. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. 7é ThCandien Champion, Wednudey, April 14, 1966 THE MILTON FIRE DIPARTMINT'S 1964 fire prevention acttvites able mention" certificats in the rotent N.F.P.A. competition. anti George Alexander from fise Ontario Fire Mrîhals Office preser G. Ciilds. left, looks on as M. Alexander presents tise amard to s Harold Coulson, ciairman of Miltons fire presention committe. mon tise award. REPORT FROM QUEEN'S PARK Il -BY- Mwm-lhGEORGE A. KERR HALTON M.L.A. In submittîng is 1965 estimae. land be estabtisheti, planning is et ibis meek tise Mmtister of Mue- a vital neceenn.y. icipal Affairs tihe Honoureble Tise Departmenl bas isad con- Wilfred Spooner, drem tise at- iderable difticulty le gettice lentioni of tise Legilature- to municipalities to assume plan' tomne ratiser signîficent statîstîts. niing retpunsibility. As of January fi in partitularly signifitant be- tt 1965. some 150 pl1a n n i c ge cause ofthte tact tiset certain boards out of a total ut 385 mere mutitipalitiet îin tise Province inctive. anti indee inm Halton Coonty. Primsepal Obstacle& bave set tiseir mîli rate for thts Ont of lise principal obstacles1 year anti bave indîcateti an in- to bc overcume in planning is lise Tisese tatînttcn reveal a suis- muttiplicity ot governing bottes. stential increase in revenue. pop There are in Ontario 979 municip- ulation anti assesment. aitien. 39 couchies. 30 chies, t tresse in taxes. separated iomns 100 tomnn. 154 Revenue Increaseti villages. 575 tomnsip municipal- Iu 1953 tise revenue of tise mn- ien. 20 impruvement districts, il icipaitiet acrons Ontario amount- districts. 3.053 scisotl boards anti ed to $327 million; in 1963 it mas thousunds of other boards anti $874 million, an increane of 167 commissions nn.tl the rmsult that per cent,. Itesamne perioti net for improvements. 0no iatter provincial revenue rose front hum simple, many bodies bave lu $3645 million lu 1953 to $1.1 bit- be cunsotteti betore a commun lion in 1963. an increane ut 200 per plan ctnlbe deviseti. Ont tan miel cent. relize hum ditticuît il is lu gel Grantspaid1b even tmenty or lmenty-tise chair- Gaspa th ie province to en to agret. municipalitiet. boards f includieg We have mittesseti a steatis sciscol boardis) anti commissions gromîb in administrative regions during ibis perioti increaseti trom by tise varions departoiecîs ut $137.5 million in 1953 to $438 rmil- fiovernment, each ils its oms lion lu 1964, an iccrease ut 218 fieldt represntnatives anti mitl nu percent. Assistance to, local mon- bountiary reîationstsip. icipalities il ha trtiser iterras- Agiutr ba minieia eti in 1965 by 48.6 million to a to- rinatupoic bascd nie taI of 0620.4 million. Tissrepre- couctsau t. On tise other sauts 47 per cent of tise provinces isant ats auniti.Purntshan 22 net ortinary revenue compareti - Lnsad oetsbs2 lu 39 per cent in 1953. regions buseti un geograpisicut Statstis aso howan ncraseantipisysical characters. toorinre Sinithes also sofm n icrtesebus 32. anti a recent tievelopment ino t6isenm19r3toun6icpaest by tiseDepariment ut Rtform Iu- from 966mhain 153to 76utprenent.stitutions insolves lise tise entais- M.Spoeionempisasis mus lace. ylisisment ut district laits to re- Mr., Stucoy n eonanneinrgu-place te aId ctunty juil. We coin cal Cont ani eginalplnnighave district iigb sebeols anti tiuring tise tebate on tise estimut- Conservation Autisrities misose es. Municipalities are realizing auîhority i s eut resîricteti to tisat if eftieiency iv to ise main- conty or municipal bountiaries. taineti, if dupicatiotn tf cusîs i5cTise une public boudy miichis i tu be preventeti anti proper use ut in a position anti bas tise autisor- ae Hlooffl 'eity in macs respects luotievelîîp SENDFOR OOK panning os a regional isasis i% If NI) FareBone uhe County Cîtuncil. ant in tise ofyo fren thtie suittererms days abeuti. il lise prescnit polies frontisay tever, your tisief etOt ut tht Honoutuble Wilfrid Spoon- my is probabîs agmeeti pollen. er anti is departmeîst is toIlons- Since ibis meeti is itiely stseead cd. mure anti more responsibiîiîy tirougisout tise country, sunceP- itl ibc plucet intehattis of lible persons sooti try tu spendti s level ut guvermeee. tiseir vacations in aeas misere tise pollen coont is toment. An __________________ excetlent ticoklet tisat provties up")to-date information on pollen IN U A E conditions in aIl provinces i5 an- ISU A C ailable tree on requttt fromt tise n Canadian Government Travel Bureau, Ottawa. AT1END CLASSESe. Tise expectant mother soulti have metilcal attention tbrough- tut bier pegeancy. Witi tise ap- O R provaloutlhemrtioctor. ste shoulti . a O R attend prenatal classes misere tise milI be given informative Miten, Ont. TR "4357 talks, exercines, ativice on tiiet______________ andi iealttiscieck-ups. Informa- tion ou tisese classes may usual- y be obtainedt tisugi tise local ieaitis tepartmeut. --Give generosly mies a Can. answer your r cer Society represeututive î.alls WAESSESI1 W. caery a Complet. Lino of " UNIFORMS " SHOIS " NOS! MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE LTD. M0 Main St. milont TE8Uni won tise brigade un "honour- I et tise fire hall on Sturday ted the certificafe. Mayor S. Chief A. E. Clement. At rinht Haltn, ilto , O kvile a-Time 10 put away thesoe is Halton Milto, Oakvll. atgsi udmiserake -and lis Preseni 3 Fire Prevention Cerlificates The hlWrdFk lbres Halton ftre prevention Pire Services in tise Ontario Pire prevention woi-k tlroSghout thse tendance trephy heti been won by ~rlgoomr oneib agencies received certificates of Maishls Office, Toronto, pire. past pear. Tise Hatton entey mas Milton.41reion r fud y menit for tiseir entries in tise 1964 sentedti he certificates andi con- compileti by Roy Downs of Mil- Presidet le Charge one God through varlous marsi- Nation ire Protection Associa- gratulateti the firefighters for ton, public relations officer for Chief Erwin Lewis Of George- feStations whose spiritual mes tion f ire prevention competiion, their year-round efforts in tire tise Bureau. Oakville's entI'J was tome. 1965 Mutual Ad president sage Was thm samne. during the annuel banquet of the prevenrtion. handled by Lt. Miler miile MII- presideti oser the dinner. Other Fo1e omtinCotc Hatton County Mutoat Aid Pire He presenledth ie Haiton Fire ton's was done by CIiet Clement, gueuts wlto were introduced in- FoInrmtnCnac Association in Hilton Saturday Prevention Bureaus certificute tu Haroldi andi Jim Coulson. Tiser cluded Mayor Les Duby from As- DADS RESTAURANT evening. Reeve Elliott of Georgetown.,miso mere 286 Canadian Communities ton. and Chartes Wilson of Mil- lHalton County Pire Prevettion represented tise Coonty Warden entered in the content tisis year. tonc airman of the Milton Pire R. R. 2, Guelphs Rd. Bureau received a 'special recog-. for the occasion, and Reeve Et- atone mitis hundretin ut eniries Area Board. Cmieîil nition" fui' an ouistancting cour- liott passed the awut d un tu Lt. from United States. Tise Miltton Rehekais Ludge cal- apelie tv-sponsored camp.tîgu; Oakvilte Wes Milter ot Oakvilte Fire De- Tis Mitton Brigade wot asec- ered for tise banquet. Over t00 Fire department won an honor- partmcnt. the 196465 cisairman und eprize during tise evening. firetigisters and wives enjoyed tise ablte mention in the N.P.P.A. Clasofthtie Bureau. Chief Ctenient atso accepter! lise dinner and dance misicis fottowed. "B" contest for communities witis Fire Chiet Douglas Witson andtJames Black attendante tropisy In tucky draws, George Atexantier 25,000 te 100000 population. in District Deputy Chiet George on behalf of iis tiepartmient, for ut Toronto and Vernon Coolson J ST CALL' bots tise Canadian and Ontario Wrighst ateepted tise Oakville tise best brigade attendante ai ut Milton mon asistrays. Bill Hytie divisions; and tise Miton ire award trom Mr. Aexantier. Mil- Mutuel Aid Fire Association meet- ut Georgetown won a tire esting- 8 Dcpartment mon an isonorable tons Mayor S. G. Ciits and Pire ings during tise pant year. It mas uisiser. and Mms. B. Beck oftOak- 878-6388 mention in tise Clans "D" for tomn- Chiet A. E. Ctement attepted tise tise second year in a rom tise at- ville mon a cigarette tigister. munities mitis 5000 to 10000 pop- Milton Pire Department award. 1,. o ulatin, bth Cnadin an On- Enter SerapbookFo taris divisions. Tise prizes mere awardeti for YeassRound Job scrapbsook accoonts ufthtie sur-EX RTC AN G W. George Alexander, Ciief oftios tire pretetion bureaus tire Ontario Contest ehodig is crpboktht Halton GirI's Poster WAinner A Halttn Coonty girl, Ena Anis- Nicisolas Loisodycz, Kitchsener; imosiceut S. M 'sSeparate 1 Penelope Schafter, Mount Hope; Seisool. Oakville. has bhem judgedl1 Use Kinzel. Brampton; Katharine M anor Auxiliary 'onooutzhtis sutop minners in tise St. Aubin. West Ferris; Darlene Planning B Ontario ire Ciiets' Associations Bromen-.. Duriam_; rene Dorey. PIanning azaar tiird annual lire prevenlion Post- yngto;RadsHMillan. Corn- er cottest. malt; Chris Rose. Prankfomd; Tise Nallon Manor W.A. met on MisAsmtic sumtci Paul Paradis. Port Arthuor; and Wedncsday, Aprit 7. Mm .Allet iAiiiwc umte opened tise meeting and hatdtise!tise hast girl's poster ofthtie 30 Algis Zilvytis, Rycismans Cor- Manor Prayer saiti in onison. tntise cumpetîtion. and sise and e5 Mrs. Alen tanked tladies tise top boy, Brian Dame ut Inger- Mr. lentanc tt soit, ii bots recri ve acerlticule ,-h look tise block printng cour- and a $100 Canada Savings Bond Urge You Recharge se, anda speciat thanks to Mrs. for tiseir efItons. Tise assardsscitt A. Wilson anti Mr%. Luekie lur isc matie aitie Univer.sitv ut Tor. Fire Extinguishers tiseir mork on Sunsmarv Day. aontApril 29, during ftise DEC. I o aeasd.ai i A cItter svas rcad inlorming As annuat conterence. Iltoeirhae eatinguishe n our tis laiesottis cove tiis ri Third Halten Pile home or place of ibssiness,. t haciseld in September ut Port Wil- ire prsentitin prîsters drumit might becnise lu chseck tise date liams. isv Ena Atisimossin, aid Gary incwas last recsurget. Plans for tise spriug baeaar Ross ut Boringtun nitre recently 'Manvy peuple neyer tbink to mere disttissed and cunseners ap- judged mi ecers ofthtie Haltun gel 16cm rechargeti. andti hey puinîrd tor tise penny taislte, Counts irc Presetfien Bureatis sutId bc dune once every star," handicrafîs. iomehaking. candy annuat poster i.untesl. and tise according tu Hilton fireligister and tea tabltes. Donations toc any isSu ivnners' poste rs ns-cftr- Att Waldie. tisairmunofthlie Mit-, ut tisettabtes, espeelailîsbaking n-reto filie Ontiarioî coOpeti-tn ire Departonts t% ise-mac and candy milI bc uppreciuted. hon y bilitsireau. 1. prestouýs tire entinguisiser committe. "il Mrs. Child.s and Mrs. Ratîdaît vasr tssiHalton cîstîdren stuc silt bbclo isat il tisesnecedlu otlered lu ha lunch iostesses for $10hoorbl mentioîn insards in use une sorine day. und il mont tise nexi meetin.Altemef.t- -- : mý-%ide custeni andi Hl.I- m<rk " he said. Attrs il -er tie eetl- tun ire Prevnstue BBreau ioflic- Rigisi noste secominitte keeps nt s. Ht ve erni aI ssi-ceeespecialîs Pl!asel-cthis asi t fkeume tire estinguiss-1 ments. scar iii le.rn a loical poster isad ers, anti tacis monts a tem tif Relut Cumitte utMitvoin top) houts in ftic Ontariuotisem are recisarged or retilleti -The Rfi omt fMl division. as Ihel r rene-s-u date tomes up. ton Cisumier ut Commerce mitI ire tîiitA. E. Clement ut Mit- Dt cers uhose estinguishers bc isuntling tise local Cancer to . chairmas tif tise O.P.C.A. neeticisarging cas contact tise, Society canvans amiing meri-cumpetîtion. andtihe reports Ibis lire brigade office or ans tire-' chants titis year. Reltif Coin-'ystars poster enîries seere tise igiter or bring it tu thse lire mittee cisirman 'John Brtîetti hest scertin tise tisree stars tlice hall acy Sturduy. in carg uttisecusussng. Ontario content bus been field. A panel ut iudges chose the sst ________________ -You cuir PIGIIT tise cancer toîpsninners. and also gave 10 hon- distasetwmus a ciseque lui, vour nraiste mentioîn aswarck Tliîsc neigisior scien lie or she canvas- lise bitys and girls sul it t ic FR ses you dormeg April. atd a check- ci ena'certilicate and a ciseque F.S KERR'S AL0 REXALL PHARMACYy u PRESCRIPTIONS AHOE G K. H.ELSLEY, B.St ,PhM FSIO E 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE E H TR 8.4492 - Aller Houri TR 86961 DOUGHNUTS FREE DELIVERY - REVION COSMETICSN Nvr1 NOTIC E THE MILTON MUNICIPAL OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED Good Friday and Easter Monday, April l6th and l9th R. S. REYNOLDS, Cleris, Town of Mtllon r1l MILTON AND DISTRICT UNIT I CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY I 1" lji Varieties 59C Doz. BARNEY'S u T S RESTAURANT' lFormerly BIue Skien) Hwy. 25 North -'Ph. 878-9031 PIRE PREVENTION AWARDS came in three's f0 Halton'County- J I this year. At Saturdoy's Mutual Aid Fire Associationdne in Milton, Milton and Qakvjîle f ire departments received 'honourable mention" certificates f rom the 1964 National Fire SE V C Fire Prevention Bureau (which has members f rom aIl the 130 Robert St. county's f ire departments) received a "special recognition" award. From left, holding the certif icates are Milton Fire Chief MILTON, ONT. A. E. Clement, Oakville Fire Chief Douglas Wilson, and Halton Fire Prevenlion Bureau chairmac Lt. Wes Miller of aul Let the. loselinets of our fragrant fresh flowers radiaIe îoy in your home ..carry your Easter Grsetings to Church, relutives and friends 0 DAFFODILS 0 POTTED ROSES IN BLOOM " EASTER LILIES 0 HYDRANGEAS 4b TULIPS 0 POTTED MUMS " GLOXINIA 0 MIXED HYACINTH PANS 0 SPRING CUT FLOWERS l.tbea tlilt tr e in o r oe ies an h-e tcrp thrgs.Pluet 4y n arrngeyou reienbrach MfIL TON GREENHOUISES 429 MAIN ST. MILTON PHONE TR 8-9501 1' A GOOD PLACE TO BUYa00 0 SERVICE TO ALL MAKES' 0 SALES I ILEASING_] MERCURY METEOR COMET BRITISH FORD MERCURY Trucks CALL US - OR COME IN ~A~~II I~ ~(1963) 0 You'îîl Sve OAKVYIm.E gyIOf1RS LTD. Hundr.ds of tJ OPEN EVENINGS UNI IL 9 - SATURDAYS TO S P.M. Dollars now onl AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR Mercury, Meteor, FORD MERCURY - METEOR - COMET - BRITISH FORDS - Cornet MERCURY TRUCKS Dernonstrators 312 COLBORNI ST. - AT REYNOLDS OAKVILLI CALL 8443273 ------------