Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 1965, p. 6

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES BIRTMS, DEATHS, MAIIRIAG- ES, ENGAGEMENTS - No charge. FOR SALE, FOR RENT ETC. - *95c minimum charge foi 15 words-5c per word themeaiter. Subsequent insertions (no copy chianges) - *75c minimum charge for 15 word,. 5c pee word themeaiter. *25c discount allowed for cash payaient. COMING EVENTS, CARD 0F THANK"-9 for first ilve lin- es t0c for ecrIsadditional Une. IN MEMORIAM-91 pus 10c per line ai verse. CLASSIFIERD ISFLAY, R E A L ESTATE-$1.20 per cl, inh. BOX NUMBER 10 Iis office - 23c additlonal. DEADLINES Ctassiied Advertising 12 Moon Tuesday Classified Disptay & Real Estale 5 pan. Monday Phone TR 8-2341 6 The Canadien Champion, Wednesday. April 7, 1965 Born BRUSADIN-Mr. and Mms. Anto- nio Brusadin (nee ils) af R. R. 3 Hilton, are pteased to an- nounce the birth ni Iheir son, Ricardo Saniord, weight 7 tbs., 1 oz., aI Milton District Hospi- tl on Marcb 30, 1965. Brother for Mary-Anne, Gloria and J101- GAETOM - M. and Mes. Ernie Goton (nee Elda Arpal oi Milton Heights are pleased ta announce the birth ni thee s, Gregory Paol, seiglt 8 tbs., 1314 ors., aI Milton Dis- trict Hospital on Aprit , 1965. A brother for Joos. LTT-Mr. and Ms. Edwin LiII (nee Shersebn) ni 377 Bell St., Hilton, are pleased ta an- nounce thie birth of hir son, Bryan David, seight 8 tbs., aI Milton District Hospital on March 30, 1965. A brother for Warren and Sandra. PICKETT - M. and Mes. Leon- ard Pickett i nor White) of R. R. 2, Compbetlvilie, Ont., are pleased to annoonro the birlb oi their son, Barry' William. seeight 7 tbs.. 8 oz%., aI Hilton District Hospital on March 31, 1965. SMEPERD-Edward and Gait Shepherd fore MaMillan) ni Hilton are ptoased 10 announre the bltti of their son, Lennard Stuart, weight 7 tbs., t n., aI Ookville - Trafalgar Memoriat Hospitl on Marvh 27. 1965. FrsI great grondchld for M. and Mes. E. Isnor. VACSOTTO-Mr. and Mes. Maria Varsollo foe Rosie Gorelta) of Hilton Meights are ptoosed la annoonde thie bltti ni their son, seiglil 8 lhs., 114 nzs., at Hilton District Hospital on At> ril 1, 1965. A ltte brother for Luciaco, Sona and Mari. WILLATS - M. and Mrs. Anth- ony Witats oi 239 Bell St., Milton, are pteased 10 an- aonde the birth of Iheir sec- ond son, David Fmedcrick, seelgIs 9 Ibs., 4 ors., aI Milton District Hospital on Aprit 1, f965. WILSON - Bill and Marie ine Haprop) of R. R. 3, George- tasen, are pleased 10 annoonce the birth ni their son, Bruce William. at Georgetowen Dis- trict Memoriot Hospital on Tu- endos'. Mardi 23, 1965. A bro- tIer for Gai. Engagements Mr. and Mm,. Edgar Gibson oi Milton sish 10 announce the en- gagement of Iheir daughtor, Shir- les' Ann 10 M. Clifford Thring, son nf Me, and Ms. Oliver Thring ai Hilton. The moeelage wi11 take place on Saturdas'. lune 5,f196, aI 4 o'clock, in Knox Pecbyterian Churcli. M. and Ms. Clillord P. ous- ton, Milton, Ont., wsh fa an- naunce thie engagement ai theie daughter, Sharon Rosanne to Mr. Donald Grant Heslop, son of Dr. and Hen, F. G. Heslop, Palermo. The marriage selit take place Sat- uodas', Mas' 81965, ai 3.00 o'clock In St. Paulos Unied Chuecti, Mil ton, ont. Died BLAIR - At the United Church Parsonage, Waterford, Ont., on Salurday. April 3, 1965, Rover. end James Lowry Blair. B.A., former oinister, St. Foot's Un- ied Church, Miton, Oeovcd husband ni Helen Mitchell; tnving father ni Donald James and David William, hotb ai home; loving brother of Miss Myrtie Blair 0f London and Elizabeth A. Blair oi Mespeler. Funeral service seas hetd from1 the United Cliorch on Tumsday aiternono wth interment in Mount Pleasool Cemetery, Lon- don, REID - At Hamiton, Ont., on March 31, 1965, Moary Edno Mc- Neit, in ber 561h year, beloved sife ni John A. Reid, moîher ni Regnald, Brampton; Raymond, at home; Sylvia (Mes. Burt), Carnpbetîville; Donna, Bramp- ton; Edith (Mrs. Davis), Street- svilte; deceased. Elvo; also sur- vived by Isen brothers, Cecit McNeil, Slreetsvitte; James Mc- Neit, Brussels, and four grand- chitdren. Funerat seos hetd on April 2, 1965. aI R. A. Crnie and Sons Funeral Home, Wingharn, Ont. Inlerment Wingbam Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM <otnu.d) WILSON-In toving memory of a dear wife and mother, Aice Wilson, who passed away sud- denly, April 4, 1957. Safe with the rangomed, lier sol- ferings ailt 0cr. Anchored so soon on that bcau- tiiol shore, Who woutd recal Oer tu sharc in the oItrie, Of the suffering and toit 1inttse botte of life? Better in Heaven, for better than here, Onty we miss hcr, we loved Oer so dear. Alsesys remenîbered by bus- band Bilt, kam famity at home. c-486927 Coming Events Look aheod! Reserve November 6, 1965, for St. Pauls Uited ChurcIs Bazaar. c-48-6892 Btue Skies Euchre Ihis and every Thurs. ese., 8.30 p.m. sharp. Gond prizes. Everybody weet- come. c-35-6206.lf Suoshine Sehool Ladies' Auxil- iary Rummage Sale, Friday, AP- rit 9, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., in t.O.O.F. Hall. c486885 COMINO ÉVENTS (Conti.wod) The Mr. and Mes. Club, St. Paut's United Churchi 1 present. ing Rev. J. Stewart of Cooks- ville with his stides ai the Holy Land on Thorsday, Aprit 15, at 8.15, bin he Feltowship Room. c-48-6934 Vision oi Spring Tea JnsI Fashion Show, St. Pouls Christ. ian Education Centre, Ssturday, Aprit 10, 1965. Two showings : 2.00 and 3.30 p.m. Courtesy Syrs Fa- mily Fashions. Auspices St. Pauls United Church Women. Adulîs 75c. c-47-2-6852 For Sale FOR SALE - Girl's sprintg coals, new. 878-3343. c-48-2-6945 FOR SALE-Signo of ail kinds. Ray Guay, TR 8-.2150. c 12.4863tf FOR SALE-. Red Clover seed. Howeard Gowland 8786456. c-486954 FOR SALE - 3 tsautifut Shet- land ponies. Phone 8789824 afler 6 p.m. c-486883 FOR SALE-Wood lthe, on a gond solid stand (nu molori. 878- 6905. c-4"-893 ____________________ Newe serbes ni classes ,for Ex.FO AL -PanSteling j oectnt Parents sitI egin April HORntAa, od on-io.8 Caros of Thanks 1 5. For furîher informationci enz g colttin.8 _____________________8782801. c-47-3.6875 6513. c-4".8871 t sish lu thank my relatives. friends and neighIbors for cardsz and ltters ni syrnpaihy in the rodent paosing of a dear siser. Mrs. Bert Freemant and famity. c-48-6886 I seisOs teexlend rus'sinceme lhanks 10 my treneds for trIe- phone raIls, dards. tetters, fruit. floseers and ruons' other kind- nesses rereived during my slay in St. Josephs Mospitl. c-486921 Chester McDoweti.1 The famits' nf the lte Ma, y Edna Reid wish 10 lhonk Ibeir many friendo and neighbors forj Ibeir floral tributes and arts utj klndness doring their recent be-1 meavement. John A. Reid and famiiy. c-4"-936 The famils' ni the lte Mes. Maria Arpo sish lu thank Dr. Ai- kenhead and Dr. MarEarben and especiatîs' the nursing staff ni Hilton District Hospital for Ibeir seonderfot rare and kindness dur- ing the ilîness and dealh of car ruother. .c-86922 To ruy mans' lriends isho sn kindty rememhemed me by cards. floseers and visits sehite a patient in Miton Disrict Hospital, I here express my msî sincerc appreriotion, Dr. Hilte and the hospitla litinctuded. 1tIhank you att. John McKay, MiII Si. c-48-6938 t wish tu express ns' sincere tbanks lu iriends. neighbors and relatives -for cards, tettees, flan- ors, visits and gits received dur- ing my iliness. Speciat thanks f0 Dr. H. R, McDonatd and Dr. S. E. OBrien, nurses and staff. St. Josephs Hospitl, Hamiltonî. Si ncerr y. C4".955 Rita Hubheel. I sisOs tu express my sincrî thanko tu iriends and relatives for their cards. fînseens and gis during ens'stas' i0 the Miton Dis- trict Hospital. Speciot thanko lu ens neighbnrs and frlrnds noe their hotp. Thonko lso tn the doduers and hospitat staffifor Iheir kindocos and excelent dre. c4"-943 Stan Allen. I wouud like tn ihank att the peuple seho serre on kind tu me sehite in hospitl, the nurses. and Des. MacEachen. Hiltt and Aik- rnhcad; also Mes,. Smith, Or. Dusian and Mr. Bradley,. Mrs, Whetrr and Mrs. Zimmeeman f romt the Senior Cilleens' Club for ibein visits and rard. alson for cards and flinsers sent hy neighbors and liends. ThanOs ynu att. c4".924. Helen 1. Mockridgc In Memoriam MATHIES-In tnving menons'ni o sondefu sife and mothen. Gerrude Fricda. seho pabsad aseas'Aprit 9 1963. Tirne sperds on, lseo yeresbave passrd, Sioce dealh ils glon, is sha dose ros, Within nue home, sehere att sremed brigOsI, And tonk froso us o shining ligOs. We miss tIaI lgIsI and ever sel, lIer vacant place, there is none con f11, Lovîng memories are dearer thon gotd. 0f one shose sortb con nover be tld, Reruembeeed oîwoys by bus- bond Amas, sons Paul, Clore. Don, daughtors Pauline and Janice, and daugter - in - lase Sandra. c.4"931 Giant Bake Sale t HuIs' Ros- ary Sehoni, Saiorday, April 24, 2-4 p.m.. sponsrerd by the C.W.L. Everyonn weicome. c-483-6898 Euhero nd Pinegrose ScOont posîpuned ove wLek 'tilt Salue- day, Aprit 10. 8.30 p.m. Admis- sio 50c. Ladies provide. c47-2--6863 Giant Smnrgasbord sponsored hbv Halon Chapter O.E.S.. in Ma- .sonir Hall. Hwy. 25, Salurday. May 1, 5M p.m. Admission 11.50. c-486959 FOR SALE - Thor gos dryer. gond condiion. Reasonabte. 878. 3578. c-4"-929 FOR SALE-Gins' bicycle. 28" osheets. gond iunniiîg condition. $20. 878-6675. c-48-6963 FOR SALE-Cigarette vending machine, or selît service, George. 8789288. c-486932 HARLEY.DAVI DSON MOTORCYCLES Word Ose Oaksilie Rairpavci< Ij SALES and SERVICE Association, neot generat mcit-!Ait modets available. M50 $265. ing. Weclne4dits Aprit 14. ai 8 Fa-sments as tnw as $6 seokîsons p.. Bonen Commaunlîs' Centre. te H-O M50. No îîihee bike ""47-2-6871 in ils class or e he sarno Annual Asherove 00110dbil prier. Corne and sec il. Lunchons wil Ose betd in the KEN CARTWRIGHT ehurch ons Thursdav, Apil 22. 83 Vicoria St., Miton, 8789908. 12.30 P..11'Mns. Greîîke ni Milton sitI speak on Oer trip lu tcetand. c-42-f C-48-2-6896 Avouai Euchre ni Haitoni Agri- "THE NOC cutural Societyls scit Oe hcinlv 137 George Street, the Agriuturat Hall. Fair Grnunds, on Wedndsday, Apit 7,1 GOOD US aI 8.30 pm. Admission 50c. Lunch prosided. c-47-26795 FURNITUR Acton Fgur Skaiing Club tue Cottage and Ren Resue ai Atos omui Centre, Sa;,îrday. Api 1,8! AUCTION pen. Guet sk,ters isclude And-; rew Drente s andi champions 844-91d 1 om lajmitton F.S.C. c-47-259131 -t Oakvitle ISED RE x.Room NEER 161 c-39-tl FOR SALI <ContIud) 101111SALE (coflhfllld Empicyment Wafited FOR SALE-'55 Monarch, 292" FOR SALE - House, 2 years wîfh 4 bbts. Fluorshit. $125. TR nid, 3 miles soufh of Georgetown, EMPLOYMENT WANTED 89519. c48-6947 on the 7th Line, 3-bedroom bon-Desaig nd ltrio. galo, o lare lt. 87-625. Suits, dresses, wedding oulfits, clean. gond condition. 358 Main- 4861 designed 1tu yoor desire. 87846668. St.. 8789094. c-4&.6888 FOR SALE - 1962 Ramrbler c-47-6904 -P6 SALE - 3piece -chesle r- Classic, aulomatie, 2 - 1ore, plus FOR snuws and extra wheets, t owner. f ield suife. in gond condition. $1.150. Frivole sale. 8782643. Cheop. 8784811. c-486895 c-48-6942 Help Wanted FOR SALE -1962 Voîkswagen FOR SALE - Sose, due Aprîl wilh radio, excellent condition. 18; etecîrie ebteken brooder; also $750. Cati TR 8.6664. c-48.933-tf set nf double liarneso, brasa HELP WANTED-Experienced FOR SALE-Rabbits, New Zea. mounted, Jack Crnie, 8789165. orchard prunors. NE 4.3975. tond white; also sire hutches. o48-6960 c-48-6935 Georgetowen 877é382. c.4"-965 FOR SALE - 1954 Pontiac 4. HELP WANTED - Typist, ex- FORSAE Polrs ~ door, standard 6 cylinder, tires perienced, machine dietalion, and nesîs. Gond condition. W.D. nearly nese, front ami rear spea- 60 w.p.m. required. Write Box Show, Hornby, 878-4800.- ker, radio, solid body. $100. 878- 180, Canadian Champion. ,.48-2-69M0 3277. c-6939 __ ___c-48-6884 FOR SALE - Adding machines FOR SALE - Pure bred Mere- HELP WANTED -Middle.oged typewrilers, for sale or rentaI. ford potted bull, Georgetowen 877» oman t0 cure for chitdren in re. Phone TR ".962, Marris Station. 6018 between 9 arn. - 5 p.m. tom for ront and board and ery. c-9-tf-4667 Choicetea Farmu, corner 15 Side. small remuneralion, 8782998. __________________ road and 4th Line, Esquesing. -_ ______ c-4".890 FOR SALE-15 watt hi-fl amp- b-47-2-6797 -HELP WANTED- Mate. Ros.ý lifier and Garrard record chang- er (tess carlridge>, $25 each. 878. FOR SALE-Hay. Mixed alfal. leigh business now open i al. 9678 evenings. c-4"-923 oa and brohme grass, 50-75%6 ai- ton County. Trade well establish- _____________________falfa. Firut cutting. Cul, crushed ed. Excellent opportsnity. Futl FOR SALE - Massey Harris and bated before end of lune W. ime. Write Rawleigh. DepI. DO traclur, double dise. Normnan Me- J. Mohon. R. R. 2, Campbettvitle, 284.189, 4005 Richelieu St.. St. Cready. 8789864. c-4"-956 UL 4-2227. c-4"-897 Henry, Montreal. c-48-6592 FOR SALE-Mixed alfalfa boy. FOR SALE - Car, truck and HELP WANTED -Middle.oged îRudry naIs suitable for seed, ai. tractor imas, new and used, over or young lady 10 care for three folluionma]. 87894%., c-48-6937 2,800 Kelly Springfield tires in0strait active girls in our home. - - stock, att sizes, tow prices; flots Mother illin hospilal. Employ- FOR SALE - Punies. geaded fixed, 75c; wheels batanced, ment coutd continue afler mu- and registered, American Shel- $1.00. We have mufflers and ther reluens. on a gueerness- tonds, agro 1-5. 854-2504. c-4"-946 batteries for mout cars and componion basis. Phone W. Fus, FOR SALE-Beatty jet pump, trucks. Milton Tire and Radialor 8782851, 9 o.m. - 5 pe.. or sent, $85; water sofîrner, $130; woîer Service, 191 Mill St,, TR 8-2711. lu saine uI 159 Wakefield Rd. bowls, $7.50. John Ridgewoy, 878. . c.50-405-lf c-4".891 6175. c-486953 FOR SALE-3-bedroom linuse. FOR SAL - ndny nIsSave reat estole fees. boy direct HELP WANTED FOR ALE Rodey otsi romt owner. Change of emptoy- clr,îned, fit for- seed; also quan- ment necessiloles sole of our 7- R lal va lisv of tonse boy for bedding. TR mnnh-old home, close ta boîh R la l a 8.977.c.~962sehonts, ravine lot, beautfutty FOR CABINET SHOP FOR SALE--tV' Westinghouse kepl. Dosen poymenî $1,250 0 t 1 Escellent opporlunily for righi combinalion TV, record ployer murîgoge. POT. $120 monfhl. porsun. Sîeady work, Top rare. and radio. idcat for recrealion Phone osener 8783126 for appoint. logo. ronm. Bestonitre. Phone 8542694. ment lu viese. Principals onîy. Write c-486950 c-46.6838 Box 181 SAL -Ha, ixr ala-,BROILER and Roaster Grow- Canadian Champion FOR SAE-Hy ie la-es, cone bock crop aller crop l a with timoth «v. baîrd. Reason-~ and s'eor aller yoar for Fisher Milton able. A. Parssineni, 6220 Bell Orehards White Rocks and White b-48-2 Schont Line, 87".275. c-48-6948 Rock Cross broller chicks. Ex- retIent performance resuti in FOR SALE - Grtding horse, top profils is the reason you HEAD CARETAKER part lhorooghhred. lroined West. shoutd try your noxl crop ni e,, and English. Reationabte. W.! bruiter ehieks fromn The Fisher TO SUPERVISE A STAFF 0F It O. Sha,sw Hornby, 87184800. ýOrchards, Box 175, Burlinglon, MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEES c-48-2e6991 Ontario. c-482-eow At a resideilial s.hoot __________Ontario Deparîment nf FOR SALE - '58 Meleni: '57 For Sale Educalion Che%. Bel Air;:'53 Ford pick-up; RONYSE OASS ar 58 Pontiac. Tesaco Station in Moilti. Open ibis wrekrnd. 100à germination. new bogs, $30 0t 3 l-484964 irea1ed. Commercial No. I, t145 $ ,0 3480 S--..1bus., certificole 4410210. Certif- Wrilr or Colt FOR SALE-You silI like boy- 1cid No. t. $1.60 bus.. cetificale MR. A. H. BRITTON ing ynnr building maleriols and! 44102. rw fom egsrd 1 c.il ai Crowlords, Campbell- ed HAROLD HURREN BuieOmnta schao sueQuick service. HigIs qua- O troSho lit%% Phone Compbeltvilie IJL 4 878-9846 or 878-9751 For the Deaf 2232. c-36-171-tf c-48f I Milton, Ontario. GENERAI. CONTRACTORS CLEANERS ELECTRICAL SERVICE BEAUTY SALON RAY CLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. " Home Improvoments * Renovations " Atreationn * Additions " Commercial or IndubsiaI UL 4-2263 A. C. CANNON & SON GENERAL CONTRACTORS Cuslorn Homes Repaies Ateraionni Modern Cuphoards Plans and Fiee esîlmaîrs. Yeaes nI expoienco. TR 8-4424 KNIGHT'S DRY CLEANERS LTD. Satilofocion Guaanterd " Dry Ceaning " Shint Laundeiing McPHAIL ELECTRIC e INOUSTRIAL e COMMERCIAL e DOMESTIC e ELECTRIC IIEAIING Complete EIectric Home Sarne day service if seqiedj 66 Chartes Si. c-44- tf I 0 Aliralions and Repaies " Rgs and Drapes expentlîs cieaned " Frer Pick-up and Olisers' " Al work dnnr on promises CALI TR 8-9941 ORNAMENTAL IRON MILTON Milton TR 8-9513 r-tf DECORATINO INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICES Convenient berins available on e Cboin matIe drapes e Rcady made drapes e(.iirpcliig IWM. ARCH & SONSI Onamental Iron 1 :llphoisieriiî BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION LTD. ADDITIONS CUSTOM HOMES R ENOVATIONS REPAIRS Fmer Estîmates TA 6-1119 TA 6-2859 Res. Streetsville c32-tt AWNINGS & IRON RAILINGS1 BILL KELLY TR 8.98271 'lg *Veceiai Oiiîds *Window sbadcs ,-444fl1 0 Fîrniiorr [rom famous iianufactuee WELL DRILINQ WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R.R. 2. Hilton, Ont. Phune Bolinglon NElson 46025 Yotin hnme docoeating nia' he finanîrd nirasoîîabte monthîs' tens. Ask abot nue plan. For n-home consultations, colt M. Campbell. CAMPBELL'S 0F MILTON TR 8-621 228 Main SI. c43-ti Vogue Beauty Salon *Individual haie stylng *Bieaehing *Tiniing *Cntd seaves OPEN Mon. & Wed.. 9 Ia 6 p.rn. Tues., Thîjes.. Fni., 9 10 9 pan. Soi., 8 ta 3 p.rn. Cali 878-2461 c-42-tf SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Weeping Tite Troncbing Grave] .Fi11 HALTON SANITATION SERVICES Ron and Bill McGowan PHONE 877-9255 c-36-tf TV and RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AND APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE " POiips TV & Tape Recordera " R.C.A. Sterro. TV, Apptioncou " Sparton TV anîd Sierro 222 MAIN ST. TR ".445 c-If DRAPERIES JUNE DRAPERIES " Custoso ruade Draperies. ox- peetîs' hand finished * Samplos displayed in youe osen home FREE ESTIMATES 878-2513 HELP WANTED Nnsv - Theough tilt the enid ni Jonc for FORMULATING, PACKING and SHIPPING AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS No previons experieicene.dcd. Gond osages toi a 40 Ilion osrck. Contact: ME. F. E. GARDINER a t Wanted WANTED - Electric pressure pump, in good condition. 878- 3578. c-48-6930 WANTED-Baled row hay and strow. Lorne Gowland, 878-6435, R. R. 6, Milton. c-48-6926 WANTED-Fasture for approx- imatety 17 Holstein yearlings. Phone Sorigrove 843-2728. c-47-2-6847 WANTED-3 or 4 room apart- ment, in Miton, furnished or un- lurnished. Aduits. 878-2052. c-46-6830 WANTED-Live pouttry, gnose and duck feathers, feather ticks. Highest prices. We cati. Write 1. Zener. 776 College St., Toronto o r phone enlent LEnnox 5-0724, -evenings. HUdson 5-2030. c-35-ll dWANTED -Strase. We reqoire a qoaniis of strose for covering purposes. Diseotomed nr otýher- -wise No. 2 would Ose accepîrd. -Calvert-Dale Estate Lld.. Bramp- wton, 451-2560. Ask for Mr. Date. c-48-6940 3-WANTED - Reiined couple or t 2 business or professionot lad- e2 les, lu share wilh osener beouti- iutiyifurnished home, in coun- try seîisg, garage. References -e lnd personal deloils required. F. e. O. Bus 392, Milton. c-48-2e694 For Rent FOR RENT -Ronm for grolle- -man. TR 8-2016. c-48-4-6961 FOR RENT-Ronsonr gentle- men, 6 Bronle St. Phono 878.3182. ___ c-45-4-6819 FOR RENT- U-nornished ap- lianimrîî, att conseniences. 878. r9908. c-47-6915 FOR RENT- Ronen. suilobte for 2 gentlemen, quiet and rom- iortabir. 878-9094. c-4"-889 FOR RENT-2 lnrnished front rnoms, living rnnm. hedronom 12 idouble bed). 878-9248. c-4".958 FOR RENT-Eleetric bot waler healers seith free service, Phone Milton Hydro, TR 8-2345. r-If il FOR RENT - Comiorlable 5roomo. suitobîr ýfor xoong gentle- mîenî. Aiso garage fe reni. 878- 6587. c-4"-925 FOR RENT- 5-roon apart- meni. private entronce, Camp- Osrtlviite orea. $55 months'. 854- 9976. c-48-6957 FOR RENT-$75. heaird hache- ion aparîment. partIs iurniohed, separate entrance and haîbronen, inig. and st050. 6400 Hilton Towen Lise, 878-6482. c-4"-928 FOR RENT-Large office, con- traiiv lncated. addiiional ronm avoiitobie.portiatts' funnished. Wilt renusate as desired. Phone 878-2324. rc48-6951 SI1N GE R SEWING MACHINE SALES - SERVICE RENTALS PHONE TR 8.6861 Milton Fabric Center Niagara Brand Servces and Repairs on Chemicals m sksa clgmelC.1 1274 Plains Rd.. Buntiîîgtnî NE 4-2355 1 cr-498 Township of Esquesing Assistant Clerk-Treasure -r Applcations ovitI Oscnrelyrvd hs' the undersigned tilt 5 nrtorck on Fridas'. Aprit 30, 1965, for the position ut Assistant Clrrk-Trea- surer ni the Tnwnship of Esque- o ins- Applicanis should Ose betoseen Ose airs nf 25 sand 45, and have ai roasI Grade 12 eduratloîî. Sule Municipal experience pre- fecred, but flot rosentiat. Salars' taOsc negntiated, Applcants pleasesma le age saîîd marital obatus. K. C. LINDSAY, Cler-k-Trasurcn, 5 R. R. 1, f Georgetowen, Ontario. b-41-3 Lost FOINO - Lighf hrosen femnate rppofn about 2 monlbs. 878-6855. c-48-6952 LOST - FotIr Beagle. black, brosen and tan, in HoffaI area. 6Clilidren'a pet. 854.2503. c,4"9644 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RIENT - 3 on 4 bedorns spartment onrosse lne 3 monibo. in Milo orsicinits', hcginning Mas' 1 ihriitgh 10 Aug- uts t. Appis' Box 501, Canadian Chamîpion. c-48-2-5914 Dead Stock PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Highesi Cash Pices for doad or dlsahled roses and horses. Old Hîinscs, 4c lb. Licnce No. HGC 349C65 226RPb5 Phone ZEnith 9-7950 c-e0tt Walnut Ranch Ltd. Crippted and Dlsabted Cows and Homses 24 Mour ServieS Lic. Nos. 133-RP, 20&-C-62 Waterdown MU 9-1044 m - . --- 1 1

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