84 -. The Canadian Champion, stednesday, August 18, 1965 4-H Seed Judging Contesi Alexander, Gardhouse, Sinclair, Lawson Win first vear members, ont of a pos Aexander, Norvat t, 527.5; Bill îroplty for sroring high in hay, Thirtv-six 4.11 Agricoturai 1bible 600 points, the winners were: Sinclair, Burlington 1, 527; and red clover, and forage Identifica- members compeird in the An Ken Peer, Milton 2, 463.5; Bill Las- Larry Gardhouse. MLIlon 5, 524. lion. Art Laowo nn the Cash noal Seed Judging Competitton by, Rockwood 2, 450.5; and Carol Bill Alexander is the inner of Crop Ttophv tor top marks in on Monday evening, Augusi 9 at Middlebrnok, Milton 2, 449.5. In the trophy for champion seed the quiz, polato and crn ,udg- the Fair Grounds' Miton. This the Junior Division, for those 16 judge. Winner of the Course Grain ing. competition is sponsored by the end under: Elizabeth Norrington. Tronhv for top score in Dais. Those in charge of the ceetit- Hi to'Girl To Join 4-H- Six memisers of tise Malion1 Conînts 4-M omeseakrng Clubs1 tutti be gus o fss tfhie Dire-os f lise Canadian National Esisibtulun for Iiîree days in T ononto cor-se mencing Wednestay, Augusi 25. Visiiing tise Exhibition ns t-be high- iighl oh ihis trip but tise girls1 PICK YOUR PLAN 1. USE YOUR OWN TRUCK AND PICK-UP BULK FERTILIZER AT OUR NEW WARE- HOUSE. YOU SAVE $5 A TON OVER THE BAGGOD PRICE PLUS $2 A TON PICK-UP DISCOUNT. TOTAL SAVINO $7 A TON. 2. RENT OUR LELY SPREADER iCAPACITY 900 POUNDS) AND SPREAD THE SULK PERTILIZER YOURSELP. YOU CAN PICK UP YOUR PERTILIZER OR WE'LL DE- LIVER. 3. ARRANGE FOR OUR COMPLETE DELIVERY AND SPREADER RENTAL AND STILL SAVE $2 A TON UNDER THE BAGGED FERTILIZER PRICE. OUR POUR TO IVE TON CAPACITY TRYCO SPREADER WILL BE DELIVERED BY OUR TRUCK WITH THE PERTILIZER TO YOUR FARM. YOU CAN SPREAD UP TO 100 ACRES A DAY. M& SERVES YOU BEST NOW US THE TIME TO TAKE THAT SOIL TEST FOR YOUR FALL FERTILIZATION PROGRAM. JUST CALL HALTON CO-OP AND A FIELD MAN WILL ARRANGE YOUR TEST. SOIL TESTS TAKE TIME. ARRANGE YOURS NOW AND BE READY FOR YOUR FALL FERTILIZATION. s ta C.N.E. i Prog ra m otf meeting some 175 girls frms 16 coueittes and t districts misa mill uit be living in lte Madgareu Addtison -Resitence ai the tUniver- sity of' Toronto. In addition ho seeing tome of lise sighs of Toronto lise girls Halln Cunt Sot ad Cop se-Miton ohnMcGez or- soedZidetifica.tion is lions mre C. H.K nrrasun ivnioeo ins,, arrras naroemsn prloementvAsoito, vlt, 1breand Cr0 gsbory anitý4"in , Parliament Buildings and the Roy- Club Program. Each girl will ans-s tromn hasoiaiots for 11h 509.5; and Boh LeslieAo Larrv Gardhousc. Bill Sinclair is Bill Hîrsl, Soit and Crsrp Special- ai]DOntario Museume. wer a qoiz and each county or In heNoic sctonfo- he13,1503.5. Top Seniors mew u the inner of the Smali Seeds ists: Delmar Ford and Nino 1ieH2i Bi-aida, 4H Grain Club adT-s: M a on Couiniv gis arc: district wiii preseni an exhibit or Il nrsS in in IrtitItiaRa-S is nBrition, Acton 1; Diane denmansiration tbat has previotis- fleriv Sla lev, vl" Bou - Milton 3; Winittari Dio- y heurtset tif)ai 1haiit- ossActs- B uoor, E tn ui h r Sa e it îînd CVrgat.ltir- litai tar, Ltorplsalivilia t; Dorcen Fish- ieve.neni Day. Hio onvwl Fru iandisi loner., Georgeatowon 3; Norma Mfat, preset an exhibit fiose the-Dots- Bus o ur, Exti g uis er S les ockseottî 2; and Litida Tjatt, lin Club on "Ways of Storingf ,et-g.etoss s t. Shes. Norma Mofitai miii gise New Frlends a three minute commenlary toi A\nniv'ersary' in Jr. Farrner Plans Fail Fair Dates ThYill su have tha opportiînits explai h xoits Maton Junior Farmers arte.1as et hut flic end nf October store for Mr. and Mrs. Segs- ACTO- - -........Sept. 17, 18 4 lookîng forsoard Iona busv tnd has hies mentioned hs the morth and lsd for hostîng thc Ancaster-.........Sept. 23, 24, 25 tnterestîng raii sîsson ni ativ- tommitie delegate for his sav inHMotion. Arhur .................Sept. 22, 23 s" COU N TY OFPHALION tisFor the pasi ee Rav Belan- Ag ib is yearth Halton Barrie Sept. 29, 30 Oc t ED1CO2TRO Arrangements are bcbng made ger. the delegate on the Aerta J .irssehetakingowan activheses i - p9M0i for a weekend bats touîr to De- exchonge has heen the gnest ai part tihen es hs îhte2 t rout for the Juniors in Set.ie.om i aios rvicasle of fire extingaishers and Beeton.........Sp.2,9 Plans inciaded o tour of the direcior, Ed Segsnrnrth of Bîrr- Jno omr AoiusBnro 71 ____ NEW S Ford Museum,Greenfietd Village, lingîons. Roy-lhas heen husy canes. Bolton Sept 24, 25BY4V..E....A.He Cierm adpehasa erot orifHtttnCony and sur- The Juniors are reminded thai Bramiuion..... Sept. 16, 17, 18 Tiger Banchait Game Since the rotin ding districts siih his hon:. the C.N.E. Jodging Competitinîs Coiedoîs.............Sept. 10, il WEEO INSPECTOR bus is limiied tu 41 possengers, Apporen ls he mimd farming mut hec held on September 3. Ceoiaio Sept. 30, Oct, t, 2Mnle Juîniors re reminded ta subseit meîhads ,Someishat different in The date for the Orsi cotînt- Chesîey. . Sept. 10, Il Mose he Field Crops Bronch, Ontario theirnranses inisiediateiv 10 their Ontario -nsshat he is used boord is Septeseher 1. Cilnîaa - -2' If a mari scientisi tried in huilti t3parimeni oi Agriculture. hl i% respective cubtspresidents etîsre tu in All*iaîti.wThanks are in -Verna Thompson. Cli. goo ....Sept. 2,,2 5 or- - ha srauid end opmercis esiremcv difi irat. Brush- Sepiemner . Diavioti Sa.t..1. ..si.20 scitt samctsitsg like miithîsacikilt, a mixture n o -Dan 2,4 ,T Reports frose the sale of ire: Dnrtsaîî.............Sept. 24. 25 Thatltlr, traglit stemîstsirks ops sprayad suans ta hit tha undersur- extinguishers rose the local O tsElmira -.. Sp.2, 4 attd 6h ikea o iare ai ioparad danscirod.fcoftelas i kc bk cluhs are vers gond. The saeo5onr.ai Ofl Emro ......... Sept. 1f and 20 Tua long, iîroad hoao-shaped Icav morts oi the tnp granits Repent. these ire estinguihes along Ein' esxaiaeinrk on the stae esoctîxcd applications miii cventuaitv kilt wiî Stns ovig Vhice sgns 1 ~11. ritpasito ach orther. Thseseuid il. The necessary amount of herb- are the projeci mtich the Mal- Craig Reid Tops ',..oflfeition Ftgi-17,Ilpadiaaokslike a hairyrcucuîmberrie16oneaiadeqvi thnuior e ar rers foalre esiing- H. Craig Reid, R. R. 6 Milton, The Agricullural Socielpoflers Galti....... Sept. 9,10, Il tai siorîtdta grnm like mad enti per acre ixsoubigh thai il ix uishers con be mode irom ans topped the Moion Agricoturai 10 cash prizes in the annuat con- Gaglos ci ,7 1irtaeri nri rt ixîrrrred t raialu spig ray its.Ini Jun ior Frmer in Matas. Socies annuol lieud crop coam- test. Others in 1he prizer nones Granîd Valus ......... ri u. t, 2 .rt ita ritse, nîter ndmitsg op.ln 50hAnvray petition in oatx, il wsaannounc- mere: llanos -..... Set2 3, 4 Lises tur years ihis murh bruxskiii, especinil il Plans are iaking place for iee s s-ethHS eceas Scn, aoî debroH iinOp.1 5 -11hTie îlot Kx illadit itslins- para- the miikîîeed t s vîrng. dues an celebrtion ears c' theMrx. Georg'e Readtsead. R.R. 2 Miton, Gnrrs-. 9312; third. Kinr,îrdrne Srpt. 16, 17'oltso h ikeio-wieecletjb ceerlofai50 sar> i ts-Afred Ford. R.R. 4 Milton.laourih, Kiithener- tSept.27 trr0,t. itsrttixtisiair sî xeln Junior Farmers in Haiton. The Mm. Reits fietls aI Garrv nais Limestone Hall Farmx. R.R. 2 LiedsavSet.2 ta 23 srain 1irait. itacxeadtu aeriapi A suelrsaIgetting rit date hasn'i bren set definiteiYs xrrrîi95 antiofai apassible 100 Milton, 92';fluth. Edgar Poster. IListai -l Spi 71 8bo, ed hwsed 0[P Asr in a fgtigrd painîsssnsen ange Elgin Laugh- R.R. 2 Georgetown, 92; s7tîtsRas-- Londan...... ..r_>ep. 1 8 earts irhar isalixits,ai"corr r- <1 miikîeet ix laouse Amutrai as S is at' Oranes î,le iifed 16e 18 ne, Br.-,,R.R. 1 ilMtas, 911 z: Markdaia Sept. 16 17 ita.Nisnt-i-uuxred ptsin.Tsxp-enîs chiar-, N 1 tan odu ide ltnai i a r -sposilra.Tisn eplat n iii. Deuty tIueredein the cotest Tonfl evr.nth, Fred Dison. R.R. i Mil- Marektsai Sept.30, Dut. ri asrîtilte in t ocdliair- tehile lkitsorssai ielt an- Wednsda oflas wee. Te, on,91;eightts. Brook Harris, R. MILTON . ... ....... ep.242_bon cd iemlke nthwieililsga:loii leu . gereotsth cossnere!R. b Milton 89r; nint. J. C. Mitchsell_ _ Sept. 28 29 ar plant is .aparanitrl andt lites lire ont eticiat in petting rut ai #Tà#M fktt B ard v ý r god nd nlva e hiels Marshanu, R.R. 4 Miltas, 89; îarsîh, Nain Hambtiig Srep(.17,'180for tears. fldit iitn oittiesed,intivituatplants or ciamî.sstifî ro freiUu hat shart stziks* dieio taheiMrue Trisehier, R.R. 2 Miltan,Dr inganllie Sept 21 ., annaegroand rîat stock s spieadt îitkneed once and for ail. Maurice C. Bealy, a Mlon 1draugiti. .f....AOxita9« , 20, _ anti a-n sertit rp lriaishoshaulnd ________ area Jersey farmer, bau been p .5liants. Tiesa roat t iurkxdine Moxistseciax ai' sharks ba namied ane of 1th 14 personnel -Ci r i ig' 8dîrîît i eeper tiîrs ia nclp lvngyuncald us for Onlarlos neMIlk Market- We l'telirt0 1 1Dît. 30apluisiaid aidcruttstack ser- Ing Board. Fut Veetui e Gro wen Visit Dii n Sorînri c Dri 9lin6 - i nohe ointa Producers represenllng dairy fPaimît stan Sept. Ji,"28tired plat.t tannera from ail parts ai the p MÈr -k~e RîsIn î id l Lis hitehrsiie ar provnce ere hosn tositUnTXRucti-irtnei. S- 24d r Logbe c irbcdo veeCanadian Vocat the board, seith George R. Me- On Tuîsdav, Angusi 0 ts rasTie misito usiîasrSîraîl ard .......Sept. J0, 21. 22 hadoii-k% lpdý Laughln of Beaverlon as chair10 ievasThrsutfhenavr Tîîssaîtat Sept. 24, 23 as a :il'tn nte p ra- mas. Eventualîy the boardsll licai Fruit andt vegîtabie grmw- gasi Pile a prodrîcrng orîhard a Tuistir eAn01 30s lviavs.-Titis shedstsha Under Programme 5of fitre hadî te aretngniai at pîîdrhm aresb amchi riîrtîsi16n tlias Sept....... u.3, 231arraeherbicitte ikaýalies. Arr- andTochnica Agreenment, train handl themarkting f ai, j rs opned heirlarm Io aa muh calier itrethanil tev Set. 1 up f visttitiroterri'omaxis sidailefiiithttandrdstolt. orono a n milk ln Onario, unifer the gsup- irrtngiae()trmlic'*erîtmrh sanard ais îront -ifa iasarýpsit- emI..-d peanso gh th pervisîon of lIse Onarioo M1k Midlesand EKii s ousties.* Hi alto bas strrssharrîîxanit ag- C.N.E-.....Aug. 20 10 Sept. 6 itstio%%ii inrthe-.-e-.. tnrwugh Conmission headed by chair- Tom Ctutteigh anitBrmurce-letable erops ptanted balmean the Royai - Si... te..... o. 12 ta 20 noklit iniatre purpue astd Town of Oakvill., if oufficiena:h .manGeoge eCaue. Frame of R.R. 3, Miltron nesos 'standards. U1 rde - pi h-2 golden cirovvts. Eacht liîier ha5I Une .mnGog cau.UbI Oni...r...rp.tuttipsi-r1t.2a aIl Ude ertain circomisaai 1_________ ,lneî t nrasîing marboits of -For the vegetabie grass-rs thae-Watkerion- - -r.... Oc. 20, 21 !onîv sttraphock a lîr stilnitîs1îs Mapbe paid. Entepreqoirernent rîann îatapetcsgansgroapsvisireilt he tarin rrt TîrnvWaterdassn ..-.... Sept. toIl vh ii h 1)ý1 sz,ý noted. Inrolmesi ai once: chass n aln X raatsiaî-kx. Mr.: Satibo sehere ihes maregieaWciît - p. anitsnthalîalcrp 195 4-uhe p Clb etnieghsadvoaoîs trellising the! tour by Martnaond Tan ot h iaWaadbridge-Oct. 8, 9 andt1il nsitstseir iisc,.195 treas on rau-s oftie n posix, macs pîantings; couliii riner anit, Wotxtack Aup. 25 tlu 28 IlftntuIhave rut ikaseer il se't Sees Hoey Hera sýeite Mr. Fr;tseehas seans guait cabbage, Much oh Ihis rahhage lfri. Piaîing Matets.. D,î. 13 ta 161impossîbt 0 e t ritîd oiiilt sa>ýs NAME 0F COURSE Tise Moitas4H Sharp Clui:t reassins fur sticking ta a singleiam ii mbsorage ta ha srrtd gaîbereit ai the I rse oh James posisuppoîrit îor aah troe. Tom" during 16e sinter monîhx. COMMERCIAL- CLERICAL... Moey for thaîr monthis meeting. Chuitteigî lt iio aperatu- a naît I COMMERCIAL . STENOGRAP Members gainer sama sr l-ericv xpecializingis disartapplul Peter Lindie- aifBurtîngtrîn YOU CAN EXAMPLE PAYMEN o.of CMCRIAHARNGAPI uable ips isbas M. Moey, sahatrocs. The importance rat îarming i ýo%,e an excellent trop oh carsY BORROW UP TO Recv amnçM th CER- YIT............. shoms ai the Canadian Na tionri accort ispa-as s t r e s se d hsisaket toseatues. Ha alto gave' KEYiP-eC (4smenis Mrrnths ---Mm. Chudlii. To be operating a siiascac arbev ho! 28 S311 2 KY UC 4 ...eon Fibiian ont1e asaI Wîntrerar-r n l- n a husinsss ike seanner, acion of Dyseid used as a herbi-1 WITH ATLANTIC 1146 700 20 HOMEMAKING ieaperience con aim, deoratedfir MStaneyr-hanotas, me muni keons whicb ride in 1he toseaioes. 212.57_____1300 20 Grade 10) . ........ ainfrtelir.MrSase oparations are giaing us 16e hast Burtinglon ix ralli-r a unique 506.94 22.00 30 BSCTANN O KL E taîkeit about show'ig.rosan , otastiîh arasai,. area as far os segetabie produc- CaIl Us Today 835.23 35.00 30 ACTRIIOORKLLl A clans of breeding eme lams1r155sx9 5.0 36Gae9(ntyRqie 'sasjudgd bvthemeseirs.A, arler Orchard lion ix concerned, anit M. Lindies ,3.99v,6Gad EtyRqie generat nheep quiz anit question 1The McCarttss tarse iperoteit bv espiained thai gromers eimuste 1o Con le n strancr An.îi.rtsle on I Grade 10 iEntry Requtret period lotiooed. Aller a deiriaux Peter MeCat ths iemisxîratedin t- gnam higts salue crops 10 e5e5 Turn With Trust To Ait Loans Aiapictsmibee lunch Don Marris thankad the Iatrphanisg o arionas crops in aparti sawarran t the atsing ai ttisAilIALIcansPmFINANCEe S-beys fom iroir hospitalihy. 'standard appie orihard. The or-hitand. ATLANIC I NAN Ehe National Emptopseent Seraic liards averagîd aroosd 10 vearsi ville, telephone 145-3891. Cort UP AND DOWN aid nits dîari tracs pianîrd ha- Aiseosi ai tihe enrts s air ix 208 Main St. Milton 878-2855 for fouifrain Keep your accidents doms andit iean 1he standards mitts the ais- belose 500 miles ahove ilis sur- Wf norain your profits up. rîct oh emasing thase in a îem lace. CORPORATION LIMITED HALTON SUPPLIES MITN.............. PHONE TR 8-2391 GEORGEOWN .................PHONE TR 7-2271 ERIN ~~~-----------...............PHONE 833-2222 MANAGER'S NOTES: Farse Safeîp Week n puni but uts almapn ime to iink seriouîly about ibis imporant item. A farseer is responibie for afely in is home as meli as is indutrp. Ha mup ose as- many as 35 differeni types of macinery during the peur. Most accidents resuli frose un operafors mistake. Oniy common senne, rare and ondivided atten- tion mili redore thseOrse accidents. is every farmers probiese, Mo one soluion mii aoiomatirallp eiminate uhe dangers. mits ail Orse safer for or omon ake, - -- ,~ - I Verna Thompson Harvest 'MacN«fs Tops in -Safety Mamvn-i lime is one of bofd morn hot, dusuy conditions Verna Thcmpson, R.R. 2 Mluon mus tise hreaî of ratn or "aIl10 was chouan as seinner of116e Sain- nain tise crop. luite anat woder iy ScreP Book Competition sport- me bave so nsony farin accidents soe by thse Nblton Panse Safeuy turing harvest? Cauri, 'Tise Scmap Books teene But is the -posibiliiy aofsentinE judged uthe Augusi 9 meeting ast extra fuw busiseis mani the nf the counril hetdith 1e Agicul- risk nfitnjocy, or deatb. fI-oco ak- tonal affure, Miltos, tnieer the ing unecscrsany chances? Cropsç chairseanship oI Mms. A. R. Coal- are impot.tani, but dont forget ter. thisoun eostimisportantdrap il, Vennas Scrap Book enuileit people. "Tise A, B, Cas of Safehy tiscus- sedth hzmay siepsneî-tut presens accidents. Stunart Nnurse. ~ IR SE Georgetomn 2, sanssecoîndt ltirrîs E SS1 et h aonu Rîarktstyaer- 'Ar(t[ti, 2, aindilEizabthliNoaritgilutr Mit,1We Carry a ComploesLne of hou 6. ThueaSer a 1)130 kx' sa'îl 10 UNIFORMS loins Ibis flu. SH S The Direcuors of tise lalion Panse Safeîy Counril also appros. 0 HOSE M e th hzordering o1 sesenai hue- dret fire extinguishers 10 becoi -MILTON DEPARTMN ut the Stease Showe on FaIit ar TR T by the Maiton Coinny Janiron TO E TD Fansems. nier MaIn SI.Milton TRUMII Arthur A. Johnson O.D. OPTOMETRIST (ki Tuesday Afternoon Thursday Evening SHOPPING CENTRE - Fia onn MILTON PHONE TR 8-9"72 " Loblaws 184 MAIN ST., MILTON " Plaza Motors I L* Smoke & Gift Shop -1 0 Fabian Furniture 0 Laundre-Eze 0 Pollock Shoes 0 De'ath's Hair Stylists 19 The Lori-Ann Shoppe 10 Saveways Tots to Teens 1* Stopp's Cleaners & Tailors 10 New Style Barber Shop 0 Caravan Restaurant ational Training he Federai.Pvovincal Vocational lning wiIl b.e vailable for un. n Bard of lducatlon for the ,rainees are enrolled. 3ces, sobsisience allowancen ntis Grade 10 unless otherwise sses commence September 7th, DURATION .................10 Months lC --.. .. 10 Months ............ . 6 Months 1 q-" -equil)..4 Weeks onsidered ln lieu of ......... ........... 4 M onths IVEOPMENT ement Grade 8) .... 3 Months ment Grade 9) .... 4 Monthi egislered for employment with ce at 130 George Street, Oak- tfact Mm. Pratt or Mr. Safioles IL ""CALL ME TO TEST DRIVE SUCCESS PONTIAC TODAY"I - OSCAR CLIFTON MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. Pontiac - Suick - Acadien Vauxhaîl - Cadhilac G.M. Dealer 388 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2355 ________BULK SPREADING USE fc o\ FACILITIES FOR HALTON ECONOMY AND COMMENENCE Save Turne, Increase Income ,-cr- With BuIk Spreaid Fertilizers - ---------------------