Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 1965, p. 20

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Cherispl Ladies' hsiuecLinl 287; es iSigslrUeSortKn 701. Otiser gond singles, Ml Davies 269; Marlene Morion 263; Sior King 257; Glen Leeming 24;Aus- tin Hiscock,343i Anu Carson 242; Phil Coulson 240; Bill DeForesl 238; NeUlie Wilson 234; Amelia Bassett 221; John Bridgeman-204; John Jarvis 220;Mrk Bock 201. Other good tiples, Jack King 661; Mel Pavies 646; Piil QQW1ss' 644; John Jarvie 6314 Ausin is- rock 607 WiliII Wisn 575. Spinners s-on 2 for 100; Ml Davies, 2 for 97; Glen Leemisg. 5 for 97; Beatles, 5 for 94'/î; Asîro sauts, 3 for 93t3; Bad Guys, 4 for 92; Good Guys, 0 for 92; Corner Pins, 7 for 90. Early Bi& April 2 Ladies'hiigis single, Juan Waters 260; ladiesigis triple, Joie Gould 635; menss iigis single, Ivan Cry- derman 282; mens higis triple, Isan Cryderman 737. Otiser good singles, Jack Gould 280; Les Wils 279; Bruce McKerr 259; Ede Crydermai m2; Chris Burton 22; Ilene McKerr 214; Mil. da Rigo 206; Fred Rigo 206; Lyni Burke 203. Olier gond triples, Jack Gould 714 Reg Gray 63; Bruce ticRere 649; Bob Burke 627, Les Wills 616; Audrey Masos 606; Joan Waters 603. Ray W. s-os 7 fr 23; Les, 2 for 19; Jack, 5 for 17; Dean. O for 17; Roy G.. 2 for 16; Stan. 5 for 13. HoIy bsary April 1-3 igis scores; Mary Emmerson 257 201, 204 662; Mary Wolkos-ski 162, 186, 307, 655; Joan tirPiie 225, 204, 224. 653; Chas Vander Broek 276, 228, 227, 731; Mike Bel- vedere 182, 335, 201, 718; Bernard Siros 153 267, 216 636. Beales s-os 5 for 124; slos-en, 7 for 115; Son-ot-a-Guns. 5 for 98; Bombers, 0 for 91; Jokers, 2 for 91; Jets, 2 for 89; Spotters. O for 60; What Nuls, 7 for 60. P. L Roemson Girls Marris 25 Ladies' iigis single, Alice Brusis 291; ladies' higis triple, Ruhy Cap' utu 736.j Other good triples. Ruby Cap uto 756; Pat Guni 706; Lii Rase. ycki 690; Altce Brusis 670; Beryl Gaeton 665. Willie Wilson s-on 2 for 31, Beryl Gaeton, 7 for 18; Lil Raie- ycki, 5 for 18 Joyce Schsultz, 7 foi 17; Marie Murray. 5 for 14; Yon ne Teasdale, 0 for I1; Nrma it chen, 2 for 7; Rats Coalci, O for 6 April 1 Ladies'hiigis single, Lil Raseycki 291; ladies' iigis triple. Lit Rase- ycki 716. Other good triples. Lil Kaszycki 716; Ruts Ford 694; Ruhy Caputo 676; Willie Wilson 615; Mary Heip ei 614. Beryl Gaton s-on 7 for725; LU Kasaycki. 7 for 25; Willie Wilson. 0 for 21; Marie Murray, 5 for 19; Joyce Schultz, 0 for 17; Norros Ritchen, 7 for 14; Yvone Teas. dale, 0 for Il; ats Coales, 2 foi 8. oL sery cold day and Ihot cottee wsa in demand. On Salurday tMr. John Robert- son held a clcaring auction sae ut farro implements and stock. A large cros-d ateided aid lise Nassagas-eya Insîitute had a bootS. They appeared lu Sbe ept quite busy. Mr. Robertson has soid his farrn aid s-itt ions Se movîng t0 Milton. They s-il e missed inlise district. A sumiser ot local ladies have been taking Blok Prnîting les- sons froro Mrs. J. Patt. She -at. lended lise Institute clsases in Mtos and tisen instrucled tise local riais. Doi't lari lraftic tas-s by ac- cident. mm.reI P. C. Nominations New Brunswick M. P. Speaker Stili Two Men in Tory Race Thse Federal nomination meet- t on Rîdiîg il be eligible tu ing of the Oalton Progressive vte for the Progressive Cosser- Conseevative Association s-ill va ive nominee at the neaxt hear Gordon Fairw-eather, M.P. Federal election. Despite denials for tise Royal Riding of New by the Liberai Goverment in Brunswick. Thle meeting is Ottawa, parly officiais expect scheduled for the Williams that Ihere will '6e a Ilederal Avenue Higis Scisool in Mlton eleclion this sommer or early on Priday, April 23. fali. Mir. Fieweatiser is a former Cabinet Minister in New Bruns- u, c wick, having been appinted in O .S.D 0515 D oy 198 Attorney.eseral at age 35, thse youngest in tise history of New Brunswick. He moved to Scout Course tise Federal Parliament in 1962 A "Traning the Team" course and has becs a leading spokes- was held on Salurday, March 27, mân for the Conservative Party at Ontario School for tise Des!, durlng tise lait session. Milton. This is o f course designed Twa i Race 10 train ciosen Boy Scout leaders Su far tWu candidates have snlise techniques of training otis- declared liemielves in tise race er leaders. About 70 were in at- for lise nomination. Reeve tendance. William Coulter of Nassagaweya Trainers conducting tise course Townshiip and Mayor Allas Mas- were J. F. Keet, Assistant Disrict son of Oakvillc, are expected 10 Commissioner, Gat areis, H. Mc- he joised by at least two otisers Carîney, Scout Executive, Gal. seeklsg lise nomination. A toal of 736 delegates from Keep your wisdsiield clean and lise seven munlclpalities in Hal- your headligists secs. EDWARD Gn IRVINO 0 Aluminum SIding 0 CHIMNUS- NMW OR REMOUD Carp.otry Work of AUl Kinds HU 878020 grF ns.Iimew»- M lW.t4êGvanmsissd SEE US... ABOUT A NEW KILVINATOR Automatic Electric Dushwasher HALTON lmP SUPPLIES MILTON - GEORGETOWN - ERIN 16ý R s AVAILABLI AT McKIM HARDWARE 260 Main 878-9222 "lt Serves You Right" le ion;Wd.d3,Apî tsie I~o'~ .~m~tFarl.n Gladys won 7 for 1 1; de, 2 for 9;Adrcv,5 for 8; Ethel, 0 for 0. Marris 22 Ladies' hlgh single, 4a r ily s Milton Ratepyr apev 225 laies- hqh tripleMMar hrç ris 30 Ily Rev 58;rins il.snge Lae' isqhssingle, Glenna Con Pete Ciggar 269; mens httip- nor 290; ladies' higis triple, Grela le. John Wilson 701. Lee 59; mens iigis single, John Otiser good singles, Mae Rosi Copeland 306; mens higis triple. 210; Nora Bancs 204; MaYmc John Copeland 606. Parking 213; Marg Aleander 224; Other goad singles, hleleti Chain- Joan Barnes 20; At Browsridge pous 253; Alice Mostey 248; Mike 243; Jack Baries 213, 216; Vic Belsedere 269; Reg Gray 261. Hea pi 217 B. Van Viel 258; D. Other goud triples, Brian Jack Brander 204; J. Wilson 207 231, son 631; Mike Belvedere 622; Reg 263; F..Borrowi 203. Gray 614. Qiher qcood triples, NOM Bages Ilusiets-on 5 for 104; Boxers, -Po Yfli 505; Marlyn Reeve 5W8; Carulyn 2 for 100; Wlllppeto. 4 for 97; Grey-. SCALI MODIL ut proposed picnic aresa etlise Scotch Bock farm home of Jo. Rosashows li c HersieA5x0 dr6. n2 o 14;ioondi, 3 for 94; Pointers, 2 for i H ea der onS2for 5 re 4-Van4;Bulîdogu, 5 for 92- Calles, an island iii centre the manmade lake, which the owner experts lu liithis sprlng. Workc VieHeps,5 or 3;Brue anfor 19; Terriers, 2 for 8.' tise property et the corner of the ifth lins utf Esqueiing and the Check Lne boean in D.rembe Viet, 5 for 72; AI Bros-nridge, 2 Th oehu yM. oi hw aiu ts ee celk adrawywihso 71Standings for sason e id i i n g Th oebitbMrRosshwpatoth eeacelkan rad ywihwu for 71 1965; ladies' higis average Norma extenti over a mile through tise facm, intended for hay rides aid îaddie horse trail. Ladis' Sodal Mctiorphy 192; mens higis aver Ladie Spchil age Jiro Gs-în 208; ladies'higis April 1 triple Glenna Connor 730; mens 'Ladies' iigis single, T h ceI1rm a higis triple Reg Gray 814; ladies' an-M ad a e i n c I l n Bouifield 294; ladies' bhigis triple, higis single Amelia Bassett 323;a e L k , Pi n c I l n Tiscima Bousfield 674. mens higis single Aes Moîr 364 Hall 241; Bert Bridgeman 219; points. Boxers were second mlhIs n P lans f r R d w-ve o td F r Edrie Dawson 214; Ede Cryder. 100; Whippets tiird sils 97; Grey- mai 212; Ethel Arnold 214; Mary iouîds and Pointers lied for Another recreation area in Mal-j aid Mr. Rtoss îhieks visîlors lourist attraction in lise Ferguson 218; Wilma Ellis 203. tourtis sith 94; Bulldogs suist tons pleasant cou nîryside is aold liSe ta sce il sn operalion. trict, Olier good triples, Gladys Mc- ils 92; Collies sevecîl i il 89 laking shape iis inIer at tise Ail Oses Work Kersie 635; Ray Shields 597. aid Terriers igitis sils 86. tarin home ot Joe Rs n Ile tMr. Ross firsî sas- a similar Scotch Block,. R. R. 3 George- park on a television program '~- .t-; e~s5~P-'~sO~t'town. On iis propcrly at tise cor- anddbhe s undertaking fisc work Ver Coesnec oi th iset fIslie utEsques. hise ith lno govcrrnmcnt .ielp _____________ing aid tise Checis Lue, ise ias a or soissidies. He has .ieard from scate model ofthtie attractive lise goverriment. thoogis. for he New Hydro Region M anager park and pool ise iopes Iu havse nust comply si-i a seres o!f rdy bs hot %seaiser nesi soai- strict regulalions Saftylvregla Veret" Coles 10 tise respossible. became effective April . Mr. In Decemiser. lie began clear- mine. M senior engineering position of Op- Cles succeeds tise lare N. H. ing brosis and hsildaetng. sitis Possihilils ot stockteg hix lake erations Engineer for Ontario Hy 'Herb" Brown s-ho died MarcS I. Harry Trossbridge ai Harnhy iitis t-Outi s b5ng sonsidered. A T~~ dros Centrai R eg i o n sa an- (Osîario-Hydru's Central Reg- coitraetitsg.> Anotiser consideration is tors 3JfifflMiU nounced by Reg ion Manager Ad ion serves a triangolar section o! A spring-ied creek rains tirougb ýiig an impiement sed itio a lise province some 2.900 square tise tamily farro aid us bcd fSasi dance Sait. - -~ t's- - 'miles in exîcîl. stretchinig atong beci bultdoeed aid a dam In his home. Mr. Rosishas a MOFFAT ~Lake Onlarios shore t'romo Bronte, seartv comptete. Wisen thenda m1 scale modet of tise project. Here,D MOFFAT almusl lu Port Hope, silstiselis itt aeraiaini tise sprneg. a fou, are sorte mosearo ites apex aI Sullos on Lake Simcoc. six or sesen acre lake w i t.o tttie oa ets-wn Aucion Sals, Il includes ail Metro Toroto and ils a depuis of 15 feet aI ptaces, his great greaî graîdtather s-as Aucti n Sa s idely separaled places sucis as aid an estitoatect capacity ai se- gtaited laid in Isle Scotch Blockt easd Oshsawa, Georgeownsi cci million gallons. He Sapes loi, acms service, oid guis. ar-S New Course-' a.idvPort Ferry, tu i d o- etake itI ibe toitin May. ttise.td a id tr for aits-ee3 h aid Brampon.) Intise middle of tl a e suIt i lte interesîing items hase,- tir. William Darragis of Guelphs ions Engiscer for Central Reg-1 bv 50 [eet.,misere siliatîs and ainIeen onthis far 'for genera.! rpassed as-ay lait s-eek aid wsa ion. Mr. Cles hecomes lise Coin- 1ecli hase becs saved. Tieisiaîd tittîs. W'otk is,. stuppedi nos- Iw 1buriedin lise Nasiagss-eya Cero- missions yousgeit rgonalIoer.-'j b litbcecîacised bv .a smitttililtite lioti,i t o t t ieý etery. e lived for a number Ot ations engiiest'. He s-a.40years sndg. rtuid. A years in Nassagas-eya Tos-nship. old on Nosember Iltisaid ias Tiere ilittbc roads about tise Mr. Ross s keeplîf a diars ce- Sympatisy s eîîended 1 lise ibe- heen a meroher o! Otario Ms- properts. sciicis s ai tise bsc k at eut ding lis progress in develop., reased famity. dros engineering staff for tiseltise lars' aid nul vsiole troint ing "Rosslake. Il descrihes S Mr. Grant Campbsell ield an pail 18 ycars. Me starled as aitise roadl. On a higli pointo<f isuw tise ctliie nîpped aI lhi aucion sale, lait s-eek, of tarro Junior Engineer flloming gradu- laid, Mr. Ross experts to haýve grealitects ofthtie buldoeer aI t implements. The Ladies o! Nas. ation from tise University ut Tor- ai observation tomer, s-hem fibc lirsi. Itut soonsbc-came adapteil sagas-cya Presbyterian Cisurcis onto in 1947 sils a BAS. degree vies- exteids for 20 mites.1 to tise noise and actisity, 's-hicsh isrdcotsadoeIlsahd a boots on tise grounds anddin Electricai Engineering. Tiere is a qîarrv on tise farm is tise forerieîer ai another isel CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS IF DESIRED You'Il FInd- Fs-asPaig at CHASE'S HOME APPLIAN'CES "Where Service Goes With Every Se'. 181 Mill St. Tel. 8704221 take a lifetime holiday à from dishes Sick and tired of doing dishes? An automatie electric dishwasher will wash, rinse and dry your dishes hygienically clean for pennies a day. Don't be a dishwasher - buy one 1 YOUR MILTON . Hydro 'Electric Commission NWE LIVE BETTER DrlDcTIALLY on d T RIF mmma 111- Ma'el 2T wasthe surprise ,me35 bration uf Scosty sud Ru P1aaay3 on's silver w.ipmsie . iTtoio They wesO'O j quo5101 Ciiisit unys Csaa~lt2WP .coîlobffet ws 1% wo. ~me*i ~ f * gbat 96 rd "Iastobs end Trpto, they bâ»at a speech ot a lved here lu Miton for appru6xlw Ion .1ahd s ere thanks 's, ately 16 yeara. pressedby lloh Scolty and *0* A dinner was held aitihe Plains. 'aln. man Restaurant, Waterdown at 3 Prior lu thir anniversary celi p.m., with 12 guests atlending bration, a linen shoseer was heI4 from Toronto, Camphellville, Ac. at tiseir home. given by Sandra ton and Milton. Mathies and a stag mas given by At 5 p.m., guesîs mere received Pavl Maihies on Marcis 9. i 9 Film msugly belin tiee mr * eonornmml b o*mrai *Ruged - For y«»armfusne- * 3 Year serice warmty e 30 Day TriaiPtod * Pltied ie your ow es'lueenElama *Llmied quaailly $9S*5O e bIaufactured by s rellable Es'glml Complets fins KfRERXALL PNAItMACY Tif 8449 LOOK! WHAT'S UNDER T4HI UV1 A LIFETIME HOLIDAY FROM DISHES WITH A W ESTING HOUS E ELECTRIC DijWASHR' " Exclusive Westiîghouse Sanitizer guarantees 145' garm-killing waler lemperalure for hospital- clean dinhes. " Takes up ta 10 complete place settinga. " Saves you 225 hours a year for more important things. S»as k d.msmsatedmodby et Chassa se Phemfar a Fn. 7-Day Nom* Telal ia S. Ir

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