86 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Sept. It, 1965 1NURSES MEET IIERE At.~ ic agenctes is a national dis- i concerned only with the im- Collective bargaining, nurses- A msa a grace91... Indeed, the resistance t0otirediate circumstances, primar- relalionship to management Dr. A. L. Moseley of Harvard a scientific scrutiny of the isîaîo asila retes the cnroag. enc nn-mnaemet iii be Medicat School headed up in- protstem is astonishing. If you In short, society places a very optes of discussion when the tensive research, over five years, are sisot with a gon and found high value on you if yoo are letiton Chapter oi the Registered into, fatal highway collisions. dead , it is a mal-ter of the ut- murdered and a vdry low value Nuises'< Association of Ontario His report contains tome aston- otognyta osoeb fyo.etsi b rvn. hlds its next generad meeting in, ishing findings, and bitter con- lefi unturned 1toetihat thse ________ Miliono' Nurses [rom ait the closions. Here is an estract qoot- matter of tihe death be factoat- e'sa esyp mntln uon i ho-.pitls eare espected to ed hy the Ontario Safety ]y deiermincd. If yoo are kitied ltrsu esypmntla a tte tneliin ai the I-lton League: whtte drîving yoor car, thedcath ior Christmas shopping - 100 Centennie t Mnron Monde', "The investigation of traffie is automuticalty accidentat and per cent down, and nothing tise Scplcinber1i3, ut i pin. deeth cases carried out by puinji'f ihere is any investigation, it to pap. OLD FASHIîONED DAYS ARE HERE AGAîN in Mlton, and these 1Friday night Recreuion Cotemitten prde fllomeci hy an Yoong girls are ttrnd in the kind ol clothing gruedimu more us1 Indian "raid, a Sturday nght free dunce t Mlton Pince, and they join in the tome-mîde celebration. Oid Fshionnd DaYs' Imo lren band concerts Thrsday ennning und Saurday aller- program iis peur inledes u siniim: ng pool aquati et g ht (asti 000e. Tht girls abone inciode Cthy Breen. JoAnne Hodley. nightl, a costume und tet contest tonight. a hrdball-softhall Nuncy Bckers, Lyen Conîson. Shron Taft, Sosan and Brende game Thursday night, a Friduy aternoon reguttu încorporting Litle, and ail the Pierces -fmily, Cindy. Ena und Jeatn. both a pionter nilage and un Indian ilage t the pool, a VISITING STORES this tek va u orJ-neHaly v and Jean P ee, ho aoeg wt udeso onpo doneed Old Fushioned conslomCS 10 heip ceinorete Oid Fsh- ioned Duys in Miifon.They lji p-ni ol o-: ,ripon1bnîsO their nonni dres0. AN INTERESTING DISPiAY of ndian traits s derrtitnq lin- mndom of Haton andPeeliTrust and SanolOir( oMo St tins meeh Ils the prin-oe colliction ofni nil: Lotne Skuce. Three giris sho dropped in off the tîreeltI- admire thedsplayweeMaryKeate Fde MKayard N\etý INE ART &CRRFTS SHOV i.M TO 9 ..WEAY NOW OPEN o e AM. TO 6 P.M. STRA CLOSRD ML DAY HURSDAY Save up to 50% on Beautiful CERAMICS Woolen Millends . . Good Selecion UnasualItemns of Disinctive 10% Discount io AiU Sadentil Tasin ai Mades Csti. AT SELRITE STORE These are just a few of our many savings on Back-to-School Items -- Corne -- See our big selection 3-Noie Punched 300 heet REF I ~Narrow Ruie 300 S eets EFILL PAPER Ouistanding Value 88 REGULATION SIZE KOVO 8 TRANSISTOR SAVE $2 ON THESE SMART CORDUROY POCKET SIZE STURDY Wnbekr FOOTBALL RADIO SLACKS WiCompreer9 (,,u ejl,,nz ot Arzn eet n WITN NEW KANGAROO Coprai$9 i,ýljenlt 1tto o qaegreUespvort aond POCKETS You con set thot this is top n ,i!iq f ,q ineovtqeates oiye t s New Trim Style. Continen- quuhity cordnroy with ail h v ne nt o lumate r pe Qine al design th tub ws-st. the toim tailoring detoîls of r) 5 eni or Pter Tmo kongaroo pocketsond ao n h mone npensone tu 111Laler cryng I o deep ange pokets. gu ment. n back or batr ldd. Bahahuoal or gey. hownszs8 o 16 Ages 10 o18 COMPAREli s3.99.$1288 SPECIAL $ 88 SAVE AT s4.88 AT $4.8 a98,8 3 Value - Full Zipper Binders SPECIAL Zipper Binder in solid leather, fierai erain and padded aligator irim. Three large rines in istavy-daty mnsal. Fine ipper, large itrer pockei and pentul case wiih ipper cia. sure. Inside peciseis with fiiied camb, naifile, ruler and mnema pad. Oaistanding Value ai BUY NOW ~ SPECIAL Zipper Binder wiih leaiher ining, vinyi coaied, ie assoried coiors. Three arge 2" rings in heavy. duiy mel back. Jumbo Zipper. Two inner pockeis. Splendid Value ai consruction. Three large 2" rings n simong metli ack. Two inner packeis. Fiee qualiiy zipper for good service. Vinyi coaied wih vinyi gasc, Assored coiers. Plain as weii as noveiiy designs. Great Value ai BIUY NOW I EUY NOW SPECIAL- $2 .7 7f SPECIAL...s3 7 SHOES FOR LS!LRITE STORETN iL For More Than 6 Million Canadians The Keystone of Canada's Strength MOND Y USLABO DAYHAVE YOU EVER STOPPED TO THINK N CANADA- FOR CANADIANS WHAT ORGANIZED LABOR DOES FOR YOU? THIS MESSAGE îNSERTED IN THE COMMUNITY INTEREST BY * Labor Provides You* Labor Provides You f û~*-e4~- --I ~ A L 49 0 I WITH YOUR HOMES WITH YOUR ROADS I bO *Labor Provides You * Labor Provides You M.UNITED STEEL WORKERS WITH VOUR CLOTHING WITH YOUR FOOD LOC L 06 WITH YOUR TRANSPORTATION U NITED AUTOMO-BILE WORKERS* Labor Provides You ____________________________WITH YOUR COMFORT AND ENTERTAINMENT I ORGANIZED CANADIAN LABOR, TNE KEYSTONE OF CANADAS LOCAL 4574 STRENGTH, PROUDLY TAKES ITS PLACE IN THE FOREFRONT OF CANADAS STEADY FORWARD MARCN TO A STîLL HIGNER STANDARD UNIED TEL WRKESOF LIVING FOR ALL . . - LOYALLY DEDICATES ITSELF TO THE UNITE STEL WOKERSPERPETUATION 0F CANADIAN FREEDOM. 1- - 1-