Cà The Canadien Chamnpion. Wdhesdey, April 7th. 1965 MII,TON'S CHANGINO MAIN STREET is constantly being modernîzed and one of the current changes taking place is the renovations et the Bank of Nova Stia building. Théê top floor of the present bank is being knocked dlown, and the former Milton Fabric Centre store et the right has been demolmnhed. The bank wlll be espended to cover the erea formerly used by both stores, and will feeture white concrete columns and floor-to-ceiling glass windows ecross the front. The benk originally opened there as the Metropolitan Bank in 1903 and was taken over by Bank of Nova Scolie in 1914. Lt. Col. Hardie Assumes Command 0f Lorne Scots Regiment April A new page linIthe bistory of Scots (militial in April 1951 and and Naton Regt.l as il i the Lorne Scots (Peel, Dufferin during the recent years he served today. and Haton regiment) began on as Adj utan t, Training Officer and Sunday when Lt. Col. E. F. Con- Commanding Officer of"A" Coy over, CD., reinquisbed is com- tocated in Lakeview. In October snand as commanding officer of 1961 he svas promoted to Sec- and Lt. Col. R. G. Hardie, C.D., ond-in-Command. In addition to, assumed can'mand cf the Regi. bis duties as Second-in-Consmand, ment. he also servcd as Aide de Camp tc0 The change of command cere- Lt. Gov. Keiller McKay and Lt. mcny took place on Sunday af- Gov. Earl Rowe. lernoon in the sports'hall aI the Lt. Col R. G. Hardie lises in Is- ingion with is sife Mary and their threc children, Jim 19, Cathy 17, and Petcr 12. F Others Retire Retired with Lt. Col. Cottover. were ten ollicers and three Non- Commissioned 01ff i c e r s: Ma.. John M. Kirkssood, CD. oi Bramp- ton; Maj. James 1. Kerr, C. D..cf Port Credit; Maj. Donald W. Pal- lett, CD., ot Cookss'ille; Maj. R.J. Honey, CCD., of Brampton; Caps. A. G. Descelles, CD., of Carkson; Caps. W. B. Patterson, C. D.,cf h.Brampton; Capt. W. E. Doulît ot LT.COL. E. P.CONOVES Brampton; Capt. R. E. Seltzer cf Thorahill; Capt. G. R. Carruthers. cf Toronto; Capt A. E. M,.letosh, of Georgetown; C.S.M. 1W021 Wil. F E A T U R1 liam Collier, CD.. oi Georgetown; EVE S/Sgt. William Hamilton, CD., ofliEN Drangt-ville; S/Sgt. Horace~ Page, DIRECTO I CD., o Brampton. Thes ofl1icers! ECI ' and NonCommissioned Officers1 LT. COL R G. HARDIE, CD have a comhined service cf 2t0 For Your Enferfainr Ontario Training Cetresin yea rs servire in the armed lorces. Pleasure in Brampton.Col. C onover and S/Sgt. Ham- R Since 1938 ilion arc. the last remaining memn- 1 TO RONT Lt. Col. R.G. Hardie.,inamher 1 bers ofa the Pee] and Dutierîn1 cf tbe Lorni. Sots ssnce 1938,is'lRgmn and CSM (W02) Collier1 MARCI4 30 - APRIL 17 a veteran of the Second World s the last remaiiaf menîher ol OKEICNR War. He went overseas with the the Nation Rifles, schich later be-! Halla SîxEnCER regiment in 1941 and eund t came the Lorne Rifles (Scaitishl. Hal.Sxec Canada as a serLgean la 1943 ta.TheP-e1 and Dofferin Regiment- - redeive is officer trainn and and the Laine Rifltes Scottisht APRIL was rammissioned. He rrrn maaed la13 i eoe EGLINTON THEATRE to England la laie 1943 and wastfieLame Scots (Peel, Dfferin Sound of Music trensferrcd ta the Essex Scat.1. HOLLYWOOD THEATR tish with whom he saw action la North-West Europe as part cf tbe COURSE GRADUATE Mary Poppîns 2nd Canadian Division. Lt. Col. Latto Luit cf ill St. recesi 1151 Continaos Show iron Hardie was severely wousîded 0V- eiaduated Irom a s Pc ia 1 i t-el 1.30 p.m. erseas and invalided home la 1944, home training course in tetevision alter a year in bospitats, be svas and radio servicing olferd hv UNERTY HAR discharged in 1945. DeVry Techaical Institutc, Tcr- MyIVEaIT aYTHAR Lt. Col. Hardie jined the Loir a u. M arLd Matinees - Wed., Sat - To Alil Milton Citizens BEAUTIFY YOUR PROPERTY WITH- LOVELY T REES ut 1/2 COST HERE'S HOW ... Under the provisions ot e By-iaw the Town of Milton w il pay hait the rosi ni purchase and. planting of irees subiect to certain specîfîcelsons. The foliowing trees w il h ave i abe t the rostiîndicated. Hait lb s cost w il bn borne by the munîcipality and hait by the applicent on fiing ot epplice- tion with the Town Clerk. v-AFaCFSUNBURST LOCUST ..... $700 tluas $240 pldntinig $7751 plus $2.40f 1 SERVICE BERRY ..............$7.25 plus $240 CRIMSON MAPLE .......$9.75 plus $2.40 NORWAY MAPLE ...... .....$1.00 pics $2.40 LINDEN ............$5.30 pics $240 FLOWERING CRAB ........ $4.50 pics $240 MOUNTAIN ASH ......$4.70 plus $240 Sales Tax Extra Applications wili habc cpted on e t irst come, irsl sorved baui t a maximum town contribution of $200. Applications muzt bc recoivecd by 5 p.m il5r, 20, 1965. 1 4 iknow. E ment RE t., Sun. TO APRIL 15 ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM Ceramirs '65 Underwater Archaealogy Eahiltit TO APRIL 18 ART GALLERY Ontario Society ci Artibss APRIL 5 - MAY 22 ROYAL ALEXANDRA TH EATR E Spring Tlaw APRIL 14 - MAY 1 CRESi THEATRL Emimanuel Xot For rcanrimy and lîîectly bervisc plan tIo tay at Icroitos LORD SIMCOE HOTEL " Convenently Ineeled lnah heers cof dowcstcwm fat the suhweyl " Singles 6.50 ti 10,50, doubles 10.30 to 1430 " Fret overniglit parking THE LORD SIMCOE HOTEL King & University Toi. 362-1848 MREN MINCID GROUND 2-85c SPECIALLY SELECTED - CHOICE - JUICY BRAND STEAKS orc ROUND ROASTS 8 3Cb CHOICE - TENDER - VALUE CHECK'D - BRANDED STEAKS 0 SIRLOIN 0 T-BONE 0 WING. 8 3b LEANc SIRLOIN TIP ROAST TENDER 8 9 COMPARE AT 93cl - Sc OFF PACK[I7- ROSE BRAND 16.oz. PKGS. MARGARINE 3 R75 c COMPARE AT $1.191 - 14c OFF PACKI - INSTANT COFFEE 6-az. JAR MAXWELL House 99 c COMPARE AT 39c1 - LISBYS 4841. INS TOMATO JUICE 3 asi' Compare et 61 Compara et 3 for 32cl Compare at 2 for 23c1 CONNORS PREMIUM BRUNSWICK KIPPER SOCKEYE SALMON SARDINES lSNACKS HalvesA .5_____ loi_89__ 5 149c COMPARE AT 85cl - I4OMOGENIZED PEANUT BUTTER CLUB HOUSE- 2-1b. Jar 75c COMPARE AT 29cl PEEK DIGESTIVES or SHORTCA&KES 4 ' $1 COMPARE AT 33cl KRAFT MARSHMALLOWS R13ONDOG FOOD Id I I TH4E FRIENDLIEST' MARKET IN TOWN 114o. PKG. 11l-oz. PKG. 2.5C CASE 12 TINS 99( L Compare et $1.15 SUNKIST Sweet Juicy ORANGE S 2 doz. 95 SAVE 1lic FRESN iCURLY LEAF" S PIN AC H I Cello Packages 9c