Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 1965, p. 18

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fo 3~'1 tn, bave fore asumosar ldyatM t tha.~é, ClIt*siiawe86 in 1 emergency an adist or chld Tlig healts, most yownst, s 1lov e t. tis sUf rerb Ibisyear. It camhé se aîsd tLr eiildéëbs weot àtikalaiîb,'altbough.the middle of thse moothiv as Ion-like. -ToWn ealdèis -are remiznded -Personafl items andi stories of tlsey can purchase decorative visita, vistors, parties, annivers- trees îhrough the town office at arles andi irthdays is always hall prlce. They witt bc planteti nesfrthe columos of The hy the town workmen on your cl*i~o.Cali TR 89-2341. proerty, as part of the 105005 bea'upttftcatton program. THLS SUNDAVS ChurchClàa KNOX PRSYTURUANCHURCliH S T. PAUL'S CHURCH -mtoifPhts 1e. Miniter OfEMMANUEL SAPIIST CHIJIICN Sunday Schoot, Milton, won a Sundoy School attendante competi- Lo.J.Y L. MoGoWI, BA THE WNIM UDCIRCH ion invols'ing churches of thse Credif Valley Association, Fellowship of Evangelicat Beptisf TR "M08 TR 82652 0 F eANADA Churches in Canada, during thse month of March. They recorded a 126 par cent affendance over "0 came, let as worlhip anti Main St. at Jamcs St. t he previous mnonfh fa win t he content. C. M. DeGariý nf Oakvilte, atft, prsnefd the irophy a0w dosen; lct us kl tbforfa-md by te union of the Pres- fa S.S. Suparnlendaent Ralpis Morton on Sunday, while Pastôr Ctayton Cotes, left, tooked on, tise Lord osr Maler.' byterian, Methodiat and Congre.- .- SUNDA, APIL ith, %5 .gational Churches in Canada. SUNAY A~I 11h l6~Minister. coulint attend. Palm nda Rev. J. Lorne Grahsam /owfls . . Commuter: A man scho lives in 9.45 am-Seior ChIli-aisohol. Organist ami Choir Leader (otnidfromtPaeCI) a %mailtroral lown hecatisee rfUA.Jhsn .. 945 a.m.-YfôuÙang l-Bible Mms. Haroldi Magee mntconiind trcotandfn-ikes lise easy living, and Aihu A ohso OD ClMs, Pcaple'îAPRIL IlUs, 1 mat cnssgomea t an.Ptin a hig rity hecasse he ikes lise OPTOMERIST 10.5 a.-l4unlor Cisurcis Scisool Palet Sumday Bathroom: where ciiltiren fi. easv income. usa Afternoon 1.00 a.m.-Mornlng Worsisip. îlot! .n.-Coffirmnation Service. fore the Lord lives, hecause everv Scisuol: A form or penal servi- Tsda ý'Tie Paintsad ise People." 25 inembers wiit bie recelved morniof Daddy hollers "Lord, are tude where boys kick tise t oes ou t Thursday Evening 1(ReCeption of new members.) on Profession of SaMU. you stitli n lier«? uotcostly dress shoes ptaying foot- 1.00 a.m,-Niauréery. THE CHILIRCH SCHDOL Treer A îhing of beauty lisat bail, andi girls participate in a con- Priday Mornlnq 2.00 o.m.-Presbyterian Men's 9.30 sm-Ait boys anti girls, 9 graces your yard anti sets your tiflusous lasision show destine t t PHONE TR 8-",72 District Training Meeting. years anti ove-, house off front ail tise rest on lise toto falisers pocketbook. 7.00) pm-Sacreti organ recîtal 10.50 a.m.-Nursery DepI., Reg* Street. Pockel Monecv: A weekly pit- 184 MAIN ST, MILTON by leadeof praose, Mr-. Jam- Nurse ln charge.. Neigisiors Tree: Thot dirlov tance isusbantis are altowed 10o esMridl.11.00 sm.-Att boys anti girls, "4ca carry in Ibeir pockets su %vives es Marlindale. ling tisaI drips sap on you cranti chiltiren will atways have a 730 pm-Stainer's 'Tise Cruct. yars inclusive, wtlt mcclte anti drops leaves on y our tasnredsucfcah fisclon" presoatei by choir, Use churcis anti proceeti to anti bouses birds ttat mnuess ttp edsorefcah - their departmnenls ai tise sec- aorpto Budget: A totalty unsvorkaisle MonMa3'.Api- 12 -Tise an5.a.ar ond hymn orpto. inancial sstemnthi ensures a meeting of te Evening De- 2.45 pa-Teen - age Confirma- Basement: Large storage area sceekîs pa'-da% bittîr belsseco W IT E SE pamment VMS. selli be italti tott ass. sometimes referredt luas laundry, uiat nty t. ni1 siots w ar omlt i.0 fi tise lippes-MlPîaeS.Pauls Cisurci exîcodti o ubndfgr uthw'tc tal. las furnace room anti recre atlio .n issband antire, and hlsemth eCryàCmlt ioo note citange of date. ise hospitallty of its worsip roorn. tise %vife bas overspent catis week. 0 UNIFORMS Tuseday, April 13 - Roberslon anti fellowship, Recreation Roont: Wisere vou ÂtMllary vifl 11108 1n lhe spenti $3,000 on lumber. bar Itîr-0 H E Chus-ch Hall at 2.30 part. MILTON GOSPEL HALL ishings, hi-fi seîup, acuuslîc ccii-*SH S 306 Ontario St. N., TR 8-2022 if anti wall panelling s0 you caoi lok -'0 HOSE BIOSTON MC)O rAOH Christians gatiscretiln tise enlertain company upstairs in Polc an ' pRMESYRiAN CHUIHI namne of the Lord Jesus Christ. your kitchen. Isi MILTON DEPARTMENT (Matis, 18: 20) Subdivision: A roso of bouses, C M W Ai~tOtwbere the svives, cars, monthîs Manufacturers of STORE LTD. R«., Stan e . Smsith,. BA. LORD'S DAY, APRIL Iltis, 1965 payments. lasons anti chisitren arc HIGH GRADE MIMORIALS 20 Main St, Milton TU 8-926l TR8-3112 10.30 .m.-Bs-aking ofraldi-at, allthe samne, anti only tise nom- MEMORIAL ENGRAVING -12.15 p.m-Suntlay Scisoaî. ber on lise door- is differenl. 6 aerS.IorhCL SUIfAY, AftiLI i$, 1965 7.00 pan--Gospel Service. Colfece Club: Where tise subdi- 62Wle I, .lh GAL 10,0 an,-3a 'ls Vorab Wcdnctday. 8 pan,. ? oye nti vision %vtves getltogrtter. - iephoe61¶780 ,, Servce.Bibte rcadlng. ings 10 talk about lise wives . îi.ia.n-Oipgis Chucis Ail ore bemTrf s ebconae ScisoL 1to he sesvices t~ o~:-' .c School.For Christ also bath once suf- 10.5an-Boton: Church fereti for sins, tise just for tise O E S O A I E T R Selsool, unjuattisat MHeanigisfbrin#u f oSO N L D RE T R 11.30 É.Ma s onoaWorahlp la Goti, 1 Peter 3, 18. Service.ISCHRC AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE 011ACI ANOUCAN CHURCN Commercial Street, Milon B ava-. , ~ Mlton, Ontario Mnister: Pastor Clayton Coas TRAVELLERS' GUIDE DENTAL. 1eT.M ector: Telepisote No. TRiangle 8M473 _________________________ Re.T .Duatéis, B.A., B.D., Db. Lords Day CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY DR. W. C.P. WRIGHT Assoctate: SUHDAY, APRIL lltbi, 1965 Standard Tinte Dentist 1ev. Canon F. Il- Maon. MA-, 9A5aan-Sunday Scisool for a11 (bing East: Train 338, leave 17 Martin Si, B.D. ages. Mtton 10.39 arn., arrive Toronto Phone 878-2491 - 11L .a-, and 7.00pan. 11.20 ant. daity. SUNDAY, APRIL Iltis, 1965 Services for Worsisip anti Going West: Trais 337, leave For Appoînîment Palm Sunday Evangellsm Turunto 6.00 pm., arrive Milton 8.00 a.an-Blessing oif Palns. Tise Rev. Murray Macleodtill ibe 637 pm. daily. ACCOUNTING Ho!y CommurIon, tise wsest treaciser. He lec- TR 8-4471 _ __________ 9,30 a.m-MHoly Communioinanti turcs in New Testament Tise- EARL G. BLACK Sermon. ology, Englisis anti Missions, 9.30 arn-Junior Sanday chool aitie Tor-onto Bible College. OPTOMETRLISTS B. Comm. .RI.A., C.A. in tise Cisurcis. Wednesday - 3.45, Chiltrens Chartere't Accountant 10.45 arn_-Senior Sunday Sebool meeting (boys anti girls, 6-8 ARTHUR A. JIOHNSON Municipal Auditor a-d Bibe cli. years); 8.00, Bible atudy anti 184 Main Si., Hilton 163 Main Street 1100a -Mrin rae ad prayer meettng. Phsone TR 8-9972 Res, TR 8-9678 Box 460 Milton, Ont. sermo. Thusday- 70,Junior etn TsdyAerosTRag 54 fobioveeti bP Lanion t5 dy' pe -7.0 Jnople, 12 i- 1 _________LEGAL "Tisa CanfortaMle Pe' by irs(ogpel,12-4 16"t Btrun years). ROBERT R. HAMILTON KENNETH Y. DICK HOY FF HGHAYGOPE CURHOptometrist Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Mol Comminiots A local asscnsbly of Ofc or 9 anSre Mon., Apr. I-lO aàm. iTM PENTECOTAI. Oaity by Appoinîment Telepisone TR 8-4491 Tues, Apr. 13-7.30 amn. ASSEMBLIBU OF CANADA Phone Georgetowen 877-3971 Wad., Apr. 14-10 .m. Paslar: Rev, M. Chrisîcasen 116 Mounlainviese Rd. S. HUTCHINSON & THOMPSON MasIa65- lbiday, Apiil 15-7.30 -_______________ Barristers anti Soicitors arn. andi730 pant. lord's DaY PBI IRR HOURS T. A. Hulcisinson (retired) Good Friday, 4priî 16-10 ar.,. SUNOAY, APRIL Ilthi, 1965 PUBLIC LIBRAR _____ F. Davidi Thominson Cbldill Service; 12 noon, 9.45 a.a.-Stunday Scisool Monday .....12 n000 5.30 p.m. 219 Main St.. Hilton 878-2841 Corsait Manca Spart Co T1sff l oir Service. Classes for att. Tuesday.12 la 5.30, 6.30 to 9 _____________11.00 a.rn.Mos-ning Worsip. Wednesday ...............Cloneti SI'ARPE and NICHOLS a UCHOF CHRIST, MAOH 7.00 p.m-Evangelistlc Service. Tisursday.12 10 5.30, 6.30 to 9 W. S. SHARPE A t yoi No. 5 Sitieroati anti 4e. Line Wednesday, 8 pan-Bible Study Friday .....12 lu 5.30, 6.30 to 9 A. J. NICHOLS Trafalgar anti Prayer Meeting, Salurday ...........9.30-12, 15 Barristers, Solicitors anti BINKDAr MIi, » 1463 FrldY, 8p.rn-Yoitng People& Notaries Public 10.15 an-Bibla Scisool Classes A Cisurcis Yoo Can Makte NE&U3 DIÎECTORtS 207 Mary St., Hilton for aIl ages. Your Home Telephone TR 8-2339 11.00 a.an-Momting Woi-Siip A Warn Welcome ta Everyo McKERStE FUNERAL HOME 8.00 p.rn.--Pft-aing of thet Complete Air Condilianing INSUIRANCE Gospel PARISH OF Sincere Courîcoos Service DENNEY CHARLES Thuçday, 8&r. - Blb.le£tdy S.t r.. «0Clrh, LeséIlle TR 8-4452 Representing Muo-la3rloit. VA 74187 Si Johns~ Chai-ch, Noesagaw6ey Nigist or Day CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE A Was-an Welcoane At-ats Yon Si (Tho Anglicn Chai-ehoetCanaida)___________ ASSOCIATION ivery Service Rector: ARCIIITECT Sponsoreti by Rev. R. P. E. Jeffares Petieration ut Agriculture Hsere's whu TM UNIU S w cHIIbi Campbetlvilte, Ontarta DONALD E. SKINNER Auto . ire - Famiiy anti Faros dollar for gai 0@ CANAA Telepione No, 8-4-2577 -BArcis. - M.R.A.1.C. Liabiity -Accident & Sickness lv.Hr' Minlter, Rex. A. X. Glfis, SIJNDAT, APRIL Iltis, 1965 lA Mill Street, Suite 2, Aclon P'hone TR 7-2084 lr.Hr' R.R. 2, Hilton. Lent V Telepisone 853-2740 SUNDAY, APRIL 111h, 1965 Palm Sun<lay ori Georgetowen Chevy IL Car Dtstribution anti Blesuing of 20 Stavebank Rd., Port Credil rîpi.în delivery linW Zbtamefmm-e ari lehi FillmCrosses ai ail UrWrcês. .274-3428 efnpAr Appleby Line Et. John's Church, Neua ewyd Office linura by Appointment Doctor of Chiropractie -Sa why 8hor Organiat, Mna, J. G. Coi-adI 945 a,-Morniog Prayer and___________ Mornlng W6fali>-î00G ait. Sei-ton, Stnsday Scitool. A. P. KENT, DC. sye Sunday Sciool-ll,00 arn. St. Gerges Chut-eh, L AUCOIREI 237 Kings Court Crescentle L.w91s UsIs i# ,~j 11.13 a.mecorhheg Prayer and Corner Mas-ia St. . là" 1 Sermon, Santay Seisool. ALFRED R. SPENCE Monday, Wedneuday, Tisursday Ows-nlt, - J. R. Davey. 'là lu. ce&*,$a aCh", LowuwI AuctIorféer 1 tant. to 9 p.m. Maundy Thsn'sday, A#Md 15, 1960 GLEN. WILLIAMS Tueaday anti Friday lt54laa. - -I8pa..1H01 yCe mnrion - A Conî#sldte Service9sm 106pn 6*f.. l1 * Gond rid T6,Aorâd , - . _.Satucday Il arn, ta. i,n 41 wa ru W bý ataiI!e6 * - #àli Gaeso smWrnn eorgetownl 877-3306 Phsone 878-2031 S.S. T.adiergAtt.d eý ÇhiIdrn Wn tedac Sundy oftstfwioated I their Sunday Sehool staff pre. Matýh 196. ed tsc Cislan tieg = Ci----------- fernc 1e ctat s day; whslcltwas a joint Cé3aI b ftl ilflie Cr9411Valley Asoc- -On y 1 tiys to the )OO 11,p Church, Oakvillet .11, an a e otthse pe lovélsp ot van- 9?hÀ e l asWay Bt C=i~6t were gl-eatly cballettgod bsjl t 110 iiCnri6 aCo il.T pigActsturis in- intense one-day prparation, vi éMtien a rptturcërsiFouaa- rvil2. TeSrn de ente2 da tesn0an ada. -ptuseChamber of Commerce2 italloIt, workshops, special inI- I'Chme of omrc struction for primaries andi jun- Emmanuel napsist Churcs in Week. Hais off 10 tise Hilton iors. Books for'D.V.B.S. and sUs' Miltoan was greal honored in Chamber for ils year-rottod activ- er Christian Edocation mater-1 receiviof the award for hîgisest ity for the betterment of Milton. ils were on tiisplay. pcn tgeaithe close(of tise The following personnel weta conference. greatly appreciated for rheir in A conlest was arranged, spark- srcinadco-oj tton in cd off by this conference, en- LW . EM this programn: MitasW. WIà1wtii'nh, couraging lte chstrches of lte Chritian E-ductttioflEltteiOt, Credit Valley Assocition 10 sein Dcpt. of Seripttare Preass; 10. W. an award given to tise Sunday- Klassen, People's Chitrei, Peter- Stihool havin the highest pet- ýborougit; Rev. R. Lawsoft, Cen- tenta ge for tise nioncis 0f March * irai Baptist Cisurcis, London; Me. At thse mornlng ser-vice last Irm E. Swanson, vtce-preskdent andi Lord's Day, April 4, the trophy g ,.a managing director of tiptltO e at presented to Emtnanuet Press Foondation 0f Cafiada; Baptit Church Sunday School* Miss E. Boycott, secrelary-trea- hy C. M. DeGaris, for h ifg h es t arer for the conference. percentage in the conle.st pertod,' Pham iséMlmTÉ MtSi Awards were nmade ta, ciurcs- anti will remain wilh this Son. r ~o~ w ~.m~LUI Up Chevraiet lapaIs Saper Spart CaaP Oldamablle Deha 88 Holy CasPa AàOiSlAI. MOOCIVALUE iur Chev-OIds dsal.r's now - itfs DE'I'TRVELTIMEmU 8 groait naines to choose from ire you flnd great trades. Right naw your Chsv-Olds dealer la paying top 3d uaed cars, Sa cornu an in. Nom'a where Vou'il fini the great tremel-. your chmnco ta make a great deai an the beautiful new Chovrolet, Chevelle, rvair, Coi-votte, Oldamablie, Oldsrnobile F-85 or Envoy Epic, With immediate iost casesl Anid hes where ýou'II fini pI.nty of us"i oer bargaine tbol )p &round? Visit your ChevaOlds dealer. Trado ed"y aitd tavull #à" In Traie' WTravul Ilme ..At ar ChevrdhaOI& B ahr% eD WM*l "liub AUTHORIZED DEALERS IN OAKVILLE-MLTON: 9111D UDFEIN LIM .ITID NID FAllUW AND SON LIMITU Milton, Osnt. Phanew: IR 8-2393 357 Kerr St. M. ()ahviîle, ontI. Phone: 8e35276 i e sure la see Bananza' averchcianel 6 at 9 a'cock Sunday nlghf. -------

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