<~JOTTINGS DY JIM D1L LS 0 I PROMISED iis vould be my last on a holiday trip 10 Vir' ginia. Wlîai folloos iv josi some generai observaitions Ibat presen i ihemseives. e BY PAR THE mosi disiraci- iog ihiog 10 a driver travelling ivo oiOnario svoib o] thebo vrder defl\per,"ovn US. oacis.On- ario lia s saune piett stictc sign laivs and the onrast itih the U.S. iv sharp. I couldî'i beip bot gel a lilile dizzy iryiog 10 read ihem cli, a babil necessary io On- tario \here signs oormaliv oller the driver some specilie instruc- tio. e HISTORICAL markers are anoiher lhvog ibai seems tu be poplar souib o] tbe border, 'oc ococo heuro chie 10 sop and read ihem and gel aoyoobere bol Ibes lovavs look mighiv inierestiig. Ootario bas a polie v of ereciing hisiorical markrrs botl'm 001 sure ibal avoe oin he Milton area bas ooderîaken aoyresearolî tu vîcermine il aoy markcrs are deservcd. 0 WHEN BOTH coonînries speck the English icoguage il came as a surprise 10 me 10 iod ihere were some sharp difler- ences. Thal slreicb of grass doon the centre beiween the two lanes of trcifie on c divided igbvvcy oe cii medians. to Maryaod the ' rca pcrkwc *v aod io Virginia a rass îplot. 1 askccl for saine vv.eeveavni arsviVivginia and aovs asked il 1I eani squiat-es or havi os. I vooid for squares aod wsc hcnded c brick o ice ereanu, pre- cul inlo squares. 0 THERE caoi be food diflicol' ies 10. Il socs impossible ai sco- erci places 10 boy bolier lihoogh margarine oas plenli[ol. Wben we did ind "ligbiiy slied huiler" ose sill oere'l certain ve'd lovîod the lamîiliar crecmery bvît- 1r. Ai 81 centscapoood ose oere cîîious lu be relaiivelycertno. 0 IF YOU'RE paving hv Wash- ingon and choose 10 drive io for a quick look ai the hings lur vhicb the iîy is lamoos, donit. its a drivers nighimcre. Unlevo you con park amcy boom the con- gesied aca and lake c tour on c bus you're beliernot ui 0go near the place. Wiib my co-pilol glued lu c mcp aod my eyes riveied lu the iraflir iighis, ooe ocyvitreels, the mccc of sireels radialing from the bob and irai lic indicaloî s the vivios socguiol f'sueh ihingo as the Whliite Housivsoovi clt c is i * ONTARIO CAMP vsites, I bound, dool oneed tu lake second place 10ucnyove iouod ini slate pcrks. Spots ovec cmped las] year inO onro oere soperior io maoy respects. The besiove bound iii the U.S. overe prisabe uopera-i lions conircrv 10 oor geneialloi. beld belief ihal suite and nation- ai facililies are helier. e A CAMPING holiday leaves 'oo îs'iih oîaoy reflcions bol luis melhod of trav'elling iv 0000s poprilar I'd sec no pointino horivîp those ovlo regoiarl *v evvicieive il osilli a rchashof owha lies nal- reavlvknoiv. Illyovu hvcvî'lnvnlip cd lool bhesilale. Il's cbaiiged a lotlinreceol yeivs. purposevul hicasti ovke l igli yards blclîce iîg a cviSui s iiues, %ouî lias 101111 i iii digoils vi lite beicli. And iherc's no viie<lravgvvvg ai vocr ann tii cminoute, laii, vocr sdig hai, veviovbciii. taveves liobvid fiiPll 11 oir lilooco Ian r at n nt Tves noboco'vi iini pîvinv woilh barils ,idirevlct beai hall,, 00cr aersihetic appreitivvv vl the laiesli n bikini,. rierie nu sqoahbles ltu break op. Il, 0c l v[ice, realo, v lio l -i lug eei ne voivr lîvivvg havil houk on voor knc. govi ced mis hando. îoaichinpheho'liiaii comedo. Thecbeca.bvoshodn ini ihcvr siomachs vin hard i ev cvn'i breatic. The lievoli ii iv, stiiking out ticthsi o bai d ihes alvivsi tail osor li.nk- ivav'dv Homav ilîppvvs Iuia giralles. fHuinan env îl.s clivevhisevol llolu h. i ose moucv o goovdvve'.s\vi oovrviivg op olir likes vii lvi people m'cr vouns duin't vuvî lvom ovphistic.itv:çicille.evii in lo iliirive coaid, flice vîvîv Oic ihey gel liear flic anv udge. Ami' v vu] sou olc-ivuers noliceci lie gradonvi. bot slcadv changcs in he plmnsienil ornd abocut voo? Yoo bave? Good. I mo-s hoping il wscn'i cvi mru. Yiicikmo \\batî1 ncan. The blson lthe' g01 course arc' sîceper ubhan lasi \car. The t.uon pi ouvvlager cacli sear. Tbe dining-room table 'nows' a lle hrhrrom vooahbscar. The ces'cdvn thc gerden acrea lot 'lvrlbcr aiviihcn ou shoopitu polli ihcm.Yoo look op, invîead oh clowon, ocbco yoovvo Id your cildren. And thice 'v vile vu iler ochange' vs ipaiioUaiii Cideliviaithis ime oh sean. Theso atec in lie lakes in en deg cceoidcn Ihan il uas lýst vear. 1 oi his iv iu,'ii1Imccvi mvcuul oin, hs %cerk 05illu lie (ld Lady. Il cao a raiber bis' ioleroasiaon. Wiîh boh oo kds otiimvvuvcoccupied, i oas thcemvi vioc.' io'd hecn vuomi- min laoncv o oeihen. oilbooi the kids. i nce our Ionymoon. Yuî vhould base sccn Ithe peu'. loi manie. Wv'vselicrcd in lie tuoadip. Wcdancedsviib the Olmi, le vvinnc o ilie aic's edgc. Wr siood ilicre ion mc min- uies, puecu oygîngeris ati iland cadch ur. Ou en bh o nîiing bol shcer uale pride, 1t inîullv stock une ol min. T%%cnyinut es aer t uvus h WAS 'A.KiNG a r "Iin utiîieioi islmseehendl. Rcl jauntvv. inke. maure lo. He vo ie ii ino unrnicin enis ucliat ill iimiidiabout the' vol o hid1v. l'nm airain] liedoies 1,11 tiuikmîli îv ol iiil. aboîutl isounduiivi.uliai] leci upu. le viais luvblonvd mcirinlsor ch lvog college cuanvl lie 510111 hles a liii,.' iseivho-cons. Oh corele i ui oh.vcled cvuivg a loin imiiovi lus acpu. vii vvivmg ivs a raiohalrlnge.Ast1%%usavuivg, 1lian]a be.uniml euru tlkithm lis eliap vaboutl[]leir' u d iitua10- \Vi Thînu .sk'uaiiu iiniccllHeiiicshveviandiSbellimtuiex- ail lire vichruicls. "lBugs", wsc ail lie ad lire Caaal ouid give thie Unied Slates s vomimip - os lbadmuor - ho- inc. He oicd 'No". ra- lien empliatileal and gave me c clvi- h oboklion vraigbbcminp iis batv.1vlal "Rossia" verv quictli andcilie t1mb oi]tcuoi lie sîreel righi Up tu0flime nbîmls 0 unis' kecs. The oic] girl bcd harely sscI flue poilu]on ber ioe-vîaîhv. Wc'd be stanîding ihcrc set vimuvi dcring. bcd 001 a coopte uh ix' ocai"o]dodus lichd pasus, s.spinvvhi i ng us tromvStein lo ugocoul. Aoc] mo' gcdg'con sii] avuvi reco- ercd. Nos o bomdo vou esplain ibis? Il wscsthe same body ohf00111r mv son bacsberts'mmming in vi oce carho Mas'. He scid itvs grenu] Iben. The occuther bnms beco bot vince.Bol in mid'vovn' mer the hemperciore oh the viol]1 ovas ihiris' degrees lovvcr Ihan n Mcy. Souuîeihing's ssm'ong. Bol I mutadmit, ike all uiher dopcs, ihati ils grand ovlmcv y00 gci dockcd. Thene's nolhung qui1e ike a middlc agcd sosivo moulu the ohd borsitis inthec shoulcl' cr cronching ci eserv stnoike thue bcri pounding alarmingiY. ihe chesl beceiog oildin for air. lu docs hamve ihvvcompensa- lions. iboogh. ihvi v'unming vîbout kids. No une esper iv roc u toacIas c boman disin, u over. You donit have lu en- gage in dock.diving vonupeti- lions. You don'] havie tlac a coople o] sîordv teenagers ho the big rock. And 00cr %osl certain] vo usuel rmpe]] soc t sce bosslac y ou van voim on- der waicr. 1t lv cuibor piccsant,. coailv. simniinp oithh Ie uhd ado. Sur' clog-padhiles aboot in bbtvhe iui u.iih hIe lourvcan'olnls.Yoouvadc outci butbbcdeep partl uvehi op tu Mur-vu1t auoglil opvtulvino uvii hiien Sm.I1mens siieni lon. sCo ccci îminutev. He hcucvimd du lvi. Tnechange teiucvoheoi h ainuclienl vileie oliattlcabomutv hAlieviccuvu uianmmeci spare Iliglils. Heied "ovuv"l'allie- h udv , su t ici iiuiî aik apaiv. Yvw ucv mmvi'mu arvgue' mv iIitme, iilimhe worIc. Beiles. a ladvy cliiioas fvusing lus' ihmno-u rmmte a picumce ihmi mcc "vmenvuy" mined nili uve, i. Mo Irievuc îvvas moivmlv [loi i iievlSuies ciii vo h si.uccclovi Cciadians cnd Cariadian aflairs. I oas bcginning a questioun about mie Pearsoin - Dilecbaker tecnd uvien the lile guy yeiiid "Bac]". ah the lop in hi o]îngv. lic point- nd u thilie ourer ic haui uits ouîr vui iv'bh,an] ookcd ohcepilil loi.il i utc e. WMen le % îvas bit.,.% ugiu lire cumcly ;nid Iuimured ioili pin. 1hai vi nayble te lcrniom uscuci v ea]hy core vp iii bhe al. He ans- oered "Good". and pub isurber huob in his mouulh The nexi leco minutes mcccrcu]aher heetuec a I iuob une uo 'er fom is moulu, unuordppedl anoihen nnd pub il i imlre ther gentlmaun wciing un Wlimn cn o guci ,viaivagimevrd ouii ii] Illecgente an11(iio cdIle imevel. Insheu l leil 111e lllvbo utolLuiers i Rmvrllie' SIivieLgev i huissimIuuvet, s, '5ilii.i ilu lmachiie. iperuviahec ill lim.uiRisarciuicovlit e ýoeh i h i] luo p i s, ic ali] Ille ,ailvle Ilueail. le Siýe]CId 1 vu puuuuvo l ui o avk iiii Ile vol priei lime l'ie 'uii bndhii ils Ile ail- nd vipir'adci"hvui I piekecl hi vi u p andmc dm inîvîlIliv înuik. but hcveevumevl iived andîc rum- cd his eges 05a1 vi oiviperec Iliml ai m Cash' %oe 1Ild v Iuh iev vluF I spubvuFrnch. '1,111 cis] iiire cill iimbout i ill lin akkîîg a houw evî ir1lor i OIt THIS modnci mioruiv 'hlee iv i ne cihientinmg vuiiecu hymnodernncxcohive% vomliv a lut i]nii pluies, thiullis. 'hcy ii il Jeu pilule it-ii fl hi mmin vcummlimile,i ui]I mmcii miirit h l ig ili i ulmpranty huigbmsimcýsviumunoiatmellv allen- a jCI flighi.os n i],i by ]lave i- Seenis surve ol the buoys arr' gel- ting a li11e ratcbhy chien c jet Tiîcnk gooclncsv. ilmc'un01e tbing aur randiatbers livver bcd bu worî'y abouh! Northern Route =- THE GQOD OLD DAYS_ GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO Taken from fthe files of tlhe Can- adian Champion, Juiy 26, 1945. The celebralion for the Baille 0f thg Boyne beld in Totlerdam was a greal succeso witb 23 lod. ges taking pari and a crowd of aboot 4000 in 1000 for the day. The parade was held ci 1.30. The Milton No. 2385 lodge tobk pari in thie celebralions antiwon a pri e as the lodgec omiog the fcrihesi distancec 10parlicipate. The Milton todge oas led by thg Girls' Kittie bond o] Georgetown ced mcrsbclled by the youngesi cod oldesi members 'rom Milton on parade, Brother L. J. Maodè and Brother Findtey McCalIum. Broiber Mcude hcs marsballed the lodge for 55 ycrs. The women's insiitute and the Rosclind Goroftb Ausitiary of Omcgh Preshylerion Cbureb beld Ibeir Joint meeting in cn Ookville home. Brs. Robertson of Milton, District Vice-President of section 2 visiied the socieiy and gave an inspiraîiooal address on "Prayer Promises" giviog instances of ber own enperiences in China as ex- amples. Mrs. Snow and Miss Mary Johnson read poems keep- ing wiib the theme and Mrs. Mc- Fadden read a siory. Mrs. Rober]'- son ctosed tIme meeting wîtb pray- The Street Fair beld las] week onder the auspices of the Legion foar the Milton Roivi Cross oas c grec] voecess oilliproc'ds cm- ouniing 10u1$h91. The oiowing won prizecoin the dram heid dur ing the fair: 150 bond - Mrs. J0e Graham; blankets - Fred Milis; lamp -Kenneib Ride]]; Card table- Merle Tbompsoo; smoker - Mr. Lemmon. Some ihirîy members of the Georgetown Women's Institule and their guevi niembers of the Acton Women's Institute enjoyed iheir cenual pienie 10 the Aton Park. A sports progrom bcd been arronged and o pirnie supper oas served. The Mition Board of Trode ad- vcrtised lor amctoer talen]to comipele in an amaluer garden parly on Lahor Day 10 raise fonds for cild ocîfare oork in Milton. GLANCING BACK TO 50 YEARS AGC) Plenty 01 ÀActivfty.. This svuvoner Milton chvdren hove an abandanmof I aganvzed ovuviy il ibey mon] la poutivopale. The Mlton Rereohvon Commiiee, the Kelso Covnvervativan Avihoriy. tbe Mlton Tennis Cub, varions basebalil ecos and foan Mlton churches bave al rrcnged so' mer pragranv orIonthe yoongsiers. Swmvming lessons and juni plain solo. liing, a day camp and ihree dîlfereni play- graunds have been mode avoulable te, the ohlvduen by lie Milon Revneaion Commit- ie An l18niember staff and a number oI nabauviersmvspeod every day ci the Rotary Park, lie J, M. Demipes and W. h Divk Public Solools and the Kelso Conservation Auna planning and supnnvising the work and play oI lie childuen. Gon r180 ohlduen mil mcm 10 oswinl ibis voonvmer ai the Mîion Convirnunitp Sovo- ming Pool in Roary Park under the guid- anceofo] ravved leguards. Imo vourses o] swirriinv g esans, oach ibree weeks long, more ollered. The fIvsi vourse bas been suc vessflhy ovpeied and the second course begins mîmbîvu a week. Quaivlved lîegoords arc clýoupresevîl durvvg the sevnrialeroons and sia ngbis c oeek the pool s open Ion swmvnvng. Sonaliil vvdren con ave the Ro- tary Park wadivg pool wbvvh vs viasnly sap- cmvd enery aliervaav. A vvorvvvvg ph angroavd sv roîducted ai Polary Park. This playgraunv along oili day long piaygroavdv ai the J. M.Devyes arvd W. i. Diclo Soilools pronîdes crêtis, Vie ws on Capital Punis h iBeprinled Inam Red Denr Adeacaiel Not ir vce Deember il1562, bas limef keen aohaliorgng irr Canada. Normand Late-i ear.,ured 23, woascv ao ed af vagi- i, ui îoden lai beung on accoovpluce le the vboorîng oI a voprmankel enîpiage n ac nbbheîy vo Tris-Rveres. Qoie., reveniiy be- vai-ne lie imelîîhmirudenen lu have bus yen- tence coavvvvued tl ile vupivvanveni siooo the Lîhoruuis bah affice. Thon, dsrvng thI im-aron gannîreo, le bovgnian las beeri eocused traop) o.uryveg ont bus evolfvng hsk. Tis oean mancethe end aI capital punîshvveni, uaever. A change o] gancrul- ruent oaold lsou vcaui a chvange o] plivcy, lîvovgh il is oiuly luir la poin]ouitlIrai lie cvi Praguressive Conservalîve govermneni mas alonas relaciani as tbe Lbeais Io eirpioy lie rage s pumîshîveeint ourder. Sau nie hîeiispeon. assmvnngtbal thie Libercis are nai pnsbed iniar a generai eieoi- ion, c free note mii] be beld on a proposai la ahalivsbthe decli penalty Ion munder. Re- cent vra o polis bave induvcaled liai Ibere is via (rrtiiumy tbaisucîr c goposmi wouid ho jhionsenl kgIllie Canvunas. 'llue tomvuJ oapouvoîis ou01 iuil vhotlomubve always blileord iliai flicenmd ai gairns, filesand glupsic i lviess programs for approoimoieip 300 ohidren a day. Mil- daco. ithe Revreatvon Cammîuees day vamp bcid o] Kelso, allers vomp eaperuenves an o daîly bosus ra anaiher 40 ohidren a day. Tlie Reoreaion Comnvirtee lso vo-ape- noies muithihe Milton Tennis Club la pro' vide fretennis i essons ai the Clubs Main St. courts on Wednesdap and Saiurdcy mono. logo. The Tennis Club bas lbnce courtssin gnod vondiionuavaiabie 10 membens Ion play ou clil imes. Favuimutes for smvmming, vwmmmng i essans, bociing. camping. gic- oins and noture hîkes make tbe Kelso Con- servatioin Aiea c favorie distiîct spot. The Anîhoriy ollers vwmmmng lessons t0 boili vhldnen and adolis bhrouglinci tbe sommer. Piovîvos ai Kelvo, Rouuevake Park onrailier aiea panks non add loi somimer rnîoynveuui Ion the obole îamiy. Bsebali ieams for boys of al ages have been anganized and play regulan svhe- doles. Thene s a ladiev boani piayung vo a soîrbali leaguie ibis gean. Grace Anglican. Knoxn Preshylerian and Si. Pool's Unvied Cbarches hlead o -upera- lune Charoli Vacation Sool thehînsi iwon meeks oI Jug PTis mas tho lounil geai Ion thencvopatniines voibool.fîvîmanuel Baptusi Charoli aisa allered o ion meek Vavation Bible Sohool tl ilrvi meekv oI Jaly. Soimmen ecreaivon iv avoulable ro ferry Miluon chld, Mach mark avvd effort goies in- Ia arganîe.ng flie vnooavprogroos tbai as- sure plnnrp ai ongcnîeed snmen activnîy. ment.. li.riginq woulvI ivtiii vjr ý iivvr inic iv nnivheiaofvvvurdcivlnecvase orip apilaipun- ishînvorvi s ieared bg thase violentl eîooigh la cooîîvdem hlling oas aieans vo avbivee hein dvvhoresI cnds. Plis lut-amylvos long since iveemo dsproned in ail coonties wbeme capi- tli puushvnmfus hen scnupped. There s no mvarveolle v ncrceo minierden unden sucli flice aloI Ivîlhv) i 'i pmduhuc.l oui cgr ion duciv eg s ovvivded hp nvodemv inug.New- or srandardvaofîvuvir rvîan insighti mmii thevmdv aifumoive jltcirucd lib cruche ando cruel sIonul,mnul Puierr i,.novoinvjii .vuvy iviiv vfur iilclnrvvvrlrmliii' i.kiniihicl, undîvli vy cvrcovvvsm ancs, i5 o bc depiored. lorifn i nices oi imano ai animii:ui vveadaofa riao]hcum bieug gavciird kyiied anid niifumjd con- Ilflanguvvg dars nal dîscaumage niun der, hen here iv no allen reavan lehIfon elain- ng il. A lIfesenîtenve mill itsvis ue loi e- penta ncccaol sarram. iv more ilion adecquate as i vvulîvruiaie vuîvvbvrenl for flire mourimah tiei. he niovaservauus ciuiiidieiul aIi heci liîhu 5nivali ol kill, ihe Ceanadiait Chdamph'ti Fuilhslîed by Ilie Dlis Prinling and Pî,blislîbng Co. Li.l llîl ur-vu ('bief[- G. A, Dilis Mavaging Edilcîr -Jantrs A. ilhis Ni-%ss dior R oy Omos Suivi iisirug Manager - Hyde Parker t'ihid crît 'y Wednesdcp ai 191 Main Si , Mlton,DOlt. Member ofl the CW.N A., the flnianln-Ouebee Division C.WNA.amui Cunaduan Communmby Ncwspapens Repre' senhatioco. Sobseniptions payabhe in ad- vance, 14.00 in Canada:;1$7.00 in ail coun- ries oiher thon Canada, Auhbonieed os Second Claos Mail, Post Office Deparment, Ottawa. Adl mciv iivg iv ac-plcd omflime condhiioun iii Ilec cocui l oa iougîapbical errerr uvial purliiof lin adveliing space oc'- v vpucdl ls' ilic C i iii'1115u n i, igeiher mlchiii narc l.miriuîiu cfor signatuev wîil novtlic n hageci loi. luitIbhe balance ni the donnhmement vii]libc pcud for aht tîhe appuiablo raIe, "ho ll ]mveno ohc ypogncpiial errer ad- veriising goodo or servicesata a wrong gire, goods or servires may n0t km sohd. Adocrtising iv merciy an ofrro selI and may lie wi]bdrawn c] any ime." Takeîî from tflifles of flic Can- adIan Champion, Juiy 29, 1915. A Norvah man, a Captain in the 4[h Batialion, retorord home cf- fr hcing woonded in the Baille oh Lcngeîncrck. He spcn] vome fnein an English bospitcl re- oupraing before bcing sent boimc ho Ccnada. He los] 100 higcrv on bisi% ci] band and oui]l vah kcd %souk a limp buto ohcroise %%ocs% i high spirits. Over a bond' rcd ochicies. motor cors, cycles, buggies and wagons fronfor and ncar met hion ai the G.T.R. via. lion. On biv crrivai a procession oas formcd wbicb Oas nearty woo milcs long. ted by the bond of the Halion Riltes. This socs follosoed ho, a molor car holding the Ccp- ian. bis parents ced famits' . A gymradc oh sohool childrcn joioed lic procession ci the village sobere praclicailo' vevery bhodding oas decoraicd. The rereption a hvI ona stage erecird in front of]fhue public chool ibai the Cap- tinuî ad auiended. Speeches soece mde anud (lie returniuug soîdier Oas presenied oiih c gold soctcb, svicb bcdthie cresi of the 20th Halton Rifles on the bock, in bonor o] bis courage. Captain Brown spoke. osking al young men ta go and figbî for the Em pire and the o'ortd of freedom. The bond picyrd "Tippercry" which coeryone sang and other vlections. The procrcding ctovcd oiih the National Anibeon and cheers for the King. J. M. Denveco .BA., Poblic Scbool Inspecteir, ocol ta Guelphi to ci- tend the I ospectors %hort coorse oi 100 wceks ci the Ontario Agri' coltural Coleuge. This oas ta in- ciode live lectures oo scienifie agricolture. Cbcmpiouîship molorcyice rac- es, bicycle races. basebait and football games, trcck cod field e.'eois ocre offered loir coicrîcin- ment on Augusi 2, thc Cisie Houi- dcv ci Sireelsoille. The Tuo 001 Molorcvcie Club soas loi bc pre- sent. souk one hondrcd machines. The ' promised lois of excitement valuclile prizcs and cdded attrc- lions. GLANCING BACK TO 100 YEARS AGO Tallen Ironsilihe files noflice Can- adien Champion, Juiy 27, 1865. Oniflime Pub insu.. John Nuco], humnicr, Esqocving, bcd is icomils' urvrenc lis'bbcthehirlh of ihrce daighiers. Mcs. Nichol and lime litii] -amie vare a' l ealîblul avîd %tel On Mondao' Ncocniig mie ini- tii'sing lle tripletusose nehapl- lisu v Il lvle Bev. Eus ing oh George- toiuul and reoeived hlic lamnes of Barb'lara, Elizabethu and Agnes. Fidiiors Matievon and Hunier tlivambeciflimc pulishers of the Hailtvulon Speeaor. T. White and R. Whie loinfliccops' of aml ad- ilcls eonm[lile Recuprocin I mcclv i%, [lor. JosephliHooe oh Novau Scolia giveuu belore aconventîionî rit Detroit. TIre edilion bcd bcem sîecinlin reviseci bv Mn. Hocre and isohd toc une dollar Ion 20 Oui ]assmig ilmm'uiflime village vu] Paiemloi(lime ediioirs socle pleas' cd humnotire mur-uv' esideuice ohflIme cniler prive ofcfiilc village inlîchi- tarifls iniflimeshapc ut a substantiat diii] shed. Il ws o1 serve as the Flouai Hall ai bbe Towsnship Show lu libc hd ibere in bbc fait. The boilding rosi 1300 of ov]icb tbe tuonshi p coone il pcid $10. The remainder os s colled froin the residents of Palermo. The cd- ltors lhought Ibis opoke oeil of the public spirilca lieralily of the people of bbc illage. Ilu bNus rcporied ihal the Manket flouse ocas bcbng apidis coumplet- cd; flime bavement storv wsc oo- peicd cand the fornioh the Loch- up foin the chuorderlics ut Milton covuidcîl ini' y cen. The ltuile apertur es mvo nclu ide for ligbt %o'vîîd lilile alluumd hum a dîsmal pro'uspecti loile 'julv in umaes. 'Flce main itemlioh boreugo ocoos suas the Engivl eleelions. Tbere linicîbeemu lbnee bondred dilferent eleciions sshichrh'evulled n a gcin ofi six scatsl onflime Libcu ais under Lor'd Palmuerston. Annng the sis- loic eield uembers in London overe Johin Stuart Milis, Mr. Hoghes, cuihor oh "Tom Brown ci Rugby" and Baron Rothischild. NEWS AOUDDISTRICT (il *OR(;LIIiViN - ite1) llspolicefocewa on.dciably e i iier ceciily wsi cotil ii iilinieiod dîiiors frile ucOnt-' aio olc Commii'ssion kv.in iig tho actinig vergv'aii lvand adding liic e u Ihe staffI. Neo minbeis of the toi-ce oilhbcGeorge LovilliJr. voovili bc a seigeaol. David Bell and HenryvVatiideroluis, voiibc.The police lui-ce iow ounibers 12 men. A consitable in lt11011 lori 1110e ycarb Harlcy IBuil) Loove lias bceo promuoled t0 ser- ACtION-- A globe irottiio couple fiom NeNv Zcaland rame t0 A, tonli hy busi-eo ntliv iiisc the own 1,0here the hhuandd ban lioed io b le rgle oh] agc oflIvo. Ncecdles te'ay hi vouldnfli rc)goize .ii i.Mri. anid Miv. MolIgainerie crci licir home ini N civ /r.land ili Mai viiIo attend a daiighter's ucdv(liligign Eiiglaivl.and lies bhave il .itravelinig cicr silice. The Monîgomecrics. wlioc, eqoireil oniithe sirccc li, Ille ina ,vor'soffiicc.eeelakentu0thie homle or Mavor and Mr,. Les Diliv wo ii c -ii riied tliciii for Ilie alicrooo. Mr. Monigo- inc ic a aii cacoiiilantiiniiNcov Zealaiid. 1)5KV IlLE 13- ilc iiv l ueiiivi'jiii'u. 11(111Korea, Malaysia, Aili. gtie andîîDoiiiinic.i lore recciiily gists ofiitlicakoille hraocb iii the Caîiiiian labor Cooiici'l. Thîe vlidcîils caille liCaiiada onder the Ciii iiviho plaîîiit l 'dati edvthiiiLahor Cillcgc ot'Caniadla jînilv run voth niv iîersity f il M0iiiill andilM Gil lirer-silo. Tliev socie on lic latIlC; ol a ourîîuîioth ,t'V inithecoeuntlry'. This Ncr145 t4u- delîl sviilv'ided tbr labor i oliego. Over 501aI et thiideniv camee boom vouiilries, movl of l llîîavsisled uiîder the Columiba lan. BRAMPTON - Facedi %jithsout ci eriCcril Clark icvmcd, "the ovorsi eavon inouor ivioîy for 000r ioavîs," Cliiigviacoosy Cotîîîcil bas aliprio'cd c suppleoieniary by-law for rocd construction ib e anvoulil vil $39,200. This iv moade up of $19200 'or constructioand 1$20.000 for miaintlenance. Reeve Clark remarkevl ihai clve t10the absence of viriog 'clos te bring uIle rutositiilof liie groviiiv, the townshiip rond liiaces bave been in iheir 000v] shape in years. sa944 4d <So~e BY BILL SMILEY DowN(s) IN THIS CORNER WITH ROY DOWNU Guest Coluinîs lid mmmci menionlev oilrVietlmii i oicam n clbimcl ie. QUOTE 0F THE WEEK Matllrriaic., possmr.v itoloy trolli, but ouiprmo beaoly - a beauiy cold and ausiere, like tbat of scupture, olîbout appeal t0 any part of our weaker nature, sublimely pure, and capa- ble of a stem perfection such as only the greatesi ari cao show. - Berrand Rssell. 1 - ----------------- - ------ 'Il 13Y r-lua rrcsâc