300 O*sIi. "Vision of Spring't Foshlon Sho-w Irlbt yodyongsea- prt In ieCtltan Educatos Bold sPonsored by thse Unted Cisureis Pumlly Fasison were modelled s Vin fSprin fasiton s ho tise Moannlt sa n fasitsiso btestie upse ySo'ansyfr ieatrno t provlded by Jim Kerr. Two programo were presented*. ' durlng tise aflernoon and lea was poured by representatives of te varigus citorri grous in lo n. Those whio poured tea inclodeti Mrs. T. M. Dustan of GraceaAn- glican Chur-eh, bics. Ja~ck Bi islowi of Emmanuel Baptist Chari, Mrs. Les Wills of Knox Presby- teria Mes. M. C. Clristen.sen of Itighway Gospel, Mrs. L. A. Mer- COMMENTATOR MR$. A. P. GA riat of Holy Rosary and M. Rot t hlyHlonadMs la Foathorucate, Miss Mina Hume, ml hlyHsnadMs la birs. W. L. McNeil, Mrs. J. Bell, on Saturday aflernoon. More th Mrs. F. W. Marbotlte, Mrs. K. 0. antual show and saw tltesaInii Poster and Mrs. J. L. Graham of St. Pauls United. Shirley andi Katheritie Dilîs, Recei.ving guesîs aI lite door ~My were Mes. J. L.. Graham, Mirs. . Grace ted Brueo sn a 0. Poster, president oftheU.C.W. betie anti David Cruickshank, and offloors Mrs. T. Taylor atd Bars. Lysi andi Laur,, Aikcnhead, Mrs. H. Mager. Mrs. E. B. Cie- Reite and Betty Feent.ra, Lita ments mas iteati of thse decora- and Auîumn Watson, Eteanor' ting rommiller and Mrs. Chartes anti Shetty Hilsot, Marilyn andi 2Thsomson mas convener for te Raymontd Ford. Susas Arbic, 04fatition show. bits. F. W. Har. Richard Arnoldi, Neit Ctarkson, botîle mag tea conveter atnd brs. Pauli Sîver. Geolire Citattinor,1 E. W. Foster was in charge oi Pauline aed Lorrne McEach- puhlicily for tise show. cmn, Stanlcy Fay, Mes. Arnotd,i Mdodela Boihy Beton, Linda Downs, Liz Models for tise show inclodeti Matie, Rosais-t Brouse, Ruts Grace Featerstone, Elea Ezeard, Brouse, Linda Coulsoe, Mary Mrs. T. R. Fornes. Wilma Tyrer. Picket. Att tacot, Diane Dison. .-spoa Marilyn Ford. Mrs. C. J. Phipps. Kaihv John-on. Sand%,' John-on, UINDIR THE SHADI of a colorfuai ùmbrelia, modais Pauline Mcachern, Auturen Waton, Lil hua .WbeIcleCl, ei. evsan -i evs Watson, Jody Phipps and Lucille Cole show snme of tise new Spring crettions. Tise show was sponnoret ity Syers Famiiy Fashions and arranged sy te ladies of SI. Pauls United Citorcit. -- RTTY SPRMN FAINIONS were modelled biy .1attacive Milton ladies. Sitosn modeliing tome of tise newest ouflîts are Mrs. T. R. Furness, Mrs. Larry Tyrer, Mrs. M. Ezeard aed Mrs. S. Feetiterstone. EAL EAIG -Rememiter. soun rei Tise child who bw orat read oerdoe ibooks t0 Mulotn Lihrary MdaI in Ilfe la woJ uaried on wititout any fines titis stock. Il's bis educution. Many youngsters Lihrarv Wrck in Canada and te a &et a isoad sut ons rçacLng local hurd lias derlared an ans-. sithi ie iselp 0f parents and oIt- testy os overdor itouks tritil Sat- or ciildren. As soon us ho raurav. master tise simple printed wuord, ho sIsnad hbc le-ao 1 cisoosebis osan bouo.lustie pu5- lic library, whore tore wrc -aStaffPhsoto books for ail ailes. OUTFITS FOR ALL THE LADIES inte famiiy more on disptay aI lite annual "Vision of Spring" fashion-show on Salurduy. Neariy 50 teenagers, lois and ladies modeiled tise outfit i. -Three years ugo. L ib r a r y tasiathe lsmrsbip was just 1748. To- V' Chitiani Education Building of St. Pauls UniltedChutrcit. Shown in titis photo are Susan Arbir, day il',s3,177 and growing steati- Rosslyn Brous., RuIh Brous., Anne ison, Diane ison, CMiy .Johnson, Wendy Jervis astnd , l y as more and more resides ta Jeria.realize tise value of a lovai tubm. U4dwehm Gqtoe Regent Mrs. N. DMartinsec retary Ni-s. J. Beverey and Mes. D. Hil recewsly repreaen±od thse Sarah Marin-cm apter athtie an- mial Provincial meeting in Humn- ilton, April 7 and i. During thse opening ceremony over 100 flas, repeesenting chup- ters throuusbowaeOntaio, mSd up the processional mardsh. Tise Surah Martin tlag was carried in tiis procession by standard bearer, Mrs. D. Hil. Mrs. Morrisn, provincial pres- ident, expressed pleasure on tise presence of over 80 junior msent- bers representing tise junior cisaptors. Following thse unnual reports, thse delegates learned of the greai efforts in timte and expense vk4ich the IOD.E. puts toseards education, services at home and abroad, immigration and citiz- enship and tise various other charitable works. During thse evening Mrs. Mar- tin and Mrs. Beverley attended a buffet dioner sehici Sgave tem tise opportunity to meet and tatk Io many of bise delegates, learn- ing of their varied chapter pro- jeons. Tise rensainder of fisat day wus spent in group worksisops. Mre the delegates heard tise main conveners and seeretar- ies of tise ..E. and received answers to tieir many questions. Titis annual meeting pointed out tise vastness of titis organiz- ation and impressed opon tem tisat the contributions from earis and every IODE. risapter makes ail titis work possible. WHEAT BOARD OFFICER A. Roy Coulter of R.R. 3 Camp- hoIlville, a former ciairman of thse Ontario Wiseat Producers' Marketing Board, las heen te- turnod as a dirertor on tise exec- utMe comMntee for 1965. At tise inuugtrumeeting in Toronto last woek R. T. Bolon 0f Seafortis wua namo *uiaîmn for bis soc- oudyer of qfic,heudlng the l2- n*n provincial hourd. Mr. Coul- ter represents District Six on tise NO0TI1C E REGARDING TOWN 0F MILTON T A x ES RATEPAYERS 0F THIE TOWN 0F MILTON4 ARE REMINOEOTI4AT 1965 TAXES ARE DUE EITHER IN FULL BY MAY 7or INI FOUR INSTAIMENT DUE MAY 7, JULY 2, SEPTEMIER 3 AND NOWMIBER 5 DISCOUJNT 0F 1% WIILL SE ALLOWED FOR PAYMENT IN FRJLI.BY MAY 7tIi, 1965 SPenalty of 1% Par Moesth or anry portion thereof, wiIl b. charg.d on ea<h overdlua insfalmaut until Dec. 3, 1965, aft.r whkch dite int~erst uthe rate of %¾*0f 1 % par M" oithll ha addad son tha firat dey 0f a"hm.oth. A~ Y k SIPIN, Eq5lea ýND99~ ýLLOWAY lashown chef#usg toc Hilton foliosetng th4 .5w tan 300 guasis afleoidatitOu in lasitionu for lte Sprit-g. BUTT PORK aiOeS te uduit operator, but alun hy I ctildren or persons standingI nearby. Tise machines Stades ru- tatuata 2,000 10 4,000 limes ai minute end clsey are capable of tlsrowing sp plages 0fut aap use- te, gisesgr *Pm a t*c oule! kl e.Mg yo*wmato, nM loa p prte 1h. powor anow- ALFON SO'SI FRUIT MARKETI 171 m M MI.LST IN TlaM4s~ MATS PORI< CM0PS - T-IONS. SISRLOI,RON STEAKS - - - - - '55C b .- 79c lb. -39c lb. IROASTING'CHICENS'- 35c lb. FARMRS SAUSAE - iOclb. TANGERINES .... .............4 Doi. 99c SUNKIST ORANGES ............. 3 De«. $1. BANANAS ..............O....1c lb. CANTELOUPE ------------------- ----25C WATERMELON --------............ f CUCUMBERS ....... -------- 3 for 25c ASPARAGUS ..... ...........2 lundis.35c MUSHROOMS ..................39c lb. EXTRA LARGE EGO.................MDemn HAPPY EASTtR Let Us Gatiter Mils Family aed Friends in Citurc t tiis Esier Sonday Let Us Joie Our Voices With te Choir in Titane Beloved Oit Easter Hymn Let Us Se nilte Profession olf aster Flomors, te Miracle of Spiritual Reiirlt Let Us Lift Our Heurts Wit thlie Glory of te Ago-Old setIer Message Let Us Reture 10 Our Work-A-Day Worlds, Rfreshet in Spirit by tise Wonder ted Beauly TisaI is Sater Suedayl TRAFALGAR MOTORS YOUR FORD DEALER MILTON - Cahie*oa aM-« PAINT6 f«rWooed, otao Docarative FIAT PAIPtiTfor nolings, walle end trlin gf pluser. w.Ilbmd, wap.pw, wmed amdM- iSLrog UL0 M SEMI-GtOSOPAJNTS for il, ings, walls, trim end fumniturp -plester, seoUboard, maonoi- ry, wood end motlI MMOuc m ENAMIEL .. ..i.. . . ............ ~P ...... ... -NAME 00. ............ ef . ............. FRoe PIL qw . ..........- . au. ............ LAM PAIE Od . .......... 0 . .......... i o. '4- HAMBIRG - - - 3 lb.. $1 ýi