Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 1965, p. 17

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,'-~JOTTINGS Dy JIM DiLLi 0 THIS WEEK I callected a had trouble chaaslng .a suijtable group ai items I faund igtrent- namne for tise gmet dlock. Many ing. Ticy're quite unrelated, quite were suggested and by tise ime anoriginal but nlmply a pot pourri Sir Benjamin Hall, tise popular -of items you may or may flot bave Comminulaner of Public Worku ai been familiar wiîis. tise lime, roue ta propose a nume, many M.P.'s were weary af tise 0 CANADA WILL spend about misole business. Someone sisouied, 200 million dollars ibis year on "Wiy not caîl il "Big Ben" and foreign aid programs 10 belp otis- bave dune, wiiis il?" Tise debate erecountries. One country mîuicis broke op in a roar ofaugsier, bas already receivedisetp ix Pakis- and Big Ben it bas' becu ever tan. Canada but and iselped fin- 5sflcc. once tise 36 million dollar Warnak isydraclectric and irrigation de. e BEFORE ABRAHAM Lise- velopmenî on lise Kohol River. oIn's son died in 1926, ise burned a collection of isis father's private 0 THE HALTON Agricultural papers. His reason for doing tis Society tisai stages tise annual. was tisai tise papers conlaissed Milton Fair hasbeen inexistence documenlary evidence of tise trea- since 1853. Fairs were being stag- son of a member of Lincîn's. j cd well before tise day of Confed. cabinet. and he tisougisiil besi eration. lits a point we migisi loue tisai sucs evidence be deuiroyed. sighi of wilis al tise empluasis bo -Tise man's identity wilI probably ing placed on Canados 100îis neyer bue known. birtisday in 1967. Halion County wos farmed in 1854 and Milton was incorporaied in 1857. Tise e WANT TO TELL lise temp- Bruce St. Scisool mas buili in 1857 erature mitisout a tisermometer? too. Weaiiser changes affect lise crick- clus sang. As lise temperature 0 AN ANTIQUE lu an objeci draps ltse pilcis draps and use tisai isas mode a round trip ta tise tempo slows. Pisysicist Amos E. attic. Doibear developed Dotisear's lam in 1897 aflter esperimenting witis e WHEN "BIC BEN" was in- tise snomy cricket. Count use stalled in tise towîr of Britain's number of cisirps in 15 seconds Porliament Building over o cen- and add 40; lue sum lu tise temp- tury ago, tise House ut Cammans erature in degrees Fahreniseit. Dy soi MflI Walcising lise wortd latly, I find itiard ta believe tisaI mas- kind bas progrîssed very far since lise day Cin ciabisîreti Ab- ei and began a tad tisai bas ne- ver bust ils populariy-murdir- ing ani's brother, Wiseiier il's Alabama, Ham- isurg or Havana, Quito or Que- ber, tise pattera is lise same: clubs singing, women scream- ing. skuis cracking, blod s purting. lamnmering ones fellow citii zen wilh a biliy ctub is une ut lise leading auldô>or sports ut ibis generation, Il's difficuit ta, belleve tisai ail tise ard and viciaussesu among min s based on calor, or religion. The Pakistanians and Indians boaise ions other, Tbîy're lise same colon. differ- enu religions. Tise Viel Nomns and Ibm Viet Congs monder caris aiber ils muloal rulsh, Samr coton. samneigion. ln Souths Afica. suites kirk btocks aroond. In Nantis Atira, blacks kick wmisies anound. In bolh rascs, rligion is immater- iai, le Souths Ameica, tise ries kirk tise ponr araund. and tbey ait go ta lise samne rsuncis. In North Amenia, ives kick ibeir hushandu around. Same rular; same religion, ditterrnt fan ail lise poundisg of otiser people? Is il simpiy lion tisai if you dont smash tise alier tel- law's ukuil firut, bc mil kirk yosa in tise groin? Or is il somcliig more simple and primitive, juI a savage joy in tise leiig ut biood, in pain and craelty? Il'sisard ta knam. An Osiisro- pologisi miii say ose ihing. a psychotogist anathen. Anti a goati barlender couid prababiy crame as close lu lise trath as cubher, ht is my experiesce tisailise tensions aI rare, crecd and ru- lor are complelely artificial. hi lu asly whcs liscy are tanncd by ignorance, fear or malice, tlsat lhey burst mb ofiame. Ig- nord, lbey dissolve and vals- isi.- .Tise otiser 4ay, I1sas super- vîsîng au examîsalian, For somi- Iis8 ta do. I iaakcd dams a couple of noms ut tudensuand cisecked afft ieir national orig- ins. Tbey mini Smiss, Pulisis, DateS. G:ermnan, Italias. Narmcg- ion, Anglo-Saxon. Tisere mere Jîsus anti Roman Caibolirs and Protesanssof aIl denaminations, They didu't even look as they sisould have, A red-headîd Ger- man and a red-hcaded JcM. A roupie of smarlhy, blark-hair- id Mediterrasean types calieti Smih and Joncs. Anti I happes 10 ksam there lu If il isn'l racial an eligiaus no hatreti. nu tension aver re or srxoai, mbat then is tise batis or religion or pigmentation, lu 9 THE COLDEST officiai 1cm-. perature ever abserved bu Canada 81 degrees betom zero, mas re- ça rted freim Snag, in tise Yukon erritaory, in February 1947. e IN 1858, AT THE time of tise Indian Mutiny of 1857-58 tise first Canadian Regiment served over- seas. Tise Britisis Goverumeitie- ceived Canadian permission lu le- cruii troops for tise Britisis Army in Canada. An intantry regiment of more tisan 1000 min, tise l00tis Roayal Canadian Regimeni of Foot, mas raised, sent 10 E n gia nd, equipped ai Britisis expense and then sam service aiGlibraliar, Mollo and elsewisere. Tise regi- ment neyer became part ofthtie Canadian mititary establisisment and recruiiing for ii in Canada ccased ailter a fcm years. 0 THE CHATEAU de Ramczay, a isistoricai museum on Notre Dame Street in Monireal dates back ta 1705. It max erected in 1705 by Claude de Romezay, thse governor of Monireal, as bis resi. dence. Afier lise Britisis conquesi it became tise officiai residence in Monireal of tise Governor-in-Chief ut Britishs Nortis Amcrica and con- iinued as sucis untit 1849. Before becoming a museum in 1894, it mas used as a goverement office, a caurtisouse and a scisoot. ilsis group. There lus only lise normal clashs of peronatities, based entircly on individu,ît likes and distikes. In 1943, i traied utari R. A.F. station in England. On my course mere pilais from, hait a dozen European countries, tram Canada and tise U.S., fromt Atrica and Ausiralia, t rom Trinidad and India. and fromtaill user tise Britishis ises. Cotur ranged tram siiver-biond Norwegian. Ibrougis coffea-isucd Maori ledian f romt New Zealand to coal.biack West Indian. Relig- ion ran tise gamut trom agnusie tu fervent R.C.. tram Baplisita Mostcm. Wr werc tike brothers, oit my 21s1t biriisday. baving sprained an ankle badtY in a rugger game, i cuuldn'i watk tu my. own birihday party. I was carried la tise pub on tise sisouiders ut a magnificent turbancd Sikhs trom India, a Polisis coant, an Ausîratian dairy tarmer. and tise scion ut a fine aid Belgian famity. It was my tinesi hour, wben my broibers depusited mc gentiy at itsebar. And it isetped colîvitîce lie usai race, religion and color have very ltile ta do wiih man's in- isumaniiy . . . or hunsanity... ta man. LAST WEEK ibis coiumn car- ried same "tiafynitions" (hume lite vaielyl anti falloming several corninenis on tiseus, lvi ocaitid same mri: Squares: Ait fatisers and motis- crs misa mont let ibeir sons mean Beatir baincuts un permit tees- age tiaugiters lu siay oui aller miduigisi. Honey: A loken of excisange misici tise boss thlnks you geltuao mach of; your ite cdaims you dont brîng home enougis of: and bue kitis tink grauns un mers, Lasyn. A useless square ut grass cuvereti mith snom seven montisu ufthtie yean anti uver misih dati wo-umies himscit intu an c ari1 y grave. House: A structure tisat omus a famnily. Car: A tour miseeteti veirie tisai supports a tioen hiuge industries, lisousantis of peuple, severai gov- enrnins aîsd is atssaysuout of style. Garage: An uutboiiding large esough ta oitil more trasis tian lise tosun jonkyarti, but With a duor 1o0 small ton yaur sife ta drive the car tismugis. Soit: matrhing trousers anti ja- cket tisai arecsliny anti fayid, but havi ta laut ton anatiser year. Babysilier: A lccnaged Beatie tati mio expecis un get paiti ion ilaring your TV sel, entertaislng boy tientis in yom living raomn, and eaiig you oui of bouse anti home, miile yaur kitis sleep peacetuiiy in bcd. Comir Booku: Publications tram subicis cbildrns biain li tise in- formation they neeti in life. Cbesing Gum: As excellent sub- stance for exerising yoosgster's jasnbones, caosing ravilies and ieaving stains un tise betiposus. Betitime Stsry: Wisalt athers en- joy reading miile sons asti daugis- ters dram up more excuses for nof going tu beti yet. Hcafasi: Tise sulent meal tisai stants te day, tiuring miirh ibe firsi pertus 10 speak grIs a top- ut-tise-longs biast mrosi a grolliy ftier. Lunschs: (t laiterst - Wiseî yau go home fom mark lu have a rest astidtilyor ite alithtie tunny liingu that iappened aithfis office Ibis mamning. (Ta matisersl - Wlcn tise olîl graucis comnes hsomneanti mîntiers misy lincis int eady. alter yuu'vc eceei slan- ing aven lise disispan. vacuumi, mop, ulove asti masiing machine ail morming. ITo ritdnen) - Wisen Dadtiy camnes home su wc cas jomp on bis stomach anti play horsie mitis iim. Campaign: Whal isappeunis en bolier-up tactics fai anmi taugîs- lers Ieam up wsem i oliers lu snonk an ihein ftlisrs, Wuksisop: Whcne falisers himit misen campaigts arecîîsdermay. Courts: Wberr latiers lake out tiuring Ibat saif-isoor pcriodtihem dishes arr bcing suasiseti TV Escrcisc Shsow: Wbaf causes mîîoibrs' sus-e hack li 1Mairbitue an scroisbing fluors andt clotîses antissatl chistdren. Doon Chimes: Wisat callîrs ai- mays ignore if you'ne up, but ring inressanily suhen yau'rc asieep on bue couch, Telephose: Whceeyoo iuik la al Ihone people uniso dont tuai caretully au 2 a.m. Teenager: Samrbody mbu cois everytbhing in ulgisi from mornisa ta nigist but mont rat a tieceni - (contiued ou Poage C2),. Rural lane THE GOOD OLD DAYS GLANCING BACK TO 10 VEARS AGO Takm erinmtihe fâi e 1 C.a adime Chwmflon, Apn'll 7, 1953. Wlth tise openlng 'of lise con- struction neason in Milton, of- ficiais are laaklng farward toaa continuaion oatie building boom uf lasi year, lihougis permits lu- sued to date are weil belose those of last year. Building permits lu- sued inlise 12 munis perîod ut 1954 totallcd $1,293,500 mus tise lirsi Ibnie months accoonting for about $58000. In tisai year Jan- uary was abnormaily higis mien one buder bougisi permits for 58 bouses. Tise centre six mantisu af tise year occounted for tise lorgest ubare of tise balance. Milton Lots isad a short houi- day f romt scisool Monday - and tisey erent lau sure if they liked il or not. Each youngster of grade one and imo misa iad bis parents permission received an innocula- lion as doctors and nurses of tise MltIon Healils Unit co.operated in tise experimentll injections in on effort la prevent polio. AI. tisougis 580080 scisool cisildren ibrougisout Canada will recelve a series ufthireabats on tise as- somption 1ha1tishe injections cas do no isarm and if îisey pravide immusiiy, tise country will be a vear aisead in ils isattle againsi lise crîppling ut potiomyntitis. Scotch Block Wamen's Institute heid a eucbre and quit draw lu Hilton iigis scisoal on Priday ave- ning. Tisere were 27 tables of eucisre. Prize winners mire a, foliows: ladies' high MMm. C. Ag. new; ladies' second Mms. S. Allen; mens higis L. Skuce; mens second T. Chisisoim; ladies' iucky cup Mru. C. Bromn; mens iucky ru' R. M. Currie; quili Mra. MytlIe MoY. A deiicious lunch serveti by tise ladies endeti a very enjoyable evening. GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO (huner ÀAChioveawt List Lenthy. Tisanku lu adveriising and promoliosal or- ganizaluons, aur socieîy hou socceede ins set- ling oside speciat "weeks' (or dlays or monibu or cvn years)tet promote produits and pao. ple and fund-raising campaignu and a bout ut other tbîngs. So lise news Ibot this week, April 4 lu 11is Canadian Chemiser of Com- merce meek left s os ad aIfirut. But lises, an rettectisg one day on tise aclivilies of aur local Ciamber of Commerce, andi mentally renieming misaIlise Cisamber bas meeni la Mlton, or linking risangeti. Whes o lisi of Cisamber accomplisisments mas compiled, il represenled o prelty broad and varied contribution tacor community. For aur Milton Chamber of Commerce s pratly elI poblicized on eacb of ils sear- oIe scisames and promotions. but tom oulside lise Ciamber anar stop lu tiis of tise end resl - lise overait piclore - lise sumn total of tisa Ciambarsniiorts. Briatty. ltls reviaw ibem: By for tisa largasl arlînîty lu date in Hil- ton Cisombar ut Commrces istory isas been lise succaustol promotion ot tise mcek ot "Old Fasiionad Days' in Hilton, pracading tisa Steam-tra reunions for tisa paut toto ycars. Ibrougis Ibis progra thtie Ciamber bas soc- ceeded in geîîing isondreds of residents Io bave ton by dressing up in old-îyme cos- turnes, and the adnance promotion and week ot old fasioned programs bas given oddad impetos lu lise publiciîy tor Steam-iro misicis, incidenitelly, catared ta a crowd ot 30,000 peuple lest faîl. Miss Cisamber ot Commerce mas a suc- cesstul irsi-time promotion last Spring. and tise iudges could neyer hane tound o Setter girl tor tiseir tîrsl inner tisas Gail Tiomas. Miss Thoamas has plunged into ber work ils charm and poise, and bas been a credit ta the poition, oppaaring at seneral Chamber fonctions anar tise past year. Beautitication of Milton is amuther Cham-i lier project andth ieir hasuging baskets on Main St. lçmp potes, tise new matai litter baskets, and the generat May dlean-up and heautify promotion hune donc a loitamoard sparking efforts for a cleaner, brigister town. Tise annual sbop-in-Milton Chrisîsmax pro- nmotians are, ot course, designed lu kcep business ai isome and tise end result is more profit for tise rommunity. Tbis is a credit ta tise businessmen and industrialists of this tamn tisaitisey forgel lhier canîpetitine occupations andssdi domn together lu accomplisis a promotionol job. And misen tise Chemiser begins a shopping promotion, not oniy niercisant members but tise miole toms benef il, for dollars spent ai home evenlnelly dîstribute themselnes Ioth ie enlise toms in increaued commercial assess- monts, lomen prices, and uarger neriety ot nmrchandise avoulable for selaclion. Industriel promotion is ose of lise lesser-c knomn Cisamber actîvities. But waek ailler" meek tise Chemiser secretary tubes "time out" t tram bis regular mork lu ansmar dozens of isquiries tram industriel f îrmx. And tisen Chemiser 051t recenîly vaiced ils support cfP tisa propased industriel Park for Milton, prov. ing once ageis tisaI ils members are gsie y interested in tise mell-being ofthtie misotA tomn and sot lust coscentreting on lise ring of tise baIl os tisair cash registars. Tise annuel Trade Pair is anotisor major promotion and plans are prasently beîng formulated for th isasîti annuel show ai Mil. ton areae Iis tait. Here agein ix anotiser us- stance of a co-operatine effort accomplisbing somelhing tistaI emerchsant or industry cautd neyer do by ituaIt - and tise rasulting "show. casa of commerce" is o credit ta Ibis ro-oporo. liva entarprise. I Josi lest year Tise Cisember became sn-r solned in anotiser area of promotion misas il purcisased a small triangle of land aI Mil- ions northern estrance. Plans are for filling c Ibis tend anti erecling a "Welcame lu Hilton"c sigs eutolling tise irtues ofthtis omn.r And goîng back 10 years in bîstary, il1 wilI be recalled tisaI il mas tisa Ciamber of1 Commerce tisaI launched tise initial discussions on thsé sentifor a generel isaspital ta serve tise groming town of Hilton - a project tise Chanîber lollomed up su tisaI todlay residents cen point ils pride ta a modern, 52-bed boxpital tisaI is soan ta be turtiser enpanded ta tisent tise romIs of tise cammuniiy. Tisere are otîser by-products of our Chsam- ber . . . tise Sente Claus letter boues and tise shopping erea Chrismas ligbling decora- lions ta name aust twoo. . . but tise mast out- standing benefit Irons Miltans Cisamber of Commerce activity lu date is ils collectina purpose. Ilubas pronîdedth ie mechinery for bringirig togetiser th ise nns and opinions of businessmien, industrialîsîs and canmounity leaders in a unilieti campaign lu stake Hilton a beller place Iolme, to mork, and ta bring up aur children. Tîtere matî't lie aîy bigcelebratoî thIis mcclIi tark Chassîber oI Commsîerce Week in Miltoni. Thu's liaItishe idea. Ciassîber WMeS mîlIbc antpîy clebraled il nveryone lust retlecîs on tise comnsonily betterosent uciiened by tise Chemiser to date, and allers bel mîisecs for tusi as successful a futore. Privai'. Plmne.. Prinale tlying clubs are on tbc increase. dt acromded, saiiss marîti privale pleestîre fîyinp otters a Iind of relaxation sol easily fount in anylhing cIsc, The Canadian Champion, Publlabcd by thec huis Prlntlng and Publlshtng Co. Ltd G. A. Dlttssditor-Cisieg James A. Dîllo, Managing Eidtlor Roy Downs, News Editar Fubtîsheti every Wedneuday au 191 Mais St., Mitonn Ont. ilmiser 0f bue C.W.N.A., tise Onlario-Quebec Division C.W.N.A. anti Canatilan Cnmmunity Nemupapens Repre- uîntotiven. Sobsiriptians payable tnadat- vance, $4800 in Canada. 87,00 lu aIt couc- tries other buan Canada. Autisorizedsla Second Claus Mail, Poat Office Departmnt, Ottawa. Ativerlising j,, acrepleti on Ibm condtion usai, la tise eent of typograpiîrot rroi tisat porton niflise advertising space oc, mapieti h ie erraneous item. Ingaîhet mush reasanable ailomasce for signature, miii nol be churgeti fer, but tisa balance cf tise ativerisement ii be paiti for ai lise applicable mote. "In lise event of tlypograpiial erar ad- vertising gouds an services ai a rasg prude, goodsora services may soi be said. Adverlisisg lu merely on offer ta seil anti nsay be itlhdrawn aI any time.,' raken from thse filles of Thse Cas- adlan Chaompion, April 5, 1945. Tue W.M.S. ufthlie Kilbride Un- ited Cisurcs were guesis of tise Maissiun Baud on Tueuday afier- suon in tise bail oatie charsh. A mosl inîeresîing program isad bren arranged uder tise leader- ship ut Miss Ethel Simpson, Bond Superiniendent. Alice Pegg, tise president presided. Tise Scriture lesson was read by Marie Nichol- son. Norma Pegg read lise Bible slury. Tise prayer was taken isy Charlotte Souit. Mrs. Fred Beau- muni ut Carlisle was guesi speak- ci, and gave a mosl inleresting lk. Tise Easier meeting ufthlie Eve. ning Auniiiary ot W.M.S. ut St. Paul's United Cisurris mas iseid Tuesday in lise Sunday Sciscol l-oom. Mrs. H. Jennings. tise vice- presideni. melcomed as guesîs tise Afternaun Auxitiary miso enjayed tise program prepared by Mrs. C. K. Stevenson, Mrs. Wheweii and Miss Preida Harrison. Tise pro- gram misicis was in lise flirtusof an Easîer morship service was led by Mrs. C. K. Stevenson. WelI known Easler isymnu mire suna and Stripture riading andi ris- ponuive readingu mire led by Mru. E. Foster. Mrs. Daiziel and Mrs. Wiseweil. A vocal duet by Miss Edna Anderson and Mru. S. Fiais- ersione mas moud acceptable. Last Wednesday i v e n i n g Mr. and Mrs. Tisamas McPhail enter- tained ai their home in bonor ut Miss Rita Hubisertus birthday. Pro- gressive cuchre mas enjoyed by aIl. Hrs. R. C. Henies assisled tise hosless afier misicis lie guesl ut honor was presented with o sbower of gifts. Friday cvcning Mr. and Mms. George Inglis enlerlained ai a dits- arr. Thse present were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sciseer uf Alderuhal, Mr. and Mrs. George Watson and family of Ciappisons Corners and Mr. and Mms. Aflert McCart- ney and fansily af Carlisle. GLANCING BACK TO 50 YEARS AGO Take fritemtise files ai Tise Cas- acdion Champio, April 8, 1915. Them annuai veslry meeting af Grace Cisurcis mas heid Mosday evening mils nectar O. F. Cooke in tise choir. ht could soi bave bein mare barmaniaus and several re- ports misicis mire presesled show- cd lisat lise aflains ut the paniss werc sn satisfaclory condition. Them Warden's report sbomed re- ceipis during tise cisurcis year ut $1.721.23 wmus a balance utf86M.61 un isand. Tise Susday Scisool re- port sbamed 165 ciidren on tise rail mils an ancrage allendance ut 117. Officers mmmc elemued as tut- louns: Victor Cbisisolm remuon's Warden: Samuel Dice Peopte's War-dcn; W. J. Sheppard, F. E. Cochrnane, H. Couison, C. W. Han- tin. E. J. Wilson, J. T. Hassant, A. Nominglan. John M ax t ed.i L. Maude. S. Hcnson and B. Ksigist sidmsmren; F. S. Cochrane anti T. F. Little auditars, anti William Ponton vestry rlerk. Frank Perm reports tisaitise Motion soidiers oi tise third aver- seau contingent wmcminlsperieti au Georgetasun yestcmday. tisai Se mas tisire andt tisaihe tarnedt iai tise insperting officer pronaunceti tiscm the finesu in phsysique tisaI hc bad scen anymiscne. Miss H. E. Bauledo anti ier pu- puis olti an exhibition of point- isgs on Thursday ai the aId Liv- ingstan residesce. Retneuhments t ram four lu six anti a goti mus- ical program in lise evening. Su-. ver collection for benefil of Bel- giuen nefugec arphasin Paris. Them moncy ii be sent ta Paris direct. iisout expense. Ih mli bc tise second nemillance by Miss Basiedo, Aitlise eniertaiumcnt sise miii read a huter acksomlcdg- ing her firsi, and ixpiainlug bue pilitu codition of bue pour or- phans. NEWS DISTRICT GEORGETOWN - Low rentai apartments for senior citlzena ni linijîrd nicans inay bc constucitd is the near future depcndistg on Ilise indings ut an invesligating conmiite composed of Kinsmen Club ineînbers. Tise Kinsmen hope tu buiid an aparlmcnt building, pierablY in lihe duwntown arca, 8 or- 10 unils. A minimum age and nmaximnum inconie for residenis wiil determine wbetber or flot appli- cations svijl bc considered. Tbe cosi ut land is a significant factor ini deterisining the location. ACTON - Co-operation betuneen management and employeea rc-iltled in the lirst industrial bluod clinic being a huge succesu when 225 dunors i-egiNtcrcd lu give blood. Arrangements tu bave men and rvienIave work during tbe day resulird in a mucis incrcased niuinibei-ataiding tise clinie. During the lise sour clinic 120 first-time dotiors regisiercd lu give blood. 04K VILLE - Sonncoiîc iin Oaks'iltr is w'aging a successful batile agailist Ille ncw Clitadian flaf. Six Red Maple Leats bave been stolen mi i Ipss fewssveks. Eacb liag, valued ai approximately $10, bas liceil stoirî t a nigiti. The Oakvitie Works Deparîment is lise laient place uilioul a t lag. Tihe Red Mapte Leat was siolen from thse SceetltLine building just receitty. BIJRLINGTON - A Burliiîgton baby bas added a chapter te medîcat isiory. LitlelIan McLeaîî, son of Rev. and Mrs. Donald McLean, has survived t"vo pre-nalal blonod transfusions and is coming alnng nicly. Ian %vas borniai Toronto Generai Hospitl and lu tbe tirsýI baby tisc sio surs'ived tbe prc.natai transfusions. Tise pro- cedltressas tird tbrce limes previously at Toronto General but seitis BORAMPTON- A recent power faiiure in Churcissille resulted in tihe los nf 500 dças-otd eiicks tn poullry farmer Mike Burnford, R.R. t, Meadusisale. Tisecisicks dicd îilbin 48 bours from a severe chili aller tbc powver failinieaffeird thse healing system in Ilise barn. Teinperalure sbould bave been beiwcen 80-90 degrees but when thse func aldil dro)ppid eonsiderabiy and tise young cbicks sutferîd a cuill. it'sle usosi ciicks I've ever losti n 22 yeais in tbe business,' said Mr. Hîîîufonii, %ins keeiss 14,000 young puilets. He now plans te istait an %cinccy geiscrator. QUOTE 0F THE WEEK When a slupid mon is doing something ho s ashamed of, ho oiwoys deciores theaI t i his -uy George Bernard Shaw, 1856-195 0. DOWN(S) IN THIS CORNER WITH ROT DOWNS WEDNESDAY'S WtT Perisaps tise men witis no experience lu util ted in aukîng for a higiser wage; tise work lu mucis harder wisen you dont know whai you are doing.

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