off. EGULR7PRCES0 96.00 86.40 10000 90.00 109.00 98.00 124.00 111.50 134.00 120.50 LIGHTWEIGNT CASUALS IN SLACKS AND JEANS SLACKS JEANS j From $9.75 From $5.55 trlo eat acnd riDev ien ceri s cuin poultry -iÎs easy to use, just mix with drinking watel or milk -fights a wide variety ot bacteria -economical and effective for use on your farm RALPH & HUNT Ltd. axtrathck inulation, asyoral doha gxta-ti ful slt rons o'I isttly owe tan fulquid fue o ao-ellfae lesa" heaid lorg. cald"fa 5~' ,,ntn.*,,cl'ntnî f5Ae Th atm atragaaalooifecct.$80 20 1It makes gocal nenue to awitch wile lthe con shinesanad whila your heatiog cootractor la readily available. Mov. up to modern gas heating now; yoo wo't have to pay a cent until next October (aven if Septemberas full of frosty Fridaye). Caîl your heating cotractor, de- partment tore or gaa company soon. Tlsen relax and enjoy your gommer tan. UNITED GAs LIMITED A PERFECT' WEDDING' Starîs wit quaaty jeweltery from engagement ring to wedding ring and te coaples exccitunge of giftt. A DIAMONO IS A LIFETIME GIFT Citoose with confidence front 878-6449 R.R. 1, OakviIIe loses ita warmth and witter, inev- itably, arrivas with ail its heating problema. So don't get caught wit your damper down -think cool for a moment and make the switch to natural gas home heatiog nom. Why gas? Well, to hegin with mod- arn automatic Ras heating equipment je bmw in cost. You can rent a gas conversion born- er for only $295 a mont i istalled loto your praent fumnaee and pay- able on your regular gas bibl. Or You cao buy a naw gai deigned furoace for as little as $3.90 a montb and you can take up to 6 yeara te Papyif you wish. Miîtoem 878-4472 U i911,MinSt lo -- ---------------------------------------------------- The ahaian hamionWedieslay' -Ag. 1, 165 he organizatton 0of first aid and home nursing classes andl t0 50e- Need QnIy Four More Volunteer ply the public with any informa- Businss O tloo ~* *balance Briade or the Division. John tivoprt10 in t t ohnure- T0 Start ilton St. J h B ia e andl business mec are neaded for Bank Sees "W arning Signs" jhsBac omte.Vln Oniy four more volunteers are aise titat tlsey are requasted te have signnd up as mambers. tours shoulal contact Me. Callard, Alhoigi andas coomclonititiý) o pic: iireqeýneedeal for tise formatiion Of a attend. Tisese 'voluntary profès- toiter Charter Mr. Lawsuc or Mr. Milter. Atndgos reconodaeou mi ruiio suc saei af ie ilcreasinSt. John Ambulance Brigade Div. sionts' from thea Acton Division Afler the l8 membar charter is Ifviar ulietebcm ocl and lutte prospects aeose se ptc îs is ene v,' tise B ! sion in Milton. have atready supplied Miloe wth flild te mambars of tbe Mitonsn '.Jvu qbuae Brgd good. sorte warning signs can t M States. Fourteen peole have atready firstada hseaet n Division wilt ask local service aS.Jh muac rgd ateady be secs inlise business The fi rst signsouf 'steong up- vlnerdtesg hrrss ialhe vnsadalcusfrpooshfrfntmmb wyo1yujitte Outookaccrdig 1 war prssue ci wicit requires 18 signatures of sucit vents as te Ox'bow Rodeo aid supplies und upkeep of the Milton Division and hetp give oitoo ordigl u bvBn.soprae in îe 19s4 price" ap' qualified persons lu begin a Div- field in tte area recenty. Division. In retors members (if Miltonsete rss uidcorps i Tie Bor MJs stv n nohOcî,bcr, 94adlue 95 sion. Three Mittonmen who are The mes asd women who 505 i h ivisonssrslirst ay idon rait Th BatMntelie nis 16 prcs i Cdarse, ,members of the Adtos Division the Division wiit attend t2 intrlsc- emergeucies. Canasdasand liecUtedStatesVeolc priers Coud. fiimcc i al 1h iegho1Ls erS ) ['N "%ci illco eipecentu. of the St. Jobn Ambulance Bni- tijnal meeting ayear, anoannuat 1e acivs sscsssb utlusu e 1%1 i5le gîste have bccsnrksslrtiseinspection ansi an ancsîal irsi Wena chartcr sand spocnsor a gural pc ion, s ara35ary es iuioassniiird uijiiothe v lorii sthc MiltaisDiv isioni. juin nmust fielor ogrea lueo ca.ied hemembers ivil uccul ie'ndcihria thpsdc in6,i a redc35o rsi si ecprcsintite4, Assy person wbo hols a faînda. tain within tbe first year, a homne Brancit Conmitin u lcvosdssci per epn igsr i on16, i-rcrran cssicscres t mental or senior first aid certifi- sorsing cartificate. T\mo women pubticilsu, ficanciai campaigls, Bu h akwro "Huiccuer, tise viopose, C5PIS -'cale of eiîher tbe St. John Am- tainiy s iteheofutureai externat cials lus Canaa, a someichat bulance or te Redl Cross is quati. v.- 'os ~ e .v trade, a majorsouîre oi'srecgtb ficelaer danger ot spiratticg prie- fied Io become a membar of the suig ie îrnibsns c iisi îs eî xcine Division. The minimum age for hcoeDpaet Barn Cîmînêrs Ob LUBRICATION pansios, wiîtlte gop betseencen caru srs, sinse ;*hev crue a mamberq is t6. Attoulglsoniy * Sai n a EVC mport adepers - enngu - *me% e eecooyis op' four more people are needeal for S£ £5 tandBarn SERVIC fvrbv rtn ltcicoetucpacite formation ot the Division the OSNw Equlpment OTR EAR Prie Re le abtnilwg nrus titrcermenare icleresitalis %gn- Beginnisg Septambar Iti, de-' TR-RPAR Candas eLena trdean fo iiee i a îsgcsigasciene e wt vt.lcs 0pendent childeen witt ta covareal W Replacement Chain * GASOLINE ittp by Ontario Hospital tnsuronce lea cnricodtosiofLirdsue etliiinFor Information undar thte "fomity" premiom un-r po7 r.tet m Ibis cuntrycouldarise roni avulk'Iollptg"."Votonteers are oskad tu catt lit titey reocit thir Jtst birttday. M' Oen7 .Jatme pm StanI Couard ut 8786M65, Frank As officiai accouncamant oft cI SWGly. Suaday 9 arn. to 10 p.rn. -ml nss Lsson i 878-29013 or Doc Milter te change, wiict w05 firsl mec- bI ut 8783259 baor Itrtitar informa-tint vD.M B.Dmn. THOSE TORONTO FOLK$ getling uppily? Il moulal appear isse. There arc rive Mitons mec Miistar of Heatît.isinte Legis' -ND V ' !LE TESTo9M DITOR taToo t a ut itle distance titis sid. of -eaven, if you wito are members uf te Atonshdba th e nar itote pit'l tok hi sgnalth 41-5 igwas lvelef erouly Dviio wo il tasusun itchar Services Commissiontis week.i I E AV B.A. SERVICE Aculy he sgn resallea f rom a miner collision wiîh a er is fitîcal. Thte age change wibt atsoappty MI'ON olroS.a o 0Sdea Cre a f S rvadeigcarDPra Wl ii saie ou heMemiters uofte Division iialitae BIse Cross and CIIMBA Phone 878-6175 MtsT 44 C m grm ~ Waemi-privote covaraga tor wlstch utntR"4 es -l boin"1 I'edy"ti'ivoldsupply Miltas wilit firsl aidai1 aias b potisrins fu trosss CmmnHelaesporting aven s surit as Junior 'C' aout oca-third outhelitaicurcal beneits hae tundeed ron th Comun eriagelion willt te Alitrtas Premier E. htockey gamces. te 1al fir, te residesis remit adaitiosat pein- bane f is ae underalrans fc os urse m.scs arcas have a Weekly C nvCio . Manning wito witt te speaker Steam Era, piceirs anda nywiere ioms tiroogithlie Commission. ____________________________ for yeors. Noss' tan icalfcruud Convention ad rlaionj ans comamission itas subiuisica , Siip. Bs' argely igcuing couanly .Jet 300LUiors soreal 6v 1he province; Robert preimnor' epot n steress'boucaries lea chitiee equitabta Canadas biiest nesspapar Shaw, deputy commissioner lac, prremi.ry e3MOREnthAYS ion f C' aa'sredra] idi s eprsenatians te commission convention. thea annoat assamrbîs Expo '67. Whto witt speuk aos comptaintS aI a maint mole emao- . Areu ut tite Casadian Weektv News- anho ncosn a.Mi K E R R S tional anal deep creal ature mass uimportatin, Aruepupers Association opaln Mcd- business item wilt becte pro- 3REM O REDLDDMAC hav ben rise. Ale% chrge g'ng uis slol5ultedcisiocs ut nesdaas.August t8 at the Macalon- posed joining of Canadian Cam- E A LP RM C hfpiave b ientrcuis %eleIe d c thu ise duisîgauisealmec or ask aId Hotel in Edmonton. manîty Nasspapers Representa P EC IPIN 1~x lue te p.risinspowcer us deccde in aMr hn30 ek1 esa tivas, the waakty adverlss soiesS RITIN as se dent I tc isilihrr sir lsosul si dsuasgs susl Mu i 0 l ctv ewsata- ' eih heCWA moaps but tes diedl auv as eren iet-cedilrs sanal petsse.masraiaiowlhteC A.KHESE SeP te Prime Minisler losu is seau usbsuIs ithteir %vivesaa iis Citairman for ibis, te 46tit an- '.H\LSEBScPM CLEARANCE Tita dominantl lIerse ofifi -r" Asoammberrai a plilical or- ýaiung, are expecteal su attend te nasal convention, is Jack Parcs aI 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE us lfru ub hl nSep .sselo ase mu cvtrecr'av convenstion. Managing te Rimbey Record, assistealby I849 faeHusT 46 tme ilpoalbfi ruth-luerositoi.uus nurcqusure. Neus.Ediur Jim Dillts sit Mrs. Diis Tam Fard of ttc Lacombe Globe _ _ _ _ _ _ _S A L E tacs ~ ~ ~ ecgnz . The politisal bus-,anal teven uill be rre:eni nalFelJtn.îrc pbii FREE DELIVERY - REVkON COSMETICS aotion Cun i su c miml n i.teltone r n aidDler st(ite Leaduc Repccsec lat __________________________________ of tae masîemnaîila sti. sch ust a s te inlluentialui sl cepresent te Atos palper. I rsid inGuephthepr seufblanndliuliogse wIl ecagitiTite convention sili have a centre ai Wellingtons Sousth . nderr -- cacet lndk asthm. on N ST I te redistribolion u.smmuîuuc buu s ieuupsd A surcping businescs ems on teagendauin- S T R A i u'uduuîg associations lbude oaKKlendike pacsv anal an eaomedlic l ut epuru subîttesit .îîIseiueuultaspects.s A U DA . of the nescridscgout Wrlingiass, atbsuuii tusvs îu s uv eabo crberue. embracisg Nacsagaeas, FP-urus vs ui redi ssrrbutso. s bl reie Sea anal Bverley stownships. Me [o ted aei %rthI rmirg pa noa claie ies citt CamîstrIil îe. Allan Richelîs. Maor speakers ai te convert- or Paris hut ti crac cas lv tecuor reclad. Il each townsip bocv analIla! anal atempitauimpede tte edal -t d n b ctei- iributiun rerommevdatios iTi cal jst tir cncern. Fiera.n\ -NEOMYCIN S O T A K T itoriats anal municipal biu.kering mOLUILg cas oniy builal maoIson anale neits(c us us eciargere %,oula CrurînanA ND SUITS hoarizon 6v a mure iirivls' wih or - Are te psliiral "toscrs" anal La- By Mes. F. M. Ramnitaw2 co O F Emmanucl BaptusturCh Short Siseve Sport Shirts pi sr tr a lai an Titorsdaa ren ig and Jac Shirts hy Larry Campberl ut Job ruvly lBY ARROW - TED LIPSON - CURRIE City, Tennessee, cuita s an assuc- T-Shirts lie member of Campitrl secc He recaereal severaiuvftbsuuus* la hot campoirangemTitsaslascungBY JANTZEN -DAYS -DON PARKER yoang pionisi. cill usscr 17 vsacs: e 5 Of age. is pursuin Incter musc- altaing tcte eupt ise moeJANTZE1N AND SURF KING tatfo sh e Lorossarvmue WiII your tan CABANA SETS and 25ýio off keep you warm next Winter?ALSWM ER-- WANT AIS e c SAVILLE ROW - Made-to-MoasurS w SUIT SALE -itmtau tuipa suiaiu, ua..Tu7 t ttSOt 51 helps treWheanderyourthometbasalnormalsor Hcat a happy home-Ga8 makes ihe big djernw* 878-4472 Milton