files of the Can- dia. Champion, AUgUSt 26, 1916. Wîî uen Campoîel., Warden of Hlttit Couonli. îiid Milton lday. In a report on patrimîtic tonids, be maid Ibat Nasîagan'eya hzil alucady mubvuribed $3.000 l thetond and thal a total nf at tuait S5,000 n'ai ronîidered ctaiti The Waudcn via',l i îeîîrgeinînuubeue hc' uiai oi le liai 35,000 had heun îubmit- cdl ami i taanîtbut 11.000 tuai lia vua o cnîpicee 0Geouge- nuit donation. Genrge Pearson, ivîo bi, he agenloi-ît the Metal Shitîgle anid Siiig fCt.iai Pre-in. cpecti in ,petitid veral daiu ai Toronto Exibiitint Iliiîia r and uî ite lieue uuuii attenîd the Motdet Steel Fi ov Batin iipav îuiuich the tînt ptiuv lias, butl The barn iý ,auupieeuqipped tutiuitailla- l'i aiiiuug device' andt machines. Ab cuunpicee uit i mittng ina- chiesfccl cttesliai' mut otnîit', aîd ieed carriers will be ',iowun i n actuat operation. Mr. Pearsoun uitt take ienerai rca iarmc'u',',ho inlend ereeting hurristauethe cîhihîf thit n'cck. The man ai re',ted on a charge tuf îieatîng a hiarse hetonging 10 Enmersoun Andeuvon of Guelph Jounction, îua' brught hefore R. J. fCampbell, .Justice oif the Peace, oni uumand anîd titi antier charge tutihicin, a a tci'.a balt, t ut o chuthei',. a pair ni inn- uiîtgibtioc, tnda jacthknife lunm Doanaldt Cauuirreeti C.N.R. agent. Titeu\ittnevie', ittiare tuntheve p.uuicniaui. A uuatuh and kîlfe lieue lourdîu(in tbu pulîtner and dentiliuuuthi Mu. Camnpbell aid flui',danglîter. The pivianrnai cnmniittud fnu triailvin bofb citauguv. Tue pliioncu had no cunovel anîd appuarc'dlui be ihtuitp and ueti puived. He re- lue ut taik tabout (lite unie. Il i upuec'd iat the nainn he gauc jnt hl ui' al nie The huard cîpects a large nom- ber oh people tu tom ut ont10set tuti excelient trial ofh hirieno- matt'lip. F.seu soîc i nelcomne Dutni, Noiunun". ibîecelegged col tuofichelitispokute other usver t.hî.utbuen 01îd, togethuer tuttli titaiand i, puesently lin exhibitioinHlaiili'ttin. The cutIli, lutti iprtutitug in vummef- mu asilsi îîue iouueg i bending uutîtuard andiitls shioulder it rit- inug haut theuueight of the bndy oni bhat ide. Thc 'Titîte" and 'Specttuu' are pnihicg il as a t uuîndeu. I. \Y~. Niehait', annotince', that ho iii'Ille gu e.teut bargaini in ut tutu',d .oes ad Ibal tue bas utn lian f'1 coimpoeestnck of huishocu, anîd gi teri. n'hich ir i pi epîned tut îeht as, eeaply îî tii','establishîmentin the t utîtîtt tut Viaton. VHe offeri ta tut flite highîcî niarket price for hie.inicashi. Faumet-v pundoce \ilttcettikentin exuhange for bis bout', antd uhîus. hIF~ÂI<~ AROUNDT BIZiAMP ION -A rp te t I alv ime barte tfre Iliil1 lllscav %elig ai , ilppei-ilie, gi ahhcd a camiera and roshed i lu' dlui îe " e tvIlle lle ii l. ie goi a ilittet%%ihen i e ite i ti i llI lilitre i i lie t t oli i lite n iî: ci 1IL tit'liets Ill 1 ic ut i Ile fitilingi' li' ai Il i e i al etist he t Ii ie m il Vi l ilbut iliiet%%stiitei"t andtie l iu tt ilaiaeil it tbe o ,iiii.Nil'iittoie i tuttio i lier acctint i ii belpli te huit catit a iiivpi- AfION lite ieti il î httti iiiiti',iav .11a itu oiilev 1i1î)t i l 1 0ii 't i t i > i i ie i ii t eiii % g i oi ie 'i t.ti iu i ia r t in i u ap e t il' liI î'and îî'iib,îîîîîîîîii.'.tîî.'ek the \i1 tuu-ciiith iiiieict . ti li l iti ' i ittig o i t iîti iii i i ltitii te caie i t i îi ope îîitiiuiii. A eu i'itiiiiiiin it il iot t hi lme liete WEDNESDAYtS WIT I tuttibc hn yttmtifJ nid." "hI am euîunîumluer mi tu-uta ftal'cim thfdli nîîmy mas Classifmed as an additionî, tnt a dednctioc." fi tuuf-30 fil ticaultalop ý

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