Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 1965, p. 7

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Cars for NSale é 0 PRING DAYS AHEAD *YorNàtCa 6 RÉADY FOR THE OPÉN IROAD - IT'S TRADE 'N'TRAVEL, TIME FOR DPENDABLE QUALITY AND EFFICIENT SERVICE Sec liiese Iis meek aI REED REDFERN LIMITED 1964 Oldsmobile Super 88 4 door Hardtop Pully equtpped, nent car mar- ranty. 1964 Chev Impala 2-door Hardtop Compleiely equipped. Newt car warranty. 1963 Super 88 Oldsmobiîe 4-door Fully eqalpped. One year mac- ranty. 1963 Chev Bel Air 4-door Radio, mhtewals, asbers. One er arranly. 1963 Mercury 1/2 Ton Pick Up Long box, excellent condition. 1962 Thunderbird Convertible Fully equippett, 26»l0 originals miles. One ear warranlp. 1962 Galaxie 500 Sedan Automatlc, radio, white- mails. One year warranîy. 1962 Renault Sedan Radio, whitilwalis, t amner. One year warranty. 1961 Super 88 Odsmobile Four Door Hardfop Automatic. power steeing, power brakes, radio, white- wails, likc aew condition. One yeur arranty, 1961 Vokswagen Van One amner, aent paint job, 1961 Chrysler Sedan Autamnatic, radio, power sîcer- ing, pomer braken, miitentalls, washers, nent car condition. One er arranly, 1960 Chev Biscayne 4-door Radio, mahers, completely re- condlliorted. One year marran- ty- 1959 Oidsmobile 4-door Hardtop FuIIp equlpped. One year mac- ranty. 1959 Ford Country Sedan Station Wagon Aulomalic, radio, 2-lone, white- mails. One year arranty. 1958 Meteor 2 Coor Radio, mhitewallu, complelely refinished. One year arranty. 1957 Chev Bel Air Radia, miitemalls, miteel duscs. BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. Tg 4300 Auctioneers FRANK PETCH Auctioneer & Evluator 30 Chapel Street East Georgetown Tel. .877-2864 c-44-tf CHRIS SCHOUTEN AUCTIONEER 5 Woodland Drive GALT Phone 621 -15S89 c-46 Legat Notice to Creditors ANDOe umRS In te mater of te ERaae of GEORGE R»WARI> RLLIOTT, late of 207 Swaa Street, fln te Towna of ilIeu, ln te Court- îy of Ballon, coaaîay Courti Jui.deceauad. Att persons baving dlaims ag- ainsI the Estate of GEORGE ED- WARD ELLIOTT, tate of 207 Sa- rab Street, le the Town of Mit- ton, in the County of Halton, County Court Judge, deceased, mbo died on or about the tb day of Januar, 1965. are re- quested 10 send particulars of Iheir dlaims lu the undersigned an or hefore the 301h day of Ap nI, 1965, aller which date the said Estate wl he distributed among the parties enitled there- to. and the Execulor and Truste will flot be hiable foc any dlaims of wich it bas nul thon received notice. Dated Iis 22nd day af Marcb, AD. 1965. HALTON & PEEL TRUST & SAVINGS CMPANY, 282 Coîborne St. E., Oakville, Ontario. Executor and Trustee. c-47-3 Residents, whose prop to note the change of IXISTING NAME ja) Cairocrofl Drive (b) Chishoim Strict (c) Chisholte Strict (d Clearviete Avenue (e) Division Street (f) Betyea Avenue (g) Dundas Street l) Sevenlh Lise () Haf milton Sreet (j) lngtedene Court (k John Sreet (il Morden Lane (mt) Sheddon Sreet (n) Second Line (o) Trafatgar Strict (p) Provincial Highway No, 2 (q) Coibrne Sreet East (r) Coiborne Street West 1957 Volkswage (s) Provincial Highway No. 2 Light bloc, excellent conition.1t rllrSre 1956 Reo Tandem Tractor V- esolar, 5 - speed transmis- sion, 2-speed aile, flB air brak- es, excellent condition. Malte an aller, BUY NOW AT REED REDFERN LIMD Ontario StrictSctitilon, TR 8-2393 (o) Provincial Highway No. 2 () MacDonald Avenue (w) Trafalgar Drive THE CHAN( TUE! and is imed to coir Vou are reminded thet Deparment of Transpo $IAXD - MADI wool btalded rugo, ial colots, lesgons and supsples. Burlingtolt NE -0179. c-48-6ffl 9'ýAiffloth.MIr led Van LUnes. Modemn olorage ware- houses. Local cep., caîl 878-680. c-41-6487if $50 CASH or 84-cup cofîce urn for your club or organizalion. Contact P. C. Wallner, Burling- Ion, 6373502. c47-3-6853 MILTON tIPHOLSTERING- Re.ophlstering, lipcovers, con. tom but furnitore. Free pick-up and deivery. TR 0.09, 358 Main St. c37.3180-tf WILL BUY first or second mortgage, op ta $2500. Or w111 tend 10 responsîble parly on first morîgage. Reply Box 176, Thie Canadian Champion. c463-UP2 ONE DRY CLEANING load, up ta 8 lbs., for $2. Done in about hatf hour. at Miton Laundro- mat, 191 Mill St., phone 878 6811. Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9 arn. - 9 pro.; Wednesday and SaluT-day. 9 .m. - 5 p.m. c-44-"-705 I~dê~eoui ReafEstite. Connat BRIAN 8EST REALTOR & INSURANCE 310 Main Street, Milton 878-6292 25 George St. - Brampton 459-2591 OPEN TO OFFER - 4-bedroont older type home, spacious liv- ing rouie, cining roam, kil- c-iic-ii. nohi osuin. aie ftull batunient, garage, cenirsl- ty iocattmd. Cati Giadns Uli-hme 8-2621. MUST BE SOLD - Omner Irans- fecred, dlay brick bungalow, combination living and dining room, kitchen, 3 bedroomi, 4- piece cotored bathroom. fuit b a se m e nlt ith recrealion route, many extras, localed close la sehools. Fuît price $15.225 ilh tentes, Calit Ae Cooke 078-9074. PHOTO M.L.S. - 95 Heslop Rd., 3 - hedroom dlay brick hunga- MAL USTATU (CeeinuW@4 FOR SALE L0140 ÊSTAELISHÊD General Store And Dwelting Complele stock and fixturcs, in villaîge belmeen Guelph and Ham- ilIon, omned and oparated by elderly couple inho mant t0 re- lira. Possession avoulable aI Reply BOX 182 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION c-48-3 Christie&Woods REAL ESTATE BROKERS 189 Main st. - Milton NEW HOME $16,900 fuît price, large 3 - bu-d- route brick home wilb altach- ed garage, Lsbapct dieing and living roose sith stone lire- A. E. LePAGE Membero of the Toronto, Onttirl and Oakville - Trafalgar Real Etate Boards 51 Years' Conlinuotto Service MILTON GENTLEMAN'S PARADISE 7roemn stone wilh redwood tries bungalow, 4 hedrooms, 2 stone irepiaccs, 2 hatbrooms, ador- affio sp.ciotî srootes, large u-' 11*a modem i raem kicbn with enery gadget a mamnan coutd think uf, electricalty heated, 2car garage, tocaled on very attractive 6-acre lot of sîatety trees, Sinteen Mite Creek crosses the property. Asking price $38,750. Inspection by appolntmenl only. Cail Tom Bradley, TR 8-9543. c-48 Auction Sales fie Canadien Ç~an~Ion, )Vedpeude~, April 7th, 1965 - AIJCflON SALES Contud SATURPAY, APRfL 19, 1905 12 Noon ANNUAL SALE 0f Fani Macitlnry, Hosses, Pontes and Houaahold Elfects Wil hbe held at the Brampton Uvestock ]Echange 3 miles north of Brampton, on No. 10 Hwy., ai Snelgrove. If you have any articles you wish to seli, bring them Io this. -aie. Farm machinery miust hc inon Fiidav, April 9. AIlhuc hold eiiects muiist'e in hb Il arn., Saturday. Nothing wiii be accepted afier that ime. We have aiready boukcd lurnish- ings from a 6-roomed bouse for Ihis sale. TERMS: Cash on day of sale wth clerks. Auctioneers: WALTER & DONALD REINHART 8431071 Owner or auctioneers mut volt he responsihie for any accidents n connection wiib Iis sale. ~1 Launch First Issue Grace Church Notes The llrst issue of a new month- ly churcb new8letter, *"Grace Notes" mas malied lu 450 1ai11- les andl adherents -or Orace Ang- lican Chorcb, Milton, Ihis week. "Ot-ace NoIes " s edited by Mrs. Hazet Porter and various mmn- bers of the congregallon have conlriboted 10 the first Issue, which is a seven-page, typentrit- ten newsletter. In an openinfi an- nouncement, Mrs.. Porter sug- ges thie nwseter will wei- omnessreports irorntorgani. za[ion.. and induiiiais in the covgrcgatiov. Tbe firsî issue conlains re- ports on the tmo womens auxil- iaries, the cbance] gulld and jun- ior auxitiary, plus a message from rector Dr. T. M. Dusîan ab- out tbe Eaîter services scbedule, an appeat for more senior choir members and announcemnenîs on coming events among the cburch organteations. TIFAN' KNNEkitc,_,helng atbruom ng ample ntahoganv cuphoards, 4- FRANK PETCH CLEARING hug TIFANSKNNLS mnt, piececotoredbath. Domn'p9a Aspiring to breed the inesl vanity, futl basement. F/A il nientcCiner vlao U TO SALEre bath.nUgU'qa in Vatie heting. 60ô N.H .A. mnorigage. utoer&Eaao aï POODLES $155W0 with lerms. $90 P. I. & $12,900 full price, 3 - hedroum 30 Chapel Street East IN TWP. OF NASSAGAWEYA Y@ir help doosse mac h Grooming and Boarding T. Cai Art Peacack 878"447. 'bhrick home witb large dining Poppies Nom Available area, 4pice cot,,red bath, fini Georgetown 0f Lîvestock, Traclor, Inipleni- »o masy ANN and BOB WAKFER COUJNTRY LOTS - Avaitithle in dividad h.îsement Terrils. Te.ols26 et, Peed, Houuehold Gouda. etc.y 877-6065 12 acre 10 10 acre parcets. Tel. 877-2864 85 Prince Charte, Street Priced f rom $1,300 to S3,750 for 1 13,500 loti price, 3.'edoma37tf The undersigned bas recetved Georgetown 10 acre lots. Ideal building lots modemn brick home, in otder instructions i rom_______________ b-40-5 on Highway Nu. 25 and No. 51 residential arca, large panieci CLEARINGA.WALE _______________ -Sideroad. Priced t0 seli. Cali kitchen witb mahogany cup- .W LE Tom Reneelti 854-901. hoards, wati to watt hruvdtoum AUCTION SALE Tous-1t by auction at the farte, N Ein living room. Make an otier. tot 20, con. 5, Tsvp. of Nassaga. NEW COUNTRY HOME - Just mya, iotdo h t îe $50 ~completed, spaclous living $12,900 fltiprice, 2-storey otder Modern Power Panai Rqulpmneasl ie ssuth ofnAton,5h one ~;>0ruom. large comination kit- type brick home wilh 3 bed- - 7 Pmi ot AY APRL 1on RENT IT FOR ONLY chen and dining area. 3 bed- moints and bath up; kitchen. Properly of ComeinaY PI 1 6toc 23c FOR ONE WEEK roomrs, colored bathroom. toitlfiing room and dining roUtmVRRNARCHE shap, th lottwing poua a t o h asenl t, F/Acailetn g n;lt i basementce.it tir- Lot 6, 6hhLine, Esquesing. 14 HEREPORD COWS WITH Reîig s as 'e one tudvtb. xeln et nc.Tts SATURDAY, APRIL 171h CALVES - This is a good herd problems. More than hall the jet pumnp, almnmsortes $14,7W flt price. 3 - bcdrooml At I oclock. of beel cows, ait 2nd catI beilers; -thousandis who corne 10 us each' 'ind re 0 ~lt pit-lcet home. immîcuîtat Sec ist nexî week. tst cois witt calve abou ae L1TD r T cue les. than 4 mites from Milton. condition, large kitchen, L- FRANK PETCH, ime; 3 coins, due in April, bat- 1 meek, do so on the recommenda- n40 ct em. .Ap iigadliigrit. Aîtone.Gogtw.aeci at omr rein lion o a ftiend. Thatisrhe 1bau-'".eT IC T of Crescents prompt,. consider- FARM PROPERTI ES - Il pas -41 dates ai yen oun sale dlay; 12 fat , SORBSNS aie service. Customers bave rent- paysexeincdavie o COUNTRY HOME _ _!_____________ camves, hiresince Marcb. 1964.1 ISO RB IN S ed monev in onty len minutes. Laking in our Fart Dept. bas $t3,500 fult rc. !i.Att vacciteincl.i a Bruceltosis Dont bha sTinkerer seit Chacesare 55 mot evens k 50 sear, experience in tiis briick hume îsith ftine Iront. LAIGmcaeî you wby you want Io rent monev., iietd. Whatever saur reqîtîle si aetn, tngrue A C IN SL PONY ansi SADLES-Strain-Rlcrcl.Cîanupl 0 Phone noîvand solve your mon-, tectts, Bob is the maîn tu, cati. fuliîh sonietc,mlivinganiý U T N S L ber ry rouitsaddte pony, 600 lbs., * HIATINO ey prohlemsaminuts.ouble -27t0 IN TOWN 0F BI.RLINGTON quiet in every iiay, 2 nesi West. WIIN iv cahoard, doule ga.igN ers pony saudiles and bridie. * NEW CIRCUITS EXML MoNTS OEOFTEFW-Lre9TRACTOR and IMPLEMENTS * ADDITIONAL OUTLETS f mtn e M oPyns I 07 br0FkTH FeW-inLar.-9- I Of Llvealock, Tra-aora, Implei--Oiner Orchard No. 6h tract- * OUTDOOR LIONTS imonîbsi duoss condition, centralslv oi.9 ce amnarMiti ae enau, Hep, Grain, Hoaaehold îîr, in good condition; Ol i-ar FraFe sî cCt 95-crelar, reurMoIit*;k ace Goods, etc. IFProinMaster - lurro trCatu $105.75 12 $10.00 ...., .spacious liingk ruomn- loîrack 6 -2rouie înodernie A 395.42 20 24.00 ing, modemn kitchen, 3 hed.. rcI om n(u-nzd1ploin; 2-section spring tuot.b drag FA H R T N room, lrge oube lo, ieai home. Price $32,000. nThecundersirgned bas received 1culstivf ato 0-paeyac rrdisF T EST N 710.65 24 36.00 roslrg ohi ot daiistolon om2stol h8arris;se Hactris; ELECTRIC 1,014.07 30 420 boume or invesîmnent property. 100 acres with stream,' close t lriiiddil;Itrntoa 2016.00 36 77.00 Pull price $25.000 mith termi. Miltont. Price $32,000. Terms. ERlIC McARTMUR Il-risee riIterational"3 Larger amoonîs Op 10 $3000 Cuti Brian Bcsi. NEW LISTINGS REOt3IRED Toii slihv auction aI the Carin, tirespcadev arib rber IlMas- ior motel aisa availabie. silsatedon Tîîi.ss Boud, No. 10irs Mse Hri hna ; s Forrailreour Real Estate & Cati Sicieroad. t mite north ai Kil- sey Harris momer; dump cake Frains our e albrit&deSmies sotis ut Campbell- steel tond oier ; beais duty_______________ CRESENTFIN NCEReqi 8e7n -2095UY 878-6057 nîîîae, on larm traiter oith fliai rack; mub- kCANADAS MOST CONSIDER- c-48 HUSberPIL15 0 ired lacte wagon; scoliter; ATE INACE CMPAY THRSDY, ARIL13 1 8s squ'arcs oflotngue and ATEC.FNANCECManerCaliCammencîng ai 1.00 octoak grauiedi lumber; 105 piecesaof 181 Main Street East shrp he ulowigI anh fncig;ceIILlnc Poe878-2171 87 -22 J. A. W iloughby CATTLE - 2 reg. Avrsire posis; eeclric lcncer; snom 3 c-48-2-eow c-48 Co%%s, iresb 2 rnonths, ilîhbeiler 1lence; steel posis;ue mb1 lU cat C î oot; 3 Holstein coms, set ai sieighs; cstinsiout taddec & Sons Ltd. Iresb I nîonth, coins machine -i11 larm tuais. miikeîi; 2 hiters and 3 steers, FEED - 1totn of halu.d strass TOW C O KVLLEReltrs bain sineaJan. bags of seed barley. 65 Years' Continuous Service BROOD SOWE and YOUNG HOUSEHOLD GOODE -Beach -~-r ~PIGE - 20 York and Lacombe lectric cooktng range; Rogers Firs. ime ts./IereU mv 10 sois wlh 90 pigi aI radio; kilcben table and chairs; Excellent home forr ct ir i n g si 1,,"U2sou due before sale dlay;icotnta be irîg ad Isi O T I E capie.hedroms, a bIck osn,ueuain April and May; - mattress;powner lain toOwer; lerties abuf on the folowing streef s, are requested bunlivng oron, spkir- lado îs i asdbonr ahsihcako :street names and the effective date of the change. chen and nuibroote. aîtacbed hiaitd anti ladfor production. TERME:Cahvi ceko garage and ida paved drive- TRACTOR and IMPLEMENTE day af sate. LIMIT PROPOSED NAME innus. This houme is sn immacu- - 2 International W4 tracturs, in No reserve as larm i sotd. tata condition Ihcoughout. perieci ronnisf order- Internat- o-ner not reiliansibte for ac- TRY Morrison Road ta Cairneroft Road Cairncraf I Road Amnings and ther extras. Fulll osai No. 45 haler, P.T.O.; Nem cidents on sale day. Trafalgar Sreet ta limtil of former price $16,000. Cati Anna Cairns idea tractor spreader; general WM. A. GIBSON, Auctioneer, M IL N Vilage Marine Drive 87890. por-posa baie elevalor, 40 Il. Phone Guelph TA 4-1478. M 1CC T0D Branle Creek ta West Street Seseca Drive- grain or halas; bale bunaber; 2 Art Diamond, clark. b-41 Cishoim Streelta oLake Ontario Timber Lane -.ai m wagons sith heavy duîy_______________ M OTO R Dundas Sreet former Oakvilie)tot South Milton tiires; 2 -Iai racks: steel Turner Aiian Sreet Macdonald toad grain but, 125 bus.; steeltîired ind- PLACE VOUR WARES WHERESA S Atian Sreet ta Gloucester Avenue McaadRa Weil contrucled beiler home sn gonr; Nain Idea Iraclor momer, 7 THEYRE SURE TO BE READSA LES Maconad Radrug brick. attractive living tl. cul, lertitizer spreader. rear - IN THE CHAMPION FOR A SETTER USED CAR Lake Ontario ta 6 Line (former Oakviiie) Trafagar Road rooir mith irepiace and L dis- oftîractu; International 2-lac- WANT ADSI ________________ Sith Line (former Oakvilie) ta Upper ueg oum, lamiy szead kîtchen, rom luactar ploin; International Base Line Trafagar Road 3 hedootes and halhroom. 2nd 15-oih cutivator; Massey Har- Kerr Sreet 80 Bartos Drive Prince Chartes Drive ireplace in basement reccea- ris t3-run gurain drill; corn cul- West (rote Gainsborough Drive Ingiedene Drive lion room, large tandscaped tvator tom model B Allis Chatte- Eas for Wet tret ivrvew tretlot, localed close 10 scboois ers tactsr, 3-section barroinst- MLO tet foe oetSrer RivrvieteSImd nd convenicnt ta churcb and cois inisher; steel land rollir MILTONLJ?8 \y i878-3272 West boundery of fome Ok.ti t Kerr Street Speers Road sbopping. Full price $17,500. 6% Rnbber mcrd buggy; frais au- Dundas Street (former Oekviile) ta murtgage cannecs for 598.60 per garliitb motor; aulter; Woods' WED.-THURS..FRI.-SAT. ARL7891 RyodStetFesoeLremuelb PIT. For arpoiitiment oui mite r iîb I h.p. motor; 2- ARL7091 Reynoi Street FwyNo rsone anerilAs Cie 88600 eel cari îitb air ires; circo- "CLEOPATRA" Rebecca Street toLakHiOnariNo Bronte Rond -ir sais; poswer eteerv; 2 sets of ELIZABETH TAYLOR - RICHARD BURTON Eca s Trielta Lakmer Ot er B rone Rod Es am & ceg s cates; 50fit. endiess drive bell; REX HARRISON East Ten Ce to astorme ry o fit akJoeRodoh Frs A regs tn Ocam poswer take-off corn ormiieCreek ta ce it boundaryafast Beef, dairy and horse larms, sbetier,wiiib3 ph. Ceeid rack on Owing telIeagîh ONE Show each aIght at S p.m. fmrOakvikti et Lakshor Roedfait large or stealî acreages, cous- isagon; aîecîric lancer fom hydru ADULT ENTERTAINMENT fmrOakviiteCr ek ta mesl oundarWeat try homes or lots. Ccitt J. A. and pusîs; 4-inheet steel road forer ekviieLakshoe Rad est Elioli 878-9233. grader; back scratcher fom catia Former Oakviiie 10 former Branle Lkeshore Roed West - (nessi; extension laddem; Surfe MATINEE SATURDAY, APRIL 10 AT 2 PM. SHOWING East boundary ta mest bondery af mil-t iker mitb piping; Interution- "Snow WiteLô in th 3So es former Brante Lakeshore Roed West Campbelkville Area ai atectric create separator. auto- wu. n te3So gs West bondery of former Brante ta otigtI12 3,go o-mdtic inasher; 2 De Lavai paits;, WetTomn Une Lakeshore Raed West Bailiong for c3ux330,ry h ome. pr ewcart ccîrie stock clippers; Wea vesto erSre t Ffrcuty oe rc ig scates and craie; nthher tir- MON.-TUES.-WEO. APRIL 12.13.14 InianAvenu 10 err Sreet Westside Drive $2.000. Cati J. A. Etioti f78- cd inheetharmin; electric chick "N IA IN T U FG T R Highmey No. 2 ta Highmey No. 2 Coonial Cmocent 9233. brooders (nessi; pig troughs; 2 "'N IA ON T 'U F HlE I êINSTREET NAMES WILL BE EFFECTIVE: selas or single barness;acotlars; YUL BRYNNER ;E N ag truck; dump rake; iron kel- TOUCH 0F GOLD For homes, fartes, scenir acreaf- tic; burdieeo set; somne funiture; Catoon - Moher Waa a Roositer :S AYJ NE l 1 6 es and building lots, cail yaur veoin fence; set of leate hreecb- ADULT ENTERTAINMENT g g ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Willoughby represenlatives ing harness.; al lCares otls; poin-____________________________ ,incde viththepublcaton ad dstriutin ofthe1965citake-oil shaft, complete. ncel elbe pube iteelo n isrbtinc te1 ANNA CAIRNS 878-6980 HAY and GRAIN - 30 ton THURS.-FRI.-SAT. APRIL 1516-17 Beti Teiepboe Directary.340 Main St. E. choice 6-led bay; 200 bus, of Rod- " O D R U DE ft you mail notify the 00010e Vehicles Branch oi the Ontario ney oats, gmmwn froes certilied WO D RU LIE ®rf. the Ontario Hospitl Commission end other goveenteent seed; 30 bus. of %w-eal; 1500bales CLIFF RICHARDS agencies of your change of addresî. J. A. ELLIOTT 878-9233 or inheat steaw. Cartooa - Fast Buck Duck 19 Court St. N. TERMS; Cash wiîh cterk on MAYOR A. M. MASSON, c No8 day aI ale. s ol.SHOW TIMES TONOFOKVLEONe o t - eseree s reiblold. MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY - On. Cemplat Omdner fotsposale foc ac-progra. ma»Ch aveslaget 8 p.M. TOWN 0F OAKV1965. USE CHAMPION cieî nsaedy RIDAY aud SATURDAY et 7 sud 9 p... MACH3lf,195.CLASSIFIED ADS WM. A. GIBSON, Auctianeer. SATURDAY MATINIE - 2 P.M. c-47-2 FO REUT Pta Phone Guelpht TA 4-1478,. FO EUT rdBaptie, clerk, b-41 _________________________ ------------

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