Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Sep 1965, p. 15

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------------ VA *, ta rend. Now the oli favories tin Scotinsi .. In Poirnd . The C aaian Champion, Wedinesday, Sept i 1965 Shave heen retoid by Virginia 2v- in Germany etc. ... it-ind, itýus ,rates n"I t a -rctv Wiih innuaierabte laughs and tak, m'îny books Io re'rd whe The rie ta train miotorlets in Weddings, Sho-wers, HoIi-days ,,reu Lcdeoeain adattdsi ByMr. .Ncaro enoelndaeclgtu hyoer rl s v ta i u d palhi vi d v.enturrs thweibong an gilon w hee L on aatin. [are ope riva e tiudsi Judy Saunders was winner in lof haSe gifts were re ntcdrLtc tusFv a odh etaitchy n irsmt rrra the childeen's classes, t2 vears and ithe twin huvs, Rhr odn4 t~ under ai the Milton and District 1andi Michael 'ArtIhur. Lurter tire Halrt icultueat Socice annuat [tuw-! hushands joined the partv andi a Ci' sh9W. tetiijols lunch %%sas seri-v St- tIire A cammutic meeting stas t ted i rhoste',. A Iteairtiflii cake, etecirrali on Moaday cveaiug, Augusi 23, ai cd andi iriseribet sitt the SoSies' Fvrrorie louks tormard te tak- Beverley Ctc're books abhout tlire homre af Mrs. Parti Maye. Pions ramnes mas the table centrepiece. in.,r il case, ini the sommliet, evpee- Ilcite 'andi Rrhscy lotutai rt hooih of Eden United Chîrrch ihanks [or the thoughttut "sur- j teir chiot îtetrght ia ecurlintg Up ti s., sa i voir havc arc tact- sshich miii he ai the ucetion sale prise". the shade ssith o good siolr Whit n ed' ii flic ttînttv inrrîeîucc utM.andi Mes. Wiliner Masen Married Saturday niothets tindretrading a neirisîr h 1i te r autnd hc iv suerc ti) es on Septlembr il. Thec' rmitirc Co LriiatnseMii M es. hook toe triitli- ture rcserere - h maklii roc.Arti tîtuc' Mi. Parti Mat, kit, ti Litte e'Vte ii 'p) tirs rit kre'pttra Ibert]i ete (ri a lit iiitrititiic i, kits, Pickc rîtl n tnd Mis. John Hamttiiliton 11 t i l- t it i irlit u tî trîrerr loo Ae tetori' lavtttite lu: LI][ a'" 'r' trot1u t.tkes i i .i Stag Party 25pr tu rait la St ateicis tgieii ctrt irt' rc uttA. *tristM tie i Lu ti u Bilt Wiilson hosteet a stagpat ans't Chrc ileti C anton J. E. Max- Milites., Wtrîrtie the Prii 'i'hr'e' ithe Arc tic titi Io itcrtrrt on Satîrcîay evcnirg, Arrgrrst 21 \teti i iciai'g. Titet'ecc'întiort toi- are a le\% scientiicattvrîîiîetcst tivities tir 1h r gig c.ic ceirriter ta honor ai'Barry Little, a gtr taîvrî ai the Masonie Harll, srruth sauls it ho (Io rut appreciate Chiti-v Careoter Hlavsooct tias entr- ta hie. Cordy and drti stre plut'v irît Miltron. We wish ihc'în aIl the trîtîter Rointi Poeh Breir«. Fevure. lamn 'innunîcrriîic chitdeti cinr cd. B arev mas peescrîteci seiîh arhs e iet~rr- Pigiet atte the other anitil,ts btigaetuwihhese'etBs. suai ot a-nar' tors tîich hcex-,' Birîlid.v gi-cetinrq arre vitent- irev aire in She aiorits Wtîrr Since "B" iv tor Brise, %sis priti' ieadedchie siacecc' itanks. Re ted te Alireet Brigcrt Set Itie hJtcttri enst i ri isthedrin 1939 titre have heeri i treshaients mccc serveet. i t; Heaitrer Bittro., Septenîher 3; the Thc flieuse ai Poti Con er titan maoc epivodes ta hel- hbîs, Donna and Dianîte Break are1 Mev. \N'i Tarls'r. Ras Arriser ard andu tire titi hooks ut Milite's fle. For hoyvs it ihis .rge group hulidaying wiih Me. anti Mev. Ga.rî 1 Mis. Edissrî Rohertsont. Septelcnt poere Nuit Wr Are! Six tint roither cetuctant. disîricerestret Break. Cooksvitie. bter 7. Wlitrr Wrtr'eîe Vers* Yungri'itc' tir goot 'cadet s, filte viorîrs that Honor Couple i girai eleirtid. Eqîti elîrohant arce at eornpietc' saucess Urre ,h ui A paciy ta honor et Aiteon [lic- Mark Aaalversary ir,, tu hoth chitît 'anti .ieiit iv Freetris the Pig. 5v Waltr Br'ttiks. cap ansi Barrv Little iras hetet ai Gretiirgs arnd geasi sistins are Wiîîli ini Itle Wiioses.Fier the home ot Mc. and Mev. Jothn esterideetokMr.,iandMrs.D0.Gre5'i Aîotîerrscrrs rît hooks sthiet i -etc seais tirpel ua Wilson. The tirsi part et flite ree ton, otitheroccasiona rît il icir rýer caii bc iliti-rtughiv enjioveet 11t idre igc' group ansi the saintc- i s t'gwsspn udor lyn ding nirarSepcîr b. hus andre girls ir "rade ti% andte 1 "'I' rît starlies iv Wiliit Ssi ring ~~e sea .pea cudespea rseilit oPeiertrt. gaines, tottomed he a siag-sua Chri- h sri re ne resumesi six ari the vsaie tie gite gretr.rieNacli cin %vith Mes. George Nerveit ai the un Serrîtav ai thpte lntr ursure as tetniiv rrereiiig is th t Initis- -rotiiiti kv tnt urger. A shoseer et errys ansi sait Churh, toilevsrair îtshi- The Lion,. the Wiirh andteltic Ward- eti cees iras hetet indoors iotiossed dosv. Rev. K. Mîtaît r i rohe, Prirce Ceispirit, The Vrrv in Tritthî ane riraire .rt ir tri hs a deticiesîs lurch. Buth Aiteen charge oît the servies. 1 ofrr the Daise. .raerad h ig r rote nh r tie fît thsein andi Barre expeesset Itie pie-r SîrCere'L gîai shes tri- a haptîv1 Sitreri Chat.r,r tit i, . S. [,r\\ is ruite tko l[ie srrtirtC tii titre and thankesi eververe toie the 1nr.rrrirrl flte arre evcteeetr -n i ti ie tirer ertrieli "oi toveiy gifts and their iinîinesv inaitMis .Keiih Etli, shîrstret - stenir", filauti d I A and the hast ansi hosress tor their 1 ted in ntirriergerir Satiireiv evr- Titrie rsr vît rn,îns huitries' Stimulerîrutrîîrrrîie lîrîs siorre ARIc.,I hospitait. rnirai. Saint Stepherî's Angliican 'ansi reirrg iboorks lît î.ît atti a .ie prittt pirtiiat ii bt voniciiiii-q. ta Arizona Chureh. Canîon J. E. M.isteii iti'- il iv ililtt ti etrorîv ir hes' <es tire sers peuerr rîtîrrerîtr4îr4 oto il Mes. G. Hateder., Kenrî -tnt ficiated. The rere pto wa he Aain the ai [l' ' hiere thn itrîtiei ite iticiett Rande ansi Nocra Hearas ire va- a the Can tsin Restuat Mi- cattoeiag ta Arizona, tahere ihes ton. wli visi t veith Me. ont Mcv LuiT YES GRANDMA AND GRANDPA SANG THE PRAISES 0F THE MERRY J.e ~~~~NOTE TOHOME OWNERS LSOIEYASAOADTD URVCLHRSMY ane Hall andi ChervI Sosînde :.. A .. . ____________ LSOI YASA O A D TDY ORVCLCOD A enoeda holiday rn Lirdsa\s toc Ai7r>>s~ Wlt Fair the pasi seci,. I-NOT BE S0 GOOD BUT WE'RE STILL SINGING THE PRAISES 0F "THE Betated hicîhsiay greetiag are ~ ~ esiendesi ru John' Bradiev, Paul EDW sD S. à 1D M O T A U I U MERRY OLDSMOBILEt' PLUS THE CHEVROLET, CHEVELLE, CHEVY 1l, Augusi 29; Mev. Doug Lettre, Au,-to Fai tes r ta hîst Mr Axet MANUFACTURERS 0F CORVAIR AND ENVOY. est 301; arsi Anne Bradle, Ae5ubt cd ta vurpays altiervas We 31. roia Hr esîîs evearrg fi comit HoIa e îlrlied pleins ltoi crin v arulis are Gena ile af heidrs et" a ared rsre ein A lum inuin W indow s VouIl sing the praises toa sa why flot drop in for a gaod ol a shdn Juri Fasi Greendoia Gîesetvidag r eras .trurd rati n ssith their grarsiperernis, Mi, ani Gnd su r teianiue 1~la. b A Mrs. Dethert Dotrv. ont tetlis ut Se arc nsrp et cul- RSd -- vr ed ea. ..,ms week. And y te way have fun during OId Fashioned Morsn Ju ean cs M ae V ted EtFrin. Erinirsa, Esqursrrrg andi Da"s and at Steamn-Era this weekend. Ali roads lead ta Milton. ta amp JuAPertabans Dna' otte INassagatresa as iteti as the rosswNnO 'Lf~fIE irg amp ctohr. Dnito. Ca ot Actoît are rîrgihie. Entiiessecan~l E~ L J K or J. E. Maxmell Sas her camnp Se hirdee rn te chîaira Mie AN ru E C O U E chaptair tue the post issu tei,'. ýSpeutst, Linet.r Friusn, NeItie cd a vveek's hotidavs ai Porc -rs v Ru1 M titra tnt He Phoneci Sourd relisSes are extensiesi ta1 Hit> Direct From thte Milton Area R E EF R Mr. Archie Ring ai SoinS Water- Oui t-ts-rw juiigevi wiii Se pres- oo Hospirt, Goit. We'sttvh SeiIt iiiiitu eits conitestat, isnI speed e coser\. Atun District Hik i (jool Sui- Viai In Halifax i urdai,r Sepîenrr 1.rr nclo L Robert Bcidgden, Stepher Ban 'catries iv SePteaihr 8. CALL NOW for a FREE ESTIMATEc Halitax thîs uer, tu tisit it riActon i-air n ill lie Mrnccu AND TAUlE ADVANTAGE 0F DUMONT'S ONTARIO ST. MILTON TR 8-2393 Me.ani Mv.Jii Tore. ing She FiiLts pero m i "FUN IN THE SUN" SALE. .?-,n'CO Mcv. Douglas Nesston iras Sos- the .rre-na anreig rrg li- ai tess foc o vtuck shorser rn Sane ard otlier astivis i '-P H O N E 878-3122- eveni ng, Augusi 27. Grmes sere priev. OLD-FASHUONED VALUES! Westinghouse Laundromat - THE ONLY AUTOMATUC WASHER THAT S SELF.CLEANINGI " Mater Saver contrai " Uses onain1/ the detergeri thnt othar mokas do " No eostiy transmission 10 repair " iasy orniaiStes Il Most compiete wavhrvg octior Now OnIy $2 3 8.88ssHTRD MATCH ING DRYER - $14888 FREE PARKING AT 181 MILL ST. CHASES HOME APPLIANC ES "ODDS-N- ENDS" SAL E TeeItems are Mainly Limited Quantity Items af Discaninued Modela by SWESTINGHOUSE (g WESTINGHOUSE POULSHERSCDRBBE 0 Separate brasSes foa sr vtoblang andi polirhing. 0 Floars boit toaa beoutifltshîva wthoot vnnakirg. 1 i eai warraty Original ist $49.95 4 ONLY Ta CLEAR AT $26.88 JER PORTABLE T.V. WITH î"INSTANT-ON"î EY DOWN HLY RATES SOLE T.V. Eleci Elect Cari, Cat 1 0 Ns o nsup pard 0 New sensitive tarer,. t& rayer "miai -os" Chassîs Guaanteent for 12 Monthv. *Frea 12 Moaths Sarvicen NO MONE' LOW MONTI 23" CONS 0 24 Tuba Furetions 0 20,000 Volts oi pitole Il 5Yaar Warrasiy on vatii vraie power sapplg orni SIEIMATI irauit board. PRUCED FROM $21 9.ss Wîth Tracte PORTABLE APPLIANCES ýtric Kettles - $588 :tric Frypans - $1 2.88 blair Dryers with ,rying Case - $14.88 n Openers - $12.88 lECTRIC FANS /2 PRICE ELECTRIC RADIOS Tube- From $11. 88 ____________ Radio with Case $19.88 Steam and Diry Irons OnIy $14.88 OPEN THURS. & FR1. TIL 9 P.M. hoiinv.ioliguwes OLD-FASHIONED VALUES! Family-Size Refrigerators 0 Large 35-1b. Freezer wilS 19 PRICED AT ONLY lst. Frozer Storage. 09.5 nu. it. capacile$189 s 0 5 Year warranty or unit. Wilh Workrag Trade FREE DELIVERY 878-3221 p i t ni Oum"

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