"Flowers of Hope" Se.é Mailed for Mothers Day Commend Fireman For Teaching Flors ot HopAssta ocu atinwis t-ts camp s Dos suenteoth-ot nad tttts yeur the cais pauo- b u sent ouitî St week by the Noaths ckaged iteseecîsand fianded S o ts A o t Fire Prevention H-laton Associatiun for te Mn- theise înit! i gu 000 catopaign s tallv Retarded. Inaia eiet ic- ]eteti, nt he Mitonarea. Kils' yMa-i earn M-uiJut tiSunclztsAlant Mai, ad prioza merci mon ta Audrey comanong tfte eeds. exezuiitîelicii vice presittent Dan Pegg A gracie ut fireteant ttc fi,,-.iiutndHowardl Bratdey.These RasMi-s J. Klils, Mes. Nixon, R. members ut the arssociatiott ask-ziairci the praet and the Kn-QOakviitlzFire Deparitctî 't labussLir nom fcttiy quiid ta re Kngshott AlltinRos, 1. Burttai. ed lor finoaziat hztp ram ttlc ette club (%vivesa aiKinsayie) ctd be canttnndzd ftesaliea nd ceiva thefitcmans badlge and iThis was the final zachrz utue z< citizens outhetise ftrict wiih th.the majurity ai the packaging. patience which the vhave spent uerv tpptcaitecut tir insil-- scasain .a f i w speciol draw atm or eventuatis praviding an Donationse t z btchemaiied taouih the Scoters ait Si. Siaplies lo trs.iPrizes weegivezewhich ment lu "Adîtit Trinting Centre" tor iettRkttNtheSoia - tt.Anlcn chttHatt on Scout 'ie u.scvenih 'aln Iil c i nsL. Mcarroti, Mis. J. Nmia a, J. retarctectatutîs inje ttzaiea.titghts. iii tut attsNouthii4H Ihantant tk-Nixon act Mrs. F. McCaron. Bectîeii e'teiil tTilt-gi-udrp, ciieisifiiAi ReclI iîîg Clut 'is if tîitsCluazi Kitt ettha hibs waszsxpeesszttl'or ttte graila ae tuu î,iilibic luiRu"Pro is~n u acer show, Duong Buos'ct, tJiit'ii i nttt u as fieldtaI lite ihomte i Mts. c-uperciiuiofut huse aiîeîîciîîg 1 grnt lreM %%ýlaiabo oiRe: ro isngDace't Ftrank Bctii.iiiandBitb McaN N iMKav titiTLieýdai, Aprit mhich male the ezitchrez stih a cil il Ille Noitili 11.11 titi A'.'.ui.i Kiik Bitisis oft i l ctonî s 5iaireventiot, i . ci.iiiii'Attig tutu i Ilesîctaii th Illie 41 ti cciedg"..11 'ctea wiil t filtoc'v m er6 lion is tiittlok alteri lcile(LI-%i îii.îiiic $.5 3 chlrshipals ticqctifinieitt buscIo cunirutlrite . uiii'n. "ieiimiuts ioftise pie-I A ilicious unchwa' îrve relardlctes. Pi esentls graitts aeoi hat prittisiiig tanai" in thez These 5ouîîg meii .tltziiceiitl)tt ious meeltig scere izuici andIad-t'1Iby tise ladies. Mts. C. MaCarrita only a aiaibiz toi %orusili 'National daclez giu ai the Pzelthîrze Scout meetiings, si'orkiiig uit cintitireastireru repart i ond Mis% Dota McCarron wzre chistdren titita 1f sears oftag, Festivalon uitiiurdky. uitis the Scouts anci taîglît file[" igiaca The ril aitcl, haivtotastore i haîA essn usct esecaitsve memiesistre's,szt i-,'o tM.au i.Hrbahmio n iîiticP sctiacces-taries,suas cnswtercd Firsl ltarntîv Ccîkuand Scouts tise mrk is anis te.iiissarting ccV Beuîlsisof Gitan Rd. W.. liait lion. The boy-tsuec ien i ikaî n 'iiiprei et. A discusianan tInce gin raîlieci ai 9f m. Satur- whena achitl si-f;riher train- v-Neso o ontth.Oavl FrHll 'asfo in satsoaîînczzsatiiti cnpelec itih AncNey tT-dsnl ieGhatzFi fiithe i -n orAchiecemeni Day. dav moî-ctng. May f ta hotd Ibeir in s. *seesi f otan oci eytaon gaic mectol and given a test un itetf Mi hebetd t ie Cr-ioiSpigCcî-Up Drive. Sîartng thel ceumtni aitsc'tilniamner taifuiflItici dacing due. Oc Saluer- and ire prevenflial. Fducîatii Centre ut Si. Pails aif fll ut ealbnsiasm, bey moni- tise1 camuita, ils fin ai concrt wcs lîcîcî Successitiiiy possing Ilte test United Chuch ie t iMitontlookuk ageu ta colleci abocul ivez ions ar MILTON BOY SCOUTS complefet Kinsmen Help t hlie atll dmeufalisis pertîîrm-suera'Ken MCaltim, Pul] S itliai plac.Recutd books aere revicm-'ipotierinnumeroiste bittes atI 1,200 and 1,400 bromn paper Tise KiasîtîcoClubcîi'iiMilton ed and Kirk recel-teut is atuaicIGlenn Lister. John MartinR-dan otu tblc 'cîîîîpltcd. tbakets, susiis ctîldedup Itatverv items. Tise local Scouts and Ci anncii11%is-issslt -rl a 1.1 î'îîg etista.Dv cîî - Wurk titi .ti-t utlintshed iticte!.successilit clivta. Pop tîncicake weeb carîter and Brian Hafield flicNorh Hl-ilia be Illso, Dve ookoDel asc ediicion andcileaders Mr,.uee Sercz .conîurthuurand ev- had beecdstriboted. The bagi t McKavs-andclCaointscPzîuiress er% lhing campltled about 3 tim and their contents miii Se rest, ni.e li rils i i atcelITise Yelluw Jacket Mititrecie Citlan Tuck are Brion Kect, AItîîeîaer uililae pîr -ClutisoniGeoîrgetownu'î ielîl heir Al ocner vilepatin' aual CbUrcisparadceuonSanday. ea..skit wlîcli %%illlieiesenct Mis 9. Mecîtîîg ,t tise Detr-es fl lite tiing %ias adtoîircztt andtula i' eogeonttclies-iarclu- luineissuas seruec tis tise astcss Fu t ea-eloa -t-tercet t h, 1buhstes. il .istecl v ha ie irls,. A coîtiîetîîîececiL îuî Geît-eîîîavi'tetîîîsni taeie -etli it moiîo Stephens Angicac Chuoi theFhrsandîcutiecuts ta RossBt-otan ci-,andfried, o atend îîîoîîe- asevatirsice. îîîîtriOî-ocgeailie Hitpitai. We uisti 'entiiDit. ctlIiititAlîa Mtlt-elgtueiitt crc'iigscl-fî WCîtetît Dis. her ha Ms Ted obinon uderwnt ugervchut-h and her rueinSucielaitol in elitoiiiiistiici-uHosirtao s 1iestiiitg Christc\hteitacttantI 10Ml111I Il Ci ehapt. iedlîutloiatiimînkînît ant gace Ioi Six uptzed Tcicsclis aîtîl iiisbeo et- ien .a value and iignit.vital srs Sscîiretîî hî~ i I (tizioitlticalir.in m iîsi cnit lia' tîken a.tio tm Sicîît,îaîîîîîîaicg ize i.nl Cogauaiin o r n r,. Iem. SondatieciCliita i uth Si. sacie S tairi MMillan ot th iseRgisith e-ta i te cîurchti beylpro- niàCuc.Tvwe: t.îneîîn the arriva oftihciridtic.l li rak . ,Ml tel. joannte tîtutseLit Peest Muni cculadi citieccurnter iof tisebt otncîu ic BrniLoe.î. R h Mii ola Hsitl rapon ni.ineantitINo. 5Siteroact ubee ,11:MitîîtIoncta cut thtsiii.l.Bt.icyuii tae% lîcîsîcul tfieldît tîtiu-hî, R.R 1,Milloni; BrYaa Daidittl t,-etiiig,ianclgondtcluishea cliîuîIoinHitîoicn, Tutuctoi Bell Si., Milton; Derrick es o ad lhe pins -akig a ttieoge Mt'iiecbaclitci. 21t Oc- Tlie'uiiMa\Pc'itlcand FlettUt-iltriniSi.; Bt"i.tt Kenît Mlcna;it cl-tusn bitth l (lîît iaiet i tise lhtie uî 58 Kingît S.: FPautl outl.is Tav- dens f lIta' litticit li t l-il lIta11 fli dcci, Janc'Hltl, utianeut lie iiiiti titheet 'îtîloaici ileistisetti a Prl\isrTti ti ao- Conerete, Cinder, Sia3 and Silo th a tueteteCaceitVu 'tan dIlte ord' PM trit.îî Theiîmin.tu Mt-t iac iie\lmcsdi eta îî i heu Ili, i,ta iisiiastea-ta et .COK Cnrl lei c1l11 ni ( \%Csrauîcei it ui B L O C KS4~7 P LROBRTSN GRLSendd teirbowingtantonon ridyeunin mu a anqet tie iun Fets FiirentCi ilbcld ac R utînt %Liscunosiseu EEN RO~ CnadanLegonHal Mlie Aars mreurîdefortie ison easn nd toise ilteilleilorinarcLoi n îî ta lliet-.s1cîaîîîninc. uthn me pese e oialîcrShon eatd reaare Mrrti.isgissigle ddyuaetoNivastilig.instimJ.itu ait Tlc tccicic a-td t ttiiBlLLocAK sAL hgis p eanda mmbe of isewinîngîaa. ac Li Kazycî. îbermamersof ise ire ic utt ruis tMa% cz:Mu-t hatîn aithanult tuu A hur MITONTRlit6 w c ngaa tiomns ndig re ele Cu. oa Deoret.DotCop td Jantomr. i ie e dcc otGeotes ta ias hoir unr clic mas sclul Lunc FOR YEARS 0F PRECISION PERFORMANCE... PHILCO EYE FILLING BEAUTY... Sisown on t-t optional base tht-t malcut masterpîcce s ai-to anailable mush matching separate legs. Cool cha ssis, out front sound and tisa pomerful Phislco Golden Ulraspec Tuner conmbine t0 make tis a st of unmatcised value. Width 263/a'. Heigist 19112", DepustSî514" From s1 99 WITRADE i.e Canactian Champion, Wmdn&tcIay., Mayr 12, 1965 t ther "God Tre Dy" o Satrdayaed ollefed bet bagsei cGo naiîon clushebddieand coete houewo r bas coetedin thngsoe dnSadother h sîribuda ruscep t "th w as owhopper ofasucct ey ". On tiy 1,500 a wd eprs t au 10wthe pple d as ciet ny 1n500ronto rored and resold for a profit. Shows Ioadling the Çrippled Doug Barr, Marks Riddell and Steven Dilis. NOW OPEN FROSTEE ALSO AVAILABLE AT THE FROSTEE FREEZE- PARK FARM DAIRY MILK PRODUCTS **FAMOUS FOR QUALITY THE RI0VE FASCINATING 1 NEW! Philco Compact with the sharpest picture. The tasteful styling and oufstanding per- formance of this set make ft a favoritet with everyone. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ From $169 NOW US THE TUME 7; I FOR PHILCOr AIR CONDUTUONUN ...See us now about your requirements- _ ___ Philco's the best 1 From s198 VW RICHARDSON'S RADIO & TV YOUR PHILCO DEALER MILTON 878-6949 201 MAIN E. PHILCO - 12CD56 -q'e CUSTOM TAILORED REFRIGERATORS Ti xiig todo ergertri uso alrdfo famiy ue. 1 cu ft ne wit a epaatedoo o h spaclous 84 lb. freezer wih timo ce cuise trays and an ce cube rack. Storage of food witfiout couering is made possible by Philco's 38 truc cuone (miost cold) air con- cttioning. Selthtie temperatore control and forget il. This refrigerator makes ils own adjustment to accommo- date the season, Other features includee Lifetirne nylon bearîcg cdoor hi fges - Magnetic door gasket - Deluxe dairy bar storage door -Utif out meat keeper - Intertor finished in sea foami green and white. A litetime of quality service is yours wits Ibis convenient and attrac- tve refrigerator. Dimensions: Height 59114, Widtb 28", Deptis 28 29/32". PHILCO Refrigerators for $ 9~ As Low As .. ---- $ 9 - - W/TRADE *CuiI.I ------------ - 1 PHILCO