CLAY JUBB 0F MILTON, anc ai three Mitonians workmurg at air traffie controilers ai Tronto International Airport t Motion, s shorne doring a "talkdown" session on the Groand Control Approach coesole. He toitows ineoring panet on the ima radar uCopesine iront oa imbit e- aying verbal instuction ta the pliai ta ene a taie laedieg. Qht ïaaîa haîuiou Vol. 106.-No. 1, MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12th, 1965 Second Section ;1 Canada's Air Traffic Controllers Watchdogs of Safe Air Travel By Roy Downs cars inor out of the airpart's cor melnt. Itlssas through the associa- senior men who ntan the GCA con- > Power lailure isn't a nasty word Last year ie Canada, 10.oooooo park. Unscea by mast air travel- tians conenetien ltaI Wednes- sle. With Ihis systemn the GCA arrtued Malton. for there are al- airline passnerst 000 i- cnheres . crew ut 90 "trafhie doy's press tour af ilie Mltion lac- mae gifles the pilot a "talk daown' ways emergeaey generatora and sratcaops"rveledmilins u y 24 hours a day, ses- ilities saas arranged, and il was whtle he charts the planes des- "back-up" systemns. ar tmiles in the nations criss- ee' days a week, eesuring the suie- Frank ONeill wtrho ndted publie- cent and compares tl ta two radar crosig.coflegigveîiaîy-ty ut the plots and passestgetn ity for the cotîtercncc and the beams, onea Irn and a hait degre There has never haro a Canad- cusncnegnvrialwho accupy those aircraft. tout. gidepath îndicating the planes tan air disaster altributed ta ATC stoke -Isus.altitude. and une inen heading for mi1scues, bot contrulteru stl m- The restrunsibitits fur those pas-. Theres nu guesswork allowcd Buicai Hours the centrestrip an the ruoeWay. pirasize the need fur the muet ns-bie e t aiht - tiîraflic contrat - each man Tire geatitng ern buildinîg thtamrndern equipmenl and marc nengers' sint 'yie i lgh sAtb ite tour as a *back-up" systm uti it.rtis the chore af Canadan 23foloss a strict set oft.rtdes and iti trans Ttortonto Ait portsý ATC ccrog a tm oIl air ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b tîaiccnrîes-9 tirepetitian and expertence. Clcari r ctbebs a tcitt ues r onie, CA mtent must kcep te case. They do expertence prob- saiî llcsoaITrolu s lOtfr ide the pilats op and darn c, earperisirttm nelighto cick s-prctc hy making 5 taik leitrn stalic and other radar %% n or e orn os ntr g'marnuso te Ilgunilndi gb Fr dur- everyt ronth su ClaY interierence, and air travelling ta naioalAiire. tîneut16mairprl airspoce Ibat lists m u'-lobb did a practice rue with aunuperiencing such a boom right Miltouites. their jurisdictoî n ue1otts hy nraeiecomning plane imider -imulated note they must be an their lanas Ltrs ssek siritt 16oCana.anan intg or departore every 'zero cundiions, tar the heneltt cantanty la keep op wîth the In- Air- Tîtliic Controliers' Associa- Area Contrai Centre rita-e mtitutes tfle.ning attîltesailtesirsIotItprs. ce-dwrk ttc svcou ireiteralis c luttcred lion annuel meteing te Brampton, Air Traiiic Coîtrol is big* ten rtwititicralil bc.dteg I t-ri or rm One-Way Monologue Rnr ovrain Multons [hi-e ATC repreteetti- Canadta. with 33 Deparîrnent ui tirefitn\ rutrsr .tss. At peak trailic Rcr ovrain tires Frank ONeil, Clay Jubb and Transport cottiraltlosets acruss Itaurs, 'a cirtrîrie ou4hen Tiî- citrlraertnust keep tu otîaies areeansvl ciltltertOs att-tbaccrtnvrsottn tain e be re eing give ay Tant Taylior invited me lu Jute Caada plus 13 termîlnol cotrttl contatct stitt as rnny as 10 sep- miini t e uaI. onliterait talk -. . .a bend eve y r iPrtess tour- ai the ATC centre oeils and ighl large area ciitrot atrtc airciait. M.ihteplt ieal tl ing rcspansrbrlirtieadeeyw jMottait. 1 spetît atevondertul ClrstieIeat i ootaiittiîtti a, hotding. The mailta- spoken inia their telecommunica- sirs ts tciîinrg itutatlitesvoerinte AIsitottî, ssirie unntliciaitttogaeet tbttten on sou are an, i,,qimetisrc-ddi niarttst bce u th1e mosl lu 1939 .11St. Hubeet ait puit t.tir- i nutrietlteess respirlîg: The stlce t!ie tlcatb. eita rtight 240 de Iraseons accipenti nare iascinttng occuprations on record. traritc control \vas bot-n and pi--antixepiliou, lovettenlta air grecs, aur bock on Ilite gidepath ae ia 'et loa lts breathcd a stgh ai retinftot traits. ... and so an. Pilsbasve in-! And bhey are constatlty bcing Various obs 0anom at snomebotis do-n 1ms troctrans tati n caseeoairadio reir.îîned tIn nets melhuds or eew rot is t cuntroiler a-orkieg inoth 1e gîounsl snould bcbe tu Il's stlee.fteethete ha s net-cr t1idure i they dontt ear a- i-rd eqtipment. The Deparîmeet of lu onrittwer. iî glassedîin hetp Ither shen the steotter gai ben ttt ai rnînstct in Canada at-I1 for tive seconds 16ev întst PaîtTranspart ithes du NOT work daîtte 87 tet abrieteh1e groued roogb andth 1e sisibýility dropped îributîed lu îtn ATC mn.eIl's ex- -.Il te stick and conte a roundttfor -wvo t i Iit ield aIt the air- talzero. The accupation grete and Ipelitiaits. tirploutt .t,.,antIook aItiî.tnther iattding. iCotîinueri]rie Page B3) poirt.Frank is a cttnraller in the ,Ttronto became the ient orea te d.ii tolumerutair 1tir lc grrîrntctIirrcetrecther a doen 'centreîîî 1942îrllsedhsrtone ai Buy In Twer mterîstrk tiser titeir rad. -te Mntca and nottiained b%,six src tianetîi dakened room. :others :lrelchingir1rrom neBs tîci.r.t 1tttltirrnl tnt Ci.rt sirkn them reoi,.on a tu Monctonothar le east: Winnipeg,.Iletthc1tet lstitltng tecttrtI. . i n'eciinetd instrumenetlled GCA Edmotonanîd Vancausr oî the toiuer are flite iuiest. tue il's -- Gtocîtd Ciietrol Appruach - ýi Wst. Ittîcrte traîiic issortedlout lui' - isîcitittiits itesperun lte' titîtiiniedti t.keîîin. But sîtten 'tîtît nlkt- t fliictrprîttît Air ttriiic cantîttiet nibtiit t1-Ietetlter s itiislin the ATC sitnit tl n i lot on!i teir att-ltassoctatttt cel itnci i, eci îîîîe-r-- al zetoi\ îîîdlsanie 40 ttîeînben ai iatt i te icleit ed ocpe.le tiî c itt .iv a t lt ol iti a e l g e l e c t the io u tt i al a i ec c t it t g i oîtîtî n lo i t t t t i t a e j u ri il 450 Pla.în,îadaliarîd, oailouth1e assiciatialt intBramîîptonî ttiti-s o lin iset lite kpotlt. Tietet lredasListtteek.ltt talCthbout iiVentliic poitcemetn i titttithi ilScriice, andu l Xidii ii iciot iti Iittsdtit[btics iillt..tic. o i 5c sctt ittîrte acquisintiontîut îîtîîcîîîaodcttcîîîp. tuiit loLLi ub clriii i tic oie .1 FRANK O'NEILL, CONTROLIER aI the Malton airport for the Departrtent of Transport, is shoeen here with John Zahara (seatecli with one radar consosle of the air traffîs control branc h of the airpor. There are 90 controlers woriing at ther Toronto atport, casaii nj flot only arport traffic but also a large area ot Ontario. They chart the flights of încaring and outboarrd air- craft and relay instructons oa pio s toavoid callsons. Hiarold C. Funk BARRISTER & SOLICITOR wishes ta announce the openîng of a LAW OFFICE N MILTON ONTARIO 219 Main St.r Miltont, Onît. bTelephone 878-3512 iirs a, fftce bialding of Hucfîîtson & lotiîaît __ now's the time _ for improving* Do-i-yoosef ...or hove it donc bat corne ta Independent tor thre cash yoa need right now pa t.. treesaed ptants ..agarage..a pato Ir ~o a pool n ecw gott clubs! JtLOANS FOR ANY USEFUL UPS 2, M c mpm-cee pour homo and nrouso ls volue HOW LITTLE T COSTS WHEN YOU COME 7O AUb.iW.1--f- OUR NDEPENDENT FINANCE COMPANY FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED OAKVILLE PORT CREDIT 103 George Streel 361 Cenrintci 65 lak shrp Rend kuci "45-3803 945-289892/4-2358 A. M. Masson R. M. Mumei L. G. Cresier OFFICES OPEN Monduy-Thursday 900 - 530 trîdays 9ý00 - 700 TH-E CONTROL TOWER at Toronto is a ratyplpace as canîroliers gude the liîghts of aircrafi. iriclicing retular srheduled Att Canada aed other orltnes, niiitaty and prisote croit, Tat Taylor ai toaen works in the tomer but was off daty the day ai the press tour onst meek. The skyporti s shows ittflite distance as controlert mark on thei r radar and tetecmu tt nîcations By Frank O'Neill They Police Aerial Highways A descrpiono( al unda sltre c-tttitc-it bn t iir traiirc C-ti- iutal ioCdI Cticttîr olIll Air Traffit Contrai system. litl. Betats f5001 ti. it nil ipsiellte tivci ccult .if i ai ltle s wrtîen hy Frank ONeil of -thitatric-aivCoîlîiion oc ai 1t titi ttiglitt jet,, Ie tîtilet1ilciciii Miton, a Grade 5 Controiler ut btrelrtci ss ii icîrit. tlie-itiicintisit[ t%ýisser itd IleDpartmenl of Tranoporta tîtîtler ivti'ATt. Itltcîîtitci-iii ut- pîîl1rîîîg utit il l iii-iig Arca Contrai Centre ut Moait. -k tîîttit -ci-iiit. Itilitti tti\. tlotttick rîlo[in it csttoiiitiilolstt lite COwlArc sciittar ilvpoetdb ii l loial, iou ir lit titc in Canada lnan- -i n %lc ilg aiiiitg .tiwt.t55 it.tiiii i(C tiPige 133) igitet Ii, Ari, rt ltîtti cntres "i ttt coitlti i ît.tCi ttnlii I'cýiiuiil tCoitin lt-ti ittN, Airp - Titete atc tîtîrdistintct turcs iii t~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i tiiîitrtuestîc esr - lîttc Levui îandtItuii iri T îîriîî andTiis c .îîd ic îtelide i Ctiitiir lît ndts. t-e l.T he10v Lv liii i-i% C ils- iii lite in avtî ie a0nmilesnr%%ide leiglie -Amvi Coi1rtilti lii eC enîdsnlleara viii sceiie li BtsiltrIitentta Aemstraeg patian it usln" iauit_ [1,ilttircîir t, Irenatttog16 ased navigatioalr tti hîrt - i Ti' eti riiîii C ni,îtîtîItwrît isUnîtwr îeîîîltii 25 3milec racirîývCtose ipiictes viit1eai 11,0111iotireparlitire PointIodsia t Ile it- rtpil n datri Ile Ai rîrt i ai it ciita1t-t tuntroi îtc iiwe.tilien i 10 amile to il oirlbii rvdd 1cm-al Figtîway 0 Mîteuccl iantreoftIlae i ral icnei-'etinn rue u e- li ivi tit 1.r c victt c s ii l ititiv il. ci i ig. ii, lt ici i P lo icccll, ai l t cnir ti iicc it ti5 iii tlci li t h\ il. Mllît irpîît cioit 's. Crlli n îîcic ilii i 1 , )101 11) ile ic mi jt a I)Cllcit itil: il icie s- s i p edo tntiti . tCýIit IeCi. ir t tiecitI ilrîolon uit hrîtita the l Ai-i ccnrlte crître ltr.altrc lrtiteets intelcsvI t loitst i . le t s eplaain l ut 45.0(k) il. Theiiet rt-e Iral inttri tal l iair AUC cinar- igitis o -rut cati .35,000 Il a itvi l stirtlied aiipacc. t cîrstre Illei-sate i lu Ç ir C ttiitthl lepîe nesits 0 ai eii. )itilzititletittiw tbc andl ciiitaulted arcaex.c5 att. Up te 23,0001 I. ipacli t- it lii pe, lO eu: adius spaealed yeticatt trbi t1tîtrîi i s a ir oîîîî ran en- ittîuîînîtn tl. Eloibtiitti rI. 1 -0 i1cttsiîîion- Aircroit iiot do nu l ty ci-it 1 iya isi tiousaîîd i13. 15. iiier ATC ctcrî rrces cira re- etc) tout levets. tienthott1il A GALLERY 0F TAPE RECORDI 'IiidIoi it ilbelote 9500 C. eecli toosaîrd i(12, 14, etcifolt Toronto ateport, recording laer i ring îiemayn. Theretore. On an tendls. troilers and pilieis The tapes airwaty, ait airceatt ahane 9500 ft. Ahane 23000 Il. 2,100 f. scpo paît attîctats reced la nnicr ti RISING 87 FEET above the groturd a hait stlc frorn the tcr- mitna, buidieg, Torotnto auirpor's cortrol tomer is the horne base fot 90 ai Canadats 923 aurir attîs controllers. Whie sottnese guide airpori landiîrgs and departeres frorn the top oi the tower. tir darbtrens or on pour visibiîty days the pilots rely ait verhal instuctionls(tosil tht rodar-eqatpped raclisg syittnis oai lic coîtroiliG sonktg intrilie gond iloor aria -PHOTOS BY ROY DOWNS - lINGSmwok24 homsa doaabte a ir t a cntrnisectin al wy mor dspoken 1hrcog b heneec omnca iont sst ernby con- ýare fled amay futautraeneeece in case Departi nt ai Trans- ro ten. - --------- -------- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------- -q il