Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Aug 1965, p. 6

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 8IRTHS, DEATES, MARRIAG- ES, ENGAGEMENTS - No charge. FOR SALE, FOR RENT ETC. - n95e minimum charge for 15 words-5c per wnrd thereafler. Sobsequent insertionsu (nocopy changes) - n75o- minimumn charge fnr 15 mrds. 5c per word thereaf er. *25e discount allnwed for cash paymen t. COMING EVENTS,* CARD 0F THANKS-81 for firol five lis- us. l0c for cach addilional lime. IN MEMORIAM-Sl plus 10c per lins of verse. CLASSIFIE D DI8.PLAY, R E A L ESTATE-$1.20 per col inch. BOX NUMBER to Iis office- 25c addilional. DEADLINES Classified Advertsisg 12 Noon Tuesday Classified Display & Real Esiate 5 p.m. Monday Phione TR 8-2341 6 The Canadian Champion, Wednesdlay, Aug. 25, 1965 Born BEATON - Mc. avd Mro. Jaîmeo Bealon (nec Dadoon) of R. R. 1, Campbeltville, are ptcae.id 10 announce the irlh ai their sona, Lamrence M aîthecso weighl 8 Ibs., 5 ozoý., aI Miton District Hospital on Monday, Auguol 23, 1965. BERTASSON - Mc. avd Mr,. Dante Bertasson Ive Gastovi of 82 Miles SI., Milton, Ont., are pleased 10 announce the blrlh of their von, weight 6 Ibs., 2 ozx., ai Milton Distrct Hospital on Augosi 23, 1965. Brnîber for Gary, Diasa and Beverly. CONNELL - Mc. and M ,. R,îo- mnnd Cosnell (ncc Gilîtol ol 135 Maiv St.. Mil îîît,,îîe pleaoed btuîvnovoie hthe bi1l nf their son, %siiht 7 ho,., 12 nzs., aI Milton District Hospi- tl on Thoroday. Aopoot 19, 1965. COULSON -Kevnandîl lîîaie pieased t o axvooîîoe îhe hîrth nf their loutr ont, oigltt 8 Iho., t oz., at Joocph Bravnt Memocial Hopital os Moiiîciýi - Aogoot 16, 1965. A bhllto i Rendra, Leoiard, Raîîy an,îîc Brion. MORRISON-Mr. and Mco. Rît, sell Morrisoos(nec Wheîhaîîî of 395 Pearl S., Mlonî, are pleased 10 asoovce 1he hîîlh of their son, wighi 4 lh., 14 ozo.. aI Milton Distrctrî loottt toi on Aogosl 23, 1965. ENGAGEMENTS IContinu.d> Mc. asd Mro. Duncan Mnflai, k. k. 2, Rockwood, ansotisce the toicllicoiniiîonvaiag- ofltihci r îal.îîteo, Bat-haro Jean 10 Mr. Jîîltv David McLean, son nI Mc. aiîd Mco. Ronald MeLean. R.R. 2, Rockood. The weddisg mii be held Seplember 18 aI the home of hec parents. b Mrt. and Mro. George B. Evanso of Milton svioh taoanounco' 1he engageoment of Iheir diîoghler, GlensvFarieda 10 Mc. Harold Murray T,îoker, sov of Mc. avd Mro. Gor don Taoker of Milton. The st.trriapc. ivililtake place in Gi-ac- Anglicans Cltireh, Milton, Septt-tnhr 18, 1965, aI 3 o'clook. For Sale FOR SALE-Rît 9' x12',hbige.o 878-9554. c-168094 FOR SALE-'59 Galaxy. Texaco Station in Moffat. b-16-8137 FOR SALE-Signs of aIl kinds, Ray Guay, TR 8-2150. c-12.4863-tI FOR SALE - Good olce baby crih, ikto 5cm. 878-9483. c416-8112 FOR SALE - Rodsey naIs, Phone O,îkville VI 5-177. c-1 5-2-8066 FOR SALE-Pull 208 ho. pro- p.tst gao tank, $16. 8784871. c-16-8093 FOR SALE - 1963 Galaxie 500, D ied A-i condition, V-8, stick. Cai 878- MASKELL - Stiddevtv, al his FOR SALE - Small pnny, 4 ituiiic R. R. 4, Miltov, os Stîs- vears oId. Phone 878-6362 evoît- iktv. Atîpîtt 22. 1965, David W. ingo. c-16-8138 M.ioko-ib htshavd of the laIe Lilliav Joves, doar lolhc-r of FOR SALE- '56 Pontiac, iv Ilicvc(Mrs. George Pcvsonv , good condition. Reaisonaible. 878- Wilm.î iMrs. Ruun MePhaili 9110. c-16-8156 andî Willr-d iNip), ail of Mil- - - lotI; doar Iriondsof'l Mrs. Lillito FOR SALE-Illumisated gtooo Camîîphell; ai-, osorvivcd ho oiopl,î stanîd toc honte bar, $10. toc octvndchildres. 878-2133. c16-8167 Relinp .ai thc McKoîoie Foin- FOR SALE-100 ton oats, de- ,îal Homo. 114 Main Si., osrltci lkcd aI lhonte. Caiiphc-lls lIc 'Leu erie% ito 'l oed On UL 42246. c- 10-8109 WVcîlîcsdoa i 330 p.m. Inter- nc ieti Ecc-rgrc-v Cemeto-ro, FOR SALE- 1950 Sitdchakci. Milton. 4 pilou ires,, tîcos- hticrý. Chî-.p. MEPHAM-Ai Milton,. ui Tucs- 878-6265. c-16-8091 da,o.Augtc.17, 1965, in ii loFOR SALE '57 Forîd, oct, 88ili %ca,11 Allîcd Mophaw, bc- pood condîition, îlotstires, radio,. loccd huîohnîl of Chtiitine ;3529 878-65 16. c- 1 "87 Fuvcîtl sur-vice v01,0 iom lie FOR SALE - Tral-c. oslcopo 6. M.tcNth oand Sov Chanpel on'$680 or hcot Olier. Citl 878-3129 Thiiil,d ,Atipt-d 19, iilli inier-alie 3.0 pm. c-16-8123 ment oi -oi Cciictcîs - FOR SALE-3 To-rier papo. 6 tMclton. oîld. Appty 446 Kingolo-ipil NAOALIN-Stilctîil\, a: flc o-- Cout i. Miltos. c-16-8090 ilitnaccidenit,.on Fiu-î, FOR SALE-1963 Volksîitt.i Auguttt 20, 1965, Anpclo Na-1 cecelle-vt covdition. Phonoealler fi, hclîiceîl liîuî-,hnd ol Rioitta pjl.,878-2796. c168115 N,îo,î. do,î ltlherof alMarvy' (Mr Ja oick Sttitt.imi and Saum; FOR SALE - 1950 Dotdgc, $63; protndtatltero ariy -uvSi,îthant, .ioo lctic ciiord oîpa,n $1. Otnny .andciBra.dley Nadatin, Phoneo 878-2085. c-t6-127 all olMilton. Futot.t scrvics%%as lielidin FOR SALE - Btckîshet. 3 Iilv Rii-ativ Chuî cli on Monday 1111,, %40 peon ut. Jolîti G.iii. nonn. Iiîcîtîtont in Esci- R. R. 1. licottoi .1-8119 grcî citoi.FOR SALE - 1400 fi. o TRIMBLE -Ai Joephi Brantîitenue,$12 pur1388fil.. excellenti Meioicyl Hospitalu, iOn Sondao - 'condition. 878-9825. c-16-8121 Atîgîot 22. 1965, Harold S. - Tivuic. iLtontnd ci the laiel FOR SALE-Aqoutittîi. oill Sarah MoLollin, doar i,îihcr 0oýlicbcsith 18.6 ond ail c,,ri, [oan iMro. Doînald Spo-crsofu $40. Phono- 878-2133. c- 168167 B.ubhi. Bîîvîî,î Mro. Drsîtv FOR SALE-1960 NS 1. Pîttîic Poc) nitd Brcin iof Milt(îv; I1 omnor. ecelclenticonditioun.Rît bu thor of Emîlv I X arl d:o.[Li tiiaon,îho-pre. 878-2258. c-16-8128 Bc.îîîucî. Situtccviilc; Clarentc _- -- - uit Milton; Volaî iMr, .SamuelciFOR SALE-Fin utcq.liîy tîtahît clitîl. W,tutn; Joseph o ganv diîtin, rututui it. 9 andcîcîl t uvl uute aiGoli- lilcocS. Phiove 878-9912. o-168160 doi uttl Mitovnuîd Hîlpîic of, kcott ,t lic 'McKcui cru] iHomeit, 14 Moîx I. n i -citucon utWccivc,îv ý,,.uî2 pi Ituieutcuîcîi Esoîcri ge 4ý Cards of Thanks 1 ituut itkc t tiu.usk A ilitu i rtucntlo, avul îcaivîco or al ho bea,uuiu.l oa,uC, .avd il1suto cciîcd d icînîo uccnî t ,uoini Miltm tuttiOlici i-opit.i. Spcoi.ui ttîk, tl u D. McK,,v out i. o1168111 Lsuol Soooczic. QUINTON-Jack and Anneîuo 1111-,Mutto tiuîukoeltîivs a Ion of Georgetowon aie picaocîî rii cue for lu t iuueco, cudo ,it taannoonc-otho a trivloftt iipli t-%%hîile- il, Mil tutn Hospital., their son, Rutheri Joiii, cigitu SpeoialIiiauks o ttD.Outt 8 Ibo., 15 tzo -ai GeuucpcîuuîsuuRcv. Jcliarco..uhau tut lu- adîco and Distrilot Mcîîuori,îI îîlo, p . l the Caihutiic Wîumo-nsoLcapoo- loit os Satordtv, Atîpîîiî 21. tutHuuiy Rooary PauuihcCtau 1963. Firot gtandchiid li- tMr' cul Guîld ofi Gr.uce Anglicanî andMcs. Joîhn Beasiioli tut R.> Litit h. IlicsaffofIi tc bospit.l, R. 3, Harristonî, anid M.a id utlf- DrlI. McDOnaldiu. Mrs. Gordoin Qutuî ot R. R. c-16-8151 Mc,. Jo-auiBackock. 2, Mealord, .ooulicîu- o ict WILIS Mr ad Ms IIîlktîotir cardo, Ilomeco ound WILLI - M auî MccRuîal id lI tutus nudo and reltives Willis (nec Wrigh) of 3388 lot ttnd a oýpcuial ihanso 1Dr. Auk- Cas., Palermo, are pteased t lu.co-nd th 1e sorsing sîalf or assoance the 'irth of Iheir MiltosnIHospital for their kind- daughIcr, Mary Olive Wilis,. îtcooîuucugnp 015 1.1v here; alýo meight 4 hos., 10 os., ai Miltto liii c.ulos, Ibomcus aîud visilo District Hospitaltusin Thurýot.uvI tui ticvuio andudrelatîiveo and I mscrning, Aogosî 19, 1965, ai speci«l l taiko lu Rey. r. M. 6.38 e.m, - Oîît.îîî.Dr. McCratc aud flic nursicistoil io Buritsiut lon o- WILSON-Mr. and Mro. Ronal i ti.îilui theurr ,and mi îîdne,-o J. Wilson (nrc Soulier) of 96 dttur itny rcuntil ilso. Tltauk Main Sti, Mlton, Ont., ,ie o a very plecoord tua asoîusce the c-16-8135 W. Il. Ocoltut hirth of Ii onso, Davidi antd Ooryi, osoighi 6 lbs., 4t!zo.1 and 7 1h,., 91zrzs.c, ai Miltoni Co i District IHoopital on Aîpool 23,. - ng LvenIs 1965. ._Mltt l h,îtuîhcr tuf Comumece -Septembcr genritectieîîp oili Engagement ake 16e faimusetia Dinser Meel- _____ pai the-Caravan Restaurant, Milton Plaza, Tharsday, Septem- Mc. and Mc,. Charles H. Mill hor 9. Ro-rcohnienîs 6 p.m. fol- of Mlton ansousce the eneage- loîsed 6v naueliioo-, beri dinser ment of Ibeir osiy doughîcr,J ai 6.45 p.m. Guest speaker; Mc. Carol Ans 10 Mr. F. Davd Show. H. A. Biachloîd, Bell Telephone son of Mr. and Mro, F. Show aI Co. Lid., ith a Public Farum Montreol and OakviIte. The mac- on flite prîupased lelephone raie niage mill be suiemnized ai G race i screuoc. TicketIs 82.58 ech avait- Anglican Charch, Milton, Ont.,aîiceai fltc Ctamber affice, Mil- on Salurdoy, Octaber 2, '1965, ai Ian Travel Service and the Caca- 2 oclock in the afternoan. van Restaurantl. c-168142 DECORATING INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICES Conveniest lerms axaîlable on *Castom moade drapes 0 Ready miade drapes 0 Laîpctîîîg 0 tlphoiotcring *Vcseiians bin ds W Widw hades 0 Farsilure from lamaus masufactorers Ynîîr hume decurating may 6e financcd os reasonable monnhly lerms. Ask about aur plan. For in-home consutations, coîl Mc. Campbell. CAMPBELL'S 0F MILTON TR 86021 R. R. 1, Mlton c-43-if PRINTING Wedding Invitations thal are socialiy correct aînd prunted dlielnctiveiy PLANNING A WEDDING? Cal The Canadian Champion 191 Main St. Milton FR0ONT E AIND \1iBRAKES 10 OR 6R6 & TRCfKS 7 24 ilottr Scîtce Rciil - ul-lo4 t),t ni.i Riot I lico 878-3131 Bd": Lîîîo:, \itltt t oit i-%i '.'uti, b,îd I 1îuîtu, 66'r . lî,cl bh) 140 FOiR SA1T' I.uuo-e iossy pi1 f ai .îuuln (Champion s l piii.ýx7 ouce SI, 8 x10 $1 SI29 'Plus1.10. Cu.h surit .cc.op.uîîoidcu Etuirut fots ut Clîttt,tx ,nOtlîco, 11]Mais St., Miton. c-44368-if ,,r, 0, lîîoîtltros'orks, in minuutti.r oi eo. 2'1 2 mile- fl i M liib.ie pon fnle ad- tl.878 66. c16-8085 contact Chudleigh Bros. 878-2725 b- 16-2 For Rent l'OR RENT - Storaige. olcati, (Il% s, ti-ci t Ioor, cntral. 878- 6049. c-16-8097 FOR RENT - Ap.îcittnin, 3 toonto pluo ssaslir-oovi. Phonec TR 8-2460. c-16-8126 FOR RENT-t looser aîîd I op- pcr aparlînevl. in Canîpbctlviiic. Appîn R. J. Eoîrly. c-16-8152 FOR RENT-Eleclric hol malex bealers wilh fre service, Phone Milton Hydro, TR 8-2345. c-tf IFOR RENT - Heaied 3-inoîti alîî.îrlîcsi, couple oîîly. $45 iiioiiily. 878-9846 or 878-9751. C.16-8159 FOR RENI' - 5 - i1i aparl- ntîlî, ini a coîntiYhoume. Applo. ini pero, Toxoîco Station sn Moi- la,ît b-16-8136 SI1N GE R SEWING MACHINE 5 SALES - SERVICE fRENTALS PHONE TR 8-6861 Milton Fabric Center Serviegsuad Repaieon ail nuakes of uewing machines. G-1-0 Auctioneers Walker's Auction Service Box 1,19 Usions île, Ont. Auctioneers 6& Evaluatoro Liveslack DispersaI and General Farm Sales Livestack is Our Bîîiîîss Local rep.t D. R. SECORO, 283 Spcuce St., Oakville. c-13- PRINTING QU-A LITY PR INT ING Ciii 1.le LChamupionît luittil t-tit pitn xîpeccîlo 6WCe oM ho- Itppo lI deipgn and prituotr htt-,ic- tir po-isal I tioiivev, cat.Ldog no-o, put1-ýlalI.îdcio osic. To luit ttily * 1li t to-ii Set lite * ýii. ,uuî tic ,1 THL LANADIAN CHAMPION 191 Maint Si. . Milîtutu ORNAMENTAL IRON MILTON Ornamental Iron AWNINGS & IRON RAiIINIS BILL KELLY TR 89827 c-44 it ELECTRICAI. SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC 0 INOtISTRIAL 0 COMMEIRCIAL *0n(3MESH'C * LECTRIC IIArIN(; Complete Electric Home 66 Chattles St. Miltun TR 8-9513 c-tf GENERAL CONTRACTORS RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. * il ut IIII iup-tt-il ts *Alicut 111w. *Coiîiiiiciaot. i (tlwitial UL 4-2263 c-44-il A. C. CANNON & SON (i-NI.RAt. CI1NTRACTORS cusuobtum il utes Ropaîrs Aliccutuuws Modtern Capboards Plut-, andîiceleNdlntaies. Y ttois opet tClenLce. IR 8-4424 BEAUTY SALON Vogue Beauty Salon A NEW COIFFURE Dcougncd Jool For You - and - COMPLLTE BEAIJTY SERVICE Caîl 878-2461 192 Main Street c-49-tf TV and RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AND APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE " Phitips TV & Tape Recnrders " R.C.A. Sicren, TV. Appliances " Sporion TV and Sterco 222 MAIN ST. TR 8-4445 c-If WELL DRIELING WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R.R. 2, Milton, Ont. \hM. ARCH & SONS iuto- Bttunglon NElsas 4-60251 BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION LT 81511I HiNS (iiSiISM IM 0i'S k 1:'NOVA i IkNS Ri PAIES Fiîor Fitnialo-s TA 6-1119 TA 6-2859 RCS. Streetsville rD. REFRIGERATION KING REFRIGERATION INOUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL SALES & SERVICE ko-ihle and Efficient CAMPBELLVILLI2 854-2228 îe32ç--tf -f FOR SALE (Continuod) FOR SALE (Continud) FOR SALE (Contlnued) an d FOR SALE-1955 Pontiaîc ha- FOR SA! F AlaIla nixed hay, FOR SALE-You will like buy- totp, ctv>d coîîîîig tcadi iool, 22514. c ,oopool dciop. Applv isg your building materiais and WANTED-Firot morîgage. Ap- or 'Cou olici. 878-6396. c-152-8042 Vt-,. T. BI, ce llOohLtiich R. R. 2, coolai Crawfordos, Campbell. ply Box 249, Aclon Frcc Press, FO SLETholobay it1h Liioc. c-16-2-8100 ville. Qoick service. High qua, Aclon, Ont, c-16-5924 FOR ALE-hisle bbv cr-1lily. Phone Campbellville UL 4 riago and louiizo cib, oth iii FOR SALE-Foly recondilion- 2232. c,36-171-lf WANTED - Ride to Toronto, good condition. 8784409. c-18-888 cd waohing machincs, priced - working hoors, 8.30 10 4.30, King fron Ilt $1995 op, aIl guarantecd. FOR SALE-Qualily seed rye. andBa.8-27 te530 FOR SALE - Large porc hied GoochlCîo Hilrdwarc, Georgetown, CIe ied.$1.45 a bhî .Ca Bap- 88-275 16-81 5 3 Holocin heiler, lreoh wilh hci- 877-2551. b-9-1043 'belîville 854-2574 or cal! at .683 fer cal. Phone 878-9874. b-16-8089 -Guelph Line jool pool race lrack, WANTED - l4ooockeeper, mid- FOR SALE-1 Paloînint artc, FOR SALFE Melha appîco. Ciimphellville.I-I Eichenberger. dile-aged woman for 2 adullo. Mrs. 3 vc.irs old. oacldle hrokovn, $258.0. P iliig yîBoi ld, h ono n-c-12-7951 G. A. Dillo, 43 Frcderick St., Canîpbellvillc UL 4-2340. 88.15. Wh-16-8113 FOR SALE- Hhonvy duty elcc- phone 853-0714, Aclon a-8-1021 C -8155 tric sooxc, aiso propane and WANTED -. Ride 10 -Mllon -27 lip. W- oo FiOR0 SA L - 1956 Karmaso oaîourzil fao, good choice. Some (Main Si.), irom 9th Lise or FOR SALE .WsoinGli co ecol l iv,, nisg uordgr, laie nodelo Al l fliy guaras- Base LUne, Hornby, arrive in Mil- ,îîr-cooled copinc svilh îcclctiov,,1>001 hoL do ,,ill iirior, I10w liý ccd Goudîl-, s Hardware, Ion 8.50 arn. Phose 87&4759. cllc.80d 1 COS. c-1h13 79.c16-8092 Geor'geoom, 877-2551. b-91042 c-16-8163 FOR SALE-11oovci î, FOR SALE - Elcctrîc pisto FOR SALE-Oump truck, 1955 WANTED TO BIJY-Meat rab- mic llin osovi pu-î timp andl stor. V suc., 3,i"Chevrolel, 2 Ion, $300; furnace bits, any size. Best cash prices soortahle. Phonie Guelph 82"-8069 di,., S25: al-oa cedcr-, $18.,oil tnko 123, 250 gai., $25 each; paid per lb. Phone MU 96184, c-15-8047'Plloine 878-9107. c-168158 cliait, hoivl, 2 Ion. $25; mechalti- George Carey, Millgrove Paekers. ical plant transplanter, uoed c-8-9-7642 FOR SALE -3-hcdc-ootv hiick' 1k 661 IE-S,-cl diobe lci.-oiu, civ.keofocr. 878-9831. -___ hoopolon ivinMilton. $4.080clown osiopil", its lleti iil 11000, juif -ized - c-16-8157 WANTED - Wood and cool paymesl. Opent 10 olier. 878-6175. o ibiim il iitt tctîco; htho totîli- u______ toemstbci c68161 10icit. Piio 8549836. o-168114 FOR SALE - Car. truck and exceslnt conton;010e, mot be n __ - - --- - - 1 raclar ires, new and used. over well pressure syolem. Phase 854- FOR SALE-Pekin andtoit Mîo 1I-R SALE - lloloto-in hcifcr 2,00Kelly Springfield lires in 988.c-15-2-8005 oosv nd Roncs o-soditoko. II uic, l-oi cil ,and .îooîcdit- otock, al sizes. 10w prices; fIats - - oîpco. A. Leaîch, Ilillohot li. 855-d, ionliîtOiiot dis, 1402 Ap- ,fised, 81.00; wheels balanced, WANTED - 16 fi. or 17 fi. 4793. c-14-3-7987,pî Ulneî, Bot ltîtloi. c-lh 8129i$1.80. We have batteries for most bouse trailer wilh loilel and ___ - - - - :cars asd trucks. Milton Tire and oho-er. Wil Irade 100 ft. x20 FOR SA! E-4 îicircd Iliti 113k SA! L 6'(3 LtrotiWll Radialor Service, 191 Miii Si., [i. building loI, eparaled. sn res- ic-ini hiJCtî , (fliic 1 liilot tu lic î,,k, 1, - nIriiitck li-i Paît ,tO-878-2711. c-51-7083-tf idenliai arca. Box 9, Canadias 12tiofScpteiîîîhî. Pliu-878 atînt. t l liiîi-. t îdîitp i 1,1Chtampion, Milton. b-16-8125 9-480. 1688163 tutti iîplc-îîîcîî t- 8784731. -FOR SALE - Aîdîing machine-sc,619 WANTED- Transportation, 6 hoys arecoillisg 1u pay for tras- lypo-oribero, fotr stle or reotal. I311kSAI 6i I. vi ai.t tirtEmployment NW .anted porlolios lrom Milton 10 Si. Phone TR 86962, Hlarris Stathitn. ot-cl i utu ,ld ltoiteci, Michael-, Collc'gialc, Si. Clair er__cS [467 - - 1\ n'lcd t î,-,eoî -- ---Bathorst, 9 o.m. tu 3 p.m. or rnear FORiSAill .&ll tllt-oiil hic. 87739718. LMPLOYMENT WANTED - tours. Phone 878-2152. c-16-8130 c.d refclrt îtîît o. tîtmo iich(oo-c c-165925 1i1,I1 lime h.îhy iltngj;io mos- )romn, S49.95 op, l! îî itc-l 1k63 iipecti lc cdý 878-6817. c-16-8154 WANTED-Live poullry, gnose Gîiidlclo HFardsî,it, Gtt ttttt il kit, lîci' 'abliîot-ittilcludiiîg i-MPLOYMENT WANTED - Highesl prices. We coli. Write I. 87-251.b--04 î"tk ,iîl ilt -Moilti rantgc, tAîOlttho it I1cor 2 poohool Zener, 776 College St., Toronto FOR SALE-Aîî ic1 - 1-, c f iîi.tc cilc-.it ci dct.2ti- o vr vCsnsor phýone colleet LEsox M-724, 1 \ .i[- 1957 N04,l Metioloi 8 0W9,617.c-16-8082 honitie. phonueî878-2028. cl-06evenings. HUdson 5 23.c-35.îO tii, cqipped il sîhi.titî iotandIMPIOYMENT WANTED - WANTED -Lady pipers osd snots v f i,iit ooclen. Oil\ [5kR661 r -)9 il.tilîc 2 4-tir ut 008101tuiinlavî iný drommrrero reqoired bv Milion gýd tii;i:" I(L- il\1 liva Wsvejecc-c,-Girlo' Pipe Basnd, age10oor 62.37. c1818111111'm, 0 t tiltlgitlt u lc loc8899. asd nop riesce noî ncccoosary. .0 I Ir- lIcolclîci 799953 liocolc- 16 8081 Contact o-îa ovelMlls ,8 oi 9i 30.c Io 81394878-9425. c-15-8050 l-AtIPIOYMFNT WANTED - _ _________ 7ý TIP-IN TIRE 'kF AiOR 01usccol s.kli,îhlc- ntîltcrssillisg ocr * ..tîî osli 1.1lî,î ol.irpatoieot i-îîîchltciosin 6cr osss homne WANTED 1, e2;, ht)OillPrie- mith1, tim1ing iisiciiiit% King and Used anîd New Farn, Ilp Il 1 i , ý" cliiik S5. Sut i St,. 878-9529 aller 4.30 - r adPssne TrsPho-c 1iL 2227. 616-8131 itil c-16-8140 SPOILED HAY 1 i-FIR SALE- \cws iîc oîl UP YrT wANTED - OR STRAW 1 ý ... .. ... ..... . 1. 11-t.. t , .-I- hildr ncc v eisc s e ofo clO -16 w0im2~ V'aeWe4 9atùe- Cars for Sale 0 READY FOR THE OPEN ROAD - IT'S TRADE 'N' TRAVEL TIME FOR DEPENDABLE QUALITY AND EFFICIENT SERVICE Sec these Ibis wcek at REED REDFERN LIMITED 1964 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan iV-8, aulomaîjo. radio, white- saîl ltires, windohield wash- ers. New car condition. 1964 Dodge Two Door Hardtop > V-8, aulomatic, radio. white- wa lo, 2-love, windshiejd wash- ers, verv low mileage. License No. 518441. 1964 Pontiac Convertible 8cylinder, aolomalic, radio. power scering, power bcakev, ochitewalls, wheci dises, waoh- ers, lan ocith white roof, spot- les., condition. License No. 159- 791. 1963 Oîdsmobile 88 2 Door Hardtop Auoomatic, radio, power siecr- ing, power brakes, whitewalls, whccl discs, wisdsbield wash- ers. License No. E67595. 1962 Pontiac -Sedan Automatic, radio, whitewalls. disco, oashers, very dlean car. Licenot, No. 526670. 1962 Rambler Sedan With washers and seat belîs, very los mileage, like new. Licctîoe No. E74117. 1960 Chevrolet 4 Door Station Wagon r Auoomalic. whitewalls, wlel c dises, windohietd waohers, one 1 ousoer car. Licensc No. X1713. 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air 2 Door 2 'To Cloooc Fîn Auoomalic. Radio, White Walio, Whecl Dises, Windohield Wash- er 0. Licctîs, Nos. E70622 anîd 572551. 1959 Oîdsmobiîe 4 Door Hardtop Folo cqoipped. License No. E67594. BIIY NOW AT REED -REDFERN LIMIED Ontario Street South, Milton. 1

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