PRODUCTION IS SLATED TO START le mid-June ai tire eew Rolico Devloprents Plant, iocatod oe a 21 acre site on the Third Lie, Esquesing, immediatoiy souili of tire MacDonald - Cartier reeway. and nasi of lire CNR liee. il is enpocled lirai machinery wiii ho moved int the 12,000 square foot plant somotime this week. Tire company wil produce steel faliricaîing. Milton has granleli walnr service to the firet on the condition they would seek anneenation of lire r proporîli 10 Miltoe. lie lown s agreenîenni l provide waier service, if necessary, provides for lhe posstbtlity lire finît ray vol be able lu locale a sufficieni suppiy on iheir site. Tire Robco firm has linon engaged te oonslîuclîeg ie- dustiai buildings le tire Meston area for a numlior of yoars. "Save a Life" Campaign Sponsored by Brigade ,AS Af1 alpagib- Acîttîthiuandi iilt e Si. Joltit Att- i "Ca.nade hai, te Iile, c . te lis ti uita 01iiniti-,i ut le the \%ti Ici, lte t luît ii* thît rtie'.vs15 S. C.tiiatd ut lire brigatde. 1 t tsu-houîr ciasses lin m ilr ut o, fai tittcit l espirtt ut ltts noiîe iiit esteti. Clisses ai i erdt sinigle peits avl als gtitcps. Per-,sons uiot> ife lie lotitse w lie bc tuardeti a ci c-taniît . ce- licate shittiii g tai te' tai takente ctorse Att suie lIcr- els kei, llcî 67f-2903 ior iin tt utististh oi, si, irc tîtiee il u cg ,tpeuplie ltt PROFICIENCY AWARD itlet k-1 me to naigduio - ecises for studient eurses graoluaieg froto St. Josopirs Hospital Scirool of Nursing, Gueipir, Miss Margaret Austin, daugirter of Mr. and Mrs. Clonles Austin, R P. 3, George- toton, was awarded tire gener- ai proliciency atoard ginen liy lhe Advisory Board of lire Hospital. Sire was ove of a class of 26 toueg toomen hair roceîved pies and dîplornas from Reo j. J. Farrell, reelor of lgnalius College. Sire tili lie on tireiospital's operating rooto staff bogineing Sepînîn- lier 1t. Cnin C, CnderSlagndSilo BLOCKSj J. COOKE (Con ce Boks) LTD. NE 4-7763 I CALL JACK HALL MILTON TR 8-6365 TIRNK 0F RT momtlet i citcti se lici Pitic' t'i-lit ,, ke-iltheii, u, es CALL CROWE TAXI S ER VIC E 878-2992 RADIO CONTROLLED The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, June 9th, 1965 - B Mrs. Mary Gilimour is Speaker At United Church Womnein's Meel The gencrat meeting uf St. tIse application until thcy have Paut's United Church womeo was received the child and tht adop- helîld in hfli eowship room of ion is completed. ie Christian Educalion Building Mis. Gervais thanked Mrs. Gi- on Wednesdlay evcning, with a mIou'- for the s'ery inleresling and Lzood aitendance. informatise tatk and film. The presidenl, Mrs. K. 0. Fos- A social hour was cnioyed. floi, %vais inecharge of the meeting. Il was decided Ihat a donation The loss of limber caused by Ivud ire inade ni' tio cratcs ut i nseets and diseases is estimnaien ,u ,isierries to Hlaiton Centen- lie iregreier ihan litifrum for- ali Manrias lias be lecs s iOs imioii le pa t-ile\%i i iis Sîîîlas, tolie. 3 ilili[lieIllte an- iia cixc lie U.C.W. cindee Ille itctiilotioftfliteUnitedi Chut cli Women. Miss Wilna Thomas, M.A.. of the Hourd of Worid Mîsiîîîsîîiill ce eguesi speak- cf. -me illeca ladies, choit- il 30 soicestitider the diivcctin .1i MiS. Mage,. The lacies of' the iti titCitiliNr he 1t15 omIl lienmeitg istllM "* . Ile gîtin i e ictetioa Speaku on Chl- dpto Mis ONeilli n t-ttiicl te tesICt speaker Mis, Mare Gi- mL'flctipic eut g ciîid td- Mi-s. Gillitiotir, gaie a ti,kantd ,o c a film i (rt I rcc u :1ititiect in Iltie ,adoipttiniofia l'i i m11111 utpr*epitic(tlis li li1titlCîtîtîtîs Ciilliris ýAidi o- ii andîclsiutiet tei iii ire te), aka a e Ait fitoii te re a coule pe rpr-essý their- clsie oadiîla chllîlandi iake 1 GRENFEII. STAMP A spocial new postage slamp to ironor the centenary of tire uir of Sir Wilfrnd Gronfeli, author and medical mission- nry 10 Newfoundland and Lab- rador, will lie issoed dune 9 by tire Canada Post Officn, local Posimaster Walter Bell reports. Sir Wilfred brought a hospilal slip to Lalirador le 1892 and devoînd tire resi of his life 10 the welfare of its inhabi avis. SUMMER'S COIF IS CAREFRI A ively, bouncy haie-do th S keeps ap with ati yoU urnemm a ctivities,, ight im eeni. needs eurexspert, pensonalir CALL US caR and soft, pnetty peemuner TODAY ,EE that dng, ied tnt. FASHION O VANO & PAUL BEAUTY LOUNGE I4AIR STYUISTS 171 Main TR 8-9533 95 Main TR 8-9931 SAFETY BELTS and TOW ROPE BRIDLES F-WATER SKIER'S S A F E T Y IELT - Lightweight, wite foom plasti c*s Fils ail sies. Eac ..............- 2 6 DELUXE SAFETY UELT -Vinyl covernd foom plostic. Secume "D" ring fosiener- - - - - - ..................4.69 G-TOW ROPE BRIDLE - Fosiens eosily les lronsom. Free - running nylon pulley operofes oser duroble poly..rope. .36 Keeps pull af ceerre,... ..*««.. Ileavy Duty Tow Bridie; vinyl - covnrnd steel colle- - - --..................469 TOW ROPE FLOAT-Sturdy red ond white plastic wifh centre hole-----------...... 59 2-"KEYHOLE" SWIM 'N SKR JACKET-Feulures bit-i col. lue 10 support kead akave water. Kapok tille n it8-gouge etectron- ieatiy neated vinyl film. Brighti orangerot-prontf i Child n's, Rn Rt-lb.. 43-90 Ib. 2.89 3.49 3 - "1UNICELLULAR P O A M" LIFE JACKET - Improved, ta- poer e d edge reversilile mndel. Bright orange keavy dty trill Soter cevering. Extra linoyant ove. Ipince slit foam fdtod. 1 3.89 5.29 -- - --- - "Mermaid" WATER SKI VALUES &-SITKA WATEE SKS-Pcpular 'Mana- na' style for trnedom of mnvemeot. Lamits- aient toendotlents for added tceogth. Adiostakîn vinyI hiodingo. Cleor. wiaerproof plastie: finish. 56' x18 SOC 7". Pair- - - --....... g io~ X-COMBINATION SKI SET-One ski bas extra ton-pince and keet for slalom skiiutg. Toagh, darable mahogaoy con- itîraclion with itpregnated,clear O plastie finish. 56 "x7". Pair.Lh4m95 C-TUKNABOUT WATER SKIS-Features shortent construction tu attow perform-. ance of triche. Fait "*Turnarounds" maktea lînekiard skiiog simple. Vecy popatar style. 4'x8" wide. Pair------------------................ 2 &9 R-NEW 'SRIOE SERS" - Tire latest in wmaler skis. Onty 24'1 long, makes lirese tire ultimate in trick okiiag. Oakr kottom for olcength and staiity. Complets ssith lougli vinyl harnese. 8' side. Pairn- --......... 99 EXTRA! Cash and Corry BONUS COUPONS EASY TERMS SAVE' i~ SCHUYLER BROS.LIMITED SAEL459 MAIN ýT. MILTON. TR 8-2349 This man has the pan to keep your home comfortable-N afl-year- round! <~FREE FURNACE SERVICE PLAN FREE CONITIONING SERVICE 0 i d P f. -ll n 0r,cn FREE 24-HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE b. lat&i p. i. YUPYOLe FOR OiL 0AND REPLACEMENT PARTS WsH 7THE SaNG a PURNACE SRICE PLAN C Home heating comfort : SUNGLO with the big "plus factor" 7er'dobesatisfaction in dealîng wih yonr s Co-operalîne. You cari depend onnthe qoality et Snniglo service and producîs because Co- j operalîves are owned and controlled by tire î people ihey serve. Remember too, when ynu paironîe yor Co-operalive, yoo are .makiîîg F UEL. OIL y-or business stronger and miore successlul. eAutomnatic Meterod Deliveries e Easy Paymnent Plan HALTON CO-OPERATIVE SUPPLIES 0 MILTON - GEORGETOWN - ERIN NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY WEEDS Notice is iîcieliy giiv 10 to I l crsoisin oesiiiPSCSOonl lanîd in accoîclance wiîh lire Ontario Weed Conirol Act, Src. 3, 13 and 19, liai unIlcss noious wcccds growiiîg un ilicm lands wîthirn the Muncpality of Burlingtoît ttc ccsroyed liy date of dune 14th, 1965 aînd througir- oui the season, the Municpaliîy mnp enler upon said ands, and have tle wneds desiroycd, charging the cools againsi the tand in laces, as set outin trihe Act. The coopcnation of ail citiaes s carnostly solicitcd. WEED INSPECTOR: A. B. HARRIS, TOWN 0F IURLINGTON - ----- -------- ---