-------------al O Oc at çC 9e-aà l'Ilabc 45 luis oeoi-k. Il-.s ono of thoso radic-r doisive birth- as, libe 13, ced 21, and 30. Oc- ]v 10 5cars beloro t-l iehomidIe- aed. A god flima tuaisain op. One thing that sirikes ine iv tho amoonu of lcnk a tel- cari cee colecet in scch a briel spcn. I came mb 16te asartd o'iihouu c stitch or a nickel. And le onIv four and c a if decados, t have acquircd a cumber of stitches, cant 400 nickais, a hauso a iub toc marugagos, a car clubh 12 pas- menus o go, tIsa teeni-agers 10 pul thi auptu animrito, and a %itea crronulv talkieg op the giories ah anataatie disbh mas aser, NattlauîmentionîaîîmuceItoo ola f urîitore bats li due tobcbe c- placcd, a hasamont flthof cm- pin botules, a baol shed al cf as t ouis cnd brokon bicycles, cnd an attia hll of 'nlck aqair- BuEa hv u Isc îcosutplieis aboutlife. t oas fhocront et the huter in aur familo, cnd groun into c megificent phy- sisal spccimcn, toworing tine ol ciglition lut dav.aindO tippiîmg hie avalesciiata ltrap- ping 130 n nia ai nter 00cr- cocu1. Ansi ssIliai ,î acalimg tihaîu îmcagm c machine has taken in 45 ocars l Vve been sea-ick and air- ,sick and iov-sicb. lac roilcO o cir lna acar, i ash-landcd ilea air-ral, and smashed dno a steel bridgeataitop spaed on mv hi-e, trie been becue n ia oun- coscicusceas by c gang et Ger- F 1Dom MAYBE YOUR CAR lasitlibe stantueg poaponhy. Maybe yocuve blat a ce iutin orn nac-h~aisai adsiliesni s roccumv. Or peobhapa ymure sail11 puîoohzeal lvislimtainu- tioing squcak ia the6c hallu Misicr. vsua ca lIn hava îîuaiiuug le cemplain aboot. Rald tiis Ictet lathie Eliuli', chuah happoarecd le the lioraohcss Agc nmagazine miiiApril 9, 1902. ladioilo iisciesa Age: ca ml tbveavneo ol ac siaaîai - riagv-ntade by a cipanv taslias a god eputation linbe rade Ion daieg gaad saook. Thevvanriagc is aitm esponive anc. as I behiieeh best oh angihieg s 16e sheapeal le lIe long rcn. Bcung ia posaessar oaikcstea-ni vaou'iagc, I ciii ii-Cwiu sc sascar .il the tolu auuheas arlriage la hcfi- la, wsîbihu, hlie msas,t1cui hacîpy' tatcai-v - huaI uder- "Nain.Mr. Etolr, t1soc-lio tllNsacne anc i eotroublec, and ask yoar advice. bal belore doing ami t aisb ta ask the privilege cf gis img the eiantilactuirars ut huile dig' broglisthe umediuai ofo journ.all t ult heuieni kmîaa lIai %Ce lcve thonui (nuletsa'tlv or thic renies iuban banceinade), butiluorte trulesiWarisallethumes bas c, anîd avuicl sacsaithcya i n,animd blt iuasiui vî trom a tloephone tu a p ruast bealb6'v mv saIf ubcrc s lhardly a scratch Outhoardhv. Fao brokosuI lgersaia and nase llhroc imeý mcad hommorbeidsancd ors. IPao bcd rmv scalp1 en hov a lmckov stick lmrsîeo. Iie had i ced maimpsancd TB, favor and bursitis ar ose and dsetry. And oct, amazingtv,i caraas.,s presses ce. Sig haarieg ie souciSlasi ihaough nmeling is goni ciecls. Apptite is uit and [lie etd stomaeh car ,tnthieg bat brekan glaý ad lii haieo thieaing ai chauuged saler. but lare sv mnal nuadola Enduranca iselt as la h o . t catidi*t oards aut tp spcod if tl Iimselu maecolafter me, rod-hou pitchfcrk. Hut1 1l*v ahases us Sccda.v teachers, vcu'hya'err> 1cli st aa'Nimîîa feus I y'ard. and tramp ka ireat ol goof coutrse hall La doos c das> . I can sill sut up a and argue about poliesc me n or religion. I clin stili gel esciteo an idea or asocgoralp a picy. I can silîl thrihl ight aI a beautilul g1i big liishar a hll mec bluebird, or a bsatfirc. VN(S) IN WITH E Blossom Time JQTTINGS DY JIM DILLS lu w mi s s s 10 a Wa Wa B * THERE ARE seme beauti- ful floral dinpleys, some attrac- tive lcsscms and a profusion of weeds if oua teck erond. Ail is net beauîy, hosacrer, acrding te a recent article turced crier te me by a reader. * THE LEAPaIf the pcach troc looîks liai nalsas sai il calainasoana ut [lic laosi siaagciaas pisaas kacan.Ilî'vcvlavaic acid, accoraI- tee ta the article. Dcadly Cyacidc is packaged i tiga cI the cherry troc and the bcat blades cf rho- barb contain csalic aid thal causes kidcey damage. * APPARENTLY tIle r e a 'r e more Iban 700 apecici cf pIents tbat arc kcoarc te banc caused colnsseor dcaî,h - some cf the plant sac comrmun tIbooro onhonte gardans. * POISON FR000 theo ubof cereissus. hyaicth atnd a can cause nausea, vcmitti diarrbea and can be fatal. tively stripcd "demh cai tbe famiiar "elephant cai ccltain crystats cf caleis ae srhich ceose painfel cf the mcutb and longue aaocgh 10 lose off air V aI tba ibroal. * MISS MARJORI M, ecior et Home and Edoca vision cf tbe Greater Nei Safeto Cocait, alsc me that onec bat frcm the po can kilI a child acd Iheri cugh poison cn a dime pa castor hean socds te kilI Ii dren. * THE ARTICLE aIse agaicat ibbling ce laur dendron, azalea, dapbco, t cnd visteria. People ha, mecly tract ca ticg sIcal laffcdits mre spearcd silb cteiodcr sticks tig and acd reaslcd crier a lire. ar" and * BERRîFS ARE always ai- rs" hcth tractirie but Miss May waras thal. m ceaI- bernecs trom igltsbcdc ccni swelicg moocsec'd laiah rosembles silal e severe grapol cas kilI. Jimsowccd ia[- Passages sa callaîl stinkaicd oai ibaai file) f.o%%., in i d i IAY, aih'- Paisoiiilig- thl a caOati a t îticc di- mYork O IF VOl) MUST gel ygoar ticced greens aild, ordiiarv cao grass inselîla ia sale acis il is hoarily coalaîl oe is e- sith insecticides. Bai tccoc tbe sacket et svild msrcoms tb thaesperts. finic chil- *; WITH CAMPING a prealani satmoer acluvito tbe salosl sol- t wariîsotice in dcaling silb svild plants, ir rhc- ifinc îoabt ia to lcaas'thacia lana. leandor Herrios bava al slrangc ttaictiioa .v dical for ahildran cnd a litîlo iaîrning ks thaîl in adaca caac pay aivialcaîs. :rythitîg paiae cI 'o. Vol I cîîiîîî liiig iad liîil sîî- itd tocs clicss tand aia iiîariiîîi. ltn aI). Jsve ulrsioiiiaciiteas, gîî i(,\- bangos- os ald liilIa chliol ahI laid op- andîie%%-îcsalîlica. lioiigiiiiaiiici aad i asal l iiinltoscîiibiaîiîs tacastos scarict Nu a l iîîan îld l iici id piak Pioasc donttiaî i 'i i giag.Wiîaî 1 lin îiilasi-if irga paaaiai ibii-aiii thc cld lîîn or a aan gaiii si-andi;i ght anal ioteutic conîisolaioniî i i ia a hall, b ils o%11liaralacicaiig ll iai a comp- 45. npaircd, i handtc A ltlaitiipeoplei iii Ii' il1 t .Hi- ' ciiîîlai aîîls lise il îiiii ,krlii id banc slatt alladau "Not i 111. ilI ocig- h o ,liaiiic, alla. iliiili i vi il tac.,ifor .îîîsViae aevii t-ci 200 Theaîlii'illîîIl poil, as, .11 th dcvii ager: ailiag i lase liali a sn ith a loocliilituncs; iii a îjoîli imi l lierarc- tcaîibaî. aaî'scsiia aadid- SSchlae c as andil:%fin, iloc - iiii kicks as a lg ii plt plisilcali saidliialua nd nandroil plo asi 1.la, iago aci kîda. tý t us I %cckiilois' ýpipi ci ii: ig n miles clhoul icailici.Aad lehaýw,, Ill niglat i a l aiso% diili'i I îîi ici ýiII et asu- hi -altil&IfIii..ii ail liai-1 %scck. .d aoot Na sa. VIra bail a odisi n ocmaor Aad tigoale la-ccp iiiiian lo the -runiiiig. Wii-in85,i 1 Oh I îîîî iror a ha i-aoc rin ilahie i ile alle te, or a i's.' flt aI îîiîi il sîl. Sî %'ho piîic lias s I lo t in e c ý tli aoc iiiili a tisucilci.iii THIS CORNER ROY DOWNU ilcir imo. Whuouî cammmamt bussi aataomobile frontîa rprsnauuve il somte eonîpaey bc eaturetiy cappasea blat the reprosetalive passesses 6flccesasknaus'hdga loa cquaiel the prospective pur- ciaser of is machîinc- vulla saisie vital poiets (hat il is absalatein ieccsary la keoir, se that if 6e lc an oodinarilv intelligent mlii lue nia v auccssfuiIg manage bis machinea cI caIsith caralell sical ofcItlicpîlîmird mîîcitîcal insiieuctians le sheuld reseive. "Blutif eis ahîtiiie thuta cgsmd mîaîmo mîaîulatcrau s ceci -lic gib iîmîged man vhao is a gced tabker bat dacca't keoiri Beais' about meahacsa. t havre seen s leani car- iages by 16e ecadaide aie, vilit hem civiwe ras tendicg by chiner- ieg iIh figbut. Iihave scenaîbher omneseof carniages sabo arire dlownaen theur beeda and keoca le flic mcd, trving tb cdjast santie pinai f1te machinenvavhich gct diaraîcd. bat as, a rue hey oc-cgettiug dccpct i roiimubIcle l flimelima hv o alpossassing thc kelovlcdgv-o'hirb abactd banc bcac impaoted te lbem by the manuatcrers arho scId thym baoir carniages anddIe oly och tlhcir cash. And le qceslionieg sanie i Ithese peaple u%%ho aro le trocble I ind ihat il is the old, ahI clar - 'Iulotît klitovarat- iisg about t lis onr I1(11 acilthe agoni neyer tout nîsavîtat la dît n susba cnergecey.' "Stiii, il aiicîmlan Inlle lias a 6aailtîl lbook Ii o l ii uc- fcsin ii hus paci-a lii i ai loti of Ilium ha', pili mi i aîs mal 15' iy alim a I l, i h u 'iillllg fron msbusoak siuoa Ili a sac doasnmi gaoghu. cand ciii stitggle uhitotuaiil tu- o l hum ,i-c il llit sieoflime parts oi ils iciiacli 111 "limie Ioarl iiiuc al , Ilc'i Ile otiuooîlmo ini aliiiisiandil1 IlIcsaidi ic pis ilhll iîl i d oiul aI ls cligilia. Ilisl"l levvci, %%,as stillin iiplace,.flia lisislu le bciuug bat l io platecoinadug hlic hamus iii plac ,uuuuuui lima cuani- pinu iîad %oaî i-cîl iuîîusc Ici-vsli aas lhii iiiri i -i flime halls acuillatpimi e uîlîcu a ahoîg flic oal li ut Ihu tlinNsav Jarsoy. ws at mal)ii uluua a m21)1v is s i hîome aîillî hlic sî,îiuuc ili fas appmmucvliimp.andmii is011vls tiatîble %sacs titiflici'ifron iutmilo his auto luadIlthr aalu cn Luth ciirly cIl andîl le a oiri]Ill ire lias gamie. 1eIiasmîmuuuIci, iiiandîl i ui Iiil le imemuca'î-iî- rudamnI the vaislsmt in ivîdl iti ssiiiiaui ai psri'iiale llas. Ilhua Itig ssccs in flis- ni hlo iis o mola ima-lle a-cuill\%as us Il mudtirel11la a-sîlac ithum Ille N uîsuansm-livamî lei iuvumuikas il îbrobceis, indroran I (itiusiig bamr l i le I nîr l0 ,j1 i ai' i tissum l r i large ecaiigli la cîmmlo ,r1ime shfilîcofmilliimhreamdIlitI ho acreats ouithebrci cmad tie un- coma the airain? Calt soînuatav Mc? I starîcd b acri a sîtnieaoailit\, niitrIoable, huithase acoitiema 5 iuaebout fithIroubles eofalli- era that I mcat detern ce sume fotuce ime.' THE GOOD OLD DAYS= GLANCING BACK TO 10 YEARS AGO Taken from the files of Tihe Can- adIen Champion, liane 2, 1955. The local esecetive et the Hal- tes Adviscry Board et the Canad- ian National Icclitole fer the Blind this meak aonoeneed eom- pîction et the ancual campaige sith recoipîs iatatting $1,300. Can- la scais %veciunalcr the canvener- shiiîaiMi s.M. F.Goiaiiisluaiho D.E. Municipal coanicils of Milton, Esqucsing, Nassagamege and Ac- Ian cltedcd a meeting mith mcm- bais at the North Haltcn High Sahoal District Board and repre- seltalives of the Dcpartment cf Education, le Stemaratosan hall on Monslay avec ieg cf Ibis wcek te coîasidao the pcssibilily of the Norh Hallon Board selling the cxsslîg Milton Higb Sahool ta the MilIen Publie Sahool Boccd and cnstnueîieg a nem sehoct, Georgetowncuncil mas ccl rcp- resecled et the meeting. No decis- ions sacre reacbed le the meeting as aIl cuncil representatives sought more lime to consider. At the annual moîher and dcsphicr banquai of the CGlIT. il Si. PasIa lUniced Chcrch, Linda aad Migai ci Wluoîoall more eccb caîîai LIaIUTpins for their sari -an varions points cf flac geara mwork. Carol Rene Gallcway mas pre.seolcd wilh a bettcn and erest and Donna Hamiltcn and Marina Hall reeeived crests. Fielal Day Champions et Miltcn Pobhlic Sehool ce Pridey et lest weck sacre Doug MeCutehecn, scnior chcmpicfu; Linde Crueix, seior champion: Ruth Anc Sher- att, iicermcdîato champion; Bil Ccrric. junior champion; and Mar- garet Hcrry, junior champion. GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO CMERRY BLOSSVMS ARE BLUOMINU on the I-ries an dustitol araidanad if the blosseais aie erg inidcation of a gocai crop lu abealci b2 aîîîrpor geai. Thia photo was icueri ai hie Haues cîclîcîda con lIe escaîpaicril mcclf ciMltonî. Hffuton-DSunr Conty .. . Thea ti.a loaionîoa I elaino 16e paîb oh is.-mopliar gravub bas barri the salairol oh coasîdoeisbla paîda loa îîa muiiapl adl- n tadois eadculîcauls. Tir dficlîof aqcooiiig tlia vîcfcîlia ecctaoh uts positioni as ocaofhOntrimos îîîocl puogresvîcrtclîs mas 0e rcole lasi maci- it t hia puliccan oah le OGarie Saiîslîci Rcvaa ý.Cauîlî ieblicthepracvice voie lsîrd eîîd aîîkel îîîîdoa varely ch classificationrs. A stahfer oh his papar bkei -Isehie caid soula tu sorai-t Hllo risstaoi gaîîd lii aias mpariea in Iii caler- s issae. Tietr alîgi seadcnîeic cria.husad oui 1961 cars iaiagorris Ihai aee riea riavsaie- aihel oltdaeod bici-i ricihielrss recealuvq. Hleon had the gaaa'eai geevîb un pepa- cIo liai crrri en195i1 ead1961, the igheal peî calage of peola earig cor$6.005 a yod , ha greloî ainpourepîle diaposall icai n thelaveraegehcunîuyicooaioania iuia laraîcie registatîionicroasocs. Se Wugter Wise... 'le oviimai oi suasual ucis mcgpauli a-i mu--ami1 p y16e C.mmadîcuî Rf dCia ss ahb mliii 1 1/Ocui..laoli- oam i-igco 1964. hic i a aîulp cof Ibei-acascalfiios iv sciiedfhaoc cccliii-acîmuleýs, sccimciog i-ici fli.ig nioa iter. i-ou 25 lus encoofaI Ibedruvi-ocu(s wmc aisu lc1c li iccauîirui.1sipslls Ma-iI o huai-o i uhds imapa uicaica nmica cauvai Ii li-ec cavand ao aabocls.Gi-ai 19 gairoceit of hlIe cîsoasu ga oasîrriai aila vcois wcne-a u o i i-adi-g. -i-gb aan hai ic -is ii -i-rtv, h af malrasoh hcfiii-g i-oc matai Acl rLt20 ( auoros17lpeu amui fuccmuied ii. .uu'.e ap ot theur blac uuumiuîuî-Immîîgaor îluaiqmia h li c- culeufi1 c f vaîvu Tbîs louali aiuclcr, ýoc 73 lu-i ii'. l l o uîlsbc all sicl-. olui-uil. sifdlvi c cai-eludtomus li cd mch vaIer. TheuRPed O ras- dmavuusg ieisicmu i-ai mi ua-m intola),mjr glous. sbav liai hlIl citi-c ucmirceprucalcgiaor iedeî, lia marc Iceimeeuu ýceci mi u12, 224 mari ba Our Resources .. C ia'sîvaiîssc)ubcia htuila fliec' Ici ai-rNfionial wmi16 Gi-murialuc sCarit- muaiacaiaenî cuiip as long es c i-r uhsîcirme- -ai-i os rs mîu,mumuîroductiae. The cîîceaaiucs ofi- ac iIu, valet. sras, licsaiaid vuliluha Us aseu.1Ilual ma aip haILaui îmoscîeuup, lualth i-ad baîiocc.. hI-iidca la lia scccîiîg au, u)cnmuuuamacuîc o h cal ilucifc ie- gos, caemm Mo icipaciiehâavle a ldciipleîindicaation oh file pbnrriaaigiovîthuas lhog augole 1he oapaadlirqseruaicaîai1airaaioîs caidbug- eouî.vg dobaîiaîa debîs. cidieatiss ar balincailsaes ie a ip-l 205 porct ntihue 10 geai îarocd. la ibis gromîbhoecouiolp sfs coriai nlg la s îicrig vriip loi ai dPari oaaîîls. liccii..ic(l i Hulcî vwiii Cantinue ho 'Iiai ear oc ii-cm hall vag Ilbîaagb fli vetyod deiaaîîd the ba-l69 gîvvilb bas 5hownriouic igi-. ci ubctiivg Picouîîîîg loi si-clugrcvib uaclcîîes haro- cîglîlvai omi- othaeiamahîof cmucipealcaid couiolpgovuiisî is vise lor cliaens la gi-re dochuacltouagltlao bis imtportant esea icehosa elooliova roll arcuaria Hclooasprimeîoocion. i-ad tliaIof Mil- ton afif-s hbr, i, c-Ho-i-Jcc-i-s avanb ibarigo va bhaivont Iric amid oh gel If mve aie irpaead fi-a ps-gi-s viii haba n- ficiai. fvccci. -lic i 2 1,2 10 ei-i aviera 22 enai :33l 169 cre ib(tCCri3ci- aoid-16cadIlia iq'.i-li'lOoia ...i.i-l190ioi ecciollrui- I îuaacuî as i-carfliacâge cf d16. rb s criicgrlg liai sc- mny Cedîcoddis -iclifocdi caimomentCoie-boa hep vouacil- ici mm)gi-lie. 'olar-'. Waiersaiîe hou unii ca va bo inkrouc ancdîaos sha li ai- tiauipdte in il andilai-e advacaeaofi cci al- lia iygiosias. Homecer, ihuvu'sa rîgbi mcwaicana wroci- iay tla ri-joy vamai rcca- cin i-c Ib vs-i-i-cap s la Evc ignoantloh lia oiogrru sheseol i it.lh1e îîgbî map.as ic, fe ( i sa -o i-lIra is, i-c , -otue sviai-ivo Aliuso c ii ci e. yp aies mou- ci ii h iiiuî Ifiipeil l- liîab uti-i isîJauger-,.aod-icmw-.bi-mîot)a-maoi -i.îvr iuc ivlbcoî imi-rb6lai 12, r. Redluua'alf au Slai MarI i- canada ,Wacurgeacaîpyoae Ioauci-o aul b1oHirS ýf) ci aloîua hu vaai ise luiSs ci)ii oi-ai c(Ii-iîkeUcsi flibcc ie Li-uismale wir mviic hi-o. la ai-i i-ripy dc Cancer itmaAs"ilan i-il baoep, alîp lir iliils bouicJllss vcalui, anfis le oilai eempiîa recofCuscandHannibaa, voegîcal pavais oaaip ailce uap îo.cýced lhîuîidaîîui ucsouîuîc, lusaliIusuru-aî mumamu ilic iliiiavaýlilcic Iccavîces luccauuc ie-- lia aslch. The Ca»ian duChampion Pi Il ie lIl le DlsP fln n ' its ii 1hC. 1id ludii, tr i-Ict îG.sA ii. Nlaý,iamllchl'l 111h dursA. Itili-, Ne%%sl'OmIs-r PaRt, oli So ,uo. mr'Mimiagou-lovdrl'arkir lahiushrul cmliv Wrdjiursdav ai l9I maJin SMii Ian. Gril. Momber ncilIhe C W.N.A., ho Oiiaruc-OmarbecvDis usuoti .W N.A.aud Canichuce ComomîmeiitriNewspapier,,,Repre- sciiaaiaNs. Suîbscoiptiuus payablecin ad- lanlce, $400 iii Canada; $700 iii alit va hoes auhen tItan Canada, Aailîio'cd as OccanalClaýsMail, PuaI Ofice Doparbuocait, Ottawa. Ai ulxti-rît u 11 cg i , ., , i'I1 t I f 1i t 1mm tfi,11mima g liimuflicacrui rit a mauserarbihi dermo, m i ,, inlJ 1 ti, a inaiarlusac -,plawr ro îuîuulhi thuri musm.uuasel, - uscemr amu l uumsmuuah alai .îmucfoir -inht 11111 nul bru i-aicoolfor. hui thra Isime olcu lue auliucrîusrnmsim111heusauclor tara hcaapplîsisîr cr. 'lI l i a'aau lii ipim.ti îl l iii' c d ucisuggîols moor hlicOs ci a uioang pikce, pgsh uol ,c-muses nuav rut bh o oh. AaIlacu iiîg ic,îhrelv asuelcr la sali aod uuay b- bdu'hiiýta etlima,. Takeus frein flice fileu cf Tise Cen- aullan Champion, May 31, 1945. A oelatondeal meeting mas fl ai[ Mîîîîsas veniag la the TFwi Hai llcur lar thapopse0or- giaîiiiîîg -la Miltan hardbali icana. Oliicois lectaîl mere president Fi-ai Miils, vice-presidant Sam Raîîîl, sacrtary-îrccsorcr Aies cio, oscalvu e embera Peter 13ii:acand Don Tolcta. A comn- îîiaa iloftlîrc xas sappeiîîtcd. Doit Talalia, Jack Bu aco and ClilI Hostn ta manage the Juniors. flac Plaque symbolieciftaking thei hiphasi positian in Haltan t îaîîîîa iniehaEîghth Viaîari-v Lace lias piascalea i a ocrv fine crient in fi-c Priaccas Thctre hara, as i-ih o-as altendcd ho man v cil- iïoas Sandas nîighi. Dr. Carl Mar- tini o asahairian and tald tha audience boa'flihe ast dan of the lcaaaaaa'flcagreatcsi bond bsa'ialg (iao oaa, but urgcd cîlizecs ta iu eut-aailier ilathaecapaiga. Mis. Harald MsGracîî%las ec ccl t'acreisleit uaiflits Hoatae atîd SahîmîîiA samciation for the geer 1945-46 ai tha closing Empire day esorcîses. Qibe rs dcc ed iceiode haonarar * pre.sidents L. L. Skoce, Rer. S. A. Kirk; lirat vice-presi- doent Mrs. Campbell Wilson; sec- ond vic-prosidont Mrs. S. Lochie; sece-tars' Mrs. Charles Anderson; i reasarer Mrs. Ceci] Wood; c- cillai-s Mrs. D. Wilsoan, E. W. Fos- oer, Mos. C. N. Kerr, Miss M.-Gem- ma-l., Mr',. M. E. Marchand, Miss I. Mint. Miss A. Fraser, Miss B. Bai-ton; prugrcm convener Mrs. E. Downsand progrcm commit- lc mombers George Hord, Harold Whlcl, E. W. Poster. G. Gaie- land, CC Pîcheit, Mr. Snader, Miss Fuaîhl.-i--ia and Mi-. F. W. Brwn. A piccanlatin %sacs held 1n Hî'aakoillc Hall on Monday eve- niag in haonar of Mr. and Mrs. Ha'nmîIrKi-liv, the foaumer beieg Miss Sadia Bock. Tha couple mas lrned o iuhi a china cabinet, living raaînl table, chenille bcd- spread, table launp aed table mur- GLANCING BACK TO 50 YEARS AGO I alkelfrinteiseflesacfliseC-ais- adiau Chamepen, Jlne 3, 1915 'liii- nachincetotle ruuîkug shela or the Bu muusb armo la bc- îag instahlineb P. L. Robert- -nCes luaterr and salît hopet ilioaoa i--c ia asaon as pos- v uuhîlhClea hlual fiuhc Uniîted 'si h-s lil lihaRed iasa: b% ooaho i lie eaodcuî pa tvatauAS.Wil- iiiotC i ola uiFliduauaumuumiig, Jolie tilli. Lacalinu puagrans Se pjicclos Daacau R. CLas,,ei- Ici id oToîrontoa, fluasMonu- 1 e i tic , of Toimaa' uî' U amll. î\is lPîi fer (' .Riîs'siern iulaumîl an Iii muai, bsad.Jines aili u i uuu \t.îimmSiieu. uuîsuî cMc- ibli-nIii hl, t liluegai-dcii psr- ha liouuî 7:30. h5' imie o-av. Fouine pouesti- ice Rd Cross. A fair- baaae gu-ccucd the per- lau mnceof 1he Milto Minstrets an Fi-id-uv ovonung, le aid cf 1he Citii.ons' Band. The receipîs mere aboat $60 and as the expenses ocranuint heaso, a gacdly som 1111 oahae ueci cecred. There licabaut 25 cou- eartiass10 thel cala panv oub hSam Henson ,a iii ta-ocuumm. The mak-up saas gali the cav anoond, partie- uilarîha bauof ftisalooir endaie, in iail soîus. Fiee chorus sirging ac aoic. Tho quaarîeîue by Msss.a oulina, Rabertson, Han- sorad Adanîs %mas avoii sung and sacs cmcocd.Ahi ioai- n cd-mac mche giiiil buti J. Adamîs deserses su)Cicial itbcuîiUu, AROUND NEWS *mDISTRICT HRXMI1 ION Ail 2 17lat. i toal ot cf 14,778,770 is bciiîg pIli'iiiLha li CePo! llîîilalBoRa.ii0i. ichototal 'l"' liimalald c gîca iiaiill siiiilibtti 3,920,300 aI-ti Il biîi,1iiiiiisi liec ,ieIsad ialla, l'c!tiîcnt bas beau asked l)Ili îaiiiîiic 4.000lper hbcdi rI i aicsiiiiiiil $200.000 ihuai bcrai*sed 1a sali lit dils., Illa. taili iiaaaiflic pioic s eilcctad te si.îi ni ii Iiig oil <ira a %il ,iii -iiicliîîa s.hcdcl ci or aaily 1967. AI IN - "Iri aili-c titi ontîliiteis. 1lirais, acidsanad gar- ii, ,,i; nlIii' 11 pe ouple i,! id l ais iîî nc, i muit 1 the i'si k cîfl i'% i o i i l ia ( î'.IIIiia iiIl .iiîa' ('it)i a"C iIbcr'II iii C naIierce lists . erAidicai M- Ii/iic l'bi a.gi-IA t la i075 lacah sa Il il i llie sIaLl o ie Iii'îcciliiiiiii o ms ii ii iîcs 11100( il ili consno .11(1i 4-l itlcmci le 11k ia aiîh\ miaii i aaop of jadges. .iîîiiiii g iiiii mi'iiii Scliceil bai 7, lirS1. 111101INIllN Iî'î I aid, .îiniicisrlîciof tthse 0lIiiiolî hca,iîailcch aIili(ai,î'iai.iiiaiigcilicailr. llgIiagiaiiciiaietIiia c ommeriiiiice'ccFlic ii'l iie\\' iise iagiaiisîiilany \ciris i %a i iicc i iflic lliiîi'llîîii Juniioîr Clîatiiber ioCommiierce .11,1 IlileOiiaiit il/ a i. DvIciacIi iiCbaîcsahle vr, Mr. i a iitilcd lii,- Ciiiîtliaiil îll ii, iii ( li 1giiiohi s (iiManiage- [vd isflic .iiiliaiilCaiîiiîr ai Commerceaii.at the IiA I 1'l - Ailalîî li ft ilicil it filic sîiiuh cîcii ofO.kviltc aîîîîî g 1111_, 1 iii'îl g 'l i hi c I,ii a stWi accla lo il,'biiî Nsas lest Iii ii Ilîi i i itiz,,i iIl,'iicî-iî tbe tlîkiiila c îl lAils building ,i j Rciiîîls Stici'tiaitIî Il sîlcilalo l'laa LI,' Lii s al ci-. Police oiii-.i.iiilîi ci ilalini.incieîi îînîi)s'aidiiil I theilisa nmite tiI CRGI'.1WN -"I a, aire-it pciplîr valior haîr asoîrsa and ýofI tîiiicuriail llasiir ui (iibbonas aI a leei u Ii1n îc li0 aýliatiil a lci' i îfrontîflic Rcîl Croiss ,îsked that beilc (:12 icic Walari Slat l Wck. llîarrlic iiagad bis tolase ii it inRoc RW lii,îilicicil i motîioni aiitiriiang flac ii rfi)i irai iiii Sicia' Weck il Ilic aslici'iisca hou i liîl îîli eceed tiy idiollaris. 'lo"laisîilie arc iii siliail iiîig, iiiiiiîtc the l WEDNESDAV'S WIT Mai, enlcîiî.ig prayhiatrisl s oflice - flima egg on bhcad, bacon caca ricnecar, carmi o oe fliecohier, ceai con backwards, paril legs rollnd i up le blis kieces, carryirig bis sodas, shees aad a ralabil - Diaogue - GDoder, lavecceaie le sec gos about nmy broîberl' 1Sq" "dC SO&6k0. BY BIL SMILE QUOTE OF THE WEEK Mocry neyer rmade a mari bappy gel, ner miii il. ibere is nolbing in ils nature bo prodoce bappiriesu. The more a mari bas, tbe more be wants.-Benjamin lFranklin