Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Apr 1965, p. 10

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-------------- -------------- 82 The Canadian Champon, Wedn«edy, April1410ff lm 1- oaerthe book sel la kby-week n e am tiontant chltenm stion oret and hier staff. It Is administered in the Professloril Dhrectory. teMrinpro tio to To accommodate the ptdict î>- y a boardcby ithe ofnc1 l- Scolcide a gagwhse ls ca te torye piresein oltosoei etlocal school boards. pses rmtng Library Week hour be hekiPt' M % a P . frecast 170 -populatin, Itwill --aura=nonn str tsyr ndisplay in local "We ned a woom for story be necessary to move books not hour are oar wii t oHd hours, puppet shows, arts and in constant demand to stacks inheren hoareqoulen tthe bar. ...pe orsa Min' i crafts tard exhibition, poetry Or the basement," said Ithe chair- tnvb qetteLbe. -brar a re M eday12 oontoL.0 Play redingschool class visits man. "The easement ls unstisW -Take out a book, just one • byrurdy amMng12 n d F o $- and ther attrations," says the factory for book storage and, of lmtte bokedurng Lbray Wek.day 1 o53,63 o9 and Satr- librarian. Thesel"extra" featmres course, has been flooded twice Tehbti cthn n. day 1 9 .30o, 1 .30 t'sclsed St are avalable In most centres in the past five months." _Onlyhabut 80 pcn of. aday Wednsday11t .fiscoe serving -a population similar to The 1970 circulation figures nlabu80prctofC-lidyW nea. Milon'; ad wo ut he ibrrywere worked out -three ways, cook a nM 1hed , and gave varying resuts. Based »mINi &iiY on the 1956 to 1964 average IU*t now, maembers Of the tirend, the 1970 projection was MM»e Arts and Crafts Society 77,000 circulation. But based on are eùdlbtingpan Ing n . the the five-year 1959 Io 1965 trend, It ibaryv. theresrg outaln was 83,000, and based on the the walis above the booselves 1964 trendl only, it came to and lend a lot of clas to thie a- 135,000. The board figures the mesphere of the bulding. Wihat's 83,000 circultion figure to be the neede Îheweve, isa-a frooum rst probable. This in backed where art shows could be held up by a lok at Grimsby library and paintings or sculpturès pro- (comparale in size, poplation prydslydand idenrtified. and circulatiorn toa io') Th of r ilao s madna b , wher h 970 forecast is 84,200 and a projected circulation fig- The board feels the seating ac-St a sU o Cà , f ure for thatrYea. foresee a commodation for erec work -sftM Poo 197 pua tio oq71 aep e, n thpreset .library sae MILTON PUBLIC UIBRARY BOARD members selected W Ilia Robert McKay. Shown standing are Mayor S. G. Childs, T. idÚ yado abirution,00igures.for tatqutowith42sar tnwevr, Dic- e caim f the board fôr1965, at the board'sCumnella, the chairman of the property committee; libranian Mrs. yTe f96aboulaion ws6,384 teesol e1 r0 seats for ev- iaugural meetng of the year. Saown seated in the photo are M. Allt ee rMrs. G. E.Gowland, tLocihairrnnDickhem 1b..ooONkGWOSI and circulation was 61,889 ery 1,000 population and this secretary George Carruthers, Mr. Duignan and vice-chairman committe r. K. Y ik .S okeadDc lmns 1AM ONN OSI book.) would mean a present need for sa m nfflmm a ma m m!EMmmemy m HIgMM ndard 64 seats. The 1970 projection is "Memabers of the Library Board 75 seats, andthe seating increase paaten is married to Tutankham- adtelibrarian hbave given the of eit'her 22 or 23 could not be • on when shte is only eleven and -E mater considerable thoght, accommodatedl in the present re s BoR v e w . .ayarl utndhefd stdyan dscssonmad hede lbrry themselves the Pharoah and hisAP L1th 96 cisio reflects the unanimous OP. ee frmore eedenc Oký (Continud fromt Page BI) studied the action and Ilife of the They came in contact with two Queen, Rulers of all Egypt. ARL1t,16 inin o th bord nd ibrr- ee fo moe rfernceboos'lwntown lhe could play hockey sea.,Three f his war buddies be- storms, the latter of which broke The author has written an his 11.00 A.M. - EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP ou-tat counicil in a recent letter. panded activities for children how Jack made his decision and 1f riends joined him.flat. The raft was stranded On1 samne time made the characters soaChoir1 will ing Ch uior Predoater. Sni "In making this forecast, it has8 shut-in service, andi a music and about the rest of his N.H.L. car- Thy tavele oouhAmr the Rarroi Coral Reef. She lay vii he are uforgettable. Lu- Comhairwly ing Cor r ecure thse wyo esr been assmored that counicil will films service were also pointed er0ed hsbok LgtnnScoadbit uneath reaothrfrserldyscnnulceNrrisoy n sterregf fChu rch Do or will open a the.30.dssr .sih to provide a high standard out to couincil by the board. OnIeli md fBls odwsed inland. Would she reach being able tu make a princess Cuc or iloe i1,0 uibrIardsericenfor thaen-om- rd-n thesmer of 1%37,0te00. . eye IShol nnaatopen bamboo cabin' her destination? who lived and died long before 7.30 P.M. - "I EHELD HMS GLORY" munirtyInadditione the a en-board proposred n t77,00 Revewed by Ken Parton, and a square sail with the head Reviewed by Carol McGinnis, Christ as vibrant, alive and hu- A special 40 minutes filn in SOUND and COIOR deavothre to e a eogniz e he falirary t eected onite of Kon-Tiki imprinted on it. Holy Rosary School. man as if shre were here. A very The Easter Hymns will be Sung thgdat there wib ar- aiartes- MabinSt.tenmas orts site. A THE KON-TIKI EXPEDITON Finally they set off across the .well - writ ten and sympathetic This service will be conducted in the Auditoium of tng fetteneor iaf polewt p uitand the lbad bwatode. .By Thor Heyerdaki Pacific and looking forward to THE LOSTQUEEN OF ECYPT book. Rvee yInrdFltheu w.E. benwt ed oalSevcs toree m eet rerie and to aid feated by a large majority. This story is One of courage, seeing the Polynesian Islands. Be. By Lucilie Nrrson ReiwdBy ruce St. School.wlcme t al erics in theeducaion of Young Now the board looks into -the endurance and triumph. It is an fore their fresh food came to an1 Don't read this book unfess youBrcS. ho. npeo ed t otinuing r-d future and, while quite happy accountr of the amiazing Kon-Tiki end fish began flying on board- are willing to stay with it to the -nyaot2 e eto tiion of adults." Stanards p etlirr lth e ras ra yoy age osAmteaica fite TEoweret to u and aten ry edyro ncep i o.trt this Canadians are regular library us- rCandn.Librakry apita needs, cites the requisite of a Polynesians Islands and of the six at the steering oar. Raaby and Aksepatn ite third shold b stckd n loca irar- brand new'building by 1970. mnwoagtdt. Haugland sent daily wireless me-daught'er ofaQuen niNefertiti and s. hi ould estc e 15,960 So this is Library Week. If you. Thor Heyerdakl first became sages to the Meteorlogical Instit- Akhenaten, the Pharoah of Egypt. boesfoThis wMons194 populat- are interestedl in books and won. interested in the origin of Poly- ute In Washington. Hesselberg The princess is a lively, intelligent oosfor38 resdents. Present dering about Milton's library ser- nesian natives when hie heard took their position daily and Wat-; girl, the only one of seven sisters stonk of6,849 hebar ' e vc ithe future dra in and their tale of being lead to the zinger took the wind measure. vho learned to read and write setckaisho4,0t0,oseboar2000 havea look ait wlhat we havePolynsia Islands by a great mnents. Thor f iled ou charts with fit isn't till the arriva of Tiy, theT h e y L t s bsl.sshr now. The librarian will be gladi sun-god caHied Kon TI fromt a their activity. Igirl's grandmother that the fam Tcsrethe projected 1970 to discuss it with you. vast land across the ocean, and of Often they went out in theiriygvesrouthgttoh To sre ja familfar -tale of the Incas of rubber dingy and took pcue lack of a royal son to succeed the --sesmanma oue*miSouth America who claimt that of the raf t. Pharoah. To ensure this, Ankhsen their ancestors dove a mani nom- I A T R F S I N dd R 'ed Kon-Tiki and his followers ta Recegq.-w!nt and eadable .. the Pacific coast of South A.,r- (Continued from Page BI) animals, retrieving stmaying ones' te a.do esdsapaaneoe done it again as Arthur Hailey finding mates and then mating Iewnee h the Polynes-E R E presenti "Motel" with a fanfare his charges, there is the feeling ian had not claimed South Amner- oftrmpes HMr Hily s n ha h nw s onenedy ats-ica as their origin and as a result EXCLUSIVE 'WITH AT LANTIC no danger of ever writing the fied with his lot. He gives the wetad asked a professor his.. gat andn o lhas ftrim resothtv e hsuro. opinion. The professor told Thor i$rnO A GnŸA C least perfectednthel'formulasfor lemsad nadetre s rafn It is futile to consider the pos- Isrne A is cie t an exciting best seller. And by His wrting is fluent and hum- siiltyo7schpimtiepepl77-es,7eth .7 reading the book now, you can oumous. navigating a balsa-wood raft ac- O O N VR$,0 compare it later wfth the movte' Animal lovers will be particu- ross a twenty-four thousand mileON OA S VE 1 W which will follow as naturally as larly inteested in this book. Art- stretch of water fromt South Ami- the night the day- st will be Intrigued with Ralph erica to the Polynesian Islands AT NTC N N E All in al, "Hotel" has just the Thompson's m a nl y illustrations. and the oly way uch aSpecla- right blend Of suspense, intrigue, The run.of-the-mig reader will be tion could be proven would be an CORPORATION UIMITED crime, romance, sex and excite- grateful for lits few hours of plea- expedition." Little did hie know 208 Main St. Milin 878.28550 ment to keep you reading sant relaxation. Thor would go as far as that. along to Mr. Haieys wond . RevIewedby M.E.. Thor went to Brooklynan ly convenient climax. Perhaps its greatest fascination lies In the behind-the-scenes glimpses It giv- es of a hotel ... what a restaur- ant does with the butter you leave on your plate, andho much silverware ends up In the garbage - but there's more t the formula than thatr.- --- The cast of characters Includes the hotel's young general men, T A K O gier, an uprigh type markred He. ro - an elderly guest, a kindly unassuming type marked Dark T L Horse - two posibl Heroines - and a number of nefariousa types fromt bell captain to houseOFL S detective to toyalty, all marked Villain. Since the setting is New Orleans, Mr. Hailey throws in a S T R fair dash of racial discrimination Y UA as well, jut to keep things topid Cal. If you're looking for unar oy able escape, try "Hotel". The plot is Wel tangled, the background authentic, the writing comapetent, and a happy ending iasguaran- teed. Reviewedby KEMabeth mr MENAGEREMANOR By G.uam Burren We are Pleasied Portunate the person who knows his goal, pursues it and With the OpportUnity to Meut achieves it. Front boyhood, Ger- ad Durrel knw that he wantedi the hUndreds of people Who- to bave bis owen zoo. In prevaous books, we baveread about his dropped In †o meet us - to love for animals and his adven-se th nwVokwgn tures in collecting them. In Men- e th wVok agn T'*a2°'ng*hip"EnTHANK YOU AL L 1 sey, Channel Islands. Perhaps "happly" is an exag. P.S. - If you didnt have th* opper- geretionbuuneyngtesr. tunity to see the new Volkswagens se o oerrat, retig ic7 May we welcome Yeu? BARTLETT'S ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THEIR NEW FRENCH LINE OF WOMEN'S HIGH FASHION SHOES. HAVE YOU TRIED THE CR lZB E RCDFO 99 O$29 HENIHVGL VOLKSWAGEN "1200" - "1500" -NZSIEKE RCDFRM$.5 O$29 EASTER ' 250 MAIN ST. diV&ý W NYLON' ,1MILTON

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