Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 1965, p. 3

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T*. Canadien Champion, W dnesday, Apil 7th, 1965 Hure-Adthws hy lord5k>~ NliraU . Gerge aleelo Mr anti s Mm odn qMIi Da Mes lla Tyeli Mm Ford id anti Bonnie of Newmarket vi. ogrs Mm M-utsMe isteti Sonday wth tise PelletIer-' ismVn Mol, Mrs. Roy Lawrence, los. Mes. Carl Patterson, Rev. anti Mm. Greg Btige anti Larry Pellet- E. Milis, anti Mrs. G. Pelletterio terin spenti lat seechenti mith Mr. representeti St. Lukes Anglican anti Mes. John Builge anti Judy Church, Palermo aItIshe 701h An- of Londono. nual meeting of the Niagara Di - Mr. anti Mm. BosbtReiti of Mit- cesan Board of the Women's Aux- ton were dinner guests on Sontiay iliary of fhe Anglican ChureIs of esesing siîh tIse Merediths. Canada. Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Gosslanti The morntng service \vas helti spent last week -nti with her par- on Thorstiay morning aI Christs cols, Me. anti Mes. E. Tamplin anti Chorch Cathetiral, Hamilton. Shirley of Falcoobeitige. TIse affernoons session mas heltiTIse congregation of Zimmçr- at tIse United. Steelwnrkers Cen- man Unitedi Church seere pleaseti tee with tIse presitient Mes. T. E. 10 welconae back. RÇv. K. Grif- KelleIl presiding. The atitress fiths, seho Isati been iii for sever- mas delivereti by tIse Lord Bishnp ai weeks. of Niagara. Co ng r a tula ti o ns tuoVerna TIse RigIsI Res. Lauriston L. Thompson in inning $100 anti a Scaife, of the Dincese of Western plane trip to Winnipeg on May 6. New York was tIse guesl speaker She was top stutient for Nelson attIse esening session. His topie HigIs ScIsoni in ber projeet on was Russia. Health at tIse Science Fair helti TIse ladies of Palermo Uniteti at McMaster University Drill Hall ChurcIs hetti a miscellaseoos on April 1. 2. anti 3. shnwer Fritiay nighî aI lIse Son- Mr. anti Mes. William McFati- day sehoni in Ionor of Mary Lori tien spent Sunday evening witIs Meredith. Me. anti Mrs. Clare Ford. John Sansone of Santa Ana, Cal- Mr. asti Mrs. Austin Hiscock ifornia, mho is presenty attend- anti Nancy of Cetiar Springs, mere ing Harvardi University at Cam- dinner guesîs Suntiay mith Me. bridge. Mass., ixs isiting this anti Mrs. Harolti Patterson anti week mith tIse Pelletterios. Connie. toens financlng iss-lawse ettiùg ot fise tax rate and discoutt policy for 1965. e Approvgd a isy-lam granting Hydro - Commissioners $20 a meeting for a maximum of 18 meetings a ycar. TIse per tient rate for aitendint Ifonctions out- side tIse tows WUS also set at $20 a day. TIse nese schedule is retro- active 10 Jantsary of this year. 0 Approveti the purchase of an Untiereonti printing calculat- or anti ating machine at a cost of $500 anti an I.BM. eletic typemiter aI a cost of $531 for use in tIse municipal offices. tt was noiedti he porcbases Isat been inctudeti in tIse budget. 0 Was atisiseti by Councillor G. Adison tIse Recreal ion Com- milIce was sti11 interesteti in ac- quirisg the Armouries on Martin St. when il hacame available f romt the federal governmenî. Be ankedt ta in peeparatlon 0f tIse capital budget oser the next fivc years, Ibis ha kept in mind. e Enoorsea a pelmîlon 10 the e Agreedt 1 ask police 1 s provincial govermenî f rom the sisl in traffic direct ion n0 on township of Saltfleetcaltin8 for day morntng on Maýrtin St. se- provincial geants lowarti the îween 10.30 anti Il a.m. Cous- maintenance of police forces. cillor G. Adidison itoted ti l as a eNuted a hearing had heur busy limie and traffic was often Home, School Features First catled by the Ontario Municipal backed up for a consiticrablc O VIL Dance k rrogr M Thrce Keys Dcvelopments Lld. e Acknuwledged wilh thanksCotne OIIIes, Da ce ie P o r against a Milton Planning Board the Mlon Rotary Clubs inclus-Co tne Studies The J. M. Denyes Home and delicious lunch was serveti by a tiecision. The application was for ion of a letler f rom the Mayor With Scho "rhi School Association held its first Commitîce composed of Mrs T' a ]and separation thal was den- in the program disîribuletiutathers. 'Gamnes and Dance Nite" on Mon- Cheskey, Mrs. L. Tyler, Mrs* E ied by the local board. Date of Rotary Conference in Hamilton In thec itIof recipienîs of gos- day, April 5 at the school. PelI, Mrs. J. Holmes and Mr,.J. the hcaring was April 27 in thse on thec weekend allendeti by 1,000 erimienî schotarships in the am- TIse enthusiasm of those attend- Wood. Milton Council Chambers aI 10 f rom Ontario and New York ount of $1,500 announced recenllv, ing reftected the efforts of the a.m. Permission was grantedt th statu. wso osers'ed the naine of Mrs. commtte reponibt fo chs àtî board 10 engage the town solicit- e Proclaimeti Library Week Chester Marlett nec Nancy Hay- ciat fonction. 1W 6 lD D or for the hearing. an atorzd reto of bn adu Toronto. Mrs Marlet Locky draw, a $5 fond voucher e Gave threeercadings tu the ners in suilable locations. witl fuîheher tuie i gad from Ledssiths, was won by Mm c kln., , aepvcooy L. Blacklock of 323 Bell Street. rA m ts Mr. and Mms. J. M. Readhead un- Onekînergrte elss as et roprlydamge austi y OITURYtcrtained last Friday nîghl in hon. One indrgatenclas ws st PopeËy dmag casedby 81TARYor of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Coul. up for cards, the other for danc- automobtle accidents tn lown ' . snswdding anni versary. Mr. ing. Winning prizes for cards swetted 10 $4,115 for the monl.h V Ill a~Sr ieto vr.nd Mrs. Chartes Brvant of seere Mrs. R. Dance and Mrs C. of March, Mlton Poltce reported MountsburervMr. and Mrs. Arnotd w Wettwod fr hih scres; ow tis wek. totl of 0 acidens Fueratservie wa hek ut he Jon A.RcidCamp Mr.tland55MrCoolonradold scores were Mrs. D. Martin and resulîing sn three personal injur- R. A. Crnie and Sons Funer-at sons. Reginatti of Brampton anti cd cotored films Radhd shsof- Mac Eliot.ies nd daage stimaed u andeinsWidesu lof MacEttot te ad dmae etimte aIHoe i Wnglamon Fridav. Ap- Raymond at home; threc tiaught. holiday trips to the west coast. Square daecing and mno d emr $4,115 were invesligaîed by tIse rit 2, for Mrs. Mary Edna Mc-lers Sylvia (Mrs. Burti of Camp- Guesîs were prescrnt lrom Oah- dancing were en joyedtu t music Milton Force during Mai-eIs. Neit) Reidi of R.R. 2. Campbetl. h elîville. Donna of Brampton and ville, Stoney Creck, Mountsburg rendered by Tom Renzetti. The properîy damage total is ville. Mrs. Reid passed awav at 1 Ediîh f MrS. Davis) of Strectsville;I and Burlington. Mrs. Mae Johnston, president, a high for the first lhree months Hamilton on March 31, in her 57th tour grandchitdren; and Isso bro-I Seseral familles fro i sc- reporled recipîs aI $108. The of te year. So far tioring 1965, year, fottowing a bncittilness. thers Cecil MeNeil of Streets'îl11 muniîy attended the surprise cale- proceeds are 10 go toward the Milton Police have invesîigaîed She was born at Wallon, Ont.. and James McNeil of Brussels.'Abration at the home uf Mr. and Grade 8 banquet and unifortns 60 accidents resulîing in four and had ived nieur Campbetlvilleý daoghîer Elva predeceased br Mrs.oIra Cossas of Palermo on for the sehools track team. personal injuries and properîy since 1955.1 Interment was a Wl n gît am Sunday in honor of Iheir 35th At the close of lihe programadno -st tdat$,35 h s survived by ber husband CLmî.ery. wedding anniversary on Apeil 12. O.S.D. Teàcher Guest Speaker 13Y boa. William Wata Miss Poser, a teacher aI lite Oh. tario Scisool for the Deaf at Mil. ton, was suen speaker aItishe Un- ited Chulelt Women's meeting, Thurnday evening. Ber topie was Different Ways osf TeaChitig the Hard of Hearlng anti Deaf chilti- Mms. Mell Davies moved that the prnceeds f rom the Pot Loch Supper which was held March 19 be turned oser lu tIse Stewards Board, secondeti hy Mrs. Fannie Aexander. Mrs. Austin Hîscock mnved Ihat the momen caler to a eochre banquet on April 24 at Kilbritie hall anti that mas seconntetd by Mrs. Cameron Watson. Mrs. Joseph Pickett donated $9 from tIse sale of tIse Upper Room Magazine which mas turned oser 10 lIse Sunday sehool. Linda Smith and Junior winner David Harbolîle delivered their speeches which thcy presested aI Kitbride school recesîly. Mr$. William Bllard, vice-presi- dent, chaired the meeting. Hymn, Whaî a Priend We Hase In Jesus was sung followed by the Lords Prayer. Mrs. Cliff Fretz, assistant secreîary, read the minutes of te presinus meeting in the absence of secrelary Mrs. Eric McArîhur. Mms. Henry Gorter read tise de- sotional os Easîer fottowed with prayer. Mrs. Kelly Sharp thank- ed lte ladies for lise sympalisy carde they itad'eeved. Tise Mln clogad wltl tise hymn, WsmiSorvey tise won- droon Cross, and Mizpais Denedlc- lion. Mes. Alexander mas isostes 1 tise groop. Mes. Davies lisanketi Miss Fos- ter for ber interesimg talk, Linda Smith and Davidi Harboîtle and Mes. Alexander. Buchre Club Mr. and lirs. George Robertson, Mms. Rachel Roberts and Mrs. Lloyd Peer were bosts tiste Gond Neighbor cuchre club Mo n da y evenisg in Kitbride hall. Prize inners for the esening were Mrs. Edgar Ellington 83, Mrs. James Ayîon 81, Mrs. William Allison 53, Reg Colson 90, Harry Wood 88. and Darwin Peer 56. Plans were made for the annual banquet which miii be bm-Id April 24, at Kilbride hall. -Milton Chamber of Commerce is looking for girls 1o enter lils second annuai "Miss Chamber of Commerce" competition. Deati- fine for entrics is May 1. Congratulations f0 Me. anti lira, Geraiti Marchment whose mar- rnage îonk place on Wednenday evening March 31 aI fise tJnhed Church Parsonage miti tise Rev. Linsteati officiatfng. Best wisises for a happy marrieti life. The fiftlI meeting of the 4-H Homemaking Club, Hornby Clos- et Kittens, was helti on Saturdny aflernono aI the home of Mrs. James McKay. The meeting was openeti by the president Brenda Bradley wtth the 4-H pletige. The roll cati, a piece of equipment thal woold be useful in my closet was ansmereti by the nune mcm- bers present. TIse minutes of the previoos meeting mcme given by the secrelary Lynda Rnyce. During the working period tIse girls continueti work on Iheir laundry bags. Mrs. McKày anti Caroline Pewlress gave the soles asti atviseti the girls on their1 mark. The next meeting wiul bei #4X ou# i#9ya@. CHANGE 0F OWNERSHIP 0F PLAZA __MOTORS Now owned and Op.ratod by: CARL HEINZ BOEDECKER and HEINRICH VOGEL CARL HEINZ BOEDECKER HEINRICH VOGIL 0 WE INVITE YOU TO DROP IN AND MEET US AT OUR OPEN HOUSE Sciturdoy m April 10 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. FOR COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS SPECIAL GIFTS FOR CI4ILDREN WHEN ACCOMPANIED RY AN ADULT 0 WHICH VOLKSWAGEN'rOUR SERVICE.n DO '(OU LIKE? * - Theo"1200"mm? The "m1500m" ? Sedan? Custom Sedan? Station Wagon? Convertiblo? Come - Tont Drive a Volkswag.n Tour Choc, of Color IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Carl and Heimrich arc et a oly your Vaîkswagen Dealers - thay ira ic.nced mechanics fao - They have bien te the VW nchool - îhey kaow cars inide and oui - Th.y havaefthe right fools and the righf parts - AND e ermvice Alil Makis - quickly and et low cont. Corne in and Find Ouf Why 1 GO FIR$T CLASS IN A VOLKSWAGEN AT ECONOMY RATES... Maybe yau îhink ihere's nalbing new araunti hem - ... but yoo'rei for a lot of surprises mIses yoo sec andt est drive a new Volksmage '1200' or '1500. (Note: 35 t040 rriiles per gallon of gas). No radiati ta bail over, no rosi, ta anii-frenze. Check mith os before yoo bu a car - any car I . MOTORS ILTON PLAZA Phono 878-2962 Milton Council at ts xeguiar meeting on Monday: e Receiveti a report froca tise Ontario Water Resources Com- mission eeporting on the opera- tion'0f the semage treatment plant. The report nofeti, "TIse final effluent was crystal cleor anti sparkting . . . inspection re- sealeti a 'zero coliform count." e Athorized tIse mayor anti clerk to attend a conference of Ihe qntarin Municipal Associa- lion aI Point Etiwaeti on May 7 anti i. e Agreeti to permit the distri- bution of plastic garbage bags theough tIse Student Council at Milton District HigIs ScIsonI pro- siding they mootti be -hantileti at a maximum profit of 50 cents for 50 bags. TIse town woolti make tIse bags ailale t. tIse stotients at tIse present oser the coonter price. TIse stodents moutti be permitteti to tieliver them anti colecet a profit, PLAZA Authorizod Volkswagen DeaIons mi in len or, luy USED CARS Whon Yeu buy à uéod car from us our verified Wàrranty lis yeur subralt. tes In writinq of good performance. io. m W. -Don't mientise TfICowntX is- venule Hockey Touenemeot tsa t opens Saturdy mîmnlng at MUl thse fnltowlng Saturday. 1-Large glossy repeints '<f Can- adian Champion staff phoctos are for sale at Tht Champion office. Cqei munt accompany your ortiet. -eai the meechants' ada in The Champion ta, aee wiat'a new anti special for Eanter. -Staff membees at Ontario School for tIse Deal' are busily prepariog tIse sehont's annoal yearbonk, 'Tse Beaser" sehich mili bc distributeti Inter this month. 5helti on April 16. Lunch was scr- Sveti by the hostens. 1Mes. Thomas Bennett of Grand ;Valley Isas becs visiting aItIshe home of Me. anti Mes, Jack March. ,ment. A SINCERE WELCOME TO CARL HEINZ SOEDECKER AND HEINRICH VOGEL SHOPPING CERNTRE NEW OWNERS 0 Loblaws 0F 0 PlazaMotors 0 Smoko & Gift Shop 0 Fabien Furniture MID Laundre-Eze P LA LA 0 Pollock Shoot " D'ath's Hair Stylists " The Lori-Ann Shoppe 0 Savoway Toi. bo Taons M O T O R S :TalioCloanos INew Style Barber FROM ALL 0F US AT Shop THE MILTON PLAZA 0 péi Rsarn

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