Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Apr 1965, p. 16

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Out of t au,"1 Trio to Buitid-and To Bahamas on. Ph fly Roy D@wfn ing, and developing Iheir diving every How many timtes have you bold and picture techniques. The lhree last I yourself youd like Eu gel ou of hil it off prelly well togedier, and lion i( the "rat race, dreamed ut ctuck- il was decided a three-way financ- Nan4 ing off your whole existence and al splil would be the best ar- fainily heading for some sleepy litIle is- rangement. They pooled ail their family land in a warm and balmy south- cameras and supplies and diving racing ern clime? gear. purehased a paneltlruck tu are 1<ý You know. the ideat placl transport the equipment. and ber f wbere phones dont eist and have ven gone third-shares ont udsice clocks don't regiment your every over 300 puunds of books îbey And move. and you neyer have 10 wur- plan lu take atong un the eruise., abu theOs meal hecause Books for Lelur ealto il's righl there on a tree beside Why books? They ait lone lu andc YOU. read and figure they'tl need some- coup Threv young people, welt known thing to white away the ime on locally, plan 10 do jusl thal îwo the long trip dosso. I've got lwo weeks fromt noln Bryao and Nan- steamer trunks full of books, lhey cy Hamiton and Roger Pyke wilt weigh about 250 tbs. and Roger leave Millon solon on the first leg ýhas more" taughed Bryan. ot a dream trip that wil lake Their saithoat, a 38-tout sehoon- lhemn sailing on a 38-foot, tri-sait . og usepss schooner lu Andros Island in the er, is large enog sepix Bahaas "fo twoyear utThe bull of the huaI is being specc Baaa fr to .eas Iialy bolt tu their specifications teas. ad mabé orevr." by a lucal boat-builder near Lun- Perhatas New Zealand enburg, Nova Setia. Itsilt hc The tro, equal parîniers in te ouufilled with a smalt inboard en- advevlure, hope Ihey can even- gine, in case they run int a calm luattv sel sait 10 the West Indies, where theres vol enough ssînd Tahiti, Hawsaii and on acruss the [or sailpower. pacifie lu Newv Zeaand. Sorry, their expediions fitted They eave ivIssu weeks fur the tp' Tere mnI be roim on the cas t cuast and plan lu rie out the aest of te boat 10 Iheir osvn ik' schooner for any more passengers to.I budb ed ylt with andertust or itehy eee nd of J I soc ad fbc îxiea a sis-h for theyre carrying four cameras eek "shunadwocroie" around and a muvie camera, a horde of Canadas atew rn sear he't scuba diving eqipmen t, an air takaasEaffeirnmidAugu rthel compressor lu ilt aquatungs. and tand offthir mdeamgs. o h enough photographie equipment ado hi ras lu maintain a modest darkroom "ManTay-O" on board. The haI's heing named "Man- Il's a photographie adventore TayO" which is Cree Indian fr and at have hopes ut shooting "The Strange One", and the name enough sîilî pictures and muvie cones fromt lite tille ut a book hy film during their first year there, a noled Canadian author. The lu finance a second vear f rom sai- figurchcad sii bc a Canada goose es to magazines. schoot test and -mure hecause thes like i, than other pubishers. if their voyage erc a goneroment Divers and Pholographei'n sponsored trade cruisade. Att lhree are Photo-Arts grad- On departure f rom Nova Seolia. uales of Rverson Polytechnicat In-the're .a1.ngfo the Nesv Eng- siîute in Toronto, and esides he- land stfates and working stowtv ing killed phoographers they've and siehîscing dosvn the coasl taken up sexba diving serioustv lu Floridahfoehaig uIl and morkcd in surme underwater GadBhms The crewcof pholographv. Thev aitt sork for ",Ban-Tay'O" espeets lu w or k Medation Film ahoratories iv from Andros Island suere thes Toronto, a private tub doivg a var- havse triencîs whu usu n a divivg a icîs o tetevision and commecrcial todge. work. mhere Nancy is a prioler, Bock Expedîllon hushand Brvan lis a imer and Rgriinquaîiîy conîrot. i NesI sur thev hase a hunt- 1 Rogra adRoe hvelca ing espedition tentalivets buukedI Brnn nd ogeBrave ca s iîh their schooner lu hc hired hv conedcio ns.MfortBrandmahm- a Canadian group and the adsev'ý an dcldi ilton and Hakngfiscorem-t brous trio acting as crcss'and iY ilIn bfor tain bi c0C59utguides. Thevre hoping lu sec the C Rycason. Afler 1th eci r marriage West Indies tfoc. and tooking for- Bryav and Nancy lived in Torun- s dl etn u vt om Io, but for the past ine meeks,.erRrsvehomtshocm white preparing for their soutlh es Rfro Jmacola. ewoco. sea istands adventure. thev've e ' so Ja a saninajk been staying aI the home of Brv- fThere s aIs tnigjk ans parents. Mr. and Brs. Ray amuvg the trio, about a date lu Smith. on Hestop Rd. 1 meet a hoy f rom Denmark in Rio Roger Pykeson of Mr. and Mrs. , n 1966.) Reg Pyke. ivedi in Mitons Kings-1 They laugh a ut about their1 leigh Court for igh years and re- trip. and kid each other ahout ceived his high sehooing here. steady diets otflishe and tales out Hes been living in Toronto since tvphoons avd seasi knes'. - bul enruling t Ryersov. thevre absututetvs srios' aboutI Group Dwndled their future. Atith re are sutd uv They were fettow s tulu evn Is thc idea avd il su il take mure, Ihree years ugo. whev sumeone ithan jukes lu swas îhemn. came up wilh the idea of a photo- l Learaslng tu Sai graphie jourvey lu the Bahamas. Trainivg for theirvovage, lhev We started uut mith a uarger have gone scuha divîng iv tthe cv gruup. but the ret o them soun 1swaters aruuvd Toermursand iv dropped ouI," said Ruger. . Nova Sctia. La~scaer thes siot "Somineut themt didn'l bother lu the cuasl fr a dry ruv on the savivg their mrovy.ceimed inv sister ship tu the 0une biog huili Nancy. 'Att lhey hadt as a drearni or thcm (secephoto) avd white bol 10 us il was a reaity." 1 thes dot boasl about being au.- Su lhey began saving and read- 1 eomplished saitors, thcy've read Kinsmen Club HoId Nominations, "Ad Night" Preparîng for Ihet r unvual et- hope" arnpign eovelopcs. etiuvs in May. mumhirsutthe pan, s sucMade lu leifil Kivsmev Club ut Billon beld a i Kivvmeni Peu Wee hckey leatîti nominationt night ut the Mitontu ua nighi oitiii recîîgoi ionîîut Inn Munday. cornbioing il with carriog flitc clubs and thei the annuat 'advertisivg ight" tons lame su farivp. e dorine mhieb ait members bruke' oce gasIisau. pton a flitelong-stavding club rote ut club visit tu Moawk Raeew,îv iv 'vu advertisivg" lu cisptay their M.îs. and [or .s golf tournianeot pruducls or tradcs. invjoune A nomination statu pi cpaîcd' hv tlice vmiatiof summîjties, and pîcsevlcd bv Met Phetys. n-as acccptcd. T*date. Dan Pegg AS iv îînupposed i is bid tut the 1964-65 presideves of tise club, and 13 utîters are insftice ruvvivg KEITH for flite ther ciglît positions un fthe cotb esecutive. More nomiv - D l.iu r n a n liovs ;re bKivg accepted prior lu the cectiov ai the lirsi vmeetinvg is Masy. asni a huty - coisested A ou race ieilsOicît. Dîr bilsthe vice tint liir isus the New vcrsising si,iles ilî.t iiciided pecisho s u it. books iii matches, scratch tacts. vcsdlsi R- avd lre.ut. rouit maps. IuWsl "mnatches" ïbai siols nylon stis H RLI',~ and race trucks sheet(ules Sonexic ILP O mnchrs pruvided larges priccs, which we-craflted t lu ncs AUTOMATIC t aînd lutisntChevîvot wov a malct, Lui ul a iglîsci Div DI Pcgg a tie, and Fîcd Bnnnett a DIS W RA flER mcasurnvecop. KsKerr lfi ut Atavntic Fin ali assd Johnv Cîestîsîs i ofl Nuit (YOU'Il b. Giad Yoa Did> ardsoî's TV wsîce scssîs.i as isesu oesoher. .Mr. Kilto su n ltesscusttcn lisKintîsîtit.n lIste mi.. Ctesîstts tansserrivgirn the Cullivgsuod Kinme Club, D R A ' Vc-president Dan Pegg ru-, purtcd the Kinette Ctub mclv- i TV & APPLIANCES bers are pruccedive wittî ie packaging and maling ut fle: 221 Min, F:ss 878-4445 relaa-dcd childco's "flumer out . l OFF TO THE BAHAMAS in a liome-bult 38-fouI schooner this surmmer are Roger Pyke, Bryan -amilton lwith the beardi) and Bryan's wife Nanicy. They've been planningIhe trip since lhree years ago when they were alllin the Photo-Arts course at Ryerson, and their dream iS 10 finally orne trun in August when they set sail for Andros Island in the Bahamas. They plan a photo. graphic expedition, combinîvg their scuba diving and undierwater photography training to isake a holiday thal shouldi pay for irseif and parbaps desselop ini0 a lifetime occupation. SEE US...O ABOUT A NEW KELVINATOR Automatic Electric Dishwasher HALTON 4 BP SUPPLIES MILTON - GEORGETOWN - ERIN The "Man-Tay-O" Sister Ship THIS 38-FOOT SCHOONER, operating mith Ibren salis and o smali inboard engive. is a sister ship to the une being bul by Roger Pyke. Bryen and Nancy Hamilton, in preparalion for Iheir croise to the Bahamas Ibis summer. Bryan took Ibis photo of itl ast year rnhen the trio ment to Nova Scotia to tay plans for Iheir photographie expedition ncheduivd 10 begin Ibis Augont. The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, April 21st, 1965; LOOK! I WHAT'S UNDER THE LID 1I Il A LIFETIME HOLIDAY FROM DISHES WITH A WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC DISHWASHER " Exclusive Westinghouse Sanitizer goarantees 145 germ-killing mater temperature for hospital- clean dishes. " Takes up to10 10complele place settings. " Saves yoo 225 hours a year for more important lhings. From $23995 S..Ita demonstraa.d aoday at Chs's or Phone for a Fr.. 7.Day Home Trial1 CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS IF DESIRED You'Ii Find Fre Parkiag ai HOME APPLIANCES 'Where Service Goes Wth Every Sale" 181 Mill st. Tel. 878.3221 0e MOF FAT AUTOMATIC D 1 s H w A s H E R s Avoulable at McKIM HARDWARE' 260 Main 878-9222 "if Serves Yoa Right" take a lifetime holiday from dishes Sick and tired of doing dishes? An automatie e1ectrie dishwasher will wash, rinse and dry your dishes hygienically dlean for pennies a day. Don't be a dishwasher - buy one! YOUR MILTON Hydro Electric Commission LIVE BETTER ELECTR1CALLY uti9 aj--Itoth* $un Sou 3*8-Foot Schoonerz otographic "Advfentuàe" ybook on the subjeel and msien. Tbey nol onty own Imo 35 and famsly."' But he pIînîrd ouI uinler complted a naviga- miltimetre canteras, a t6 mm. this wan nMf Junt a holiday croise, cours5e. movie camera and Issu Rottei s-e- but a working advenlure and pea- ancy comes tram a boating flexes, lbey poa-chased an under- heps a new lite ln a ngw countr-y. y in Nova Scolia, and ber waler housing for the movie cam- "We've got 10 du il white we're y bas qutte a nameiv nsloop era and are baving one boittfua- young," added bis mite. ng et lte coant, su the boy the 35. "Il's better than wua-king 9 lu 5 laning heavily on Nancy and Gave up "Eveeythlng" .- and we want 10 gel ouut Ib tis faîber. Chartes Bnister. lus Askeît il (lite ' bad ans* yqualins rat race," explains Bryan. ce. about cîst tussing aside a guod And Nancy made il plain their ,camera-mise. Ibeypse guve lite bere and takint their chanc- adsenture mighi be a permanent ut lu assemble te best in es on whatever future lies ahead, ove mhen she offered. "me've et- ament plus black - and - white Bryan reptied 'We've had a txw mays had itchy feet. We're took- coton film lu lest tbem a reservations. il means giving up iog for a ptace la setîle dome, IF te ut years emong lte sunny everything - home, mua-k, triends me have lu sette down."l - - - - - - - - - - ýA7

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