r u -S1tfft-Suis A SWîAIAUY DAY fot- womnen'a institults brougisout tise coualy wsa attentied by more tisa 75 ladIes on 1isurstioy. Elgist groupa iad bWok printirtg dispîsyt la tise auditorium ai thi Halton ton Contannial Manar. Groupas witis dispîsys inciuded Carapbeilsiile WlI., Nassagasecys Wl., Hara by WlI., lise Halton C6nlennial Mantir WlI., tisé Actas WlI. and St. John Ambulance Cadets, Arts anti Crîfla Society af Georgetown and tise Siiaerwoti Wl. Shows examinirlglise Manor WlI. crtplay are Mrs. Art Wilson, Miss Elitanar Flint, a speaker for tise day, Huilons Home lt-oaa- miat Ars. K. Cossom anti Mra. S. Lotkie. Vew On% Af MÀ & oHdstâv 5&W Fîfty -Halton Ilolsîcla Breetiers visit-ti onîstandînt- stintaOs- ford, Elinant i Mdît-sex Cunt- lies an Friday, April 2. Tise fitst viit wsatotatht- Rowsate Fatm, Carnies, oset- by tar. Rose, ptrasi- dent of lihe Holstein-Ft-lesian As- sociationt of Canada. Mrt. Rose isas a cisseallonai taIt-y bat-t, Easter Meeting Ebenezer U.*C.W. Ebenezer Uniteti Chat-ch Wo- rat- ht-id their Ratier meeting la tise Suolday st-boul rora. Tise pte-ta ident, Mrs. Horst-e Blytis. ptraid- eti. Tise tcnvent-t, tara. Art Nat- risis andti Ms. W. Lt-tmabati ar- rangeti an lnleresting pt-ut-t-m. Tise roll t-alseas antwerrd sitis a verse contsinlag tishearti vit-- lot-y". Mrts. Lecman gaetme heiptal tsonigitson ttelace tif Prt-r latise Crucifixion antiRt-s- orect-ion tot-y: Mrs. N onrti s tld about "Il's al lissehat yaure ttscdteta l-I"One Soltsry Lufe'. , t-. kwy anti Mrs. Ron Mc- Lt-an sang "May Savionras Love'" Mrs. Blon igave an latct-esing accouaIit t etcnt Guelph Pt-es- bytftil lMeeting at Waterlou. Thse "oteIs, ta be ht-Id on May 29, was dîsctsseti, Mrs, Wilson Bt-wtt-ysathtie battras anti tra. Bilt Earty cour. leay cnnentr. Tht- Young Pt-opte journeveti ta Elmira Sunay eveningt u lah- part in tht- Guelph Presisyterial tînt- sang. Sympatby la exiend titt u Mr. anti tara.Chas Tisampasnanti famiiy in tis etiaIt brhir ettirsi son anti brother, Roy, Ibraugis an accident. SP*ING Aong- sit-is Aprit anti sprint- tlasers, anti trats antiltast-s anti goati seather, se alto have mort- matariats on aur higiwsseyasti bysesys enjuying att tht- atrxmp- Ira of Sprint-. Sa let'a nultlut- 1cr up lise country ide sitscot-t isions Iis April. Ltt'a drive sale- iy anti rnjoy tht- brauty ut Sprint-. mn Dubmy From taersaDs T#, sish a pote bat-n for the yaang t-attlec Huy is and e lb ha lot- -ae isrvester -anti bars tieti Attise fat-m ut Fred Cohue, But-- gessviile, contfora staills e-e-s srrved. CaIlle fred on isayisge tram a Lazy Sasa atound tise base utf tht large silo. Tht- t-uss are cofiard ta tise barn art-aj tbroughout tise ratire year. At Fort-st Lee Fat-ms. Sprint-- fit-id. tht-ise 'Excelent' cas serre inspt-ctcd. One tof tht-se bas nase complted aver 20,000 puants of mitk. A motet-nsindoslesd a i t-y barnasatseen aithtie fat-m ut Mur- tin Bras., St. Tisomas. Tise 50 410-2 strins st-e lied up, but are mitkrda n a mithint- partout-. A t-tas lin- i rd silo bas btee-et-cted, abangt- sitis-a cemnent* silo for feeding c harluge anti t-atn siiage. 41gb maiaturt- t-at- is also inctude i n tht- dait-y ration.p Tise final visit stas ta tise fut-m ut Weavrr Brus., BrImant. Tise fivr 'Excellent' t-uss erre aisa set-a in Ibis ht-rd. By t-oint- on gt-oup bus trips, s fat-mers tan observe at-etendsai sn bt-t-tding.tetding and maniage- raet-of dairy caIlle, Make 5 h.. Puck At 44H Malt0g Th iset fIsmceling ai tise Sctut- Bock Lasetseat setd ai Boston Chut-t-ban Apri 3. Themeetint- wsa opt-ed seitiste 4-H pledt-t and tise minutes ofthlsttiert-l ing sert-rt-ad. Tise rail cati, "A Fit-t-t-ou Eqiprarat tisaI Wouid be Useful in My Clset'. sas ans- seered by rat-b meraber. Mrs. Frenchis ld tise girls tisai a sampte af tise mat-t-lIsetifor at-testoies and tiset-ast ut rat-b at-testary, as serI as s sampte ai tise bias. st-t requitrd in tht-Rt-- art Books. Tise leaders gave ntls on Sisue Storagr, Pacha anti Trrrs, tht-n cbecked tise Record Bookt.su- gesîed tome iraprovemets. Tht-y shaseet tht- girls hase ta makt- Shar Packs asti t-vrr hangt-rs. Retresisments serre serveti antid tht- t-tstoattise mot-tint-satsprat la cuttint- ouI antis-sig Mewéy âDeeae Fer FanRepensÀ Pleose note: Orgsmstzatloas de- ss-ring reports af thiscr aseetlgs or acîlvlties on lthe Farm Pages must suit IteenprIor le Ilt arn. Monday la future. Yessr ea-aperatloa in meeting tiIs1 deadltaneIs aeresaary. if lie Champion la ta, continue wlish lis pollcy af glvlag lthe iest neses set-vice ta tise Halton fat-m lit « Me Acir Vertu Thorapson, Milot R.I 2, une ut Halion's 4-H At-riultua ai Club Members, plat-rd firt-atn t-ht- Ht-alsh Seçîlun at tise Hamil- ton St-lent-e Fuir. Her disptsy f(- t-easttenttion an tise probtems ut Contruitin- Matitis. Bt-sitles seinningth ie $100). fit-st prit-e. Vertu rt-cti res ait-ip ta Winnipet-. Est-t- 491,i seconds in Canada, tomen- recrivt-s a fret- blond transfusion. Doic -Mord. Rduoe T Ehrt-r yit fpatrsgl* bad- dcethle ol*unh- àid by apreiti- Young mea starttj attlg ta. rati tifdollars tu tise Goseeament lmg lise tatabte Ilattne over tnt-e day csestablishna flast-Itett it tise foilâ otf taxes wiicb ibey years. - he start on tier oua -or wltb g di oit bfrIe paid. Setting uip a A Basic Herd cas be st-I up for. tht-lt-fatises. $t ben a part- ri1 blet-i Wootd keep a loi ut matutre bredving gimals t-liber or net'sblp îs esîhishad emeît~c a- mtte jal tome, bul may ltrm- al iJt-ep tioga7lseet and dsit-y iber and soi, thé aSnacita and eem t-t-féer paying tacomne caie: Ose far a t-avue st-ver- sisut tflsBsc1ltio i Vawù -tlb irdl sl. al Basicflerds. Tise important oses. Hardîla a weitet- monts t-ats by tiiat is ta gel a Basic Ht-rd matr- sitsoul lise.aewpptrs repatling ed and tises ht-tp atidiat- ta il as Il la easy ta, gel stat-ted on a onaubarn tire. Olten lise rt-paritisthé rm craws. Basic t4erd, providing you bave sncIndes a note thal hls Va cs btesn fitint- your Income Tus. JusI lully covereci by t sauranc-. Tise rtmers seho huve ht-es ln bos- rile ai cuit the- district Taxution report at-ver slys how muchIn 1- i ness ince Junuzury 1, 1947 shoulti Office, Hamilton, or ask for t-utm came Tus wus paiti by the tut-mer sppiy la have iheir Basic Hertis T 20119, tise Basic ilerd At-plies- as livetock losIta ise fit-e and sel ap for ftlt date. Tht- Healtislo Ftm Wt.t'lai frsm t-aid oui tftise insarance. tof Animais Bt-sncb, Canada De- Tlin-A tams Appicat on ste ,Fat-mers fitint- Income Tax t-e- partrarat ai Agriculture, Is a -use- Tact1-A fseAsic lc-attiset tut-ns an a cash basis could find fui source for pt-ovintg osnership Inrae ai Hr e h tisemsetves paytng a 'higi fate oftii animais, but Ibis rstactonlaieyiné las in ose year on compensation trcat-ds for tise last It y ert-. Patther bclp Is ttl stsartcd tram diseasç or ire, proceetis Bt-ccd Sacît-ties and Velt-rinaty an tise toad toaaBsiHed can tram a dispersai sale, lise value ut Offices ar t-eaier ast-fui saut-tes. ise tecctved by caistoctîng thé AS- gifts toa- bequests in will, or any For ibose wbo have started ricultarai Office, taillais, Maay otiser large redutliôn oattise h-red. farmint amer 1947, tise samie saut-, fat-mers prefer 10 sesîtand psy tnt- htrd. Tise rstabltishment ut a ces af pt-ouf af ownerwhip cas ie bit-ber incarne Tares. Wisy sol Basic Ht-rd witt nat eliminate ait used whea applylat- tur a Basic keep tisai moaey ai home by set- lacome Tas payable, but seul re-- erd, tint- up s Basic Herti 50w? Junior Farmers' Project Aids Acton Firefighters Atton Junior Fat-met-s are as- la advise tise members aad ht-ar Aies Cranaril. tarsr te nerd- isiitg At-tis Firefigiters by pt-e- sehat plans have ht-t-scumplted t-d tut-tiset-hait-ftueilis service. paring a lire map cuveriagt-hie ta date. Theisebi-tcummendeti Joy Hayseard reput-ted tisait-t--e mnitre Actas fit-e at-eu.tise junior fat-met-s for tise sertis- tut-a t-chatgc trip la expectcd Tht- group sel canduet aisou5-seisitle project sehicis wiil undoubi- tram tise Carlton Caunty Junior ta house sut-rvyibrougisout Es- rdly sperd locatiat- fit-es tantise Fat-met-s un tise seekend t-f Aprit quesint-, t'asaagaweya and Et-lti rut-ai atras. 1 24-25. Townasips witisin tise At-tn fit-t- Tise sut-sty seul ht-gin in t'as- Judy Britton t-ave a report out- art-a in rder ta obaiinforutma- sagase-a ant"Id sections ut mapsa lying tise selivities ufthtie Guelphs lot tut- pt-tpuaia t ftise map. sert- givra ouit t-at-h memiser Confereace iseid ai the Unaiversity Eut-h hause and bat-a, fat-m asd ta su-vry and retura ta tise cura- or Guelphs an Mat-ch 5, t and 7. pond ut- atram, lot tamiser and millent a ie sett. Don Sseackhamer anti luttaBrt- sames ut residrats selbe inclut- Dan Sseackhamer, the arw tan seret-r teaof the faut- deit-- eti an tise msp ta arder ta aid peietsacarmnf-tsegates seat tram i-lton cauaty. fit-t-fithiers unserriat-t-ails. s ut ht- unifor Ft-m. Alan Haysert reparitd on the- sieftIl s ise map.a cpîrr tîtst-joint meeting o h uirFr-annuai banquet and dtance. Frura %,iastmpuasci lete si-es-lit et-s and Junior lastitute. bh rpr bssesascesa bc compteteel.fit sas annaunerd tisaitishe an- eveal. Commtte meber sparhad-n'aa service seul bc beit Mav i. Separate meetingsisfatie clubs Cumithe oetamebesspranth-D-nAnsuat county t-hurt-b servit-t-'aili serre short ibis monts and litte lacktiserrt-t re pt-tadetDisebc eid on May 9 at Mitoan Pt-es- hutines seas discusseti. Ssa-hmr hre agvle vterisn Cisc.Getseae oilrceainws]db Pal Mates, Juy Hav-sard, mclv - l-h aa pae u-a -ttrto etldb B-litn as.Eti Burti Don Haywtrr%.'s'-ltbe tht- President ufthtie On- Est-t Burt and BoisKr-r. Att t- DoupMrt-nn ad Rn K- aria, Junior Fat-mers' Association, lavt-d a deliciaus luncb. tire t-bit-t Mit-k Hulmea anti fit-tfigtbet-s Ait ubv. Hart-v 01- lt-tbin,t-hit-munoth l ire pt-e- vestion cummittt-e anti fit-tfigt-l 'es Don VanFleet anti Dout- Mu- sus attendetiu at-ttint- ut Brouis- ville Hall Wtdntsdav, Mut-ch 24, IÔ~3adt~ Put Color In Your Life Our 3 minute ler is heautiful, TRY US AND SEE ... VOGUE BEAUTY SALON 192 Main St. Millon 878-2461 Nexi t e Soit AdiîttW46H d ~, WMV#l1 trhlit, t~ltent, W ~ bay jit d"*«0lo d ntrcitup& s tsrc Clbs wera o! ttàe, thtom Ota ttler, Waym el mnunit y cetr, A-.Thse 4-H C"ýU t ~ A wektcMina Bitea bos anad git jlh'd *alda, Xuâgeltl iMttt, Fyfe tise At-ton 4-H Calf Club. The SGOncrll@.4- nese otftcera thoseit sere- ptcal- Ktsot tMurray ln àa tsa» dent, Wayne Mtken; victe-preàl- Chus Leader'ttIs paat, Baln dent, Walter Tryssenaar; secret- campleteid ten 4-H Attlcititural ary-treasurer, Bitt Lasby; press re- Clubs. tporter, Bob Leslie. Any boy or girl ln tise Acton 1 Te memersar-a wishing tb foin asy of tbe enmm rsjoinec ise At-ton AtIon 4-H Clubs sboutd contact 1Grain Club, seith lise officers:oeo b edrh iefri0 president, Bruce Cotes; vice-presi- May.th edes y h irto AIVANCE flGIMA11O FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL KiNDIIGARTE?4 Il yeu have a child f iv.poaure old by Decoenr 1, 1965, ples@ec"plot@ h e rltm mand reur lete .Prinel of tho school in peur orea MY APRIL 141h, 1963. You sel e infarmeti lator ai tise date ta bring pour cisildti thie scisol la complote tise rogistration. Dae of ciiltis birtis muat be verifieti by Baptismal or Bitli Certifit-ste, Be pt-et-at-adlu show sot-if icalioa saisn you visit tise acistol, E. W. FOSTER, Superviaing Principal. Name of Child .......................................... Date of Birlis........................................... Street Address -........................................ Father's Name...................................... Telephone ............................................ A GOOD PLACE TO BUY d a SERVICE' Tro ALL MAKES' 0 BRITISH FORD MERCURY Trucks 0 HYundrS&ef OAKVILLE MOTORS Lm.~ Hundrds ofV OPEN EVENINOS UNTIL 9 - SATURDAYS TO 5 P.M. Dollars now on AUTHORIZID DALRS t-OR Mercury- Meteor, FORD MERCURY - METEOR - COMET - BRITISH FORDS - Cornet MERCURY TRUCKS - Demonstrotora 312 COMMORE ST. - AT 9EYNOLDS OAKVILLE CALL 8443213 i0 - HALTON SUPPLIES GRRETW »«............PHONE Tif 7-2271 EI........-------------......PHONE 833-2222 MANAGER'S NOTES... W. woeuld urge ye e rdor yeur fertiliser and oud vo- qstcaswte aureer1e4% ehthr dollvery can b. mode or Wittllar lmso*e Isbu increaseal annuelly th. pont fe.w lmaaobe six*.0h y#e lb. I*US cqureeau" duo te lncrosed acreage of cern lusIpI, goleb.uet lhast 8U% AfulIaMàreh lhe reports frees tb. fertiliser lnduslry on =oll er wlser thon usuel mid la seodinc happons go ho d n Il requlroments placod et timt lIme, thertoges could jlovelops. W. wouîd oppreclot4 havlng yeur erdiers sou. ORDER NOW FOR EARLY DELIVERY To ausure Ithe varioîles and quality of s.od you expect f rom your Co-Op. The laté. season makes Il eusential you have your saed and fertiliser the day you need it. Prepare now. Order now for sarliest i possible delivery. HAY AND PASTURE MIXTURES PRESCRIPTION MIXED FOR GREATER YIELDS Nose - morselisa oser - lise CO-OP- Big Bonus Hay anti t-sture Prograra taises tise guosseoris oui ai selecting seeti-mix- lt-res fot- iigisor yiltis, anti bosco iigiser fatm profits. Hase? Simpiy by îaking ativanitage ai aur prescription sooti mix sot-vice. Anti ils convenleal. Jusi sisit yaur Maltas Co-Op- anti discuta your pnrticular seeti requiremenîs. Bisti on Department ai Agriculturo recoramentiationa, iigis quallty, nama-voriety sootia seul be nccurnîely blendet inaaur Senti Mixer. Tiss specifit- mixtures seul aliase for maximum yioltis ai the isay andt pasture require i n VOUR livssock pragrara. Dont lett end prit-es pet- isundred or par isusisel fool you. Figure your aoed coal pet- acre. Thon compare sehat CO-OP gises you for lise ligisi differeace there migisi be - a bellot- grade, a igiser petcotage germina- tion anti many tisousanda ai seeed seeda Iots pet- acre. And dont fat-gel, soedod ss par acre Is a amêlI part aI tise total invostmneal ai soediag atties you coasider senti beti pro- paratioa. LAS? 3 DAYS -- APRIL 8 - 9 -10 0F OUI LUC 'SPRING SAVINGS SALE 0 MeerI Your S Sle List Sont M e u ln ite Mail * OR SUR tAST WIUKS CHAMONmii SALES ILEASINGI CALL US - OR COME IN For A Setter Crop Plant Se L-- ammmâ