~Iî te aujabîau Vol. 106-Na S5 OtItilpUU MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th, 1965 Second Section. Prepare $80,OOO Face lifting For 100-Year-OId Town Hall By Brian McCrfstalI dilional $15.000 and toalato con- Miltonscenlurv old town hall struct a $15,000 town works de- wilreccive a com plete face lift- partment building nar the sew- ing if proposcd renavations agt telmntpa t he baseà tafling $80,000 receive Ontario of Commercial St. The total cosl Municipal Board approvat. A of the projeet o-lIt bc $80000 sifh Main Si. tandmnark tor t00 years, $15.000 expccted lrom granîs by liu intIpressiî'n grec stane buitd- senior- goveramenîs andher-, - iglo u ncter-go complein inter- maieing $65000 being providect. ' ior changes and sitl receive aew [ram 100-n fîncts. e 0 t s-oaa sin the person of the Mit- Objections ton Police Depamntilhepo A ntotice appears in this wec ks, poned rettovat ions are approved. issue of The Canadian Championi- - huglth Lreqaesting tbat anc* v bection-s lu 4 ltog the atu allv- t aboattan bci troposed renova lions bc sent S(0>1 tbhewnlii p oett cOIot n writing ta the ton-n ctnrk and o500,the prCupeivehamml ittnf necessarv a monicipal huard cie o purstasoenniew'ottic fcangwlle led tuachine and lurniturc for an ad- Stiggested floor plans prepared4 Il 'pvarc-ie ot CIbe hnittin will conipteei change the inierior ap- wscntutdin 165seenn -csars ater Miton %Vas incurpol- atdas il tow~n and designaied as -- Itle Countv Townaoft Hatton Court- lv. According ta ficnarcbitect's- plans, the first tlour ofthtentnno- v tud buitding %vold buse a genn - ciatofftice, a private utticentor the tosrn manager, ia privaîttîffce4 and recnption otficen toi- the towa assnssoir, issu niascine roanris wbich attowsforfattire expansion j' un lerlcto fthIe MiltoniiI - Policn Deparîmnent in the back po rtion ot tile building tNItis-e the t Miton Panning Bard and Can- - cer SoctY present1- bavc quai-a ers teMtînPttcLia J tucated un ttheirt1tour. sîuuld cînnos-ed iitofic bascincri wsns ocateet antil ast scar. The couonit lchambers 's ontdben- 'a e d apsiairs lu ticate uioi-~'~ uihctlibas. now>o- ndescibtedit s- Nvaaste space .ANa oo cîvng it newtapstairs ofttcs -. tultd bctichi Miton Ptantning Huard aînd in iotilt iite nceci rigtît nauis k COMPLUTE INTERIOR RENOVATIONS mutl be madn ta the -Visioîn ssîutd bcrnad e toc- il [Ili%- îlr iore spiie lilite Mil ton Milton Town Hatli f a total nopenditore of $80000 is apprav- or s tfice antdt for ftutre es tan- poicn Dcparttttnt Ttin townis - c The ceniury-old MainSt. building witl be completely sioit. Aeqatnstforage arcasandt o~îU ceatin'osfittiient wastiroom accommoda- atari aliniosi id iaY and changed inside ai a cost of $50000 mhile new fcrnishings tosae ddfrtcI 1 and a new bookkeeping machine wili be purchasnd for h-. arc alu prosidc o IeIpeisonatlvis- îîîk il is fiile e -plans.-ncarspîdaiicnits10înrc $15000 and n new toma works building miii be conistraeted CoucitorChrte t the toi' thtllt. W makc fr another $15000, making the ttal acsi of the project LI inai f lite iascts properin coin-,înior uînip vumutts5îear llter $80.000. Cterk-Administrabor Bab Reynolds and cooncit's pro- L. ~~ inieis i.plcased ii Il lie pir )s1r il it iîslLl tave ttcu l01 pety commcîlce charrnan Chartes Fa yare shomn tooking Poe lorpa s asgge-.isthe ft.u(tstitidon Page Hi over tha floor plans foi flhc renonalstis. Drawing Shows Plan for Upstairs in Town Hall For Miles of Smiles Choose . MEASURE FOR MEASURE THE BIGGEST VALUE EVER 0 5 ear or 50,000 Mile power train warranty, your as. 0* Ione step dip and spray rustprc surance of manufacturing quality, freedom frmm ex oso-ierda feateb pensive repaira and better trade-in vlue, odions.r ieofr tebs 10 Large windshietd wipers te sweep away the ran, 0 Six way custom positioned front seow and leet. " Large effective brake lininq for safer, shorter stops.teYu " Safety rdm wbeela - belpa keep the tire on in blow IDcofld an roadnstoise gr ouI conditions. cl n odnie TEST DRIVE PLYMOUT-H THIS WEEK AT roofing. iride under any road 4seata tallera the seat eater protection from FURY 111I SAVOY JOHNSON BROS. YOUR CHRYSUER DEALER FOR OVER 30 YEARS ICING US lENT TERMS .295 Main st. Milton TR 8.W942 Town Hall Renovations - - First Floor Plan SPORT FURY FURY Il ON THIE SPOT FINANC AVAILABLE AT CONVENI ----------