Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jun 1965, p. 19

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Sing "O Cainada" in French At Commonwealth Day Meeting Ey Mn. Willim Watson "Land of My Fathers" and 'Al Lean ut Durham on Sunday. Grades tiree and four at Kil- Through nhe Nigist' bride school presented a Common- Scisool music suprso was 31st Annivernary wealtti Day assembty on Friday Stewart Buchanan and Miss Dor- On the occasion ut their 31 wed- morning, May 21 with Joan Gris- othy Powell, music consultant, ding anniversary May 16, Mr. and wold acting as ciairman. was the pianint. Mrs. George Robertson uf Hamil- Tise children dramatized the Donate $30 tonc etertained 26 frienris and rel- Biblical story of the Gond Sam- The Kilbride and District Com- dîlves al a dincer parly at Dad's anitan. While the class marched mucily Recreation Association Restaurant, Campbcllville. mbt the auditorium carrying Cao- would likErlu express fiseir ap- Foltossing the dinner the group adian ftags and a picture ut Oneen preciation lu the Reecalion As- re. mcd Io ftic Rob,rt-uîî- home, Elizabeth tise scnior students sang socialionofe 1961 and particutarîslic-1el socujt iloîcîs en î 'God Save lise Queo' in tour tu George Hardsuod oho donated ccd. parts. the balance ni the 1961 bank ac- "0 Canada" Sung in Frenchs couni. $50, lu the ncw asoitn Short explanations coocerning lu help furtiser the recreatnpro paintiogs dune by lise students gram in the community adr- were given 10 represent a trip ac- rounding district. moss Canada. The enlire scisoot Thbe Kitbride Fer Wees ls terF thnsang "0 Canada' witis grade first game ofthlie season t Drum- three and four singing on verse qoîn 12-h Tuesday, May 25adRh in Frenchs. Squirfs ptaycd againstHrbR Four bnys sang and dramatized Friday, May 28 and lust228 a soog calîrd "Gnod Advice'. Soin- Kitbride.I isîs fnr this number seere Eric Need Support Veibl nd Ricard Wilsher. This vear is the irstlim t vr Veii nd icardWitshr. ai outhIese bnys have playd bD] Katharine Ncwetl and Mildred tbey nerd 1he suppurl t hepar McKinnon playeri verv enjoyahie rots and triends.A Piano solos aod David Sanît en- Games start aI 7 p.m.Ltsa terlained with is accordion. d get oul and sec lbhe boys i cin Tise cildren worked very bard r. and rs. George Robeto nprsnanipressive program have annuunccd thc engagement on Canadian Ciizenship. uftiheir second eldesl danebler, Plan Graduation Dinner Shirley Lis lu Runatd A. LaSalît, Final plans were made for the son ut Mrs. L. LaSatte ut Hamil. Grade 8 dinner tu 6e heid June 15 ton and Mr. R. LaSalte ut Dundas.x r f ls K n tise seboot auditorium on Tues- The srediding oi taklac. Jn day May, 25 whan tise executivc 12 ai tbe Kitbride Uinited Cbnrcb. members of the Kiibride Home Miss Robertson is t-cptoy -d a and Sebool Assuciation met for the Halton Cu-Op and Mr. LaSatl iheir final meeting ofthIe seasun. aI Ontario Steel Plant. Jonc 24 %van the date set for Bridai Sisower M play day and Jonc 29 for isot dog On 16e escning of Mav 19, Mis rr< day. Eugene Coulter beld a mistlan- Tise Board ut Educalion for the eous shoss-r ai the hume of6er towo of Buringoo sponsored mother. Mrs. Bruce Covedaei n three concerts in the arena on bonor ut MisLui-s Roberusn, May 26, 27, 28. bride etect. Attendun erth Six Scisool Participate %vives of emptuso<ilhe Haiton six public scisools tisai disptayed emptuved.D R their singing talents Wednesday A surprise mixeeta neous shouw- nigbt. Oîher pupil-. oere fromt erss-as betd aI the hunme ut Mrs. Base Lino Rd. - West John T. Tuck, Glenvieo-, Stratis- Russell Counîxun ast Tue-s- v ithl cona. ings Road and Fairfield about 30 r ela t iv es antI close sehools. triends altendint-. Slectoîts serre snng hy lise Mr. and Mrs. Jims Weiheî li. F E A TL ,grade seven and grade igh t Mr. andi Mcx. Cîaig Reid and cîtoirs and a massed choir. Johnos-andl Mcx. Cassie Wthcrett FLAVOI Tise later s slections included - ec esos i-th Mcx. Maggie Mc- I ~ IMM !LORN!BY Ri Success fui fuchre Party Fur Attend Isttute Annuul By tira J. MeCaronu xsho sserc kîttcd in a cai iccid Tise Nots Traflgr liere eccl crcWngham. Club held a very successtut Macs' ybappy- retoros iefth1e tard parts on Saturday eseniof,.-day are wsied lu Jaîck M ai cl Mas 29, in Norths Trafalgar Com- ment cctcbratiog a bir thîia muoity Centre. Tisece see 12iJonc 3, Buib Dicý%-e-ook Jonc tables in pay and prizex ocre -5, VatericelCIa and Diane Rex ce ao-ardrd 1he iottoo-ing: ladies'Jonce 7. tirnt Mrs. H. Dollnc, second Mrs. Greduates Toie RusE and tom 10 Mcs. F. MeCar- Graduationrsrrcixex of ihe i-on: men s irst Jack McCarron - Hamilton Gener,ît Hospitalt îîl second Jim Hamilton and lwbc 6eled in Westdate Cottegiac Bock Burton. Drase prizeso-rc on Wernexdas- Itodax I. Couîigr w-on b Chartes Trimble, Hilda - ations lu Beits Brooks, daugli-j Ringshoît, Frank Hall and Dora ter et Mr. and Mrs. J.Birooks: McCaccron. oi R. R. 3, Georgetowsn, imbu miii Tise cent card parts oilbc 6e ont-uf tise graduais. lîrtd on Jonce 19 and îless i-ut bc Thirtv tour stodents ut Freed- tise final une. Tise setceay man-Hardman College et Andi report toc tise seaxson ol be son, Tennessee, arriverd ut lise given ai Iis eucisre, A deticlous home ut Mr. and Mrx. Stan May lunch was serced by tise tosîebss n Salordax es-en ing. Tbev vii- for tise esening, Mcx. Fred Work ' ceigraFIstn route. On maci, assisted sy lise ladies, Snnday mocning, 16ev attendedý Celebrate Afnivtea divine service aI tht- Cisrcis ut Happy aonisecsary %visites 90 Christ, Omoagî and Ibmn pro- lo Mr. and Mrs, Ccaig Royce crrded on lu Nonth Bav, isherc and Mr. and Mrs. Garcel Hoo-- 16ev o-II be or trexeb den, ceteiratiog tise occasion on Ste*pisen M.ay ix a stuceît ai the Jane 7.- coltege. The 64t1î Ainoal of Hatton Dis- MrxJ. Brooks îtittci( h lîict Wons instilute o-as hrtd le ad- -c it[i in St, Davidx Freshylcrian motrseresdence. Hailtoner-ci Cîsurcis, Campbellsitle, un We- rat Hoxpital, on S.i-taY ,î- îîexdav. Mcx. C. Wriggtessxorîb - ternoon, gie n- oo ffi Mcx. R. Wilson, Mcx. S. May and gr îvetng ni mnretl Mcx. H. OConnor ut Horoisy Wu- Cgauatinss. M. n mens Institote attended. Cocîtlos l r n Mc. and Mci. Ray Bennett vis-Mcs. Jat-k Dingo-att ut Hocchvy, iled Iis o-ceE aIi hu me ,~o-bu o-ti cîchrir leir 53rt1 Mcx. Bennetî's son, Mr. and Mrs.o-cdding annivrsarmvon S,tu Les Rutledge and lamity. day, Jule 5. Welcame home lu Mr. Arthic King trum tht- Gent-rat Hospital in Gaît. Btst uistîc Ifora spccdy WAT -SE i l-covery. W IR S E U.C.W. Meet Tut- May meting ai Eden UC. Wc Carry à Complote Lino cf W., mlîicis ias bcld ai 1he ho me *U IO ni Mc. Garnet Hamilton, open- 0U IO M cd oils the Ode and praser. 0* OE Mis. Harcy Lowden led thewo-c ship service sitb the byme, 'Ait 0 HOSE Elail tiseFoirer ofni s Name. Tise Sciptuce irai taken tram MILTON DBPARTMENT Galatians 5, verses 13-18 and 25, follotved by tise hymo, 'TelM STORE LTD. tise ld, Old Sior'. A 90cm 'A 200 Main St. Milan TR 8-9261 Frayer for lise Middlc-Aged" iras rmad and lise wîrhip service ciosed ils prayer. Tise minuteso-el-c rt-dThce Br Cenr rrasorcr reported a secy suOc- BanCe er rexsiîîl Floo-er Lunciseun. TisanE k you cards sverre read. Tise crtil Staîls and arn caîl sens aosxvrertibv reciilît Equipment «ylîir favorite Bible veset". The1 re ii liste evening o-as spent rît- ~Replacement Chain joyanly oils ganes and con- trits in charge oif Mns. Garnet Hamilton and Mcx. J. Niixon. Tise y hotebcservid a deliciios lunch,. a Yu June 3 Anlvernery imOSWayn Congratulations and gelai 048188 wvisites arceended to Mr. and Mc. Ricky Roland on tise oct-as- JOHN ion oif their xrcdding annivers- arJane 3. RD E A Mr. and Mci. Bennett and Mr IGE A and Mns. Les Rutledge attended MILTON lte double fanerai tof Mra. lBen- netî's ister and hec isnbaod, Phone 878-61 75 Mr. and Mrs . J. Webley Lauie, KETÇ CHIC Any of tise above weed sprays The Carnadien Champion, Wednesdey, Junc 2nd, 1965_ COUN Y O HA TON are available at isardware stor- O UN Y FHA T N es, feed stores etc. ceiving the mont attention on grapes, beans, tree fruits ie., ln tise farm these days. fields adjacent to roadways, are 00DCO T O L Oe word of caution, tinougis. Tisra e coonmnetded inviled toi pont "2, 4-D Suscept- Alfazine, Simazine and Linur- ie Crop" waroiog signa. This kiE~ICIf you isave a newty seeded on are thé three herbicides rer- witl aid municipal roed aulisor- Pt N EW S ,V lawn, do ot use anything ntrong- ommended and quite widely os- idies in spottlng thseesascept- BYV.E.McRTURer than 2, 4'D Amine. In tise case ed to preveot perennial and an- ible cropa. B V.E cRHRany of tisese pruducîs, you may ual weeds fromt reducing tis he sreanwitsgaae WEED INSPECTOR epetgond resuits if you foi- coco yields. Thiteey may 6e _________________________________ rpetgrain cr ils Te a eavailasie freetof cisargetram thse CHEMICAL WEED For enample, the spring dande- tom thse manufaelurer's direet- applied as pre-emergence or Ontario Deparîment of Agricul- SPRAYING POPULAR lions are easily conîtrotled witb ios. niepnieknpakpt-mrgnesry o ureo Office, Milton, and tram th.e Tisese arc- 16e days ohmn we 2, 4-D Amine, Chickweed, Black sprayer is a vecy good 1001 for in reatity miracle ehemnicals tor Weed Inspector. the application ut lawn weed weed control in any kind ut are api ou smett 2, 4-D in the air. Medic and other lawn weeds kitters. coco cr09. They o-lt kiti ait sEacb yeac. more- and more that are resistanl lu 2. 4-D cao amr r luwe pa-weswt boueyn am Soe h er oetfr peuple are! tucning tu chc-micats bc cotrotled salistactorily wilht h Frsaeas edsry e wcs or ueynnar.mkycicBafoettr tui conîrot their o-eeds. This isx produets sucis as Silven, Met-o- minded Ihis lime ut vear.l16co-. preven lion synchol in Canada 3,aveii'doed trend. since il saveS cr09 (M.C.P.P.). F ur erabgcass. Pt-ne bottoms. meadows, spcing Roadside wec-d spraying wiii and t6e United States, oas res- iciîîiie anid 1aber cduo-n un in the npring, several chemicats grain etc.. are amueg ithe areas also soori 6e in upecation. Rt-si-itord from a torest tire in New- iîiir kme scig.ptiîg r1arrcmeddcg aist. tack. iliiueier, pipeî y 1e ttc-uts crîîuisg 2, 4-D susceptible' Mexico in 1950. He nuw cesides IlLi lu eco. jZytronTrilnr n and Banac o pa non o peato e - u opssu le inatces, toînips. n lIme Washington Zoo, F R ND SPIID nd in the Areu.. my Hood E-UN Restaurant of Highway 25 878-6028 Milton ipli U R1N G -.. -- FEATURING FEATURING ICY FRIED FROZEN CUSTARDCRS DAR- OLENONE :KEN CONES - SHAKES - SUNDDONUTS *BURGERS ENJOY OUR QUICK CONMMNENT -.- TAKE OUT , SERVICE 878-6028 MURRAY NOOD Ownor and Opcrator BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BY STANLEY CONSTRUCTION COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL WORK 853-2259 - 853-0849 ACTON, ONT. FRESH DAIRY PRODUCTS BY PARK FARM DAIRY Lxo1ýclni. le icbo 1 rc-01î Mîik - Chocolaio Driink - Cicdm BASE LUNE RD. MILTON 878-9723 *FRENCH FRIES Havngxered Milon ant-Idistrcrt-h e pasl 12 years n food prodocîs. o-e are adding anuliser connenience 10 sere oC 90 ee better-Murray Hood Drive-In Restaurant. INDUSTRIAI. CATERING AND VENDING 5ives top xvi vice lath liseîdusîry of lise towe wiîis ils lunch truck. Vending marisins are also, estcblised and sernîceri in althie rinium iclusirîs and ai oiher siraegic locations. MURRAY'S VARIETY, on Base Line Rd. ix o poputar stop o-ih o romplete lier l ofvricty gooris. Drop on andi sec us aI our ncw locatlnrt-at oon. Opcning Friday. Our thanks to the following who have constructed this new drive-in restaurent and those who wiII be supplying us with top quality products ta assure your complote satisfaction. LOTS 0F GOOD LUCKI C and F YOUNG LTD. W HOL ES AL E EXC~LUSIVL SUPPLIER 0F CIGARETTES AND JOBACCO CONFECTIONERY - SUNDRIES 'i-toîuy treli CGonds - Fasxt Fricndîy Ses nice" PHONE 824-2911 GUELPH, ONT. WELCOME NEIGHBOR We'II b. jaining you scoat aur new location on thc Base Lino BUST WISHLS FROM TIP-IN TIRE SALES LTD. 459 MAIN ST. L. MILTON 878-3131 * COLD DRINKS TOPS IN Vending Machine AND Lunch Service FOR YOUR BRUCE NOOD ManagerIndu tilCatcring LOCATION and Vendlng Service ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION EMMS ELECTRIC IrlcJustridI - Commercial - Domestîc Wiring 146 ONTARIO ST. MILTON 870-9731 DELICIOUS FRIESH CHICKEN PROM HALTON POULTRY PRODUCTS Suppliers cf lise Doicous Chicken that wil hc Sorvod Kentucky Styla et Murray's Drive-In GARDEN LANE MILTON 878.440 BEST WISHES- TO Murray Hood Drive-In Restaurant PROM AL 0OF US At TRAFALGAR MOTORS LT. VOUR FORDFALCON DEALER 409 MAIN ST. MILTON 878.2369 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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