04 _ The Canadirbn Champion, Werlnpnclay, July 28, 19t65 F n e s T e S f l~ Weddings, Visitors, Parties So Farm Fatality Rate is Hig lig t H rnb Ara N ws luAre you omong te snlîscky 300th Highlght H rnby rea N ws frm peoplteiis peau? Tbis is te Li By Mrs. J. McCarron Mi', unit Mu. Dsaper. We wshi app'aximase nasiber o atitiiestis Cangsasiîstat ions ta M. tîîîîlMs. tilsiuli. tat milaccar re'tmin f t uteci- ' H Oresi Siteisi (nue OBarbara Bteak) Munv friends oîtenîted tte dents iis yeusi. Tthemitu ruratl Hi mita mere nrieil on Satordun îtruosseisauit etd by Mus. Roy people ttke arn satelty taligitily July 17, ut S. Stepitens Anglican Break -aliber tome an Sanday, il uppears tat titey muni lu tie li Cituret. Hrobu. Cocon J. E. July 11tolu ionor ber dlaugiter Bar- inctîsded in iit nonber.1 e Maxwmelt l fiiiedua i te cure btuuu i er muîviage lu Oresl Possibits me could sulle severat muns. Ttc ucepian suhit toi- Steits. suaoaiM. ansi Mus. Zen- ideas tuont inlîsit.N.ils teping . tp tîulow îîus telîtitsiHouseTie 'îsîeîî tsit ulNsortht Bitieiord. Sask. ta crt.'î ainttuu'ciensts. n bol,.R.R. 3. Sltrecissîiie. Cod ulaeandtuisusuil tiilic arnis accient suries'ot M. and Ms. F. C. Stipp ai E- M. tnu Ms. Art Sweezie, celc- condîîeled in 1959 la 1960, ttce'T eter, Otario, M. unit Ms. Leslie braing titeir firsi anniveusary, gualest number of act.idnts itup- t Benccuand Miss Olive Danicît aI Augusit1. pened t appraximatelu 10 a'cloci tIte Wiltsirie, England visiled receni- Attend Weddlng in te murning, and tlItce a'clock ts ly suit M. and Ms. Spencer Wil M. and Mus. Ken Ella and Vl- inte aternouan. Titese arc lines r son l'or oatueti t oliîlay. Tte crie haue litIfou o tolidlaYIote ttitIindonsuy altomi ils waukeus tut Englisîs tisilaus leil on TitîusîtînWCSl Coast. î laite calice bseakts. If agricot- iei for Monteal taoboar'd tIse boat M. and Ms. Doug Leslie aid suftoai riers steue ta suite clce l E SGSWRT fou tome. fatilu spent tte suceaiu Was- breaks utaitese times il wold YE SIGWRH Vi Vaeattonlng In East ugir Beach. alto du mit il dues fau indosttu, lItalton Junior Fariner h] Ms. But tuvine. Sarnia, visil- M. and Mus. G. Howdcn and retresit ils sariters unit cul clowun Provincial Directar Fa1t cd silîsM. asîd Mus. A. King lauI M. and Mus. Tam Hasuden at- te accidenît rate. Wedncsday. lended 1he Eve-Trimtle vedding Startllng tact bI ite suven. lise pî'aîeriv 011 M. and Mus. Zencitîtitoa Nort un Sauloday, Jaty 24. Anuter siatlting lacstaifte damage tlone totulld el(Vrm Batîleord, Sasitcheswan, attendt- Tranaferced ta Toronto surven mas litelige aifte persans live million dollars Bu% litoiit a - ed ttc Siein-Bucait tedding, 6e- Weuregr'et l Iaîn taiDiante in ftal accidents. Ttc age lau iog briuacidentsis cl arm lîuoî ing gtusts aI M. and Ms. Rus Ronce. daugitîcu ai Mu. and Mus. lalalilies muts tigiesi aIt 10-12 u'uîu li rai-e iis stails i ppri . us Break. Cs'aig Rapce bas been îuaîssl'euud yeurs aid. todosîru dousnutLit aievoeltnrd olar ;c M. and Mus. Les Rusleulge hatve frutti Miton Districlt'Hospiîta la îv apeusan 12 vetrs aid la uper- veaur.Le tel lora avacation dais-nEîst. te Siet Ciildens Hospital,.Tr-au e aIetnt-aiils nmacines, ils tact i Suîueiii,îg cse t1lîighi initî itou go at Barece onto for obseuvation. Dineivas te V woO't even llos tem -eb, peî ni u îi, ltatilvrcs Mus. Panit Hll enîeuîaiîsed on tut îis a cau collision lItsi eek. in te fItorv duiîsg ssoukitiîg'itvesîtuu teuse tla iai 1l5 Fidau eucning. JuIn 1 6 loliosiog Mu. and Mus. Ravc n'ut. bort in tours. Wbn stauld rur-al peuple 1liaonit Oit undtc i te ut 111 codeut urtt l Sie eieasa lu it.-suddngoltht.:salue acclent. Mus. Rovce allao it ou ai 12 eaus tut uperut t ut lCattaialo ir nacdetw Miss Boutara Break and Deul reciving siîtcs an ber lace and te dangerous machineruia'ii, tstut.tsuka Sitein. About 20 guesîs meue pues- M. Roue u eceiiog siticites on latter uperales. Yeus mon sas tIsai caîsuîutsuurt suiîr fiels %iththtii ts col and enjoycd a blet luncht. te eg. lthes- seru- îeaîed ut Mit- is fine il voa coatirard la tire t raulsîr.Il \,oîu dirî. autuuîbcu 5 Hunty Park %vth ie eîing ion Hospilat and ttei discbuugcd. an extra'moni, bol 1 cons alaurd imptrisosed lot-î bueakîng (liei lits ,uan fau te annuel ciiciten barbecue We tape Diane wmut mon becihome il. Let me asitvaot. ts itsuit sý,, ý u lte tsa lussautir uunsot un giuen by te Campbell Soop Com-gin. our sans lic 001 tati hreuritdrive tnutrhieeiii Ca'a.ThtoIis litu pans la siîd tup ttc asparagus Trip ta Ireland extra niotan forte b uvsas tn nluiles uts saur fild îsi ttac-ugui piciting. Wit M. and Mus. Glen obby- vMallace, so, ai M. and aifte sear? 1lau Rusaltinochtarge aifte barbecute, Ms. John Wuallace, I'tonbv. cil; 1Witthtrîend Ia geuler mecit AltittutgitaIrîusuiîîisîîîîîulus-titi evesoe enjoyed za dlihtlutl e-e ouI Tuesdus nigitl rom Toranla, liatianin agricuîlure cohues te sulias a inlîtuiulicl e. s\on cîlin c ning. About 90 peuple attenettli. ib% pane la Lonîdon, Engltînd und 1nit aifiuman erri- ndi tigit- iteuitauged f\ lis t ise leil \ou iti Haiton Rep. Attendus ten un ta Anîim, treland. Bobby er accident rate, aie nul opcrttiitg vutrautot on\Vil Jonc Hall sas hotuestoa boutl ssii spend a ttee suet bhol'das» 25 membeus aifte 4-H Bcdl Club isiting %itlit is grunptrent aon Tiursday evening. Juhv 15.Bel and oterrelions. We b b hm geFrnr jodg-ing n-aute puojeulfo tea pleasant joarnes. cvening and H. Stanicu. Agrieuti- Me-sus. Loîd. Abertland Jact tuaiRepueolntut ive tir Halaîî Marchebsuco uîended tlb lunerut wa s~elt ueexn ciutJosepht Acbeu ai Toronto. The To H arvest A l Possible Fc GelVel wshs lre xtede sevi tuas 1tuom Ttc SpesPun ta Clebeul MeDosu il, Oaitville-icutl Pauors. WestlTlauto, o Trafalgau Hospital. iWe issit im Saludasmouing. Juls 24 wit speedv recoveuu. itoîcusucol nn GlenîlaleÉC met alit e l::upa ngt Shortage in 5 In Nursbng Home T ersuvice ltiS. Siepitun' Conguatuat ions and test %u sites AîhunCtri ont.~ Wiîb onh lu-orau iuce otîn îles malles rc tîr tites e s i, ,lim 1r ta M. and Ms GratniRsîce. Jais Sîssdas, Juhk25 wtits tkev bs 'r urltu tesu tnîstîtu-ut lxpiel.stcsiellslltguii. 28, M. and Mus. Elsucu Bates uand MuMr. tîleus iofMilton in te ah- rqiP P s teOnaioDPart- 1LIiQeo m M. and Ms. Pal Pippance. tais sence out ec. J. E.Massct ireavnenseieOnatlupst Outîi.Oiciu tu1 i 30, on te occasioîn outh0ursed- irttdlau greu-ings ansi good, nsent tut Agrîicuthur'e itoasuirtuusi nusu iku let. stu' 01)11 ding anniseusoules. si sites lirceslxended lu Pant loamerscu a. n a uitpo s b.i lit ucsrls nlu tcsd Piendu ai Posîcu Bî Ian mas te Hosticu Juth 28, Sîsan Geton ose ituilha înul l hti, meeing.tionultlttîs tsi fast stoo asii - inteuested lton itaiMu. Buan July 30 Buis vHosîdun tulu 31,,isebtu stinmtngoatgt 10Wins oum wcoovoescing ite S seuls PuFrnt Chitsbolm anut -Benda lite stultige in ttttcuaru-as uoi ile -- 0-chas-t. not îsishtohu l c ville Nusing Hume. operaitdhi Beeîtus Aulgust 3 pinc.ivbut oma t aepicclr -Druagiti uonditons, paulîctilhs îl ita bsîped tailurîneus \sutîl lin EsernOlta'rio, have scrius,- aN -salctu ite usîls tite si a i tail ied oa res odiutlcî tlitu ueristeiselias one Summer Statistics împressuve [ýt h eutIltJvokatethfr ligtr-h\oi- fe-edersseuvl intdf siluîut.-îîlau sîtu' ut theîrsssîsc". said loit is ,,,,ue dequale suppies lutrertiil Recreation rrograms P p t, 1turovrwne etieiet. Tes.itonla onagaa SaisicsluromiteMilton Reu giundîsaut isumu treated tooa cuihl\ ashoilage ofliii iiiilte reaia omîie iîstlti tse usp ls is. lThu utld ren uit um lTe Depauimentlis luging tas ns 25010 peopleued ttc Miton Com-: tout bitles andtouars antu en aved eus.seita tire h htutc tue nosugi tut munitv Pool t esuet t ofuv9'a pluvr lunch. md temset'es t'n a sutuplusu poli- Satellie t.tittttp lU (its s ta t5 and t600 chiluen isited'. Duer .50 etîldien aie puîtiuipusl iosn.ftutmite ecucîsfcitiositing ime ttc Receoioo Commitees play- ing in tefree tennis essons ah- groondu front Jais 12 la 16. Ttc lcueed un 0-edn.ctailano Sa________________ nombeu ai ttc puai ducs 001 in-! dus morningu bv te Receto clude 12 ciildren wmita lkestim- ýCoînsinitleanu tise MiltoGRnOTeNnDEiD, lglssn i te pool curu' Club. G O N E mauniof. 1Murme tuent, a'resuccumu and Titere mere 500 eblduenutai te jma-u eissirYcu onîau tînt euu-t O ' o M ny Po l J.M. Deopes plangrusn d, 700 ai 1aian dirucetiu Bob Smaili h et o tetbt.y Prblm te W. . Dicit planguuund and 400 Ton Hall au uit 878-3112.Li os te Rotary Faut plauground M. Omal reports taittumu art. irit Your Vacation miicitis ieid onlv in te muv sit registrations avaîlablu hour'E ings. Ciilduen who Visit te J. te Aîguît sessiton aiflt.e sssm- E M. Denpcs und W. I. Dicit pay- ming lessuns teld utaite poot n AT N groundsibtiis ridop tu-litsec tree Rotaus Part. Feus are S3 pur utsld A LA TIC FI A C limsfm te National1 Fimou S6 lou a lamilu sit itrut.ourIA C Boarud: Estima Summeu. Age oh more ublduen. Ttc lesuns îstîut CORPORATION LIMITEDs te Beaucu and Cornehai Nigit. are teid flamant.' tsîrcvuus mou- 208 Main S. Milton 978-28550 On Titusday 75 ciilduen n-ta ning stili begin on AtîgulJ2 and made te test stonîng in pla-tend Augasi 22. _____________________________ HALTO-N ihtly Cattle Judged 609Hikond4-H ClubÀMemàea Themothy eeingfthe uvi* ed Livesteck ut Guelph H ig hB 4 HC b Hlson 4-H Jersey, Guernsey. Ayr- Ststy 4-H Club mcmbers from, by Jeffrey Nurse wtth a score of e bihwas popery. he nsbieCatif Club was field ai the Halton competed in the Anniat1288 oui a1 300. Rstnner ip was rio epatinvii f Trnsprt'arm ofLluyd CN l hreLvsokJîdging lifcton1Mrae]Iterwh28pits Ipublistîrd Li bîcklet esîisîct ai excellent display of (oerttsev beld Ilit e O.A.C., toi Wedttesttav Jeliey ais. auti tile Iteel Trapby aIii timpleitteitis un Onitarto caille suas judged. Jîtly 21. Twa otit deundîtiliysuithitla scureaof 294, clnseiy tailoev- bgway.s' lit cuitbe oblained Tbe rall cati was taken witb 21 oter contestants trîîm Welling- ed b illu Jackson, Cooksville any Depariment of Agricultutre members present. tan, Peel and Weolmortit al sit iîd-IR.R. 1, wmut 292 points. ce. 1 sitlgeSl yuu gel one ut A type demunstration was given ged tivestuet and gaivet. ieir rea- Doug Gutrdituuse, Mitton R.R. se anit read tl and knuw what bv Agricultrut Representa tive sun,,.15, wun lthe Sitecp Trupby witb 95 e ule f the ruad arecuncern- Juitn Cackiti t classes ofI th e Novice setions., for tittse tiot ai 1001paots. He wus fottow- V lie ilperatian ai voutrirtalO C'îWhohaitd never itidiedl lretesuts ced bu v it Nurse suitit94 tii ci t.' sicv ca ileîîelhte u land itut ui olstis tttt ' iti a,snu[iseen ad, iai attnFr Sa eotra n i -imtts nxiii s i lmitr, urlatltîn ioll. liîcscîîtcIULI itue 1959and 1961 en foinfli meiber anexcll mas lthe mioner stillisa sicre o ieu it \îas \vonbs Daog'ssiser, tiemanstralin un ittîvie muiatlers680 0ont ai a possible 750; second Calrtilsî. Couuilmasestitisied illr as given ity Miss Verrai Titmp. mus Dan Heutiteringtitit ci Camp- H laccident sitruey io1960tlaLils- son.blvlt ..3 H6 ndttrl igh Novice Jiidge ti yon n onu suuupossible lalileRR 3-66an hr vent latmuaccidents. The Jun Thete meeting w05 ttd.ourned utîsdlwus Kli Aiikeîî ul Aitilt R R. 3Thte C.N.P.. sitield ta lthe Higit airmer u'gLuttte.alîuoi lias reul' lunîcth sas set'scd tv Mir. Cuis- wilît629. 1Nuvice iudge uil liepresented tditi s antdl s iurkitîc ditttn tîtitît Junior Section ta tis Iturs i llascr.ev id suilli 111c lu itelp paît pre In flie Juitor Section for ttuse iiîe us ul îs ee i. taccidetslu.or even lbeller aIo a 16 veurs af uge and larder, sitislitei'pt a en ieCap Ap save aur flue. Hcarvest nauoeng 5-ü i NnyBavc lmLvsokjde oi Haion Couîîy lthe Junior Milton R.R. 4 was lirsi suilit 701 mriels Lire prami ting and scît- Recenîlv lte National Salely imitit cigit ai ttc 10 et'asses pluie ig ire Enlinguisiters and Slow Leiîguo itered Éliesuggestions cd correutlp; Johne McGeu ai ciaog Veiticie Siens. llsey'aie orritauling in uour itarvesicl Norva i 1 sas secondlis695 I o iîîcaiing atîtdl et.rdiîg tilt1u'raps. Olse -ch.ieck tt'tliic belare and Patricia Smeeîmon ai Hr- iri ponsds anddibodies aii\valt-r pulling an lu lthe 'oad. Two - becitp R.R. I wsutiird sit 693.o ithe Cioînts. '[lîir recorîdusuill cooreus tand Ici ululer irai lie bIlthe Senior Divisiout I iise lnî'ned over iiIolthe loctatli blv. Titree - use lite Octuoai 17 ta 26 seursuli age, suiih 17 con-i cuîrîîssenîsiinurîler lthai lteir anget.aunitred l Sow'Moutng Ve' lesitinis; Jelircu*vN ursea ii(Geore- . risediîle lîtealton's knosn, i idemeînemtu atrnoalther irai- losun R.R. 2 muts lirsi wli724;;EI~ID hs ie bre'uaks ostitn Ébat treallie titt aillu'e travelling less lthait Muitgarei Huniet iiBu]-ln'lr1 A.T MO R ri au,c of roiii'ing ini i,îrîîs125 toiles autoiurI.- Yîîur lctl Ag .ýR.R.'tItuas second iili701 nd INSURANCE tiis. ricîtltai represenla live itearÉils ýLamne Elia, Hitrnisv R.R.1\a CAMPSULLVILLI What Yot, Want In Lif e clîsus es eesuiggesltis i tirul silit 697. ra i OMts t% ols îlotsi i, _au_____ lThe D,îiuuapitslulaitop 'iidgu UL 4-2271 'bal v00 sîtntin ilie. I ti ilthe lsin- daieti itsses ut ___________________won_____ atlis isse possiis' l ib ous- Donations Increase __________________________ nd ollrs tititi îlelote, or i- lictthe ]lie cai tltvedtin., For Memorial Fund- CA .. G. RVN o niv it ssu sorsoieimu-an Mure titan $250 itsu aireadv bee ucident will happestîînuîled tl theLeRon Inglis Me.cm-R G RV N 1d~i 1" %ft~ïtitull. 0É ai sriaîl Schlai'siip Foînd in mni- lot.'i t.Éliîlt:îl Lsfaivuie issiLeRos toglis an 18 uctîr-sud 'for ln andilpol is s out îeCisphlslebus isba as kîllesi a S. 0 Roofing S Eavestroughinq tîtiî dou ati pi e' liamttloi 'esule -automobile ac- SAuiumSdn cidan Ireceollu.Fond clîairm.sn0 lmn Sdn Mus. J. Witelîiaî annaiinct.d ltusi RE-ROOFING OUR SPECIALTY lite îîîd sulaeeidoaiosCarp.ntry Work of Ali Kinds lThe suîîuarsitip suili ite pre-, PHONE 878-6020 tuîld lu a grade 12 special t.oin- Free Estimates - Ail Wori Guaranteed mert.ial stidenl ssuhth1e lirsi orage Cr sai ld lseiîîg made si lthe Milton ADislitlHigi St.toul's t.ommenc- Dsaises ti thes s carib Som e reas tttiiaiii alielîn 1 iae i heBak f ov SotaON DISPLAY NOW nie i 4 rýjt ism., or lit ct.aticîîî Mi.Vit AT DEMARCO'S - FOURTH LUNE AT LOWER BASE UNE la iht ai 854-229..i MUTUAL FUNDS Small and Big Businessmen -Wdows - Lawyers - Druggists - Restaurant Owrners- Clerks - Tradesmen - Farmers - People like pou and me ail over Canada are ma- king profits from Mutual Funds investments. Safety is the main feature. Let art Ontario licensed consultant explain the features of lumip tam and time plans to pou. Inuestîgate for yourself - neain msaI pou can accomplish financially as others are doing. TO F. E. PANGBORN, UNITED INVESIMENT SERVICES LTD.- c/o 2078 Seafortit Drive, Oakvtie, Ontario. Phsone M THE HALTON CO-OPERATIVE SUPPLIES $100 SCHOLARSHIP Every year your Haîton Co-opeoative Supplies offors a $100 scholarship to a studont who wiII ho going to a two-yoar course in an agricultural school. S U P P L I E S This Scholarship Competition is open to any student (son or daughter) MILTON ------------------ PHONE TR 8-2391 GEORGETOWN --- ------ PHONE TR 7-2271 ERIN -------------------- PHONE 833-2222 MANAGER'S NOTES: Check the safety of vour farm t hia week. Dont wait for an accident te point ouf the homards that develop on the faem. lt's a buy *season on the farm but aafety lu an important invetment a any ime of the year. Partlcuarly et tht. ime of the year you dont want te cultivaI. any accident se don't le bazarda grow. Think SANTY. wItose parent is a member of th-e Halton Co-operative Supplies Organi- zation. A committee appointed by the. board of Halton Co - operative Supplies wili select tihe student who wiIl receive the scl-olarship. N TH-E LETTER OF APPLICATION INCLUDEt Home. ago, uddress, courte inîendied, setoot intnnded, junior farmerît or 4-H actîvties information (il anyl, parents name and ony otiser pertinent information tisaI miii ielp te committee.in their selection. SEND YOUR LETTER 0F APPLICATION TOt MR. C. HARRIS, Manager, HALTON CO-OPERATIVE SUPPLIES, BRONTE ST., MILTON. BEFORE AUGUST 27, 1965. -- -:1 THIS AMAZING NEW ELECTRIC INSECI EXTERMINATOR Ideai for Killing Fiiez, Mosquitoos, June Bugs, Wasps and Shutter Fiiez FOR HOME, FARM, ORCHARD, PATIO OR COTAGE ... Operatea on Electricity for Leau Titan Two Centa a Onyl - COMPLETELY SAFE AND CHILO PROOF - Phono Sam Deorco - 878-9867 Write te Room 102, 416 Moore Ave., Toronto 17 for Information Or Come la The Evening For A Fre Demontration What Us A Co-Op? A co-operafiVe is an organization which beIongs f0 the members. The Contrai rests equally with ail members, and the profits are distributed f0 the members. Who con join a Co-op? YOU con loin a co-op il pou con mate use of the gonds and services il al- fers. I4ow is the Co-op business run? lacit member, egardies of tis invesiment, has ove vote ta bhelp gavern and cao is Co-op. Eacb mosu- ber may use is anice and bis vote on bis osun mapt ite van suggest. adulte, cri- ticlze and commend. Mesu- bers elndt a board of dit- ectousto1 set policy in their inleresi and ta ite and guide management. amn- ings are divided amongst the members in proportion to te ose they make of te .co-operntive servicen. Why do people join Co-ops? To ottain qoaiity gonds and services ai campetitive marktlpricent 10democrot- coup control economie con- ditions and heip precent nsonopolies. FIow do Co-ops help us? Bp eîscourogiîsg tise adop- tion of co-operatian pilot- saphp otah1e econamie vends of tise people 65 te orgoniention of co-apera- tane societies for distribu- tiaos, production,. market- ing, tousivg. heaitis. insur- once, credit. coid storage, misoiesate and other ser- vices ta mieisco-operative principies con 6e appiied. Should you jo0in a Co-op? Il pou mont botter contrai of tise uset of pour money . . . if you mont ta mate yottr opinsion and voice cousust. . . if pou mont tise satisfaction af sisaring and mortivq wmus otiers ta cea- lien a common nehievement . . . tisen you belong in îo-op. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .............. --