A president, Eltwood Snorw, George- 10es A te town; secretary- treasurer, Mrs. Delbert Snow, OakviIle and Cm Resi ents Enj y Staw b rrie mnttee, Lloyd Marshall, E art OnSnow, Ethel Dodds and Stella ResdetsEnoyStawerie 'Snow Family Reunio n. Nex yer'sreunin wllbe held A beautiful, sunny day contri- youngest chitd present and Mr. at the same location on the sec- G ift By nit d C urc W o en'buted greatly toward the soccess and Mrs. Masseos Moffat of 0'- ond day of July. of the third innual Sn0w reuntion, tawa, came the farthest for- tht Games and races rounded outt By Mlae Muriei Thompeon *~ ~ by Mr Clayton Cotes, pastor of wi a K elCnsrio nAy u rea. neton o fîesfrttcypesn uig Drng the strawberry season, M/M.. I mmarluel Baptist Church ONnwh1ch as hcld on saindAay, n Julyofofcrsfrth eyplaat ui the residents enjoyed a treat of Milton on Sunday atternoan, One hundred and three descend- fresh strawherries donated 10 IMI4OJI Joly IL ants of a possible 203 of the ltM îhem bv the United Chorch Wo- rooratgprsne1yr1eoe e nn hssrO Thomas Snow and Mary Loxton men oi St Paol's Ulited Choreh Wison, the program was a mos rsCoters rofhcd tregaotl gathered for a day of visiting, in Milton. These delicioos herr- -girlsemmembers adi h s congrega- ies and the iriendlv note that ae- sich voned Mrs inv c ekesan tiresi dn Tt three gifrsDniepnt.yTret companied îhem were v e r a ýResiPe for Banana Cream Pwie. tee MaideHaiTe Soan egirl rwieFml Til ois happreciat 1. The note iras MsslelTrat nd e aniFoarchiik fMlc sngDeiheri Snow, ol Oakville, 1965 ' %vritteil e MusicaliTest I and Jan Fuvirsu.wTlev san b,\tittvMrs. K. 0. Fostes, tise Miss Bannie McNib plaved a issu smnissn laveulv ashiais, My ctseid tii tetgop ersadLcvisi MotrcadeStOre presideni of the U.C.W. nobrolaeidian solos. Tisese jes%.tLv Thet and The Old group of new iriends joined wSsisw, screan raorrW na5OM eSevc Cnr Jot Prty wec a edie es ifaithDa- pacswihRge rs.Tergancconsp- chargea rgstain.Sela TARI 2 Bronte St. Miton 878-3661 forces wiih the menibers of the intodd te Wvesf te Dn-onidntwer plyedn lvet Haltn Maar Axiiary a co- oe Watz. a medley of polkas, fashionCalso hy Miss Elles Qick. SoEhlDds alSo daloi16 Jaoy iry parîcanscha Ttealasand Lloyd Marshalwere other ThursasdaveBand Ptayed On. 1Chapter 51ai Second CaIrinIhians cmit meswoasse ness G.rNends lawereanumher enspai sit6 the deigils that resolted in ae fiiswr bena oflv . ohes pMriGneweolsae wa graopsnd then spfika on the lopie Tht the event whicls was enjayed by tny.n.mmnslu,..ri..ti.n .f..ii0&,n ladies sWho belong la the U.C.W. Inai isiasolos, Gharhencld lr haGod Gives la the Be-i .,mr. ..p' . ofnPalMrnasterupGarden BndMl'i ies-r 0o Erlh. aceresrapoaiittee. w$ RRS- îîîc IRS-eanreai-srîîîis Ga d thlerma rosof tM e B.uM- Set Yeu Again. Accoospanied 1Mr Cls ean his se-man b eta on fhieetwsSERN -STEIS-SRNS Gi -îsvI resid len, nweA os- bv Mrs. Nesceli, Norman Viggers I * thtColeslin Whicsithe draîsing-up of tht Snow Fam-t- hlanMs.S llnzseebohakingteýcfon htwl present. The canveners for the played Anehors A-Weigh on Ihe Ihe Christian ind ini Heaven«? ils Ti-ce, svhich s rstar compte-ABOER Falerola groop were Mrs. J. Van- boe e aesveral ansse' l bs-Smargashord style diîîner was SHOCK dile, Mrs. E. Wood and Mrs. F. At the conclusion oaithis cesfer- uosîon 'H s1dlitaîic eshallsoe vvroe oe-osin oiq.sa a.6 Baltainitsg prograilis, Ile sesls 0olfiind raplore îhroogh our spirit- enold vesyoonre.Peset olrcade paai lwis aretg1- »- Bin.eîe aon 6 r ose lac vited tlable Tht ir uonditi roniandwiîis ur oulaitd . hss Peen Mlocae*ni ld5l*M"iM The decoaion oi the audilor- honorssa eeald 1ale ihewdr u consfion andlhr ough 00ed .-isn Phnia corsages were pinned on the shocks are engî- W"Bal.IF Thc lvlybuqes cagad ndîr t o nd trhdae ckeunes ssho have font heiare. There MIDALS TO THE WINNERS IN THE NOVICE 12 and over Wreulha Huggins, Erin; Mrs.FEn- lufe, hetter raad - 912 aimnri a dhu roses and a vers attractive hîrlh- aP ilb nouereiignd cs we presenled by Multons Mayor S. G. Childs. Mr. ma Barry. Markdale and Mns. slahility. Fully ~ ~ Sads day~~~~ cae .l .ieiinmn Birthday sosg svas song. Tht tears and sorroni wilt bce argot- Childsi s shown pînsnnting a medal te Viki-Lyn OHalloran MayMDsetLoonad garnîd. iaetsnaa alare Pink icing roses and smaîîgInial ht9ncoe i tenus Resards selîtlibcssarde!it nhile Mary iasch and Nancy E. Williams look an. Mayor houtioniere for the eldest gente flay lIrd i. dcome aese head abe Torht ever uelai hoasr ntD t eliio ncrh esîiec Jrneus lds ollicially apened the campetitians tarisin the ailler- masi, Abbev Anderson, Milton. 8 LS smatt tables had their individual reireshmests, birthdav cake don- etore awhans evcny kice shaî laaflo. Mrs. Huggins and Mr. AndersonTRD vaciitld slhr ss ls. ated by the Palernso ladies, ice bos ________ iisere lso prosentd with guIfs torBR~ Tvres tresd wgh goesîaseni.on reans provided 6v the Manor S besng ise oldest lads prest. As- - ES MUFFLERS Thr eecgh usso o-Auxiliarv and cold drinks svre ilton ii ioi tOisHighan ane tsoîîy Williams VasDans was 1he 5gle, sue .stopa w So Lie . etteti Geamaieed tir sshase hcallh pernitted 16cm sre Ms et Rcado BTAy mriignionganoew ta attend 1he prts. Thent iverc e ' _issBelaRicarso ___ iRContisoed taons Page BI) , sissers aithe variosa penses Maefoetinga er Id~,e virniblt s Mn PCaEdr, Mm.Ada Hill, Mrs. bIta-ouI tht candies ons thccake cM.ad n .Wls, Mrs. Ients 6v E. Hcer ai Miltas. Tuie eeddbrekei itege. lnalld l T. Mercofi, Mrs. F. Hcnrv, Miss and gave the speech ai îhanks. Le Roy Inglis Was L. Zanata, Mr. and Mns. L. Bs lie.1 prisecs ssere donated b6*v David 0 aieldby Ia- 4963Chev. - J. Baird, Miss B. Richardson, j. During the reireshment fleur. Mns A. Bird, Mms. M. Dossns Su Weîses iof Tronîtots the designîer chenie. eWy uekad . ios. the residenli had ansiopportun-Mlo .S rd sinBîsh.iîi aise -avu ale Leail Tartani. The pop.-slesT.05 ho. 4-00 ItateM~ Mm. r Wlsnu-s 6 igac v to talk silh these new ricnds A adsnDvs el.L'Isiar sti' cloisil ssa pili %gaininCRS1.51.2 joas mistress ai ceremosies. She, rom 16e Paterma lUnited Ctut'ch.Faîerat service isas held irons us Keesc ie. inciie ainsi Donî,sesePiise .ssss tile Cîsîts greted thtetaurgeissembllage ai' and ta thank t16cm andsithe Manor sthe MKersie Fsîneral Hontse. Mil- liHe,îsîsBeli Psu les 0i lie Ro-sad laýci ie îlliialts appro .isWO BDE sisitrs and residents and ctend- a Axiliars' ladies for flise duligis- 'taon nJolie 29 lui- LeRsîs Austin 'ta CIs Ili%%sstois i , i lis ed esid aiosstlssrel li c ilFor ets la g e Is uialernuali. Inglis ssha sied usin îtLsi sv s anle imIo&& - or rrd-t cd a speciat gredi s 0thtG rs guesîs mcilo ie cid n o ole 2t el Vl ii i i ut ii thM slîs's.a, s Caiad, T ar,' ta,n. bulaiD . la.i....-.clampa.. ta oi hunor. Sisaso notn iGrsSllMy . Pacîîîî ig es olftise dissce J.Caiip- Mi-,Heciandsiîsîîî w tstha p... - 1 tlise ariaus nambers o n htvtmv Part Il ai a tis-pari scres cf utInlermn ssn1e ,sî beill and K. Gilmor&ý .îîseîsýcstîeîa, Lîsei sîlises pu iii E. AVAWAY BE. W 't he excpio5ni a hans- fin es Righi On a-as delirsrs'vlle r-Îngiis'aS biss-r. sîsrAanus t he sis t Musait heM noetied tailasîîs i 0guti' stspettenisisis isittse pZ event nag. 2h, 1946ai RR. I.Miiiat ansi e-r a1.elhns'îî ioa ht sllut and tlas25tsistatiniia ssîssd hi, publis scittoi esicu-angle. icsisestis leasci GI(ius aîshsdoî Saea toL.a b I M.aasg i ln i lits Catîsphelsille Puits c Putsi i t,îidan ing kits, t ssl s'ile snd fls 'Rsusi tsisiis'liais' Oaty...-1 t ýSsh t l'Hsaîtsndied Msltoni Dis-, Lc,i arF \ais ilu fs sîte a lis' .îîsaaîsssptes l isc îs ii tatnu Four iHalte,, Junior Farmers t______________toi__________ iput Capture Firsts ut Field Dary a12ithec. ia cl DPPEC AL-OF-THEWEEK u A meîîsher ai St.___David_____,___________________ mhre '6tr, efN re ane is rz n h oý- ye sian,îsse c ashw t î E Mn h hrsocpthNg e16eo ptciliortet. ýSchsti,în Ctumshwfh E oErneAleaderad Jhn Neal 5HalnJnior Faiiii .SIDavîs YunPe pc.Mr. Wilo qaiidfrtePvicer rvletuieUnisersitv iai1tngli shad betn aHiltnH W or e ilJno amFi ld DO Guep o heaiuZone comn- ilatur carrier boy V-12ýcl- n Championssvhusn thv carncd pettîns and in tmak and liid iva.is tptsiatliv'nteeseA.iIwit firs przesat he oneCOMCti 1 vens Hltu Contypl u gapniesr. OeHt g hbbe tion hetd is Guelph eentlI. tîird.%%sbpnie.m e w ourttu, o di g etau t o sM s e i e d ors1imom eifatccuutlits la tare Jeff Nurse inish.sd firs n n.thtHaions havi basketball icans Rer N asnofate tfl 880 ard dash agaisst comnpetit- rcached the .stmi.fi'ials heore:lsrievc.PWTH ABCSETfo<UEÂ 4 STEPS TO SUCCESS his spot in the Provincial Champ- lteans ncludnsia[NuMe, r a%-he Eîo .Nshoîî and Bol)Dixnut9 ionships Chantes McFettrssvas son, JonludeJeuNarst. Art La-cMuin and Dasis i lanes. Jin mohn WinsvortabBobeescasiFour intorlocking Pig Feods that malle a iistn ht10 srddah ,dandI Dans Heatherinîstali. The! Mtchell ut C,,mpbeltvslec. aili ih$aryhn.37 M *r Esnie Alexander and John Wilson; Countvssgirls' baskthaItu tanttrminLids ai 16erdyseasesi Complote Program. OBTURYaith Martene MeCartnes. Karen Flusser bearerns sseîc'Luisr\s. uni. 8" ia 1", for home, camp, EACH Campbell, Margie King, Ls nn Murras anîd Donnie Inglis. Mai- li q Waî enlii Ts ti ani Vnnaras Feut, Rannie Allisalis. thsniie fishing, etc., etc. lThompssîn sas ailso ciîinaled in Small ansi Radier Benisais. 50555' ecîndes L 1. -New Master First-Foed Pig Petiots Mrs. M. Ramsay tise scini-tînats. ns of ie deca's'd. r% Icarrylce case Gl hmsatdo c ai- wr n îii-plt Mr,. Mts'îettstean5l5'tRam-t -1 'The t9scai-t aiissii Conv, nnWrUUUJl TNUIIW i prnt ouls n ble. Contaîns Aumea Sp 250 le fnnd ofit bm gmade infections, -sv 73 ai R.R. 4 Miton, dicd ai tom, Karen Camnpbell and Vers,, Dora *thi Inglis; ose hi othen. John onn'-Reua$16Strfedgai7ay.Fd5 b pri. thton uming Home 05 lutyss Thusmpson, earned a third and Isle Douglas; threce stees, Bannie __ Mrs. Ram sas sias barn in Nasbý'ba]tuno eisS- Marie. Judth E' e adDebr sagîses o Js 5.112 !htclair. Wasne Helop. Buich Rish- Ann Eiabelt, ailRutR.R A I 2, ____________________ _2.NwMatrPi r-Satrceit daughter oi tht ]ate William and Vandin. DuuFrav eite. saresM onlvl2. _New____________________________________Pellets__ Gartred e slanSit-tvnce.Rm Tumpun.Ktith Dawsson M K MAil the concenimated gmawth-pmaducing nulmienis oi Mas- sas on September I0, 1913, in Nus- and LarrvsCampbell rahdeîisssisA RD W A RELow-cosT 1ter First-Fend nitîhout tht high sugam level. Fatiisd vwîth saîgass'195a. he ldnear MoituaI ted.a n 260 Main St. "fi Serves Yeu Right' TR 89222 LIFE.1IN8URIED LOANS Aumno SP 250. Creep-ieed 25 lbi. pet pig. Guelphs. In 1961 shesvventu live, Tht CaussI's shas u- shoatinis Campbl sith hel- daughter, Mm. Thomas ilue teans ai Ausn B usnidgec, Hsssden ai RA. 4, Miton. FrcdBaîsak Ba umeckBns and Manuiacturers of _________________________________________________ Fssertsrvc sa eliirn Bruce Van Fle arned a second' HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS 3..Master Pig Starter Petiots tliseMsKersic Fanerai Home on paenbo.MMRA NRVN o pigi that are ninîl adîasted ta fend. Prontes thiits- Ju9, sith Rev Liîstead i The liist pie C ,lc- ae 62Wtr iNorth GALT 01ufls op ci cte i nîui ls's it, Hssnnhs UUnited Churcîs iliciat' nu\%, îehîi 50c-mr cid Dun tise 6Wa 621-r580granilli. Fend 70 hib. pem psg. Avaiable wmu6 Aumea SP 250 ir.Plll rr. er randsons 'Ontario Junior Faiui tstfDorTlahnaê8 mpugsiltai need ssedtcation or a pick-up. îngte.dseaed rnoldscre ,Chanspsonshi ps, ta sie ai tise Us-OHS t <il ih desIdamntdHeavdniversitv uofCGuelph in Augusu. - Jack Iborne and lins Broswn. In- ferment îsuîin 1he Moliat Lsm- AGAîN IT'S BABY BONUS 4. Master Pig Growor M eRsîavismissbi ON DISPLAY NOW i Fend Gmomer unlil psgs are îsarketed. Deiigned la pma- saughtcr. Mns. Thomas Hasvdsnt AT DEMARCO'S - FOURTH LUNE AT LOWER BASE UNE <lICC IEdose oaiigh peceîstage oI Grade As. Aller 100 lhs., lmit iLilliaunI .ni R.R. 4, Milobl. hî I EST TIMMEneGrowet ao S Ibi. per pig per dos-. Available wilh Aumta SP mtusuLisîsl nIGueph, 13 grand-t 250 fom pugs thai need u. shiitets ansd 15 great gm ndchlsd-ATr l'ens. She sss pi'edccseascd by hselTHI 1lttusd Alexaînder, a caukltlm M LiG Ei- Mns. Gncc Shcpaî'd and a broth- MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE ___________ ELECTRICs - PLEASE NOTE: Acrea SP 250 hs Availabla le Master Pig INSECT lATUALI tBIL 95Sariar and Master Pig Growir By Spatial Order Ocly EXTEMINTORBABY BONUS CONTEST-- idol fr Kllig Fios ~JUST PAY FOR ANY PURCHASE, SMALL OR LARGE, WITH YOUR BABY BONUS ASK US ABOUT A MASTER HOG FkkD CONIRACF 1Mosquitoos, Juno Bugs, AT MILTON DEPARIMENT STORE, FILL IN A DRAW TICKET WITH YOUR NAME, tWasps and Shuttor Flics "' ADDRESS AND AMOUNT OF CHEQUE, AND DROP T IN THE LUCKY DRAW ELECTRICITY ' FOR HOME, PARM, CONTAINER IN OUR STORE.Weso kafl n IS OUR BUSINESS ORCHARD, PATIO OR W tc u i eo 11 Dont bc a Tinkerar wth COTTAGE ... 'O ET 7h A DA *HEATING prlse îetîl e ICKET WILL BE PULLED PROM M LO M A ST ER FEED S *WIRINO les% Than Two Cents a DaYI * NEW CIRCUITS THE BOX AND H WNE *ADDITIONAL OUTLETS TTEWNE *OUTDOOR LIONTS - COMPLETELY SAPE AND CHILOD PROOF ILRCIETEAON F.M S E E D FEAHERSTO E-Wite-e-oo-10STO6RMereAve, ereto 7 (TEWRTTWN