Trus Co pany Fiv Vounters *. paln hait Th- Canaclian Champion, Wpdnmd;ray, JuIy 21, 196e5noaa i I. .~1 II Profit ~'Increase i e ed 3frSSurprise Birthday Paurty A MbstLLIPro i increas nnte d 3fo t. John Brad FrMs Ai aCro fi isfrtefi rsi bau i 1965 Fine Milton residenitt have 'ng eveflt, fau fàlrs,- piacs and F rM s i e C r o le ef eef S u i i1tis )ver the comparable period iast voooîeered tb loin a Miltoa Div- nyvwhere lsé that thévire ask- Bp Mrs.William Watson Six dditoa rvlig ply I-lton and Peel Trust and Sav- Brigade. Thirteen more quallfled Mr. Coulard, Mr. Lawson and, AlmaCandon felasurpfie grontisd B igto mm Te A t a t e a ilUI ings Con ipatîs. people are neected it order ta Mr. Miler have ai1 s o affered tirthday party ai herhanse on 14d Sirawberry Soal By Mrm. George Itaila Mrst cooq i Andiewv andtJn- t-n r epnss orc ilit-,f uai1 I li egin thet irsf aid corps inM1- Sav-A-Lie' courte in two dif- atial"din ere Mr and Mrs Soan Sa S veein il f frter 0 LUBRICATIONI A fareveil pariv was heid ai the iit ar o iavg icheLatîr!flie vear are $I659StS againsf aon. ferent methods of artificiai rita- Inglehart ai Paiermo, Mr.and anO it rOwber o ia inRKiC- furs home of Mr.and Mrs.Abert entians ncarO titI or'f w '96,420 liorthe- sain- pvfod it Aoy person wsoholds a fonda- piratian. This course vwililibe brM.DnSer ndLryo ide halSEVC McatayRR amlelvîe ekm6.tental or Seior first aid cerli- iered ail sommer in torder ta Buffalo, Mr and Mrs Henrv Bn-rre Aa njv on Wednesday evening They have Tbe fiil iop e ni flhcne\\ 1Savings andti clepovi s rce f cte of ceitier the Sf. John An-I cp rvn rnna s hs laea rof r ncM os d dRos s 1TIRE REPAIRS soid their iarm and hitia new Campheifviiic post offiiecsil]lake $43406996 in cornpcriviin sifh fîtînce frfeRc rsod- f. o cov n e vioivianadDreMs f0iWcrMs ierfSîhMv hotme if Carlisle sher(e îtes os'- îpface ie\i Frichîs ccc nin, in the 199f1,637279 forthelic lii vlîfiaith\Ii) il occi'16 vearrsoni ne c cipiefing if are giveit a ccrfi- Vivian of Milterovc. Mr. andi Mrs. George Roîberfson folHanmilton 0 GASOLINE ed la Lis sserkcifl i ilhige (Il tCfioiîi iltif'f964. Rildîtil oi Ille , l it. jîiI iiodlu hin fili-cdivisioin. f vie sving bai fhey bave suc-; iencoCampblcl ni zimmerman, anidlMis. Willinm Alivî,ii .c antd Mis 1fiiel ttilieri-ii on le, çuli i 1835'493.îiii 5 iiS71,77 iii Nltuluc. ic iiîiieîeîsiîlNucoiiietl Ithe Cou'e.'M r. andîlMrs. Robert Saili Sr. ui Kilbriule Sti-et Ws il îîîel Open 7 10 i. fon, M. and Mi, Biicge Mriifs . MiantiMi s. i lig iivandi ofi 1110ili.ebondîfforiilocku, whîlîî i essirkinIo fît iim a Mil- Ansine iii erevIicin participafi- Hd. c ni i -arolid Mc-.lrichfef Iliee vgicdie fiIl li, Sunday 9 ans. la 10 pi. and Mr. anti Miv Bruceie- Mra' nfMs ovRîe viiiiîIcîlî i ii l c ieo:iiid tfDisvision.v, IasSr1liinii oresoodcn a.M.ant r.Norman Viv- fitcsre îhS itîiallcfsi - daie conened aii off eli.andtf iMloîpfifo vcciif tiiilihi sii l-ioiiiiîiiýýI' ufiiilicre arecai icasi 13 peoplea ie 1 aîe Core mn i"and a - r.andI Mrv. Ed VivianweklvheitrngoiPiîi the commiiioiv peetcl iilMir. anti Mis. David Beerciige fi less fiiîuartcî %-c allie. il, Milton wlîo carn qalifv." 1 ae ots ah i B,,lingion. lJiliiiev Mrs. MeCaine' sifh a sial dock. Bis 1Lake, Micîigai. lits i îîîî riae ilitii arc 536.- The Milton Division 'would Sixteen Milton peuple have ta- Eighiv pers ons ailended fhe D VUR AR astooc is c rvliai-rni Wbcrlihanîti llnrv Roi sli adt iii [lie li ibil utift 19Mi. aid inanv cmergency and wooid similir courses can lie arg h of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lai- Wboevcr voit arc, wberevcr B.A.SE VC clock ifor cacit Mariene cand Wii itJoîn Chapiiaiî. ai itieiirsî ai personnel for for groops or individuala. Fridav, torbneînîo n go. goti con beip preneni lions McCartney. Thovigliveîy sur- Aîîivrsars greefiffis f iMr dAI u-inlîvfics 'bn, warking sitb the Mr. Coulard condocted a îwo, fiig. R.R. uts tc11. it orevi lires. Aiways bu careiol.Onaro St. ai No 10 Sldero.d priscd, acb mcmlier of theltin- and Mc. William Webb iî sslîîsfi O.K. $4,892 ddiolOn Wokmens Compensation Board. houtr ciass for Mrs. Dunphy, Su- aienont îl Use vnur car avb iccîv. Encor ili îhanked everyont [tir lus cecicraf e iheir ti tcît uiin.Alo Sa~vn Donpbv, Delibie Moontain, Enjoy Playground age oi bers ta 'ne careiui, ion. Do Miltont TR 84741 tbaughtffoness. nivcrvaîv on Sclv 261li. - Town Sewage Piant ý Bill McLaughlin, Mrs, M. Eiiioi, Kiliride piaygroond is once sour pari Io preveni mccvi îtires. Greens Eso sitationi on flitc Mr. Caliaici, Franki Lawson n Debhle Eltiof, Mrs. Lawson and-i again respondiitg wifb ftle vboîîfs Guephi Line is having nein gas A S4.092 addition liai ilii and Don Miler acrthie flire Mcrgaî'c Laîs'sn. and laughfer ai children. pomps itaited, in readines dubltheic flic it f iiveot lcebni-inen sibo arc irying f0 organize' Il yoî arc inferested in hetp- On Wednevday dois 14 Kiliritie the summer trade and the fall I~~îî:litoîîîcunk ai flic Miltion sbeeMiltoît Division. lthZ nMionbbemngaet-cidr unàsv'g nded flic o vtherMoakRad e s. fol' Downs ...ige ircaninent plant, seas Iapfiiat.-fi-eMiltonn esidenis Ah tb rce mo Mifneeeliv lidco rps oe-itr nineci an'gc nanc vec Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mitchel IConfînuccifronPage CIl c hcl omniuiilliirvslstsek. Tbe nmnbers unithe Avion Divtsion îîisb o faie the 'Sav-A-Life' înnrning Joiv i9 cacb ciid n'as n- and iamiiv cre bolidosin ouithflichomse sale.' one-member oflhie îclcl t ub vîlclgive tbe plantIl f iS. Johln Ambulance Brigcîde.leI ofîe v nu are invife t f0califed Io brine is or bier bicycle wevi coavi of Canada. riiv qîippeci."Iliscîre fclv giiitl double capicils diiiing trush pet- Tbcvsvîîîlc nlerI o thcie Mii- Mc. Coulard, Mc. Lasson or Mr. to flic playground f0 parficipafe fU U r Mcv.Sos ut-nt aîd Kaiivfi)tfblc bick lhomet- nd gel yîîîritIds.,indii cilIo tf i toi t nDiisiîîî iiindcîîîiîlcfe ifs 'Milice utfoi itirmaf lotiAi ieRdi ine ui Tmnfsaie pnding a sveck lctfoitflhes îîcîîitlagain! sctiie qctiislcnt (Il f4.000 ftiitii ufli nti(tn iviflicueBurlingion Sale- wiii f ithe rmers parents, Mr Nei vecî,the fIc nternatioinal i iiiiili uriiiigirushi fiti ott. Pervois hoic ailendei recen f Il me tutti siand up fac tomne- Iv Coîînvil. and Mrv. E. D. Mahin. inhite Ed- Conîventioîn iv in New York Ciy.The- joli \il1Ilfie doncivliv tefl [ idif tlcoufrse, IlifMiltfuitDis- utn, wsi îîîcîv f-fi t hing. Tht-cc are15 picisgritiiotîplus ---d'Fi urIlil Timinins isv viencil Att six base cgieeîthulii ill it-s saiin init h l ti u ecIIfl wnI l fliîîc, ttigiî Scbiîîil, flic Oiiiarii g -ii iv cofe lt gting h\bs li.iii fi),ii ii uhs uitt iiicif d itfioni Sciiiiitl l i c he Deal, antI P.1_1. __________________________________________ ici ci onsi iflic ein inuit ivl9ifalifieiviliasked I aI jL N Et-E I ig2e flini ivjýotk andcaeiiIIP Mi Cllduita8 7-66.Mr. 1 C M A ___________________________________ i f h . ifil L )SI tif 305,83.ttTht- î,îfiai f78-2903, oc Mr. MutMrPaiY, LTO. M %% -t ifoi ît Iîlicitfl oi $78-3259 llu lîîilîcrinormat ion. ~~WIiids flic- pricil thel flcuîk Onice-Il chiicr nif08persons Church Services ~ S20,922I un Iî 0-scar pan,. isîli u iigc.leMiînDsvtnINDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING P O E 8 82 6 and int fi al lise anl ilive %%i -l oa lb o. USAIN OO EAR KNOX PRSBYTIRAN CHURCN ST PAUL'S CHURCH o ît-î veolcen. Tii'leitcouu sponJosit5i vtîo cver colis ofSUTAINMOOREIS Ren. J. K.» L.fuiiititoîcail-cinrîii- McGown, BA. THE UNITED CHURCH $249i u ivisii %ofi. atend fier fli MAINTENANCE SERVICE TR866 R825 FCANADA O ps Dth al iiitigs. an annicîl inspection LSMADLNB ES E RM "0 came, ]et as wrship and Main Si. at Limcs Sf.. ps Dth _ iîiitilliisi id ,tvr-t-s-fsN 60w dosî%n; lefts lineel befor om dlnfieuin teres ue;p,,,eîtf.îcrîutic-ilîl Iu lh ielt-Di\i so ssoîid cie the Lordor Maker. liviria.Me f b niatîfitConre lui ThesiiaitofIlrin iffvlefî iItiidtiIantlhomen tirs-' BOX 8000MILTON, ONT. 78 22 6MILTON4 Dîring July, Knoaxcongregtion 'gationai Cbttrchvv 1 Caada. vllvtîigî îtu-u iiui i-ctl- c for lianvone interesf- witi share divine suorshîp -Toscnstip armiets. \\il, nptînst-l cl witl the cangregafion af Si. Minster Paois Uife Chîrvhi~ Rec. J. Lrtie Graham blismenîbers ioifth liLiiRil iti Wansen Weieane Pau's nitd C urc inCunsi aitlon Atilhiiif ;iut li-if \%'(mien if-uv aivls ictime mcm- their building, Rer. J. Lorne Organivi and Choir i.eidtr ucl u iucngnMltn ferIlflD%,o lilN.hd Graliam canditing. Miv. Hacold t Magee T' i luepi.jvv.tcti. titu icl- i i lue necessuus \ ii-Ivit id 'tI c iliC-' BOSTON AND OMAGH SUNDAY. TULY f 67S19651b'.West i lu-.' PIlle, mIcl l attie niiitu hometf HALTON & P EL TRUST & S À M GS COM PANY PRESbYTERIAN CHURCHES if M i.m.-Morîning W29ib, ul Afh un f .cvait i i ihiuisuicvjiithefivu iion.6 us E L~V u' M.nster Set munvtiLvci, "i.hii,tn !uiu landituiti.Attiiviiimet-i Tht-uc are iv Miltoun rt-udt-nus H FIE:OKIL Ren. Stanley E. Smih, BA. Dicipine." Tht- Saciatiienf t-ls staifef, "il ivlt-ii ()Pflfi)- u lc)Illeut- tomiers oiithlicAtfun! EDOFC:O KI 878-3582 tf Bapims sit bcadminil sie fts i t- t- t Irving tIascv Brigadet. iivshave supplied Mil- - t-c~~eed. i.iiusti5,lioii nit-lt- t onif iilu iib firsi aid utaf ciiJunioîr SNAJULY 25ib, 1965 vv"f(t-. " luches gaunsvast sinter, OFFICES: 10UNAY, (mg:Wos e- THE CHURCH SCHDOL SAitho il\vinmt-sag l ui ut lic Milttin iuli Fair and aif1BRAMPTON BURLINGTON SMO vice. ~uh WuvbpSc-1050 a.m-Norsery Depi., Reg.' ixîsea-'lit-ier clalteif andilsenftule Stcaîn Reitiion. Memvýofhr u SMO 11.30 Worship St-r- Nurse in charge. fi gunnvnu offiîciaifs siiîg flite 'ni iîu,îclaren' 'vltinh.irs' r- COOKSVILI.E MILTON DELHI vice. Gîevî preachler. Ses. 11.00 a.m.-Ali boysad ginls, 480urtoc fli .uiiienilit-uo ficfluiuîuî fevviuuioIls" and ci c suppis W. H. Heuvtil, B.A. Nu yers incltusive, iii mec fin icitiieiivcl ui- illi liit uli f ChrhSh ie ta cn- the churcli and provecd ti ______ Compacrative Statemnent 0f Assets And Liabilities geeotan.oîde bvmn i tth sc GRACI ANGLICAN- CHURCH St. Patois Church exîendsta y Fit Mitoan,Ontario île loîpiialify afiltssvorshipa B SN S P O ESO A Rectar: and ieiiomvhip * Rev. T. M. Dus tan, BA., B.D., D.D, Asoclate: MMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH R B.Cao .DM. Msn A, Commercial Sftreet, Milfton TRAVELLERS' GUIDE DENTAI, B.,Minister: Pastor Clayf on ae ______________ -UDY UY2tIf Telephone No, TRiangle 84473 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIIWAY DR. W. C. P. WRIGHT SUNDAY JUL 25H. i96 SUMMER CHEDULEStandard Tine Dent sf Triniiy VIlRD DA Coing Easf: Trai 338,]case 17 Martin Si. I Sf. James Day SUNDAY. Jt)LY 25ib. f965 Miitutti10.39 a.. cuti c'Toronton Plume 878-2491 8.00 a.m.-HoniyvCoimmunion. 9.45 a.m.-Sonday Schoh for att. 11.20 am n. daits. Fuir Appoint nient 10.00 a.m.-Maf tins, 0ge. Coing West: Train 337,. cave_______________ Tliorsday, Juty 22nd- Sf. Mary 11.00 ans. and 7.00 pi.m. Toronto 520 p.m., arrive Milton ACUTN Magdaicn Day, HniY Cons Scrvives for Worsbip and pu,* "i. ai"* _____________________ munion, li. a..Fîna.ngeIivm. TR 84471 fARL G. BLACK< PRSOF Wednevtiav - .00. Bible Sffifl B. Comm., .RIA.. C.A, PARIH 0Fandt rayer McetLing. Clurired A venaitfani st. iOmes Chutch, LowvllIe Fitv-73.Ycn cpe OPTOMETRISTS Mtttt.lAîlfo St. John' Chut-ch, Naaagaw.ya meeting. 163 Maui Strvet (The Anglcan Church of Canasdai A Cordial Inviittoni Extendici ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, Q.D. Buis 460 Mion, Ont.' Re or: To Ail 184 Maint Si., Miltoin TRiangle 8-6542 Set, . P. E. Jeffaren ________________i Fuunv 07089972 Rt-s. 870-9678 _______________ Campbelvilte, Ontario Ttesday Afiternoos% LEGAL Teleplone No. 854-2577 THE UNITED CHURCH Tliurvday .vvniiugs SUNDAY, JULY 25f, 1965 OFCND rdyMni HUTCHINSON & THOMPSON Trinity VI Mi 0Fer RC.ANADA.rriday Mornugs Bucivteu v andtiSuliifurs St. Johnsa Chut-ch, Nasaagaweya Mnse e .R rfiî,T. A. litthinoituluciiretil 9.30 a.m.-Mornîng rayer anti .. ,Mitn ROBERT R. HAMITON F. David 'ibonson Sermon, Sondoy Scînol. Lows'ilhe - Zimmerman Pastoral 29ManS.Mion 7-84 St.Oetor's Chut-ch, Lowvîllo Charge (Ipfnmetrit 219_MainS[.,_Miltn_ 878_284 11.00 a.m.-Morning rayer anti Sommer Scbedute Oifice Hoors SAP n IHL Sermon, Sunday School. SNA.JtY 9b 99 Daihy by Appontmcn AP n d . . ICRFE Officiants at boîh services: Jack DVtPhoIE uît(H une CGeorgetownn877-3971 A. J. NICHOI.S Armsrong anti Et Wison, .W LEUNTDCIRl 116 Mouuuainviens Rd- S,. arves oiiosat ly realers. Guvlphi Line Sl aries Publicsa 11.00 a.m.-Divinc Wurhip. FNRAoIECOS 0tauy i. Mubicio CHURCH 0F CHIST, OMAGH Frcctving. Mr. F. W. Has- ____________________207__ MTrypSi., TRi0233 No. 5 Sideraad and ti bLne mcuut; Aviting. Mr. J. Bicr-, Trafalgar fton.t. McKERSIE FUNERAL HOME HAROLD C. FUNK SUNDAY, JULY 2501, 1965 A mars wclcounr ftcvt-rytnc- Compite Air Condtiioning Barivier. Sîîiiiiur, 10.15amibe seho. ha sNo Service ai Zimmerman Un- Sincere Courfeons ServiceNnrvPbi for.a0 a.mMrges hiitetl Chucuh. TS 8-4452 219 MainStreef 11.0 am.-omnng arvipNighf or Doy Telephone 878-3512 8.00 p.m.-Preaching of tle Gospel Tlursday, 8 p.ns. - Biblte Siudy Morray Smith, VA 7-1877 A Warmn Welcnme Anaits Yau aI Svery Service MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Onario Sf. N., 8782022 Clristiins gathere inb thc nanoaf the Lord Jesus Chrivt. (Mah. 18: 20) LORDS DAY. JULY 2th, 1965 1030 a.m.-Breaking of Bread. 12.15 p.m-Sunday Scusanl, 7.00 p.m.-Gospel Service. Wednenday, 8 psm. - Prayer anti Bible reodlng. Al are heariily welcome tuotilese services Thou shaht worvbip flic Loi-c .lhy Cati, ant i hm onty shaht thovserve. Math. 4.10. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A torah asvensbly ni THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLiES 0F CANADA Pastur: Re. M. Christeaven iortiv Day SUNDAY. JULY 25îb. 1969 9.45 a.m.-Sontiay Sebanl Casses for ait. 11.00) am-Morning Wrship. 7.80 p.m-Evangeiistic Service, Wednesday, 8 p.m.-Bible Siuidy anti rayer Meeting. Friday, 8 p.m.-Ynung Peaples service. A Clircl You Can Moka Ynar Hanse A Worm Wccme Io Everynne PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS Montiay.......12 nuuun 5.30 p.m. Ttîcvday -..12 fI 5.30. 6.30 Io 9 Wetinestl.y.930 fut 5.30 Tliursday . 2tmu5.930, 6.30 fo 9 Friday .......12 f0 5.30, 6.30 us 9 Scturtay - --....... ...... Coet ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER B.Arch. - M.R.A.I.C. 17A Mi]] Street, Suife 2, Aclan Telephone 853-2740 20 Sfonchanli Rd., Port Credif 274-3428 ofriiee Iluuts y Apptuiniment CHIROPRACTORS De fir mif Chiropratic A. P. KENT, DC. 237 Kingv Courtt Cuv'veni Corner Martinu Si. Muntiy, Wcdmîcday, Tltursday 1 p.ns. fo 9p.n Tnevtiay and Fritioy 9 a..f0 6 p.m. Safordoy Il a..o 3 pn, Plane 878-2031 AUCTIONEERS FRANK< PETCH Atutiînccr candl Encuhuaor 30 Clicpel Stueci E., Georgetonn Tvlcphlumîe 877-286 i BOARD 0F DIRECTORS il.7. MANNINGl DiR. C.A. MARTIN W. t1 BEATTY ANlUiS M(MILI AN. O.C. Secret rs E. D. fOUI DINC ut. R. LAWRENCE. OC. t'. BARRINCHAM R. S.MANBERI t. M. MuSEI 1; A. iISHER .1 PlivNfiILLEY d. R.'BARBER A. il CIARKSON. F. Eiig. .1. M. FRASER G. utL1-hRT, OC. OFFICERS 0. f.. MANNING fît-nuf Mainager 1. S. BEATTY. C.A. Avlsuî icîîr.l Main f i D. S. Mvf.AIiCIiI-IN Manageiir, Evhifcv Ocîti. f. D. CANTL(3N. C.A. truu i llicevi C'. C. TICIOT,. RuA. Miii gagv hlliccr .. F. 'DROWSKY Pension Ofiler f. S.S FOSTFR ApprouvaIs Ofrer ADVISORY BOARDS NORTHI PEEL, J.A. Caurroll f. M. Fut iv W . LMcCcuugluccfs' .. RR,iiot SOUTH PEEL, il B.Jacksovun, O.C. A. G .Mcerouii d. fG. Hickvv NORFOLKC G. H. Fart, OC. R. E. Mann I. Heathi iL. S. Cuise B. Wallac 1D. H. Gllervon W. G. Smith :or The Maif Yeair Ending June 30, 11 1 ASS BTS Cash ......... Morugages Bonda & Debentres - Stockis & Shares ..... Cniinlerai Loans .... OIfice Prensuses Ot1-er Assels ..-.. LIABILITIES Savings Deposils ........ ........ Guaranteed InvestmnofCeriirates Touai Goaranleed Fonds ...... Banki Loan ..-- .... uncome Taxes & Oller Liabiliies.. Dividend Payable .......... Capial Paid In - - ...... General Reserne ...>.. Undiided Profis lof the amon of n $308.555.. $207.277. mas prit. nîiom onstaie af shares)--.. ESTATES, TRUSTS & AGENCIES TOTAL ASSETS UNDER ADMINIST RAT ION NET PROFITS APTER TAXES AND ALL OTHER EXPENSES $ 3 965 done 30th dune 20th 1964 1965 750,019. $ 835,936. 6,267,329. 36.061,897. 5,80,0065. 6,734,933. 1,202,612. 1,448,610. 170,580. 249,571.- 459,264. 752,624. 30,131. 45,016. 3,60,000. $ 46,128,587. $11,602,464. $ 16,227,866. 20,034,815. 27179,130. 31,637,279. 43,406,996. 500,000. Nil 44,567. 57,030. 48,629. 65,084. 1,620,970. 1,627,095. 600,000. 800,000. 308,555. 172,382. $ 34760,000. $ 46,128,587. $ 1,722,978. $ 4,457,492. $ 36,482,978. $ 50,386,079. $ 96,420. $ 163,515. H4EAD OFFICE: OAKVILLE, ONT. O FFICEfS BRAMPTON, ONT. BURLINGTON, ONT. SIMCOE, ONT. G. Wauson Kennedy R. B. danses Manager COOKSVILL!, ONT. MILTON, ONT. N. E. Litle Manager L. Skoce Manager A. D. Mabon Manager DELHI, ONT. G. Talions Manager - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-, vý Y Manager