Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Aug 1965, p. 3

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The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Aug. 11, 1965 Plunkeit Launches Needs Study Promises Look at Regional Jail The Halton and Peel Counties saine jail," the Depuiy - Reeve coulsi bc a wide range of tunda- needs sttady - siticialiti ta bc added. mental changes necessary." termed "The Halton and Peel Reeve Gordon Galagher ot The commissioner pointed out Local Goveroment Review" - Burlingion said il as a "comn- the researchers would begin was officially launched last plete fallacy" of the provincial uir silh any completesi sud week in Halton when municipal governmen's rsponsi bilii'les les thal have ever been done ini heads from the coonty gathered when hat senior government Halton and Peel. Ho meniionesi in Milton with the mon who is would flot assume more uftihe Halions ruasi noods sludy and Ia head the study. construction and maintenance Pel sewago and sieltaro siud- Thiomas J. ,Pluukett, MA., frod cuits tussard the lait. "'m disap- oes ssould ho hlpiol ansd ssouod a 0Min 1te "ge-acquiainlod" ses- pointosi." hc said, Mr. Plunkoti sale seine duiplication of ss'rk.1 sion îîiih Coui eouuuetltois. 'opliosi lie il uls make a staie- "Oso-lich itosi luoin ori ise, tusin aniownusship ctrks, mana- nient by fli Countv Covo il! miou li, ourn iol important ta',k gens and reasurers, andi otherý meeting lu mic-September ansi s il bc to got osver hlicsihlo cooniv oficiais ai the County "Ill certainly ask for some dlat- aiea, muet1 the appoinled anti clt Court House in Milton lu ouline ilicaion ofprovincial rosponsib- clesi otficiais, and 'mnd oui his termis ut reference for the ilitv." u1a o usdo r h rh siody and answer preliminary Mr. Plunkoil, a veteran uftw issetms," ho cuntinuesi. Early in the questions. The issu counnues re- oiheraroa goveofimont studios in noîv Nean, public horings sitl contly agreed lu help the Pros' Otassa and district and Lincoîn' ie fiotd 10 hear suhmisiun' incial governmoni share tho sti- and Wlland Coonties, oas ap-.tutm ansono nult duî'ooily lovolv- matesi $65,000 cosi ut the probe. pinti 'ns * ho Hon. J. W. Spoon- oud ii tho noosis study. fili goverfimonts in the area. or, Miistor ut Municipal At- Askeci for a hint about is lai Begin Rgt Away tuirs tor Ontario, ta handie the ip lit hc eommonded thil Mr. Plunketi said lie and his Hallon - Pol probe. The gorn- isoulsi alect flic couis svslom staff svouls ho spending a lot ut ment is insîîcing flic rcviesu andi ot gsverutttont, Mr. Plunketi' fimie in Haltun and Pol during shen it is comnpleied, Pool and! sai il s%%as implossihle lu pi o the nextyear and wuuld begin Httton couocils ssiit ho asked ta 'dsud. "t tatîtot sas' il il isil ho hi sonding quesionnaires to share in the cusis. t egionail gownrinîent or, ila municipal ceeks sithin the nesi *"No Flxed Ideas" sa.mput counv gîoînînoîît. Tîto ets sueks. Nesi January or Foli' Mr. Plunkoît pointesi oui lucre ,quesion is, is ibis structure ai raary, public hearings ssiii ho is nu set pattern lu toile\s' \hile gotoramoint aidoquale o lu tise?" boid lu gise thuse oulsido 1he hoe duos the governunt resest, No Ides of Merger t'eaim ut municipal poilues a and ho lias "nu ised ideas" ho'., Cosniiit'lot. sssoreassuî'od (lie chance ta express their viesss un, fore hoe staris, "At this stage, i suîîsevo lic o ssunsa the laune guveroiment ut tht dont knaîu shai I coni recom- noi ein'5 untiertakon oilh the areas. mend atter aiNear ut sor k," hoe sica ut a meuger bctuî'coui the Cooniciliors ili tbe Wednestiay ssent ttn, ocding that is occam'! 15 cotutos lu slave oil', orai meeting, ai flic urging ut Actons meusistions do nul neceisariiy ,îs, a baller biOtwt,'n Hanmiltonî Depuis'-Ree%'e Roy Goodwin, os- haîve ta ho adopiesi sîtin îhey and Toronto îîetropoiitatt cent- toacted a promise trom te con' are presented-iliie con leba loýers. Mr. Plunketi adcied iec oîttd sutant ihat the irsi area lu 'el, [y or partials adopted or drop-' soc rio i casoit sîhy citer casîn l siudied s bucih the regionai lied compieieiy. stioîls inmeo wttt citer c il- joi prohiem. Il was pointeS u He îaid the study isoul i n- pitiaitu ouit tho lecentl Goden-i thai Hailon masl decido ssheth' clade th str'ucture, linanciîîg ber stucits ut Toironto eu- or or nul lu enter ia a regian' aînd uî'gaîilalian ut' aiti mnicip- uonsies thtî cii 's houndaries ru- ai joli agreement w'th neighhur' ,îijies t'uni the counts riL2hti mainî Ls thev aie ai plescut, tit ing Wentworth and the Cit of'cas'îîtu flitc smalîts ioîsîîiship,' he îlest ido, ai tast, Hamilton 6v midSeptember, an t u sli incude ait titrieci- He ,îttsed hotti Peel andtut l and the Com issioner areed luosid or appointtes boards, coîîis toit \sotilit bc',Iudied li\ctý haesm pinlions on te muse sions anti commilteos. H \ s iids,s iseli L,s îîîîtl\. "*Y oi ciii' by cariv in September. lie îsotîd make voie of ,îvî itott ll ook at n ihu Mr. oodwin pointeS oui the problonîs bhat relaie tu titi tisa [lite ottîci "'o . tto ir bui in- 'egionai lait question had been or mure municipalilies %%isilîinluetteccl hiN majîor' mcto l e la lir tharoughiy studioS hy Hal- 16e bounsiai les ut the isu colita- opîient" Wtt ien Herb Morrs, tons councillirs and ai the pro' ics. io tiui tflic mîeetinîg, iatlc sent imie, il looked like their Hi, ituîsl% isaulci aSsii clt es tlu a isai f.tlite tud. o flitc snsser %%,as going lu bc "no".i1uticipzitesi fute tietoiitn ilt coLillitO' u.it cil iid But lie sitî t wautd îceem un- ul litc aiea andi aits reoi'ganil.l' liket mure tii "pî*esuîî'e flie wsie lor H,îtan lu vole for ortilon ut re'isi'on oft he exsiig îîsrsostrîîîgs" lî, u illi iin oî o againit 16e prjeci untit Mr. go,'eîîîmeuîi55c il tissaiSt lialu,îîîî,îto,îît hut Il tuo Plunkeil couid iake at report. 'cause'; andsit isoatd aisu buok aît ti hîî agicsL uiiîtg [lite Coat More Later 16he elleci i pr-usent sînd plat- tlitetivg tilt Mi. Plutîket I tutu li "I we gu ahead nuls, trunedprojccls and operaliiins ut mut iit t he couis% coolie il $200,000 ta S300,000, '50 eau gelý the Onario or Cavadian goern' ticO lie loit it ncces',t s, the boit lacililies kuossu lu 16emonts, aîî thes afftect iis sica, anditilso, il Ilite nceds arises, furi Depariment; but Ifour or tuve Maube No Changen Li coîîtmiîtco ut eiîuiiltiuýfi's vcari rom nuts, on aur own, Il, "W msîs se nonceS lor, etei couoltv lu ssork wilh te' ,wouid cti us51,000,000 for ihc changes in tome aroas; or hlete' coultzinl ,î 30 APIARISTS FROM NEW YVORK STATE look a "buîmiau s holiday his wnnk ao hey îourud six Ontaia npains, Io pong pantsandthe Outario AgriCa ualGollnon api uredivisios. Amoug [hein Monday morning stops mute miiita [o he Honîiby plavts of F. A. Avdersonand Ed Roberson and Sous. Jack Robertson, son of Ed Robertsonv, s shows dvîîîovslroîîug how hu oads the combs i tt the ealractor lu shrt [he hony procsssng. Beekeepers Hold "Open House" Heat Produces For 30 Visiting U.S. Apiarists Almost Record 'li>ilot'iuty ,paut.Aiuitîeiuttpelatiii5 tip lu 3000 coloitn 1 .. AndesonittandsiEsi Robertson, es. Soîîeot1 ltesuous a,tstPa rk A tenda nce lielsi opcuî touses Monudy nonhîusi tpiaiies in Floiis iot tes Aileitlice ,tl tlie Ketîtu 1., iu, ion 30 Amietican bee-keepons c.în thave a sean-rouait opcrsut- ssto %'erecn iying a issu - day ion. Theirtrtip lba h lieutoluap- 1' uutinAiea iuýcueost lol cc edlucaliotisl tour of spiaic i isu inslaSmittîvitte, Httsdidîe "t utifl iiiis oniiFiitav andîît bu honev paekin's plants ansi apîcul- ,îu andua, as sic't as lu issu psuk uurstuî.Ou Fi îtu 160 ci, p tare tctioolin Ontario. lus pltts ai Torotoa ,nd Min- ciiiince tut the pirk. llite' uýttîat Furor ssandl a hait houri Mon-n esiltg antiii l iii tuthe O.A.C. tiitteiii ,l iseekutv,'i ts51) -l tille' ut Iii i gl i cs' l li i o l das tîoruittg, the viitiug p lut ýlitenfs' Il i le' tiik (iiii lu liii uts its - att big producens tut Nous lll fsStu ,î'ttli utto\itn 302 e, Yor k and manv ut thontossutiers A dAuiited oIl la iI( ot bec colonies lu Flou ida atsue%,il montrel Embargo ,îttitcre lui ltecd NI lî]l' -suwanînesi ttiko becs)t att oser f 1ýe ~ . ir aulu sieîuie the Honnbs 'nuitdingsiast hey af"'y S ulutuP. i.iii 4la*s ItiLile%\, stîîdiod tinie-iaving orproduci' An embargo on, Iird claso 1iiii ii uito 90 'tI ttic'i-iii jinpîosiug taciities i puaclice nmai luoMontreal lu te only lieul. 1...i Siuis tiiiliiinJ uic lotle. And t oin tlu erouuuîent, thtog kenptng postai services 27 \\i tei973 ce, ieîcicd fli thes IcarneS a ltiabout Cana- in Mlton fromn retu ng o noir- ptu1K. suait h oney operaiiouît ansi pick- mal, Posîmater W, Bell report- Cuît îîo,îîîîlIIeî cuil cid cd up a lot oi pointer.o, n pro-, cd ibis week te rstlng embar-1 ccý,,ng, p-oceui-c,. goon tIbrd clasmai milI pro- uic i"" ities , utIllic l k duii ecssing puoleciaici. gond suit ttt375 clos Total 2,700 Colonies 1babiy be 1f ed very soun but lie -t tuttuslut u ,uîi u Mn.Antensît peaie s>1,70-notes, "There tu vers' 1111e iiird îcA\ ni] lietic iiiis Mîuîîutu subn it' tîon uhtandîlM. Robet' ýclasmail fri Milton lu Mont' i îîîîsîuîî u ut >on bas 1000 coloisîît becs, irai oovwa," sitit t letu suuringtfor tuti. Bath rutnicatc ona iits vie alîno it'I.t' loicid st 'sit us , tof anti prucos titîr bancs andsiout te nation ueo r rrppird ir heesîvan.1 centiy by nearis' 12,000 potai The trip %sas nrganliiaod bl workers tn major cetre-s six PERMI lb Proof, E. J. Dyce and Assoc. Prool,. went on strtke for Sixîr agn bu iluuding pet vls tuil Rager A. Morse ut the apiculture 'Te MotreaI workers mere te I ttal value at $52,700 sure s estension statt, Carnel Univers' laslttoreturn o 1tetr jobs., ucsisei fl ic Tusîs nstîip ut Nasîtu [y. Somne utthunth e ou __________ attvcoiiuiutiti ît. issu per- store universiy susdents but nust> tits %%e isui or i were suscesiful heekeepers Itrini -Studeuits hase jui 25 taiure luvo sr cottagesitutn une ccb theroueltât, hu tdte, baute aiJda5a i ult lla4ys. lur a gataga sot u au .wsddtitott YES . PRICES HAVE BEEN CUT EVEN MORE IN ORDER TO CLEAR ALL SUMMER MERCHANDISE! WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR FALL FASHIONS ARRIVING DAILY The Following Items Have Been LADIES' * Sleeveless Blouses * Knitted T-Shirts * Summer Skirts * Hlters * Pedal Pushers * Shorts * Swim Wear * Short & Blouse Sets * Slim & Blouse Sets *Moternity Wear LADIES' ALL FLATS WHITE AND BONE 1/2 PRICE EXAMPLE: Regular $4.98 NOW $250 SLASHED TrO 1/2 0F ORIGINAL PRICE AND GIRLS' SHOES IALLI1ALL PUMPS WHITE AND BONE 1/2 PRICE EXAMPLE: Requlsit $9.95 NOW $550 MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS 1/2 PRICE EXAMPLE .. . REGULAR $4.00 SHIRTS Now $2 or 2 for $3.85 25%oOFF MEN'S STRAW DRESS HATS GIRLS' SUMMER SLIMS d4 tto AiND /-1W ITALIAN SANDALS 1/2 PRICE EXAMPLE: Requlsir $5.98 NOW $350 GIRLS' *Shorts *Swim Suifs *Dresses, Summer *Skirts *Kiddies Sun Suits BALANCE 0F ALL SUMMER HANDB'AGS 1/2 PRICE 60 SOMMER DRESSES BROKEN SIZES AND STYLES 5 OnIy - Regular $8.95 NOW $4 26 OnIy - Regular $10.95 NOW $5_ 9 Only - Regular $16.95 NOW $6_ 20 ýOnIy - Regular $19.95 NOW $8 WOVEN PLACE MATS ATTRACTIVE PATTERNS 29 0r4s AND COLORS - 17 x il 2 c r4-'s - YARD GOODS 45" DRIP DRY POLISHED COTTON- 45" SHANTUNG, Navy und Pastels- Reg. $1.59 --$1.7 yd. Reg, $2.59 -$1.87 yd. Reg. $2.59 45" SUN AND SURF LINENS- -- ---$1.67 yd. Reg. $1.49 36" DRIP DRY COTTON, Figured und Stripes - 97c yd. Reg. $1.98 45" SURAH SILKS, Odd Lengths - - - - 97c yd. Reg. $2.69 45" WHIPPED CREAM PRINTS - - - - $1.97 yd. Reg. 1 19 45" DUCK, Attractive Patterns - - - - 77c yd. a Ail SalesITfhk .in.,l MILO DEPARTMENT STORE 200 MAIN ST. SMOP IN AIR 8896 CONDITIONIED COMFORT 8896 ------------- 1 1

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