86 The Canadien Champion. Wednesday, June 9th, 1965 " -S.fP. FIVE NEW CANADIAN FLAGS were preented to reprenentainnanof Miltons Scout and Cub groapn prior t0 Sunday'n Legion parade. Legion padre J. L. Graham leftt dedicated the f lagn and ihny wera prenented by Legion preident W. E. ergunon rightl. The Cubs and Scoutn f rom li are Robart Evans of the 2nd Huron Cub pack, Robert Hawkinn of 2nd Milton Scoutn, John Pacson of lai Milton Scouts, Don Fay of 510h Milton Scouts and Doug Genereaua of 3rd Mohawk Cubs. KILERIDE Talk on Cituzenship, Guidance Film., Electuon are Home, School Highlights By Mrs. WHilam Watson Drumqain Sqaîris <on ans te ttilhir summsi cottagne ui Dot- Nrs. Georngo Noeli spoke «on Kilbride Sqairin 41-12 Tlîarsday sci Citizennhip ai the roceci goacial Jolie 3 ai KilOnide. Mrs .Coi-[ Gervais nn d Mi,. meeting of[flic KilOnrýdc e O andi Social News Noirman Smîih Ines priesvns- Sohool Association. Followicg at Manier KeilO Turner in recul ne5mai the rsss i Social EacOn s [env rief comînonis on lis sob- psratiiac'uihomo [olloni ngasclb. ji cta guidanceofilm sasshonatioilleeiomv aitOthe Joseph Mm Roc Parnt. iPa ntinîn cc entiiled, Dl'oopiiic'R sponnihil'Brant Memorial Hospital. sean ossloi tOe î oop. itv. Mr. acd Mms. Ed Blinglos of Gsiel ns sOcs s sisccscale 1<' dto TOc Grade rigli tidelonts hadut Siratiord speci last neseksnd Georges Smiilse îho is ipatisnt Li nrilien an essay on "WOatifil itO Mr. and Mms. Gos Parcbsm iOhe Milton DistiIci Hospital. Means ho ho a Canadian" [rom wh-ich Mis. Nomoli road varioan puragraphn, also a poorr,witne-------- 0v Beiiv Jane Ciulson, a Grade eight niadeni. A ku bu The senior choir enieriained A ku b u %rith isso selecion., Dear Land"M SE" I EhM! ofMy Ftahern and Al ihrough TE" ATR PLAN O EDN the iglin, undor the diiection of Mms. Irma Colson. T R DC OEGAEARC Preidoni Cv Stin mas ia the chair and gave areport on tOe noouol dinnor meseting ho attend-!a ed on Mon 17 ai lic Aldershol dhi a1c Hts'h Scttnnl, nd anconced 10ihai tho grado ogOl dînner nsll i* t-to a ee4 i hu field Jonc 15 in tOe nshneol audi- torium. Theoaoonocl reportnsere *0 a natdtI handeout01 noooono aiiending. *VVhy ns worils4re A menotnos ,posscd ihai $27 o ho donttcdlOn'the kHomo and FOVED AT MASTER o Sohool Ai.nnnstaioto 0purshane ' nC FR sehool asliniin <oh'., lis svas mov- cd [<e Nrs. Connoay aîîd second- ed hy Mrb es %ncit Pîcpi Jar fico'. tnnrtnii Mater Feeds Hava a Hog Feed for Your Every Need men'hbrs on [ho cars report. 0 MASTER PIG MILKADE PELLETS Mr. Stein pîosntnîd Mes. Wn[Ooî i 0 MASTER PIG PERKTONE PELLETS Ford <ith à a oushe n tnnKiatîs O MASTER PIG WORMER PELLETS Norsery.O MASTER PIG GROWER MASH OR PELLETS ArcOint McKiinnnoii gave a te- MASTE PIG STARTER MASH OR PELLETS port oni the (aîaa'il-n, 0e SMASTER DRY SOW RATION and ScOool soniecojol projosi, the projosis 10 ho onderiakea OMASTER SOW NURSING RATION are Canadion Imdi ans aond COuld-! O MASTER 35% 50W CONCENTRATE rea's Reading. To ho a gold.sealed O MASTER 40% HOG CONCENTRATE memer ortania ton a nom of S MASTER HOG MINERAL S1967 or more ssas noeeds andý il <as noved hn Mn,.R. Itînenoîn1 Masion [tor' t'cils nero «ado [rontiflino lîglîrsi nItlolnmvia- and seonded Os Allan Shawe îî<oî-'gtediciand are taolnnltint t nnndpiNnîoni t line ManIer Iesîn S25. bc donaoicd. i taîoio sel t'nrnî i t'hn<n liii i. 'clle <s <on .no rl 1<10< -< lof in hc [roardcd Inn cadi nnngnnizo o. ning tI nmarke toivi loe i<are<ogI ltngil erit n r iadeo lion illing oh the progî ens, 'A':;01nt ion<nclnliketee il (fic, « notjkce 'y long tinnfigure Mms. OGalson sndutid thonini' oint hat ilflans fon le*' Monio'. siallation Oft0«[[<sers loinfile 195 INQUIRE ABOUT A MASTER HOG FEEDING CONTRACT" 66 terrml.l'tlo i is' <nOf ntt e pont prenident. Cpi <i Stin, presi- MASTER DAIRY FEED SPECIAL dcntvic- Mes il[inîîî ['neitel\iM1 ; " 1i t-no o t inie h, %se nnr'nlls'ngc'MASTInR 1In MIIK irsi t iepotlc r rcne s' DIR NRUMS unin lî'sn , c I ,ci.1ton. lnn5,.00M fel- Kennno, second vice pn'osîds'nn 1 toncspesnn lc lnss t niplîns $4.0011por ti oit icllnsoe lîsennn Mon. R Odnrico, sesrirp m. aîdn <'up oinn an-n g of)ç,9.00 petntc. MASitER 1I1ln MIIK Lesle WnlsOn. crreponnnng PRODUCER i.s ac excsllent elirv [eci alnnîdies easiip la secreiary Mrs. Gonnil<Harris and hînît. Il NO'tane c's'iiiglnnn\v innme gn'osn gran if iill pa< irensorer Mes. B. Cresnnn. t nt<nci ns s oai100lscmpiedîbdrlo. TOc parent allen danse nhield CONiACT US TODAY. wsa weon 0e Mes. NcOn ýkînîcn 'a rien clan . Mms. Trenîn lb. pnîeinneo Mr. Stcinsenlh is pane preni- < 14 A social perînod flnlowrd setim loncrh semsed hp Mrý is, l Jacdklio nln a n o WllMes. 5< n i s S EE D alcoad es. oflîr.N W, A T R F E clas. .M'cnes,<I OfrheKlride ni t DMS TE aR ' ITSTHTCOU led ChunsOh Wnmeîn descîcîdto bold [ilt r sprnmocleacincgbehoa 1he church and 1he pot la k CALL OR VISIT US AT lochcnn aIt[Oc home o) Mes. H R. MsDonald on Tarsdop Jupe t Chu rsO sarclakers werecnamed aorte Ms.CltofIJoie andîlheM M ASTER FEEDS [r 10e Ch f Ftz nne octhe Andy Weihereit, Pars.['reiz oasb osienýs forthe (STE WARTTO WN) groufi. Drumqann Mideîs ied w ch VOUR ONE STOP FARM SUPPLY CInNTnR" Kilhriulo Baiîiams 10-10 Wed- QUALITY - SERVICE - INTEGRITY nesdap Jonc 2 a ut qain Moinlat Pc We ,sseu,nq.caver, Kif- bride PueeWees D12-t7-31Tue.ogedan Jane 1 ai KilOnide U ML8 7-51( ergto n ÀAwurd (ontruct Durlngtoa Dock A $279,952 contract [or the irst stage of haxrhor reliairn ai Bar. linglon Channel, has heen award- ed ta Bermicgham Constraction Limiled af Hamiltan, il was an- noanced today hv Pahie Works Minister Lacien Cardin. The irai sahmilled the lament osevea tenders opened May 12. Highest bld sous $431,03650. Work ilvvsreconstructlion af the cast poli ol the soath i This incluclsiorîeiasing 930 lcet offic soalh pis-r îilh steeol shc,'ti piliag, it<cing' s fc'l5<<î' i l] [n <il il 'tîsn insi i , st iiln \n\nn'ln. oun gil" 10\, 1 a clecls son' thecsl.liîng clsoo sinle fo or a distace ot 1,149 to-ii and annidiO vaî'yiîng bhoisson 2 cel and 50 fel., installationiof services alaag the nions'looseali ad dredgiag a charnel lnî 1 ront il flc1ew l Iacensa 1IoSîil dptnil f30) fuel. The %ork is cnnlorslnnsnotcii ai lu permit 11111useof nthe fiai bol- On ssxnînatvd'li nlî sippintc'. il s scilesdulosl loî' soinnleion in six moalbs. AT GRADUATION Mi'. Bor-ilîn Pointc i'tnk insi nsos'k ns[hllsie'ttngliî'ni Mrs. (tsonc' celîo 1iWrnnn andI ai son <ilO bc'rson L.nnns l'on- sock ut Oîillia. Ole il, a<noni nt l[ ,nc'nn,ît' itiasîca <ion o ier<c însinm'n' Donna Mario Peiosk intl]"Solcn cierînMs'norial llonýpnîjj,nt [[nnttn v 7Iic~7 120 NEET Or CULVERT are going 12 feet underground on Bronte St. near the P. L. Robertnon plant, t0 alleviate a severe drainage problem in the western area of Milton. A large area of land went of the CNR by-pans is draining through a f ne foot culvert beneath the by-pans, then flowicg imb a town ditch that runs through the Robertson property 'and acrons town. Town workmen, with Charlie Mitchell doing the excavating, are Iaying 120 feet of fine foot ti1e 10 drain the area into the ponds east of Bronte St. Above, one of the tiles s lowered mbnt the deep trench. iT's PLANT UP TIME NOW. CHOOSE HARDY BEODING PLANTS PROM OUR SELECTION INCLUDING 0 Marigolds 0 Petunias ' < II Geraniurns * Asters " Zinnias 0 Alyssurn " Tornatoes S Snapdragons CHOOSE NOW AT\ > Mfikton Greenhe uses MAIN ST. AT ONTARIO MILTON TR 8-9501 B3elieve it or Note... BUT THE DEALER with The SmaII Overhead 0 0 0 0 0.0CAN SELL YOU A NEW CAR For Less Money'. Corne in now and see for yourself how you wiII get Greater Savings on a new V' FALCON J GALAXIE tiFILN il MUSTANG AND Att FORD TRUCKS TRY US AND SEE - WE DON'T DICKER - WE DEAL! 6 409 Main E. MOTflDS LF 0nD C.LITfl Milton â 878-2369 N"%ff m %PIM40 %Mir. 16 a ".