by hrmi a. Scon Depart nMtar MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21st, 1965sen ar . he estoitce epatimnt.ottwa er.Twenty Page.-Ten Cents.. lm, as staffer have been butoy rounngn p endf-seaso stan and th cuBIsupplemted by a variety of other sports in. For lan on 1 A re owns ip ite cluding bowling, harness rao. lng, baseball, huting and fily Ing and even underwiater pho- Milton Council, in a special ln a 21 acre site un the Third Milton granted water service buildings in the Weston ama for tography and scuba divingt meeting Monday, agreed to sup- Line immediately south of High. to the firmi on the condition they a number of years. They now . Youll find juvenrile hockey ply water if necessary to a new way 401 and east of the CNR linre would seek annexation of their plan to manufacture their own tournament coveeonPg steel. fabricating industry locat- 'property to Milton. The town's steel joists to assure an adequate BI, Iregular Sportspgsn4 ing in Esquesing Township, in Steel Joists - agreement to provide water ser- supply and delivery for their pire. and 5, curfinig club wind.p the area the town seeks to annex. Robco Developments, Weston vice, if necessary, pr.ovides for jects. photos on 8, bowling un B6, Immediate construction is pro- plan to fabricate steel joist work the possibility the firm may not The 21 acre site was purchased minor hockey trophy presenta. 1 ~~~posed as soion as a building per- for use in their industrial develop- be able to locate a sufficient sup- frmWlimJhsntruhtions B5, and a feature on a loc. mit is received fromt Esquesing ment prjects. Manufacturing op- ply un their site. Terms of the Brian Best Real Estate a rohaig na newt Townhipfora $7,00, 1,000ratonsare expected to be un- town's provision of water are toe rpoorpyavnueo square foot plant for selfabri erwayý in Junie and 25 employ- be in accordance with the exist- The proposed 60 by 150 foot Bit. cating. The plant will be located ees are the initial expectation. ing by-law. The size of the line plant building, plus office accom- lsewhere this weeck It's H1al- Sthat would be necessary to carry modation, is designed for future ton morst popular classifed ase am ns mam m m oathe town service to the site expansion. An access road paral- marketplace on 6 and 7, edfitor. 4 f e would be a size satisfactory to lel to Highway 401 will be built to las on CI, high school stu. " oo Scm ai Gn" M es the town. the Third Line roadi. Shipping dents' "work-wek" C, wo. The Robco firmn has been en- facilities will be available from men's news C3 and mugle festa. Heling Fellow Motorist '°° North Halton's third traffic fa- , Dead is John Herbert Kehoe, ality of 1965 haped eal r- 17, or 34 Beverley St., Galt. day morning un Highway 401 at According to police hl e wa s àCampbellville, when a motorist ictruck by a car driven by Peter -SafPoo described as a 'Good Samaritan' Drabick 'of 287 Vancouver St., THE HIGGINS TROPHY, the top award in the Milton Curling Club, was presented on Monday was struck by a car as hie walked London, as hie walked across the evening to Dave Srnith's rink. The awvard, presented by Mrs. J. W. Higgins, is mn memory of across the highway. travelledl portion of the west- hier late husband who was an avid curler. Shown during the presentation are Neil McPhail, bound lane of Highway 401, a Mrs. Higgins, Bill Phillips, Mr. Smith and Maurice Beatty. More phoitos; can be found on the few yards east of the Campbell- inside pages and additional pictures will appear in next week's paper. ville Road overpass Police said a car driven by * Bernhard Kittler of Guelph hai 'h ink W ins Hi ins Trop a flat tire andpthe driver had to 'S m i hleave his car parked on the de. and hitch-hike to a service centre AB~ ce mleio waet tiha ovepas Banquet, Ward S igh End S earfo oltecagthti.A- A successful season of curling The runner-up rink in compe- Taylor's rink with D. Farley, S. ter obtain i th ools at the activities in Milton was climlax- tition for the Higgins trophy also G. Childs"os a d vs roc centre sevn i the toh sd ed on Monday evening when received individuallttrophiesoncompetedrfor the Cotgntohoicehwake aros ite road nearly 100 members of the mens from Mrs. Higgins. Members of pednted o the c lubga byo poie and found ohn Kehe getn section of the Milton Curlimg that rink included skip Merv Mris E. o tiga in mhe mr glb vasd forn his che serice Club gathered for an awards Ezeard, George Newell, Wayne ofs hE Jat husbian, th e fore centfr on aa the s vi e h mgt ndbaqut.Th tp insHilson and Jim Carney. toncekwodied suddenlyod o t d dualr arded th In the comripetitive curling last summer. Mrs. Costigan pireKt-rreotdyase eo handsome trophies donated to class, the Camliboellville rink of sentedl the first prize trophy mn fur a ride back to his car at ..0. the club. Ken Moore, Stan Hienderson, Bill the "Colt" division to the Charlie Campbellville, and the youth not The club's top award, the Hig. Coulter and Murray Mahon won Anderson rink with spare skip only gave him a ride but stayed gins trophy, was won by a rink the fir.%t prize Milton Mator Dennis Rowley, Eugene Coulter. tu 'help the lorist to change skipped by Dave Smith with Neil Sales trophy donated by Ivan Archie McKinnon and Ed Rober-ý the tire a McPhail, Bill Phillips and Maur- Slessor; adLen Ste. Marie's tson. Mr. Anderson was injured Afte th tir was changed Ke. i Bat. rs.J.W.Higin rnkwith Roy Coulter, John early in the season and Mr Row- hoe was returning to his car tedh emrialtrophy Simpson and Chris Watters won ley skipped t.he rink fo the re- %r(hcWa redo h ot ht re honorof_ er late husband, the third prize trophy, also don- mainder of the draw. Second side of. tt %l ay) when the 'RMTN OC TLIS rno eIon and Elmvrele captured the three championships who was described by club pres- ated by Mr. Slessor. The second prizes in the "Colt" division went westbound Drabick car struck inMTO th PSvet AulTri-Cunt Jueninle Tunmn otdb itnls ek oeta !dent Bob Reed as being "a good prize trophy donated by Dow to Bill Taylor's rink with Walter WHO WILL SHE BSE? him, killing him mnstantly. The 4,00 the y favn s tnuaredout to watch te orgge nd hetn Jueie in Milton 'sstwek Moentry curler and a great mani". Brewers Ltd. was won by Bill Bell, enon (Barney) Coulson Who will win the "Miss Mil- Crown Atorney hasc g od d in00 the y vent, t e ton t reters wer te eliinaed ind eth"Cfin als Meilaton's Maytor S. G. messammmm mmaassama asmMGMAN The top player awards for th tnCabrCmece been laid. Constable D. Ormsby Childs is shown presenting the "A" division championship trophy to Bruce Luyben, captamn of year were won by top skip Lloyd title this year? To date there ofMilton O.P.P. investigated. Brampton and tournament official Fred Hammond is shown at the left ssue W amning Smith, Andy McCarthy and K. Y. are no contestants and the Dick lied for the top vice, top deadline for entries .is Satur- d C || 1 second Terry French and topý day, May 1. Any girl 16 or Record Grass Fire Cal No 1 dCauBd warett s o h o overtrand nresidingis nhe Ml Milton Fire Departmrent record- "Don't takle any chances with rinks with a male skip and three enter the contest, and there's ed lsfistgrssfie f the fire, especially when the grassiltemale mebers we %,re donated a $100 bond forfisprz S ro csorass ee aneda ah - dn ,"e urged Fire Chipartment cardAda rnk with l y Mhele, ardd an otetts hio l e , a s n Sk Nm n t o cint nr h la te awning ostly npring and fat gr' s an i rst anBorde nWhecce' rink winer will be selected at the The mani who is expected to op- admitted hie had aspirations t- Georgetown. He said there are speaking community around the from local firefighters about citi- bush tires in recent yecars, and in wtJenFecrPyWakrMyaniaadrig ovrpose sitting Liberal M.P., Dr. ward the post but could not takle 736 voting delegates, with about district by takmng lessons in the zen s whlo are careless with ou- nearly every case humant care- ·md Glynis Sm-ith wais second. Chamber functions for the fol- Hiarry Harley of Oakville in the the time to campaign for the seat 400 of these from Oakville and Italian language, and he can now door fires at this time of rthe year- lessness was the cause. .Club president Bob Reed lowing 12 months, next federal election will be chos- in this next lection. Burlington. A candidate will need -,peak the Treviso dialect fluent- Accordiing to firefighlters, a wo- The f .ire department, in co-op- thianked all the curlers for thei crvab iat>na nrogriv tin •or e presidn of tBea ount a clear majurity (369 votes) to ly.I % ejie asgwy man north of Milton was burlng cration with Halton County Fire co-operation throughbout the yea aieai d oinaMit coh TowrztoGodnBat t i h ae nshl i Conil asa a ncllo onbs ire n da spaak fromt the Pr e ·ntion Bureau, is distributihis and remndnd thenn 1. e i " u 5 n ratd yu ev ingon bhi etn, ofe rumred as a con, ATANMAnOsharia deuty-r es th ti-nü gras. The fire othreatcene aeau- wek tlrhatnc u'r 1reiadens o ckub .m.o odyngta A smnall shed un a Hornby dist- have tossed. their hats into the With only Coulter and Masson Allan M. Masson was born in two as reeve. When elected reeve tifl rw f eerree teeshe thirhoms or ir haars, ndc uroided rit armn was desýtroyed by fire ri- with Nassagaweya Town- left in the race, the convention i Toronto and is 51 years old. He mn 1964 he was the youngest reeve fore it wvas brought under con list several do's and don'ts lor ribuflet supper was aioiddlt 6.15 a.m. Saturday, and a Port- shr vBill Co-e ofCmnntepce obod lon or rceived his education in Toron- in the township's history. trol fir rg sesturan. ale halig untued lur heauting bellville presenitly hl o 1 d in g a lively as the last P.C. nominating to schols and began working Conyouclr ai nearby, greenhouse was blamed slight edge over 'Oakville Mayor convention that wvas held in Mil- for Household Finance Corp., For thie past three years he has aks the cause ol the lire. Affan Massoni. ton, January 25, 1963. That was remaining thçre for 17 yearsbenam brofHtnCu- MitnFr eprmn n Both have beenl ini Ilhe field for the night 'Burlington a w y er wtthexpioofhreyasyCuncil, and his work included swered the alairm ait the homte 01 months, actively camipajigning bc- George Kerr woni out in a five- during the second world war chairmanship of the property Joseph Saliha., R.R. 2, Hornby. hinid thec scenies to win the sup-. man race to becomie the party's when hie enflisted mn the R.C.AF' and administration committee in Bothi the shedt and flhe heatmng Port of the 736 voting delegates., provincial nominee, and hie went In 1952 hie founded his own tirm, plant were dlestroyed. expected tu attend Friday's con- on to heat Burlington Mayor Ow- Independent Finance in Oakville p vention. ~~~~~en Mullini in the ensuing election, hr ermin oa son fwGreen, Gudgeon Out eil That nighit over 80) attenlded and cr-mnanager-. C k S 9 Tw others rumiored a% b i itlook a lot of speeClcs, some Hie was a counicillor ini Oak- 4 Clocks and watches In town in rthe comipetition for, the title lively sprocessions and spirited ville six years and hias bieen May- will have to "Spring forward" ut lederal standard-bearer were camnpaigning, plus Couir ballots, or' sinice January, 1964. He is a an hour this weekend to keep In definlitely isted as out of the race tu name a winner. tormer president of the Oakville adr imle with "daylight sa v in g this week. Winning Fight ChambeLr of Commerce and head- time." Milton and district of- Eric Gudgcon of Burlington, a Observers say Mayor Masson ed the Chamber's scholarship ficially goes on daylight saving former Nelson Township politic- has a lot of sup port in thec Oak. fund. Mr. Masson has headed the time ait 2 a.m. Sunday morning anis nhodyatDtnaville - Burlington area, whecre the Red Cross and United Appeal di- and citizens are reminded to Beach, Florida, and is not expect- maority of convention delegates ves in Oakville and hias served as Éturn all their timepieces for- cd hromntiloudaaerhe reside, but that Reeve Coulter is a steward at St. John's United ward before they go to bedt un convention. Miltonian David T. gaining ground and winning over Church for four years. Saturday night. Green, also rumored as a hopreful' a lot of supporters - not only Club Member a fromt friends in that nlorth section Ile is a miember of the Oak- of thec couinty, but also tromn ville and Port Credit yacht clubs, • outhful Y.P.C. delegates in flhe the Oakville club and the Albany Se nio r Pub lic Sch ool Rctriigoccr o-Fia' B th men intend to carry on balloting wi11 be Doug Latimier of their municipal counrcil duties if Brings Staff Changes °"""" Cule Th'le opening o1 Milton's first who also wierved a, J. M. Denyves BILL COULTER 19645, and the administration of Senior Public School ini Septemi- Principal has beeni rehecved of the Bl ole,3,wsbr tjsiecmitefrtesm ,ber 1%5S has ncecssitated several J. M. Denyes school duties due to Freeolt in , E as Faboro i ugh ic tw o m e years. ain 'adiniistrative changes, Beginning mercrasedl duties \vith thec ne twsi n h aml oe nhsyot r ole a SFin Sepebr he presentc ManvrtngB., Sei ru lai asc. praymipn to England in 1936 for, three an, activec scout in Toronto and St. ighasnirbi Schl i ol t n ert Long,. BA, remins s pmpa .years. He began his schooling in earned] his King's Scout badge ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e into a nd Pubichoo oro sue t heW.Dc col England and continuedl it in and CG>ld Cord; the highest hon- raeg eei n egtsuet E, W. FOSTER . Hamnilton, Preston and Toronto ors in Scouting. For the past four troml all parts of flhe town..John Edgar W. Foster, B.A, aprier- wh-len thre lamnily returned to Cani- years hie has been Nassagaweya's