Tise CanadIen Champion, Wednesday, Aprîl 21a0, 1965 RIGHT AROUND HOMt Ofuil aseIbishuesfor Cish olmen u t marackge nallow m4 opouns)lin or tis frig et d ur iIsay 6 desst l oetof ig ro equrda d oul rute lr d puuddsyrup moiI a ond seump sfrse"V ptal t eigt n uuyise enuywok wmdr wt fn greaotin ese t irrn nda nd te 3 up ise i/atupe milk.Heutowsr iealdaesset reay o imeiate r pun t Ibio s c wrkdelio r ui2n0wae, tirrgofen, uw s e t ucho taIie .ksu om isiped Butf i i mrmalows lare melted aornd merbea nexrt luonulithem re dt c iatse 1mixtupre lnded.R emove e.fMrom G iNGEriBRE a rkmPiE wfide uc o o t wbi tis e re t etadpp rnpper mint ex- f Yel ild) er ves 6 Theto O I sae i sat topstinse u ding d s dGeaetyo w itb genfoo colr- luoret -acÏ 8c 4 inaesbymetnig arssttlosaes in. Cool.stnseruding alime - s ir ge leapoon baking powder n aa dd iug pfeerm. ein elt gto pa c kagent i r e tis, top cad loesp nItas akig so da N tokgast otltasutined deseite i te2i s mhoc o urate 5or 6pe pnl ate apooncianecirnr gefre heau d spo n ois ati nch pud-m o ets. s teIfyo apongingerbedpei puding dis jost befo re cerv hiu . n a ',ladspuore n aIt irt Sbadch sonae for ehoped nt- Wi rli isldrnlu tis ouse. i or threigoi l Pepsrinkleudiuserleq ue a douodl dcaruit aer; ado cidne u moset t an cpgrumtaled sfr add atfial o n utire and avo in ofte 3cps for toolis oeres- I egg ad fr mmd ppteatch. Nw i a lte u s- setsLingwtersunesw ofgtemp u- us tcup rtab e tme desrrd cookie. ipeduintmramenall aut eatndier' upbtsae CH oCnoLATiE aP EEin temxe ande. elabtes aubeome eGIG wesB I PUDD t colwINGth r O emtan rkn pepert e x-s en e rin vs 6I oh eli en re srvingThe tbr euiz tsred insomthin e -sa2ce 1 ablesponesiganlted a u rs at.I, stentnedadliaewihcocl'so hppdnt- 1,teaspoon cinnamun green and spooed over hachuud- meatb' 2Icaspoun vange din dsh jut bfoe e inin12g poder. i stesonc- Tshaed ote r ctinuo us rige wiis a club. iinstheqhue, e it ,4am o g ingan sItCea etuo ruaetinMdor tes eiai ca od e able e la ke i se sisor!ening wiîis s cusugar. a tise anadin t i o nfa Brio oîrcipsfo. thoede- 1egg adbaini lgs n l Trae t. T isis lto at-5 Isfns. edi tis oe s e club 1and f tbleatin molasses.Bedi ore oo of sra des lromt Eats baud. nig andbet iw il bt eaer tsatcOa e P EPPurERMTu o eutciis.adugtascise in m bad. eaussite setggxbites uta Uam NyumG tr estrelusced l is e e e wtik. I gr smb apins ofsaitutixliitt xot l lu make rax meixtaks tyour- l red mvbaud ontisa iamod- nul y eol ixgrauulaled sugar. wisee tie oponens moe a claied tse blanc ut ise A4d cinaonn nsa nila miLaETSPL Y BRDEriciss.ve t 50dg.F DeaBier - SoutismSpred c esea o no p iot NuThids Sori ulerbe. isi a 'lu.Tis e qirsî sàxd nhtronpiean b ad aiemit.e one orc layd n iseesenx the s otnn ih4cpsgr d She .aada 5 atonl 2 ide ol seccodt ke l p eggadba ni ih n l Torae h isA ouK amet8 si1cued t second n ubond sec- nmlasss ldi D-.i ts6thya r andi6 lion of 1 papairs bthw e nuI ltraey hecmiddyi- annually on Ester wee x i s e runhapyiog sec er-l nise redet an ho trbg - Toro to. ofwre 2pa irs rom eatis ng ni adedigwt htwtr in-heMJ76 ai a-9 nd1 Men s ar. e ndmy npehae vnfraot3 %-t-oid k t ho 106432 Yued umwillbaeticed on 'th is e ruti oc D-J973 D-042 abmus iy Wsteuse stn t risa k.sIi e n ead icho ai ntlsif C- t A532 C-K st07 s otier is an l'alicluba iem, o r y etigrnleds a, sef ou apt lio h p o-cse h spade xî ut 'xc a diecn d ual;cniun etn n et'm s -ak QsTisis a hnd ded amuri c av te spde jctl bedeBati co H-J 7 shotrikr. s Alxe isla Delr - S oh.Tls bas itah e illr eluru ta pedee ntpo o Coth -oJth 4 bcnertlE.epia"trnmpblkod15ominuEeEClongeT detcîtlare i x teeninse s-x t 35 e.F Sol S -8We4utbt wNculdstkeesani W 2S assr. 3H Fa-s isîr Ilise cond i l aîîd Mîse tNT as1S0 ays6 t iso 6xxis u t Gîsîria C otît x oIieaTnee l C- i-snitigSthe x b- C uals axd H, rîs' îus. * I4ATI caedcW ersut Eutspades 12 par* WIRNG inth were 05 10a iseu0s6n 4i3omp, u w .a. *aveTDOOR LIOnNTS trump8 5 orl2 s Ise10club isid anucrh e u cfou lub S ouhcard major.noci'ncimaFEATHEeSTONE t - Ji. ie9es x4d explaart MEMOna rapIcGaVING LECTRICIT The bddin62de Wat cer si.,ncelhe GALnTTR83 SuhWest asa r1thb E stbo l outclep,.one O R21.7INES led tise club utcr iiaî, dorpxntixuednd ik W beAleve Ch riian H ity on;be ssirid, bseJalckonGo 1 ws sttig Suthand b-Will tand C Heanl wFrot m *nlite i cam CHURCH a to0F CHR * ITN (Styma Covenion Cornem MaLotUReas onfoehr Norvil Junior Farmers April 5 Ladies' h1gh single, Marg Alex- ander and Cerolyn Heapa 227; ndies' 61gb triple, Carolyn Heaps 627; men's 61gb single, -Bruce Van Vliet 364; mens isigis triple, Vis Heaps 594. Otiser good singles, AI Brown- ridge 207; E. Alexander 215; John Wfilsons 212; C. Heaps 219; V. Heaps 201, 215. Otiser good triples. Brtuce Vanx Vliel 542; Johnu Wilsonx 524; Mai-g Altexander 525; At Brownridge 557; Noura Barues 502; Grahsam Reese 497. ýErnie Alexander weon 2 for 106; Vie Heaps, 7 for 99; AI Brown- 'idge, 5 for 80 Bruce Van Viiet, 0 for 75. P. L. Robertson Girls Aprit 15 Ladies' isigis triple, Alice Brusis 625. Otiser good triples, fane Knox 620; Norma Iiteben 608, Donna Greuke 605; Dt Petterson 59. Willle Wilson won 7 for 33; Beryl Gaeton, 5 for 33; Lit Keszy- cki, 0 for 27; Joyce Schsultz, 7 for 26; Marie Murray, 2 for 23; Nor- ma Iitchen, 3 for 22; Yvonne Teasdale, 4 for 20; Kaths Cotes, 0 for 12 Ladies' Speciai April 15 Ladies' iigis single, Etisel Arn- old 258; ladies' igis triple, Mary Kingdon 614. Ofiser goud singles, Audrey Ma- sun 234; Gladys McKersie 235; Edrie Dawson 232; Preda Lawer- ence 22; Florence Hall 214; Ede Cryderman 208; Grace Brown 204; Kay Shields 202; Jean HeDuffe 206; Wilma Ellis 221. Book Review Recent and Readable HUB.RY SUNDOWN wrote clown their evcry waking By K. B. Glden thought. Ihere are moments of This is a big book 1,046 pages to touching insight and perception. be exact. No wonder it took two Throughout the tale of life in Col- authors over 17 yers to develup fax County, Georgia. most of tise a modus operandi which resulted eharacters develop f0, true life n tise assembly of this epic novel. size and tise situations and atti- K. B. Gilden ix thse joint signature tudes are credible. Thse southeru of Bert and Katya Gilden, hus- belle, the Georgia cracker, thse band and wife, who labored and ambition riddeu men of postwar broiagit forth this weighty contri- Amerca, tise triclcy Southern poli- bution 10 literature. If you are ticians and tise religious do.good- planning on being shipwrecked ers are ail woven with skill into on a deserted island for several this vast musaic. As migist he ex. weeks or have unis enougis lef t pectcd, the focal point is the rac- in your budget for a vacation in iat confliot whcih plagues most your own backyard. then 'Hurry ut the south, but again, tise autis- Sundown" wiIl completely f il ors insight gises lise average those awkward pauses. If you white reader a new dimension lu preler prose tigist and telegrapis- cuntrast with tise absolutes c, take a long ramn cheque on ibis gleaned f rom newspaper hcad- une. Tiis ix flot tise type of novel lines. you can lay down and pick up If you have tise ime and pati- again unless you have a card-in- ence. "Hurry Sundown" will give dex memory. 'eus many hours utf pleasure. and "Hurry Sundown' is an exper- wiie il demands a lot of drilling, ience, several cxpcriences and there ix of. will bce enjoyed hy many readers. Revcwed isy W. Dlgnan. Whilc il '.eems rht tise authors, WARNING Ail Soda, Acid or Foamit,' FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Must b. rocharged once ev.ry yoar, so th.y wili b. roady for us. in any .rnergency. The Fire Extlnguisher Commito. of the Miton Fire 1 Departmen, providee ghis rechargino service. To have yeurs checked or chargedj Contact Members at 8786074, 9557, 9507, 3367 MILT9N FIRE DEPARTMENT men 234; Reg Gray 231, RayWat.W. won 0 for 30; lmn3' «s 231; Ausmi mgMea u 0 k 29;cgsn 2 fo 26; o k7 fw 24 ' Paritinon M2., Norma itMuy M0. Pey G.. 4 for 20. Stan, 5-f o 1. Otisr or ed t"IQLB«,5illey see es 8 t*wn 743; Dean Gr;ay ,k O a"'tMw$tOwn 705; Dawve remy 677; Frgd Risa nr'oftise fosrth sor bfe.lyfi 650; key Waters 62. for two'weeks, April 23 and 30. Otiser b1gb triple, T h elm a tetusfield 597. Edes won 7 *for 23; Audrey, 4, for 17; Gladys, 3 for 14; Etls, 0 for Mr. & Mrs. Club Apnil 12 Ladies' -isigis single, Tishe i mea Bousfield 795; ladies' isigb triple, fhlba Bousfietd 295; men's 61gb single, Bilt Tom 635; mens isigis tiple, Bill Tom 241. Oliser gond singles, Tisemu Bousfield 278, 225; Janice Syer 207; Ken Syer 220; Bilt Tom 213; Helen Watkins 211; Date Bran- don 228. Otiser good triples, Helen Wat- kins 531; Date Brandon 617; Ken Syer 568; teck Bousefield 536; Bobh Muffat 524; John MeCuteis- mon 545. Ruekels won 7 for 31; Flivsers, 0 for 5; Bouncers, 7 for 35; Mut- fets, 0 for 27. Early Birds April 1à Ladies' higis single, Jue Gould 280; ladies'hiigis triple, June Gould 685; men's iigis single, Jack Gould 336; men's higb triple, Jacks Gould 745. Otiser good singles, Dave Hardy 306, Dean Gray 299; Bois Burkse 290; Les Wiltx 276; Fred Rigo 264; Ede Cryderman 239 Ivan Cryder- HALTON Country Club OPEN FOR MEMBERSHIP *GOLF * TENNIS * STEAM BATHS' OLYMPIC SIZE SWIMMING POOL *CLUB HOUSE PRIVILEGES FAMILY PLAN MEMBERSHIP -- $185 PAY AS YOIJ PLAY PLAN * GOLF" * TENNIS' WEEKDAYS YOU'RE INVITED TO DRIVE OUT AND SEE US. 4 MILES NORTH 0F MILTON, SIDEROAD 5, (CampbeilIvllIe). *WEST OF HWY. 25 TO THE OWNED AND OPERATED BY HR COSOATE NORTH4 TO THE CLUB. BORIS TRIFANOFF Successful banking begins with a savings account Like almost cveryone else, you use your local chartered bank an a sale aud handy place to build tbe savings reserve that is 80 important tes your financial future. In dong su, you do more than build a solid founda-. lion [or financial plant. You are building a valuiable banking relationship and helping to establish your credif. And as you get to know the manager and staff - a you use otlser bauking services to mcet personal or business needs - yuur banking contacta become even more useful tes you. And if ail starts with a savinga account 1 THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMIJNITY Through 5.650 branches, ail acrass Canada, thte chariered bankn bring ful-range banking wiîhin the reach ofeveryone. EXCEPT SAT. & SUN. Toronto - Phone WA 5.8054 av 'l 1 . NOTI'CE' TO THE CITIZENS 0F 1THE TOWN 0F OAKVIILE Daylight Saving Tne WILL COMMENCE SUNDAY, APRIL 25 AT 12.01 A.M. AND WILL END SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 AT 2.00 A.M. S. A. FEATHERSTONE, CLERK, TOWN OF OAKVILLE