* MANtY YOUNG peuple lake a crack aI slamp collecîing ai sume time aud gradoalîs their interesi diedleu and diuappears ur the collection gromu and is maiutained hroughouuî unes lite, its ihat kind ut a hobby. If you stick uith il, il grom u youtgIfcour luleresi is oniy cas- oct, iou'u'e icon ouiut ofbte bai- *1I ONDERIOO tous tîaît slaîîîp colectors there rnight he lu Miton and district, Aboot the closesi I could corne ta seime esti- mate wusi elmucu 50 and 100. Many ut those mbo porchase sup- plies tacaily,ih sceems, are ut the youuger generatton jusl getting escited by the hobby. * NEW STAMPO bold a parîic- otac iniercut or junior culectors. as mli as senilors tua, t oucus. Each nem tamp issue ai tracts interest ai the posi oftice, Pasi- master Malter Bell reports. For i nstauce' the nesl ecw stamp is lu be isued Jue 9 ta commemurate the lf0th auisersary ut the irth ut Sir Wiltred Grcugeil, British saitor, authur and medicat mis- sionary isba touuded a cries ut tuchittg about the attitude taard hushanîts - are ai resulu ufthue itu ut the modecn Rath Amert' seses ut the age. Tua machu ican ssumau, svarmaî - over psccboogc. lTua moch hard-seli advertising. Mca hasent rcalscbauged mach, hasicalis, since Jaias t Casar aid is boysi crosscd the Robicon. Tbuy stil Ilike lu make war and make love; thcy utll drink muce than is guud toc thmtt; hiy sitl like playing gamtes btter than impruviug their pcuperîy; ihcy silil have iume romauce and ilusiun in their sauais; Ibes stili tuaihe tac- ing op lu familc problem lu lit- lie iaiks îsviih their mates, Take a modecn poitician, drape hlm n a toga, and hc'd bc right ai home lu the ieuatc ut aaeieui Rame, labo a modemn geucrai, bang a suit ut armor and a heimact un hlm, stick hlm on a Surie, aid yau moldu't kuum hlm ftram a iCrusader ut the middle ages. But tcubaoe , uuurni astucuout ai Siecriodern kitchen, a'may t ram bec mati-to-usait broadloom and clamp lier lu a iSatrSefi- roui collage club oulside lasi- ites anîd us detergeats, and abat xvuod voa have? A icceam- iîîg nuceuile',uais abat uou'd have. Eseadl Mr. and Mci. Witt Shakespeare liîed linSe ibait- cd ccttiagc ssi door. 'IbisLaminaent isuu'uu'ttc'umsuce au surcoa' iban it anager. I donci put ait the biame su She crrauures themîres,. 1I itieir gcecdy maieruaticto, reenties redlits, and total tact ut appreclaîlos ut The«v ait cat cul ook like Par- s mudeis. Bot theu dont do eaough phîsicai uork aid Ihes uat tlau much. Sa thcy gelt ai, Thlecc's astre-s irgbit thece. 'tesal uait at ttti.Cchitdcentt u bc haudsuuuc aid brilliant. Sut thev' yspcnd Ibuusands ut dallairs îtcaigbtenisg the kids* eues and teeth aid pushing ibem ai schmut aad uagguag them chou musc les sons and sumparing thcmun tusouahi cilS h idi mvho are baud- some and brilitaut. Tbeic omu kidi, natorali, eîpuud bs gai- tuug laI and pinupis, uecding Src- as aud giaîias, gmuisg neucalin, aud taiing thair esatis. Anther stress, Thes ai mc ni hetc Soushaudi tut Se a cuubiuatiuun ut Richard Bartou, J. P. Morgan, and Cas- par Milqutoas . Thai's a ltl ruugh lu camne ha thesa: davi, so ues tahe il outonouthe pionr Adaun ibes gui oui ut the graS- Sag. Frcsutration and goiltImu Tbe% crase sscurutt. Morlite mrofil. Su theibash oiS er uses harderainad iarder ho huitît op a Styger auud blger estate, and murenad moreiuranca.mitaor derctlSd Ses cas tus ithe bordes sf triets c iducs s iorida, ,st- huag aaoud ettîug cath uihcr chat a grand chap pour lIeu sni DowN(s) IN THI WITH ROT DO [e s St li hrwi IT MAS A VINt sumiutîtcu c dac smiietthirig tuai itthiu igîtusas. i Chau'ic dcose aung Hgbmag Ilu tutti ike a casiv bau îsraip pan 401. «Thte radito btard the iahcsh Sesil itsa us apper, and t Scaît- hît mtitesuSe si sun as siuiug iug right lur Chantecs cigarcc bu ffihty antdtlie biaîtas import- package. Sure euioogh, ihere uSesv atsalesi cuuiieunc us ithuils boýss crc, a usapittr andul auigari ipack, ini Toonto l. siste hiysisue, t.huiilic rtitiheu îîîtuu his ttiotii fuit' ut sîtîtu t. ,andh t utuich histpack agc i' uuuh. iii utut thuîutiug, tus toutsediflite iti tuu i fi vn andtît uacticî initutflite gluisc ciii- gaii îcl tlau a tcus pack. M1:L11.LAVI: -f Iiturtua îîuuuî -i' lun'utinahttto )lu littlts cugarei package lie su tougItIucsit- hy hreust iis is iudom, C rIe fuatsucs diii -g pasi Mihtuuuu utlieut ilu iappu'ttu-tt'Ihe tutiiti prît aloîg f-trocsailhsfichic Ser/c ut Sus, ;id otto'u'carsait isusicîtup agaltlic hue butuucuut sutflite bride Nelc'icc lilgba 25 cumscs usc -401. Nu)vits Sutile i ncuit lie ri- hapi tua lutput taul. Onte carchcss, utolurisi, une iluife package . . . . lis hat'siy ssîuthiu ic uîiouuuug ai aIl. Mu-ht, tti 't tti"u'. tti tuttil t, ths it hu Il tit stuc lit iiglisity tus 401. thiti,u. ýIII"I U Ile t poup biclle-ouii a tan.,t lu uls ,îiîug IlSe ginigis, St the abat- hmun i i and cmtt'ut tuti ttusatnîts uit pieccs. Mbcrc? RigSit heside uSle cigancu patctage andîIle mu ap- pur. And ut leu s utii.tttt' tar.i', o u,uui-Icsspeopleuh, tuiru' itteu' aui lite u'il f i uu ilu tit-c sutlonliig. Ilfîum isuuui uuuîuusat dits-. tit Wein., s euwpuece h' itticutlites itii-oauas s landî- iuug 'gliuh i uuucspotu. Mhatt uart- cd as ia itle package osuIbueside (i fic' rocul, hts -g-ussn inîsu a tIil i si(chis. 011 scnhf, suincuuec sit ctcemiî l tit i. ii. Il tut itait .... ltc't'c'iltîsîsait- 1l' IS NIIW ltiotii'hitt'and ollc"cti ttî autleguis 'iltîi tti ttum i ituttttI iutl eblish WEDNESDAY'S WIJ Eo acs uNew m lpluges - artctsg fus \sutk aI il1.30 ad.i.Vga s houici have bceauhem aI 8.0.11 New kmployeu "Mby? Wbat happened?' The OHd Miii Stream buspitals, nursing homes and or- phanages aloug the Nemtoud- land cuasi, * ROT DRLY DORS stamp cal- tccting stimolate an luerestinl the muutd and ils many cauntries, tbe Canadian stamp lsuscsua alty hase sume hiturical siguil- leance ibat stiniatcs au inter- ctin luCasadias bustors Mute thi neVetorued to reter- enebooks lu litîci subi a partit- ua'iindisidoai mas bunorttd by baviug bis tace on a stamp. * FIRST DAY caser aie au- other ihing the clletur gues al- ler lu augment the normal cal- lection. These tfint day ut issue' coesare ohia'ined hy torisard- ing sel-addrcscd cusers (euset- opes)tlu the Fsimaster, Ottama 2, Ont., iucindting sutticient mon- e 'y <q pay or the actual stamp and a service e e ut ise cents per eu- velope. tncideîtall., dcadtine toc the Jue 9 issue mas Jonc 2. * IVE HEARD sarving reports ou chat couutiloîcs a mini bock. For an amateur il scems a minI block lu simply a block ut tour slamps sitl atiaced bat anoscd. For tbe more dedicatcd cllectar cas Nbelte lieut ou ted tuliîîîett tut deaih 30Oucars ao 'Ibn aillusait itottettiseut.itant cherushed. And fle%,s spetuf ail ilcrfnec'onptaiuuug about (hit,irtealih, heur chîides ilicir tîusîaauts, and ail thet' itgi otîcrîsîiuînuhase tbai bev donc MSWo's goaîg I ut can chet titi a tualithiilukut' su tit built-lu ustilue? 'tS'bc%, al %%an[totu tcb ai(li And thcc ait go acouud iti tipi pressed iugbt, nuîîsthtî um est nut andahl igchWtîeuuuaîuflic last fintie %ui tcatti yoULiuuie isig ing , Jack? There's otuaisotnesuitiontu.-u coi%.toc the gilsuni, iu usoutd ntaiSea pupua r tise.'flue atssuertis bathtoilteicctvh' hoard and fictexvisrgvutaciue. flictiegriabte garui ndfi picilg tketite. cd iii at u îkindstu' pîritThcs ,îrceîîîeethe ceîuItioft tutulitai- aîg aoaata iticcc aisv 01 i l ult' xii nd lc' ,lkiL us iti c',ct uli i t uti Icltittg. utiti chaptiruand stcu St uscici art'iuclesBitlluîct Jouît tîucîctc'î ait%. t ciofthe %%eectet vit>, Is CORNER >WN5 gusuusîu cgtutier id catiî "Feuuutcuuuuug ii ttu Ik' ul,1%a lu th t' u t teitIi'iti' c andiltigucec i liltis uitcic itico %vr upidtu t ilowu otcit OP. F. lititlu us-us sîîtuiutu ,u'tîg. "Mc csruî cauîgbta irotut icut tit ict e tutt pi' tgu illitluiliti g i uutir ii ti i uti t tut Sunce andSi'u %%istdand giSi tfronuut Ili, ga itt miu tutu titi' tut ii iltut igt t i av lte - utoit flic h a tlian tisýpzttlicd aniii li pectirtu hoot Ilsituatttion ssci' Ils'ia js %% c iii tut e titi mar an liinid iivli-- tls' tutu t tliti tut'Iuttuutrli uiî ftlits iui tsiii filis ' ctr il e tI Ille clle-an lie euîrcrulîul, grtcil'iledite portcusote. Auuutc'u' Icdinîîac iil ua 'it u tutc lvtislut'niecilu fel tîgitunît 17 et an fi-giu l i filic tt olhitiuuî f 41 biii autel a ffi -,ut «as, ' t ««tut cuIraI cd citait hcs troctird ut ail ait ay. Ollîcuals prsîýrd adsgu Iha i ut amuît FiuitnesfrtutDnupuug Lictr huere" and the O.F.P. pasîcît a 24- hour goard ai the spot. Thure usure riouture incidentls, escupt une night a disgnîinîtcd Mohamk laser mîsbuuk the sigil, tured the highur-ups ihaughl 1h mas a IC-oatmoue4 onFatC2) .- A PtCTURESQUE SCENE is thu dasui bsuath tha rcitmay ouca a S u n sMilPrcgrns- sun Rd. sasluth fCaîlîi e.,l utsi ba c tsutacîcjlitlita ibis 1ittiiisirud Ihe soîîg, "Doms iu Tue Otd Miii Stcattt". la the Nome of Progress .. lu Sue tritu of pogesîs wmurs ta Sacs Sue sîporuiuuit fotiîîg tut su agaînssîtSu introdocîc uctio cctiiougus and the suri- usg ut tiuouî tmiuais in Miltas. Ifeileus cstsîtuatu, il i5 Istu, ti ptugtu5s5tiat'iics sueuuîcîy fbîugs aîîuoliy dulimustat ucur thu long peîiud ofiltre. Inustrtus polut sîs sisins s tse uaîu ut pîsgtuss, lie ait mu trtuathn s pstltfd it flits itmoufutpîugîuss and sum il s soggnsl nd wemut i tctasu the u îîuluut of uppur iuikus flussc i-drîchung inthebu aris ut Mu hve ouncr9 lu ctoutstud tuai tutu gtuss uuîghî bucautus the tîtderu day idol smuspîug amay the csîuurîuscancers mu îhoucidbu cuvduscîug frtoi buôofothue tudîcîdui and lits muatisessus as muli as Ducuotuie uit fcctic ugus isMît- ici miliiadd, apriusiiya usa dimenusion lu fic scphituciuimu clu akiclu cIoI- Ne w Cirna o(redit ... tirfinti .tuttt i Ifte «uiii.ttîtu t ut o ci- -rty c. r ,îrecltu c Oc lu,, ci tliofti'eturjiau tua S'j,ccIc i tnîcîa Curu cu,r ril' ccnd tueu.tgi«ctofiurlýqiitutt ty lccciout aJcarOur' 'ntrI rel i' t i teoid -cr ut Si ti-, itud ....tacdtir-k ,rr'yru lorfi to i ttc sguit sýr(oifile tuaccluutL 0 tuons ratiO cliiinul s jeii(J riru utinandtktruîOft Aheud of Timne... Il.c aI O dti ccigu- tutt heu' ieu (trtIi,, ut ic- iucuc n ', tact an'I',bcclujftual'ic i? tftutidt t).r"cuc î...'uît ii ît.of . ttor usttit atit i" ui Iltti ikt-Iiùffl ltC L)itI'teeutior(i rouit-u tt,];%fi.Umt-tu'i m tu Oritt,tuts's uit-uu1 o f (cItiu i'ty, ilit sç,iuiiric-tousi fhotuToîcutta Recrbuug itist tituad bctutu u tufl scitavinet ardu,uli c, hod o Scy day, tht-tu lointout tact ut titi oatai reuru. Statlionus mcacuie tas uiahoua-s ttir tuac igtiuit - iy wmu te abouttticit ou '1ilum ru lu acvcu o u landtitiutuugIrit Nuw am i îuîu,]u tuutupicu ut tiglit ut w-ru- mutulu cci t huccaitti,, t of tuu iouut imciiii ci - tahIro t ýibististtofiutdîîuutuuug,'ftlleaier- tutu9 ut uessaga- soflitîuar cuupauuus coutinu- dtIy t 'ri rt-cauimry un the"aoua f distn- tioun ',su tua dîgaîty of tSa cocktil aty. lheitavrti-etsurerls snt s suit ago t,i utiLih cîujutItei taeraietr IlutSu Saug- suai flita ni fig. ,tu tc attatial-Samnd murds ii,, ut d tauicokaut riuîdstîps, ous lafIle gisal tu(j pîuuiîof utltaducutapusg aicu- Catît y 1tira ct-i,,ta t'. obu sutfou Milt tut i r ccir C mi otu îl)lroveud tbu geis- ( tjidn otuiat tualloucon tie i ii bu the îucsuuc'ý!buuîiy outIltapeuppleutMultas. Ma sîncrîcIy,ît t i miibu possiblu dur- irg fliccoripi gi bhau mulibu aucesssarg, for us ali to lu t aitr dpuopur perspective un the ,ssuas uutoivci, etit mu taanta tuao hiiutatplin uit ci v dausday guf ut prcguuss, ituglacti ugthea riobiruts mu uaag ducntup tori thea udîrîclds cithlt. and succusdîug , ' id - i. il ut1 '.ý t 'tutu ut. t l-a titi t r y i-l rvuni Cîuauî Si aid flua i nirag firtt tccuto-iflicnaadds ta 1ii Otutt t r 'u'urr i lt htl< tut...0 tiag tou, i acc aîrtiiig upîiflua ryfie it . t . li ti f rh rtbiio y t lîy, lia[aira t a i ta fIllueîuuCairg Ils tiiu i ci tit,ý,ivmg u lu tit tcitttc i ail I t-il-i it-,«-. ' i g iln l fltet u-ttg g i-t tre uut'tt' v puittJlîttlIgîlu tutu l yii u-ti Mbs i tum înuîauI"oll"ruir-uctaa muai, ...t.y .- t' put -t ' l tut c (t, )itc, cl 'U ritv i uti'"iitftlu rJtima> rît raietaticit i ir tcinIieititortn tr,îandioicocauaitaTheb Cirtu cmoîlcrtut rinîc-rîag tua ilg iaame 'crjuumtrr"j tîka ,ju iit'li ait" uuutu.ultilai-, o u.ui c ' giiuu.i rJcu tii-us t-uit' jlit ilulita itititi)-Y tiîi i i t l ... 't' c( lits tittitis '-ic ii rl i ttii ic iîitît tu The Ca» adiant Champion t Il y t1 IlleMis -tufflga dlIll. tut tu h-ut i lttI , P1ill', fla 1o7ue Ifit tfallsu',N. 1JinI: Wf iiui cMvagi r -H5ît' fat dar PIkabl'cîtci ar Muduccîtas ai 191 JM tus bu, Muin. Ont Mumbac uti tha C WRA, flua OntaiouusOebat Du-iis CWN A anît I.nlauutctt(mmutttugr eisupapuas Repue succe.Sith>,urip touts payable tus jr- sauce, $4.001is Cdata; S7.001in lu ilcoon tutus utiter than Canada, ALiotuuifas, Srcondt ChusMutl, Poil Ofilce Dcpar'ttuuCui, Oiiaca, N-t% tutt1 iîug 1i, .iiufii'tt"Itluerunîtcq ut ii it i- %nu f it tut% uspgraphu, a11crm tit of.iiiii.--t.j fIlt uuuuîu pt u sit! n-ha' ibarri ît fuibSut thr balauca (ii tht diu't5 sat tIii Sapatît 1er aI tti,:applicable raie. "Il uic, rut utliuta tpgap earrur aît %cturfsung gaufi sriia siu s ah a ssrung luttce, tisi rsusrsîtes tuas usi bu salît uNîticri iiug ilucr-e lu'an uîflu-r ut self n îîîî5iiyuctittcssai ,uuy liiuc, 9ôw~JOTTINGS BY JIM CILLE whu migbit coucentrate lu ibis field, the nini block shauid he aken tramt a specitic area and incude aserial number ut sume type remaining attached ta the block. Avaiiabiiity ut these is quite iuîitcd aud applicable main- y ta the stamps ut larger denom- mnations. The local post office re- frs ie uiclaOttaatir tht' tincl * ANOIHIE FUZZLlNG ltînt ibat tathers ut staîsp cotiecturs arc sapposcd ta automnatîcaity k nais about lu a colt stamp. For Ibis I had ta tam ta a local ci- pert chu Advises thal siamps ai une lime %sucsutd ilusalis or cuis pertaratcd unis ai the top and builon, or oiniy ou eaeh side. Thus tisa sides ut the stamp did nul hear the perturation marks. * DOZENS 0F coitectoî'î get a great dcalfi i îeresti tutti te hobbs. This artce tes att uit a primer ai informnationfor tath- ers isba mid their sous or dauglit- ers askîng quetsilons. Tht is lot'- mation is nul goarantced. Sut il îsay belp you appear knousiedge- able sohen the questions are ask- ed. gîtideti ulbîo-etihetlitving ut [lcoliiit iitit uit tic prescrt citit t baîdiîîg. Reatiziig iîtî,ît îiîc' cs sume conustion ini lie inudi ut dcc- lois oser ktiti c vsoleirnluthe leiilclectiosi uccit Msuday and wucuîrecacb usd1 soie, mc gie ibhe inurnîaîios u'hicb may benp tic' volicis. The geucra i qua- t titinlr ioicr-, arc <ai tlevi ii t i ti lape ut 21 lcr, 'ut isa Britibsh abject lus liii-il i ii riatîtiatalu; ici ]liai bectia tîcadias citiccu <or 12 aiitt Aitiic Mît tii Cîtancît ticeting, ilî%%as c'î biat tic dciies are ti c aîiicd bu lic pioper luhiites litai supplier.-, ut îiih sit Shavc lu base îsilh Sosies rtîc' a iit k tan bc dc- livee ic ci tlicc ut'iug lu Mil- toc. Ilvsai gierd biat the pro- suiosuoft he hy-iasc oui t hc culotlcud. GLANCING BACK TO 50 YEARS AGO 'raken froin the files if the Can- adien Champion, lune 10, 1915. Thec Bisliop oslRiaaa ssec chuiate n iuî nad baud euuiausr- autios -crsiceu Sudai akt. 'Iluit' tilt' it dsiiiiitet't'si tut 20 ccîîddateî ,.Auicarnesticad- duicss'as dcisccced ta the ne%& lu contirnîed, iniipressinig os tîicut thel adsasntagas aid dut- tes. A gouud cougragahion cas, pue ut flcSeatteruooi, uSe Bu- ctcuîuuîu'i'oord tutMI A iSiii' chlusath, Miltuons Highîs, char ctscond c'nfirmatiuon lotk plier. Sus raundidaici cee cOccc t tuinu 'lita cturucb utas tutti lu ou saII- is ic t * us. Ai ii'uit'-collilhutcspI- au 'foloo itou iii c i uîctî hîcb tutt i catus' te irgaticatiIi ut ic U21OW l iltosdebes lace bit tutu ti fic' butilding o ut ie h5giuuOfice caf icJîta uncclc and oit ccLitut ici i suc i Ii tie cotut i tîusr lu lus utupaucd litai tuildinug oparat- tins sit rugit oo1 A suis samtcît Tuacu chu had toll lri'elt san, paît lutta liîuu ic iicin ei geoniî . Ilu prar- cd bhatlie %aaîa paaohad consict troui t he Kiuugîuîuu pcuiteiiuiary ilcdlte %s u seiltu lte Hilton ail. Linar, mauutauv aothariblms dcciuheît iiiallw iiu intislusers-c auid ccted ltua Su reicase, bat hctitiit- Mchi'roi itil l Suidu Tu cci Onlu uhe Misiita 0ofJus- tutuslI-la, iin Reututu t toi Mas t tuuinte Mut- tuttiConîuuîitotuSctîuaît ýFuirt il -R,,,i laie. ticîduuu Hep- ltuuuu SutiiMchcuîhauC iris- ,cRictuonmMaiact Crac- ti- R. Atcuzidcu, Annie Puauid, C. iun, McivsFleing: fouior 1V- fiai ,înuMasid icî. notr,; f îîuînuu11fIl Ieiîlbbe uM. ,fl iti, fIl. Iiust. AROUND NEWS "mDISTRICT BRANGION - u]lt:C-01hloJyc i-ieiy hucýit Jîucee RBotiRititc"tit uit iiiA 'ic'iitiut tt'e tiiti 1ti tu tIt tu /îIti,îîîk Kîîu'îi.î ft13c'teiittctt ', iriiiit îttcttttail Ie t' l;S Autîtoal1 ldý1cctiti îîîîî l t-II înîon on IlitIti i' lîtiiteiti Club 1 kAKVltI 'LE --* ic' 12ttl i t . ilut tîtîtc ti tii ti i 'le ltitttgtr iku% l tc aici Ait Rcctic' îcr tIOWARI: t itigîi ccciiit. loc tbe lial 1 lili. Il liiLake'tti ai il ttu. i ii c ( i i gîO otie iîon týi Itsitg t ii t i i ii eti nvIi iii' t îîîîîît t t't9 a rýn* ti1.lt lll., %Ni lc' lii tt i t t -ilt lo ii tlic utit i t îtl t ii îîîîîîî ii Il A P O -i A s t i t ti îît t i î îî t î u u i 't , t ti i tt i k îîtîî'îb o ct îa .%ýla id iid lca a l lm tilt,11 Ile il %Ii, ii iist iii ttttic it tii'tîtîît lu 't i' titi iii tt IIi îttccc'\111u11i t t uit tii ,itd Al mltouN Rle tigsrc .wt- iltîc,î il itii i ',ui t tn , - tîtîtur be tii, t tîît ,î'i ti i igicd Ile ut m tui iic ' ,iii ,t, îi îî îî tIsII ' d, I im 11- i Rîit it l auSN N itii piîiuttî tut ýI I1(a diti cii ' i lle sîu. toi tutti' it i ocoti nuc I hii ii ttitelig ,î tt iîîsîîîîîî'tu Ntt.tltit -d,îîîî' sit J'lo.T I lic tc s aud ua i t mî ssi m ajîrtît lu e Ir m M teN.Ltsarj 'Iia lieiiie (1111cli si-Jo.1suloît AJ. lter, sod THE GOOD OLD DAYS= GLANCING BACK TO 10 VEARS AGO Taken fron the files of the Cati. sight. Big Bruce Marshall nolsh- sdtsn Chatitn, lune 9, 1955. ed hi s second wiu lu as mauy No rth Haloi bas gaie setlieg taris, atthough he ueeded relief ibis week. Representatises ut the t rom Nip Gervais lu the seveutb three towus uf Milton, Acton tuuiug. Marshall gave up bot tise and Georgetowu are attendiug hiti tiser tbe sis iuuiugs. Don the International Trade Fair Soutti and Bruce Marshall mcm scckiug itustriat prospects ta, thc big men with the willow, se lu inhis arca. Spousored bs gcttitig two tilts carS. thcitritloo'board that mns I Opulutg CccccithituuuEmaruel nitou iisv, lic cuttihit ,i lic taiti l3L1atlni CI]Lic(it,,215 Co mrt a ta oice rots ptlansîlaid Si., Mît k, cor ue 2 t 19. bye- about a yeai ago wticu the ttîrcec dal iuisi c îcrvîccs catît uîgbt. towus got together 10 joiutty ci Tttc Planning Board sut Tocs- gage au engineer. Tatkiug aroosd da s cOusisg aitd accepted tbe a table, te three decided while proposcd ottîciatl]and ose mnap ttîcv couldu't attord extensive aud rccorurucded lu MilIou piroutotion plans iudisiduatly, Cotucit tttcî gise it Ihetr inal Ilites uight share the cost and atîprusal. Il coucîl appruves tttc buctits hy embarLisg ou a tkc plan, si i]t Sun go lu cihe projecl liagelibci. Miister ot Ptausiug and Desel- Mittou Red Sus pi'euictd opsîrsitir bis approvul. Tbis îbeciruiew coach ulîS a ctosc mn is mutrcsultîlu a pubtic heariug ivr he soutltul Acisu Tau-Scicr ic plib i lu ialy apîtron- net s ai She Aclon park last cd. GLANCING BACI< TO 20 YEARS AGO Taken fron thIe fles of the Can- adIen Champion, lune 7, 1945. Hatton Couuiy tolumwed the gesetai trend ini Ontario oit Mîttdas ini reîurningtuoffc tc Dico' goseru ment and again sent Staîttes Hall tu be their cpi cieniatise ai Ouens Park c lliS aui)acreased nîajuriiy. Vol- ing on Moudav mas hcasv lu ail icî Inluha 1943 eaicciosi, 11,398 stlcs ocre potled iluh cotu vand us Mouday, 14,544 v i le, %ec ciit.Halton luntiti iiiter respect tluîsed thc genier- ,trend and gare lcii '-opport itu tlic CFCF. candidate lbau usas g utilt tii ntc ut tliiipai iî ini 1943. Trbis veat', ibe C.C.F. saiiai i ut poll liaitth soie ut te saccesito candidate. t aigectosgt'egatioui ocre pi ceai lor bolh tbe morning and esýcuingiserviices it ace cburch uin Suudaiy ast ta mark She lotît ausiersarvutf the touîîîiîîg ut thiepanisu .îîîsthie ------------- 1 1 .. 1