on. Mr NattOaIwy? Regional Development Organization Explored by Council, Organizations Ture rofe of a Regional Devet- omfc ragions. He sisoatized no Toward flitc formation ut' the - opinent organizaaioo encompas- objections if t ha rcgion was îivid- tour couiity rcgion, ibai soaid in- Mil ton Councit Mondav: mald ntIbock parking tacitities sing Haiton, Peel, York and On- cd, bol uaggested approvats mould clade Mairo Toronto, the prov- e Retcrred lu the park commit--liehatf ean rastici f0 provida. tario countea mas exptored by hc raquired. inca had avaitahia $15000 titis fis- tac chairman a Chanîbar of ýCom MIi. Chtasa aiso pointait out the membara of Miton Councii and Mr. Brancb mas askadt wha-i ac- cal s-ar which wouid have tuo ha mrce suggestion ihalt the chair- dtangcr oa' tîaavy irafi latu Rotary rcprcsenlatives of local organiza- compishmcnls ha visaatizcd from nîaichcd by tihe pariicipatiiîg maritoft ihe baautificatti ncatît- PPark iftirea anitcafana wos oh- I tions ai a speciai mceting in the the esablishmcntlut' a foar-coan- muiicipalties. Mr.-Branah sog- iratc bc apptîiniasf to tirepflan-uciatbv îarkacf sahiclas. f Martin St. Higb Sabool on Wcci- iv ragion. Ha ciggesiif iltara gasiaci Lait iitiaf budget tif $30000 nec! Partks Boatrd. e Agicat Ilipiced on tcaaa11 necavf.i -cviîtig. îstîîî tsf a a itig co i a n tt.ii oti, l t haiaqtitatt. * Agieat f ed titu tti iin wi i iiit, di i f îîîîîî i gît -i G. P. Buiitel, ralrca ning flic ni ,ts. ttat cotthttltietitleilititii A ii!tiig titîl te cilett itctitit ut ft ituitstiutu t dlci , iiî i c .itîiîîîuk. a ih bc-î t h Dapat-tittan or Ecottonis sand De- ivisasiticat tnoitfittei iiltsiitg ilîasita itatiil.îthe utc catfoi-taus service tioîîîtîs til' t; lb satopotano notad -itra scarc 10andt a sîtarinlithiiTtooto; muta intaiicipalitiis utintta tour- ciai t otl. j0 [i (l' u% yl people ssoufd hacoite ia-aof tics f0ufc-imina fite inicia.stiniii Askatfaioe ittt -ii-e u))vtac ei LiIo.P re nsi ha provincc and tha flic tacts of targe raaîaaîtion araas îornting such anîî ogani aiion Insion 1tom1nCrow ssit oitsat ais' e opfeft l,fale 'stt ag Mciropoltan cagion inciading andf tcrc mighi hacfmtotacoîtirolthetral, Mr. BB-inch annooncad. Cipiainfrcit 1ci~ttntfiî ieo i at .ri Hation was tae oniy ona 00f or- an sirip sfavclipmanf. On Own Power fhwoaaao h atiii tcîîîatat ganized.th uhaeothMatnS.crilète. Sa Horrible? Raviiasing fheati iitias roloirca uhintrivs. Mamhcts of fictactit- 0 itiacirîltlfrstru flic Lagioii Mr. Branci outlinesi provincial Tiiflictasuggestionin ltiasciiîi t if *alnai gaoups. te prosincial itt icanîîtesfahttiiii .îctc ii.aIC iiilic11C aitie fat sBOait itt assisitaeaaaîabic lu the organ- ha no pîobfam if tha coti- stant- iepiasani.iiva notaitonettc-i-akiiipat.rkintg fî,îctbcaîîa s otliti anditiienctii ic i i on fic izalion tat mootsfbc incorpator s ubakopiapocs a- StidftIthetl it 4ietaraiand tîtha sitccoiftiinact tîtî aboutiltit tticcandiictciiiit ,E 1.taigiit ed ansfar the campanies acf and gun atîsi asabtish HaltIttt s a fliic-itinartalsi aitaba: tona Sur-ia trea te(arîtiotitis(lita ,ciual Fauta fat T operatcd by a Board of Directors raglan. Coancifior GeryAi îslsoit saysf t clîv staposils anditsihairlbuildfing. e Attît iatt dliaclakîtîîî made ap of reprcscniaissof ihn u-ndcrad shats su horrible Possible use it flita brick an.îittlte R f-aati)ihf a f and iiIciiic listhte Iiiit k Its itA parlicipaiing monicipaliîias. Tftc about joining sit, Mato Toront- isstis; une siusfied vaati-bepi- Oiiitv Lrclc lpad ldLil region is divisîcifinto zoncs aI te 1 litntis glorifiait boarîd oi cutiai ulinfigs. Tlîepitiicv 0, rnc iîilas.iqu-ýit.i oabrkt it l. tisa Appiiiicas Mil ilo tît e pieoisc iit li lfe couity tcs'at and caclitzone sios dtrade? frofactf.shc tiofti. s cstahlislîas1 t îîa aagîl.îioît 0f pi, kîîîg titIl ltt afci 10%tuthaBoardtof Diret-lots. tts tae Ragiont h,îatîs pots-r to One for Haton i ciintnais.t Reate C. A. Martin quastiottasii-. - rniigtg linstasîrial seitlle- tha aapîsentaite an fltc size of mnt atnsfil.,ismporîta tnce fo Mil \ I.i fict aiea, suggcsiing Htîiton svauîsîton,ît. MaBi iati Iaaîiasssltha, Vyc l i l iX vieV bc ltageaenuagh 1 faam a regian -fip îttittîbla tromnt is dîia.î- kv itsalf. Ma. Branclitasptainesf.nietnt in sutvetasing vspsîai possi- tha regions had bain set op by Iiitici andithe etaancouraigemetato the ederal gosaernmant as econ- ncita îtsustr\s S w age Plant Tenders oft100îîassftînilîs in aîtîss,î lîka Fis-c tnes aia IonL i\en-as asMaroCs Mil tnl îîîaîs i poaitioinit i- ligh ut $297781I i l\ fS24,aiMilo %iN o h R n w R e tcra.îsaut 500; f20 muta chllsran 131i scrsahiitt uMilo -e e R q es n schl:îiîî e tamori- a.cttais;an!uni uavf:,teCntc poc \',S281.Olcitl- F r5 B faoadditinataeigitaciaacilofpubltlclion cit an aSii otr l- Ii %i an P. MoraBu A aaiitessd reqacot for iva bai- itic itc. îîîîîîtiatti ta i lsi tata, ta be harded it a park aI murepolig.tîttits it to, Iclii s eýtoIl niceýfi ht 2126 Rattfcsnakc Paint Conservation I5it,0ttgallofinio le x cit-tîscIi îîî:îalldtltoîl:7ita)I til51 luil Arco \vsof Mitoinasaniout tîa. sceets [rom te Haiton Region Conservation Authorits- to the Do- minion vetcrinarian ai Ottaswa. The Authorits apptied last scar ror five baffato from the Baffaio i National Park in Aberta, bal the reqoestsvas cancafied sihen the animais contacted a diseuse and 300 of the 17,000 animais herdait ihere died. Aulhoritv member L. Pas ut Bortingion sias in the West ait a basiness trip ast month and! retirnait sith same aoiored side' piclures fia hait taken ut bufflo I aI RtF Islandf National Park,ý %sicre the disease bas flot harmed thaiebut fato. Aniaus ta provida ibis attaac-i lion in a natural vlley ai the bol-! tom of the escarlimeni near Rat- tlasnuka Point the Auiboriîy re- nesved ifs requesî silh the hope thc animais coulst bc madc avait. ablc iis scar. Collect $1902 For Workshop Lcss ihan $2,0 b as bccn cal- Icctdso far for tlb, Ftoîcîs ut Hopc" caîip.iign spunsoac-d bv the NorthbNation Associatioun for fitte Manials %-Rtardait. Ta data a to- tli o31,902 has bean coltaciait. canîp,îign chairman Irane Randeti reports antd atthoogb no target fî.îst tcan set, sha suggasicsi that flit a atîoont Isas taus ibaîtthe to- tal aspactesi. About 8,100 Ichars conioining laatlcis. a package of seaits andi a paîsonat cItter from the campa-ign chairman. ss are sent ouf la rasi- denîts ut Acion. Georgetoswn and Miltoît. Tha chairm,în %vas picas- cd îilh thc asponsc- rom Acion andîtMltonîîtcitian.s baltsas cils- tipfoinicsl islt imositfaisd n Gaeorgetowtsn. Totals tir flite tons su fatiiara $488 froîn Aclon, $737 tom Gauîgclassî and $077 fronti Milton. Proccds rom Iteua c,îîpaign %il]igoîtlotswad flic start ot ani ,îdalt training tsoakshap for the menali ts ardait ai the North Haltun arca. HONORS BA. Peter J. Bradley, ot Midtand. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brad- tey, formertp of Milton, gradu- ated Jun 3 mith an bonors BA. in Geography at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario. Peter attended Milton District High Scboot for four years and completed bhis graden 13 sta- dies 0f Midland. Granteitan Ontario Provincial Felowaship, he returna to kondon tItis tati for MA. stockes in Geography. B E T T E R fipiaited: 700 nîtrtettiiiks in tlI a l,î- tit .îttî mut il u i -cititcaMany Asseis Daitlng îi iilton.t i -. a ndiîîct Nsigg cc- Ilît le ia 50 ttItstI rqu citat elcill oiiiiiicctiti i tae Kalsi i, crîîsîviii Aîa,î i an ih nnîtî teaîn i Stîîss Ha siggauiatf fia11 i iii îîîs tiît u il l it iai Iti al")a si i h îîtxi, ficn t c-iiftc-nd [fisittic 'iti OAK VILLE HEALTH CLUB NOW OPENIJI 7 DAYS A WEEK1 1 Mon. - Fri. - 10 a.m. ta 10 p.m. IF Sat. - Sun. - 10 a.m. ta 5 p.m. lE Separate classes for Men & Women 'E - SUN ROOM - SAUNA BATH - GYMN~ASIUM - SHOWiERSIL -MAKE UP BARS - HAIR DRYERS - SHAVîNG AND GROOMîNG AREA ilcaltest Way ta Pasa Part of Yor Day" M illt i tîî i iii leiciii, -k îîîîainlii 345 COMMORE ST. il Aliiti StI DOWNSTAIRS -Phone 845-1697 B E OUNCIL BRIEFS 878-9261 r ., '... 1ffl. P..Oti-.-,.. Ci. 0. do... .11.1. fo. ...t.iip, 3-.I. ... 2.20... 4..4.8. eti.ssbf nsida SJamesway JOHN RIDGEWAY MILTON PH-ONE 878-6175 Con You Heur Spring? Do you miss the sound of the birds, the rutie of the leaves, the conversation of friendu ai picnics, etc. Now la the ligne to investigate anc of aur 79 modela of heas-tng aida - on a 30 day free trial hasts of course. Enjoy ail the activitieâ of sommer. Try BEFORE you buy! PRICED FROM $45.00 FULLY GUARANTEEO KERR'S Rexaili Phaàrmacy TR 8-4492 THESE ACTUAL ILLUSTRATIONS AIRE ONLY SOME 0F THE SMART SWIM SUIT STYLES AVAILABLE AT ... MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 4etad9fbr e MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE WIIERE YOU SHOP IN AIR CONDITIONIED COMFORT 200 Main St. Open Friday Niglits 'Tii 9 parn. NEW UNIQIUE SCOTIAIANK SERVICE with six-year Scot aarilf Buy as hla as $10 warth or as niuch as you lko- cashable any the. THE BRNK 0F NOVR SCOTIlI - - - - - - - - - - - - - GET MORE OUT OF LIFE Predicts JuUy Decision The Canadian Champion, 3 Co...cilI decidcd 40 defer the ptanned prhs facutn Cou nty Assesing Sstemeqmpmcnt for Milton for one A Juty decision on the introduc- Martin at Mil ton Councif on Mon- month untit the county ayaiem las tion uf a county assessing sys- iay. clarified. terr was predicted by Reeve C. A. The Reeve enptained if the _______________ county assessor system was adop- ted il coutd ailter the mark Joad Lurd urtyPrecedi the local municipal office CardPart Proué -htr.gh the introduction or data Fer LO.D.E. Buruury te oeni y m nt tcafd u Sarahi Martin Chapter î.O.D.. Theccounfv systvm wootd ach- E. hctd a cochre and bridge par- tuve equafized assessment flot ty to raisc fands for the annuai on ly thraaghoui tha coonty but fursary tfie Chapfar prasents fa asantuaffv ffiioughouf Onfario V ~UNLOÂDC fîilt Scîtia f î,îî -l 1' , li ii.. i 'îtlct ideanite 11,2liebos-Slip Posiltive Ocai f50 aflandcsltha tard Booaied Lasi Time nlp ee u paiv bctd ini Gracc Anglican Ciiunciilor C. Johnsuon rccalliial *kSuspesulea Church parish hait Wedncsday the fa-t urne a ncm asscssment% iln evcning oif ast week. Fifty pria-s nianual mas iniaoduced it boosi- i2 Silo$ .varc donaîed by Milton mcach-ced things a lot higier. tonts and businesses for th- occas- Rctac Martin prcdictcd monici- in. paf gîats wouldcscentualfy bc Ge lucialconvtvni] lori CPartyhasfon hepoinc-widfacqua- tata' Jean Hudson and Annitiea a-asmnt. Twsin.assst-d bv food convener Unciai the newsa stainpros LoarineBevris'.prie convenrCdfafasainpuý.Siul Id bC - Pla Audrav Baveasiock, decorations tha control of a court v as-,essor J- Conranar Marifyn Smi.tb and tick- Piasan Irtua flc oanitv tias-aisr car Jnh econvanar Marityn Fostar. I oillv aclise-alia tocaf1 asscssoîs. VOeUMATîcsil. U.1«... Nt."