Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 1965, p. 5

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A&-rk 5Jimk a :1... àI1Tou len C ..àr ., mrIluai JUJjuvI 111IouiLI A lapse of tris iban tino minutes in tha tiird periodc cut tise Mit- Ion Herchant Jonior a victory in tise opcning gante ai tieir bet ut inven league fia eries witistise Sintrue Biades. A Biacir taIly ut 9.04 o!flise tiird pertoci tird tise score aI 4-4 and rapici fine mark- ers ut 9.56 andi 10.34 sisonecitise visitor n mba tead tisai îisey anee surrendered - goiug ula cap- ture a 7-5 verdict. Jui over 900 fans turrd oual for ties eriri openet' and watcised Euio Slisiazis Herchants over- conte a 20 finit perioci deficit and go aiseuc 4-2 as tise secoad stan/a encird. Tise Blades, leagur lead- ers during tisererglar icasan, erupteci for four goals bunlise tiird itanus 10 lakc a 64 Ieud and aiten ion Hone scoreci ion Hilton, Bob Kosvalsky fireci a long sisot mIn tise empty Hilton net ta finish off ise scuring snlise fait paced rus- lest. Bots trama ikatrd in higis geur sud tise fans terre treaird ta some of lise muat interesting 'hockey of tiese teson. As predicteci by cours Enio Blisiezi, tise Bludes playeci il clean andi onty Il penatties terre cailed biy offiials Oinîki andi its. Sintcoe pîsyerri tere sent la tise box sevra tintes. Blade captabu Wayne Neicinsuen startnd tise scoring ut 4.50 ai the firsI period on a pais front Gord Yuit. A dribbler front tise stick o! Bob Kowaisky akipped int tise Milton cage aI 12:51 10 pot tise visitors bu front by tino but lisen tise Mitoniani itarteci ta hase tornte succeras arousc ther Biade net. Benanibte In Front Witis Yill sittiag ouI an ctboin- ing penalty t 16.25, Leon Stiekir bungeci in a buose park front a seramble ia front aiflise Sinicor rage. Uinentîc Bruce MeDuffe asnd Roger Wildfong ginrd assists1 an lise play. Blude nelminder Bilt Aîeadr %vseumcrernrd teben Alan1 Reids golf sisot front jasi inîbide tise blueline croiseet thec goal ise; ta tir tise score. Alain Boucisardi andi Dune Prentice drein assials. Hugis scaing Bria Bond putl Miltoosis front for tise firsi lite in ther gante aI 4.10 ai tiese icondi il unes us b caungit Alender nap- ping. ntovrd arousd front beiind tise net and sipped tint puck into an open corner. Herchant cupluin Dick Marshaull ielpeul set op tise play. Blueline are Joe Hore mal'e- sponsible for tise foont-is Mrcbust ntarker as is sizzling slap sisol fron thtb point sias deilccted into tise Sintcoe cage bv Alain Sou- churd. Tise stocky Ôanser native waa stationed i ront ai tise net and barety got bit stick on the park ta hip il mb tise goal. Dave Prestice teai crediuîrd titisan as sust an the play. A roarisg crosnd and a cîcver Herchant pluy added op ta somne confusion laie in tise perioti us Bruce HeDuffe iseake byoe andi skated in ulone ta brut Alcandet f'or misai uppeareci ta be Mutons fiftt goal. Ther buzeer isoa'ever. isud sounded and tise tally aira disatloss-rr. Take Advautage Wilb a ta-O goal cusiios going nia tise liird stan/a tise beau trird ta play u cantioua gante buti a firea up Sintrue nqoad tob al- vastâge of everN - istake. Initiali fircîsueki in tise perioci tartrd ai 4.14 ahen Gary Mitchell ntade1 goud os a tiird rebonnd lu re- dute tise Hilton leuci la 4-3. Jit HeInlly's icreen sisal ied tise, icone at .04 ad 52 seconda hter1 Mitchell scareci again. tiis tinte an a long isuekianci salt, laputi tise Stades in frontIo1 stuy. Jobs Farsyl'si goal frnnt bind Harvesi-ers Prep for Tourneys Clean Cars, Cop Exhibitions Apair tf exhibition viclories[ and iard snorb put lise Hilton Harveiter Juveniies in top noies abape for tise SevraI-h Ansuat Juvenite Tornantent. Hilton Juvnsile eniries banc capîurcd lise looruarnntn's "C" division cruwn ion tise lait lieu yeuns and tbey 'MIi be tenîrd for tise ficat ite 'Iis yeur t 7 p.m. os Honduy enening witis Preston soppiying lise opposition. Afler a no-mo saaon in league play tise Hanveileri hure bers blonsoning in exhibition gantes and teut mnager Bill Rollins b'. ery opliiti about Ibeir chan- ces in tise toornamnt. "They'ne conte uîong reat terl and liscytI te able lu isuudle tisenmeves" se reponted. Besides partucipaîing in tise Milton isaed toursey. the locala miii contpeîe in an DIlta lournaantuî 10bebelci dorisg tise EamIeisoiciys. For tiese oltino mosîba tise boys and club officiaIs banc ar- rnged various projecîs ta rams money 10 bnlp finance lise nuit ta lise routrys capital. Tise muai iucrnssiul venture han been tise car teasis, ield on l'ireercossecu- lite Saturdaya. Ilattal 161 cars seere cleaned iucIuding 75 on Sut- undsy. OfficiaIs iniisecilu thank cveryone weio had tiseir car inasis- naI sud stso tise munîy peuple iris Min.d Poach Lambis Sprnglike accent lu apring luth pallies. I lb. groosci lantb 4 sînipsofci baron 1tsbp. Salt Ni cup ntilk dasis 0f thynte or teerjorat 4 or mure peaclt' Salves t int jeîly purcisused tickets bai nee show. cd un ta bave thein neiicles unasis- ed. Top Alderwouca In a tout nunent preniete gante in Milton an Honday cvniug tise Hrvesteri camntIraughisntafine formt ta rpture a 5-3 verdict aven Alderinooci. Miltas scorcd four limes before t-be visiiors reucisrd tise scorr-siserl bu ad bu fend off a laie gante ralîy. Tom Rut- suw'n lieu mankens andlsingles front Alun Jones, Lee Phiu and Maurice Hljoar accosntcd for lise Hilton scoring. Luirlai sîsis wernIta Ken Tbuntpsos Le Mc- Pisil, Johs Zoppas, Barry Fes- er, Tant Runtsat snd Harty Blisizzi. Scarisg star Tom Ram- saat as banisisec fronthlie con- tent ealy is tiesecirond perioci. Bundun in Sîrecîsville tbe Han- insters camne tisnoogb itis as cx- citiaf 3-2 wiis.MauricerMiO'ur Ken Tiosatpon aId LeMcPisail scorcd fan Milton. Assisîs terntIot To antRnssainandl Allas itones, DRRR DIES Anotbcn cirer met ils deatis on lise iigistunHosduy afcrnon, inien a cur truck a de en croising Higbtay 7 juil amat o! tise Ern- Bllisafad Rd. Hilton O.P.P. bu- vestigaleci and epord $50 dant- uge lu tise car. Min groand lamluth lssat, tisyme or m4rjorant und mitk. Shape int 4 aval paîtien. Score witiri handîn ai inuoden spuon. Drain a cun ai Canada Choice can- ard peurs haines. Arrange peacis islves (isollowa up) urousd tamis pattint on broiler pan. Place 5 incises front beal sud broil 12 min' utes. Turn pallies. Seuil for 5 miaules longer. F111 cen- tres o! peacis iaives titis minI jelly. Top each pallie titis bacon ilice. Broul for unobise fat minutesutil baron is doue. MilonHosts 600 HepÀ More *isan6W0 looiug, boller- lu lte ptayoer suaIlon p qe# Ing. hagp teagers witt onua sd Il la expecled oestiy 10 1t' starl lu fileIMbto tn and test sons wIlîl be accuntntoaiedi Miltonsa bqspituîity. Its Tri. tbrough thse fenerositti of tutul Cuunly Juavenie Tournament residents. Altbough the aunuat time again tand beginnbng Saur. event teilI gel underway brigbl daýy ntuo'nig, tenons frpnt ail and enrly at 8,30 Salurctay mort.- peals of thse province wi;Il ry ing, the officiai tournamntn op-i twir luck in the most ppulur cing will tua place on ?sonday Juvenile tuurney in Canada. cvening at 7 p.nt. wben Miltun'si Pur lthe final lime ever. Mitton Mayor S. G. Childs drops a will be bosting a week.tong totur- park. Lurninaries front neartyk nantent and bock ey bungs ei s corner of' the hocttcv mortel tbîangboui the raintttnity arc .oe cxpected ta attend and une icking Ibeir chops. Fortv-tws'aou the ntain attractions witl bei eXciling cuntests fcatoring pus' the Toronto Marîbuo Midgets,1 sibie N.H.L. stars of lthe future who pcrennially end up in tîhe1 wllI ltor an expecîcd crowd ut "A" division finals.1 ovec 4000, touusney officiais re- As in other years, tere willq port. be tbren divisions osf DI y. "A",1 open Hoans "B" aud "C". Eighl leants silli Milton -hontes will be opened lobe part in the "A" division. nt'sne'swaormP. - weavý w 1ei"c -.e~ Two Minute Lapse Costs Juniors Series Mitton sens neyer beisinal as Broshsa goal in tise firsl period andi Jint Cles maeker aI 4.44 o! lise secoud ilana gave tisent a 2-0 teatI. Oliver bulgea tise twiue at 6.50 for St. Marys but lsal mess tise rtuseîltishe visitors cier rame. Richard Clemeal sud Paul Kilcis. SOCIAL NOTES Mns. Ros arbotte han jui elorned front a ltren wenk vac- ation la Florida tehene se vis- Ited friends. BriaW. Kernigisantebo hut- tnnding Princeton University, spent 10 cisys ut the honte o! bis parents, Mr. and Mes. M. B.Ken- nigban, Margaret O. u nuu cd luo chool ou Bonday 10 beglu tise newtlent. mbgl"sni-final erles ut one gant eanci. T. Diii sud Feikun put St. Marys bu front 240 'ilhs t tpen- boci goals and Mann made il 3-O 'MIs an uassialed effort in tise secondsd aas. Craig Brushis goal t atlie 33 second mark ut lte lait sîsuza on a pai front Doug Heas put Hilton ounlise score set bot St. Marys necov- ereal quickly witis a goal iront Richsardson, 10 make il 4-I. Doog Mearus lippeal lu relsys iront Ri- chard Clentent sud Cnuig Brus ou teu occasions lu bring tise Ru' taias iitiin îlniking distance biut Felbar and Rysuik lallinda t 17.19 and 19.31 respnciively ta end Multons chances in tise gants. Euris test rnceived six penal- ties. 'M SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CREAM 0F CORN SOUP CHEF SALAD FRENCH DRESSING $.0 ROAST YOUNG TURKEY DINNER & Cranberry Sauce MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH FRItS GREEN PEAS STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE FOR REBIRYATIONS PHONE S781 181 MýIn AIR CONPITI.O Milton WaIIy Crouter "YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE ..."p Wake sp grumpy. -st il iedI listiesi aud unwittine la face tis wurîdî Dent bite thse childeen. Thouads ot CFRe listeners mietheis.day titis a imita un thisr faee because ut The OtaI Crant. A capable eon- versâtalailstonany ubjeet frmm ig plants to dirigistes. tisais CFRBs Waiiy Crouger and thes uund futeMus. aie Rtoant lu designed ni lu tjar yaur neites. Start feue day tise lght ma ti itsWaitp Crouter, saaekday moenings trom 6:00 ta 1000. ONTARIOS FAMILY STATION d 60 -2 p HoeuyPerformers AmA.Iu»ib *1 - Il H'OCKEY Rot. pisycd oun turday inag a tclt At 1 t,, ttIbe stPerL Flease note tIsaIntFrlday, only terrifie goalîending kcpt lisei 8.30 and endtug aI 12.30 lu tise IIsed b iertatofficiaIsý. April 9tis tise Mldget final serIna abarpsbooters on eacb tearnt afleenoun. OunMudaY. Tuesatt, Officiats for Ibis Year'n tJour- gante 'MUttat.l00 pan. anad front ;coring. Lae ite liril po-i Wedueaday and Thunsdait even tiennent, led titidirecor Ariold tise IBoutaintgansI i 9M ps.. riod. Garry Goodinig eboved; iisg. four gameit ilt be played Matut!.. are registrar Bill Bar Mlo T a honte a rebound Iront Ricky1 eacb. ulghtsI.arttiffg aI 7 pm.. ccli. tnnsue nLrryArbie rdna ttIIytsetoyga and euding aI Il p.nt. ran on een o nd Spiced teithth ie addition Of ol tise gante. and give Milton the1 Friday. April 16 ' IJootIFriday. on drelo ÀtSnarr. cn'dir' tiree planei% r'. lran t tc rataiear in. gantes wili start nt 8.30 lu the ecturs Alan Partun. Ficd ltîn Fards. a deirtined collection tOf' Next Satarday aflernoan. ai marninf sud end alt10 ln tbe ci' ntnd, Bois Patiersun, . lik HtOt i.tCitl iitctth' it lIA4 ., tlleMiltonaJunior Firc" ening. Saîtrday gantes titI bie-Watt. AI Maure, Dan Jarnie, Jote , trttc.rt t n (ilit e iti i.ttt itîet tboak îopssîth thesainner gin aI 8.30 ar..and sisnting ai OXIrafka und Bilt Ruwney trel- ptaîislîtp XeesA llelite I tîtY i lie Tisarnisill- Rexdule con- 1.30 p.m.. tbe Consolation Chant- cree-in-cliiel Jint Kinkien. .re.s- Fykes Ttîurnatseiîlent',nx Sait- lest, ta deride the "C" Champion- pious$ip =gantes ti Wt TIisd-iMg mni Bob Collen. eqnip- dyayl ternual iii Scerbura Arna siip Beies. If surcensful, tbe visiottat isnnioal celsosn I als iIai itnGardens. Milton Tykes returu lu Brarboro ôil mnign o. ' tlt a Pire Depaectntut.player certifi. Againsi seasoncrl catsIiron tlor heGad Ca iosp final.1L olo e ,ytbn"'finlacatio Bill owney. Fred Hum- Care îdDqîtPr.ieround on Muday evening. sit 7.15 alti! ise 'A" fInal' at 8.30 moud and4 ut Breîrkie. rashier Miltotn Janior Firelighiters ska' p.nt. an~d lîiet manager Eimýer HÏorn-'lted ta 2-1 candi I-Otlec ;sia*ns, in Paperwetghta by, . snounicer Murray Hood. lat aiSîurtlcîssactlianitliscai ha- la ibiirsecond gel logellser as gutal juigçs Don Wilsion. tiimerur. Wilh aniv tao prariceand a teanthIe Milton PaperWeigbts àstaatisticien Bill Jarkman one exhibition gante uncler scie visited GCergetowen for a retors teun t àtndigs Ucisie MrKrse' beltt, the toaa Tvkes isac ta re mtcîth, last Friday evening. De- prpgraon àdvertisinà Ted Ken. sort ta lais uni desire and de- spite the tark of pructire, tbe nedy. pubicity Bob Paîteraun. teentinatitnin n ader la dite op Paperwecîgis showed plenty of accommodation Milton Rover winncrs. Il was a tine tram et' intpraventent uven Ibeir iasî oui- Crew. art lrantihe inhale iqtuad, and mng, andi attosi turned the tabtes Sstssrday, ey received lots aI encatirage. an their appanrenti. tise net, patîernd aller ]$inn .30 s.m. Arton vs Aiderwcoud irctian, ted isnflic duiacei vaices screen %flot fronthtie point ta Bonds1goat cacer in file gainte. (C);-930 u.. Richmtond Hill vs osf Jue McCann antd Gus Main gise Hilton an eanty lead in thse put the BCades neuriy oui o! earis Georgetown (Bt; 10.30 a.m. Du- bran. firsi periad. Tisen Georgetown but SrlisiMz'a tkaters kepl tryiug hi vs Woodbridge ICI; 11.30 am.Int. lise litrniaf gaine, Miltan a'ent aiscad tees tisey scoreul aud ai 17.30 Joe Hure weaved bis Dakviitc vs Waterloo (A). ýamne op ag.inst Cai.,rle,,ftise Iwa goals in tiseniddle itanua. way pant. inte defeudens t aqtHwvr SotMceni on ronneltitis a baekisand shot and Marladsey. April 12 'C" divisiontchaminpioîns(iliti asvr ea uknl on bring th locals close once again. 7 p.nt. Preston vs Milton (CI; vear. Tise Fireteen scored eartv lise range in tise final frante ta Alun Reli and Alain Boucisard as- 8 part. Mount Hamliton vs Tif.in tise gante s ien Mille Kaszcri gain tise 2-2 draite for Milton. ststed. iionburg (B); 9 p.nt. Etmvate v, took pasises coin Danie Roibert. Wiib tise lirit gantetof their luaI n adiprio mve Caeonla ICI; 10Op.nt. Boîmn- ian and Gtlen Tuîrne r ta caun t tournament actionrut Dixie is goalt inlder F rankMrioni m vle v s et B. bath Milton tarkers. Clairlea lisan twa teeki away, 1il is oped polted for un extra altarber and oaid"y, Aprtl 13 siarted ii piress inii lse finai tisai sec mut 'nc able to get some witb 34 iecondi lefI Bob Koteal- 7 p.t. Malies yvs Burn j n frante, and Clark Maoin iota sl icetinte for tisese litte diotes sky icared bis second goal of lise (AI; 8 p-n. Orillia vs Fort Ei latte u henbcituca.fra rcie he iv h gante 10 make il 7-5. (B); 9 ont. Murblnan ns Oratnge- testan. But itte tocal tacts bang ntakingi ai a pretty fair squad. Despice fle los.HMilton pîsyed ville 4 di; 10 p.m. Dunvilie vs an anti litcîfinal hîtreer ta rIait Sautant Seuil Finails a strong ganteaud wtus a lilîle Hespeler (C). . tlie victurs'. Milton Poicer cane op witis a mtore iuck could bave wound Up Wedsday, ApilI 14 Afleriton iTlt territier mont effort in lise lasI witha vitor. Frnk archorigante af irir sentifinautserins. musa nclry.Fenk arisiri 7 p.m. Ul)ebion Woodbtidge vs TVie afternoan ilt ails lDorsel and tiev altasi upsel lise rush- rame up titis somte dazzliig stops Prension or Milton (Ct; 8 ptm. Di- Partk siasatrlqeat .tî.kert1i'glit ladenii Citera Fucîs club. Police snd robised Simce playens ou ai nie vs Brampton (A); 9 p.nt. teend, andth te cleciias coîîld checiscu the bigb'flying Fueders leant tbren breakaways. Tise shislsRichsmond HiII or Geo1eomn seasily have fane cruser .irai.%. l3 tack u nyts ou goal record shated Manebloni Hount Hamtilton or TIlsoaburgt Bots club, plaNed mide open lii 51 round store gave Greens Ibe 'ish 33 stops.,epsupared Io 30 (B); 10 p.m. Adtos or Aldctrîsooci hockev. wiib lihe plan gaing rua-9-6lai 1 points victuen. yaen by Allender. vis Rîmvate or Caîrdonia (Ct., tisuallv I titiencutio end, and i Rch CoIheck sisgîed andi set , Se v autauuoisU .1tu a. 1 p Bob Henrn for Police scores. 350 e Rotarians Top St. Marys FE Lead Semi-Final Set by One Game MADEo Nearly 550 payiug c ustoters enu cr coonîrd 10 suce tise locati 1IMarvs îsciadîng .1 isctish pen tti0 walcised lise Miton Roary Mid- a 4-I lnad going imb tise ibird laIntise final sta/a es pciatiti tht DAILY gesin to p fort on Suaday aller- sîausa. teanîs starltu ta ibrîtta ii noon an tbey skalsd ta a 6-2 'Mu pFi" Fram wîgisi about.u over St. Marys in the. 15d m e .i t. DiII hit groint brother J. Dili Tise inner ofthtie sertes assît ad- U of tiseir best o!ftve O.M.4.A. Md. ai 1.13 o!flise final framte muklng vascer tatisefOnitrio iiaitin-~ l gel "B" senti-finai scnini. Tse vic- il 42 but befare tise end ut tise I t iser Ganasoqîte o Huansvilte OLD tory tuertthe Arn MrDuffecrouriscd gante Ted Hood sud Doug Hearns Ganastue wosean litr-ite G iquad boosîrd lisentm in o 10 toboosîsd lise Hilton ttlt tsn in aneitulya.ls 9-ts'7. FASHIONED une lead inl gantes lunlise serins, goals. Ileferens Ferr oscta Mldgsî Playoff Scoring CK titis tise foutl gante slslnd for anad Wayne Hill. Buiago dt G A Pi,. CAKE tngnlWdeday)inluSB. Marys naI out 18 penalties- il lu Si. t C. Beusis . 1t9 14 33 DOUGHNUTS and lise fiftis gante if neressry D. Heurni li6 16 32 in Hilton on Baturday aflernoun - " R. Clenietîl 14 lb 30it ai 2 ont. . St M rys -Cale7 n310 Allter narini a l4.2 victury l is eSt o y W i G uian 17 7 series opeser. tise Rolariaus drop- * W fl P. Mttttt.St1ii t 7 71 peci a 6-3 decision bu tise second 6- lAd nesda P. KtHes V ,S2O r 6 gante on Wedntday aibI in St. M. Seetîs(t 6 is Varieties U Marys. Suday iotever mess a Bt. Marys Wtdrats scored T. Itausiti 3 2 5 different atocy as tise Rolarians tire Mise finit perioci. once B. Brîîsb 5l 4 4 wccc belIer in every deparîmntulnlutise second and tiscen tintes in Ted Hîuae 2 O 2 59C VA. i and tise defenrenten bu parlintutar 1h.liird, lu vaap up a 6-3 wiu in W. Arnoldi O 2 2 torned in a sleady performance,. lise second gante of Ibeir hast aI T Sargent 0 i SharesSmenlng fIve serins titis tbe Milton Rut- BiaisRabstîn t I t BARNEY'S s Sia Rtariaus srored a goal bu ary Midgets ou Weducsday nigisi. Susday's iin iitis Craig Bruns., Several caloadi of Mlon sup- RESTAURANT ibm Cule. Richard Ciemeul. Paul pontera madIe tise long trek lu St. Kiteben. Ted Houd and Doug Marys sud macied Iheir favorit- hFormeriy Btae Skies) Hearna abaing lise houons. Marty ns tailibebinaI narlyin lise gante HLISTE N mm-Ph.878903 Benda narurd tino asas i t ssud sud neyer catch up. Tbe Si.fl L* -lS.25NaNi -Ph 88-03 Cnaig Bruns noîrised a single beip-, Marys virlory ied tise Ontario Let the loveliness of our fragrant fresh flowers radiaIe ioy in your homne. . carry your Easter Greetings to Church, relatives and fre nds fiDAFFODILS 0 POTTED ROSES -IN BLOOM 0 EASTER LILIES 0 HYDRANGEAS lb TULIPS II POTTED MUMS 0 GLOXINIA 0 MIXED HYACINT H PANS 0 SPRING CUT FLOWERS Let beautifol flowers rern nd your loved ons aI distant poiuts of vour thuughtfulness. Say il witl f luovers by w r. Del vervti guaranteed. It custs su littIe. Yuu pay oly f or tbe f lowers you select and the telegraph charges. Phone luday and arrange youtr remembrance. *Mil TON GREENNOUS 429 MAIN 1UT. MILTOFI PHONI Ta 0"5OI M loi ------------ Il 't', im Ili 0 1ý -il ý %Iwi ' "I - i 1> IL 1 )NDUPlit witt Paul Martin adding the titrd front Alan Lewis aid Ross Magee tally. Tom Learmont doublid and Ric'k Gooding bit front Nick Fetter for tise green gtoals. Thet Puceiet's noteadvare ino telte final round againsl Milton De' partntent Store. 0antons Semi Finals Atter'n.itling lta 0-0O crawis t ape.ning rousnI action, Milton De- pommnt Store attdfLocal 4970 came up wilb anuniser encining content in"Ibe final gante. The Clothiers took a 3-i lea i n tise first frame and lncreased their1 onargin earliyin the tasi periud.1 Tbe Sleelwoeker battîcd back witb a pair of mankers, but lise ratly tell short 0ftieing tihe count. For Departmntn Store, Bob Coul. ter bit iront Jack Fletcher, and Muent Gibbons passed lu Danny Evans for anoîber. Manuel Lima suloed, and Barry Beetian ropped a combination front Fletcher and Barry Fergason. Scott Wiliam. son scored twice on passes front1 George Wilkinson for thebeld' crs, witis Wilkinson cannerting; f rom Ray Evans for Ibeir finali lore. Ist G. 2tîdG. Pts. Greens .......-6 3 9 Poice ......3 3 6 Dept. Store ......O Local 49W .......O 3 3 .Pie Wee Sesut Flina Canadian Tire Corporation took a 2-1 decision front Milton Lumb. er lu gain Ibeir senti final round by a 6-3 couint. The Tirenten soin mccl Indusînial Catering in tbe Chantpionsisip senies and Ibis shouid be une of tbe bigbliglnts of tbe House t.eague final play. off s. The c4nodlàn chou LQn, ýLé4nWl RFCIPF Of THF MON IH "Mv ATTENTION FARMERS G.t ail the Lufst Facts WEED CONlTOL AND SPRAY OPERATORS' MEETING FRIDAY - APRIL 9th - 8 P. AT MILTON EQUIPMINT -CO. -LTD. GUEST SPEAKERS A. 8. C4ISHOIM, Niagara Brand Chemicals Ltd. - 'New Spray Recommendations for Corn' - 'What's New in Spray Equiponent' W. 0. flOJq, May & Baker (Canada) Ltd. - '1965 Spray Recommendatlons' - 'Grow More Alfalfa Through Weed Contrai' * UIES * DOOR PRIUS *MACHINERY DISPLAY * REFRESHMENTS COMEI BRING A CARLOAD dey, Arit #,~6 n.coteu wlt n 5wnu ware. et ueCrsîerw ay bar anIRikBideanee ten. e ........r.... bro4e2 ou ou r ..bat.tr.... th.t. wun1 I2 galnte or eFirmenht. Belm t Uip im of hirbegoaliis fire and usa 5upped a paf Roey. Gary riawrenescoHrd- HrarrWt tCe ud ssiîled a Bob angrldge sd Orlna4de Becrabw it fronteltin WII-u foiatauricthe tan wfoth girent'oeth t 1reeO.O ka se p tof he FInals Frnc d olFeposd dea- hivel wille the dl, ffeec aswy Gaadian Tirme rp.ruled l a 5.fitnpry o aer furat C timspnin the lopiodu Pce We fna plaf. e Nijbt fliktanagatd erinun Ivunlerkasple the aterersaGr tshead Tire lc is. Brsuied n a 5- taly oDtt raInanst.rer Rtey inglhed and maoud ofs ptayQl fr haarold Merys tloe gaunter sre Ctrrs t« Can. Tire.1v ine I OygOKen cind t. 10101mponfo Peitant DrbeclnGaham. Gnon RolContinoledond Pae the

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