Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jun 1965, p. 6

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IrMLL DEATHS Continud) CLASSIFIED HOWITT - At Miltont District ADVERTISING Hospil, on Salurday, Mays 29, RATES Kingslegh Court, Milton, be- * ker; dear fallier pf Louis and agIRTHS, DEATES, MAP.RIAG- John, aI home: bruîher uf Ca- ES, ENGAGEMENTS - No therine ut Glasgow and Jessie charge. ot Aberdeen, Sculand and Jtihn af Tronto. Mr. Hawill n O etved wilb the R.C.A.F. dur- FOR SALE, FOR RENT ETC. - ing Wrld War II. n95c minimum charge for 15 FaeIsric sasld 1 words-5c per word Ihereafler. Ih Mere Fuert 1-ldameti Subsequenl insertions (noucopy Tuesday. IniermentinluEver- changes) - *75c minimum green Ccmelery, Milton. charge for 15 words. 5c per ciard thereafler. '25c discount allowed fr cash In Memoriam paymsnl. COMINO EVENTS, CARD OF THANKS-Sl for firsi fine lin- ec. 10e for each addilional fies. [N MEMRIAM-5l plus 10c per fine of verse. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY, R E A L ESTATE-$l.20 per cl. nch. BOX NUMBER lu Iis office - 25c addilional. DEADLINES Clasified Advrising 12 Noon Tuesday Classified Display & Real EtaIs 5 pm. Monday Phone TR 8-2341 6 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Jane 2, 1965 Born DORNAN-Cari and Leona (ses Campliell) of R. R. 1, Milton, are pleased lu announce the birlh ut their daughter, Roch- elle Denice, neighl 7 ibs., 7 uas., aI Oakville - Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on May 29, 1965. Firsl grandcbld for Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Camplielîl oit Milton and secand for Mr, and Mrs. Damasn, B.C. FUJNK-Mr. and Mms. Harold C. Funk are happy to annaunce the arrivaI oftiIheir daaghler, Cynthia Suzeannîe, rit Fridav, May 21, 1965. KELMAN-Me. and Mrs. J. N. Kelman (nec Margaîci Sark) tif R. R. 2. Si. George, Ont., are pleased 10 aînîîîîvce flic linS aofilîir dangliler. Elînît da Margacci. cseîgli7 lb,.. 5 tis., ai Brantford Gencial lins- putaI on May 26, 196. A isier loryBesls Jcan and Scot. Engagement Mr. and Mr,,. Tont Eamishac ut Loisille cish la annîtance the engagement ni their daglu er, Helen Elizabeth 10 Richard Soverciga. son tiI Mr. a n i Mrs. Earl Sosereiga. Barlinglai Wedding la lake place in Lois ville Unied Church, Jonc 25, a 7 p.m. Mr. and Mis. David Sargeti of R. R. 1, Milton, aîîîîoaîîccldu engagementioftii lîir datighler Suan Jase Ici GeratO T. Mc Lean, son of Mr. and Mi s. (,ar net Meaî, Oaksille. The ccci ding la lake place in St. Faut' United Church, Mitoln, lin Salar da5, Juty 3, oc 4 o'clnck. Mr. antI Mr,. Mlville Lewivso R. R. 3, Cainpbcliville, arc plea ed 10 annîtance the eîîgageîscil ut their only daughler, Elie-dnel] Anne 10 M. Ditaglas ERoy Mii son ioi M. and Mrs. Rioy Mai of Frcelliin -Wdding '10 lak place oti July 3, 1965, iii Fecelirý United Charcli aI 3.38 octock. Died FORD-At Oakvnîlltc - Trafla Hospitatlin "Fiursday, May, 2 1965, n li,ts 5h 5car, Wilber E. Forîd . eloinr husbaîîd i Agnes Ecddeillandlallier i Margargci I(Mrs. Jîm Eccle, aI Biamptonl aîd Roberi, home. FuseraI service sas lri.inB the] Unted Churcli on Salcîrcl. May 22, wîlb inierment in th adjitning cemslery. WOOD-At is homen. cniStc day, Mav 29. 1965, in is 66t ycar, Samuel Edward [Tsi Wood, bled husliand of Di rothy Hayes and lrother < Frank of Detroit. Fanerai service was from Il MueNali and Son Chapet on T ssday. Jane t, wilh lelermenti Eveegreen Ccmelery, Miltoan. McCLURE - In luving îscmciry of a dear culter, Isabelle Mc- Ctire, a-ho passed away May 31, 1963. Tou a litovcd la ever lorgel. Elnîer and Myrîle Leslie. c4-7457 NORRIS - In Iaving miemary ot laîher, Herbert T., siho pass- cd acsav Jane 1. 1950. and mu- Iher, Jengie, svhu passcd asvay Januatrv 31, 1940. Laving and kind in A l icir Uprighl t jasl 1tu thc end oit Ibeir days, Sincete and truc in Iheit lîcacl and mnd, Beautilialmemories Illîy cîl hehind. In hife honored, in dclall re- meinhercd hy Darolhs and Alec. c-4-7416 Cards of Thanks 1 is tub 0express tavoincere ihaîîks lu relatives and liends Ian Iheir Itou-rs and tords dur- ing my recenî itînens and alsu luo the doclors and staff af the Hiil- tas District Hospital fan tilcir klnd and eflielent can. c4-7474 Fred B. Walker. Mes. W. E. Fond and faity express incere hanks lu neigh- nons. fiends and relatives tor the matos beautiful floral tribal- es and expressions of vmpatbv sIuaii ta them on hel r recent beravement Fa the passing of o ioving husband and laiber, and appreciation ta Rsv. E. Bneartcv mil Brlingtis andRecv. LinstetO lue comsIutilng %% i ds. tiDr. T. MeHugli o Oakville bospii.îl, and M,cNah and Son foe thir slicicat ser-vices. c-47469 COMING EVENTS (Confimwed) FOR SALE (Continued> FOR SALE (Connued> FOR SALI Continued) FOR SALE (Continued) Miltoni Senior- Citizens aic as- F OR SALI: ic l il 4Ii 1110R ,5I BCîIIliig plan-.sIFORSAI E-- lîarriS crib6wiih FOR SALE-2 hiiind pups. 5 ain remindcd ilit the Zane pic- [ci-S, averagec375 lits. Phone 878- ,,îId Iiicl I InîiiS. B iile St. poiislareliiicr spig iallrcss, iunllis. Riasonablc. Shoul hlint nic is on Wdnesday, the 9th of 9454. c-4-7458 S.. phoine 878-6232. c-2-37297 $20; ouldoor swing sel, $10. Iis fail. 878-6210. c-4-7429 June, tu Gage Park. Brampton. Phone 878-2684. c-4-7465 Those going should bie aI St. FOR SALE -Birliîîgtiî, off FOR SALE-G urîîcv white en- ________ FOR SALE -Golf clubs, righi Pouls United Church at 10 ar. Ccdar Sprinîgs Roa, lot, 200' x îîîîcl coal aot-tcîid range, idealhod2wos,6in.le, / Cars will lic Ihere. c-47426 200, priceless vieco. $3500. 078- tir cottage. 878-4498. c4-7414 FOR SALE - 3-picce chester- doz. bolîs, bag and carl, rsady 4787 C--744 feldsuie, i god cndiion tugo. Caîl 878-6545 afler 7 p.m. TIie fanily of Russell anFd-48.OR-43 0 SALE -Wc.stcrn horse suitthlcfor collage oir recrea- c47441 lbh Inglis sish la cxlcnd an in- FOR SALE - 195 Foiri sciati. andl azidIe. eciithi niaiic, used liaitnaino. 878-9413. c-4-7350 vitation la Iheir friends, neigli- 2-îîîc. Cancpbllciltc 854-2,504 a.tlolii gaitnes. C.îtt 878-2797. c-47466 _________ FOR SALE-550 n 16 lire, nev- bars and relatives lu a dance in tel, 6. c-4-7412 SL c.m rdds sd 1;dul c n Ibrol al oi ,16,o OR AE-Rg adrrdde ss; c1: oleleds andl AbeloleHal. on 4,195.OO FOR SALFE 0 pigc. 8 ttccks AtîiiicciiSlîctl,îîîctpolîtes LCnmp- tîrs; ctntaîl 8-72oelran tbe occasion of tIhir 251h mcd- t11. AppîyRoEîy Clîtie. phoneie lctlittc 85424 a~,ller 6.CHAS E'S 3pm . liI aord78y27294-744 ding anniver-sarv. c-4-7397 o876-4467.3 c-4 tl7459 c-I 74-4-744 Esqusin Feceraion f Ari- _ -FOR SALE-30' sichle bar for Esqaue bs Fri on ofAgri. n FOR SAE--etc re ligel IFOR SAL E cicPetiltonFoldi a fnr SR ront of Simplicily garden trac- culurebot tn, ondv, ,onc.îor, n giioci conditioni.REcîti-!buiha lii tc:,cas ',almontsl IN IVERAR 7. Steel Company, Proclor & al.878-9674. c--739S0 eu. BeinI ci. 878-2902.Itor, tew, neyer used. Cao lic Gamble. Ticketls $2 25. Leasebc c767 eoehtgh eap. 878-2044 aller 5 Slewarlloson 8:38 rnCaunîn FOR SAILE Biiii ,î l iiiidMCp c-4-74 Building, Miltoin s8:45. Telephone cte ms-l-liei.îîc ,SAcTEL(E AIE Sngtcî ti.ORSL-Aqaniycu-41 877-2398 - 878-4467 - 853-0498. 89l08 îliîîg,. c-47388 iias lîjîte, lcitittîîltîî-hle itaket, FOR sAcE rmligapnimaîoeys FORSAL9--%2 - n il tîisihe-4$5 -774263.200 fi. of 1,V' plastic pipe, quart FOR ScailoAL 467 Ev.S7,îîîîc c44 STORE-WIDE ltoit scalcrs. Caîl Art Psacock _______________1_________ cr i . 878-2643. i.47421 - FOR SAI E ledtciiig andI ncg- 87"-447. c-47453 Edbellll. -tliis 69 Knîg CLEARANCE FOR SALE- Net sspll-level F or Sale Si. toi del i es 878-9579. hutme, very good locaion, close Are You Ready c-22-7269 __tu__laschools. Require sobstantial 9:1Q eA 11 -C.... lown n ymn. Writec/Chm Phone 878-2644. C-22-7319 For Haying? i pvrclstolcîci - 8786339. FOR SALE-Douable bcd anîd c47 spring. 878-61192. c47472 SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE FORSALI:.--Piliiics: gîtose. FOR SALE - 1206bass .ccîîîd MASSEY IlsEOt LSON î- andeî,îîî îu,îîîîiSîtis l,îkcîî ion. Cal 878-3129. c47l ~ii ii e fîcit ciiiii877-231)8. N.. 9 Ltiîiii Bai c-47116 FOR SALE-Signs of ail kinds. N- 10 Rîlci Ray Guay, TR 8-2150. c.12-4863-ll viiNo . 1, 2 83îi. lii:, lui cc s I l 5-S I M-..e la, 30s91 FOR SALE -Allaîlta a t inOomne Ni. 51. *92 TutciMiitcrs iii iip,îl uicilîti iîîtc grass., 20 acresý. 878-9834. c4746 Nu. 71, 72 îîîîîîî cl ut: 7s ic7î ii i 822-4455 l ici 6. 1 No. 25, 36 Rîkesc4-741 FOR SALE -Bale clevattar. il il pcLiil lu c)i lE ~ î~î î gaod condition. 878-4810. 1III.ORi SIT ' - icti % iil c-4-7419 N A DIA H11i n-i - vl l i.,, 07toi.11 ii ii mc li n i \ %.M-o , 7 -1, Il.aller M, FOR SALE - 1960 Acîsti A-5, utIw stick shift. 878-9145 ater 638 p.m. c-4-7438, Sile1 E MOTORCYCLES 1- itîimîci & l-SEO NEW and USED n9icc Suzaki - Triumph - Ducali t, B, Ltr Sls ParIs Ser-vice c.. il loi lui LI mCi . sp lIO MIN Oi 2 Rîke 5,9. Mmscis ii mmciiitcisc. 038. lER SALE - Adîiing miachines. cvricý fos.ri site or renli ,e TE 8b962, Hlarris Station- c-9-tf -4667 lR SA[ 1:I 17 Mmîm.uîclî2 - c SMîc.$). 878- AI] 8. , 4 7476' Casrtl Ols MILTON EQUIPMENT IOlE R MA--NIsli Brampton Cycle & Marine CO. LTD. cm umioumi N,. 10ii Bise Lille. Mitummu 1 12 li.. S629. Bliiit iii 16 Calîtorni,î St,.cuml us1ueRc8-2 2t 459-4270 4ue t 211 ,l ,îilu feuml f c 3-4 4 M o 78 )42 GENERAL CONTRACTORS CLEANERS DECORATING RAY OLAN KNIGHT'S INTERIOR Coming Events BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. Milton1 Girls' Pipe Band Dance, * Home Ioîprovcîseîîls Frndas. Jalie il. Caîîadiaîî Lep- ion. Jeu Bry orcileslrit. * Rnovations c-4-2-741 1 * Aieraioss Meeinmg mie Ladies' Auxiiary * Addiins ai Ccîbs and Scou ts nI Milton * Commercial or litdusinial ai1 1.30 oui Mondîv, Jîune 7, il, UL 4-2263 flic Scout andc Guide Halîl. c--7435 c4t IO0DE. Fessert t ard P,îrtv, Wednesday itinightl, Jane 2, 7.30, Grace Charehý Hall. Tickets A. C. CANNON ai flis daoe, 51.00. E veryaîî e ssc c o n eC -4 -7 4 6 4 & S O Clubaniimal metig ai 1the GEN ERAL CIJNTRAC FORS aimne of Mis. Elsley, R. R. J, Miltonî, ac. 7.30 pin., Tiiuesdis. Custom Homes Repaies Jane 3. c3-27600 ltau..... Modern sa.,,î., Si. GmgsA.W.A. (it Lots- ille ai-c hltdinîg i cuchre lmiflic chcrei hall on Taesdaiv, Jonc 8, ai 8.30 piti. Gnad prises amd lunch, Admission 50c, c-4-7392 Tue JuinîîWaters Scloot utl Dancing pressais their annual Reit,îI ai Wlliam, Ave. Higli Sclool os Saiurday, June 5, 1965, ai 8 p.m. Admission: chlFl- ren 25c, .îdults $1 .00. a-4-7399 Fle icMltonîîArtsaind Cratîs groop sit hoid tIlicr autdoîur exhibition aI painting 0on lhe lno f M. and Mes. S. W. Gos- les os Jase 19 and 20 froni 2 p.m. tilt O,rk, bulli daysý. a4-3-7408 Menîlces,îîand aîhecîts îî Knoox PreshylsîFan Chuveh, Mil- ton, aile cordi,îlIY ivilcd lui aI- tecdan. At Home at the Masse. 79 Martin St.. on Saiordav, Jonc 12, tram 2 10 5 p.m. c4-2-7431 Haty Eosamy Asnuai Garden Party, Saîardav, Sans 19, Martia St., Miltnt. Pony rides, penny soie, bingo, lus and games tfo ait. Stpper servsd 5.00 - 730 pro. Groundi opena i 2.38 p-m. c-2-3-7J3 Openî meeting, potlIuck supper and austion aI the homne ut Mrs. Mrvy, Mrr ybruok Favm. thi Lins. Esquesing, Wedncsday, Jonc 9 ai 6.30 p.m. Spossorsd liv Milto District Hospitaîl W.A. c42-7463 Plans and Fies estimalesi. Ysoîs oS copei-iesce. IR 8-4424 DRY CLEANERS LTD. Sauuiu Imuliuu ,Iiiiuicd P ItN- Cicafimîmg DECORATIr, SER VICES fi uîticiiint telîs ýavili e it. i simaidc dr.ipcs Sîitt L,îundcî msg Ce.iuIa iii mle cha pés Sqmmed.iy tertic ic iiuttd *Ctpci 1 0 Calileiig Of1 Altet atirils and Repiii e REags a nd Oîaps cspeily e Veci.în buumds " Fiee Pick-up anîd Deliîoey " Al ssaîk tIons on pi enîlses CALL TR 8-9941 ORNAMENTAL IRON MILTON WM. ARCH & SONS Ornamental Iron BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION LTD. ADDITIONS CUSTOM HOMES R ENO VAT IONS REPAIES Fice Esiniaici TA 6-1119 TA 6-2859 Res. Slreetsvillo î-J.! ALAN K. FAIR Construction Ltd. REpairs and Restovation or 010cr Homes Phone Guelph 822-4129 c-1-4 AWNINGS & IRON EAIINF.S BILL KELLY cM il992 ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC e INISUSIERIAL *COSMMERIAL eELECTEIC IIEAIINf, Complete Electric Home 66 Chartes St. Milton TR 8-9513 e f SAVE UP TO 50%/ NO MONEY DOWN ON MAJOR ITEMS OPEN THURS. and FR1. 'TIL 9 P.M. I ii.dcl cc cd. innitlled titI1.1ga.irzialccd liy FOR SALE-You will like boy- ing ouor liuildintg malertals and cool aI Crawfrds, Campbllî- ville, Ouick service. Higli qua lily. Phone Campliellville UL 4- 2232. c36.171-f FOR SALE -Beaatifni scenctl builcding mot, C.mpbelvilic or cu, 100 s 200, sarvesed and sep- ,îî ued. $2200. Hall cash. Bail- nceun ternis. Write Champion iBan 200. c-4-7460 FOR SALE- 12 fi. îîîotlded phccvomîd rail about, inicîl îs-iîîdshietd, stecring. ligbtn. bard- uire. litIed lorpautin, 22 b.p. cecctic stîrl silh cantrais. 878- .6850 aller 6. c-4-7455 FOR SALE- Large glouy pinîs of Canadian Champion staff photos, 5 x 7 size $1, 8 x 10 izes 1.25, Plus tax. Cash mail acuompany order. Enquire nom i mmdI s1 at Champion OftIces, 191 Main s0 iI1 CHASES s. itn 438t midiiticOR SALE- Car, truck and ticlis HOME APPLIANCE tractor tires, ncw and used, uver se. ll tsu. 878-3221 2.800 Kelly Springfield lires Fn b-4 7449 c-4tock. al sizes, low prices: fiaIs lmcd. 11.00; mheels lialancsd, $_____ 1.00. Ws have batteries for musi car and trocks, Milon Tire and Rodiator Service, 191 Mill St., î__ BEAUTY SALON Employment Wanted Vogue Beauty Salon 1; MPLOYMENST WANTED - qGA NtcW COIFFURE Wil lui . isut ilt m% tîl ii omie, Desîigtîcd Jusi Fan Yau Mondican Fridas - 878-6018. and - c-4-7386 LOMPLE BEAUTY SERVICE, EMPLOYMENT WANTED- ilabl on Custani deciin .kimmg. alterat- lai m Call878-2461 ins, sut:, îccddiîîg dressen. Oea- 192 Maiin Street pes, 5h11 cco. 878-658 utlter 6 C-49-If p.m. c-2-7321-tl PRINTING Student Job Wanted *Fiivniiiirc frmîm laîîîos îîîanulîc turent ym,îr lîmi e icmraîimiîn.v lbe luij.oj(t mmiiI ii iii ii, i ams lly ivii.Ask ic mil muleplIn. litot iii se co milI iions, cili NI. iti L,îîîlîell. CAMPBELL'S 0F MILTON 'lE z8v8(10Z 228 MaiîînSI, DRAPERIES JUNE DRAPERIES * immnîîlcDraperiles, 55 pci ily îsl Iid îîsilid silimples ilisplai5Cul in Nloue I-RIZ. ISiIMAIFL-i 878-2513 c 4üb DRIVING INSTRUCTION lIoîeVA 7-1322 î4ili limmiNEl 7V7iil :1IisttîtIi iCAIt W. WHIIL OAKS L)RIVING SCHOOL PREIVER TRAISNN tDRtVER EDUCATION Oîmlilisut Ilitiiictois 1 (jjs il Oîimiiii Saifeiv Ls.îgae Flriver lis titit ne Cerlilicaics IIiAtRY 1EV-INE, Mosager Wedding Invitations Ibal are sosially correct and printed duntinctively PILANNING. A WEODING? Thîe Caîiadian Champion 191 maus St, Milton TV and RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AND APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE * Phliip TV & Tope Recardents * .C.A. Sicren,. TV, Appliances * Spîrîmm TV and Sterco 222 MAIN ST. TE 8-4445 c-If WELL DRILLINO WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN NER. 2, Milton, Ont. PuileBulîîgtotî NElsoti46025 ADETISE VOUE BUSINESS SERVICE IN THIS HANDY FIRECTORY EVLRY WEEK 0F THE VEAU AT A SMALL CHARGE 5 FER INSERTION SUETJO B - Grade i10 îlviti. Cîipa tsy Gaising 878-3195. c-4-2-7393 STUODES T EMPEDYMENT WVANTED - W,îîîecîo.vîk. WFil- ie i loIs aiils tlîîîî5. Cati 878-3235 L.tvcriie Davis. .î3-7339 STIIDENT IOB-Giidte 9 vIu- vli!d,,rsýii er ssork a 1%pý1or lî.îlv slcCiîil 878- 34(16, BcemIv Jle. c-2-7394 STI'DENT JOB - Watîîd ikc cl11ie îîmîs- ctplîiniiiii t tiiav ci- litiri ori-ill liy n-ai liîg. Pleise contaict SttviiîGray .11 878-9097. c-4-7391 STIIDENT JOB - Gra.de Il Coimmiercial ttatlesicsoiît i hI mlllliiiueeitplosiil t. Preferablv mîliccsaîok. Phasec 878-4430, Lsîî- dit Jones. c-2.7395S STUDENT JOB-G-aOc 9 ,ci- denti lislies I ,ri orStore ciii- phtviiicttttimiigilig iiiier hu- c oce Thîomaîs Wiisaîîl $78-92(4. :-4-2-7396 STUDEN F lOB -Sîîîiînîeecîi .îmîieiet llitilîle. J - lii es."eperieiicc' iin nti miies lîiisc. WilIles- .îîînillîîg. ige 19. DotFluîiaI,, 878-2438. C-3-3-7372 i SI ILIDN f JOB-ilighi Sehlîl girl wil iîiiliiiiivicnliliN. nienti, iiotirs lelpsr, bb ,- ii- li. Wmîuid gu Iol collage. Live n. Contact Jesîlic Ferrier Ut. 4 2225. c--7422 STUDENT JOB - 17-ycar.old Fligli Sciioot girl nishien suiiser eiaiployint. Eilravy or ctcrkitîg pieeered, but %vauid baby cil or iîntheri lîielp. Contact Gail Fer- rier EL 42225. c4723 -Cars foi Sale 0 READY FOR THE OPEN ROAD - IT'S TRADE q'TRAVEL TIME FOR DEPENDABLE QUALITY AND EFFICIENT SERVICE See these Ibis week aI REED REDFERN LIMITED 1964 Meteor Custom 2 Door Hardtop 8, aalomalic, radia, whîite- aIls, wsashers, potier bock indow. One ycar warranly. 1964 Chev Impala 2-door Hardtop omplclely eqaippcd. New car îarranty. 1963 Oîdsmobile 88 2 Door Hardfop cttomaiic, radio, powver sîcr- ig. powcer aorakes, cchilcssall, wheci dtscs, it indshield as- t 5. Onec%'car tittri-anis. 1963 Corvair Monza Coupe 4- peed ir.tnsinsiiti radio, whlissalls, slcldiscs, wshile tilli rcd lealîcer backcl scals. One year carranly. 1963 Pontiac Sedan V-8. aalomnalic, M liiîcsallN, ra- di, asîcers. Tîvo ta chatise noum. Oas year wacranly. 1963 Mercury Custom Four Door Sedan V-8, automalie, radio, passer aleering, power lirakes, white- walls. wheel discs and many other esîras. Locally ossned. One year warragly. 1963 Mercury 12 Ton Pick Up Lting bax, excellent condition. 962 Galaxie 500 Sedan Auliomatic, radia. swhite- ssalls. Ose ycar star eanly. 962 Pontiac Parisienne 4 Door Hardtop Atiliat ic . rdio, tIiit is cîlcl dise. ,%%niield scali- ec . Istc,îlsistîmcci. Olce -care 1961 Voîkswageni Van One ossacr, nece painl job. 1961 Chev 2 Ton Cab and Chassis Ecitipletll recandiliancd, good rubnoer. Ose year nsa rranty. 1960 Poritiac Catalina Convertible .389 lîlotor. .ttlatic. îradioî, potier slecring. ptiser br,îkec. ciliiec I. ce cldises, sc iîd- stîicld Otnesters - Oie aie - 1959 Oldsmobiîe 4-door Hardtop Fîîlly eqaipped. One ycar tsar- ranly. 1957 Ford One Ton Tow Truck Dlual %siîeelc. 4 Ian wintch. Otie BUY NOW Ar REED REDFERN LIMITED --- - - - - -- ----- - 1 -11 - ti ý 0 Llillioltel-ilig IJ

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