CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES dIRTHS, DEATHS. MARRIAG- ES, ENGAGEMENTS - No charge. FOR SALE. FOR RENT ETC. - *95c minimum charge for 15 wrds-5c per word tbereaf er. Sobsequent insertions (no copy changes) - c75c minimum charge for 15 words. 5c per isard thereafier. 25c discount aiiuwed for cash paymeoi. COMING EVENTS,* CARD 0F THANKS-$l for frsi five lin- es. 10c for eacb additiunal uines. IN MEMORIAM-$l pion 10 per lineofutverse. CLASSIFIE; DI-,PLAY, R E A L ESTATE-$i.20 per cl, inch. BOX NUMBER lu this 25c addiionai. office -1 DEADLINES Ciassified Adverisiug 12 Noon Tuesday Ciassified isptay & Real Esiate 5 pin. Mooduy Plhone TR 8-2341 6 The Canudian Champion, Wednesduy. Jane 9, 1965 Died ELL1OTT - Ai Guelph Generai Hospital, on Thursday, Jane 3, 1965, Crii A. Elliloil, belovcd husband of Blanche Crnie, dear faiher of Hrris of Camp- beilville, Ivan of Georgetown, Gien and Catherine (Mrs. W. McHugh) of Toronto, Marjor- e of Ballinufad, Ruihann aI home and Roy, deeeased. Funeral service was beid on Saiurduy t the MeKersie Fuis- eral Home, Intermentin lu ssa. guweya resbyterian Cemeery. INGLIS-At is hume. R. R. 2, Campbeilniile, on Tuesday, lune 8, 1965, Waler C. Inglis, bosband of the laIe Jeneila Hunier, dear faiher of Beulab lMrs. James Kiuches) Morris tan, James of Cobourg, Claude ut Campbellvilie, Daniel ut Trenton, Myrile (Mas. Joseph Real) ut Hamilton and Jack of Kilbride; also survived by 25 grandahiidren and une greal graodcbild. Restiig ai the McKersic Fun- cral Hume, 114 Main S., Milton, where funerul service wiiI sec heid un Thorsday t 2 p.m. In- lerment in St. Davids Cemaiery, Campbeliviie. In Memoriam HAMILTON-In Iuving memury of a dcar husband and laîher, Robant Hamilton, who passed assay Jonc 6, 1963. Ha sîct assuy wiihoui latrassal, He said good-bye to cane, But Heavens gaie was open Born Assd a ioving voice said "Come.i Beside is grave wmc utetn stand,: Oua herts are ired and soi-e, 1 BERTASSON - M. and Mas. But îhruagb the gioom, 4 Louis Beriasson (nec Frayoci Tiera camnes the isards, i o) 58 John S., Milon, Ont., are "Not gane jast gonc belor.' îsieused 10 annaunce the birtb Lovingly remembcred and oftiheir oon, Faut Louis Charl- sadîn misscd hy is wif e Jes- es Berlasson. ssighi 7 Ibs.. 9 ie 'and Carat. c-5-7568 ozs., ai Milon District Hospi- tut on Jane t, 1965. MILLS-In iuvicg mernury o) a deur faîher. John E. Miiil:, who CREIGHTON-Mr. and Ma. Da- passed aisav mcce 9, 1949. id Creightun f nec tris Buk), Forever rememnbered by Edvlhe. 2124 Harris Cresceni, Borling- c--7562 ton, are happy 10 uannoacce the bîrib uf their san on Wednes- day, Jane 2, 1965, ai Joseph Bruni Memoriai Hospital. A Cards of Thanks brother for David. _______________ ELLIOTT-Marj and Bill o)FPort I1sish ta etend masi sioceril Arhur, Ont., wish lu annoance ihanks tu al my rieods for the birtb uftIheir daughier, flouer.. and cards received, lso Rarn Lynnc, sîcigîsi 7fh. 2 ait isho came tu v515h me daiog ozs., on May 31, 1965. Sisîca oîv sîîy in Milton haspital. for Carol, Susan and George. c-5-7554 Jean Gilespie. MiGINNIS-Ma. and Mas. Bruce The Sarîah Martin ..D.E. MiGinns Ineca Cross) ol 82 s\ish ou cîpraî.s ihelr sincere ap- Chartes S. ara pieasad toaran piaciaulon 10 lIse Milton mer- nounce the bit-th ai Iicir son, chaînts ,nd bsîsi cesses whosc Scot William. sîighl 6 lb.., geraîus donationss 1 the rec- 12 ozs., ai Milton Disrict Ho..- cii Dessert Card Prty coolri-i putai on lune 5, 1965. A ltuile hutcd tu a succcbssui eneniog.1 brther tor Donald. c-575571 NEWTON - M. and Mis. Ooug Newtion Ineca Glor ia McDoug-1 atll o) 39 Court Si., Milton,1 On., ara ptaased tu annoasci-- the birth ut thir daugbtar,r Tammy Sue, svighi 6 lb.., 12t oas., ai Milton District Hospi-.ý ttlou June 7, 1965. NIEDZIELSKI - Ma, and Mas. Larry Nicdziiski Ineca Wil- son) o) 88 Mary St., Miton, are pieased tuoannounce the irth o) her son. weight 8 ths., 91,2 ozs., t Milton District Hospital oit June 6, 1965. TWISS - INecaKarnayf. Gary and Myrna wîsh lu announce the birth o) iheir daughter os May 31, 1965, ut Joseph Branti Mamorial Hlospital, Burîing- ion. A sisica lur Ses-ai and Michael. ZIONS - Ma. and Mas. Edssavd Zions Inec Valal ut AitutuR, R. 2, ara pieased luanouc the irih outIhea tio daagh- lers, Jeoina Ann and Mai Aso, scayhu 5 lb.., 7 os., and 5 ihs., f,.ý.,/sdiMitîo is- lid FHospital on Jue 5, 1965. Engagement M. and Mr. Ru..AA Break nt R. . 2, Slreisvilla, ansoance theenogagmesnilofIbvr daugh iera, Barbara 1li-as ri oM. Orasi John Shîuîi ii Bramptoun, sas ut Ma..,and Mas. A. Zanclîuk uit Norh EiaIlird. Sask. The marriage witI tube place on Sai- urdan, July 17, 1965, t St. Sic. phnns Anglicant Church, Ilornby. Ontario. M. and Mas. Murray Bigdcn ut R. R. 2 Georgetown, Ont., are happy to annoonce the an gagement ut iheir osiy daogh- iera,Rares Jo-unne to Mr. Mor ley James Thorn ut Haifax, sou o) M. and Mrs. G. J. Thons ut Smpson, Sask. Tht wedding Ou take placcusn Satorday, Jly 10, 1965, t 3 ocîock, in Ashgmave United Church. I wsi ttiliiiutlie Legios L.adies' Auxiiaav ausd tha Maiils Branclu No. 136, mny liands. kil- chanstsaft, housekeepisg taff, ourses and Dr. Aikenhead for liir kindnsss l me mhife iii Milton District Hospital. c-5-7508 .Joyce- MuidollI I could like 10 lî,îsk lieîîds and nighhors for fiowars, gilis and cu-rds, alsa the staff anîd daclors ut Miltoun Hospital, fur excellent came and kindncass g- i-as luime îfuring iny mci--ilisiay bau . c-5-7556 Ilacal Lliisluofuui. I uvs i t 1express nyslicer llsaiuks it relatives and lrieîsds lirte ha fîîssrs, fruit and casdy, also flica cauds, duriog îny raicnt ilness. Speci.uI iharnki 10 i - Crîstiioanîf O. Proisd and flici staI) uit Guelph CeraI Huspi- tal for the kind aîud efficienut iare given me, Mas. Bealice Fetchsar, c-5-7525 R. R. 1, Campballville. Ih haotirdan uf oua greal los bas hacn isfinitlîy lighiaoed by the kisdnass ut uur oeighhoas andîf riands; by tha support of Ra. L. Grahamn, the uevotiosn iof Dr D. Aikcsfîead asd Ihe sloughîîîl nass uf M. McKersic. 'Va ara grallul lu al outfhem and happy in the Ihoaphi ihal suur lus.. shah hacI aravea iter- mingfed oilfhaereculfecliiuiu ui i i oaov dcds utofcvoîiuuîsand conud oienices Ecittî Ilussi, Loiuisan oi. c-57505 Coming Events Milton irls' Pipe Band Dance, Fridan, June Il, Canadian Leg. usn. Jeif Berry orchestra. c-4.2-7411I Chieken Barbecue! Saurday, Juoe 26, 1965, S. Georges Chuch, Lýowvillc. Serings 5.38 10 8 pin. $150 and 75c par llatc. c-5--7484 COMINO EVINTS (Contbsu.d) Sunshine Stihool L. A. are hold- ingaODance, Sausrda.Jasa 26, 8.30-12 pin., il theaUnion Hall. Milton. Ralian.siciîis. Lunich. Be- luire'.. orchestra.î,Admission $1 per person. c-5-2-7513 The Milton Airis. aîd Cruls group wiIi hld iheir ouldour exhibition of painting on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Oaz- lev on Jsnc 19 and 20 front 2 pin. iii dark, bous dcîys. a-4-3-7408 BluodDounor Clinic, Lagion Hall,, Inca 22, 2 - 4.30 pin. and 6.30 - 9 pin. Sponsurcd by Milan Disrict HospitliW.A. aod Milton Brancb Canadian Red Cross. c5279 For Sale FOR SAU-Sîgos o)f.îii kinîl. Ray Gnî.în. TE 82150. c-12 4863-il FOR SALE -1952 Mas cîsîy tonî truck. Phîonea878-6772..579 FOR SALI (Continued) IFOR SAL.F t ono Brouie S. Plniia878 2644. a-2-2-7319 Il icNdîlik utc ai. 8789550._57ô FOR SAL E -Cui î FORîî , i 1 SAI E - Patio iî ua.sida- tuaiig ban. Phon 878-947h6.«.l .lilciiihiîîg, ai sahola- (v 1 llc' 5 79 ,3 î a pi Ca-.. iî 8î 78-3240. (:-S75 "lv p plille c-53-7571 FOR SALE -Aîî,îîtîiaiil ii ig. Fiîoîîa 8783297 Op.iii c-57518 FOR SAL-F96 Faoi.îîîî ai,35 ISo sr li[îtIi. 781)207. c 5 7s5 FOR SALE.Iitiiia. inii-c co dtin l..î l> iis- 878- 3155. c 5-7485 iO 1ESALHE 7 Shlîîisicoivs %vih aloal oo ; if iigai; tand..inlig iii. 8789830. c-5-7492 1OR SAI 1i.-12 îiK iii.gcali iii. Rani cîccîl ifisaci.aî,I sîllîsc8782580. c-5-7566 IO SARLE i liva,îiv ciie l 'jiý a dil liî aII.tîliîîn. FOR SALI Coninud) FOR SALE - 8 weaner pigs, nicea aiunk... 5 weeks old. Mas. F. W4 ia R. 2, Hiilsburgs, Oi l'ille.c-5-7494 FOR SALE-OSO Csen. iVi ion, vaîy giosi condition; also bas sel ol racks. Contact Merv ai 878- 2471. c-5-7481 FOR SALE-O loch bench saw, portableh; 6 inah iigb speed V4 hip. bhc grinider. Phane 878- 2622. c-5-7512 FOR SALE-2 heavy doly ir- .". 600 n 16, nain condition, $35 pair or bai olîci. 878-9145 en- aîîîin. .c-5-7528 I-OR SALE -Retiigeraior, Il cii Il.; îdressing i-hast; baby'.. clib type chc..icrfieid. 878-2903. c-5-7563 Knoux Presbvierian Chtîrah, Mil- escellentisi îiiiiîig cîiclliîi 87S j oîlnîîRîcîg\Iais î Mil lîîî, 87"-175. FOR SALE- Sadîlle hunse, ion, are coriiaîIi*v iîîviied t10at-6675. c179>-c2-4 7323 îî.îa. S 3 sNa,îs ld, 5, z hands, tend an Ai Haine ai tlic Manîse, -quiaet;lîorsa, 11, ycars, 141,î 79 Martin Si., on Saiurd,îs Juiic -1 FOR SA I IT _-,l.îîî. 'l FOR SALI; - Aclclîg machines.,îic..NI-l.în 46006. c-5-7503 12, fruin 2 lu 5 pi.. c-4-2-7431i 2 oi us. tîilal la854 75)14 1i ..pac lor..- sa le oc sr reniai. tar 6. 4 7412 Plîin F']R 8-h8h2, Harris Staioiîn. FOR SALE -Fekinese pups, ary. C-94i-4667 riseia rail, p.ipar lraiind. Helmi- Open meeting, pot lui-k ,upper lFOR SALE l.lia.... ,40-1', .eîîi'.Kainal. Regd, 40 Cîsari- and auciion ai tise home uf Mr,. paci.î>is sîs.c l îa l.ik cîiîli FIRSEALI. 2 PileIsil Poillcas Si., Ganîgaeoown, 877-9384. Merry, Merrybmouk Farm, 4hionî. 8789555. c 74' -dai Il aîlîîîl ii!13 1iiCii5-7524i Line. Esqaesing, Wednasclas I lasFORc su ant,>îîîiîîî i, iis. 7 June 9, ai 6.30 pin. Sponoaid1 FOR SAL. ,îiîî li as..i-2c953 1ESIE - 5-ser-oid Pinta by Mitoan Ditrict Hospital W.«A.* O1i Eîlli (sua.i ill'l Iia8 clling, 9aici. good .stable mais- c4 -43 6720 aciii~. c.5 7488 liii> SI1 Il5Ctolsii i ekla r ,siandiiîlhîîîkan Io ride siesi- I-OR inALI.dlaiii 4 , ) ii cîîliis)il, ain. ast Cler. Phon 878-6366. B aaur and Tei,. Sanshiîîc ai - ii 5)) coiili LiiI 'n>s4î- Ililc 5I772C5-52 Sahool, Harnhv, Friday. isîne 1 ia878 18t74. 9E sI E toiîc-5ir7,372 2-5 p.m. Senior pap*1s'il i îalssii-SAI;iai- R,îs dil excalis patinosarvîng e.ands1li FOR SA.)E \alli iii articles ihey have miîC,.Music IlltT nd.lý Are Y u Ready ui asnsîs65;hi,c.Sineî mn> sefaiios h Ihepîiiis Esc-i. cîiici his 8881.-'cIa. S25. 8789312. c-5-7559 une iscicome. b58ý-59 FOR SALt5L i. 10i iW For Haying? FOR31 SAi.F-1960 Astin A-55, Mitn S noIiiz , etp\ 1,îI esiillo .I t. .li 747iill, s uc lsîctal s ,. extra gvaîr, Milianv metiring /ail- elisiP ,ial IiiSEE OUR COMPLETE LUNE ni i iu ning iiii~ er. Maîke id- the.ilic'îîounoiJuria bti andsOlR13SAI-s1lV.,îîîs lî,î %% ,i ailea,iiiucar. $400 or best Cil- seul taeIle faim.t a pi-ulic. ciii iiiin go l c Iiilii. , i SiSSI% S if 1 RfI SOIN lai. 8789145 asaisinogs. c-5-7526 Mauîhavssnwill ha giveîî p.îî îîcî- z,iaa. 7'7ItR 8S5l s7..') 1 - f FOR ESAL.E -21"Sivarlane tas, h. tlephona. Ai-bu Scnioîr N i Il tiil Citizans h ae bei-i iniiîd «Tca V Ri AL:i7- i.,\12 ][I l, i m,iiii ilionî,îîî 0.5. d.,ciol-- hd, maîtLres. anîd coi lac suppliîf. c-5-7510 pl Isaiu. ii liaii >.I.îa iiii .îc us 1; .raiat rb dciiic A,. sa,S5l. .5 c74S2 71i l",Pl Sialare m,,acri Ctasuog aser-ises out lise Sîîîî 170RSE AI:f -7 iî - shina Scbsusu, Huanhi <(loi-,iciî,ili> -'>.~îî i nsentlîly retardedI 10 bch fait il sîliaue lai8788)39> the Robert Little Schoot. Acioîî. Manda... Juoe 21, ai 7830 p i n 110R SAiLI Ralýii.a.i Your oppotunivtoieiilltiii clriii ni ini'--i Si l ot the .ctiavenese .ut llîesaiîî. S2 15iisia878 24;;. , s4ei clildîco. Evcryone isetcoiiia. b-50-.548 MOTORCYCLES 45tih Ansiiscrs ",i'Sia.. N. 7s lus fît, NI ) LIS i 2 i RAiii cii - -s s c-5-7574 FOR SAI E-Van sit like boy- ina yinir buildfing materials and sia a Crisfad's, Campbell- %illIa. OmAc serice. High qua. liii. Plone Ciimpheiis4iile UtL 4 2232. c36-I71-tf FOR SALE Continu.d> FOR SALE - Mas..ey Harris harvesic-r witih knlte cul and pic k-up, mnoor in good condit- iond machine ha. never been u-ad our caslorn work. Faice $175. Cdli 854-2240. c-5-7565 FOR SALE -Claphoard house, 7 Churchill Crcs., Georgetown, $10500. 5 roomrrs and bath, ulility ron, attached garage wilh an- gel slUnc on front, large land- scaped lot, centrally located, low taxes. Phone 877-2547. c-5-7555 FOR SALE - Car, truck and traclor tires, new and used, over 2,000 Kelly Springfield tires in stock, aIl sizes, 10w prices; fIaIs fixed, $100; wheels balanced, $1.00. We have batteries for motî cars and trucks. Milton Tire and Rudialor Service, 191 Mill St., 878-2711. c-51.7083-tf Announcing 64 HOUR MARATHON SALE SWAP SHQP 1 999 OUEEN ST. WEST * Brampton, Ontario COMMENCING JUNE loth to JUNE 12th Oiirin, tiislime,ounr dour, viii ncai close. Ncier beloi c l hia s eebeau ucli an eventini Brampion. Scvrial lcading osait- ai aciuicr-, hase combinad ital us 10 briîg sýou gaod quality fur- aiur it ramaendousasesings. Nais BEDROOM SUITES h omn $129.50. El FCHEN SUITES i roni S38.50. CHESTERFIELD SUITES (2 picas i rom $12650. HUNDREDS MORE ITEMS ON 5110IW FOR YOUR PLEASURE.1 I[OR SALE - Cfîasiamfield IS'aas hîea l1l.urgesalcIaon iias tlien m ites; rcrigr-oigood used urniume, TV, iiiif - îîa;tciisions: ihc,ast .îsli,îscs. Conse ansd sc as. ilsscas .. tî ..aus l. M c - ,,. c. i FOR SALE <Cmdenu*d) PRIVATE SALE Household Effects 24" Frigidaire ecric slave* 101,i cu. fi. Frigidaire retaîgemat- ar * maichad waiuut catiaa tabla * single steal bad * doubla had, spring asd matimcss * ra- dio * aacoîrd playar * lamys * sica1 îutiliLvîtabhleand avi iucl * 2 wood ollicn dasts * hou wa- tar taunk compiate milS thermo- staut * baby commade chair * laoda tahla * siroitar * ash tubs * hourd anod stand* lasso momea * siap iadder * 4 ant- ique chcairs and commodore-,* ,,tol Wcaaevcr pou.. and pans * cash iron sint * odd dishas * 6 lier knicknact cou-oea shah * kuii-kuacks *18" bicycle * sho- scîsý * raka *1954 Austin motior *and othser udds aud end.. AIl items ta Lie soîd start- ing Saturday, June 12 at 10 arn., flot before, at 180 Branle St., Milton c.5 Wanted WANTED - Good homes tua tlîcs, hoasabrukeis. 878-2047. i-5-7558 WANTED Room and hourd or geutleman, fim Mosday la Frudas. 878-4742. c-5-7450 WANTEO - Old scaap o) aIt tuodi Yrid s aleaned. Phone Camphellrilie 854-2686. c-5-4-7551 WANTED TO BUV-Mcal rab- bit,, ans si/a. Bail cash price naid par lh. Witc-rdoscn MU 9- 6184, Milîgrose Fui-tam. C.4-2-7424 WANTEO TO BUV-A good us- ait cosohisuion ssooden sturin aund screeo doua. Phone 878-9712 2olica houas, or eneningi 854- 9810. c-5-7504 WANTED-Live pouliry, gnose asd duck teuibers, father iicks. Highesi pricas. We cuit. Write I. Zener, 776 Cottage St., Toronto or phone coileet LEnsox 5-0724, eveningi. HUdion 5-2030. c-35-îi ha lud on Suedruv, us.sus 0. aititiutu tssiuuucti lui,,isi il a.m. unit 7.30pn.Rv Jei S , I. bisiîa 4-5u0(,s-733ss. ci î.is uiiuu.2MtiS. E c-u- MeBride, B.D., a ra pot ) -I -iih5 03 sac1lsili1igusgid aet W N E haclIse mioistia. Special mlo-uc MILTON EQUIPMENT FOR SALI>E Largegihes Sap îop US CEDAR hi te i-huil. Annuaf Anniiiiai Bam tolC-leIMi, oLT. ~ us ul C,aufuun Championý, ne apJ.L aiv uppr \Nll c lild he l,0 ram ton ycl & M r lre C . LDîluuos, 5x 7 su/e $1, 8 x 10 lo, uper oa lut ha 5-30-1 IL. -, lu - S ilicii . .sa I25 Plus las. Cash msîs oni592 8 F N A L 7.30 pin. Aufuli-. SI.25. cliîts cilii lo at I Ii iii .iS-.%_,jiinspj,uunv uuuuu. Enquire soin P o o 4 92 8 E C A L 6-12 scurs, t7i-. Shor.t puogu .0 Il,'4 ý f.270) u- .It)R 2121 'l i ,l î,supuorî Ottce, 191 Main 8c-00 -uIw i--7500 4 l 2 St., Milton. c.4-4368-il-- 7 -2 0 ____________ CHASE'S _____ - ~ ~a4ù%U >~'j/,/pu..mmu.uumANNIVERSARY C arsfrSl 7 U U V 5SA LE, fo ,l, DECORATING DRAPERIES GENERAL CONTRACTORS BEAUTY SALON For Your Next Car INTERIOR JUNE RAY O)LAN Vogue Beauty SalonLmieQunfySCasTR DRAPERIES BUILDING A NEW COIFFURE BUCK HAMILTON DECORATING * cuis on 1l , Cî.tqvî s RATR fai iuIl tFor, hua KETTLES -$6.88 SERVICES *Su ispta l1lad ii iii *I-sa iiîs(caiiiui LfI tE EE3AUFrY SERVICE ATDM XRS -$ 18 Oms huma * erm1.vasuisr,.et.,sî homeCall878-2461 H N IES-$ .8 BELL BROS. Coveiottmm aatal iO FREEIF I-S1'lMAFl S * I -PL-u,) 2 Miin Stîcat TR 8.380 e Cutomn made drapes 878-2513 * itisLi c-4911f WRINGER WASHER with __ __ c 4o8 tla]îî. '= 40 u . Carpriug1: e Uphîîlstrîug * Venaian blunds e Winufuw shadsa e Furuliturc frîîn faînaus manafaciamers Vuur humeta icciiatisc rvha inaîcad on e uasuuale monlhly cermb.s, Ak abotîtoaa plan, For in-home consultations, cali Mr. Campbell. CAMPBELL'S 0F MILTON TE 8-4021 228 Main Si, ORNAMENTAL IRON MILTON Ornamental Iron AWNIN)tS & IRi3N SI11. BILL KLLLY lER 8)827 c-44 Éil ELECTRICAL SERVICE -JllMcPHAIL ELLLC. 1IC e INIfISIR111S. e I lîNINîlRf AI. DRIVING INSTRUCTION O 11ISI( Oubsilie VA 71322 Busufisgloîu NE 77933 Completo EecIric Home 2470 LAKESHORE ROAO W. 66 Chas Si. NilLuuII WHITE OAKS 1iR 8-9)ýI3 DRIVING SCHOOL iu DRIVER TP.AINING - DRIVE-R EDUCATION uaaifiid Insîrucuors AI3VIR'I SE O'III(RiUSINE.SS Holders of Otario Saleiy t.c.goa SERVICE N TIîS IIANI)Y Driver Instructur Cetiicalcs 0101.) 1018 EVERV WEEK 0F THE VUAIZI HARRY IRVINE, Manager AT A SHALI. CHIARGE c-3-6 FLuE INSLRION-. U L 4 -2263 TV and RADIO SERVICE c44 1il -- DURNAN A. C. CANNON TV AND APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE & SON T 5sip V & Tape Rccfus R C NIa.smii ,TV, Appli ascas 1 NuH,%1 O \usIZNIACIIOR S îî 'I'u V .andulSicrea 1222 MAIN ST. TE 8-4445 Lu1isýi1 IiiiiI luus Reaiaiisci Ali, iàniiis Ml isîîii îîup lsudc ___________________ fi i d i vc sc ssiuiii ii-. I WELL DRILLING 'A i x)c. i 1wi IR 8-4424 WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R.R, .1. Miltuiu, I01î. WVM. ÀRCH & SONS f su.fIlsu i... 4n12 c-lt BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION LTD. REFRIGERATION ADI IOINS - t ULuSOM HOMSî KlINsG uzlNi-îVA1INS El PAIRS RLFRIGERATION fir scsua INOUSIRIAI, & COMMLRCILL 'lA 6-1119 SUSII-&4 SERVICE I A 6&2859 RCS. Raifle .111(1 Ellicîcvt cAMFitELLVILLE Streetsville 854-2228 19" PORTABLE TV FROM $ 168.88 WESTCLOX CLOCKS - ALL TYPES - SAVE 15% RADIO BATTERIES ALL TYPES -SAVE 15% NO MONEY DOWN IN SMAJOR lMS îltIT 1)ilîlS I-.Rh & SI ESsICL ON '51 t SILRLIIANOISI. FREE PARKING CHASF'S iN For Sale Iv;to VAiIXIIAI.t VILOXi us pars, .11 uradio, suais Raeils Spriiigli ad s îuss hus. l utiictu. lbloct icauhas -uîuuutoi in g-d od or lita liu tsiufv uai--fs iffi-ci. S400u or fia.i ol Pluoiic iii appinutiliuai 878-2824 Dead Stock PACONI Dead Stock Removal LI%1Tt.D ilîghasl Cash Pn-as toa drad or disahîrd unir..and homies. tSlulIlssa 4C Il. Luccisca Nus. IlitC 34iICrS ,5227RI'85 Phone ZEnith 9-7950 c-S8-tE HOMEAPPLANCs1 Walnut Ranch Ltd. HripMEl ad DsahnîlCow 1181 Mill St, - 878-322 1 USE CHAMPION CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RESULIS and Moms 24 Houe ServIce Lic. Nue. 13-RP, 208-C62 Waterdown MU 9-1044, 12-4 ------------ ------------ fi