1%6 The Canadian Champic VIRGINIA HOWARD AND JIM R Gruce Anglican Cburch follomin The bride is the daughter of Mr the groom s the son of Mr. anc Pattersor Grace Anglican Chunîh, Milton1 isas decotîd wii garden flas-1 ers for the May 29 mariage ai Virginia Dale Husward atîd James Robert Pafferson. The bride is1 the daugbfer ut Mr. and Ms. A- len Husward ut Miton and the groom is the son ai Mr. and Mns. J. atierson ai Milon. Dr. T. M. Dusfan olficiated t the double - ring ceremony. Mrs John Faroîs, a cousin ai 1he bride ssas the uigaitf. The bride, gises in marriage bs ber faîber, c huse a offl fengfb caîbedral gosin of wite satin peau de soie leafing an alencan lace vake ssilb the skirt and ftain banded in lace. er crssial erusîn headpiece bel d an cîbaîs lrngfb seil. S6e canied a bos- quet uf deep pînk carnations and fils ai the sle.andI sit a ring sîbîch hefonged la a greaf auni. Cousli Attends Bride Lamna Hasiard, aicousin ai he bride, sas mad oI fianar. bbc si-ue a sireef fengfb pîîîk satin peau de sute feafuin.anîîalencan nylon tricot aserskk,,t ansi match- ing headdress. Sbe iarried pale pink carnaions aîîd fils of the rafles. ion,. Wednesday, June 16, 1965 Crogg-Peac c Vows Omagh Presbytenian Chu rc'h belîs and streamers. nwhite cas- was decorated with baskets of des, bud roses and carnations. white and pick snapdragons, chry- Mro. Peacock ecived for her santhermsts and carnatnions for daughter wearing a pale bltte in- the May 15 marriage of Hattie en heath featuring a lace top, Marguerità Peacock and Melvin matching chiffon hat, white ac- Lyle Cnagg. The bride fis the cessorles and a pink swctheart daughler of M. and Mrs. Arhur rose corsage. Peacock ut RIS. 4, Milton and the Mrs. Cnagg eceved for her son, groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. wearing a rosemood crepe sheatti - James Cragg of 422 Woodward St., featurisg a nyloin lace top, swhite Milton. accessories and a yellom rose- Rev. S. Smith officialed ut the bud corsage. double-ring ceremony. Mrs. Ens- For the honeymoon trip ta Susk- est Price accompaoied Mrs. K. . atchesean the bride ch osca tino Fosten mho sang "The Wedding piece ceamy mhite linen su itlu- Prayer' and "The W c dd s g quoi se blouse, matching hat and Hnmn. glanes, swhite situes andI iandbag The bride sstiîe a lt lengih amd a mauve orclîîd corsage. h dresi, sinled istflia lt -kirt fl-i couplîne %ill live aui138 fiiii i- ted bodice aîîd ifs puoit cees. Milfon. The ikint sias made sith a chtan- Special goesfs auf flicmcstîfîg tilly lace hack wffh tiers of lace seerC the brides grandmotbîi, and rufftcd net and a pIafi lace Mrs. George Peacack and Fîrris front. Her silk illusion neil ssas Laswrence oi Nesw Toronto, h helsI by a double ciome ai seed irtdes t guesi affending. Sisicso plearis and c-' stals. She carried tbhe groom, Mn,. Clris Kowsalski a beart sbaped bouquet ut red andi Mrs. Fred Buss'le- c r a G ssseefbeart ruses, white cannia- burg, Sask., alsoataîended. Oibit lions and stepbanotis tsi ib trait- 1ueSts came fronti TorontofLui- ing strecamers ai love knots inter- don, Part Credif, S free tsvilleLk twcnd sitb stepbanotis. Wlcox, Brampton, P ic k eiei g Peaeoek Blue Dreso Sltclhourfe and flic Milton arca. Jacqueline Peacock, R.R. 4, Mit- ton osno tebie a maid ut honir. She isore apea-St d n s c1 y iuck blue peau de soie dress fea- turing a fitted bodicc and a skirtT r nt irp ai unpressed pleats. fer edditîgTo nt Trp rng beadpicce wsifb pink rases The 1964 - 65 scboul year enîds ........ . id a matcbing bloc veil. Sbe caf- lamarnase Tbursda ni tf nîti -Phtou SeW Mette Gooby ned a cascade utfs-rying piek, for students of Onfario Schuol PATTERSON are shows oulsîde bloc and wshite carnationis si-thfurInthe Deal, Mlton. ing their marriage on May 29. pînk strecamers, Duriîîg tbe past fetssseeks sev- r. and Mrs. Allen Homard and Bridescmaids Sbrilev Green, R. eral extra - curricular prugrait J Mrs. J. PallersonR" 2, Miton, anîd Diane Aifîtis, lhane heen ptanneîlfor- the sui- RR. 4, Milton, both friends tif the dlents, as tflicsvssiod up the vear. bride, score rose peau de sie On June 2 the f irst-grad ers spcn t ccsesnsimilar ta fhat ai tbe the dan af MatIons International 1-Ho ard aidouthorinr.Thir beadipieccs Airparfted a field can ssas belî ing a easy bloc d ress suit ss lb e-ceîlding rinig bats ss ii maf- tr .tîî classes un lune 8. Wednes- whie accessurles and a swhite cor 1 îbing roses holding roses-etls. uaY utf asf oeek classes sisiiedl sage. flctoemo aFt beY iarriecacaides o a sisig the itiuseim aid Riverdale lZit For tehn mo rpt otpick atîns-bhite carntions ss iîb in.Toi atanad a spectal gradt-ý Hope and Niagara, the bride putE sit-ctmers. Tbe tîbree affenîf- tton cere-mues-tr 36 sisîdeitis chose an aqua double kit shilf anis tiare issu ,irLii(lil pcarf Jleasing Junior Sihlttf fitic- itii whie aceessurieis and a cor- nieklces ssîît natîbing carri ngs mrediafe Schli 's-t lîeld an Fi i- sage i pale pink carnations. The gis ib te bride. dasof lasisseck. couple nom mve at 328 Woodwsard Lsrn Cragg. ai Riîfttiitid HillI' Tbe Ptep Tisa iases fieldcfiî pi,- Si. The groom is employed as a anIieceof1 tbe groom actetidt a s %- ne t ifHrnbY Park on Tuesdii sfc-busra -LRbrtson er girl. 56e ssas diessef iiitiar-aiutti s seck. Lîd. and the bride mrks at the 1f.I flicu hi idesîttaids .tniicarried Haisarif Bargain Centre. a nasegas 'matie ih ue lrge -Dt.isi fui c Io ieii ficadi Aunt Makles Gow red rouse siirrounded bfit he!- fiEe .î King uoit thilci sDis - Mrs.Sidev Hrtl% crnatiosia:nd -small pink frtses. Jlne 20. Mi.Siny .ailsait auin t uilier gild beari-sliaped pendiantf the bride madle the brides gouil sitîus gifi aI fhe b ride. i and Mis.E- Genîi tus inade te 1Te bride %%as giiet in iii j- fbrue-cicci sedding cake. Spiî ie ibe fibr aI guesis aithebcsedîltng încfud.raevbe-til. cd grandparents ai thebr ide, Mr' Carrles Ring on Pllow and Mrs. TW.Porter and Nelson' tnDaiiferiacetui Howard. Ofber guests atîended aedbraie.aweeamiiisoi rgof front Milton,. Cainpbiffsillî Huthebie n iso rg, iit. LeaîîîîngfanBut lîngloî.rt -ffeniut fligiroom. iscie us6 e Coffain. Freiffit, Wodsfîî OldsIc. Donald Crargg a nepbc\%,tif ,iateandi Cbais\vurfb te gruoti. \itas ring bea - il Pirfab er inirriaî -flicbride carricdilabeart shaped \%iles isas hanordaut asýhusie nnMivi' piffa ;is uft ilsuf if vtlcN 8 bsied hi- Mrs. E. Ginitit us aatd stieameisfnrininid\ t Mi-. F. Bikers, M,.B.Coufson i iac tihd. Tbesal aigd and Mrs. T. H îîsî rd. Sevsitis ulffinks, gfis aif[lic gsoinw tfiiendi attîlneighbbuis affîndeil For- the aIlecno Aueto,[i aîîd pîcseîîfcîilIt: hid,.. îibth aMasutitiHall. Miton %vsdcrt vacutum.iteaner, c \ithir:1 ptEaitd1siwhife %ddin- Bill Findfas, a oion of tifhe- groom.,sias besf nman aîîd Daims Affan. a couin i the brie and i Don Faili-rson, ia cousin 01 the groom si\cuuliurs Ffyusgusts aifcoifedflic aiteici noonsreeplion liefi.iie Ang- licaîn Churchpli pîuusîthall. Tîte brides muiier icicffur hle daogbir c iiîcui iilple lNuie lae dress:l iîcaý s %\tii ct l, alnif o sellass corsage. Theg,.ooiisi moîhcrnreccusîcd for fier son, ssear- Shower Bride Pior fa er Mas 15 mariage t0 Melvin Cragp M argueriîle Fea- cock %vas bonsncd aI sevcrîf sho-- crs in the area. On April 10 Mrs, WilliedI ence belld a mtsceffaîieouthob erns er home. A surprise pantrv sosirsias bosfed 6v Sbile Gren and MarI esc Confis a he home outh1e bride-fui lic. naAp-l 14 Jacqueline Peaiuo k, the mw of honor, and Diaie Anazi, brîdcsmaid, 6,-Id alsîrpîuse llc celfanou ssbosic [or Miss 1 cock on Apnîf 20 ril flic loti o Mrs. Wanda Anu/i,. The Dmagh reibi fiiat ich congregafion lîeld a iceli- rous is the BuiiuiCf oyui Hall on Apnîl 27. A îuîîîîîniv mi scella neoshsoticnsas ie, on Apruf 30 in t6e MiLordy col Open Houae i Mrs. Arhur Fecock helda' open bîîuse fur lier dauglitero May 8ffnom2 t 4 p.n. and ri 7 fa 9 p. Decora ftis ,cliiitc ut a table centre tof ui bile] pink snapdrap-îns scarin a nd i baby ch rnsan 16hem utis "ie brides moer hisea turquw shcafb for the eiîailn andf beri daugbfer si-lre an aqna sheatît. Thcy bîîlh %sorîse iîa-.iî tf puuk I smeetcarft ocs ,anud %sîb: l)r.i nultions. Jacqueline Fiii i 1 lfu Grenn andI Jeanu Fila , sluuii brides gits andI Mîrfenc AIl and Cao]îîlDuck li-fpid the olc I girls in flce ciuuiug. WAITRESSES 1 W. Carry a Cemplote Lino of 0 UNIFORMS 0 SHOES 20 ain S ItnTR88 MILTON DEPARTMENT 20MI STORE LTD. ~SALE AL L SPRING and SUMMER HATS -PRICE SHOP IN a IR ONITIONED COMFOR1 N ST. TE 9-92611 In The Heart of Haîton» J f J'! We Must Make Room For More Trade-Ins Tihis Week's Special 1 1953 MORRIS ...s29 SAVE PLENTY ON THESE $2,995 . $2,495 1963 PONTIAC 4-door Automatic - was $1,895-$1,695 $1,595 $1 ,495 193AMBASSADOR 990 Fuy Equipped, owner 2000 mtIeî$ 9 9 5 Blckd Re n îerîaor 1 1960 METEOR Convertible, FuIIy Powered $1,395 1961 RAMBLER Custom 2-dr - was $1,295 ... $1,195 1960 CHEVROLET Sedan, automatic, radio $1,195 1961 RAMBLER Super, 4-door - was $1,195 $1,095 1959 PONTIAC Hardtop--- $1,095 1960 METEOR RIDEAU 500 $995 à MOINO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED' VIEWMOUNT RAMBLER BRONlTE CT. C <Near Hospital) CALL 878-3441 -Photo byLitinur MARGUERITE PEACOCK and Meiin Cragg were married May 15 in Omnagh Presbyterian Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peacock, RR. 4, Milton, and the groomr s the son oi Mr. and Mrs. James Cragg, Woodward St., Milton. REXALL PHARMACY PRESCRIPTIONS K. H. ELSLEY, B.S., P6M. 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE TR 8-4492 - After Heurs TE 8-6961 FREE DELIVERY REVLQN COSMETICS 1964 CHEV. CONVERTIBLE, FuIIy Powered 1962 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL, 2-dr. Hardtop FuIIy Powered 1963 RAMBLER 1962 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, 4-dr. Sed., was $1,595 CLINIC TUESDAY You can help te cause by don- Peuple from Milton and dis- ating your b1oo at the neclind- trict receive FREE blood trans. je, Tuesday, June 22 ut the Leg- fusions at Milton District Hospi- ln Hall, 2 to 4:30 and 6:30 ta 9 tl, because semi-annual blood p.m. You neyer knotn when a donor clinics are held In Milton. friend wilt need your donation. AML YOU NEED - COMPLETE CAMPING COMFORT FOR 2: You gel a deluxe 9' a 9'Tourist Test with pegs, poins, sewn- n flbar and screened Dutch door, 2 rubberized air maîtresses, 2 "Celacloucd filled sleeping bags. Coleman stone with stand, collapsible mater carrier, picnic cooler and 2 folding stools............-.. $93.88 CREST BUDGET - $700 MONTHLY Visit our second floor Iawn furniture display for that gift for Dad. (CaXL HARDWARE DON MERRIT, Auîhorized Dealer, Owner 136 MAIN ST. E. MILTON TR 8-6011 - b~V~V PJ~i V'77 LOOK AT THESE $795 SPECIALS!1 1962 VOLKSWAGEN - was $895 ..... $795 1962 VAUXHALL - was $895 $795 1959 PONTIAC Stn. Wgn., V-B auto - was $995 $795 1959 PONTIAC 4-door - was $995 $795 1959 OLDSMOBILE - was $995 $795 1959 RAMBLER Station Wagon $795 1960 RAMBLER .. . $795 1958 CADILLAC. $795 1959 VOLVO .. . . $695 1960 VOLKSWAGEN . .......... $595 1961 ENVOY Station Wagon $595 1958 VOLKSWAGEN - was $295 $249 j1955 METEOR -was $195. 1 $149j DRVINEC 31. 3.