- tsWf EIIçi - Vdi hft«yN.. oih 4 The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, April 7th, 1965 SPORT LITES I By BRIAN McCRISTALL GOOU TIINGS COME IN THRESor su the stars reads. and Herchant coach Enia Scisizzi can thank hi5 tucky stars for a par- ticular trio of if iv - Frank Marchiori. PauniLcgrce and Jue Hore. The three Lakcs i en residents haie ht-en major assels ix the lcals't bid for a teaguchampionship. Att thrcec huvehceflmcntioxcd as paisible pro materiai anJ F rank anti Jue in particula r arc ran kng high on the liii ut ip iague ird-dops. Atîhc otset oftihe season Multons popla r mentor declared l"yaur imports haie gui ta bt sour big puys. or voure ix troublo-.' Hait of the Hilton performers have coame througb ix grand style bot the Lakeieir trio hase sîuad oui ike the Oacen Mars in a hathtoh. No ose ployer iv nue as important as a poaltcndvî:-and in hoas haro Frank Marchiori. the Merchants have prohahis the besnet- mindcc in Junior "C competitian. Frank ivsa gouet hat with onlyi ose ycar lefs in Junior compesition. N.H.L. scouts are sitl interestedg in him.j Uîualty a youngstcr moshume t teast thre yarî of Junior tefi, hut the tari> hared tisinetender is stiii considerd a prospeet. Frank hesnni hcen ai sosw deseiaping as is agc might suggesl. Four yers ega he hadnt sccn the insidsa ai an arenu and this yer he gui ta wear his firît pir of goal skates. "Jo Hores mother startcd up o tramt in Lakeview and I vsas asked if Id like ta play goal." Frank reports. "Id pteyed most o my guet on the roai but!1 lried out and me was the T.H.L. campianship ix aur f rst easan". The fut that hrill prohahly he asked ta a Junior "A" camp sent fait seemi ta amuie the friendty vassgstcr. '.Ges, il wotd be terrific ta pay hockey for a career. I1scve shaught i had a chance,' be îaid. This fuît he tried oui with the Dixie Ber Himis - "if yau could catli t a lry ouite said - and ater heixg cas fromt the squed he figursd his hockey ptayisg days mcr nded. His former juvenile coach rscommrnded that hr try Milton and fans. players and officiais Pare scry happy that he did. Mions dcvlapwent tramt a lesi thon mediocre leans ta the leogue finals ail ssews 10 stem f rom the date thal Jas Hure startcd ta ptay defence. As a frisard. the husiisg dock hairedi lad mas reliahie defensivcty and a sound sturer, hut the tram ras mb oa string ut injories ta Jefescemen. Cuach Sclisizzi maved Jas toae rearguard position and fronw that ime formard the Mechants' for- tunes chasgcd for the hetter. "f nt--r rcally knem anylhing ahoot hockey ussil t came su Miton," Jas notcd. 'Enia tasghi ail ut us more in the finit week thon Id earsed ix t0 ycurs." The btggest thriii for 20e la date has heeco piaying ix front ai the ig croirds.' "Wevs neyer piayrd befare mure thoan 400 peope befare, and slOW theres marc than 1000 - il reaiiy makes you frel goud - yau think the fanssure intercsicd in yo. The reasan for the teaw's lats seasati succeshan becs "aur terrifie tram spirit,' Jie stated. "I think Georgetown hadl a briser eant has us but me just pieyed hard and me realiy wanted lu is. ttc defesce star said. Paul Lrgree bas iwpresssd aimant everyone ix tams sisce he started ta mear a Miltas jersey. Hes the taikingent member uftihe tria fend probabty an the teami and evsrything he says is pecked with humar. As a defescemsan es sspecialiy slsady and bas a fine shat. During the irsi haif ai the esnsbc was tsd the clubs mant vatuabie player and aifhaugh besn contixurd ta ptay mli, some of his mates have crsed as extra share of the giory. Oulside ai Bill Anderson, Peut bas recived tbe Masts mriaus injuries us the trams. His ever-present smiie is just a intie mari naticcabie nom shat braces hoiJ his front icech together - e remard toc a stick in the chîîps ix the Gergtaown series - and is ribs achsd cansiderably after bcig ixt bu y o pck, asather mementa of the suise sertes. Athough hockey is an important gamte for these tettomi, an- uther sport, lacrosse, raxhi high an sheir it ut fuanrtes. At thib play for a Lakeviem tram and iis yer îhcy ii bc active sn Junior "A" acrosset'ompctitias. Wc cas Orly hope for thc sake ufthebir tacrussme eats - that they -eil as math as they have hebpeî Miton. TRAGEDIES IN SPORT cas came in ail shopes and sizes. lit could be a Jack McMaster crasisg insu the boards and prematurely esdisg a budding hockey crser or a $100,000 banus baby wbo con' stand cramds or a tetiam like Gene Stephens mho setter fuliibed his poientiol as a basehail super star. For a fellom mha mas ta have ibed thebohuts ai Ted Wiliams, Stephens had o very mediacre ig league carrer. A highiy raîed boxas piuycr. -e mode ig impressions seben irnt appsarisg autîhe Boston Red Sun camp about 15 ycacs ao, but sam as 32year-alc j oucseymast perfarmer. ait hopes tor super stardaw are pose. He was iven as usconditioaa retrase trot is fourth major trapue club iust week. A strng sesseof humor has becnshsoing through recentiy in the gnte repotrs sohmitied for the Pru-Am hockey trapue . . Loti week Bob Burke recrivd the tille ut "Stoney Burke" and tii weak it was rcporlcd t-ai John McLeas mas sent ta the sin bis foi anggzing. Tume af the penalty mas the crack ut damx and accordinti ta tiha repart hbsn in tbeb on for lite . . . Gladta osec the Merchatl Junior tollamers rctrolsed tramt sossing articles us the ire t Wcd needay nigts ganme . . . Banchait seasas is just around the cornes and afrcady the boakies are rsceivîsg bt lips on mho wil iniS 1 wiorld agies . . .As asul were backing the Bossas Red Son . . In th National League ws have sirang hopes thot the Phillies wil go *Il bbc way, but somcehom we cant hbp but remember tisst "ait oaone tîngers' Dick Suart, iii be guarding f irsithose for Gent (Continuse! asPage 8) eS e ir ir il It ly Il is ýe ig Is rs ir m ly lis Dr rig nt ýd- er he Ï11 old ne DOWN BUT NOT OUT, the Milton Merchant Juniors wili be figft- coach reports, mwe havent had a cheap goal yet - every one ing off elimination when they tussie with the Simcoe Blades in meve got, weve really workedi for." In the t irst photo coach S lc r ' Milton arena tonight (Wednesdlay) ai 8.30 With three strikes Sclisizzi chats with Roger Wildfong who played Monday after SeecvA n cL.uffe rresioent against them, coach Enjo Sclsizzi promises w'eli throw every. sitting out Fridays game with a shoulder iniury. Goaltender thing but Partons cigar at them and weli be in Simcoe aturday Franik Marchiori is shows brooding in the second photo. Brian T night." The Merchants turned in fwo strong performances inBond, Joe Hors and Alan Reid discuns some of the teams prob- Tri-County Hockey Association the fis hree games o the best o ee serins and deserved lemsnin the nex, jîcture and at the right, Aain Bouchard hides Active in Tri-Coonty hockey Streinsvilte, Dundas, Bramalca at leat ose victory. Last Wednesday Simcoe scored three goals his face and Renato, Bertoli stares angrity at the floor. The photos circtcs since ils inception, Arn and Hamilton were mentionedi in es thon two minutes of the last period 10o win. riday night l were taken Monday evening foltowing a disappoinling Ions in McDotte of Miton sias etecied as possible new entries for sext the injury-rididen Merchants mere out-classed but Monday in!Simcoe. president ot the Tri-Counly Ai- yeiîtx Simce tey laye wel bt dinthav a sngl brak. s te isuciation for the 1965 - 66 seaon A suggestion was mode by Bill Simce tey paye wel bu didt hve asinle beak As heun Sunday afternoast. More thun Burrett of Maisolntht the Imo Down hree omes30 representatives fromtiAo, divisions should play an inerlo. Dow Th e G mesMilton, Brampton, Oakvitte, Bar- cking schedule wilh ail gomnes ta __________________________lington, Prestos, Guelph, Or- cnt. ag vll nd tiespeter attnded CU thcnulmeeti*n 10' the Royaîl Acton, Miton and Preston re- C a h Pr n s s * p tnoc ffout diaLegion fIl in Mitton peettvsidctdte Cocih P omisàç r p No ch ff o t ad wr alled on ta cent vol, ' woutd oppose the split as tlwa co nI n fofice - third vice- suggested hy Brampton. Milton "Wel hc shouig the rs r a l rud sld tm. Blde cplanWaveNe t-iu'zme h ght hc locals within 1prsidcst. inpar icular indcated ft wold ad ifwgela; has iai he pe nggaieo h e e rd wh 3 eodgo nsrkg disane. Wildtong and 1nlwih o play a complete hbssre cud lata o oger sMilonp ad high cls ok- te gmeMonayd illok-BrinBon ssisted. Stickle s Other memhers of the new ex_ schcdule against weaker compe- ha mostpeople hin,'Eni Yfrmor han5 insbt , d lke pea fFria sgmegoa i1.6 emed tabe thc mac ecative include first vice presia illon sce the community cao Scltuaz rportd f lwi adis u ls hant mintsteJm Keaehuvrso rvd cv he Mehasts seeded and est 30e OKrafka of Hespeter, se- campes favorahly with ail other appisting toss in Simcae uts Mon- apsed and thes- fast. Frilasnight 'that thinks had changed us he thev kept an pressing. With just rond vice-president Don JarsVie centres. day evening. The 6-4 verditctus afler a rocks ride tu Sîmcoe as a hackhanded a lause puck ita the les han a minute remaining Mer- of Georgetown, treasuce Jim_______ Manday placed the Merchants'hus sce-minglv m ithout spring Ri Bade goal ta notch the score ai chiari was palted in favor of an Brockie of Oakvilte, secrelu rs squaretv hehind the pruverhi 1tý the injurs ridden toaas piav d as 1.t15 oi the samne period. The teams 'extra attacher and for the second John McLean of Milton and third eight-hall and right on the hrink if somecone had staSes their skat- hattled îhruugh the inai t8 min- timentsri icescrd iepeietLs Moak f af eliminatias. es and asa resait thev aust t-. tes asd 45 seconds ut the peiad i n an open net ta niake the final Brampton. Mr. Mocock cefeatd Faurth gante in the league Mosdav hoss:ever. ix the same an ecns erms but in the second 1count 6-4. Alan Partan of Milton foîr thce e e e r, championship series wiii hc ptay- northecn centre they kept ptug- stasca the Btdes continued their Marchiari was unhetievahly third vice-president's spot on the A V 17TW W cd in Multas onight t Wednesdavf ging and jost missed a victory tor penchant for early goats as Neid- pood in the third period. execotive. After a layoff of neyerai weeks, as 8.30 and a los wautd end the the second ime. "Weve had taou raaer anid Macaoly pot Simo the Milton Leg ns Bantam bc- sesnfor the teagues Cinderetia manvsoiaft goals againss ois and Iwo goals up befare the period Finit Period President of the assaciatiar for seuan. a ie e34-S; Neidrouer iKowalsky, the ponttswa vears, Boh Patter- gan pcepping for the Bassts Ha- s ta . tlesason spart enabl- sua jwst cant afford shat in the mas anc minute and 25 seconds c Mitcheitimet i edMlo flrteplyfsplyfs-Enotl heCap I.Tescodgamas scared Mthl)son of Brampton, resignrd. Fer-ckv We Toraet i ed Mi1.t1ne h ivfs lyfs El udteCam-od h eodga 5-M; Keancounass isled. gus and Georegiaonmere not ce- Georgeown hy battling Winona and mass observers îhaught they ion on Manday night. Wt:se tost ssith Siwcoe ose max short. Pn;32 att:65 oa-pcetda h etn. i itno hrdy woud b elmisledmhe thy ta gmeshv nc oalI tnic ih mbAction skv; 9.58; Preticer;14.10 Marshall; The 'siggest probtets contrant- inMikeo MncG rs andRy. Cl mes the Geargetown Beavers. Ter- Blads stored os the aopen net)s Miltans ponwer plus sivong into 7.29 Sticktt; 18.34 MtchelltI crt adRcyCl rific team spirit,,mturing per- and me havent hat a hreak in ansaticoxdh Bt J - ing h etnwstepsil ale wc steLgonie fomac t ram everaI Ptayers of the gre Toih t cin ith teBae w e .4 Secod ect(od s plg fetmeetng asoihetosihte ate mc steLgasi tousmfntac giefn upotp atwec onghtis-e rhad Le hort and ais 8.42 Bruce McDfir 11-S edme Konlky, sitîg teas ocain faught back wilh threc shird per- -The lipe e15 ro en tcl0Bsel)todivisions for ptay sent sIs- pluste ataheicalub fs as upporptav btsccodn 1cr. -sîpe eastrmLolocceBsel er lwsdcdc atk 0 i dgoals la cars the deadlock. pont t rin ndtscru aTedadRoe WltHodds hunai12-Snisulyunsise tr I wsdeierd fie oTmarkeruasite are ers itedthe lau he eax- bosrcpti lsring. oandheIe n 0d RgrWltpis h ae .4S aatyssild action on his question ustil the mas the ather Milton goaat. Don cri Ia c e au emi-inas. dgacelntasîxp. ia ax oe a, tu omakt tl 32. LetiStichietsurs- f.42-M; McDutfe tStickte, fait. A proposai tram Brampton ensadT Hoechal and as tanp as thev tcv xiiheseabased the trick 34 secoinds iatcr anti Witdiongt . and"ATedd HAod each hadn Acc adit sg pebutsithe ob- -a riht 50 criticize. lie caunotiras lied. 9.16-M; Stiekie fMcDiiffe. plas in one division and "B" eno sis. bicon' bad ta bo ns, butn tthemiutcstseaWildtIWO cosîinued la improve and oi- ProsCgr Whcisan umnutet-- WidoxiC, and D" îeams play in a Winoxa led 4-2 as the end af classed the Orangeville Hornets, 'When sec play ibenion Wed. maiing inxficte riuit Blin Haz- 1.17-S; Hazlcil (Preston)l second division, mas defcrrcd un- the second pcriad and aI 5cr Mil- givisg îhcm the ighlta mecs the nesday wc'rc gaing ta shrow cv- lest put Sîmtut bactkin froxt. In Pen.; 1.11 Hazlett; 2.11 Keanc; fi thc tait meeting. tan ied the cost in the third cxpcienced Simce Bladen lac rything but Pactutis tcigar aîîd thec ihrd period Frank Marchiori 6.21 Yiii; 7.30 Minty; 8.34 Haziets; rmWnaboklos fr thce leagon championssip. The wecre goixg lu hc in Sinicue on was tantasticali poîid for Miltas 10.11 Prestos; 11.26 Haziets. Proposal Iwo mare salues, forcing the la- Mldes are nu rus of the miii jus- Salordav nght for the iluth gamt- and trustrateut ait Sîmcoe as- Third Peiod In prcsentinp the Brampton cati ta master ailt their strength ior tcam. They have nlâsc plus- Wevc playcd tîvo goud games hut tempîs frte irt 13s t.8 minutes. 13.18-S; Macaaiey iHueleti, proposai. Les Mocack sîatcd the in an effort la cars the tic. Ten icrs who iii graduais tram the when vsuadont get the i eaks Finatis Macaotes cils hehind rte! Prestasni paisible addition ai sescrat penalties ocre calicu in the game, jno ak etsaoan hyVou dont wnx.- Mitîîxdeletîce aiid tiltked the 16.6-M; Stîthie tWiiutfîng, more Icami would farce the as- scien la Winonu. junorrukiset eaonax lcyptîck hetîneen Marchionis legs tal Bond) nociation la maklesowe change boi' oasi tht Battad to 5- 19.51-S; Torti onassistcd. and Oe thought the dvsion ac- Lton Stitkic's seconxd poai ot Pen.; .25 McDufe; .58 Koala- cordixg la categories mes the I n ur' ' idd n uni rs thestxing and third pointaof tht sky; 9.2iTîîrti, t3.56 Reid. hest uy. Toronto TownshipM . 1 UuU.I Bcmbed 8-1. by Blades minus tmo af their ace Per- Bax Hazltt. bcthrr ar fuor- formers, Milton Merchent Juniors mer Mittoxhockey star Ed liez drapped an embaraîsisg t-I dc- l. scored four tnes for te cisian la the Sime Blades as Bledes. Merrv Misty scored tiie1 Priday cvcntsg and tebi smo gams- ud Wayne Neidraurs and Gary ru b eh r sd in heir bet Mithetl bad singes earh. ai eyes leagus chawpionship eries. Roger Wildtosg, onte ai the clubs top skaters, ssas injstr- Policemen Ta nale cd in the upeise game ut the seies and didnt make the 10 Na botds wiit hec harrcd as mils jansta Sinicas, and Bruce Tbursdav morsixg mhcs hockey McDufte, ans of the stars ufthbe squads reprsseniing Tarasnta plaoatt, mas injurcd aller the Tomnsship Police Force asd the fis shift. combixation Miltas Plice andi The fast skating Btadeu hiad Miltas .P.P.P. Farces tangie for litîbe trouble witb the Herchants the Tri-Cousis' Police League os ibsy scrsd tyrice in ftise irsi championship ix Milton. armna period, four mare usansmersd Minner ut' the une game ctamwp- taluies in the second and bms liosship series, scbeduted ta suat; goals in the third. Multons tans ai 10 arn., wili receive a truphyý warker was scorcd by Juvenie donated hs' Eerb Clore Real Es- Steve Gervais os passes fotrate ut Cuakuvitte. Jini Keane and LeanstSickle t This is the finit year the Tri- 18.0 t he es pnid and mode Conty Police Leogus -aisbecs 1Ite score 7-1 at tbe time. in action and accarding ta ne-' i Coach Enia Sclsizzi mas fore- ports, il bus bers vryusuccess- cd to casttnuaity «juggls is in- fu. During the reglar seasors, es, dur ta injuries and be had representutives tramt Oakville, the additioal pcolsm out ev- Burlington, Toronto Tamsshipý 1eryune boving o bod game, he and Hilton Forces eoch playrd 1said. The McDuffe - Widtong -ose gomne a mcrk. Stiekie ins which traditioaaly shises, had ta bc rcvamped and Stickle played witb defencemen Steve Gervain and Bll Anderson RADIO CONTROLLED -fan mass of ths gamte. r Reterces asîessed 25 penaltes 24HU SEVC in the rougb and reedy cantesi R O t ncludisg 14 ta the -ard ttting R W I_ Biades. Goaltender Frank Masb- e tn i onepr nteSm ort mode 34 stops for Milton T X co cage, Bill Allender mas clt- ' JAL ed un -Pr 33 noves, Nearly 300 IMilton supporters made th i ong , mccc dsappinted hy their IamI sperformmetct. After A Wint.r'-Like This .*. s t Any Wonder'That Your Buggy's Lost' Its Bounce! UITS TUNE-UP TIMEu Yes, th. last few months have been extra fough on your asWinter Weary" car and the bouncing, pulling and dragging through snow and mud have taken a terrific toli on the motor, jarring it daily f rom stem to stem. U4ERE YOU WILL GET THE ""SPRUNG TONIC" -T-NEEDS 1 JUit Phone TR 8-2393 For An Appointment - Or Drap In REED m, REDFERN LTD. 1Hwy 25 South, Milton ARENA WIDNISDAY, APRIL 7 8.30 p.m.- Junior Hockey Playotîs- Simcoe vs Milton THURSDAY, APRIL 8 8-t 0-Pro-Ani Hockey Hiitz vs ton - 8 p.m. Cin vs McTrach - 9 p.m. FRIDAY, APRIL 9 4.30-6 p.m. - Friday Niters 6-10 p.m. - Minor Hockey ixels SATURDAY, APRIL 10 8.30-t12.30 - Tri-County Juvesile Tournament 2 p.m. - Midget Playaffa (if necessaryl - Rotary Midgets vs St. Marys 8-10 - Public Skating - 50c SUNDAY, APRIL il 2.30 p.m. - Junior Hockey Pleyofts if nacessaryl Simce vs Milton 5 p.m. - Pao W.. Playoffs (if secessary) - St. Marys vs Kinsmen P.e Wees MONDAY, APRIL 12 - SATURDAY, APRIL 17 SEVENTH ANNUAI. TRI-COUNTY JUVENILE TOURNAMENT -a - I - - --- -. . . 1 - . 1 Service Department TR 8.2393 1