- -Wmmr - - - -o - ~tf~ -%~e" WHIRLWINI1 b y TORO As yourPam gaows, té unu ft. Wabardt pi But Tero.WhrIws wth "Wind.Tunndl" b4 foee... it aetally Mme aen cte. I'*au l dis.hargaa o lippluge "MftY, u adothl b«iMs.myvymo lsw pTqitias You get highest trade-In values on your old stove. You get low prices and easy termns. Why else. would you move Up to a nmm gas range bfore June l2th? 1. lOtiY9-o-BROiL. Notice how if lacateti ef a conveuient scrking level. if boBs as weil as rot-ose.- 2. nonsagRoSP17 rotates autamaticalit' for even roàtiig/ý 2. D tIDNUP XlI S A CERAMIC aumNigi It givea off radiant hWeat ram above thse net for umolteleis anti spatter-free cooking. Thea met lajuicier sni more tender. 4. sticaovuso You use tise Rtotis-O-Brai above for broiing ant roatins. At tise saine time you t spcicua omen h s vsilable for baking.-i 5. TMns18sAM.5 AN OVEN THÂT ( @TAys cLEAu. Since yau do inct af ( yout- broiling in tise Ratisa-O-Broil, ,. *ii. ven la free for casseroles ani otiser '"dean caoldn<' tilista.1 e 6.OVEN- PICTURE WINDOW. Watch itour cooking! No more opeuing tise dote. peeciug in, Ub ff eg earnigI 7. BPJitNI-VIiiis-A-isiiAIN. This tiny tlserinctat lustise centre msintains tise exact temperatare you select, msking al your oteissils sutomiatir. 8 -CMNTRE SIBiMR SUBiR RS. Eschis 1 two bornera ini one: s large antis tiny "lkeep sains" pinpoint ring in tise centre. You can actually "fine tone'tus eut' beat ~eve1 itou neni. 9. FLIOEiCENT LGisr. NAtdtional illumination on tise * tokig surface ssen tou neeti f. I10. COOK-AI0-ItW CLOCE CONTROL gw s ou oucomplete contrai ovet- ersange. When cooling lu Scoinpeted, oven temperature laftntial umed dama 10 keep tise tond at serving ýýtemperature titiyou sistI il 11 XTRA OlfI. Seilatt broiler iccateti beneatis tise iaking oven giveu itou excusive cueti dot' brodling for tise >«w flae-kissd flavour tisat oniv <Moffat Gmma lmotel No. 60K27MW Because you get this FREE Dupont TEFLON heavy duty ý-Su yourpgs applance deaheri dqvtimont store or UnIl u s knted before Juine l2thm Les howga makes thé blg dlfrsnceu Conveners Pf»sent Anuel ep srts oW. bys'a * eVem ent thanke'ail 'the ofeesfor CadPry Garry Çitill fi, rM sd Mi tis ÏrlmeIgc ieÀa-j udr cooperatton drn br Nrtts Traa=r chre eClu PrdnlcMifler. tiflfWp besai epure of office ant enWcae held a card party 90 SaturdaY ev Ts oto n qircor ar t??e ftresMr fofievanThlie Dominae- = 19il uNorths Tra render- woba tlfl hsieros, - JoValis. ac mWed0eaey. Apgl tioncM tnlt£teeprseted their fal uly Centreeen wlfrwY "T 14.Tis peuiten, ie.~. aysiate of off4eers a il Mrs Detiert fisse talIes insPlay, Lucky prize and "He chose tise Cross" wth opçnedth ie meeting wtl tise In Downs tooit charge of the etec- winners were, Mrs. L. Elles, Mrs. Ruth Mason at the organ. stitute Ode toloweet by the May tens Doan, Beatrice Miti, Frank Trim- tir and tirs. Tios. Busby of Stewart Coitet. Tise roll cil- Ofcesbic. Otto Marchinent and Terry Peterborough visted over theTilI. K y pymambcrshIp iees-was an- Ho orary er Jac kson. Lunch wsa served b1w Easter weeke:nd wtýh Mrt anti padb I abrs oay president, Mrs. S-tise ladies. Mm'. Frank Hall. swe~ yStmmbr. May; president, Mrs C. Wrigglcs- Mr. asd Mrs. Art Sweezie Plan Lanicieonl Tisa pj»uwq o tf tise piOVtOOs worth* vice-president, Mr. C. Pat- motored to Otawa for tise holu- Edien Uinitedi Cissrel Women ms0ag'tgrara4 ~4 spovil eronsecretary treasurer. Mrs. day weekend and were guesis of met ai tise home of Mrs. George antiz a*9w ýM ygiv en Wlson; asststant, Mrs. J. Mc Captais and tirs. Tam Ross. Hamilton on D4onday eveuslng. ' j bit Me~ ~ - CansToibuilditng fond ascretacit. lotnus lrcis Aprit 12. Mrs. e. Loseden wat 1 dego is eatd of on invitation Mm .R King; pubicily reporter, The service at Eden United la tise chair anti opeuedtheis.meet- metiU lMayt 5 a refft f rcS tS.iay, Mm.P. Merry; District iended. Tihe Comsmunicant class Mrs. Paut Mait gave tise devo- the. ClogitanCanci er y tP d4lector Mr S. May; aternate, of six yoang people joined wth tionat. ine memisers andt iree aupii a fli , aetter from Mrs D Downs; flower commtice, five otisers -10 be recetved mbt visitors asswered rte rolct tise cui rse, ep3d bellha i rs.,R. King, Mrt. C. Ford; duis Eden IUitedi Chureh on Easter Plans for tise Flowfi Lonchçon Aoil iwtDyw~db edçmcdtlee. Mrs. L. Sampson. Mrs. Sanday. tiembers Of tup ciass lu- ta be ieid in May were disclus- oCIni4.,a lutter frein tisa De- R. Ke inuci omnrtiee, Mrs. L. cuded Cathy and Carotyn Brown, ed. tirs. Elmer May wass in pstusno Tourisin andi Infor- Sampton, Mrs. W. McPherson, Clif fard Break, Sharon Nil, Catis- ch arge of tise programi andi matonretis 167Cenetnii po ir HBradley; finance commuit- erine Hait and Gaii McCaiiwn. Re- gav nEstrraig. Lunch e tu tialte froin King-Tai of tee. Mrs. D. Downs; directors. ceived by transter were Mis. . was served isy tise hostess assist- eUs Kong, tise institutes fot ,r Mr. M. J. Browen, Mis. G. Gai- Lowden, Mrs. Paul May, Mis. cd isy Mis. Fiant. --*&fi Phote ghivl;te 5 'u fr re l and< baMm. A. ing Cs, re n.id .* .. 33 NTRIES were received for lise Libcsry Waak Poster contait giif rgsg rort . s nor r. A .. K g; ohinson; tiis year and ttise 5me for Library Waak ia "Reading s lise AJ% otra. sus Wndow Trealment Reiarded Cildrens representa- e acnlun dclo' tdet rdssvnat was itI choice'auid 1Rats was tie m .Walace -s. eighl aittise J. M. DenyCsasnd Bruce St. public scisools and ndcq .rmtise Food and Ms . -~LIL L.Isok Holy Rosary Separale Sehool enteruti in tise conlest and wece Coidng Forumnlever s Duil Conveners: Agricture n~ d Cas- Lasier SJlol7y JSIIit igigh~5ti llowed toi cioosa their osen tiseme. barbaeaKeupffr of Mel a.ft-t istc nt uter-ela ndu H nr; is R inal t Broce S. Scheeol won fifttisprize in tise coest for oiginalily en~sut nd .tSrfcbsseSusp. gdM.M ' us itre Grade OQ e P-iil A .u'.bly and Robert Coller of J. M. Oenyes scisool waon foueth prize. lm ve nnal , i Researçs, tirs. D. Dosens; Homene .ii~5C ' " and tise cowinaassof tise and- fconolisenti teaîtis, tir. C. Ny Mm-a W. Veisen njoyed by allishe chiltiren and____________ ing ait Save spl«dWPattat-son, tirs. G. Robinson; Citi- On Tisrsday et ternoon, Arlprnspeet tue e gaseipluWilson 0" gene a .dqtio., tirs. JArilparnts sreent repo,tu a.iti iso at fPl3 - 5 grade une presenled tiseir Meneir Fomer PineipaiMeE MTE tise finnathaudi antietirs tcCur. M. . a erClub.oatt-assemisly ai Kibnide sciool, un' Miss Forence Meres, former One naine was oritted and a port GRonso epdiortit cultur. K Mm. . ay; 4H Csiba. der use direction of teaciser Mils principal of Killride public wrong itie was given in a story ort. tira. G. Roid Socipret . J.icltion,tirs. C. Patteron;Dora Gaseiso. Bruce Rue was scisool. wa.s presenied siih a on thse ne officers of tise Scotch fo ti.Ciulits idSolty Pblc eatonorsn . Sul-ciairmun. ets Reese read tise pot of flowers at lise annuel ton Bock Wwneaa's Institote in test Tise yms w soris for tise 414 Clubs gaster &tory, folioweti by tise night. recentiy iponsoreti by tise weeks Chamspion.tr. .5r ws e toiSauandi thanits PtRse os. isn24autsadcsltrns-seisttsu rer stsCM. S. cd a is l.drsfQrthirtie. Tie metngettei lt s ingnLord f ttise hynn, "Chrislt tse Home anti Sciool Assoiation, vice sisoditi have becu listed a and giiac.qoeen gust lunch seas served by Apa nild "h itelne.Mra shrassat M.sdnsfspeqi M. H. OConnor and Mrs. 1. lyetie Ts iteîedd urya irasuut A report on isSpring Eem Walate. Whitue Rabiit tiai Wanieti Red Mis. George Robertson, Mm. _________ 1ieat ietr meeting of Gooti Fridtay Service was weeli Wings' was put on by tise eus- Frank Cartwrighs.tirs. Bradiley, Miean disrc Ws- sIssioe1 iedia t Ptr 1hu-itire cdaswiiis Orlo Coulson set- Meltarti Caling, Basil Poter anti of R. R. 1, Campiselîvilie. visileti helti la AP'ioduaral office. Mil. ?KnIs Lin., wisen tise Way of tise 'Dg as lise litllc Whitie Rabiit; James Wetiereiî were prize win- Mrs. William Ailton recetly. ton, on Aprtil !; sas given sy Mnr. Cross wan totinseet by an inierest- Steveus Twiss, Mr. Squirrel; Bil fers attIhe Gooti Neigisisrs' Mrs. John Liliycrup andi Mis. J. MaCarn. tiemberasciee lus. ing sermon by Rev. Pather Mur- Wason, tir. Poreupine; Margar. Euehre Club wissn Il tables of Aisnseraon tiea tormet tisaitisae District Annesalphy ontin personai relation- etNi1is ok:Bed ap rorsieccr sr lyt.trom the Burfingion ares tisai seil be ieit in St. Tevids Chorcis tip witi tise Passion anti Deatis berrit, Motier Ratibit; Laurie Hasts outhtie evening were tir. atiendedth ie Onario Cooncil of Campisellvlie, on May 26. tuie,>-of Our Lord." Shaw, tirs. Grounduaog; Rager anti Ms.CWiiliam Bllard, tir. Girl Guides astlise Westbury Ho. hers wre te bring a practicel irtisday greetinas sand gooti Logan, tirs. Red Bird and Dcli-acdMr.Cft Freiz anti Mr. and tel in Toronto. hait apron andti aavn teubiscuits seises are exiendeti to Audrey bic Long. reatier. Tise chiltireus M.nRobert Weir. for an limaination contet totise Murtioek anti Marguerite Peu- sangapa song to eis cveiyone Communiai service anti recep- Dave Robertson anti tr, anti next meeting. Wnnsm are t coek. Aprll 23; and Dale Brigden atiapy Easler. aion Cat uew members wan ielti trs. William Allison atiendeti îake articles to tise District An- anti Joisy aui aleit, April 23 Mm . Tise latet tasions in EasteraCr lse Unteti Ciurcis on tise Carlile Local Lotige annuai nuai for e final contest betweus Peter Sciscît. Aprtil 24; eaiber bonnets sere matie andi motiel God Frîiay Aprîl 16 t 73f banquet Mdit in tise Orange Hall. branelse. tita-tocli anti Roberitiurdocis, led! by tise cistiires Il t rte Pin. Poliowiusg tise dinner, about A Motion was pasuta iiettra.hil 36; anti Karen lippanceon ciildeen worked very iard ta SoewalNowa 70 enjoyeti dancing btiste munie M. . Brown bu pt os ttisefcoi- Aprit 27. present a prograi wicis a Mr. anti trs. Water Freeman af Mllers Orchsesra. mitte with tir. S. Motia antitis Rosy Wilson te nieet sh uistPe&. gates nane te t tha Dùit ieta Dul sers tirs, f. MJse. t-.R.' Wilson ai tirs. C. Wa-igges- wortfo atteftes. trs. BwheneyCooking can be fun At youegetntheufeauref touewant. usstrs. May, tlise retiring presiti- o ett ef t re o a t i ON R ES AT KANERVA'S 2»id ÀANUL TERE SALE ON FIRST LUNE ATLAS TIRES SAVE Up TO s32 A SET - SAMPLE LOW PRICE - lAta Ask for Bargaoin Cost on Your Tiras Guarauite PLYCRON ORIP SAVEI MILE PAK Hoemdk SIZE BLACK WITE BLACK( WHITE BLACK 5,0 750 -14 21.95 23.953 9.0 1.S 3*50 iss a 670.15 21.95 23-95 19.50 21.50 11.93 Cani Esso Cradit Tarms - Up to 6 MonthaTbto asa 1n F RE E ECLFO Plastic Garbage Bugs AND DRIVER Mil EVERY $2 At Your Conveniafca GAS PURCI4ASE' KANr4ERNVAS1,. FrlendIy --ESSO SERVICE - Comiplet. o" Main and Ontarto Strets- Ph. 878-3641,, Milton- suh .éd and by overI Srvice iU.S. and moen. Tivu Sat. dayý fe.i 10 te 10 FREE INSTALLATION AUL SIZES TO CHOOSE FROM RiSERVE yoURS NOW ý,- PAY LATER 116 il 1 , 3 tiu ,,o Meita t er inîtalt. sutiipi a'Uiii Dut~4os sn t tie MaNai nfou 'ti. 'ruaell ws brn iste ass was at Holi Lsary Cisrci 11. 1895 in ialy andi was etiucat- Mon ait orttlng.Inemsi p ed there anti nervet i ististseti t Evergice CenseI.ey. lt#aes rmnoy in Italy "dos lie Muion. 4lrsl world ar. cecanetC rs s a reru s ers eepbeies uta in 19» anti reffltiit rotireti Silo Poleusiof ItonU.t troffsmtis e iypsuro. Lime andi ma- anti Liadnensa«Uceio Pt CISP- bastuse Coiupany. - belilvlle grantist a ams Qalnn, lHe sas a memnber ofthtie Royal of Acton, anti neigtbt>mn Ottorbio Canadian Legion anti af lie Haly Ceneda. Gabriele Maartini and AI- Nant! Society utfHaIot Rasarytonna Gacton, aliof M iltoan Farn-h. Milton. ttetghls. Pive Cisiltiren Survivors i nclatie bis site -Grive generounly wisen a vol- Las*a daugisters tira. Frank onteer casvasser tram the Cana- Dl. (o Lena) ot Toron3to, tirs. dian Cancer Socleti catis et yoor Peter Qulins (Datisial of Actous. door. MF~IN ILEcp sUbsTATIONS MOTOS IWAMS . . . .. e l24 HOUDR MM14TWANUI SsVim Loue msapai 8 "VMION878-2206